The Heroes of Olympus The Ghost King

SenorMcCool posted on Jan 10, 2012 at 12:56AM

We all like Percy and Jason. But let's get to know a new hero. A hero who has faced worse stuff than Percy and Jason alone. Welcome to Nico di Angelo's world. A world between life and death. Reader, I want you to experience this world, and tell me, is Nico awesome or what?

Life has a fragance; death has a stench. ~Nico di Angelo


Action, Adventure, Mystery, Suspense, Romance?


[Newbee's Heroes of Olympus]

SENOR's Heroes of Olympus

-Newbee's Mark of Athena-
last edited on Jan 11, 2012 at 04:20AM

The Heroes of Olympus 37 replies

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over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
This seems awesome. Post soon!
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Chapter One

I hate my life. If it is a life at all. After my sister died, I moved on to the life of wandering around camp, wondering Did I cause my sister's death? I had become a loner, and life had gotten worse from that day forward.

Nobody really understood me. Like they ever did. Percy has tried several times, but I guess this is the fate of all children of Hades. I try to bring back the good ol' days. When I played MythoMagic and cracked jokes.

But that all seemed too distant for me.

The person that I loved the most was too distant.

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't match up to anyone's standards. I didn't die. That is, not until I have proven myself worthy to this pitiful world.

So I moved in with my father Hades.

He isn't the most best father in the world--or Underworld. But he still is my dad. And if my mother could handle him, so could I.


I closed my eyes and imagined myself in the Underworld. At my father's throne. Then I felt myself sink into the ground. My very matter was shifted and swirling like whirlpool. This must've been how it felt to go through a portal.

When I opened my eyes, I was exactly where I imagined. My father was at left, sitting at his throne made of dried bones. My stepmother Persephone was sitting beside him in her throne covered with a bouquet of flowers and a large mass of ivy.

Persephone didn't fit in with the gloomy, eerie habitat of the Underworld. Her beautiful silk dress and black hair braided with tulips applied too much color to the scene. Her caramel skin was to robust for the Land of the Dead. But even in the Underworld, her beauty still shone. And she didn't seem to want anyone to forget that she was the goddess of seasons (especially spring).

And the more you thought about it, Hades and Persephone made a horrible couple. But surprisingly, they had children. Two boys that were at least eighteen stood at both sides of Hades. They seemed like identical twins if it weren't for one of them having dreadlocks and the other a miniature afro.

Hades was in his usual state--an expressionless face that gave nothing away. Maybe that's how I would come to look. Well, like father like son.

Hades stood up and spoke: "These are my two sons, Thanatos and Hypnos. Death and Slumber. They will guide you around the Underworld, and train for the day when you will become a god."

The twins sauntered forward. They both punched me on the arm, and said in unison, "Let's get started, bro."

From up close, Thanatos and Hypnos both resembled Persephone, but they had very strange personalities. Hypnos kept sleepwalking, and Thanatos would always have to punch him to keep him awake. Thanatos seemed to like hitting people. Whenever he spoke, he punched something. Usually, it was either Nico or Hypnos. I would try to hurry along, but Thanatos would spread out his black wings, and say, "Slow down, bro. Death has its own pace. And so do I."

I didn't understand the use of Thanatos' wings. I mean, this is the Underworld. But the answer came when the ground began to shke from an earsplitting roar.

Then it hit me: Could you die in the Underworld?
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
kinda sounds like my forum, cant wait!
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
and yes, yes you can die in the underworld. ask percy
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
this sounds really cool! :D
post soon!!!
over a year ago fros4est said…
nice!! post soon
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Chapter Two

Bits of stalactites crumbled to the floor. The entire world seemed to shake. Well, the entire Underworld seemed to shake. There was so much racket that even Hypnos woke up with a jolt.

I looked over at Thanatos for some guidance, but he acted the weirdest out of all of us; he let out a high-pitched woot and bent down and slapped his knees. I recognized that routine. It was what people do to grab their dogs attention.

Sadly, it worked. But Thantatos soon realized that--even as the god of death--when a tow-truck-sized canine came barreling toward you, you run.

"Oh, snap," was all he said before he took off in a flurry of feathers. So the wings do come in handy.

Before Thanatos abandoned me, I snatched onto one of his legs. If you've ever dreamed of getting a jet-pack, this was sort of how it would feel: wind; a lot of pressure; feathers; near-collision; and more feathers. Okay, scratch off the feathers. I don't think any of you might get a chance to ride Thanatos. And if you do don't. He isn't called the god of death for nothing.

Looking back at Hypnos, I felt sorry for him. The tow-truck canine--"Cerberus"!" Thanatos had called it--bounded at him like a bulldozer. Besides Thanatos's swearing for my using him as a private jet, I could still hear Hypnos, full-awake, chanting random sleep spells, but with not that much effect.

