The Heroes of Olympus Betrayed ... :O

Seaweed_Brain12 posted on Feb 06, 2012 at 01:28PM
Hey Guys....
Posting yet again another fanfic

After the war with Gaea, Percy was expecting some peace and quiet for once but what he doesn`t know is that another war is starting to stir up.
Few weeks later, his parents where attacked by a monster; they were sleeping on their own pool of blood.
Distraught, Percy didn`t speak to anyone during the past days.
One friday night during Capture the Flag, His friends betray him by trying to kill him because he is the son of a traitor;later He learned the truth about how they felt toward him.
He runs away and swears never to trust anyone ever again. The fates took pity on him by offering him immortality then later trains himself for 50,000 years before the next great war.

My other forums

The Guardians-link
Hey Guys....
Posting yet again another fanfic

After the war with Gaea, Percy was expecting some peac
last edited on Mar 18, 2012 at 09:34AM

The Heroes of Olympus 1011 replies

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over a year ago rock4ever said…
I LOVE THE IDEA!!!! its kinda like the other forums of, you know "banishing" but only it has its own thing to it! :D like i said before, I LOVE THE IDEA, so can you PLEASE post the first chapter soon, it sounds intresting and i cant wait to read the first it! and yay, first replie! :D so yeah, post soon! :D
over a year ago StormOrFire43 said…
sounds good post soon
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swiftwater said…
post sounds great
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
post really really soon. and how is percy the son of a traitor????
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
Chapter 1
Percy POV

The war has finally come to an end.Thanks to the two camps alliance with the Gods it worked out pretty well. The seven of us; Me, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Piper, Hazel and Frank were beat up, bruised but alive.
Three Months after the last great war, the seven of us finally became attached to each other,I mean; Jason`s dating Piper, Frank`s dating Hazel and I`m dating Annabeth but Leo`s dating his metal parts( well you get the picture )but Jason and the rest of the Romans have to get back to Camp Jupiter.After the camp sing-along I kissed Annabeth goodnight and said good bye to my friends,we parted ways to our separate cabins and had a good night`s sleep.
Even after the war, dreams still had to come to me.
I was in Olympus, right outside the council of the Gods room. Just by being outside I could feel the tension and smell the ozone in the air like there was a huge argument. The door was slightly open so I took a peek; Athena explaining something then she took out a huge orb; like a whole universe inside of it, they gaspedand started glaring at Poseidon in rage which become insults and shouting. Poseidon stared at me then mouthed the word "Go." I woke up in cold sweat.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
o this is really soon
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Wow really good post soon
over a year ago rock4ever said…
YAY! YOU POSTED!!! :D i love it so far, so can you please post again its really good and its really intresting! please! :D
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
Chapter 2
Percy POV

I woke up in cold sweat, 'What could actually mean about that dream?' I thought; well a hope nothing could get any worse. I checked the clock its showed 10:00 am, "OH MY GOD! I overslept!"
I quickly changed out of my boxers into fresh camp clothes 'could this day get any worse?' I thought but I wish I hadn`t and headed for the mess hall.
As I approached I could see Chiron waiting for me at the entrance Uh-oh... He had a sad expression in his face "Percy, we need to talk. Meet me at the Big House in 5 minutes." then he galloped off
I didn`t think about what Chiron said much because I was gulping down my eggs and bacon big breakfast in a hurry; luckily they were still serving breakfast, then headed for the big house.
I reached the front door and knocked "Come in" Chiron said. I came in finding him in his wheel chair form looking gloomy and pained.
"Umm... If this is about me sleeping in then it won`t happen again-" " Sit down Percy" he ordered I sat"I need to talk to you about your parents Percy,"he began I gulped "They died Percy. Just this morning, your mother contacted me to visit her this morning because she had something urgent to say which is not safe saying during Iris messaging. I arrived to your home and found them both lying in a pool of blood _dead_; bruises, cuts, multiple stabs everywhere. The police started to arrive so I quickly left" He paused "I assume that an immortal killed them because there was a great aura of power inside the house." He started to get up "I`m so sorry Percy, you could visit them in your apartment if you want." then he left.
My heart shatters, why... why oh why did this things happen to me...
I headed through the backdoor and back to Cabin 3.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
What... NO comments???

100 view this but only 8 comments...
over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
post soon plz
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
im still here! :D i loved it! please post again soon! :D
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
wow really good post soon
over a year ago fros4est said…
nice post soon
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
sweet chapter plz post soon
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
yeah post!
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
Chiron POV

I headed for Thalia`s pine tree to think.
Just right after the war this happens. I know how Percy feels, of course for a child to loose their parents like that...
"Chiron!" someone said
"Annabeth?"I asked as she came running
"Where`s Percy?"
"He went back to his cabin to take a nap my dear."I lied
"Good, because the gods said that to meet at the Big House in 30 minutes. They said it was very urgent." What kind of urgent situation is this for the Gods to have a meeting here at Camp.
"But why without Percy?" I asked curiously
"They said to keep him busy or something, the point is at meeting is about his dad." that kinda shocked me; what did Lord Poseidon do this time?
"Come on Chiron, we have 10 minutes."
"Fine." I said at last
I picked her up and galloped to the Big House.

over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
I know its short
But don`t worry I`ll post another one tomorrow `cause I need sleep.

over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
Hey Guys....

