The Heroes of Olympus The Protogenoi’s Assistant

son_of_cratus posted on Jan 28, 2012 at 06:07PM

Percy Jackson
Leo Valdez
Jason Grace
Piper Mclean
Thalia Grace

Synopsis: Percy is ignored as his life falls apart. The gods and campers have found someone else to admire and look up to as the giant war has ended. Will he be able to overcome the pain of his loss or will it burn him up inside until it all comes out. Read to find out! :P

Rating T just in case for some cussing and bloody scenes


synopsis: Join Percy as he battles the evil forces of the universe, follow him through the many twists an turns that eventually lead to new Chaos. And emerging from it, new Order.

(Not the greatest summary I know :P)

All rights go to Mr. Rick Riordan

Spaming is ok with me just dont get too carried away! :)
last edited on Jul 07, 2012 at 12:12AM

The Heroes of Olympus 1349 replies

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over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
First chapter people, please comment and let me know if you hate it or like it and if i should continue, Thanks :)

Chapter One: Prologue

Third Person pov

It was time. Time for the moment that everything was leading up to. The moment he lost his memories for and the time they had all waited for. Battle. To his left was the Greek children of the prophecy, Leo Valdez a fire using son of Hephaestus and Piper Mclean a charm speaking daughter of Aphrodite. Also, of course the person he most trusted, the person who used to be his anchor to the mortal world. His wisegirl, Annabeth Chase the most beautiful girl in the world and the daughter of the wisdom goddess Athena. To his right were the friends he had made while without any knowledge of his past life at the Roman Academy, Frank Zang the chubby, cupid like son of Mars and Hazel Levesque the cheery daughter of Pluto. There stood at the front, a little bit behind him was the Romans camp leader Jason Grace the son of Jupiter. There was a sudden flash of bright golden lights and there stood the 12 Olympians. With a quick nod of approval from Zeus/Jupiter we all understood. It was time. Annabeth had walked up to Percy seeing Zeus’s/Jupiter’s actions and held his hand.
“You ready for this?” she asked with concern evident in her voice.
“Not really, but who else is gonna do the job right” he replied breaking out into a grin.
“Don’t get cocky or if the giants don’t kill you, I will!” she said back also trying to hide her own smile. “I love you Percy and whatever happens in the fight to come, always know that I always and forever will love you.”
“I know Annabeth, I will always love you too. But don’t go about talking as if this will be your last. We will get through this Annabeth, we always do.”
“I know Percy, it’s just I have a bad feeling about this one….”
Percy silenced her with a kiss “I will let nothing harm you Wisegirl, I promise” he said with a grin.
All she could was nod back. They both turned to face the other children of the great prophecy. They all had a look of courage on their faces, anticipating what they knew was coming next due to the fact they made it here. Percy then turned back around to survey the battle field, which is the original mount Olympus in Greece. The sun was scorching the already baked ground even though it was setting. There was not a single sound of anything living apart from them. Suddenly they could hear the steady beat of drums, or that’s what they thought they heard. Shapes began to emerge over the horizon, stomping their way towards them. He turned to face the gods and goddess’s, looking for one in particular, his father, Poseidon/Neptune. He caught his eyes and his father smiled back. Percy gave one more nod to Zeus/Jupiter and the order was given. The order to charge.
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
Good start
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Thank you
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
really good post soon
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Thanks horse and percyfan44, here is another chapter :)

