The Heroes of Olympus Kaitie's Mark Of Athena

kaitie85386 posted on Feb 06, 2012 at 05:01AM
I've seen a lot of stories like this, so I decided to give it a try! Constructive criticism is encouraged.
Posting schedule- Wednesday, with previews sometime during the week.
Disclaimer- I'm not allowed to legally change my name, so I'm not Rick Riordan, and I own nothing except the plot in this story.
last edited on Feb 22, 2012 at 07:46PM

The Heroes of Olympus 86 replies

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over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
I'll try to post tonight, or tommorow!
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Chapter 1: Annabeth 
It'd been eight months since Annabeth saw her boyfriend, Percy Jackson. He was taken by Hera, had his memories erased, and was sent to the roman camp; camp Jupiter. Hera did the same thing to Jason Grace, only she sent him here, to the Greek camp: camp Half blood. Annabeth looked over the side of the Argo 2 and sigh. What if he doesn't remember me Annabeth thought.  Piper, standing beside her notices and asked, "what's bothering you?" 
"Percy," she replied. "What if he's got a new girlfriend, or, or,"
Piper cut her off. "we'll deal with that when we reach camp Jupiter. 
"Camp Jupiter straight ahead," called Jason from where he was standing by the masthead. "we'll be there in about two minutes. Leo, I'll start bringing us down!" Jason concentrated and the ship slowly started going down. Annabeth looked over the side of the ship again and got her first glimpse of Camp Jupiter. The architecture was amazing. She was busy admiring the buildings below her when she noticed the lake.  
"Try to land us on the lake Jason," Annabeth called. Leo looked at her funny, but she ignored him. She was to busy searching for Percy in the crowd of people below to explain her thoughts. If they landed on the water, they'd still be safe from Gaea, who had control over the earth. They were safe in the sea or the sky, but on land they were vulnerable. The Argo 2 touched down on the lake just as the first explosion rocked the deck. 

Shouts filled the air as the Romans sighted the huge warship flying towards them. 
"Calm down!" Percy called. "Like I said before, they are our friends!" Reyna added her voice to his, and together they calmed the cohorts. On either side of Percy stood Hazel and Frank. They had helped him on his latest quest and had become good friends along the way. The ship descended over the far side of the far side if the lake, near the shore. Percy had planned on using his power over water to bring the ship closer, but obviously someone had other plans. Just as the Argo 2 skimmed the water, a ball of green fire flew from the shore beside the boat and started the white truce flag on fire. 
"No!" Percy breathed. Monsters seemed to swarm from nowhere and began attacking the ship as it ran aground. "ANNABETH!!", Percy screamed. He pushed aside any soldiers who got in his way as he ran towards the lake. He dived in and rode a current towards the attack. The romans still on the beach were shocked, including Reyna, Frank and Hazel. Frank recovered first, and before the rest overcame their confusion, he had turned into an eagle and had flown to the Argo 2. When he reached the ship, he sent a quick prayer to his father, poseidon, and jumped onto the boat and into battle. 
Percy pulled out his magic pen/sword riptide and started slashing at any monster who hot near him. Once or twice he caught a glimpse of other demigods, but they were gone before he could make his way towards them. Seemingly out of nowhere, an earsplitting shriek filled the air as Frank dove towards the battle, turning back into his human form as he hit the deck. His sudden appearance cleared the space around Percy long enough for him to take a breather. 
"Thanks!" he said to Frank. 
"No prob," he replied before changing into an elephant and charging a group of dracaena. Percy turned and saw another demigod fighting for his life with a huge hammer near the railing. Wait a minute... Was he on fire? An intense tugging sensation filled his gut, and water from the lake rose to bat the snake women into the water and to douse the kid so that the flames went out. Percy jumped in front of the guy he'd just saved and defended him while he rose. When the area was cleared, he turned and held out his hand to the soaking wet demigod. 
"Im Percy Jackson." 
