The Heroes of Olympus Jason Grace's Mark of Athena

Jason_Grace319 posted on Feb 02, 2012 at 06:29AM
All rights go to the Amazing Rick Riordan.

I know there are other forums out there like this, but I just wanted to state my opinion.

This is just my version.

Please check out my other forum, "Forbidden Love" @
last edited on Mar 03, 2012 at 07:18AM

The Heroes of Olympus 111 replies

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over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
K guys not gonna post until I get 1 comment...
Still waiting!
Lol jk
But seriously, tell me if you are interested.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swiftwater said…
okay post soon
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
YAY!!! Time to post!
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Chapter 1 

Oh my gods, today we set sail in the Argo II to go to Camp Jupiter, I thought. Jason says Camp Jupiter is just like Camp Halfblood. Except everything there is Roman not Greek, and there is a lot more achiture. And I love architecture. But the main reason I am excited is that I get to see my boyfriend again after 8 months. You see 10 months ago, me and my boyfriend started going out. I was so happy. After 5 years we started dating. Anyway 8 months ago Percy disappeared and this new kid Jason came to take his place as a trade of power. And of course it was the work of Hera, the most meaningless goddess of all. She never liked me, and the feelings mutual. She also doesn't like children of Zeus, which makes sense why she chose Jason's life to mess up as well. I just don't understand what she had against Percy.
"Annabeth, are you ready to go?" Leo asked interrupting my thoughts.
"Yea, just a sec, Leo. When do we need to  leave?"
"In about 20 seconds,"
"Where's Piper?"
"Over here!"
"And Jason?"
"Umm, where is Jason?" Leo asked.
"Leo, check the Zeus cabin; I'll check the big house. Piper, check everywhere else," I said before running off to look for Jason.
"Jason! Where are you? It's time to go!" I yelled trying to find him.
"Annabeth?" I heard him call out.
"Jason, where are you? We need to leave,"
"I'm talkin' to Chiron!"
I found him and told him it was time to go.
"Good luck, child" Chiron said in centaur form before we ran out the door.
"Guys, I found Jason. Let's go!" I yelled to Leo and Piper.
As we were boarding the ship, I made sure everyone was with us, because there was no need to leave anyone at camp because if our quest failed, there would be no camp to come back to.
Hope you like it.
Should I continue?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ontril86 said…
You should keep posting, this seems interesting.
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
Keep posting this sounds REALLY good
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Yay I get cake from me!

Chapter 2

Finally, we're here. It's been 4 days but we're finally here. I am about to send a message to the Romans so they don't, umm I don't know, blow us out of the sky.
"Hey!" I started, "Greetings from your friends at Camp Halfblood et cetera. This is Leo. I'm the..." I turned to the right and asked, "What's my title? Am I like the admiral, or the captain, or-"
"Repair boy!" Piper called out from behind the camera.
"Very funny, Piper," I grumbled. "So yeah, I'm... ah... supreme commander of the Argo II. Yeah, I like that! Anyway, we're gonna be sailing toward you in about, I dunno, an hour in the big mother warship. We'd appreciate it if you'd not, like, blow us out of the sky or anything. So okay! If you could tell the Romans that.
See you soon. Yours in demigodishness, and all that. Peace out."
So we've got an hour left to decide how we'll prepare- for war, or for peace.
I watched as Jason walked over to Piper and whispered something in her ear then they walked off. Annabeth came over looking very anxious.
"What's on your mind?" I asked her.
"You seem so worried," Which came out sounding more likes question.
"Remember when Jason came, he didn't know anything and was holding hands with Piper?"
"Yea, what 'bout it?"
"It's just that, what if the same thing happened to Percy? What if he doesn't remember me? What if he has another girlfriend? What if he chooses-"
"Annabeth! Calm down!" I said cutting her off. "You just got to relax, like, calm down, take a break." A few minutes later Annabeth was walking around the ship, anxiously awaiting their arrival at Camp Jupiter when I heard something drop. I walked over to see a silver box with an owl on it. I figured it was Annabeth's so I gave it to her. And when she opened it, you wouldn't believe what was in there.
"Annabeth! Your mom got you a... an iPod?" I asked.
"I guess. I don't know why she would send this. Demigods and technology don't mix well. Unless your you I guess. But why would she send this?"
There was a note inside the box that I tried to read, "'Dear Annabeth, I know you are very womied and anxious but damt be. I hold tell you that here was a tabtle at Camp Juniper yestenday. I hop this will help you ralex.'"
Then Annabeth said, "No, it says 'Dear Annabeth, I know you are very worried and anxious but don't be. I should tell you that there was a battle at Camp Jupiter yesterday. I hope this will help you relax.'" 
She plugged in the earphones and started listening to the music. She found Thalia's favorite band, Green Day, and started listening. She later scrolled through and saw that her mom put all the information in Daedalus's laptop onto it. She also found some cool apps like "Where's My Weapon" and "Enemy Tracker" and "Will He Leave You?"
She asked me if I wanted to listen to her iPod when we heard Jason say, "Landing in 1 minute!"
I looked down to see Romans everywhere, holding weapons.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CalebChase said…
this is coooool post soon
over a year ago perceus121 said…
post please
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Sorry for short Chapters, I'm a little new at this but here is the next 1