Chapter 2: Prologue

Percy’s pov

I and the rest of ‘The Seven’, as we were now officially known as, rushed into battle against the giant evil forces of Gaia with the 12 Olympian gods. By giant I literally mean giant. Each one stood as big as a mountain with scaly legs that reminded me of Kempe. My instincts took over as I dodged and slashed like a mad man on steroids. The giants had summoned hundreds of monsters to help them but Hades came through and summoned skeleton warriors to take care of them. Some dracaena and earth born appeared infront of me, they started to surround me forming a massive circle around me. I started pivoting and swinging Riptide around making the sun gleam on its sharp and deadly edge. One of the dracaena suddenly charged and I side stepped letting her pass me and swung my sword at the same time resulting in her turning to dust, Now, you must be wandering how the dracaena didn’t start reforming and the answer to that was that before me and ‘the Seven’ came to Greece we went to Rome where we freed Nico and closed the doors of death. Also we found out what the prophecy meant by
“Wisdom’s daughter walks alone,
The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.”
Annabeth was taken from the Argo II during the night and she had to walk alone through Rome to find us and on the way she had trouble with some monsters and she accidentally set fire to a building which actually helped locate her. I went back to my previous position in the centre and resumed my pivoting and swinging. There were about 15 dracaena and 10 earth born left. Two earth born launched some rock at me and batted the first away with Riptide and bent backwards to avoid the second one, kind of like on the film Matrix. As soon as I was standing vertical 5 dracaena charged at me, swinging their swords and spears. I dodged and parried them away and when I saw a dracaena loosen its guard I quickly stepped in and turned it to dust. As I did this a dracaena charged from the side whilst another swung for my head from the front. I waited for the right moment and stepped back as soon as the charging dracaena was close enough, resulting in her getting turned to dust by its own ally who swung for my head. Whilst the swinging dracaena was still in shock after killing its ally I ran up and stabbed her in the neck, dust poured out of the wound and there was a puff as she turned to the yellow stuff. The last two charged at me, one from the right and the other from the left, they were running as far as I could tell the fastest they could. They got within 10 yards and I stepped back, causing them to crash into each other because of their momentum, spear tips pointed resulting in a POOF! That left me with 10 dracaena and earth born. I went back to centre every time I finished off one of the monsters. I slashed and blocked everything being covered in sweat and dust but with no cuts. There was soon only one earth born and dracaena left. The earth born stayed where it was and started to throw chunks of rock at me. Whilst I was distracted the dracaena thought it could sneak up on me, but I sensed her coming and dived out of the way as the earth born launched some spikes at me resulting in them being lodged into the dracaena and it turning to dust. I stopped to take a breather and started to look around at the carnage. Yellow dust covered the battle field as the other ‘Seven’ finished the last of their monsters off. All the monsters were gone and me and the rest of the demigods re-grouped. No body had any serious injuries just a few cuts and bruises.
“How is everyone feeling?” I asked.
All I received was a grunt from everybody present. There was a sudden boom of thunder and streaks of lightening as the gods engaged the Giants. I saw Polybotes and Poseidon engage in battle and I decided to go help my dad. If you guys are wandering why I am not paralysed in fear it’s because Poseidon taught me how to block out the energy that Polybotes radiates to cause the fear. I joined my dad in battle just as he was blasted backwards. Polybotes was carrying a massive trident and a weighted net. He was only wearing a breast plate that seems as if it was made up of monstrous faces with their mouths wide open as if in hunger.
“Ah, the sea scum and his son. This should be like shooting fish in a barrel” Polybotes bragged.
“First of fish breathe, that is not the right way to use the saying. And secondly BRING IT ON!” I exclaimed. I charged at Polybotes with the speed of a cheetah. I weaved in and out of his legs dodging his trident and net. I knew I couldn’t defeat him head on as he was stronger and bigger than me. But I had a plan to tire him out. I know what you are thinking, me having a plan can not be good. It usually ends up with me either blown up or in agonising pain. But that wasn’t gonna happen this time. I quickly slashed his at his ankles and then quickly moved out of the way as his trident came crashing down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my dad getting up. To say he looked angry would be the understatement of the century, he looked out right murderous. He jumped into battle with me as he grew to his full height nearly, matching the giant. With him distracting him I could take cheap shots to his ankles. Me and my dad worked great together as a team, until the earth started to shake violently, everyone was thrown off their feet including the giants and gods. I gingerly got to my feet and started to look around. Everyone was starting to get up as well as the gods. I searched for the giants and all the giants I could see were Polybotes, Encelaedus, Porphyrion and Alcyoneus. The rest must have fallen down the giant fishers that were spread around the battle field. I was looking around at the damages caused and wandered what had done it. That’s when I heard a ear piecing scream…..
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
over a year ago parras2 said…
post soon
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
big smile
Good story!
Love, Aphrodite<3
over a year ago perceus121 said…
post soon please
over a year ago beba157jello said…
I LOVE IT POST SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
Post soon love ur story
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Hello people and thanks so much for the comments :) I will try to post in about an hour or 2 as ive got a few pieces of homework to do :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
I'm guessing annabeth dies and that was her scream then Jason is looked up to or another son of Poseidon
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Here you go guys, hope you like it :)

