The Heroes of Olympus Enchanted Accuracy

Meef posted on Jan 16, 2012 at 03:30PM
RATING: T (for minor coarse language)



Percy is just enjoying high school life, when suddenly a mysterious man appears with a potion clutched in his hands and he passed it to Percy. Percy takes the potion, not knowing he's caused the worst problem to ever happen since the civil war.

This forum aims to be grammatically correct, with no errors whatsoever. Also, it will contain mild vocabulary. English rocks. End of summary.


Dedicated to those who always supported me, my friends, Google Maps for giving me locations since I don't even live in the U.S, and also... that's about it.

Characters and the camp belong to Rick Riordan, the locations, story and other stuff is completely made up, fictional and unreal.


For a more organised way of reading. Hopefully this is allowed.
last edited on Feb 10, 2012 at 04:14PM

The Heroes of Olympus 81 replies

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over a year ago Meef said…
Chapter 1 goes up in about six to seven hours, be patient!
over a year ago Meef said…
Chapter 1: Poignant Potion

Central Park. A lovely place right smack in the middle of Manhattan, surrounded by concrete skyscrapers and filled with trees; bare in winter, blooming in summer. A place of fun, a place of leisure, and also a place of romance.

That was what two lovebirds were doing at that moment. Kissing in the middle of the entire park, next to a solid oak tree with bare branches. Being the middle of winter, that was extremely normal.

The two lovebirds finally detached, and one said goodbye to the other sadly. He left, looking back wistfully at his girlfriend's blonde hair, wishing that the day would last. However, he could not skip tonight; tonight was his stepfather's birthday.

He put on his hood as a gust of cold wind blew directly into his face. He shivered. It was cold out, the temperature going into the minus. He pulled his jacket tighter together and headed for the bus stop.

He watched as the sun disappeared behind a building, and wondered if he would be late. He shrugged self consciously as he arrived at the bus stop.

He glanced at a man dressed in rags. It must have been torture to be in such exposure when the temperature was below freezing. He looked pitiful, but somehow he did not show any sign of coldness. He had a knapsack by his side, and he was begging for money.

Adults had told the boy before not to give money to strangers, but he felt a strange aura around the homeless man. A powerful one. He took out a five dollar note and passed it to the man.

The man examined the note before stuffing it in his pocket. He said something only the boy could hear. "Come with me."

He never followed strangers around, partly because they could be muggers, and also because it was weird. But there was an unrelenting urge for him to follow the man, so he trudged behind him as they walked into Central Park.

"Demigod, eh?" the homeless man asked.

The boy feigned ignorance. "What are you talking about? What is 'demigod'?"

The man winked at him. "No need to lie. I know everything about the Camp. And you too, Percy Jackson. I've heard a great deal about you."

"Who are you?"

"I am Heracles, son of Zeus."

Percy was taken aback. "You died long ago. Aren't you like, a god?"

Heracles smiled sadly. "I'm afraid I am. My father made me one, and to tell you the truth, life isn't all it's meant to be."

"What do you mean?" They strolled past elms and oaks, Percy ignoring the beautiful sight that lay in front of him due to the fact that he was in the presence of a demigod long dead. Then again, he had turned into a god.

"Well, for one thing, Olympus is still locked up tighter than a satyr's bag of apples. It's impossible to get in... or out."

Percy looked at him, confused. "Then why are you here?"

"I had to get this to you." He took out a flask filled with a murky brown substance. "Here you go."

"What's this?"

The god winked again. "You'll find out."

His watch beeped loudly. He cursed in ancient Greek.

"Curses, looks like Zeus found out I'm missing." Hercules turned to leave, but then turned back again.

"Before I forget, drink the potion."

"What? What will it do?"

"No time to explain, I've got to go, goodbye Percy Jackson."

Chilly wind hit his face once more, and when he looked up again the man had disappeared.
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
really good post soon
over a year ago Meef said…
thanks mate :)
over a year ago fros4est said…
i agree with horse it's really good
over a year ago Meef said…
thank you, i'll work on the next chapter soon :3
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
really good chappie meef. i loved it, and cant wait until u post another chapter!!
over a year ago Meef said…
I'll work on one later now I need to go to school :(
over a year ago fros4est said…
k have fun learning
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I didnt have school today.
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
meef this is great u r an awesome writer post soon
over a year ago Meef said…
Chapter 2: Drinking Dilemma

Percy had placed the flask on his desk as soon as he had gotten home. The murky mixture looked identical to muddy water, but hen Percy uncorked it, it smelled nothing like the ground. It gave off an odour of rotting eggs and dead rats. Percy had barely taken a whiff of it before corking it, flinching at the smell.

