The Heroes of Olympus Stories

godoffate1 posted on Jan 23, 2012 at 04:56AM
i have a lot of story i idea but can't write them all so people without story can adopt the stories and others with ideas can post too

The Heroes of Olympus 14 replies

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over a year ago godoffate1 said…
percy and harry cross

"Love you, Wise Girl" I whispered as I kissed my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, in front of her dorm room door. It's been a little over a year since we've started dating, since the second Titan War, a month since we won the war against Gaia, and she had to return to school a few days before class even started. It's a boarding school thing that I am very familiar with.

"Love you too, Seaweed Brain" she whispered back when we broke apart. She smiled before going in and closing the door with a wave. I sighed with a smile and calmed myself before walking down the hall and out of the building.

Right outside and resting against a bike rack was my new motorcycle. After riding one during the war against Kronos, I've wanted a bike of my own. I grabbed my shark-themed helmet and rode off back to my apartment.

When I arrived, I parked my bike behind some trash cans and when no one was looking, tied a chain around it, making it all but invisible except for the lock. Tyson made it for me and had dad charm it. It came with the bike as my birthday present.

"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted as I entered and hung my jacket on a nearby hook on the wall.

"In the kitchen, Percy!" I heard her reply and so I entered, expecting my mom to be baking cookies with a smile on her face. But she was sitting at the kitchen table, her expression grim and serious, with Paul sitting beside her looking confused.

"Mom? Is something wrong?" I asked, worried. Just when I thought 'Yes! My world is calm and normal for once!', something just has to happen.

"Nothing's wrong, Percy, I'm just not happy with what has to happen..." she trailed off, her eyes shifting down to her hands "Please sit, Perseus" now I know this is serious. She called me by my full name.

"If nothing's wrong...what do you have to tell me?"

"Let's just say you're a half-blood in more than one way..." when I just stared, I guess she decided she needed to explain "I've been keeping secrets from you Percy...I was born in England and when my parents died on a plane ride here to the States, I had to live in an orphanage..."

So there's one lie: she wasn't born in New York.

"And when I was eleven, I got a letter telling me that I was a special little girl...a witch..." I was *really* confused. Witch? Like Circe?

"A...witch? Do they even exist?" even as I asked that question, I knew the answer. I remember Annabeth once telling me of a demigod named Merlin who was the son of Hecate.

She wanted to make a magical world of her own creation and disguised herself as the Lady of the Lake so that she could produce a whole line of magic possessing offspring with Merlin. As generations went by, these people started to lose their godly blood but their magical powers remained. The magic would pass on through family; if a witch or wizard was born from two non-magical people, it was because Hecate had blessed the child; and if a non-magical child was born to two wizards, it was because Hecate saw them as unworthy and punished them with a normal child.

"Forget that question...just remembered you're a witch?" I asked, taking a quick glance at Paul. He seemed just as surprised so I didn't feel too left out.

Lie number two: my mom isn't normal either.

"Yes...I'm a witch. And the letter I received was an acceptance letter from a school for witches and wizards. The name of the school is Hogwarts-" I snickered. Could they not think of a better name? "- School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...and six years ago, another one of those letters arrived..." she looked dead in my eye and I knew instantly who the letter was for...

"You mean the magic gene actually passed on to me, and not I'm a -"

"A wizard, yes. When I first found out I was pregnant, I thought that your father's godly blood would eliminate the magic and I wouldn't have to worry about you going away not just to camp but also to Hogwarts. But you got a letter which means that didn't happen"

"So what happened to my acceptance?"

"I spoke with the headmaster and told him that I couldn't just let you go. You had the prophecy over your head, you were coming of age when you would learn about your father so it would have been too much to tale in...and it would mean that I would barely get any time to see you" I could see her eyes welling up with tears.

Lie number three: I'm more than just a demigod and I was supposed to attend a special school years ago.

Before Paul could even respond, I was out of my seat and hugging my mom as she softly sobbed.

"It's okay mom. I'm here and I love you" I whispered into her hair, hoping she would get the message that it was okay she kept this from me, and that even if I found out when I got my letter, the moment I found out about dad, I would've dropped out immediately.