Chapter 3

We set sail for days ago. And the entire time I've been trying to get Jason to notice me incase there is any other girls. I've tried being flirty, funny, pretty, cute, once I accidentally charmspoke him. And I hate charm speaking people. I even kissed him on the cheek one time.
I went below deck to help Leo with his video and afterwards I came back up an was just waiting.
I was looking over the railing when Jason came up to me and whispered in my ear, "Can we talk?"
"Sure," I said confused by his serious tone.
We walked into his bedroom and he said that his memories were fully started to come back.
"Really? That's great!" I said looking as his glum and expressionless face.
"I'm starting to remember people too."
"Okaayyy" I said dragging out the "a".
"Their is a certain person I remember the most"
"You mean... You're saying... You have a girlfriend?" I finally stammered out.
"Well, not really. We never dated, just flirted a lot."
"But what about us. Are you dumping me?"
"Dumping you? We were never actually dating."
"What do you mean? We dated for 2 weeks. Remember our kiss on the roof under the sta-" I stopped myself from finishing.
"That was the mist. It never actually happened. And who said I chose her?"
"So you pick me?" I said too perky.
"I'm not sure yet," he replied solemnly.
I stormed out of the room with him right behind me. He grabbed my wrist and I turn around to slap him but before I could he kissed me right on the lips. When he pulled away I slapped him.
"What was that for?"
"You think you can tell me you have a girlfriend, dump me, then come back around and kiss me like that? What kind of jerk messes around with a girls feelings like that? Go ahead, date the girl! I don't care!
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
I already have next Chapter
Who's POV should chapter 5 be?
over a year ago perceus121 said…
big smile
percy's pov show how he is feeling (for e.g. happy, excited, nervous) nr about meeeting annabeth, make him wonder if annabeth has a new boyfriend and stuff like that

also post soon please
over a year ago perceus121 said…
big smile
percy's pov show how he is feeling (for e.g. happy, excited, nervous) nr about meeeting annabeth, make him wonder if annabeth has a new boyfriend and stuff like that

also post soon please
over a year ago perceus121 said…
also could any of you read my forum because i didnt post for 2 days because i was busy with homework and i think they left so please read i posted on my forum 5-10 minutes ago

two greatest heroes of all times. banished? its on the popular content
over a year ago pecyjacksonXD said…
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
I already had Percy for 4...
Here you go

Chapter 4
(longer chapter)