That was a week ago. Now the flask still stood on his desk, gleaming when the sun's rays landed on it, and glowing in the darkness of the night. It gave off an eerie greenish glow that spooked Percy out a little. He had just arrived home and after eating and chatting with Paul and his mother, he headed to his bedroom.

His bedroom had improved since two years ago; now it had a desk, a computer and bookshelves filled with fantasy stories such as Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and The Heroes of Olympus series. He liked he last one especially.

He accidentally toppled the flask and took in a sharp gasp of breath, expecting the worst. The flask hit the ground and produced a clear note that resonated throughout the room.

He sighed with relief. Nobody knew of the potion as much as he knew, only Heracles. He wondered what secrets were hidden within it. Heracles' words echoed around his head: "Drink the potion."

The suspense was killing him, he could not stand it any longer. Picking up the flask gingerly, he shook it lightly and watched as the liquid inside wobbled about. He looked at the door. He would not want his mother thinking he was taking drugs or something.

He uncorked it once more, and took a deep breath. The smell was too horrible. He emptied the flask in a few gulps, the liquid tasting like metal.

He felt a stroke of pain, which disappeared instantly. He suddenly felt weary, and in his drowsiness he mistook his computer for a bed. After setting it upright, which was an incredibly impossible feat, he lay down on the bed, closing his eyes,wondering what effect the potion would have on him.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Wow etremly good post soon
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
love the chappie meef!!
it was really good.
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
post soon!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
i love your forums Meef <3
post soon! :D
over a year ago Meef said…
Chapter 3: Bullseye Bonanza

Percy felt no change over the course of the week. He thought that the potion would grant him some special power like flying, or super strength or something like that. But nothing happened. He did not feel anything and felt as normal as ever. Normal to him was not really normal, by the way.

It hit the weekends, which meant Percy had the opportunity to return to camp to hang out. He kissed his mom goodbye, waved to his stepdad and headed out into the sun. It was chilly out, but Percy reckoned he had brought enough clothing to last two days. He hailed a cab and soon he was standing on top of Half Blood Hill, stroking Peleus who was guarding Thalia's Pine.

Percy saw a streak of blonde hair in the distance. The hair swung and looked at him. He grinned widely and waved at Annabeth Chase. She waved back and Percy ran down the hill, gripping his backpack tightly.

"Hey," Annabeth said. She gave him a short kiss before telling him the latest news of the camp. "Travis and Connor are at it again, those jerks."

"You can't blame bad garbage," Percy remarked. She giggled as Percy told her all about the potion. Her face turned into a grimace.

"I don't like how this sounds," she said finally after a long silence.

"Neither do I. But it's Heracles, the hero-god person. How can I deny?"

"Percy, you know better than to drink any potion, no matter who gave it to you!"

"I know that," Percy admitted. "But curiosity didn't kill the cat, did it?"

"Actually, it did."

Percy punched her lightly. They looked at the lake, which was reflecting bands of sunlight into their eyes. Percy shielded his as he headed for his next activity: archery.

He kissed Annabeth goodbye and headed to the archery area, where a few campers were working. Will was leaning on a box, watching the others fail miserably as their arrows scraped the targets.

Will saw Percy coming. "They're almost as bad as you."

"Thanks a lot."

Will looked scandalised. "Hey! Don't blame me, you're the one who's not even good at this stuff."

"Oh shut up, how do you know I've not gotten better?" Percy retorted. Will gave him a stare and Percy sighed. "You're right. I'm not good at this stuff."

"That's more like it!" Will patted him on the back. "Hey guys, watch this master at work."

The others turned to face Percy. Percy wanted to punch Will's head off, but that would mean murder. He nocked an arrow and got ready to shoot. He did not even bother aiming, but his arrow seemed to be attracted to the bullseye. It hit it squarely in the middle.