Chapter 3: Prologue

Percy’s pov

The scream brought me back to my senses. I recognised that scream and I frantically started looking round. I confirmed my suspicions as there was one person missing and that person was very important to me. It was Annabeth. I heard the scream again and turned around to see her in the clutches of the earth itself. It was Gaea. She held a knife threateningly to Annabeth’s throat, the four remaining giants behind her. She was fully awake now, wearing a Greek dress the colour of mud, her brown hair flowed down her back and ended half way down. She looked beautiful but in a sinister and evil way. Nothing compared to Annabeth though. I had only just begun to realise that the gods had told us that when we closed the doors of death we had weakened Gaea considerably. I had come to the realisation that she must have purposely swallowed the other giants to gather enough energy to resurrect her self.
She started grinning like crazy “Yes Perseus Jackson, I guess by the look on your face you have figured out what I did.” She started laughing. “Now there is nothing stopping me from destroying you and all the others.”
Everyone started to realise what she had did.
“Let Annabeth go!” I ordered.
“Only if you join me” she replied with a snicker.
“And why would I do that?”
“OR she dies” she replied plainly. I was caught now, I couldn’t imagine a life without my Wisegirl and I guess Annabeth could see the look on my face as she shouted
“DON’T SEAWEED BRAIN!!” Gaea dug the knife in deeper, a trickle of blood started to flow down her neck. I got really mad at this. I took a threatening step forward but Gaea just dug it in a little deeper.
“Just let her go” I pleaded.
“Not unless you join my side. I do not wish to kill you, you would be a powerful ally.” I looked at Annabeth pleadingly but she just shook her eyes signalling no. I was about to respond when Gaea suddenly let go of her hold on Annabeth. Annabeth started to run towards me as Gaea started to grab her thigh in pain. As she removed her hand I saw a knife sticking out of it. ‘That’s my Wisegirl!’ I mentally shouted. Annabeth was only a few metres away when Gaea started to stand up properly. She recovered quickly and sent a blast of energy that propelled the blade Annabeth used towards the retreating form of my girlfriend.
“Annabeth look out!” I screamed. But it was too late, the energy collided with the retreating form of my girlfriend and sent her flying away from me. I stood there and just stared at the limp body of my Wisegirl sprawled on the floor a few yards away from me. Anger boiled with in me.

Third person pov

A feeling from within him started to spread, he felt power and anger rise. Percy suddenly charged at Gaea. Before he could connect though, Encelaedus pulled her back and blocked his strike. The other remaining giants all rushed forward to help. Before they could get within 20 feet of him, towering blocks of ice appeared out of no where, separating the giants and splitting them into their own chambers. As quick as lightening he began to cut down the giants one by one. There was a powerful ethereal light coming off of him. Almost a godly, bright white light was emanating off of the boy. The gods stood there stunned at how Percy fought. Percy was fighting like a demon as he produced cuts around the ankles of the giants. None of the giants could keep a track of him as he did this. He was too fast for them too see and it seemed as if he was attacking from everywhere at once. After having given Encelaedus another blow to his ankle with Riptide he started to fall. He landed with a boom as the ground shook from his fall. Perseus took his chance and quickly ran to the wounded giant. He leapt onto his chest and started to slash every where. Golden ichor poured from the wounds on his chest like the river Tiber flows through the hills of the Roman Camp. Percy finally stopped slashing and when he did all that remained of Encelaedus’s chest was ichor and torn flesh. Percy finished him off with a clean swipe of his blade across the throat of the giant. Encelaedus’s body began to disintegrate as Percy had successfully killed the giant. The gods looked around at each other to see if any of them had blessed the young hero, blank looks were what they all received. He gods were shocked to find that some how Percy had killed the giant without the blessing or help of a god or goddess.