"Yeah, kinda got that from the whole controlling the water thing."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
big smile
so far so good!! post soon!
over a year ago ninjagirl77 said…
Cool :)
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Ok, here's your preview:
Chapter 2: Leo
Leo was having a bad day. His pride and joy, the Argo 2, was being attacked, he was cornered by a bunch of weird snake ladies, and just as he was about to burn them to ashes with his awesome fire powers, he got drenched with water from the lake. His 'savior'? Percy Jackson, the guy who'd been missing for eight months. 
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
lol! cant wait to read the rest!
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Ok, here's the rest of the chapter. Enjoy!! This chapter is dedicated to Aphrodite100, my first fan! <3
Chapter 2: Leo
Leo was having a bad day. His pride and joy, the Argo 2, was being attacked, he was cornered by a bunch of weird snake ladies, and just as he was about to burn them to ashes with his awesome fire powers, he got drenched with water from the lake. His 'savior'? Percy Jackson, the guy who'd been missing for eight months. 
"You ok?" percy asked. 
"yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I'm not used to getting drenched in the middle of a fight." 
Percy nodded, but he seemed kinda distracted. "Is Annabeth here?" percy asked.  
"Yeah, last time I saw her she was below decks. Percy ran off, presumably to find Annabeth, while Leo picked up his hammer and rejoined the battle. They seemed to be winning; there were piles of dust all over the deck, and the ranks of monsters were thinning. Leo brought his hammer down hard on what seemed to be a cross between Cupid and an alien, and came face to face with Jason. "How's it goin?" Leo asked. 
Jason grinned and replied, "great! This definitely makes up for missing the battle last night. 
"Oh, and Jason, if you see Annabeth, tell her that Percy's looking for her."
"Percy?!?!" Jason exclaimed. 
Leo smiled mischievously. "I just ran into him. He dumped a couple gallons of water on me."Jason burst out laughing. 
"Gods, you were on fire.. And he..." 
"Very funny Jase," Leo told him. "Excuse me while I go fight some monsters, while you stay here and have a laugh attack until some monsters come and kill you. Have fun with that!" Leo stalked off, leaving Jason exploding with laughter. 
"Why did I pick that guy to be my friend????" he appealed to the sky. "WHY????" 

Annabeth screamed. Right in front of her stood a huge giant, at least 35 feet tall, holding an equally huge sword. "Well, what do we have here? A daughter of Athena? Annabeth wisely said nothing. "You must be athena's daughter. Only her daughter wouldnt answer that. You, my dear, have been causing Gaea a lot of problems." The giant picked Annabeth up in one gigantic hand and leaped off the boat onto the shore.
Annabeth screamed again, calling for someone to help. From her vantage point high above the ground, she could see occasional flickers of orange, the color of camp half blood's t-shirts, through the flood of monsters. She screamed, "HELP!!" again, only to be shook violently in response. Other than that, the giant ignored her. His attention focused elsewhere, Annabeth took the opportunity to stab his hand with the knife hidden in her boot. "Ow!" the giant said as Annabeth dropped to the ground, rolled and came up in a fighting stance. "Puny halfblood! You think you can defeat me with your little knife?" he asked incredulously. 
A voice from behind him called, "Maybe she can't, but me and my friend can!" The voice was familiar, but more familiar was the person who suddenly stepped into sight. 
"PERCY!!" Annabeth yelled. She would have run to him, but seeing as the giant was in her way, she decided it was a better idea to wait. Instead, she studied Percy. His black hair and green eyes were the same ad ever, but he had a tan, and was wearing a purple camp Jupiter shirt instead of the usual camp half blood one. For some reason, he was carrying what looked to be a stone statue as well as Riptide. He grinned at her. "Do I have to save you again? I thought I got out of this habit months ago!" Annabeth was to shocked to say anything. Taking advantage of her distraction, the giant took a swing at her. Only her quick reflexes saved her; the descending sword missing her by inches. When the giant turned his back to attack Annabeth, Percy jumped up, jabbed his Riptide into the giant's back, and pushed it in up to the hilt with the statue. 
