The Heroes of Olympus Crazy Demigod kidnapping Latin Teachers ON HIATUS SORRY!!!

Zelda4Efas posted on Feb 03, 2012 at 09:30AM
Thanks RR for coming up with this! Now I can make a fan fiction based on it! 8D

No Joke, I came up with this idea thinking about Universal's TTH forum and at the dinner table Lols!!

This is after the war with Gaea, the seven are alive, not imortal blah dee dah, and there will be one major OC called Kelsie Hempson.(inspired from Kelp Head XD) and a crazy Latin teacher starts kidnapping powerful demigods and has a mysterious power behind him.

preview of chapter one:


A fortnight after we restarted dating, I was walking away from the Athena cabin with a smile on my face, and my mind fuzzy with giddiness. With the recent disappearing demigods there were rare times we simply got to enjoy ourselves, forget the war, and forget our troubles.
Chiron had no idea why demigods were suddenly disappearing even after they make it past the camp borders. The most recent disapperance was Chris Rodriguez and Clarisse La Rue. They just disappeared on a moonlit date. But tonight, I was determined not to think of any of that. I stopped on the way back to the Poseidon cabin, and looked at the woods. Sure, why not a detour, who knows when I can simply stroll about the woods again?
Then a figure ran from the woods, panting, scratched up and bloody, it was Chris.
last edited on Apr 06, 2012 at 12:13AM

The Heroes of Olympus 18 replies

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over a year ago goddessgirl said…
over a year ago universalpowa said…
haha i feelll special :D
omg cliffhanger!
yay post soon Zelda!
and ill try not to break ur forum with u did to mine -.-

lol XD
over a year ago fros4est said…
post soon
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
wow interesting post soon
over a year ago universalpowa said…
why havent u posted?
oh and Zelda can you send ur drakon after nicecatch to find him?
haha lol
p o s t :D
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
Universal, I only JUST came up with this idea a DAY ago, I need to FINISH the first chapter to post. Rest assured, I've planned some stuff ahead for this story. Just need to bloody type it.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
cool poooost soon
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Come on post
This is a goooood idea very original.
U said u would post SEVEN HOURS AGO!

over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
REALLY sorry, but I'm having some issues with the prophecy. (stupid rhymes) but I have the whole plot planned out. SPOILERS it is sad at one point, and hard to explain at an earlier point XD.

So I have 6 hours to post. (in my country.

*sees Thanatos* Can't you take an expression? I didn't swear on the Styx did I? Oh FINE!!! I swear on the Styx the first chapter will be up tonight due to popular demand!
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
STYX STYX STYX STYX STYX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cut the chapter short because I SUCK AT PROPHECIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A fortnight after we restarted dating, I was walking away from the Athena cabin with a smile on my face, and my mind fuzzy with giddiness. With the recent disappearing demigods there were rare times we simply got to enjoy ourselves, forget the war, and forget our troubles.
Chiron had no idea why demigods were suddenly disappearing even after they make it past the camp borders. The most recent disappearance was Chris Rodriguez and Clarisse La Rue. They just disappeared on a moonlit date. But tonight, I was determined not to think of any of that. I stopped on the way back to the Poseidon cabin, and looked at the woods. Sure, why not a detour, who knows when I can simply stroll about the woods again?
Then a figure ran from the woods, panting, scratched up and bloody, it was Chris.
‘Chris! What happened to you? Where’s Clarisse?’ I demanded, jogging up to him. He had a nasty scratch down his forearm that was half healed and smelled like dragon breath.
‘Percy! Thank the gods, Clarisse is hurt!’ His eyes were wide and his mouth was grimaced and he looked like he had been crying, but somehow his face looked devoid of any real emotion. I didn’t pay any close attention. It as probably the shock of … whatever it was that happened to them or it could possibly be the poor light of the night.
‘What! Quick then! We need to get her to the Big House!’
‘Sure! I’ll lead you to her, back where we were … ambushed. I need your help to get her there!’
‘Absolutely man.’
I followed him down a path that was probably only used by satyrs as their goat hooves would be the only tracks that could possibly get through the thickets Chris was leading me through. We passed a few slashed up logs with dried blood and monster grease on them, showing there must’ve been an intense battle here. There was a faint smell of electrical fire, Clarisse must’ve broken her fourth spear. The third broke in the Giant war.
We ran a few more paces until we reached a clearing that totally blotted out the light. I brought out Riptide and cast a faint glow on the clearing. Clarisse was spread on a makeshift stretcher with her eyes half closed, her hair matted, clothes torn and splattered with dried blood. Now this was a little strange. Monsters have slime and burst into dust bunnies when defeated. I don’t think many monsters would have blood. Yet alone red mortal blood. She didn’t look too bad or too cut, so who’s blood was it? On the other hand she was tightly clutching her rib area and clearly in pain.
‘Clarisse! What the Hades happened here?’ I was about to bend down to pick up the stretcher. Turned out I didn’t need to. Clarisse twisted her head and looked at me. Then I noticed she and Chris were wearing matching small hoop red stone earrings on their right ears. Now, on a normal couple this might have been cute. But this was Clarisse daughter of Ares. Any jewelry would crush in her hands before she’d wear any. She got straight up, then her eyes flashed as crimson as her earring. I thought I had imagined it as they returned to normal a second later. Then she stood squarely in front of me. Using Riptides glow, I searched her eyes for that red flash in case I was hallucinating. Then it occurred to me, how was she able to stand if she were hurt?
‘Lights out punk.’
She punched me hard in the face. Her fist could have been a cinder block with knuckles. As I fell backward, I felt someone grab me from behind to stop me from totally collapsing. Note to swirling into unconsciousness self, a sword should not be used as a lantern when someone might punch your teeth out.
Before I totally blacked out, I felt a sharp pain on my right ear, felt strangely warm, and a fuzzy vision of a warm yellow glow ….