This was the day I either get my girlfriend back, or the day the Romans kill me. I could see the ship as it was landing. Octavian kept glancing at me with those murderous eyes. And Reyna kept looking around nervously. I could tell she was worried about the "all-powerful Jason Grace." when I first heard that name I knew it was familiar, but couldn't tell who it was. Now I remember it is Thalia Grace. I don't think they are related. But I haven't really asked anyone. The real thing I'm worried about is Annabeth- The one thing I remembered when Hera took my memory away. Curse that Hera. She never liked Annabeth. But what did she have against me. From Annabeth I expect a slap, and then a kiss. I don't want to make a big scene in front of everyone. But with my luck, that wont happen. I am also worried that if the Greeks attack, Octavian is going to kill me .
"Praetor Jackson, a word?" I heard Reyna call from behind me.
"Umm a yea, sure. And please don't call me that."
"If there is any sign of a threat Octavian is going to kill you."
"I know but they won't."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because a. Jason is on that ship, b. the Greeks are my people, and c. my girlfriend is on that ship" I replied. "Although, I can't get a thought out of my head."
"Who are the seven in the prophecy?"
She thought for a minute before answering.
"My guess is you, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Leo and Piper from the message, and either me or your girlfriend."
Octavian walked over and said, "How would you prefer to be killed? I'll let you choose."
"I'm sorry, Octavian, but there will be no dying today. Except maybe your stuffed animals might."
"For a long time I have feared that there might still be Greek demigods in existance and that they are plotting against," Octavian said randomly.
"We didn't even know you guys existed," I explained.
"Well, now I know I'm right," he smirked.
I watched as the ship touched ground. That masthead looked really, really familia. Although its been 8 months and you expect me to remember that?
First a kid with blond hair and eyes like Thalia walked. Reyna instantly ran from my side to hug Jason. She stopped a second before and noticed a girl standing really close to Jason.
"Reyna," Jason said.
"Hello, Prae- I mean Jason," she replied.
I know that Jason was the praetor before me, but I didn't think it was a big deal to him.
"What?" he questioned looking confused at her.
"Hi," I said introducing myself, "I'm Percy, Percy Jackson. I'm the new praetor."
He looked shocked by that comment, "Jason Grace," he said almost angrily.
"I am not the smartest man in the world, but I am guessing you are the Praetor Jason Grace. The Legend. The man who destroyed Krios." I said.
"And you are the Percy Jackson, or should I say Praetor Jackson?" he smirked.
I couldn't tell whether this guy would be my best friend or my worst enemy. "Plaese, don't call me that."
"So you are the Greek that returned Zeus' master bolt, found the Golden Fleece, held the sky, took a swim in the Styx, defeated Kronos, and turned down immortality. Not very Roman of you."
"Who said I was Roman?" I replied shaking his hand.
"I think you are the only Rom-"
"Annabeth?" I asked as she jumped into my arms and I swung her around.
"You remember me?"she asked shocked at the sound of her name.
"Of course, you're the only thing I remember, Wise girl!" I replied happier than ever.
A few minutes later the kid from the video message walked out, he looked just like the kid in the pictures at Hazel's house.
"Sammy? Sammy is that you?" I heard hazel cry as she ran toward him and gave him a hug.
"I'm Leo. Didn't you guys get my message?" he replied confused.
Hazel pulled away and said, " Umm, sorry, I thought you were someone else.
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
LUV IT! I've read about every 'Mark of Athena' fanfiction there is and this is a really good one. Post soon!
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Thank You!
You all get CAKE!!!!
I'm working on next Chapter...
I got stuck!
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Dedicated to all my fans (lol I never thought I would get a chance to say that!)

Chapter 5

"Hazel, what are you doing?"
"Huh, uh, yea sure," she said a bit dazed
"Do you know anyone named Sammy Valdez?" she said to the kid that I thought was Leo.
"I think my grandfather was named Sammy,"
"When was he born?" she asked almost commanding him to tell her.
"I dunno, 1940's, I'm guessing. There's no way you could know him, but everyone said I look identical to him when he was my age," he said a little frightened and confused.
Hazel looked at the people around her staring at her and she blushed and said, "Umm yea, there's no way I could have known him. Hey, did your grandfather live in New Orleans?"
"Umm I think so. He used to talk about how much water there was where he used to live, but he had a girlfriend and a lot of horses to 'keep his heart warm" as he always used to say." He replied still confused about all the questions.
"What? He did, what was her name?" She replied getting anxious.
"I think it was Ha- Wait a second, why should I be telling you these things?"
She leaned up closed to one ear, which made me a little jealous, and said something I couldn't hear.
"What?! You were... Now you're... But how?..." He replied looking almost horrified.
"I know, it's unbelievable, but trust me" she said as she almost started to cry.
"Okay, I think her name was-" He started to say but was cut off.
"Hey Frank, Hazel! Come over here," Percy said.
"Kay, coming!" I said, "Let's go see what Percy needs."
"Good timing, Percy, good timing." I heard Hazel mutter.
"Annabeth, Frank and Hazel. Frank and Hazel, Annabeth." He said introducing them.
"Hi! I'm Annabeth, daughter of Athena." She said so cheerfully.
"Hazel, daughter of Plut- I mean Hades." She said.
"And I'm Frank, Frank Zhang, son of Mars- or Ares, and descendent of Neptu- or Poseidon." I said mixing up the Roman and Greek gods.
"Really? You're a son of Ares?" She replied shocked.
"Umm yea, there somethin' wrong with that?" I said trying to act tuff.
"No, it's just, you're so nice... and friends with Percy."
"Yea, the day Percy came Ma- Ares visited and you could tell he didn't like him." I said chuckling.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Sorry for another short chapter...
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
If my forum gets put on popular content plz tell me!
over a year ago pecyjacksonXD said…
awesome now you get cake:)
over a year ago pecyjacksonXD said…
and a monkey cause monkeys are cool
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Thx I like monkeys and cake...
Just don't mix them, I am NOT eating a mon-cake
Anyway... 1 more person!
over a year ago percabeth143 said…
Post soon!! i wanna know what will happen to leo and hazel and piper and jason!!! the suspense is killing me!!! POSSSTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
U find out about "Lezel" or "Lazel" in ch 8

