The Heroes of Olympus Banished.

Jasonfan44 posted on Jan 21, 2012 at 02:16AM
Since everyone is doing "banished" stories. I thought I might do one myself. Everyone's doing Percy so I'm doing another character........... Sorry you'll just have to find out.

I am open to ideas, I could use songs, depends on the chapter. Also MINOR CUSSING ON MY FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I might also have minor cursing, depending on how I feel that day.... OKAY????!!!!!

Here are my other forums:


Hope you Like this
and it will include Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, and many other fan favorites.

It is after the war with Gaea of course, the character is facing hard times, he was dismissed by his own father. He is now a god but it is kept a secret. The times are hard for the gods. The new enemy it is Chaos, and a new race of giants.


All rights to R.R
last edited on Jan 27, 2012 at 08:43PM

The Heroes of Olympus 26 replies

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over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
It was 4 years when a hero was banished. This hero's name was Nico DiAngelo. It was 5 years after the war with Gaea. Nico was training, when he saw two boy scamper across the camp boundaries. Nico sheathed his sword, and rushed to meet the new kid before Percy could. "What's your name?" Nico asked, kneeling. The kid was about 7 years old. "My name is Jack, Jack Nichols." The boy responded. "Who do you live with?" Nico asked.
"I live with my mom. I never knew my dad." Jack answered.
"Alright, I'll show you around."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SKIP AHEAD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­~~~­~~~­~

Jack is a son of Hades. He and Nico get into a huge fight on who's Hades likes the most. Nico threatens to send Jack into Tartuanus because he thinks Jack is a monster. He has a bunch of spartus show up and and Jack has a very special power, he can control black fire. Percy stops them from battling each other to the death, and then Hades apppears and says "Nico DiAngelo, give me your skull ring and sword. You have hurten my pride, you will be BANISHED ASAP! No one will be able to find you or see you ever AGAIN!" Then he leaves with Nico's ring and sword.

over a year ago venus143 said…
this is good just slow it down a bit and it's amazing but can't whait till you post.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
i like the idea, post soon! oh, and you do realies your title has already bin taken.
over a year ago fros4est said…
i dont think his title has been taken cause he got the awesome fullstop at the end ' . '
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
if you can think of any other title names, not including the banished Hero. Tell me, Ill pick the best one.

It might be all in nico's perpective. Though it might not.

Chapter 1:

Nico was tending a fire, out in the New Jersey woods. He was thinking about 4 years ago. When he got banished.

Nico tried to be a good half-brother to that little brat, but whenever Nico tried, Jack would scream really loudly, and Nico would be punished for "hurting" him.

Since Jack was given a power, an unexpected power. He could do anything he wanted to do. Nico replayed the day he got banished over and over in his head. It was cool summer day. Nico had just brought Jack to the cabin to get ready for dinner. While walking to the pavilion, Jack was chatting on and on about how Nico would get in trouble for trying to stab him. When the got to the pavilion, Jack raced up to Chiron and told him what happened. Nico clenched his jaw. He wanted to(and still does) kill him and send him their father. Nico said, silently at his table. He wasn't hungry, so he was picking at his food, while Jack wouldn't shut up. Nico twisted his ring, remembering the day he got it. "Do you know I'm dad's favorite," Jack boasted, bringing Nico back. "Huh?" Nico had asked.
"I'm dad's favorite." Jack said, smugly. "I got the black fire and you didn't. That must mean that I am dad's favorite, and I am going to be the first Hades kid to go on a quest, and be a hero. Which you never were." Nico stood up, quickly.
"I saved the day, at the Battle of Manhattan! I am the Ghost King!" Nico shouted.
"No our father saved the day," Jack countered. Obviously he must have heard the story.
"Without my help he wouldn't have." Nico shouted again.
"Whatever, I am still dad's favorite."
"Wanna see?" Nico said drawing out his sword. He could feel the others staring at him.
"Sure," Jack answered, showing off his power.
Nico charged, but before he could get close, Percy intercepted.
"Nico!" He shouted. Nico drew his blade away, but he kept a glare on Jack. Jack pushed his hands towards Nico, and a line of black fire came shooting out. Nico dodged.
Suddenly a bright light appeared, and everyone averted their eyes. The dim light died down, and there stood Hades. Nico knelled, and everyone, besides Jack, followed his example.
"Jack," Nico said, with his head down."Kneel!" Jack didn't respond or even kneel.
"RISE NICO DIANGELO!" Hades barked. Nico obeyed.
"Nico DiAngelo, give me your skull ring and sword. You have hurten my pride, you will be BANISHED ASAP! No one will be able to find you or see you ever AGAIN!" Nico took off his ring and gave it to his father, he gave the sword too.