"I love you, baby...but now that you're almost legally an adult and the coast is clear for you, sort a speak, in the godly part of the world-"

"For now" I whispered but she heard and playfully slapped my arm.

"I called the headmaster and asked him if he was willing to take in a late student. He's agreed and now you'll be starting your years at Hogwarts as a fifth year!"

"Fifth year?"

"It's kind of like grades at normal schools. But instead of Kindergarten through 12th grade, they have First year through Seventh year. You would have been starting your seventh now but you've never attended yet. Because of your age, he decided you wouldn't start as a first year but because of your lack of magical knowledge, you won't be starting in your seventh year either. We've compromised that three years is okay enough, so you'll be starting your fifth with one of my old friends' sons and someone will tutor you anything else you might need to know"

"When do I leave?" I needed time to get packed and say goodbye to my friends.

"Today at 5! All of your things have already been sent, you just have to buy your school supplies when you get there. You have two hours before you leave"


"You're What?" Annabeth whisper-shouted through the Iris-message. After what my mom told me, I started packing what was left behind in a bag my mom enchanted with her wand - which I had no idea was in the house at all. Then as I was packing a picture of Annabeth and I, I knew I had to tell her first.

"I'm a wizard and I need to now go to a boarding school in England to study magic..." I trailed off with sheepish smile. I could tell she wanted to be next to me to choke the Hades out of me right now. She just got me back after six months three months ago and she really didn't want to let me go again.

"A wizard?...Have You Officially Gone Insane, Perseus!"

"I'm serious, Annabeth! My mom said she's a witch and I've inherited her magic gene, so I'm a wizard! And you can't say they don't exist because you yourself told me about that Merlin guy and Hecate, plus, my mom just did magic with a wandless than ten minutes ago"

"So you're really leaving?" she asked, tears rolling down her eyes. I wanted so badly to be there to wipe them away but I have to leave soon.

"Yes, but remember that I love you, Wise Girl. Beyond anything, I love you. The whole time I'm there, I'll be missing you like crazy. If it weren't for the fact that it is absolutely necessary that I learn to control my powers...Holy Poseidon, I would have rejected it in a heartbeat, Annabeth. But I'll be back for Christmas, I promise you that..." I said with a smile.

"I love you too, Seaweed Brain. And I'm gonna hold you to that promise-" I heard a fart on Annabeth's side and then she turned around. Her roommate's butt was up in the air as she slept with her face buried in her pillow. I snorted, trying not to laugh, as Annabeth turned back around with the most hilarious look on her face "Oh. My. Gods! That was so disgusting!"

"Anyways!" I chuckled just a bit more "I love you, I'll miss you...good luck with that!" I pointed towards her roommate with a chuckle. She gave me this look that told me 'If I were there! You'd be so dead!'.

"Fine! Good luck in England. And I want you to Iris-message me at least once a week! See you, Percy" she waved her hand through the image and disappeared in a mist.

With a sigh, I got up from where I was sitting on my bed and grabbed my bag. Time to go.


"So where do I tell her to go?" I asked from my perch on Mrs. O' Leary back outside in front of our apartment building. Of course I couldn't travel by plane, plus it's a long way for Blackjack my Pegasus.

"My guess is that my friend, Molly, will be at this address..." she slipped me a piece of paper "I gave her a call and if she's there, someone will be waiting for you"

In the little time since she told me her secrets, I starting catching a slight British accent that I've missed all these years. Barely there but definitely present.

"It should be around 10:00 pm when you arrive so it'd be late and some might be asleep. I love you, Percy. Good luck!" she wished me with a single tear flowing down her cheek. Paul gathered her in his arms. I needed to cheer her up.

"Don't worry about me mom! I'll be getting detentions and trying to dish out funny stories from the headmaster in no time. Can't wait to see some hippie wizard photo of you!" I quickly whispered the address into my hellhound's ear. I could see my mom trying to get out of my stepfather's arms as Mrs. O' Leary and I rushed into the shadows.

"PERSEUS JACKS-" and I was surrounded by black.


Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stood outside of the Order of the Phoenix Headquarters waiting for their guest. Molly Weasley was told that her friend's son would be arriving around 10:00 pm. She wasn't exactly sure how but he should be here any moment now.