Percy was supposed to be here two hours ago. It was a Saturday, and they were planning a breakfast at Long Island Sound. I had packed a picnic mat, some blue waffles, snausages, eggs , and a few rolls. And Percy was REALLY late.
Tapping my foot impatiently, I walked over to the Poseidon cabin. I didn't care if Percy was in his underwear, just rolled out of bed, totally forgot their date, and was trying to find something suitable to wear, she was coming in to see what was the hold up.
I opened the door on a very unpleasant image of Tyson.
‘Arrrrrrghhhh! Tyson! Put something else on!’ I yelled at the semi-naked Cyclops, quickly closing the doors.
‘Annie! You are here! Tyson likes Annie!’
‘Yeah Tyson, tell me when you’re done.’
A few minutes later, Tyson forgot the ‘tell’ part, and yanked open the door with me still leaning on it. Causing me squeal and to fall arm first into the Poseidon Cabin.
‘Tyson! What happened to ‘Tell me?’
‘Oops. Tyson sorry, is Annie mad?’ He looked so genuinely hurt that I just had to put away my dislike of cyclopes and forgave him.
‘Hey Tyson, have you seen Percy? He didn’t go off to breakfast or anything already did he?’
‘No. Nice Will Soloce Tell me Percy with Annie. Wanted to surprise brother. Brother didn’t come back last night.’ Tyson looked down and sad. Then cheered up suddenly
‘Annie came! Yay!’
‘Wait Tyson, you’re saying Percy didn’t get back to the cabin?’
‘Nope, Tyson waited all night. So tired fell asleep with no-‘
‘Yeah, please don’t bring that image back into my permanently burned mind.’ I muttered, still trying in vain to forget.
I looked at Tyson seriously.
‘This can’t be Hera again can it? She’s already kidnapped Percy to send him to Camp Jupiter. I don’t think she’s one for repeats.’
Tyson sniffed ‘Hera mean, brother lost for so long. Tyson sad and lonely.’
'Okay, well look Tyson, I'll go look for Percy, I'm sure he'll be really glad to see you,'
'Bye Annie! Me got to play with fish-ponies on the beach!'
Leaving Tyson to play with the ‘fish-ponies’ I walked to the Hades cabin, which had a pretty good view of the original cabin wings.
‘Hey Nico!’ I knocked once before entering.
‘Ahhhh! Horrid Hades Annabeth, it’s like eight in the morning! Children of Hades need their sleep! We need time to change!’
‘Change into what? You already fall asleep in what you wear … everyday actually…’
‘Well what do you want?’ Nico pouted.
‘Well, I was wondering if you saw Percy heading back to his cabin yesterday night. We know you have a pact with the Stolls to stalk us on our nights out’
‘Heading back from a daaate?’ Nico dragged out the ‘a’ and wiggled his eyebrows.
‘You wiggle so much as a toe again I will cut the offending body part off.’
He scowled ‘yeah, sure I saw him, darted off into the woods chasing something. Maybe he was playing with Mrs. O’Leary at the time.’
‘I don’t think he'd be playing with her at eleven pm, but I’ll check it out anyway.’
I left the Hades cabin,
What was Percy doing frolicking about the woods at night? He didn’t have his Achilles curse anymore, so why did he do something as stupid as that? Unless being a lovestruck Seaweed Brain he wasn’t thinking. Oh I really hope he was with Mrs. O’Leary, at least he’d be safer with a roughly ten ton Hellhound.
I found Tyson at the beach playing with his enormous hippocampi Rainbow.
I managed to pry Tyson from Rainbow and convinced him to come with me as I felt better with back up. For some reason I had a really foreboding feeling about this. It was like Hera all over again. Gods why can’t she get out of my life once and for all? Why can’t she stop interfering with Percy’s life? If she kidnapped him again, I am going to give her a present from my knife up her podex.
As we went past the arena, we saw Mrs. O’Leary ripping up dummies. We thought maybe a scent Hellhound would be a good idea, and brought her along. Besides, if she really was with Percy, she’d know exactly where to go and where to find him.
We reached the edge of the woods.
Tyson said to her ‘Big Doggie, can you find brother? Like a while ago when he was sleeping? Good!’ Mrs. O’Leary began snuffling about the bushes until she started barking excitedly, meaning she had Percy’s scent. Or caught the scent of breakfast, which should have already started. I could tell by my stomach growling.
We followed her to the thick of the woods, following a very unused satyr path until she circled a grisly scene in an unfamiliar clearing and she finally plopped down with her paws over her nose.
Tyson and I observed the scene.
There was dried blood smeared on the trees and burn marks around and a small puddle of recently spilled blood, but not much of it. I really hoped Percy didn't actually come through here and had a fight. How does Seaweed Brain always get himself into these kinds of messes?
‘Annie!’ Tyson shouted from some bushes. I realized I had been frozen on the spot with fear for my Seaweed Brain and worrying about him.
Tyson held up two halves of Clarisse’s magical spear Lame- Maimer IV. It was sheared in half vertically and had fried everything in this now explained recently made clearing and thrown into the bushes.
‘But Clarisse went MIA four weeks ago! How did we miss this? How’d Seaweed Brain of all people find this place?’
On the ground, I picked up a very familiar Camp Half Blood bead necklace, five beads dangled from it. The black bead with a sea green trident that matched his eyes perfectly, the tiny golden fleece, the labyrinth, the Empire State Building with names of lost campers, and most recent, the orange and purple bead with the Seven’s godly parent’s symbols decorated in a circle, representing the unity of the Roman and Greek camps, and the seven demigods of the second great prophecy. A dove, a flaming hammer, a bloody spear, a grey owl, a lightning bolt, a gold ruby encrusted ring, and a trident. A few tears escaped my eyes.
‘Brother was here, doggy can smell it. But doggy can’t smell where he went from here,’ Tyson said sadly.
Of course, the creek wasn’t too far from here. His scent could have been washed away.
‘Come on Tyson, before we explore further, we need to tell Chiron.’
We rode Mrs. O’Leary back to the dining pavilion.
Where are you now Seaweed Brain? What did you discover? Please be safe. These thoughts circled my mind as I tried to figure out where he could be now. There were signs of a battle, but they were weeks old. The only signs Percy was there was his camp necklace and possibly the red blood on the blackened grass.
Mrs. O’Leary practically flew over stunned camper’s heads into the middle of the dining hall.
‘Chiron! We’ve got to tell you something!’ I started to say, but then I noticed everyone hadn’t even batted an eye. They were all staring at something behind us. Their faces bathed in green. We turned around, and there was Chiron kneeling as much as a centaur can by Dionysus, who looked distraught. That was the most emotion other than distaste I have ever seen him express, and Rachel, green mist pouring out, eyes glowing green, who looked at us in the eyes, and the Oracle of Delphi, would tell us the prophecy that could change the future of freedom for the demigods.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand THE PROPHECY IS FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!