Will whistled. "First time lucky, don't you think?"

"I didn't even aim!"

"That's why we call that luck, you numbskull."

Percy ignored the eyes staring at him in awe. He shot another arrow and hit the bullseye again. Will's eyes widened.

"What the heck? How did you get two in a row? That's a miracle!"

"I don't know."

Will checked his bow. "This is the standard one from the camp, did you tamper with it?"

"Of course not!"

Will did not want to take any chances. He pointed at a tiny girl and said, "Hey you, pass me your bow for a moment."

She handed it over and Will passed it to Percy. "Try again."

Percy hit another five bullseyes.

"Have you been eating drugs?" Will said, amazed.

"Of course I haven't, do I look like the type to do that?" Percy said, irritated.

"With accuracy like that, yeah, I think you do."

Percy flinched at a memory. Did the potion have anything to do with this?

"I've got to run," he said curtly before running toward Athena cabin. His mind was racing. What was going on?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killer24 said…
I he going to have a baby cause cappter one poignant
over a year ago Meef said…
what are you saying
over a year ago universalpowa said…
whattt? ^^

what the __________
i have NO idea what that means
so sorry i didnt see this before--im just slow to find forums XD

and it sounds awesome!
percy, you should know better than to just accept some random potion from a hobo--dont they teach you anything in school? XD

post soon!
over a year ago Meef said…
the hobo is hercules :D
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
cool story i really like it cuz it's different i hope u post soon:)
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
yaayyy you posted! :D
post soon!!!
hmm, i wonder if the potion's good or bad?
over a year ago Meef said…
Chapter 4: Another Adventure

Percy left the Athena cabin in a daze, Annabeth's words echoing in his brain.

"Some sort of potion that enhances accuracy..." she had said.

"Wait, accuracy? Isn't that Apollo's territory?" Percy had asked.

"Yes. Something's not right here."

She had then ushered him out after he kept asking her questions, preventing her from completing school homework. Percy had rolled his eyes at that; who actually did school work?

He struggled to keep his mind focused. The past week had passed so fast; he was failing gym. Not really possible, but he never attended gym. He saw no point.

He was losing focus again! He put his knuckles to his forehead and rubbed it. A trickle of sweat was intercepted by his middle knuckle. He was agitated beyond measure. He had to tell Chiron soon.

He trudged toward the Big House, dreading every step. What would Chiron say? How was he supposed to say that he had ignored about six years worth of training due to curiosity? He smacked himself on the head again. Smart thinking.

The potion had taken effect, but he had not felt anything. He barely shot anything now, much less arrows. Now his accuracy was somehow enchanted, and he had no idea why Heracles would have given him something like that.

Percy's train of thought was interrupted by a lightning strike. He looked toward the grey clouds that were slowly swarming the city. It looked like another snowstorm. He quickened his pace and finally arrived at the Big House. Dionysus had been recalled to Olympus long ago, but Percy did not mind. The camp felt a lot more like a camp than before.

He knocked on the door curtly and wanted to run as soon as light from inside basked him.

"Come in, my boy. Hurry," Chiron said quickly. Percy raised an eyebrow but said nothing as he entered the premises. The place was as normal as ever; a severed head of an animal Percy had forgotten roaring, while a PacMan arcade stood in the corner, gathering dust.

"So, Percy, what brings you to the Big House in the middle of an upcoming snowstorm?"

Percy explained everything and Chiron's face darkened at each word. He said urgently, "When did you take this?"

"A week ago."

Chiron cursed in ancient Greek. "You have to leave. Now."

"What? Why?" Percy asked.

"You're not safe here. Apollo will not be happy with what has happened."

"What happened?"

Chiron sighed. "I might as well tell you. There's no use keeping it in the dark. The gods are arguing."

Percy stared at him. "Same as ever, I suppose?"

"No, but this time, it's getting worse. They can't stop bickering, and this act is almost the exact same as when Luke took Zeus' master bolt."

"What? How is a potion so bad?"

"You can't get it back. It's stuck in you now."

Percy groaned. "Am I going to get blamed again?"

Chiron nodded. "Apollo's potion was created long ago for him by the ancient alchemists. He holds it dearly and never meant for it to be used."

