The Heroes of Olympus JosephineSilver's forum of Epic Randomness. (NO, this is NOT spam!){Okay, maybe it technically is. I'm not sure.}

JosephineSilver posted on Jan 24, 2012 at 01:40AM
Okay, this is going to involve the following:

Random stuff, hence the title.

The Olympian Challenge! Sort of like Big Brother, JosephineSilver style.

Song Lyrics.


Idle gossip. (Don't critise me)


One Shots, Two shots, and Three shots.

Short stories.

Character backgrounds.

And quotes.

But everything will be HoO.

Peace Out,
-JosephineSilver, Phone-Home. (E.T. Quote!!!)

The Heroes of Olympus 4 replies

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over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
This is one of Anabel's fave things.
She loves the epic song, she loves the muppets, and she thinks it's hilarious. For those of you that don't know, Anabel is one of my original characters. This story is a One-Shot titled:
Anabel and The Muppets.

'So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye.'
Anabel, a daughter of Apollo known to most as either A-bel or Sunny McSunshine, skipped in rythm to the epic song coming out of her i-pod headphones and jet-engine-deafening sound levels.
Matthew Carter, her brother in every way but blood, (given the fact he was a satyr) walked up to her and commented on her song choice.
"That song is epic," he said. "Have you seen the Muppet version?"
A-bel was derailed for a moment. She loved the muupets.
"There's a Muppet version?" she asked.
Matt nodded. "It opens with three chickens and Gonzo."
Anabel blinked as she took that in.
Then she ran to her cabin and looked up the Muppet version of Bohemian Rhapsody on YouTube. She laughed as she watched it.
And watched it again.
And again.
And again.
"Sunny, don't you think you've watched it enough times?"
"Will, if I thought I'd watched it enough times, I'd've stopped by now."
Matthew, who was watching from the doorway, sighed.
"I wish I never told her about the stupid Muppet video."

Peace Out,
-JosephineSilver, Miss-Piggy-is-the-BEST-MUPPET-OF-ALL-TIME!
over a year ago venus143 said…
haha lol this is cool:)
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
ha ha so funny!!
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
The Olympian Challenge, Chapter 1, Samuel's Difficult Day.

"Ohmigod, really?"
"Get out!"
"I know!"
Samuel Whitressan tried to mentally block out his annoying sisters 'conversation'. Though he didn't really think you could call that a conversation. Conversations normally have topics.
"Don't you guys have anything better to do than gossip?" He asked, rolling over to face Drew and Lauren.
They sent him shocked looks. Drew glared. Sam knew why - in the Aphrodite cabin, he didn't belong, he was a loser. tres lame.
Drew sneered. "Ohmigod, Whitressan. Get a life." she rolled her eyes and turned back to Lauren, her evil hench bee-yotch.
Samuel debated for a moment, then decided leaving the cabin was probably the best idea - for the sake of his mental health.
"Sam!" River was glaring at him, which hurt. Of all the people in camp, River Mase, daughter of Iris, was like the only person who thought he wasn't a total freak/loser.
"What'd I do?" he queried.
"You got Drew angry!"
Sam winced. That was a fair call. And it wasn't exactly below Drew to vent out her anger on Riv - or as Drew like to call her, your trashy little girlfriend.
Personally, Sam didn't think Drew had the right to call anyone trashy. Like, hypocritical much?
"Trouble in paradise?" a voice from behind them inquired.
Sam turned. It was Will Solace. To outsiders, it might appear as though Riv and Sam had a thang goin' on, but Sam was neutral when it came to River. Loved her like a sister.
Will, completely ignoring Sam, said to River, "Well, if it isn't Little-Miss-Rainbow."
Sam could almost see River thinking, well if it isn't Smirky McJerk-Face.
Out loud, though, she opted for, "well if it isn'"
Smirky McJerk-Face proved his name to be apt in the next moment. "It is, indeed, me."
River rolled her eyes. "What a great honour it must be," she said, her voice just dripping with sarcasm.
Will grinned. "You have a cute scowl," he told her.
River scowled.
"See what I mean? Cute Scowl."
"Bite me, Solace."
"Love too. How does 7 'o clock sound?"
River, for a rare moment, looked thrown. All she'd done was insulted him, and the guy had asked her out.
"No way in hell," she finally managed to snap, but it came out dazed, which took a way a little of the retort's bite.
Sam and Riv walked away together. "Looks like we're both havin a difficult day," Sam commented, "wanna hang?"
"Can't. Rachel wants me in the Big House."
River walked off.
Sam sighed, feeling more alone then ever. He began to walk over to the pavilion, for lack of any thing better to do, when a piece of paper flapping on the ground caught his eye.
He picked it up and read it. It said:

Need a chance to prove yourself?
The world's best reality show can help with that!
Sign up here for the Olympian Challenge!

Sam considered for a moment. Then he signed his name down the bottom of the paper.
The paper vanished.

Peace Out.
-JosephineSilver, Queen-of-Cool

{A/N: I stole the Smirky McJaerk-Face line from The Squad: Perfect Cover, by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Hence the video. Credit to Her.}
last edited over a year ago