Here it is just to tease you all

A hero of Legion and Greece is taken by the cursed gold
Three must find him in the forsaken prison of old
Destruction commands the Half Bloods who have no mind
The wretched Goddess unleashes the worst of her kind
Seek out the Old man of the Sea
The Seer shall tell you the formula key
The symbol of the mind must be shattered
The blood of the Hero’s sacrifice splattered
The insanity cured by the Child of the Sea’s end
Only then, can those who were stolen mend.

You can only try guess what this all means Mwahahaha!
Also, I planned all chapters I will be writing (thanks for the tip Universal XD) and SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Ending will be soooooo sad.

The question is, will it stay sad? Mwahahaha. It might, or it might not. But I would shed tears if I didn't already know what is going to happen ;-; But I think I'll keep you all in the dark HEHEHEHEHEH!!! >:D And don't all start assuming Percy dies, I would never kill him in my wildest dreams. (maybe >:D)
over a year ago fros4est said…
nice goodluck finding the right propehcy
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^^ muhahaha


nah, my lips are sealed....right Zelda?

post soon or i will send Nico to uncover your body!! and then Joe the Hippo will roar loudly!! POST!@!!!


over a year ago Nemisis said…
oh my gosh ....
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
^^ is that your new 'thing'? before it was


Oh, might post on weekend, IF I don't have too much HW.
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ its FRIDAY
and i consider friday the weeked

over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
Guess what? My brother just got back from China I haven't been able to post because he's been HOGGING IT!!!!!!!!!! AND I DIDN'T FINISH THE CHAPTER THANKS TO THAT! Also, my HW in question was srsly liking a page on Facebook. But I haven't been able to type up the chapter thanks to *cough* *cough* Brother *cough*

Post when he gets a job or goes back to Uni/College, that way he'll be gone for a few hours after I get back from school to post. I'll be working on it, so I'll post soon, promise!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
you haven't posted for a whole month!