Even I tried to help; I sent stalactites to fall and block Cerberus's path, but that didn't seem to work either. Hypnos was on his own.

Then Hypnos did the weirdest thing ever. He did something that would have come last in my list of what I would do if a man-eating beast was coming toward me: he fell asleep. Or probably he fainted. I couldn't tell really. All I know was that a pillow just magically appeared where his head landed.

And to think I thought Percy did the stupidest things in times like these. Well, he's got some competition.

Luckily, Cerberus disregarded Hypnos; he jumped over--and landed in front of a man who looked like he was trying to sneak out of here. I remembered something about dogs having an excellent sense of smell, so tiptoeing wasn't really going to help much.

Too bad, nobody told that to the old man. When Cerberus leaped in front of him, blocking his path, the man turned away and threw his hands up in defeat. It was funny to watch, because it reminded me of how kids looked when they had been caught trying to skip detention.

Finally, everything seemed to be back to normal. Thanatos dropped me to the floor. His black wings furled back behind his back. From a certain angle, you couldn't even tell he had wings.

"What were you thinking?" he asked, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. I always wished I was buff like that. Being ripped usually got girls' attentions. Not that I was really that interested with that kind of relationship...yet.

"I--I..." I really didn't know what to say, so I said the first thing that came to mind: "Thanks."

Thanatos's black beady eyes went big, but he quickly regained himself. He seemed to be those serious, sarcastic kind of guys. I assumed that's what happens to you after living for thousands of years in the Underworld.

"'re welcome?" He said that last statement in a question. Without much thought, he grabbed me by the hand and lifted me to my feet. "Nobody's ever told me that before."

"Well, you need to go to the real world then."

"This is the real world...technically."

I shook my head, and pointed up. "The real world is up there. You can see the sun and sky."

Thanatos shrugged. "I like it better than here."


"It suits me best, I guess." Thanatos came to a rest a few feet before Hypnos.

"So what do we do with him?" I asked.

Thanatos punched his fists. "I think I can handle that."

"No, don't." I stood between them. "I'll handle it this time."

Slowly, I bend over Hypnos and pick him up over my shoulders. As a son of Hades, I was gifted with unnatural strength and stamina, even if I did look a little scrawny.

Thanatos smashed his fists again. "But that's how I always do it." He seemed sort of clueless.

"Well, new rules. Violence isn't always the answer, big brother. Sometimes wisdom beats strength." I smiled as I remembered Percy. He had been the one who had told me that.

Then it hit me: Was the Underworld my home, or did I belong in Camp Half-Blood? Where was I meant to be?
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
awesome! :D
lol, Percy's got some competition.. lolll!
post soon!
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
big smile
this is good! thx for reading my MOA. If any of you other plp want to read my version of The Mark of Athena, press here! -----> link
over a year ago venus143 said…
you made a new story spanish buddy havn't seen you around lately aesome story post soon:)
over a year ago killer24 said…
Cool tastic dude
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Very interesting. I like it!!
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Sorry, guys. I couldn't post. My brother invited to see one of his School Band Concerts, so I obliged.

Chapter Three

After just a few months, my brothers--actually, it was just Thanatos; Hypnos slept throughout the entire tour--showed me everything there was to see in the Underworld.

"Now what?" I asked.

Hypnos's head nodded as he snored. "Huh...?"

I dismissed him. "Not you. Thanny."

"I said not to call me that." It was Thanatos. He had gotten a habit of sneaking up on people and scaring death. Ironic, isn't it? "You weren't scared? C'mon, you have to admit it, I'm real scary, right?"

Even while sleeping, Hypnos shook his head no. I always wondered how he could still understand things when he was asleep. Maybe, I guess it was because of his sleeping so much that he could no longer tell when he was awake.

"I agree with Hype, over there," I finally said.

With a aggressive speed, Hypnos grabbed me by the wrist. "Don't call me that." When he let go, I noticed little red scars on my arms. (Note to self: Even though he looks asleep, don't mess with Hype. He isn't called the 'Sleeping Ninja' for nothing.)

"Okay, okay." I rubbed my wrist, trying to soothe the pain. "Whatever."

B-BRING-G! Thanatos shoveled through his toga, and, after a few seconds, pulled out a black iPad with a skull logo printed on the back.

"Whoa! What is that?" I reached for the iPad.

Thanatos pulled it away, and rested it protectively against his chest, as if it were a baby. "It's called an iPad." Thanatos must've noticed my puzzled expression, because he bent over and showed me the screen. On it were a bunch of colorful icons and applications with different symbols and purposes. When Thanatos slid his finger delicately across the screen, the screen moved as well, as if it were paper.