The statue fell to the ground beside the now disintegrating monster and shouted-Shouted?? -for someone to put it back. Annabeth ignored it. The only thing she had eyes for was Percy. 
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
keep posting!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
jsut found this haha
not realli - u posted the link on meh forum :D
and its a good start! :D
i luv cliffhangers...only when im the one writing them LOL XD
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
^xactly! post soon!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Percy, you'd better get to Annabeth quickly!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
awesome! Keep posting plz
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Will post after school and bball practice.
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
awesome chapter! thanks for the dedication!!
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Srry it's taking so long, I've been kinda busy. Chappie should be up in an hour or so.
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Chapter 3: Percy
"Percy..." Annabeth said. Percy gazed at her, taking in the moment. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a pony tail, and she was wearing her armor. Her grey eyes sparkled in the afternoon sunlight. Behind her, still on the ship, a crowd had gathered. Piles of monster dust littered the deck, and what monsters were left were quickly dispatched. Ok, enough of the moment. Annabeth ran to Percy, and threw herself at him. He ran to meet her, and they met in the middle. Annabeth wrapped her arms around his shoulders while Percy covered her mouth with his and spun Annabeth in a circle. The crowd cheered. They stayed this way for a minute, until Annabeth pulled away and said, "I missed you. I never stopped searching for you." 
 "I missed you too wise girl." Percy tried to go for another kiss, but this time Annabeth didn't let him. Instead she punched him hard in the stomach so that Percy doubled over in pain
"OWWWWW!!" Percy yelled as he straightened.  "jeez Annabeth!
What was that for??" 
"the first thing you said to me," Annabeth said, "after eight months, was to complain about having to RESCUE ME!!!!
"Annabeth, it was a distraction technique! The giant focused on you because you were shocked, and I killed it!"
"oh, i know that," Annabeth told him. "but you've had that coming for a long time."
"if you knew that, then why did you hit me??" Percy asked.
"because it wouldn't hurt you..." Annabeth seemed to notice that he was covered in small cuts and bruises for the first time. Percy grimaced. "before you ask, yes I did lose the mark if Achilles, yes that did hurt, and yes I forgive you." 
"well, that just made it all the more satisfying. Ive been wanting to do that since you and the Stolls played that prank on my cabin! By the way, how did you lose it?" she asked.
"I couldn't keep a Greek blessing when I crossed into camp. The Tibet washed it away." 
"Oh..." Seeing as she looked confused, Percy took the opportunity to kiss her again. Their 'audience' cheered in the background. Percy and Annabeth broke apart, and seemed to notice them for the first time. They both turned bright red. Annabeth, seeking an excuse to leave the spotlight, pulled Percy back towards the Argo 2. 
"Come on! There's someone I want you to meet."

Jason thrust his borrowed sword into an earthborn's chest, causing it to disintegrate. He looked around, but all that was left of the attacking force was the piles of monster dust scattered across the floorboards. Most of the fighting had happened on the deck, but he'd been forced belowdecks by a group of earthborn.  A good days work, he thought. He heard voices behind him and spun around to face Annabeth, and a guy with black hair, sea green eyes, and a quirky smile. The guy's arm was around her waist, so he figured that it was safe to say that the newcomer was her boyfriend Percy Jackson. They strode up to Jason. Percy stuck out his hand for Jason to shake. "Percy jackson," he introduced himself. 
"Jason Grace." they shook hands, each noticing the others firm grip. 
"I've heard a lot about you," they both tried to say at the same time. Percy gestured for Jason to go on. "You're pretty famous at camp half blood." 