I had trouble with the fight scene, I had an image in my head but just couldnt quite put it into words, let me know how I did,thanks :)

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
And Percyfan44 you are part write but there is a twist....
over a year ago perceus121 said…
love it post soon i just dont get the title, and please can u read my forum here's the link: link
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
Love it I have posted after every chapter
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
since you read my story I thought I'd check out yours
and guess what??????
Did you guess. Ima tell you anyway
I love your story son of cratus..
It's fantastic. Keep up the good work and post soon.
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
I live in England and it is about 11 pm so i will post another chapter tomorow. Bye!
P.s thanks Percyfan44 here have a cake :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Hello everybody! here is the next chapter:)

Chapter 4: Prologue

Third person pov

Percy rose slowly with no sign of fatigue, heck he didn’t even break a sweat. Suddenly something started banging against the ice that housed Polybotes and cracks started to appear and spread along the ice. With one last almighty bang the ice shattered and out stepped Polybotes with his trident and net in hand. Percy just stood there crouched low and legs tensed, ready to produce as much force as possible. Polybotes charged at Percy with surprising speed for a creature of that size. Percy stayed in his position until the giant was only a few feet away. He finally released the pressure from his legs and he sprang up about 40 feet into the air. He landed on top of Polybotes shoulder and quickly climbed around and onto his back so he couldn’t see him. Polybotes started to look around searching for any sign of the sea scum’s son. He finally gave up and came to the conclusion that he must of accidentally stepped on him whilst he was charging. He started to grin and laugh.
“Told you, you were no match for me!” he bellowed. Whilst tearing up from laughter he didn’t notice our young hero jumping from chinks in his armour to come back round to the front of him and hide just underneath his neck. “I shall now be known as Polybotes, Giant of the seas and the bane of...”
He was abruptly cut off by Percy as he slit the giant’s throat. Polybotes’s eyes grew wide with shock, as golden ichor flowed out of his neck, and exactly like Encelaedus he began to disintegrate. He let out a choke before he completely crumpled away like when a sand castle is destroyed by the waves of the sea on a beach. Again, Percy rose unscathed and barely tired. It was as if someone had given him an extra, extra, extra, extra strong can of coke. The gods looked on along with ‘The Seven’ at how Percy had fought against Polybotes. It was as if he was getting stronger by the second and the giants became easier to destroy. Athena was standing there, pain in her eyes at the sight of her daughter’s limp body. She tore herself away and looked at Perseuse. He had must of really liked her to fight two giants so far and still have two more plus Gaea left. Poseidon looked worried for his son, he was showing incredible strength and power against the giants, he didn’t know how Zeus would take that. He also coildnt bare to just stand there while his son did all the work. Its not like the gods didn’t want to help but they were somehow frozen on the spot. The light surrounding Percy had intensified and now there was a glow behind his eyes. The glow radiated power and it intensified the colour of his eyes. They were now a kind of darkish, sea green and around the pupils they spiralled getting darker and darker. Percy turned his attention back to the two remaining chambers of ice and he turned the ice to water releasing the two giants. Porphyrion, the king of the giants and Alcyoneus the eldest giant stood there shocked at first. Their ankles bleeding from Percy’s earlier attack. They got over their surprise quickly and both grinned from ear to ear. Porphyrion began to talk,
“You are foolish, son of Poseidon, thinking that you cant take on two giants alone. This shall be your down fall!” he yelled the last part. Percy just stood there, eyes fixed on the two remaining giants. Porphyrion charged at Percy. Percy stood there and closed his eyes. He began to concentrate on the water particles around him in the air. He pulled them together to form a massive clump of water. He then began to shape the water with his mind. He froze the water and now waited for the right time. All the while Porphyrion was still charging and as he brought down his spear on top of Percy, his eyes shot open. The glow had intensified tenfold and a massive, solid ice sword blocked the blow. Porphyrion was stunned and staggered back. Percy jumped on to the ice warrior’s chest as a thick door opened up for him. He jumped onto the edge and walked in. The door closed behind him and there was our hero. Stood in the chest of the ice warrior he had created to act like a bigger version of him. The ice warrior was the same size as the giants and he carried an ice replica of Riptide. He also had a shield and his body was decorated with the waves of the ocean and the creatures that lived in it. Alcyoneus walked up to his shocked brother. Porphyrion recovered and he and his brother both charged at Percy. Percy charged along with the two giants and the three enormous creatures clashed. The ground gave way and massive chunks of it were sticking out everywhere. A cloud of dust had formed, hiding the battle form the prying eyes of the gods and demigods. As the dust cleared what they saw shocked them to an extent unknown. They saw….
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Ughhh i hate cliff hangers!! Post soon!!
over a year ago parras2 said…
amazing chapter!!
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
thanks guys :) who do you want Percy to be with? Please share your ideas :)
over a year ago parras2 said…
calypso or artemis
over a year ago swiftwater said…
Your awssome great good job!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
Awesome new page post soon
over a year ago beba157jello said…
big smile
OMG THAT WAZ AWESOME POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
Great work as always son of cratus
I find your forum to be brillent.
An I would say to our Percy with Thalia.
PERLIA 4EVER lol. That's one of my friends username.
Anyway Thalia should be his mate.
And post soon
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
I and thanks for the cake
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Wow really good post soon
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
please post sooN!
over a year ago killer24 said…
When I read this I was like wow x1000000000000000000 you just blow my mind
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
You lot are great! Thanks for the comments everyone it realy means alot! So, Percy's 'mate' as anaklusmus put it so far i have got