"Well, that's cool." Slowly, I slid my old Motorola phone deeper into my pocket. But Thanatos must've noticed it, because he stretched out his hand, and said:

"Let me see it."

"See what?"

"You know what." Thanatos's eyes were as cold as death itself. (LOL I just love making these 'death' jokes. They might be boring you to death. LOL Another one. But get used to it. :P)

Slowly, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the boring, old flip-phone. It was embarassing seeing it next to Thanatos's iPad. My phone might've been like an iPod a decade ago, but now it was just a hunk of junk. Even Thanatos looked at it with pure disgust.

"Here, hold this." Thanatos handed me his iPad. It was so smooth and shiny like a jewel. Then I looked up and in Thanatos's hand was an exact replica of his iPad.

"What? Where's my phone?" I asked, almost dropping the iPad.

"Chill out, bro," Thanatos said impassive. "I just did you a favor. Here." We exchanged iPads. I looked down at it and almost choked on my gasps. It was beautiful.

I looked up, intending to thank Thanatos, when I noticed that he had vanished. Then I heard the flapping of wings. Thanatos's wings. I looked up and saw him flapping toward the Underworld exit.

He waved at me. "Sorry, bro. I have to go. You can thank me later, Nicky."

"Don't call me that!" I yelled. Then, when I heard Thanatos laughing, that's when I knew:

One, how annoying nicknames were.

And two, that was what family do. They give out nicknames and other stuff like that.

"C'mon, Hype," I said, and, in a flash, took off before he could strangle me.
over a year ago killer24 said…
Lol you are so cool I might not kill you (joking)
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
yay you posted! :)
post soon!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Lol so hilarious!!!!
Love the chappie too!!!!! <3
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
SenorMcCool said he couldn't post today. He'll post tomorrow. Sorry, guys for the holdup. ;D
over a year ago fros4est said…
nah no prob we'll wait right guys??that chap is best i love how hypnos went to ninja from sleeping
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Yeah we will wait. Or at lest I will.
over a year ago venus143 said…
haha nice chapter it was funny i liked it can't whait untill you post:)
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
okk can't wait for tomorrow! :D
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
SenorMcCool got super sick yesterday. So he said I could write the next chapter. :D

Chapter Four

I didn't dare look back. I doubted Hypnos was sleep-walking. More like sleep-running. I was running so fast that I hadn't noticed the person in front of me--until I crashed into them.

The person was really strong, because she didn't fall over. Surprisingly, the person smelled like roses and violets, and other girly perfume that a guy like me shouldn't know about.

"Nico, dear." The woman grabbed me by the shoulders and stared me in the eyes. Her dark, brown hair was braided with flowers and vines. Her skin was surprisingly dark, but her smile was as warm as the sun.

"Persephone?" I asked.

Persephone put a finger to my lips, as if she wanted me to quiet down. "Please, call me 'Mom'."

I moved away from her. "B-but your not my mom."

"Yes, dear..." Persephone bent down to my level. "...but your mother's dead, and I thought you might need a motherly figure in your life."

"My mother may be dead, but that doesn't mean she isn't my mom." I turned to walk off--when I saw Hypnos walking toward me. His shoulders were held high as if he were on a mission. Probably to strangle me so I wouldn't be able to talk anymore.

"Oh, look, it's your brother Hypnos," Persephone said.

"You mean, my half brother Hypnos," I corrected.

"Whatever. So what I'm saying is that we're all family here." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "My sons have gotten too old, and your father...well, he's not the socialable type. So you see, I'm lonely down here."

I stared her down. Bianca--my late sister--was always good at reading people. I still don't know how she did it. "So what you're saying is...?"

"Is that I need your help."


"C'mon, Nico. Don't make this harder than it looks."


"Okay, okay." Her voice dropped down to a whisper. "I need your help to get me out of here."
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Cool chapter post soon plzz
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
feel better SenorMcCool :)
post soon!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love the chappie!! And I hope SenorMcCool gets better.
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
I hope u get well soon SenorMcCool this is an awesome story
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
big smile
Cool Story!
over a year ago venus143 said…
Great chapter zander!

And get well soon spanish budy!!!! Can't wait untill you post again:)
over a year ago killer24 said…
He's French senioreta
over a year ago kristalovepercy said…
get well soon!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
don't be sick its not healthy

seriously get well soon
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Guys, this story is on hiatus until SenorMcCool gets better. Tomorrow, he's traveling back to his hometown in France, so that might also add to the wait.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
feel better SenorMcCool!
and omg you live in France?! that's so cool! :D i take French as my language, and i've always wanted to go to Paris...!
well anyways, FEEL BETTER! and please post as soon as you can! :)
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Well I hope u fell better.
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Hope you feel better
over a year ago MythicLover said…
Hope you get better!