Percy said, "I could say the same thing about you." Annabeth, sensing that this could go on for a while, gestured for them to follow her. "We'd better let the campers know that you two are alright." Percy and Jason trailed Annabeth upstairs. They were met by a small crowd of cheering campers who rushed forwards to greet Percy. Percy looked stunned as Clarrise came forwards first and pounded him on the back saying, "glad you managed not to get yourself killed, Prissy." Percy laughed. "Why Clarrise, were you worried about me?" 
"of course not. I was worried about what Annabeth would do if we didn't find you." Percy laughed again. "Same old Clarrise." She moved off to the side to let the rest of the kids say hi. The last to greet him was the apollo camper tending the wounded. Jason looked around for piper and Leo, but they were nowhere to be found. 
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
big smile
Great chapter post soon!
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
awesome! Please keep posting
over a year ago perceus121 said…
post soon please halfterm started now in mmy school
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
that was pretty good, but short. wonder where piper and leo are...

over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Writing next chapter now, sorry it's taking so long but it's hard to type fast on an iPod. It'll be up tomorrow. :) yes!! New page! <3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PJOrocks said…
big smile
THAT WAS AN AWESOME CHAPTER!!! a little short but it was still good.
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
i know! it waas such an awesome chap! Please post soon!
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Sorry, going out tonite! Can't post til tomorrow :(
over a year ago owlgrl99 said…
big smile
just read this but i cant wait until tomorrow!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Ok, seeing as I'll be gone for most of the day, I'll post a preview. Have bball tournament so whole chappie should be up tonight.
Chapter 4: Percy
After Percy finished greeting his old friends from camp half blood, he looked around for frank. He had seen him earlier, at the beginning of the battle, but Percy couldn't see him, until he looked up. An eagle was perched on top of what used to be the truce flag. He assumed it was frank, and motioned to him to come down. The eagle took flight and landed in a clear space on the deck. 
Annabeth asked, "get a new pet?" just as Frank changed back to his human form. The look on her face was priceless. Frank just looked annoyed. "Do I look like a pet?" he asked Percy. Percy, answered, "Well, you were just a bird..." Frank still looked ticked. Percy brought Annabeth and Jason over to him and introduced them. "Annabeth, Jason, this is Frank Zhang, son of Mars. Frank, this is my girlfriend Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, or Minerva, and Jason Grace, son of Jupiter." They shook hands. "hey," said frank.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
post grrr post grrr pst did i mention grr
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
gr8 preview! cant til 2nite!
over a year ago demigodsrule312 said…
big smile
Can't wait u better post!!
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Again, sorry it took so long, but without further ado, here's- THE NEXT CHAPTER!! :)
Chapter 4: Percy
After Percy finished greeting his old friends from camp half blood, he looked around for frank. He had seen him earlier, at the beginning of the battle, but Percy couldn't see him, until he looked up. An eagle was perched on top of what used to be the truce flag. He assumed it was frank, and motioned to him to come down. The eagle took flight and landed in a clear space on the deck. 
Annabeth asked, "get a new pet?" just as Frank changed back to his human form. The look on her face was priceless. Frank just looked annoyed. "Do I look like a pet?" he asked Percy. Percy, answered, "Well, you were just a bird..." Frank still looked ticked. Percy brought Annabeth and Jason over to him and introduced them. "Annabeth, Jason, this is Frank Zhang, son of Mars. Frank, this is my girlfriend Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, or Minerva, and Jason Grace, son of Jupiter." They shook hands. "hey," said frank.
"frank, did Hazel follow us?" 
frank shook his head. "I haven't seen her," he said.
"Well you must have been looking with your eyes shut, cause I've been standing here for a couple minutes now," hazel said from beside the mast. Frank jumped almost a foot into the air. Hazel brushed past him and pumped Annabeth's hand. "Hazel Levesque. Daughter of Pluto." 
Annabeth was shocked for the second time in as many minutes. "pluto? But that means your Nico's sister." 
"You know Nico?" hazel asked. 
