The Heroes of Olympus Upsidedown:What truly happend

greekgirlA posted on Jan 02, 2012 at 09:38PM
Percy killed Gia and the war s all over. But, when he gets back to the States, it becomes clear it is far from over. Rhea,the titan, tells Percy the most disturbing thing ever. When he goes to the gods about it, the tell him she was fooling hm and that he needs not worry about it. So, what dose Percy do? He asks the titan about it and, when she tells him the whole story, he asks his friends from both camps to accompany him to the one place the gods cannot reach them. Alaska.The only friends who believe him are the ones he least expected:
Conner&Travis Stoll
On the run from the gods they make friends in unexpected places and enemies in the expected places.
They teamed up with monsters,a titan, and a few other characters.

rated T 'cause I'm not paranoid


i do not own the PJO or HoO series.This is my 1st story..

ok! let's start

(oh! no spamming and actually, if the spam is cool and relatable...go for telling others to "go check out MY story" it is abusive to me.send me a personal message if u want me to look at it)
last edited on Jan 07, 2012 at 02:54AM

The Heroes of Olympus 24 replies

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over a year ago greekgirlA said…
A leaf slid down on air currents.The cool,autumn day was interrupted by the beat of wings and the steady pounding of hoofs & paws.
The group of teens and mounts were running away from a not-very-happy looking huntress.
"Betrayers! Come and pay the cost!"
"Sorry Thals, but you don't know what realy happened!"
"Then tell me!Kelp head, speak!"
At that moment the ground opened up and swallowed the chase-ies.

With a start Percy awoke. The ice walls around him shone and glittered with red light from the fire. A sigh came from his left.
Turning Percy said,"Go back to sleep Ryna.Training the centaurs is tomorrow."
Then he lay back down on the queen sized water bed.
'Dreams are the leas of my worries.' he thought

Back at camp half-blood a sayter came running across the borders screaming," He sent them! He sent the hydras!"

Across the country a spy, a spy for the Guardians, was sneaking to the temples. Once there he jumped up on the Pluto temple and cupped his hands around-without touching-a small blue diamond. "It is upside-down.Jupiter is a slut.One vs. nine. Over.*sigh*"
Just then a warrior jumped onto the roof and charged the spy.
Startled the spy was not able to pull his sword out so he kicked a chunk of gold at him and screamed,"FOR THE ONES WHO GARD!"and jumped off the roof and ran to the borers. As he predicted the last move of his life was to fling an invisible ring into the river before getting shot.
sorry if t is bad but....oh well.plz comment
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
big smile
cool! post when you can!!!!! :D
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i will post the 1st chap after....1 or 2 new posts. and than u percabeth.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
or not. i am gonna post. so hear t is:

Ch. 1

As I walked into my room I screamed and kicked a table over. How could Mark have been so stupid? I need prisoners and that tends to work best when they are alive!How did he not GET that?
I took a deep breath and stoped the pacing I didn't know I had started.
"Sir, Mark is waiting for you." A messenger said from the doorway. I turned to him and nodded. Mark was going to pay, and pay he will.

While I sat on my chair,Lisa on the one left to me, Mark was babbling on about how it realy was not his fault. The spy- try traitor- was about to cross the border and he would be hard-pressed to catch him then. Also he was the son of Apollo so-Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla!
"yes,yes," I said holding up my hand," do you admit you shot a spy before i could question him?"
"Yes but-"
" And it was inevitable?"
i hated to admit it but, if I punished him for doing his job, I would lose power. And by the look Lisa was giving me t was clear if I didn't let hm go, she would punish ME.
I waved my hand,"Your free to go."
"Thank you sir!" Mark said and left.
When he was gone I said, "I feel as if I am losing my power Lisa." She turned to me and and glared. "Maybe you are." she stated coldly
'What's your problem?' I thought. Then a moment of panic rushed over me. Before I could mask it Lisa said,"Remembering are you? Remembering how you CHEATED ON ME?!?!"
Oh. That's her problem. I tried to calm her with,"No.Never,I could never cheat on-" But she cut me off saying she saw me with the goddess and how she was outraged that I could betray her.
I held up my hand for her to stop but amazingly she didn't. Instead she slapped me. Then she left the muttering how stupid and idiotic I was. Also about how she may join the Amazons or-did I hear right?-the Guardians.
Brushing it off as mishearing I only had one regret of cheating on Lisa: I now had a preator as an enemy to vote against me. Or, was my regret not remembering who the goddess was? Oh well. This is upside-down.
(sorry, i gotta go so if there is grammer airs sorry, tell me what ya think.)
over a year ago magic-cow said…
What are the gardians
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
ya! a guestion well: the fix the problems the gods caused for the world. they are good but seen as bad. they each guard 2 items; a talent and an item.
that answer it? oh, and Rhea instituted them
over a year ago lildarlin99 said…
(may i come from the greek side?, and play is my own person?)
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
this is no role play! it is a story... sorry.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i was gonna post but...i temporarily misplaced the notebook my incredibly long chapter was in so..... 'll find it.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i found it! yay! but i lost it again. at least i wrote 3 more chapies in it.....ya. i know i sound irresponsible but i normally never lose anything! 'cept that one key to my incredibly expensive jewelry box.....
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
i hope u find it again soon, cause i would like to read more of ur story.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
ya. i found it. but t is trashed. all wet. i hate my life. dose someone want to continue it?
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
can i try?
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I it.
I dont have the time to write the chapter, so cant be me. Sorry.
Hope someone keeps the story going cause its really good, and I would hate to see this story go to waste!!
Maybe goddess girl can take it?
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Maybe don't know though