Thalia 1
Artemis 1
Calypso 1
please tell me what you lot think and i will be posting soon! :)
over a year ago killer24 said…
Artemis all the way yeah man/ woman
Ps:my mind is still blown
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Hello! here is the chapter and thanks again for the comments also im a man Killer24 which is kinda why im SON of cratus but im glad we cleared that up :) A warning though this chapter may seem a little gory or graphical so BE WARNED!!! ANd i also need people to say who they want percy to be with, i was thinking hestia but if you chose other wise then thats fine, here are the results so far
CAlypso 1
Artemis 2
Thalia 1
Hestia 1

Chapter 5: Prologue

Third person pov

They saw Percy and his warrior crouched over the two strongest giants. Both had been knocked out by the impact of the collision where as Percy was untouched. Percy slowly rose in is warrior and as he did the warrior rose in complete synchronisation. Porphyrion had a little bit of golden ichor in the corner of his mouth slowly coming out and oozing down his chin. The gods watched on astounded at the show of power Percy produced. Percy raised his warrior’s sword and plunged it deep into the heart of Porphyrion, he twisted then pulled out the blade which was covered in the golden immortal blood. His body began to crumble and disintegrate. He leisurely strode over to the body of Alcyoneus and did the same. But before he could plunge the blade into his heart, the giant rolled away and sprung to his feet.
“Did you really think you could destroy me that easily? You are more foolish then I originally thought!” he taunted. Percy just stood as his warrior stared holes into Alcyoneus face. If looks could kill then Alcyoneus would be dead and more. Percy stayed silent though in his ice soldier. Alcyoneus growled
“Speak you puny mortal or face my wrath!”
Again Percy just stood there staying still. Alcyoneus got angry and charged at Percy. Percy crouched low to get a low centre of gravity and good balance. Alcyoneus reached Percy and started slashing wildly. Percy ducked and side stepped everything and blocked when needed. Alcyoneus got even more frustrated and started slashing again with more fury. This took away his accuracy and Percy took advantage of this. He turned the right arm of his warrior into a sharp sword and waited patiently for the right moment, Alcyoneus kept swinging and did not notice Perseus actions. The giant swung again and this time put a little too much force behind it and stumbled when Percy took a sideward step. Percy immediately took advantage of this and stabbed the ice sword deep into the giant’s side, breaking through ribs and vital organs. Percy lifted his arm and with it the giant and started to smash him from side to side on the already battered ground. Everyone was amazed at his show of strength and power. He had just lifted a 40,000 tonne giant with one arm with out any trouble at all. Athena was thinking about the young hero. ‘Where did he get this strength from? Was it always in him, just waiting for a chance to come out? Or was it to do with the glow and the fact that he could kill a giant?’
‘You are close Athena’ some one said in her head.