"Nico di Angelo? Yeah, he's a friend... Wait a second... That backstabbing little...!!!! He knew where Percy was the whole time didn't he!?!? Oh, when I get my hands on him he's SO dead!!!" 
Hazel just looked confused, so Percy told Annabeth, "yes, Nico's known where I was since I got here, about a week ago." 
Annabeth's curiosity got the better of her and she asked, "where were you before then?" 
"At the wolf house in California." 
At this point Jason cut in. "you were at the wolf house? We were there months ago!" 
"Stupid hera," Annabeth muttered, "can't make this easy on us." Thunder rumbled in the sky, but she ignored it. Percy agreed with her, but he didn't think it was a good idea to say it out loud, so he remained silent. 
"Jason!" a girl's voice yelled, "We need you in the engine room." Jason turned and gestured for her to come forwards. A girl with short brown hair and eyes that seemed to change colors stepped out of the shadows. "Leo needs another set of hands and all the others are busy!" Then, the girl noticed Percy. "Who's that?," she asked. 
Annabeth looked miffed. "You weren't listening when I told you all about Percy, weren't you?" 
"Of course I was... Oh... That's him..." This time Percy stepped forward and shook her hand. "Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon." Piper regrouped and said, " piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite." She was pretty, Percy thought, but instead of wearing makeup, she was wearing a knife that looked like it had monster dust on it, and instead of having her hair done up, it was in a simple ponytail like Annabeth's.
"Really?" Percy asked. "You don't look like you're her daughter. Umm, no offense." 
Piper smiled at him and said, "Thanks!" 
"Umm, ok..." Percy stuttered.
Just then, a voice from behind called, "Jason! Need you! Now! Emergency in the engine room!" the black haired kid he'd rescued earlier ran towards the group. "What's wrong Leo?" Jason asked. 
Leo replied, "a monsters got Rachel!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
plz post! KK :D
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
poor Rachel! post soon!
great chapter by the way!
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Because i luv y'all so much, I'll post a preview.
Chapter 5: Nico
Nico was afraid. He was cold, tired, and hungry, but he was mostly afraid. After his capture by Gaea, Nico had been chained to the wall of his prison, a cage made of rock, deep underground. That wasn't what scared him. He was used to being underground, because of his time spent in the underworld, and he was used to tight spaces. What scared him was the last thing Gaea's servant had said to him, days ago. He guessed it was about a week, but there was no way of telling for sure. The giant had said, "a friend will be joining you soon. Gaea has plans for the both of you."
Dun dun duh! Hope u liked it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Ok, experiment time! :)
Yay! It works!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Is sad.... No ones commenting... I'll post next chapter if someone comments!
over a year ago swiftwater said…
someone comments.
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
post soon plz!
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Yay! Comments!
Chapter 5: Nico
Nico was afraid. He was cold, tired, and hungry, but he was mostly afraid. After his capture by Gaea, Nico had been chained to the wall of his prison, a cage made of rock, deep underground. That wasn't what scared him. He was used to being underground, because of his time spent in the underworld, and he was used to tight spaces. What scared him was the last thing Gaea's servant had said to him, days ago. He guessed it was about a week, but there was no way of telling for sure. The giant had said, "a friend will be joining you soon. Gaea has plans for the both of you." 
Nico thought it was Percy, or Jason, or hazel, or, or anyone from the seven. He'd wished that Percy was there. He'd get me out of this mess, Nico thought, right after he kicked  my butt for pretending that i didn't know him. 
A few hours later, when Nico was lounging on the floor of his prison, when the giant came to deliver his meager meal of bread and water. He automatically reached for his sword as he heard the footsteps, only to remember that it'd been taken from him when he first arrived. Nico cursed softly. He HATED going without his sword. The giant set down the tray and contemptuously kicked it inside. Yeah, cause you're SO much better than me, Nico thought.  Serving Gaea, the evil mother earth, made you so much more important than the average demigod. Not. Nico waited until he could no longer hear the giant's footsteps fading into the background, before he fell ravenously onto the stale bread. He needed to keep his strength up so he could try to escape. Not by shadow traveling though- he'd learned that the hard way. His thoughts slid back to when he'd first been thrown in here...