Suddenly out of the corner of her eye, she saw a shadow. Looking in that direction, it was like the shadows were gathering together and before long, a huge almost bus-size figure leaped from what seemed like the shadows themselves.

Before she could scream in horror after realizing that the figure was an enormous terrifying red-eyed dog, she noticed the man on its back. The man jumped off the dog and seemed to pet it on the head before whispering in its ear, the dog running off to disappear into the nearest shadow.

Once the terrifying creature was gone, Molly was able to get a good look at the man. At first glance, one would definitely deem him handsome. He was tan, tall - about 6' 3" - and looked about seventeen maybe eighteen years of age. He had jet black hair - not too long but still in need of a cut - that hung in his eyes. His eyes were a curious sea green that looked like waves everytime he moved.

But when she took a closer look, he looked dead tired and his spirit just seemed too old for his actual age. Also, it seemed like he wasn't very excited about being here. Molly hoped he didn't regret coming to England, leaving friends and family behind.

"Are you Mr. and Mrs. Weasley?" the man asked as he walked up to them with a smile. That grin seemed to make him look handsomer and care- free, plus his teeth are pearly white making the smile light up his face.

"Yes we are! Are you Percy Jackson, Sally's son?" Arthur Weasley asked as the man in front of him shifted his over-the-shoulder bag to lie comfortably on his shoulder.

"That's me! It's nice to meet you, sir. You as well, ma'am" he greeted with a soft smile. He had this vibe about him that just made you feel warm; it reminded Molly of how Sally made everyone feel.

"Well come on in! You look hungry, would you like something to eat, love?" she asked and she led him into the house, Arthur bringing up the rear.


Well the Weasleys definitely seem nice. I wonder if everyone I meet is going to be this much of a pleasure to be around.

Anyway, Mrs. Weasley is now leading me into this house that looks normal enough. I was expecting some weird, out of this world, creep house with broken windows and gargoyles that watch your every mov-Now that's what I'm talking about!

The moment I walked inside, I noticed how old and creepy the inside was and I was oddly satisfied! This is what I was expecting and I wasn't disappointed.

"So what would you like, Percy?" Mrs. Weasley asked as she headed to what I assumed was the kitchen.

"Just buttered toast and a glass of water would be fine. It seems late here so it would be best to have something light before attempting to fall asleep at what would be early evening to me" I explained as I slipped off my bag to take off my leather jacket. I came in a simple grey V-neck long sleeve shirt, faded wash baggy blue jeans, and black Vans.

"Of course, of course! Would you like me to bring it up to you? So you could settle yourself upstairs?"

"That would be nice, thank you" although everything she said sounded very simple, her accent made every word sound more interesting.

"Well then, up you go. First door on your left!" I smiled in her direction before heading up the steps. The house seemed dark and mysterious but normal to me. I've been to the Underworld a good number of times...and lived. This place was nothing!

"Let's just hope you're lucky enough to be cleared of all charges! I don't think we can handle a year without you..." I heard coming from the door of the room I was to be staying in for the next night or two. I walked up and slowly opened the door.

On one bed sat two people, a boy and a girl. The boy had the same red hair as the Weasleys so I assumed this was their son...or one of them. The girl beside him had brown bushy hair and this aura around her that reminded me of Annabeth. The 'I know all'aura. I'm used to it. Both looked around fifteen or so.

Across from them and on another bed was another fifteen year old. He had a mess of black hair on his head, like he was stressed out. I could see the edge of a scar peeking from under his hair on his forehead, but his round glasses took the attention off of it a little (A/N: Until you see it in its full lightning shape. I hate how everyone always has the characters notice the shape at first glance. I could watch a full twenty minutes of Harry and can honestly say I only know its shape because of the book and when they mention it. His hair should cover it just enough to make it so the shape is identifiable.). Under the glasses were two emerald green eyes that watched me closely as I walked into the room. It was like looking in a mirror...except my reflection is younger, scrawnier, has glasses, darker and greener eyes, a know what? Forget about the 'mirror' comment.

"Hey! The name's Percy Jackson. Nice to meet you" I waved politely before walking over to the only other available bed. I started taking a pair of lounge pants out of my bag when the girl decided to talk.