‘Am I? On what part’ she tried to ask back but the voice was gone. Athena thought over it some more but then returned her attention back to Percy’s warrior. He had just finished pummelling the giant from side to side. He raised his massive ice leg and slid the giant, all battered and bruised, of his ice sword and onto the hard, uneven ground. The giant’s eyes were swollen shut from being repeatedly smashed on the face by the ground and his nose was nothing more then jelly as all the cartilage that formed it was smashed to pieces. He let out a groan and tried to open an eye. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a swift slice of his ice replica of Riptide to his throat. The last giant was killed. Percy had successfully defeated four giants with out the help of the gods or demigods present at the mountain today. Percy turned around as his ice warrior melted away and soaked the already drenched, ichor filled ground. The water was like a slide as it gently brought him down to the earth. He started to walk towards the frozen gods and demigods. They all smiled at him while he looked depressed and sad. Their smiles quickly turned to looks of horror as they had forgotten about one thing. One thing that represented the biggest threat. Gaea. She was there standing behind Percy a dagger in hand, and not just any dagger. The dagger she used to kill Annabeth. Percy seeing the scared looks on his friend’s faces turned around to be met by the gaze of Gaea. He snarled and you could literally feel the temperature drop as he moved towards Gaea. Gaea started to taunt the hero
“Awww is the saviour of Olympus upset that I killed his pathetic excuse of a girlfriend?”
“Don’t talk about her like that” Percy just about managed to get out through his clenched teeth.
“Or what? What are you going to do to stop me ‘seaweed brain’?” she asked with such ferocity and sarcasm.
Percy lost it after she used Annabeth’s nickname for him. He charged her at full speed, and to say that was fast would be lying. If the gods thought he was fast earlier, that was nothing compared to how fast he was now. He was faster than light and nobody saw him move, not even Gaea as he was suddenly infront of her slashing at her torso and legs. He could have just slit her throat when he appeared infront of her, but he wanted her to suffer. He wanted her to feel the pain he felt inside. He wanted revenge. He continued to slash her all over her body relentlessly when suddenly the earth started to shake and massive waves came out of now where. Percy had gone over board, he had summoned too much power at once and now he was out of control. He continued to slash at Gaea and now started to dissect her piece by piece. He started with her fingers as he cut them off as a massive wall of ice held her by her hands and legs. He then continued to do the same with her toes as golden ichor flowed from all the wounds he had created. He then cut off her feet, hands, ears, nose and tongue. Next he forced gallons of water into her stomach and concentrated. He then opened his eyes as he found the water in her stomach and turned it to ice, expanding it. He repeated this until he felt her stomach rupture. He left the water there and turned it into sharp spike that stuck out of her skin through her belly. She started to scream in pain, which is something you do not want to hear or see when someone has no tongue. Her mouth was full of golden ichor and more was gushing out every second. It was like nothing she felt before in all her immortal life. She couldn’t stop screaming as the pain was doubling every second. Percy hearing her scream snapped out of his torture trance he stared at Gaea and then his golden stained hands. He gasped in shock and quickly silenced and ended Gaea’s pain with a quick swipe of Riptide across her throat. He had done it. He had finally won the Giant war. But at what cost? He had lost the most important thing in the world to him. He started to break down crying on the spot when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