"HEY!!" Nico shouted. "Let me go!" The giant carrying him just laughed. He just continued striding towards a small cage that looked like it was made of mud. Knowing Gaea, the mud was probably impossible to break. The giant opened the door, threw Nico to the far corner, and slammed it shut. The earth immediately rose to cover his hands and ankles, and when it receded, he had shackles on them, attached to a chain which was connected to the wall. He strained against them, hoping to break them, to no avail. Nico concentrated, crawled into the shadows, and shadow traveled away. He arrived... back in his prison. Nico felt dizzy, and fell to the ground. He heard the giant laughing as he fell unconscious. 
Back in the present, Nico shuddered. He had tried that experiment again, with the same result, only that time he'd had a brief glimpse of camp before he'd been whisked away. Next time, he thought, I'm getting out. And Zeus help anyone who gets in my way. 
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
great chappie! post as soon as you can!
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
awesome! Plz post soon!
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Bball season is over, so now I can post sooner. On a happier note, here's the next chappie!
Chapter 6: Leo
Jason, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, and Frank followed Leo to the engine room. After taking so many twists and turns that everyone but Annabeth and Leo were lost, they arrived at a big golden door. Leo pushed it open, and the seven emerged upon the weirdest thing they had seen all day. Firstly, the room was partially submerged. Secondly, it was filled with green smoke. Thirdly, someone was speaking. That itself wasn't weird, but the speaker's voice sounded creepy. Very creepy. 
"Styx!" Percy swore as he ran towards a large figure in the mist. Leo heard the voice say, "death!" before the smoke cleared and he could see everything. Well not literally everything... You get what I mean! A small group of snake woman and earthborn surrounded the crumpled form of Rachel, the camp's oracle. As he watched, she began to stir. She looked up and stared at Percy. She waved. "Hi Percy," she said weakly. The dracaena looked worried for a moment, like they'd recognized the name.  It's not him they should be worried about, Leo thought, its Jason. Both Percy and Jason drew their swords. One of the earthborn immediately grabbed Rachel by the hair and pulled her to her feet. Ouch. That had to hurt. "One move and she dies," the earthborn hissed. Percy and jason froze. Piper, on the other hand, didn't. She walked forward slowly, softly saying, "Let her go." the dracaena hesitated, and actually seemed to consider letting her go. In her brief moment of uncertainty, Percy and Jason struck as one. In seconds half of the monsters were gone, and Annabeth was helping rachel to safety. Leo decided it was  time for him to help, and concentrated. His efforts were rewarded when he lit himself on fire. He saw the big kid, what's his name, Frank stumble away from him, a look of absolute terror in his face. Leo shrugged. After all, he had just lit himself of fire. He pounded an earthborn with his hammer and it disintegrated. He spun, expecting another attack, but all he saw was Percy, Frank, and Hazel staring at him. Leo had just enough time to remember what had happened last time he'd been in the same general area as Percy and tried to put himself out. To late. Percy motioned with his hand towards Leo and another couple of buckets worth of water came down on his head, leaving him sputtering and gasping for air. "Thanks, dude. Just thanks." Annabeth, of all people, burst into laughter. He'd rarely even seen her smile in the time he'd known her, so this seemed odd. After a couple seconds, Jason and Piper joined in as well. Percy just looked confused. Annabeth finally took pity on him and explained, "Percy, Leo's a fire user. Hes kinda immune to fire. It's rare, but some children of Hephaestus have the ability." Percy turned red. "Oh... Umm... Oops?" that just caused Annabeth and the others to crack up again. "Oops is right! And I had just dried off from last time..." 