Chapter 6

"Why do they have weapons if they come in peace?"
Octavian. "Calm down, I'm sure it's purely self-defense. Right Annabeth. Besides, even if the do attack aren't you the one that said they are all art no fight?" I replied smirking.
"It is true, you Greeks," He said 'Greeks' like it was a deadly disease you did not want to have. "are known for art and architecture, pathetic weaklings."
I just notice Rachel right next to me. "What?! You Romans," She said it the same way Octavian said 'Greeks', "are just copies of the Greeks. You stole our traditions and modified them for the 'better'" she said with air quotes around 'better'.
There was a few murmurs of agreement from the Greeks.
"And you are?" Octavian said sounding annoyed.
"Rachel, the GREEK oracle." She was almost screaming now.
"Ahh, so you are an oracle, as in you tell the future?"
"No," She said sarcastically said, " I am a magical unicorn that prances around telling quotes from old inventors," There was a few laughs and snickers from this comment.
"So, I'm guessing you know who I am and what I do?"
"Of course, you are the psychotic kid Octavian who murders stuffed animals to find prophecies," Now I was even stiffling back a laugh. I even saw Reyna smile.
"Hmmhmm, and who is your godly parent?" He said expectingly.
"I am a mortal," She said.
"Hah! A mortal, you let a mortal tell you what to do?!" he said laughing.
"Yes, and you let murdered stuffed animals tell you what to do! Now we're even." she said smirking with her hand on her knife. Wait, since when did Rachel use a knife?
Octavian noticed this and said, "Oh, so you want to fight me?"
"Sure, why not. The Spirit of Delphi protects me so lets go." she replied.
"Okay, but you should know I've beaten Percy in every sword fight."
"No you haven't," I said, " you don't even use a sword!" I said laughing. "In fact, I've never even seen you fight!"
Rachel took out her knife and through it at Octavian. I could tell she meant to miss, but it stabbed him dead on in the center of his shoulder. Rachel started to grab another.
"Rachel, stop."
"No, he deserves this," she said with the voice of Delphi while throwing another knife at Octavian's other shoulder. She grabbed another and it grazed his hair. He now has a buzz cut. I could tell the next would not miss its target. He was now screaming in agony. Right after she threw it I took all of the water vapor around it and froze the dagger where it was. I could tell that Delphi was fighting my fight, not Rachel.
Rachel stared mental daggers at me than Octavian screamed again. "Well, help him! Well then again..." some Apollo campers rushed over and brought him to the hospital when Rachel fainted.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Yay new page!
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Remember 2 comments,
over a year ago pecyjacksonXD said…
Whoa very suspenseful,i want to be a magical unicorn that prances around telling quotes from old inventors hahaha , and percy`s new power is sweet!
over a year ago Wisegirl14 said…
For Chapter 3, I usually thought that Piper was less...errr...forward. But over all, the chapter was pretty good. ^^
over a year ago trivia101 said…
This is sooo good post soon!!
over a year ago Wisegirl14 said…
big smile
Okay, Percy power on Chapter 6 is pretty cool. >U<
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
keep posting dude !
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
No how often would you like to take the water vapor around people and freeze them?
Anyway next chapter