"So what does this mean? I have super accuracy or something?"

"Yes, I suppose you do. You may even be better than Michael now."

Michael was the best archer at camp. "Woah. That's a little... freaky. Why do I need to run again?"

"Apollo will come after you. There is no proof that Heracles is guilty, and even though Olympus is locked, you know how the gods are."

"But where will I go?"

"I suggest you bring someone along, someone who doesn't mind."

Percy looked at him. Chiron was staring at him sadly. "I'm sorry Percy, it looks like you have two enemies now."

Percy moaned. "Great, an earth god and the god of the sun. Can I ever get a break?"

Chiron opened the door and chilly wind blew inside. Percy used his hand to block the gusts of wind.

"For the past few years, it looks like you've travelled the entire U.S."

"Not Florida though."

Chiron contemplated that idea. "You should go there. The Sea of Monsters may keep Apollo away for awhile. You'll have to leave tomorrow morning."

Percy looked into his sad eyes. He closed the door, knowing he wouldn't be seeing the camp for a long time.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
poor Percy :(
being used.. again

over a year ago hollistergurl said…
over a year ago Meef said…
Chapter 5: Suprise Satyr

Percy awoke the next morning, his head muddled. He scratched his head and reflected on the previous day's happenings. He was going to be accused of another theft, again, even though the last time Luke had did it. Now it was Heracles who had framed him, but as far as Zeus knew, Heracles had been locked safely in Olympus and had been forbidden to leave. Or so he thought.

Percy quickly washed his face before getting ready a small backpack. He loaded it with ambrosia and nectar, a Nintendo DS and a small box full of infinite food and drink. That was a new discovery Hecate cabin had made. It was as useful as a buffet.

The door creaked open at his touch and he watched as the sun rose steadily over the horizon, caressing him in a beam of sunlight. He blocked it out and saw Annabeth standing at the Big House with Chiron.

Percy hurried up and when he arrived, he wondered aloud, "What're you doing here, Wise Girl?"

She snorted. "I'm coming along, obviously. Do you really expect to stay alive on your own?"

Percy reddened. "I killed Kronos, I think I can handle myself for about a week."

"Oh, really."

Percy sensed her sarcasm and retaliated. "Yeah, really."

"Stop bickering, you two," Chiron said impatiently. "I must tell you something. While you're away, Apollo will take any means to find you. And he being a god and also the sun, he'll be able to spot you quite easily if you're not hidden well. So be careful."

"How is this going to end?"

Annabeth spoke this time. "I've got Malcolm working on it, he's got some footage of Heracles framing you."

"Well? Why can't we just use that to fix the problem right now?" Percy started walking to Athena cabin, but Annabeth grabbed his hand tightly.

"Let me finish, Seaweed Brain. He has the footage; problem is, Heracles isn't in it."

"What? How can that be?"

Annabeth shrugged. "Heracles must have tampered with the camera."

"Okay, hold on. What bothers me the most is that why would Heracles do this to me?"

Chiron sighed. "You see, even from ancient Greek times, Heracles was jealous."

"How can he be jealous? He's a freaking god!" Percy exclaimed.

"Sadly, that is the truth. He's jealous of you right now, I presume."


"Oh, it's actually quite obvious. You've been getting quite popular within Olympus, they even have a show about you now on the Olympus Channel."

"They do? How come I've never heard of this before?"

"That's not important. But now, Heracles has framed you and I fear this will only get worse."

The sun rose, and Percy could feel its heat. It was winter, so now instead of cold it was cool.

"Is it me or is it getting quite warm?" Annabeth tugged her collar.

"It's Apollo, it seems he has discovered the absence of the potion. You must hurry."

Percy slung the backpack over his shoulder. "Is Annabeth my only companion?" he asked, a little nervous.

"Yes, she is."

"Oh. Okay."

They waved Chiron goodbye and headed down the hill, where the Camp Half Blood's disguised strawberry van was waiting. Argus was standing tapping his foot, raising a few eyes. Percy shrugged and got into the back of the van. He slammed the door shut and looked up at the arch of the camp, wondering how long until he would be able to see his beloved camp once more.

The car's engine revved up, and they were about to leave. Percy heard a muffled, "Wait!"

He peered out of the van's windows and sat there, awestruck.