PLZ comment!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago owlgrl99 said…
big smile
that was really good
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
lol ""
cant wait til the next post!
what's bball??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, was kinda busy.
Preview: Chapter 7: Reyna
Reyna waited impatiently for Percy to come back. He'd jumped into the lake to go help his friends, and he'd been gone for ages, leaving her to deal with the whole army. Fun. Frank and Hazel had gone with him. She gazed over the water and saw that the Greek's warship was slowly sailing towards them. A few minutes later, the ship touched the shore, and two backlit figures emerged. They stepped onto the lowered walkway, hand in hand, and strolled down. I guess it's not Jason then... Reyna thought. 
As they got closer, she recognized Percy. The person holding his hand was a girl with gray eyes and blonde hair. So this is the mysterious Annabeth, Reyna mused. She could tell why Percy liked her, she carried herself like a warrior, and as they stepped onto the shore, she could see the intelligence in her eyes. Percy addressed the crowd, "Hey!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rickfan said…
post soon
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
ooohh! great preview! post soon!!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
new page! cake for everyone!
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Full chapter up in- 3 seconds!
Chapter 7: Reyna
Reyna waited impatiently for Percy to come back. He'd jumped into the lake to go help his friends, and he'd been gone for ages, leaving her to deal with the whole army. Fun. Frank and Hazel had gone with him. She gazed over the water and saw that the Greek's warship was slowly sailing towards them. A few minutes later, the ship touched the shore, and two backlit figures emerged. They stepped onto the lowered walkway, hand in hand, and strolled down. I guess it's not Jason then... Reyna thought. 
As they got closer, she recognized Percy. The person holding his hand was a girl with gray eyes and blonde hair. So this is the mysterious Annabeth, Reyna mused. She could tell why Percy liked her, she carried herself like a warrior, and as they stepped onto the shore, she could see the intelligence in her eyes. Percy addressed the crowd, "Hey!" All whispering immediately died out. "Romans, these are my friends from Camp Half Blood, the Greek camp. They are to be treated the same way you'd treat your fellow soldiers." He waved Annabeth forward. "This is Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, or Minerva, and co leader of camp." Reyna walked forward to shake hands with Annabeth. She had a firm grip, and looked like she was analyzing Reyna. "Reyna, daughter of Bellona, praetor of Camp Jupiter." 
Percy whispered, "Reyna, there's something..." He was interrupted by a loud gasp from behind. Reyna looked up to tell them to be quiet, and saw another person emerge from the ship. However, this person didn't use the walkway. Instead, he jumped over the rail and floated slowly towards the ground. "JASON!" Percy looked up too, annoyed. He walked over to where Jason had landed and told him, "I thought I told you to wait until I'd explained things." 
Jason shrugged. "You did, but it was worth it to see the look on Reyna's face. You don't surprise her much." 
Percy had to agree. "True." Reyna marched stiffly up to Jason. "Jason," she said coldly. 
"Reyna." He turned, addressing the crowd of shocked onlookers. "Um... Hello?" a cheer arose from the Romans, then died suddenly as a group walked carefully down the walkway. Hazel and frank led it, followed by a short boy with curly black hair and a mischievous smile, a redhead girl, another girl in full battle armor, yet another girl with brown hair that looked like it had been cut with her knife, and about five or six others. "Romans! These are the rest of my friends from camp. Leo Valdez," the latino boy waved, "Piper McLean," the brown haired girl looked up, annoyed, at Jason, then waved too, "Clarrise La Rue," the girl in armor stepped forward, "Will Solace, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Travis and Conner Stoll, and Chris Rodriguez. They shall be staying in the Argo 2, until we leave on the quest."