Goddess girl are you going to continue or can I try
over a year ago venus143 said…
Noo greekgirl continue this i want to see how this turns out and since you had the idea it's better coming from you i would hate to see this story wasted it's really good and different i hope you continue this yourself your a really good writter but if not i hope someone posts soon:)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago boredcreativity said…
i agree....write more, please!!
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
fine, i will set the people off with my chap form percy's pov. bored, remind me to take home my math notebook titled, "doodles"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dogcat207 said…
I think its epic please or yoy might not have a head tommoror
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Post soon!!!!!
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i am handing this story over. after this.

Ch. 2 I train hybrid asses- Percy

a knocking woke me. "go away. ten more minutes." i groaned. the knocking continued, only this time more persistently.
i rolled my eyes and slid out of bed to open the dang door. when i opened it i found an African American herald paused mid-knock . after a second of confusion he put his hands behind his back and stood all army-like.
"sir! miss hazel would like to see you."
i nodded then said, "thank you. tell her that i shall see her shortly." he nodded and turned and left.
why would hazel need to see me so early in the morning? then again, in alaxka you realy don't now the time by the amount of sunlight. that's why we Guardians sleep in a cycle of 30 min., 1hr, and then another 30 min. you have to train yourself to fall asleep instantly or you may not get enough deep sleep and it won't work.
i walked over to the dresser and pulled out a fresh hoodie and camo army pants. then i pulled on my kicking boots and looked around the room. the alabaster fireplace cast flickering shadows on the icy blue and green walls. in the plush king sized bed lay Reyna with absolute bed head.