Chapter 7

The last thing I remember was that son of a hellhound Octavian going to the infirmary, then I blacked out...
I dreamed I was in Olympus. I've never been there but Annabeth has shown me lots of pictures. Anyway there was this  voice, this voice was deep and blood-chilling, spine tingling, and worst of all familiar. It was Gaea. I knew it. I don't know how I knew it but I did. I've never heard Gaea, but something told me this was her.
"Join me, mortal. You will be my most valuble pawn after Perseus Jackson. For you will unlock many secrets and answers. With you I will rise and we can conquer. We will take over Olympus and you can be the new god of prophecies. We shall get rid of that silly Apollo guy and put you in charge. You don't have to wake up, you can wait. I did. You don't need the others. Perseus will soon betray you, for we already have an agreement to work together."
"What?! Percy would never betray his friends. He is the most loyal person in the world."
"Of course he is, that is his fatal flaw. But don't you worry because I'll take you for myself-"
My dream changed to the throne room.
"Hello, Rachel."
"Lady Hera, why do I have the pleasure of the queen of the gods visiting me?"
"Well someone had to save you from Gaea. Besides I'm hear to warn you."
"Is it about Percy? Will he really betray us?"
"I am not allowed to tell you that, but I can tell you that Annabeth is the last of the seven, and that she will cause the most trouble. But of course the fates made up there mind long ago and that cannot be changed."
"Rachel, wake up! Rachel you need to get up!" I heard yelling.
"Rachel it's time to get up now, you've slept for long enough," a soothing voice said as I woke up.
"Relax, don't put to much power, what if Gaea hears you?"
"Shhhhhh. She's awake."
"W-what happened?" I stammered.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Should I start a Perlia Forum?
over a year ago percabeth143 said…
Yeahh:) that would be awesome!! great chapiieess:D
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Retread chapter 5
Sammy didn't live in Alaska, he lived in new orleans!
Stupid me!
Anyway I deserve monkeys to throw bananas at me or messing up.
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Thanks percabeth...
And wait your name is percabeth yet you want Perlia? Ok!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pecyjacksonXD said…
good chapter:) and when you start your Perlia forum please post a link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
I need some ideas of how percabeth breaks up
Best will get cake!
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
MOA Chapter 8

While everyone was distracted trying to help this Rachel girl, I snuck over to Sam-Leo and asked him, "So what was your grandfather's girlfriend's name again?"
"Shhh. We are trying to get her to wake up. Piper, try harder!"
"If you want her to wake up, shouldn't I be talking?"
"Umm yea sure, here's a drachma."
"A what?"
"It's a drachma, like Greek money."
"Okaaaayy, so what was her name again?" I said as sweet as possible.
"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?" he asked annoyed.
"Fine, I think it was Hannah, or Liza or-"
"Was it Hazel?!" I asked excited.
"Umm yea, I think so, but one day he said she just left. And he never saw her again."
"Who did he get married to?" I asked sadly.
"My grandmother's name was Isabella."
"What?! Izzy, he married Izzy?"
"Umm yea, that's what they called her."
"She was my best friend!" I said fuming with anger.
"Whoa calm down, now what is your name?"
"Hazel, I'm the Hazel that Sammy dated. Izzy was the nicest girl in the world, and she new I liked him."
"Yea, like everyone says I look just like him."
"Identical," I muttered.
"He was really fun, and he loved horses."
"I know, every night he use to take me to the stables to ride Arion."
"Whoa, how did he get here so quickly?" he said surprised.
"Because he is the best horse ever!"
"Wait? That's Arion. Like the one you and Grandpa used to ride?"
"Yea, he's immortal, and the fast horse ever,"
He neighed like, "Yea that's right."
"Rachel, wake up! You need to get up!" we heard Percy yell.
"Rachel, it's time to get up now, you've slept for long enough," Piper said charmspeaking, and instantly everyone was more awake.
"Relax, don't put to much power, what if Gaea hears you?"
"Shhhhhh. She's awake." Percy said calmly.
"W-What happened?" she stammered.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Cooooool!!!! At least someone's posting keep posting!!'
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Thank you!
I more comment!
over a year ago pecyjacksonXD said…
big smile
awesome chapter and i agree with trivia101 its extremely annoying when people dont post for days so thank you for posting so often
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
You welcome and here's cake for the two of you...
This chapter is extremely short, sorry, but it's vital to the plot(DUH DUH DUH!!!!!)

MOA Chapter 9

"You fainted after the Spirit of Delphi possessed you," I said.
"Really? I thought that Delphi could only posses me during prophesies." she replied.
"Wait, you don't remember that, at all?" Percy said.
"I remember that Octopus kept ragging on the Greeks." she said as we all stifled back a laugh.
"Yea well, it was my fight, not Delphi's or yours." Percy said.
"Rachel, what do you remember last?" I asked concerned.
"Umm, I think I put my hand on my knife. And that's it."
Suddenly her eyes turned green, and every Roman grabbed there weapon.
"The Son of Zeus walk alone,
The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.
The Descendent of Neptune drowns in water,
The daughter of Pluto finds her brother.
The Son of Fire shall burn the dove,
To find the truth that breaks the love." she said and her eyes stopped glowing.
"Well," Percy said, " we have our prophecy."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
post i tell you post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
here is some cake
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
and a monkey too
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
Thank you!
I am doing the Perlia thing!
Link coming soon!
For now...
Have Cake!
over a year ago Jason_Grace319 said…
New Forum!
Forbidden Love