"Excuse me? Who are you? I've never seen you before..." she looked suspicious like she didn't trust me in the slightest. I guess that's okay seeing as she doesn't know me, but it looked like she expected me to come at her with a knife in hand or something.

"Percy Jackson. Son of Sally Jackson, Mrs. Weasley's old friend. Also new-found wizard. This'll be my first year but I'll be joining in with the fifth years. You must be Mrs. Weasley's son, right?" I asked the stunned redhead.

"Yes...wait, you mean you just found out you're a wizard?"

"Yep! I had more important things to deal with before now"

"So are you attending Hogwarts?" the girl asked; she still seemed hesitant.

"Yeah...heard from my mom it's a great school. Made her feel at home...just gonna feel like school to me..." Camp Half-Blood was my home, with Chiron, my friends, and my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase.

"Well your mother was right. Hogwarts is like a second home to me" my – somewhat – look-a-like said.

"...yeah...well don't I feel like a bloke! We haven't even introduced ourselves! My name is Hermione Granger" the girl said as she extended a hand. I shook it before the redhead came up with his hand extended as well.

"Ron" he simply said since I already know his surname.

"Harry Potter" the second said with his hand out as well. His eyes told me that he was practically waiting for me to make a connection with his name. Truth is...never heard of a Harry Potter in my life. A Harry Malarkey, but no Potter.

"Percy, dear! Here is your toast and glass. Let's hope you get a good night's sleep. Off to bed you three, especially you Harry. You need to be up bright and early tomorrow" Mrs. Weasley came into the room, gave me my light dinner and led Hermione out, probably to sleep in another room. She is a girl after all and three boys are going to be sleeping here.

The boys got ready for bed as I had my dinner and drank my water. Even though I felt rejuvenated after the glass of water, sleep seemed to catch me instead of the other way around. I was just quick enough to change into my lounge pants and a white tank when I fell asleep in seconds with my head about a quarter of the pillow. The Curse of Achilles made me extra sleepy so that would explain that
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
big smile
So, not to be rude or anything, but it you want to start a story that's a crossover, I'm afraid you can't put it here. I'm sorry but you're first chapter was a crossover because it was a mash up of Percy Jackson and Harry Potter and that isn't allowed here. See Amphitritie's Club Rules Reposted in the articles section :)
If you want to make this story where anyone can post and it's a crossover, please put it at this club :D
Thank you!!:D
~The Welcoming Committee~
Peace out.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago energykid400 said…
AWESOME STORY!! Could you please continue it! It's awesome!!! PLEASE CONTINUE IT!
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
this stories are for people to adopt them. for people who dont have stories to write.
over a year ago zaheer_abbas123 said…
hey awesome story could u continue please!!!!
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
love it post soon
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
geat story post soon
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
please post soon! It's seriously epic and awesome!
over a year ago exmo33 said…
Could u carry this on plz!
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
guys i work full time job and i don't have a lot of time but i'll try or if there is people who want to adopt the story
over a year ago energykid400 said…
K. I hope you can continue!
over a year ago cro0010 said…
Yes! Please continue, it's really good.
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
Percy Jackson and the Shinobi of Konoha


Percy groaned and opened his eyes only to be greeted by four indistinct colourful blobs, suddenly his vision cleared causing Percy's instincts that had been honed due to his years of training, to kick in causing him to push himself backwards, using the momentum he flipped himself up quickly drawing the short blade from his back he stood tall for a minute carefully analysing his enemies before flinching and falling to one knee "damn one of those swords must have been dipped in pit scorpion venom I can't focus long enough to use my powers but at least it won't kill me" thought Percy, during all of this the man in the green flak jacket and gravity defying silver hair had jumped in front of the kids and the old man and was holding a small black knife in a reverse grip, he murmured something to the kids behind him, two of them nodded while the last one a boy in a blue shirt just gave an arrogant snort and seemingly persuaded the man in the flak jacket to let him go in front to fight.

