The Heroes of Olympus The Battle for Redemption

MisterPerfect1 posted on Jan 07, 2012 at 12:27AM
(AmazingPercy's Ideas)
Miranda is a daughter of Minerva. She is the leader of the Athena cabin, and has long black hair and grey eyes. She is a great stratagist; great at designs; has a few knives and swords; is 17.

Crystal is a daughter of Apollo and has a twin brother. She is the cabin leader of Apollo. She is good at singing and plays a magical flute. She has blonde hair and golden brown eyes; uses a gold bow and arrows; is 15.

Chloris "Chloe" Kyle is Pluto's daughter. She is surprisingly energitic and has black hair and eyes. She uses a dagger; an only daughter; 12 years of age.

(Jasonfan44's Ideas)
Daughter of Hecate
Magic is her best weapon
unknown eye color
Green eyes
Seen with jeans on
magic is her favorite weapon
Leader of Hecate Cabin

Last one;
Jay Johnson
Son of Hepheastus
Sword he made is his favorite weapon
Brown eyes
Tan, almost black skin
Big and Burly
Leader of Hepheastus cabin with His sister Jamie

Maple is a daughter of Ceres and has long brown hair and hazel eyes She loves to wear green tee's and brown pants/jeans. She is 15 and her weapon of choice would be a brown bow with green arrows.

NAME: Alexis "Lexi" Craig
AGE: 14
PARENTAGE: Venus/Aphrodite (your choice)
APPEARANCE: Long, straight, silky blonde hair and eyes dark, dark green on the rim, shocking blue on the inside, with specks of gold near the center. 5'6" 110lbs. -->pounds
WEAPON OF CHOICE(WOC): Long gold sword studded with rubies on the hilt, or a bow (gold, studded with rubies) and arrows. She is also a highly skilled charm-speaker.
ATTITUDE/CHARACTERISTICS: Snobby and stuck up, yet not as much as most Aphrodite/Venus girls. Can be down-to-earth. Is EXTREMELY concerned of those around her.

NAME: Brittany Zanders
AGE: 14->turning 15
PARENTAGE: Poseidon/Neptune
APPEARANCE: Dark brown hair and bright green eyes, slowly becoming blue as they come to the rim. Full lips. Gorgeous face. 5'7 1/2" 120lbs.-->pounds
WOC: Mix of silver, imperial gold, celestial bronze and stygian iron sword (but takes the look of silver) with a 2 1/2' blade studded with a mixture of diamonds and pearls, the pearls directly from Poseidon's castle. It turns into her diamond ring, a gift from her father. She also keeps a knife strapped on her waist, with the same appearance as her sword, but shorter. HATES using bows and arrows.
ATTITUDE/CHARACTERISTICS: Sweet, kind, outgoing, yet unsure of herself. Shares Percy's fatal flaw; loyalty to friends. Was given the blessing of Poseidon. Has a very big patience. Lots are jealous of her, but it doesn't bother her.

NAME: Logan Shawk
AGE: 14
PARENTAGE: Hecate/Trivia
APPEARANCE: Shaggy blonde hair and dark, big brown eyes. Handsome face that lots are jealous of. 6' 180lbs.-->pounds
WOC: He always has his celestial bronze/imperial gold(depending on Greek/Roman) sword "μαγεία" (magic) by his side. He can shoot a bow and arrow, and use a knife, but prefers "μαγεία" to all.
ATTITUDE/CHARACTERISTICS: Kind and sweet, yet bitter towards his mother for leaving him alone when he was merely 4. Although mad, stays loyal to his friends and has an attractive girlfriend (if you want him to) named "Erimentha" which means "Determined protector, Collector of thoughts" in Greek.

NAME: Erimentha "Erika" Sotiriou (soe-tear-ee-you)
AGE: 14
PARENTAGE: Athena/Minerva
APPEARANCE: Curly black hair that comes just above her mid-back, and shocking grey eyes that can stare into your soul and collect your deepest thoughts. Very attractive. 5'6" 120lbs.---->pounds
WOC: Her silver bows and arrows are always strapped to her back, with her golden sword at her side at all times. Although this seems like a lot of protection, her biggest weapon is her eyes. They seem normal and gorgeous at times, but when she wants to, they search deep into your soul and recovers your biggest thoughts and feelings.
ATTITUDE/CHARACTERISTICS: Funny and laid back, but you do NOT want to face her in battle. Has the blessing of Athena. Is an EXCELLENT strategist and has a photographic memory, causing her be ONE OF the most powerful Athena demigods alive. Is actually 3/4 Greek and is (if you want her to be) in a loving and caring relationship with Logan, son of Hecate/Trivia.

NAME: Zachary "Zach" Noland
AGE: 15
APPEARANCE: Short brown hair and hazel eyes. Has a weak-looking body structure. 5'6" 150lbs.---->pounds
WOC: Gold bow with ancient Greek engravings on it that spells "Χορηγός του ήλιου"-which means "Giver of the sun"-and a quiver full of arrows that refills on its own on his back. Although he prefers his bow and arrows, he also carries a celestial bronze/imperial gold knife on his side, as a last resort.
ATTITUDE/CHARACTERISTICS: Zach has a very bad case of ADHD, causing him to go a little crazy at times. He has a look in his eye that tells you to back away before the crazy bomb blows! But, all in all, he has a good heart and is an AMAZING healer, being able to cure both demigod and mortal medical issues (thanks to his mom, a pharmacist) and, yet again thanks to his mom, is AMAZING with medicine.

NAME: Andrew T. Coleman
AGE: 16
PARENTAGE: Hades/Pluto
APPEARANCE: Longer than usual (Old Justin Bieber style), shaggy, black hair and dark, almost black, eyes. He has a handsome face, but is so pale that it looks as though it was painted. 5'8" 180lbs.---->pounds
WOC: His weapon of choice is, of course, his Stygian iron sword, along with his helmet that can turn into any type of head-wear, a replica of Hades' helm of Darkness. Both were given to him from his father. He also carries a black dagger for a last resort.
ATTITUDE/CHARACTERISTICS: He is nice, joking and laid-back once you get to know him, but at a first glance is very cold, and even a bit scary. VERY similar to Nico d'Angelo characteristically.

NAME: Jessica Whiteland
AGE: 15
PARENTAGE: Nemesis/Roman form--Invidia?
APPEARANCE: Long, silky, straight hair down to her mid-back and dark black eyes. She has paler skin than most people, but not as much as children of Hades' children. 5'6" 120lbs.--->pounds
WOC: A 2ft long silver sword that several millenia ago was dipped in the river Styx, so now has the faintest trace of it. She also carries a miniature version of her sword (knife), except it didn't have a dip in the Styx.
ATTITUDE/CHARACTERISTICS: Is at a first glance, very nice and sweet; someone who wouldn't hurt a fly. Once you get to know her, you realize that if you cross her, well let's just say-DON'T DO IT! Since her mother is Nemesis, goddess of revenge, she can think of a lot of plans to get revenge on you..

*BTW: Brittany has water powers like Percy, Erimentha like Annabeth, Andrew like Nico, and Logan is magical.

Okay.. I know it's long, but I thought of a lot of characters.:) And MisterPerfect1, if this isn't too late and you are willing to use some of my characters, could you put something in the top part with the Copyright or whatever about me thinking of what characters and stuff? :S Sorry to ask, but I like these ideas a lot and I would feel kind of bad if I didn't get any credit.. :)


last edited on Jan 07, 2012 at 12:51AM

The Heroes of Olympus 3 replies

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over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…

*Read the description*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
ok ummmmmm..... what is the story about?
over a year ago fros4est said…
wow more character coming soon