"After a few hours Percy told me goodbye and he would make sure that Hermes could tell me everything that has changed." Nico mumbled to himself.

Nico found out that Percy became god of the rivers, Annabeth became goddess of thoughts and architecture, Jason became god of bravery and heroism, Hazel, goddess of jewelry, Frank became god of shape shifting, Thalia became the goddess of heights ,Piper became the goddess of natural beauty, and Leo became the god of fire, and jokes, Reyna became the goddess of courage . He also knew that Annabeth and Percy became a couple on Olympus and have kids at Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, Hazel and Frank became a couple, and have a kid, a minor godling, Piper and Leo became a couple, no kids. Nico was shocked. Jason was with Reyna, and one kid.

Suddenly a bright light appeared and Nico averted his eyes. When he looked back, he was expecting Hermes, but it was the three Fates. They weren't alone. Next to the Fates, was Alecto, and on the other side was Percy.
"Percy!" Nico shouted then bowed.
"Aww c'mon Nics, you don't have to bow to me," Percy complained.
Nico bowed to Alecto and the Fates.
"Nico DiAngelo," The Fates hissed."We have a new threat and we need you to become a god!"
A GOD! Nico thought excitedly.
"How?" Nico asked, bitterly "I am banished, remember?"
"Nico you are the only one to stop this threat." Alecto said.

Sorry if it is long i will post the rest soon
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyroxz said…
awesome post soon
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Nico you are the only one to stop this threat." Alecto said.
"Me?" Nico asked. "What about my half-brother Jack?"
"Him?" Percy scoffed. "He is your father's second-in-command. He is immortal, not a god. He still causes trouble."
"Are we going to tell the other gods?" Nico asked.
"Not yet. When the time is right, we are to tell the other gods." Percy answered. "You are the god of shadows, spirits, and souls."
Percy waved his hand, and Nico lifted and was filled with spirits, souls and the shadows.
"Your symbol is a ghost and your scared animal is the raccoon and your god name is Nico, and the Romans will know you as Nico also." The Fates said.
Nico transformed into a raccoon. Then back. "Awesome," Nico said. "Do I have a cabin?"
Percy nodded.
"Can I see it?" Nico asked.
Percy nodded and Nico transformed into a raccoon, and scampered to Camp Half-Blood.

End of Chapter 1
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
love it, and its special because every one is doing percy and nico just tags alonge but in this one nico is by himself!

post soon! :D
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
really good post soon
over a year ago killer24 said…
Yay nico rocks better than percy
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Chapter 2:
Alex is going to be so jealous! Nico thought, as he scampered across the camp boundaries. Nico had people who were like him, banished. He traveled with everywhere. Their names were; Anna, Jasmine, Gabriela, Maria, Alex, Erik,and Carlos. Carlos, and Erik were sons of Hermes, and got a little too pranky.

Got to go to bed..................... I'll try to post tom.
over a year ago venus143 said…
ok post soon laters:)
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Alex was a son of Nike and he was Nico's best friend, the first one he met, Maria was a daughter of Jupiter, Anna, Jasmine, and Gabriela, were daughters of Hephaestus. Nico was more than friends with Maria, they had so much in common and Nico wasn't going to let her go. Could I make Maria, immortal? He asked himself. Now he was at the Big House. Nico sighed and he transformed into himself. He walked through the doors, and guess who was there.
It was.......................................­...­...
over a year ago percyroxz said…
it was who????????? plz post soon
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
It was Chiron, talking to someone familiar. The person had red hair, next to him was another person who looked identical. One of them seemed to be crying, silently. The one that was talking to Chiron, was talking with his hands. Nico quietly transformed into a raccoon and scampered near Chiron's legs.
He heard the conversation.
"Chiron, he's gone !" The person explained.
"Oh no," Chiron said, tears welling up in his eyes. "Travis, are you sure Hermes knows he is dead?"
Nico went wide-eyed, Hermes didn't tell him that Travis and Connor were gods.
Travis shrugged. "He might as well be with the enemy."
Connor broke down on the spot. Nico felt a twinge of sadness.
"Nico, was like a brother to us." Connor sputtered. "Why?"
Chiron put a three claw over his heart and thrust forward. An ancient ritual for warding off evil. So did Travis.
Without thinking, Nico transformed into the "lovable" demigod he used to be. As soon as he was done, Travis, Connor and Chiron, were frozen with shock. Chiron was the first to recover.
"Hello Nico DiAngelo," Chiron greeted as Connor and Travis recovered from the shock.
"Hi Chiron, Hi Connor and Travis." Nico said, sheepishly waving his hand.
Connor gave him a hug. Travis shook his hand, and did a broseph hug, as they called it. Chiron gave him a welcoming smile, like a smile Hestia would give.
"Are you guys gods?" Nico asked.
They both nodded.
"I am the god of.................
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Please I need ideas,
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Okay the rest of Chapter 2 is coming up;
"I am the god of teleporting," Travis said, still grinning.
"I am the god of the future." Connor said, happily.
"Cool," Nico said, grinning also.
Sorry so short.