LONGEST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,226 words
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago parras2 said…
big smile
great chapter!!
over a year ago beba157jello said…
big smile
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
Amazing chapter
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
good posts :D
percy must be consumed by his anger
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
please post! Very very epic!
over a year ago killer24 said…
I'ma scared shit less
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
hahahah thanks guys and gals! Here is the next chapter please comment :) So far for percy's couple issues its
Artemis 2
Hestia 1
Thalia 1
Calypso 1
Reyna 1

Chapter 6: Prologue

Percy pov

I turned around to see my father with his hand on my shoulder. He gave me a warm smile and I broke down crying, whilst jumping into his arms for a hug. I stayed for gods know how long and didn’t stop weeping. All the pain and anguish I had felt whilst fighting the giants and Gaea all came out at in that moment of time. The death of my wise girl, the girl I most loved in the world had finally hit home fully. I got out of the hug that my father gave me and looked behind him. All the gods stood there looking at me. Some looked at me with fright whilst others looked at me with sympathy. One goddess had her eyes down. I walked up to her and said
“Athena I am sorry I couldn’t keep your daughter safe. It is my fault she died and I would understand if you hate me and cursed me with owls for the rest of my life.” There were a few snickers at this. Athena looked up and surprised me by what she did next. She hugged me. The goddess who was against me and her daughter going out the most, hugged me. I hugged her back once I got over my surprise. I felt a something wet on my shoulder and realised she was crying. This was getting weirder and weirder by the minute. But what she did next was so shocking, I think I will never really get over it.
“I am sorry Perseus, for not being supportive of yours and my daughter’s relationship. I am sorry for ever doubting that you loved her.” SHE JUST APOLOGISED! The goddess of wisdom and battle strategy, Athena, just apologised. I stood there shocked, mouth gaping open. I recovered and started to say
“It is ok, you just didn’t want her to have a broken heart” I replied honestly. She smiled a little before the sad expression came back. We collected our things and the body of the only casualty in this war. I carried the limp body of my dead girlfriend. Some gods offered to teleport her back to camp, but I said I would carry her and that they could teleport us both. We teleported back to camp to find that it was noon and everyone was waiting for us in the dining pavilion. What surprised me was the fact that the Roman campers were here also and so were the Amazons and Hunters. Everyone instantly became silent. Everyone eyes were plastered on the body in my arms. Malcolm suddenly shot up and started to cry.
“No, no, no, NO! It can’t be her. Please tell me it is not her!” he screamed in emotional pain. I sadly hung my head. Everyone soon realised who it was and the whole Athena cabin gasped in shock. Annabeth was close to all her cabin mates, but especially Malcolm. Athena ran to join her other children and gave Malcolm a massive hug. She pattered him on the back. I was pulled away from the scene as more tears threatened to come out, by Chiron my centaur mentor.
“Campers! Our heroes must be tired. Let them go rest and later we shall discuss the happenings of the war!” everybody rushed out of the dinning pavilion apart from me, Thalia, who was here with the hunters, Grover, Nico, Reyna, Hylla and the rest of ‘The seven’ and the gods. There was an awkward silence before the demigods not involved in the war started to hug me and everyone else. The first to hug me was Thalia as she broke down in tears also. She started to weep on my shoulder and repeatedly said how sorry she was. Everyone else did this as well even Reyna and Hylla hugged him and said if there was anything they could do he knew where they were. They continued to ask what happened as everyone began to answer and tell them how Percy had tooken on four giants and Gaea by himself. They then went on to discuss the glow and power Percy showed. Percy stayed emotionless and silent through out this period. He didn’t know how to react. This was the lowest point in his life and little did he know that it was going to get worse.

Here you go!! I might post another chapter later on, depends if i do something or not.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago parras2 said…
what could be worse than seeing his girlfriend die?
over a year ago killer24 said…
??????? I have no clue so sad
over a year ago perceus121 said…
post soon
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Here is another chapter :) I will post more tomorow as iam going bed now. Happy reading! and i thought ill just say that i find difficult writing sad scenes as i am generally a happy person and i dont enjopy writing these scens either. but it needs to be done for the plot. There will be happier parts.

