The Heroes of Olympus The Mark Of Athena

Alex10760 posted on Jan 29, 2012 at 01:21AM
I decided to make a version of the mark of athena

The Heroes of Olympus 2 replies

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over a year ago Alex10760 said…
I Piper
Hey leo when are we gonna land asked piper in about 20 minutes leo said - you should probably tell Jason and annabeth. Piper ran off looking for jason when piper find him he was seating alone in a bench.Piper walked to him and said -There you are I been looking for you everywhere.Piper sat next to him, gived him a kiss in the cheek and said -where gonna be landing in about 20 minutes.Look Piper as we get closer i start remembering more things like what this tatto means jason said.It's ok piper said -But know I got to find Annabeth. Oh she is in her room Jason said.

II Annabeth

What if he doesn't rememeber me or he meet someone else Annabeth thought.Right then someone knocked the door and annabeth opened it to find piper and said come in. Piper telled annabeth that they be there in about 10 minutes, but that only made her more nervous.Piper sat down and said that everything would be ok. Annabeth wanted to believe it but at the end she said - what if it's not what will i do. I really love him then piper said - and he loves you too you need to be confident just believe.when piper finished she heard someone screaming ! five minutes, will be there in five minutes!
Then they runned out of the room to where Jason was then they heard jason screaming - come here you have to see this. He pointed at two person a girl and a boy dressed in what looked like bedsheets.
III Jason
You see that guy i think he's Percy.Annabeth said Im so happy to see him again but their pointing at us with arrows.It's ok said jason as they landed in the docks. Ok he said - I'll go first if they reconize me they probably lower their weapons. Just be careful go piper said as she gave him a kiss.Jason got off the war ship and said - Nice too see you guys again. The girl in bedsheets secreamed. Jason said -Lower your weapons!Everybody lower their weapons, ok guys come out it's safe now.As the others got of the warship Leo asked- ? Why are you wearing bedsheets?
Um... their not bedsheets their togas said Percy.Annabeth said - Percy do you remember me? Percy did a motion as if saying of course. They both ran and gived a slow kiss.
The girl in the toga(reyna jason remembered now)said hello then went back to give orders.Piper snuck up behind.Piper sayed sorry. Is everything all right? jason was so tensed he couldn't say anything so piper kiss him.Then Jason realized reyna was standing behind him. She coughed and ask if she could speak in private with him.
They went to the temple hill when they got there reyna asked ? Why did that girl kiss you ? Jason said - I'm sorry when i was lost i had no memory.We went in a quest and I feeled in love with her.I don't wanna hurt.
Sorry.- It's Ok i also feeled in love.
thats goods for the both of us. Who is he?
-Sorry I can't tell you
Ok let's go back.

IV Percy
Percy was so happy to see Annabeth.He heard jason and reyna coming back so he kissed annabeth quick.When everybody was there he said
Let's start the reuinion.
Reyna stood up and said - Who are the 7 who shall go on this quest.Percy said - Jason,Piper,Leo,Frank,Hazel,Annabeth and Me.
But octavian speaked up and said - Why should Annabeth go?
Because Hera/Juno said that she has to go so you wanna argue with a goddess Percy said.
So it decided Jason,Piper,Leo,Frank,Hazel,Annabeth and Percy shall go said reyna.
After all of the 7 where walking to the Via Praetoria.Jason asked if the could talk.They went to the fields of mars. Jason kicked Percy in the gut and yelled ! You tooked my place as praetor!
Percy was lefted on the floor with pain, screaming.
V Frank
Heard screams in the fields of mars.It was starting to get dark he asked for light and leo had made a small fire in his hand looked for a piece of wood in his belt and make a torch and said here you go.Frank was surprised but stilled scared.He grabbed Hazel's arm and whisspered " You saw that he can turn into fire we gotta keep the piece of wood safe" Hazel gaved him a kiss .When they got to the fields Percy was in the floor with pain Jason was no where to be seen.They gave him some nectar leo had in his backpack.Frank looked for jason everywhere but he din't saw jason.
The next day Jason was sitting with Percy,Annabeth,Leo,Piper and Me.Jason said -Hey Percy im sorry for what happend yesterday i guess something got in me.It ok Percy said I feel better I have annabeth with me.Annabeth kissed percy.Frank was busy looking for hazel.Hey guys have you seen hazel.
over a year ago Alex10760 said…
big smile
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