"What quest?" a voice yelled from the crowd. Octavion pushed his way to the front of the crowd. "Octavion. Senate house. Meeting. Go. Now." He didn't look happy about it, But he began walking to the senate house. Reyna looked at the Greeks, Jason, Frank and Hazel. "You too," she told them. The big girl, Clarrise, looked like she was going to argue, but after a look from Percy, she decided not to. "NOW!" the group moved off towards the senate house. As she was leaving, Reyna yelled, "Romans! Back to your scheduled activities." The cohorts scattered, and Reyna continued walking. Let's see what Jason has to say for himself this time. 

Hazel walked just behind Percy, who was pointing things out to Annabeth. "There's the field of mars, and up ahead is the Pomerian line." As they neared the line, Percy explained what it was. "Basically, you give you're weapons to Julia," Julia waved cutely from her position beside the statue of Terminus, "and she holds it so you don't kill anyone while you're inside." Clarrise, and the twins looked horrified. Percy marched up to the statue and showed him the tattoo on his arm. "Percy! When did you get that?" Percy looked at Annabeth. "Yesterday," he said, waiting to see her reaction. "What does it mean?" she asked curiously. "Jason has one similar, but he couldn't remember what it meant." 
" Well, the SPQR is the official emblem if Rome, the lines show how many years you've served in the army, and the symbol on top shows who your godly parent is." Annabeth looked thoughtful. "That's a good way of doing it. Maybe we should?..." She was cut off by Terminus, who had noticed Jason. "Jason Grace. It's been a while since I've seen you. Your hair is longer than regulation, and your pant legs are too long. They should be exactly, mind you, exactly, an inch above the ankle." 
"Good to see you too Terminus," Jason told him. He showed the statue his tattoo, laid his sword on Julia's tray, and crossed the line. Hazel thought that he looked pretty comfortable for a guy who'd lost most of his memories. Percy followed suit, although when Sammy, or Leo, she reminded herself, laughed he asked, "what's so funny?" 
"I guess a pen is a pretty dangerous weapon," Leo said, composing himself. But before he could react, Percy had picked up his pen, uncapped it, and held the tip of his sword to Leo's neck. Leo's eyes bulged as he stared down at the sword that had seemed to appear from nowhere. "Leo? I'd say it's a very dangerous weapon." 
"Got that right," Annabeth mumbled. She unsheathed her knife and set it on the tray. The rest of them followed, reassured, except for Clarrise. "No. Im not giving up my weapons." After a few minutes of arguing with percy and Jason, she was persuaded. Muttering under her breath, she set her spear, a knife, and a sword beside the others. She tried to push past Percy, but he glared at her. "What?" she asked. 
"All of them, Clarrise." She grumbled loudly, but turned and took several knifes, a corkscrew, and a handgun out of their hiding spots. Hazel thought that the knife in a hidden compartment in her helmet was pretty smart. She decided to try it sometime. 
"There. All gone. Now, can we go?" Clarrise grumbled. "Yeah, now we can go." 
This time, Reyna led the way. She ushered them into the senate house and gestured for them to sit before turning to sit in her chair at the front. Uh oh, hazel thought, eyeing the single chair left at the front, this can't be good. Percy and Jason both started for the chair, then stopped. "You were praetor first, you should keep the job," Percy said, then cringed as Jason asked, "You're praetor?!?!" 
Percy looked uncomfortable. "They raised me on a shield after the battle yesterday, but I don't want the job. You deserve it." 
Jason looked surprised, as if he'd expected to have to fight for it. "Thats not very roman of you." Percy smiled. "That's what Reyna said too." He stepped aside to let Jason pass, but he just stood there. "If they made you praetor, then they'd have a reason. I've been gone for eight months," he took a breath, "you probably deserve it more." 
"But..." Jason gave Percy a light shove towards the front of the room. He stumbled for a second, probably because he was so surprised, then he strode up and sat beside Reyna. Jason took a seat between Leo and Piper. 
"This meeting Is now brought to order," Reyna announced. 
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Will post later, stuck watching ANOTHER movie with the family :(
Also, whos pov should the next chappie be in?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
please post! And i think it should be um... Percy's post