Chapter 3 is going to be in Percy's perceptive.
Its going to go:
Nico, Nico, Percy, Percy, Annabeth, Annabeth, then back to the start okay?
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Chapter 3

Percy sat on his throne, among the other gods. He had been told that today, the winter solstice, Nico would make his appearance. He was really trying to control my thoughts, so Annabeth wouldn't know. "Perseus!" Zeus shouted, bringing him out of his thoughts.
"Yes Uncle?" Percy asked innocently. "Do you have any thing to share? Monsters? Threats?" Travis said. Travis and Connor have mature over the years the became gods, so that took me by surprise.
"No," I said, trying to ignore the gods' eyes, just focusing on me. Suddenly the throne room door, burst open. I gulped. It was time.
"Hello?" Zeus asked. Nico emerged, holding a new sword, followed by 6 other people. "Nico?" Annabeth said, her eyes widening. Percy tried to look shocked, but Hazel saw through his act. "Percy?" Hazel asked. "Who is this?" "T-that is my friend Nico," Percy said, stammering in a fake shock.
"Hello Olympian Counsel," Nico said, bravely. "Why are you not bowing down to us, demigod!" Zeus boomed. "That is because I am not a demigod anymore." Nico spat. Everyone gasped,except for Percy. "I a god! God of spirits, shadows, and souls!"
"Nico," Annabeth said, soothingly. Her eyes filled with tears. Percy was hoping they were tears of joy.
Nico looked at Annabeth, then at Percy, then Jason, then Hazel, then, Thalia, then Connor and Travis, then Frank, and then Piper and Leo. His eyes were turning from sad, to happy, to sad, as he analyzed everyone of his friends.
"I am here to introduce my companions," Nico finnaly said, Percy and Nico's eyes locked. "These people are like me. They were banished by you . He pointed at Hermes, Nike, Zeus, and Hephaestus. "There names are; Erik, son of Hermes, Carlos, also a son of Hermes, Alex, son of Nike, Maria, daughter of Jupiter, Anna, daughter of Hephaestus, Jasmine, another daughter of Hephaestus, and Gabriela, also a daughter of Hephaestus."

Post rest soon
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"I have a bone to pick with every one of you gods!" Nico continued, pointing at everybody, including Percy. "None of you stood up for me! I have a right to be angry. I swore on the Styx that one day I would get my revenge. I still want revenge. I want to see-." Nico would've continued but the girl, Maria, stopped him. Hazel, and Percy got down from their thrones, and Nico's expression softened. "Brother," Hazel said, softly. She reached out to touch his face but the boy on his right, probably Alex, grabbed her hand. "You will treat our lord with respect." He said, darkly. "Alex! Let my sister go!" Nico commanded. Alex left go of Hazel's hand. "I've missed you," She cooed. "I didn't know until winter. I hope your not angry at me." Hazel stroked Nico's face gently, tears welling in her eyes. "I am not angry with you." Nico whispered. The room was silent. "I'm so sorry Nico," Percy said. "I-i-i didn't think that you would get banished." "Stop being guilty." Nico said. "You are like my brother."
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
I love it! hi I'm new, and I love your story! please post again!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
I love it! hi I'm new, and I love your story! please post again!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
how did that happen?
over a year ago venus143 said…
aww that was sad plz post soon!
over a year ago kronosdied said…
Yaaaaaaa. Plz post soon!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Now go back to your throne," Nico said. "I think Annabeth is angry at you." Percy went back to his throne, ignoring Annabeth and the rest of the gods' stares. "Well," Connor said, trying to move Nico along with his speech. "Why are you here if you hate all of us?" "Thank you Connor for bringing that up." Nico said, breathing deeply. "The three fates brought me here. They made me a god along with Percy." Everyone gasped. "PERUSES JACKSON!" Zeus, Poseidon, Annabeth, and a couple of other gods shouted at once. Alex snickered. "Shut up Alex!" Nico commended, and Alex stood straight.
Suddenly the doors opened and the three fates stood there, along with a little girl(whose the Oracle). "Gods and demigods," The Fates said, at once. "Nico Di Angelo, will lead a quest defeating the most powerful primeval god ever to live!"
"You don't mean-" Annabeth started
"Chaos." Jason finished.
The fates nodded, the little girl and Apollo started to shake furiously and green mist swirled around them. They both started to say a prophecy.

I need to think about the prophecy, and what it is going to say.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Something anything just continue