The Heroes of Olympus Awards

green-art-ac-pj posted on Jan 03, 2012 at 07:05AM
We will now be making awards and contest! This will help you in cleaning this sight, your grammar and definitely help everyone.

There are many awards to go for.

~Best Grammar
~Best Cliffhangers
~Longest chapters
~Most Views
~Best Fanfic
~Best Humor

Also you will get 50 props as an award from Tracy and I. 25 awards from tracy and 25 from me.

We hope you enter and have fun.

A copy of the article is below

~Tracy and Andrea

The Heroes of Olympus 38 replies

Click here to write a response...
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
THis is the article. It is written from both Tracy(tracytracy2000) and I.
Hey Guys,

This club has really grown and with the more people coming in spam and reposts are hard to control. The creator is Rohehera and came up with strict rules against spam, she already predicted that the club will get messy. We would like to clean this place up and we would need A LOT of help. Green-art-ac-pj and I will organize like a contest kinda thing to clean up spam and the millions of repeats out there.

We thought of a contest kinda thing. We will start a forum and everyone will go post spam and repeats that they found and whoever finds the most in that month will win props or whatever. We will explain the rules when we make the forum. However, we need people to participate to make this extravagant idea work.

Disclaimer: We are NOT FORCING anybody to join the contest, if you don’t want to help then don’t but DO NOT give us hate and report us for telling you guys what to do. AC and I really want to make this a better place for you guys so please corporate with us.

Thank You from us!
***If you wanna help us to clean up this club say “I” in the comments section. ***

We will also be giving props to fanfic writer MONTHLY. The prize will be 25 props from AC and 50 from me With categories such as:
~Best Grammar
~Best Grammar
~Best Cliffhangers
~Longest chapters
~Most Views
~Best Fanfic
~Best Humor
~We may add more going on.

We would like every forum to have a fair chance of winning so if you want your fanfic to participate put a link on the bottom. Only fanfics that are linked on the bottom will be able to participate.

*** Disclaimer: AC and I are going to decide together the winners we will not be bias and will not choose people just because their our friends***

If theres something you wanna add to it then add it
Unless its unnecessary,

This will help this club as well as others.

Also we will make a new forum where if you have a new chapter or something about your story, instead of piling the wall, post it in this forum and everyone can see it.

This forum will be called, "Posted Chapters"
Pretty bad name but it's specific.

Need Help on anything? Any Questions?

~Tracy(tracytracy2000) & AC(Andrea)
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
what do we post here exactly? :O
over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
big smile
^Spam that you found and make sure you include the link of it too. And this is for fanfic awards too
over a year ago this-is-me said…
I found a ton of spam on this story...mainly on pages 32-37...

over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
okay that counts now count how many on there...and thats how many points for you at the moment
over a year ago this-is-me said…
Oh wow! all those pages are spam! but what (specifically) is spam? Sorry! I'm kinda new at this so I want to make sure that I'm not getting unfair points...
over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
STOP DOING THAT GUYS (this-is-me and Ac) I know that your trying to make a point but seriously enough -.- Sooner or later everyone else will be doing that
over a year ago universalpowa said…
so wait- i am confused again- we get points for finding spam on other forums?

idk... er not trying to make this spam fyi :P
over a year ago this-is-me said…
big smile
@universalpowa: yes. that's exactly what we're supposed to do! :)
@tracytracy2000: I totally get that and I just deleted my comment. Thanks for calling me on my mistake! :)

over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
@unierasalpowa Yes that is exactly what you are suppose to do and no I will not consider it spam
@this-is-me Its alright
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
sorry as well deleted it, I'll try to help searching through the forums for good awards
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
Hello, nice to meet you
I would like to join the awards contest
here's my forum, it's called The Broken Oath's
and here is the link for it, link

Also I would like to help out on your spam problem, so I too will be searching through forums for spam.
Thank you for your time.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
ok, i would like to help to but first whats a spam, seconed i dont get what we are supose to do, therd i do this on my wii and my DSI and i dont have a computer so how do i put up a link to a story, forth i want to post a chapter but i dont know if im suppose to or not, fith i remambered i had another quashon but i forgot it. (o just to tell you, im a really bad speller) so please answer my quashons! (o and if i spelled quashons wrong and you dont know what it says then answer this math problom. quashons is = to ?mark)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Spam is something not on the topic of the forum.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
okay sure anaklusmus! just post the places with it on here.

rock4ever- okay yes you're spelling and grammar needs a bit, also you do it on a wi and DSi? Nice, I never used the internet for it. Also to post a chapter, its the same why you commented on here but make your own forum. and I agree with pink-bookworm. so just ask not on this forum, also I had a hard time reading but seriously! To post a chapter, make a forum on here and make a story and it has to be dealing with this. And if you had other questions. Just don't even mention it if so...
Also its not O its Oh...Please we are trying to improve grammar here.

Any more questions ask me or Tracy
over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
@rock4ever Spam is something unrelated to the topic or will not give the creator or someone any feedback. Spam is random stuff that is off topic (example. I Love Pie, that would be spam)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
oh, ok! and i do have forums, so do those count?
over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
over a year ago precious211 said…
I am awesome
that's spam, though i feel it's pretty true and completely related
here's a spam thingy:link
ure old spot catty! Men good times.........
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Oh Thanks Auntie Nia....I am going to Kill you Later Fishy!

And that was before! I WILL KILL YOU! THAT'S MINE!
over a year ago precious211 said…
well you said i can do this!
You know what?
am not taking directions from u cause apparently you're confusing
well then why don't you use it?
there is alot of spam..........mostly from me XD
YOu can give you'rself still trying 2 figure out how 2 do that and when i do i'll give you an idea
But still all the blame is on you
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
^Antonia Who are you talking to?
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
she is talking to me, tracy. Using my Old Story. And dont post that here, but if you have spam on there and show where its located, thats okay
over a year ago elifsila said…
That's my forum
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Hey, this is my story.:

When are these thingys over, and how do you know if you've won somethin'?

Peace out
-JoesphineSilver, Are-You-An-Atheist?
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
that atheist thing was random but going on....I dont know if I have time to check 'em but I hope Tracy will...We will tell you. Both of us has a lot of reading to do doing the time...So I really hope I find one fast.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
this is my story

over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Alright so this is my MoA.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
could i enter my forum? it's really long, though..
well anyways, here is the link!

(the beginning chapters are on a different forum)
over a year ago Nemisis said…
do these have to be fan fiction of the books or just a camp half blood story cuase if they can just be camp half blood story's then here's mine

over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
This story has to deal with this club which is Percy jackson. and the heroes of practically all stories on this club is able.
I cannot see them but will soon as the last day of january is tomorrow...NO MORE NO MORE! rest for february!
All things that are spam will be found. All together we will decide, when Tracy gets on at the same time
over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
big smile
Enter these too

over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Ok for march voting? tracy?
over a year ago precious211 said…
Tah hey ace you think i could bribe u?:P
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Here is some major spam I found and there is a lot more from where that came from its about some rugby legue and god knows what.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Here's my forum:
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
HECK! Nia! *groans* what nia?

and we will look through them
over a year ago Rickfan said…
This is my forum:
I think my Spelling and Gammer is good!