TPOV (team 7 POV)

The boy's eyes widened suddenly and he pushed himself backwards and flipped himself up and was immediately in a fighting stance with some type of short sword held in a reverse grip, as soon as the boy moved the genin of team 7 had surrounded Tazuna all drawing a kunai while Kakashi had jumped in front of the group, Kakashi analysed the boy in front of him, Kakashi could tell by the way the boy held held himself and the strange short sword* that the boy was well trained, he also noted that the boy was analysing him too which showed that he was no stranger to fighting. Suddenly the boy flinched and fell to one knee "hmm probably poison seeing as most of his wounds were completely healed or were no more than a scratch" thought Kakashi as he turned back to his team "he's too strong for any of you guys to handle so leave it to me" said Kakashi giving the team one of his eyes smiles, Sakura and Naruto nodded while Sasuke gave an arrogant snort and said "Hn as if, even Sakura could beat him"

"Sasuke believes in me" thought Sakura dreamily while the rest of team 7 and Tazuna sweat dropped seeing the dreamy expression that crossed Sakura's face "wow" thought everyone collectively "alright then Sasuke if you think he's so weak why don't you fight him then" said Kakashi

"Hn fine I need something to practise on"

Sasuke then stepped out in front while Kakashi prepared to jump in and save his student he knew this would be over quickly

"Hn you don't stand a chance against the Uchiha Clan" said the last Uchiha

"Huh what the Hades is that?" replied the boy in a confused tone

"Listen kid I don't feel up to fighting so just go back to your friends and you won't get hurt" continued the boy

"Hn as if you could even touch me" replied Sasuke as he sprinted at the boy so fast that to the genin and civilian of the group he became a blur.

EPOV (everyone's POV)

Percy saw this burst of speed and couldn't help but think "gods this kid is slow sure he's faster than I thought but still" Percy just followed the kid's movements as Sasuke dashed towards him at the last moment Percy made his move, he dodged to the side just as sasuke slashed at where his throat used to be with a kunai and got behind sasuke then held the blade of his short sword to Sasuke's neck, to Sasuke the fight was all in his favour and he was sure that he had shocked the boy with his speed seeing as he boy hadn't moved, as he got within striking distance he slashed out with the kunai and it went straight through the boy's neck he smirked until the boy flickered and disappeared "a clone!"Thought Sasuke until he suddenly felt something pressing against his neck he glanced down to see the silver blade of the short sword the boy carried, Kakashi openly gaped behind his mask as he realized that it wasn't a clone that Sasuke hit it was an after image "this kids fast it looks like ill have to use it" he thought as he reached up to his headband "please don't I don't want to fight you I just want to find Tazuna" said Percy as he released Sasuke and pushed him back to his team "why do you want to find Tazuna" asked Kakashi his eyes narrowing in suspicion "I was told that he would be able to shelter me until I could arrange a way to get to some place called Konoha my name is Percy Jackson son of Poseidon" said Percy,

"Poseidon! I remember that man he helped me when I was in some trouble in my younger years; I owe him a lot actually if this boy is his son I have to help him, besides your Konoha Shinobi after this mission is complete you can take him back with you" said the man at the back of the group

"Your Tazuna oh thank gods I thought I would be lost out here for weeks" replied Percy with a sigh of relief

"Alright if Tazuna trusts you than fine you can come with us well I suppose we'd better introduce ourselves" said the one in the flak jacket and a mask covering half his face with a bored tone "I'm Kakashi" then he pointed to the girl with pink hair and the red dress "that's Sakura" the girl gave a shy wave "you've already met Sasuke" the boy in the blue shirt and the duck butt hair cut just look away in an attempt to look superior after just getting his ass handed to him so easily "and that's Naru-"Kakashi was cut off as the boy with blond hair and three whiskers on each cheek wearing a bright orange jumpsuit jumped forward shouting "I'M NARUTO UZUMAKI AND IM GONNA BE HOKAGE ONE DAY BELIVE IT " everyone cringed as the boys loud voice "ok Naruto settle down" sighed Kakashi

"Well it's nice to meet you all" said Percy still rubbing his ears after Naruto's loud introduction

"Ok well let's get going we should get to Wave later on today" said Kakashi "can you walk Percy?"

"Yeah I should be fine I'll just have to take it easy until the poison wears off" Percy said while grimacing as a new wave of pain rolled through him

"Ok then just call out if it's getting hard to walk or whatever come on then" replied Kakashi as the group began to move out.
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
where'd the Harry potter thingy go? Anyway cool story.