"Open the van!" he heard. Argus stopped, grumbling. Percy opened the van's doors, allowing light and a furry teenager in.

He stumbled in and panted, "Am I too late?"

Percy smiled happily and looked at Annabeth, who had a look of pleasant surprise on his face. "Of course you're not, Grover. Sit down, we've got a lot to talk about."
over a year ago GoRgOnxx said…
I like it!!! Please post sooon:)
over a year ago Meef said…
Thanks, new chapter comes whenever :D
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
awesome chapter <3

over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
really good post soon
over a year ago universalpowa said…

over a year ago Meef said…
Chapter 6: Searing Sun

The van hit another pothole, causing it to jerk upward and also Percy's head to obtain another bruise. He rubbed it, irritated, wondering how could an expressway on Long Island have so many potholes. It was probably just their luck. He glanced at Grover, who was bobbing up and down with the van's movements as he looked out of the window, appreciating the horizon. The sun was had risen and it cast a yellowish glow over anything its beams touched.

After a year and a half, Grover had finally come back. Percy was still recovering from the initial shock of seeing Grover chasing the van, but his shock disappeared soon after he heard Grover's story, which took less than a minute to tell. He had traveled around the United States spreading Pan's word, and he was confident that most satyrs around North America now knew of the news. With nothing else better to do he decided to head back home.

"And now I'm back!" he completed with a tone of finality. Percy looked at Annabeth and shook his head ever so slightly, but she giggled and nodded.

"Where are we going?" Grover asked eagerly.

"Florida," Annabeth said absentmindedly, playing with a streak of blonde hair.

His smile faltered. "Can't we go to the Mexican border? They sell loads of burritos and stuff, and it's also warmer there."

"We have to get to Florida, anywhere warmer would be dangerous."

"Isn't Florida warmer than New York?" Percy inquired, confused. It made little sense to move to somewhere warmer to avoid the sun god.

"How are we going to get there, anyway?" Grover asked through a mouth full of metal. He had taken out a small can and chewed it, as he always did when he was nervous.

That was a good question, how are we going to get there? Percy wondered.

Annabeth stopped curling her hair and looked at Percy guiltily. "We weren't going to tell you."

The trauma of flight returned to Percy in a flash. "No way, I'm not taking a plane. Besides, isn't flying a little... suicidal?"

"You're right, I never thought of that," Annabeth murmured. Percy was sure she was formulating another plan to get to Florida without flying.

He gazed ahead, where the giant LaGuardia Airport loomed ahead. Percy heard the sound of a jetliner taking off, and shuddered at the thought of being in one of those things.

Percy decided to turn his attention to the radio. He had to strain his ears to get an inkling of what the deejay was saying, since he was at the back of the van and the radio was in the front with Argus.

"... temperatures searing hot today, folks, hitting a record high of fifty degrees! You heard right, I'm not joking, it's around fifty degrees right now! The highest it has ever been in the state of New York! I guess you won't be needing those bulky coats any more!"

Percy knew what was wrong: Apollo had found out and he was hotter than the sun. Well, he was the sun. New York had never experienced such warm weather in January.

They arrived at the airport, Argus giving them a wink before heading back to the camp. He looked at the massive concrete structure in front of him, the buzz of people heading in to travel from New York to other places of the world. He seemed so insignificant in a world of seven billion.

Annabeth headed to a bench and sat down. Grover sat down next to her, eyeing the people around them suspiciously as they looked a back at him chewing tin cans. They seemed to be in a hurry to get out of the area.

"We're not taking the planes, right?" Percy asked nervously as the din of another plane taking off nearly made him deaf.

"Of course not, that would be complete suicide."

Percy looked at Grover. "You think she's got a plan?"

He rolled his eyes and managed, "She's Annabeth, dude. Of course she does."
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
lol awesome chapter!!!
post soon!!! :D
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love the chapter!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago venus143 said…
nice chapter i liked the ending especially lol can't whait till you post:)
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
please post!
over a year ago Meef said…
Chapter 7: Traumatising Taxi

"So, what are you planning?" Percy asked, examining the map Annabeth had laid out on her lap. She was carefully tracing a few crosses along the East Coast of the U.S.