Chapter 7

Third person pov

It had been one week since ‘The Seven’ had come back and Percy had not been out of his cabin apart from occasionally going to the beach or dining pavilion. Jason had started to teach swordsmanship as Percy never turned up to his classes and no one had spoken to him since. People had tried Thalia, Nico, Grover and even Chiron had tried to start a conversation with him, but all he did was either grunt or zone out and start looking off towards the beach. It was starting to worry them.
“I know he misses her and blames himself for Annabeth’s death but isn’t he taking it a bit too far?” Hylla asked. The Romans had decided to stay and merge the two camps together. The new name of the camp was Camp Demigod. The hunters and Amazons had decided to stay for a little bit and help with the merging.
“You don’t get it. After the second titan war, he was depressed for weeks, blaming himself for everyone’s deaths and now it’s 100 times worse. Percy LOVED her, gods know when or if ever he will ever fully get over her death” Thalia replied looking down at the floor.
“Wow! For a hunter that was very accurate there Thalia” Nico retorted with a small smile. Thalia didn’t reply but just kept her head down staring at the floor.
“Lets just hope he gets better after her funeral” Chiron said hopefully. There was a chorus of ‘yeahs’ and ‘hope so’ through out the crowd gathered to talk about Percy.


Nothing had improved with our heroes condition. He was still sad and depressed but there were hopes that he would get a little bit better after the funeral rights today. Everybody, including gods and goddess, major or small, gathered at the beach of Camp Demigod. Annabeth’s shroud was a stormy grey, just like her eyes and had owl and architectural patterns all over it. The sea was calm and still almost as if it felt the pain of their masters son. Everybody hushed down as Hestia stood up too talk. She was the funeral director as life begins and ends in the hearth.
“Hello, we are here today to say goodbye to one of the heroes of the last great prophecy. To a girl who fought for what she believed in and died protecting the mortals, demigods and gods that live on this planet. She was the architect of Olympus and was also a hero of the second titan war. She was one of the cleverest children of Athena we have had since Daedalus himself and she showed this in her designs and battle strategies. She was loved by everyone and everyone knew of her good nature and friendliness. To talk some more about this magnificent woman is her mother Athena.” Athena shakily got up and walked to the little platform that was infront of the water that also held the shroud. She looked up and began
“Annabeth was everything a mother could ask for in a daughter. She was clever and could be trusted to do the right things. We had our troubles when she started going out with that kelp heads son but I know now why she did it. He is the only man that I know that is totally faithful. Even without his memories and girls hitting on him right, left and centre he still stayed true. He loved her and she loved him with all her heart. I just wish I could of realised that sooner.” She stepped down as tears threatened to come cascading out. Hestia introduced some more people to talk about her. Thalia, her father, Malcolm and some other friends all went up.
“Now it is time for the person that knew her the best to talk. Perseus if you would please…” Percy stood and walked up to the platform. He licked his lips and stared at the shroud for a long period of time. Hestia coughed and Percy turned towards her as she pointed to the audience. This would be the first time anyone on this planet would have heard him speak since they returned. He looked up and began
“I don’t know what else to say. She was the smartest, most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. She was my mortal anchor to this world and she was my comforter when I was sad. She was funny when she waned to be and quite angry and mean when she got something wrong or didn’t know something. I loved her with all my heart and we did everything together. I couldn’t have saved anything if it weren’t for her always being there, encouraging me and giving me ideas, even if she didn’t know it the simple fought of her dieing would keep me going through the toughest of times. She took a poisoned blade for me in the second titan war that was heading straight towards my Achilles spot. I held the weight of the world for her, literally, and I would do it again if it meant saving her. But the one time she truly needed me the most, I failed her. She died because of me being unable to save the woman that I loved. She died….”
There was a sudden crash coming from the borders of camp.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…

so sad but so good keep up the good work!
over a year ago ThisIsKool said…
big smile
Great story so far!!! I vote for Hestia. WOOT WOOT
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
Good story that part was sad thou
over a year ago parras2 said…
poor percy :'(