post rest in an two hours.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i decided to let her sleep, after all, she just got back from a mission.
as i turned to go, an angry shriek came from behind me, followed by the flapping of wings. a moment later a Merlin falcon landed on my left shoulder.
"hello beast. d' you thin i was leaving without you?" he cocked his head and shifted his weight so he could ride on my shoulder comfortably.
i had raised beast since he was an eg. well, not realy. he had just hatched and some monsters wanted to eat him and he kinda reminded me of frank, so i saved him.
"last night at 20:48 i received a message from our spy at camp Jupiter. he reported that Octavian had sent troops out to Oregon to set up an outpost. the job of the outpost is to catch our scouts and eliminate them. also, i thin they want to find our main base." hazel said while pacing up and down the meeting room.
after a thought said, "then we must make sure one of our spies gos with them and assure that we know the location of the outpost. who delivered the message?"
"this chip of info? tacky. but the real prize is what dash got us. it took me a while to decode it, he was using the Greek-roman code not the...," she made a 'you know' sign with her hand, "well any way, Lupa attacked Jupiter when he insulted you. she said that only a two-faced son of a traitor like him could be blind to information at his disposal until it's too late to use it. and that he should have acted sooner on what you told him, you were one of her pups and she takes pride in calling you that. all in all, we have a new ally."
i nodded happy to hear Lupa still thought of me as her pup. "what did Jupiter say about me?" she laughed as if the question -or answer-was amusing. "and i quote, 'the stupid Jackson kid is too loyal to us to attack or even attempt to ill us.' "
i started to laugh too. beast even made a laugh-like screech. catching my breath i said, "dash should go. he is the most available and qualified roman spy we have."
hazel just shook her head and held out the Guardian spy ring that every spy for us has. it was gold with an emerald, diamond, ruby, and a ship of steel in the middle. a strand of horse hair was wrapped around the outside of it. hazel holding it means only one thing: one of our spies is compromised, or-more likely-dead.
"dash is no more. his ring found us last night. we have no choice but to send lassie to the outpost. she is free, likely to be chosen anyway, and willing. she may not be the best but, what else do we have?"
i sighed. 'another spy dead.' i thought. why did they have to die so easily? dash was a close friend to Rachel, he was a random mortal that was willing to pretend to be a legionary.
"let's move! come on slow pokes, do not make me wait on you!" i yelled over my shoulder to the roman centaurs. despite being half horse they were slow when it came to jogging five miles. maybe it was the cold, i don't know, but they were VERY reluctant to trot.
so i was glad when Reyna arrived and told me to go train the new fire mane horses that had just been unloaded. she said that they would not listen to her, or even blackjack. and hazel did not even Want to try. and, as it turned out, they gave me a lot of trouble too.
"whoa! whoa!"
"Conner, you tied the knot wrong!"
"you try tying a knot and holding battle-horses at the same time Travis!"
"guys," i called, "let me. no need to get killed by the stallions."
'not all of us are male, idiot.' a voice sounded in my head.
"sorry. stallions and a mare."
as soon as the stolls saw me they bolted off to who-knows-where. that left me and horses that can light themselves on fire. i slowly opened the gate to the outdoors arena and stepped in. "hey everyone." i said to them.
'hey, can we have hay?' a young colt asked me. "sure, but fist we have to put these nice halters on you." at the word "halters" they all speed to the other end of the arena.
we had only ordered four horses but the Triple G ranch threw in a free flesh-eating horses, probably to be funny. that was the one i went to first.
'yay! seafood!'
"no, no seafood for you, but i can give you a bath if you don't cooperate."
'bath? no! no bath! i'll be good. just no bath.'
the pale gray stallion trotted out of the group and stood patiently for a halter. i put one on him and clipped a lead rope onto it.
"what do you want your name to be?"
'name? how about cadoc?'
"cadoc? we will call you cadoc then."
i put him n the pasture and went back to the others.i slowly paced around the herd, watching for the next horse i would take to the meadow. the liver chestnut colt that earlier asked for hay slowly approached. 'i am you have hay?'
i smiled and said that i do and would take him to it. he gladly accepted the halter then said his name was to be storm.
the next horse was more difficult, he was a big four year old dapple gray. he wanted to go to the pasture but didn't want to be led. i solved the problem by ridding him to the pasture. i almost fell off when he jumped into the paddock though. a
as i turned to leave he said, 'windstorm. i want that to be my name.'
the next stallion was a breeze. he trotted up to me and followed like a trained dog. i came up with "Darth Diabalo" for his name since he wanted a fierce name and he was a charcoal-black, so it fit him.
but the mare was a different story. she was a tall buckskin with fiery gold coat split by a dorsal stripe that ran down her back, indicating she was wild or that her parents were.
as the sun rose and rose i made zip progress in chasing her around the corral. i was in the middle and she ran as close to the edge as she could. the day wore on till noon and i still had no progress. just as was going to give up, she flicked her inner ear towards me. then slowly she lowered her head. i took and aggressive step at her and she picked up her pace. it didn't take long until she was lowering her head again and moving her mouth as if she were chewing. at that i lowered my aggressive stance and turned my back on her.
her hoof beats stopped. then, slowly, taking baby-steppes, she approached me. when her nose pushed on my back i took three steps forward. she followed. i walked to the rail and turned left.she followed. i went around the arena twice in each direction, changing paced at random. the mare's nose never left my back.
returning to the middle i turned around and for the first time, stroked her sweaty neck. "good girl. you're beautiful dark sunshine."
'dark sunshine?' she asked meekly
"yes. do you mind? i think it suits you. lovely yet strong."
she nickered in response. i slipped a halter on her and clipped the lead rope on. when i turned her to the gate i saw Conner.
"ya! way to go man! i thought you were dead for sure!" he called and started clapping.
the sudden noise upset dark sunshine and she charged him, mane and tail aflame, nostrils flared, and eyes wide and red.
"whoa! what-" he jumped back as sunshine skidded to a stop. i whistled and she reluctantly walked back to me. i picked up the trailing rope and coiled it around my arm. "better now?" i asked her.
'yes, very.'
i laughed and took her to the stalls to curry the dried sweat off her so she didn't get sick. after i rubbed her down i laid a soft sea-green blanket on her to keep her warm. then i got her oats and water. "there you are." i told her.
' thank you. what is your name?'
"Percy. and you are most welcome."
then i grabbed the engraving tools. i set them down outside her box stall and chipped in "dark sunshine" on the nameplate. then i took out a ebony halter with brass buckles and rings and nameplate. i put the mare's name there too.
"there you are now." i said as i opened the stall door and gently replaced the old halter with the new halter with her name. "this halter means you are permanently a Guardian horse. you will be ridden by me and i will take care of you. why did you freakout at my comrade?"
dark sunshine pawed the ground and tossed her main. 'i don't trust humans. they whip and kick you. and horses bite and shun you. so why not show them you can be fierce and strong? and what is a Guardian anyway?'
"ummm....well a person who defies the gods, knows the truth about them, guards a symbol of power, and is instituted by Rhea." when looked up from cleaning her hooves and telling the story i saw she had fallen asleep. i smiled and said, "looks like someone shares my opinion on learning."
there was a rush of air and a flapping sound. "hello beast! let's go get some diner."
'hey Percy! did the hybrid asses give you any trouble?" Travis asked as i sat down at the table. we all laughed. "no. not at all." i answered. i picked up my fork and started eating the spaghetti.

ok. that is all i will write. someone continue and i could give them some advise if they need it.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
ya, 3 months and no one adopts. sucks right?
over a year ago meredog said…
I love this story!!!!!