Percy spotted a cross on New York City, another at New Jersey, Virginia, all the way down to Florida. He squinted carefully at the map, taking in the Greek elements that had been included. The Sea of Monsters was marked clearly with a dotted triangle, the Bermuda Triangle.

"We're following the East Coast?" Percy inquired.

"Yeah, fastest and most efficient way to get down to Florida."

Percy had an idea. "Couldn't we use Mrs O'Leary? Shadow travel would be about a million times faster."

"If you haven't realised, she was taken by Nico last week."

Percy scratched his chin thoughtfully. "How did I not notice?"

"You rarely pay attention to the camp anymore. High school is really taking a toll on you, huh?" Grover said. Percy did not respond, he was right. With all the trouble, pressure, drama, everything that was going on, it was hard to pay attention to the camp he'd been in for almost eight years.

Percy's gaze turned to three dots. They were tiny but visible specks, and they each had their names next to it.

"Woah. Is that us?"

Annabeth glanced at the dots. "Yeah, Magic Positioning Map, or the Marauder's Map of the United States."

"Who made this map?"

"This map was imported from Hogwarts last week, you wouldn't believe how many strawberries we had to give."

She finished tracing the route and rolled the map up gingerly, placing it in her pocket.

"You two ready?" There was an air of seriousness around Annabeth.

"We've been waiting for you, you know."

They headed to the taxi stand, avoiding the gaze of random pedestrians. They flagged down a cab and quickly got in.

"So, I hear you guys are in trouble?" The taxi driver asked.

"How did you know?"

He turned and grinned grimly at the three of them. It was Hermes, now in a white t-shirt with some jeans. He lowered his sunglasses and went back to the road.

"Apollo's not happy."

Percy shielded his eyes from the glare of the sun. Car exhaust poured gently into the car, causing him to cough repeatedly. "Yeah, we can tell."

"So did you do it?" Hermes asked.

"Of course I didn't, why the heck would I want a potion of accuracy?"

Annabeth chuckled. "Percy, I don't know if you've realised..."

"Yeah, mate, you're horrible at archery," Grover completed.

"I was. Now that freaky potion has caused all this trouble."

"Apollo said he would... let's see here..." Hermes fumbled in his pocket before extracting a small piece of paper. A hastily written note was on it, and Hermes read it out loud. "He wants to 'grab your brains and fry them on his sun chariot'. I myself think that is a little too harsh."

"What's so great about that potion anyway?"

"Percy, it was created by the alchemists long ago. The recipe's been lost, and Apollo has been waiting for the right time to give it to someone."

"How did Heracles even get it?"

"He stole it, duh. Obviously I don't know, I can't spy on other gods. Anyway, where are you heading to?"

"New Jersey."

"Okay, hold on to your hair."

Hermes pushed the accelerator and immediately Percy felt the wind blast into his face. They were travelling at an incredible speed; Percy had little time to marvel at their velocity before the car decelerated and came to a stop.

"We're here, Brick Township, New Jersey."

"Thanks. Do we need to pay?" Grover inquired, taking out a wallet filled with drachmas.

Hermes laughed bitterly. "I wish. Gods don't accept money for rides, though. But with Olympus closed down and all, my delivery service isn't really working out."

"Alright then. Thanks for the ride."

"Follow the coast, Percy. That's my advice to you. Good luck."

Percy blinked and the taxi was gone.
over a year ago GoRgOnxx said…
Nice chappie... I loved it!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
big smile
Good story so far! Post soon

Love, Aphrodite<3
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
awesome! :D
hmm, i never heard of Brick Township in New Jersey.. and i live in New Jersey! :P

over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
love it post soon
over a year ago Meef said…
Google Maps :D
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…

over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
And I never heard of it too, NJ!
Stupid Housewives of NJ, and Jersey Shore, they have been given us a bad rep!

over a year ago Kaia143 said…
nice chapter.
awesome. loved it!!!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
ohh, google maps, haahaah :P

and ^^ ikr, especially Jersey Shore :P

over a year ago universalpowa said…
and why bring Harry Potter into this? Realli?

Universal has gone to bed. Leave a message after DA beep.

over a year ago Ares2002 said…
THAT WAS AWESOME!!The Marauder's map was awesome I wonder what thay will face