If you have any suggestion on what you want to add to the story, just post it..
Thanks for supporting me... :D
over a year ago percyroxz said…
plz post soon and u should make ur chppies a little longer other then that good job
over a year ago rock4ever said…
like happen in the story......... i got nothing! YOUR STORY IS PERFECT!!!! PLEASE POST AGAIN!!!!
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Awesome stuff man,post soon!!!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Oh man thats sooo good
over a year ago percabeth143 said…
big smile
epppp!!!! keep posting!!!!!
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…

Percy POV

After hearing the news about my parents I crawled right back to bed and started crying like a baby. Yeah I know it wasn`t appropriate for a seventeen year-old teenager to just cry like that but still; besides Poseidon and the Camp my mom and Paul were the people I loved the most in the mortal world.
After what seemed like hours I sat up thinking; Who could have done this? Why would they kill them? `Cause we won the war?.' I stood up and balled my fists. "If I EVER discover who was responsible for this I`ll send them to the pits of Tartarus." I said angrily. Might as well release my anger during Capture the Flag later on. I thought
I heard the sound of the Horn. Dinner time already, I`ve been here for that much time. I walked out of the cabin and headed for the Mess hall. As I approached I got weird looks from the other campers, I ignored it, I looked over the Athena table;Annabeth wasn`t there... Strange I`ll go look for her so I hurriedly ate my dinner and ran out to find her.I found her laying by the beach in the dunes.
"Hey Annabeth." I said She freaked like I was about to attack or something
"Umm... Hey Percy."
"Is there something wrong?"I asked
"Umm... Nothings wrong." she said paranoid
"Annabeth why are you shaking"
"Just excited for Capture the Flag later" Uh-huh I thought
"Well see you later."I left awkwardly

I was with the Athena, Hephaestus, Hermes and Demeter Cabins for team A, the rest Team B.
I started off by disarming my enemies with the trick Luke have taught me but somehow they were fierce in attacking that I didn`t have time to defend myself but get cornered by the lake by the whole camp
"Umm... Guys why are you only attacking me?" I asked
"`Cause your a traitor.."someone said
"A SON of a traitor." someone corrected
"Your helping your father by giving information about both the Camps to him." Clarisse said as they came closer with their spears "And by doing that, our enemies know everything about us." she continued "May that`s why you won the war so easily."
"I think you have got it all wrong." I protested "You can`t seriously believe that."
"Annabeth, How can you believe this crap! There`s no proof anyway."
"Of course there`s proof, my mother found a crystal ball consisting of the whole universe in your father`s room in Olympus. For that the council executed him and is looking for a replacement." Father... Dead?
"But there`s no proof that I`m helping." I protested
"Sure there is we found One too under your bed."
"But I never would help the enemy-"
"Enough chitchat." said Clarisse "Let`s just finish him off."
"Annabeth Please."" I thought you loved me."
"LOVED YOU? HOW THE CREEP WOULD LIKE YOU?" she said "Yeah, we needed you for battles and stuff but not for love."
" USED me?" I said painfully. They said nothing
"So this is what the campers have in like... Using each other then throwing them away when their done." "YOU DON`T HAVE PROOF THAT I EVER USED IT!" I said angrily; the waters in the lake and beach rock against the shore, the campers shivered. I turned to Annabeth "I GAVE UP EVERYTHING JUST TO BE WITH YOU." I roared
"You killed my parents and left me with nothing!" I screamed to the sky
"So be it." I waved my arms upward and everybody remained still
"How-"Annabeth began
"The body is made up off 75% water remember." I said coldly and pushed them backward till they hit the trees, hard.
"Good thing I spared you." I concentrated on myself until I became water vapor and fled.
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
pls. comment :)

If there are people with IDEAS on what might happen next JUST POST...
Oh yeah... Thanks Guys for giving your comments...
I appreciate your support.. :)

I`ll give you each props.. :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
That's sooo good anyways I think it would be interesting if after training he fell in love with someone else and broke his oath of never trusting anyone:) im just suggesting but whatever u post Im sure to like it:) keep on posting!!!
over a year ago fros4est said…
ooohhhh go percy post soon
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Awesome man. Keep up the good work
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Just asking but u a guy or a girl
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
big smile
That`s very awkward to ask but check my profile.... :>
If you have any ideas for the next few chapters don`t be afraid to post..I really need them even if they are corny.

By the way I only post during Monday-Friday but I will try my best on weekends.....
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
Post soon
over a year ago percabeth143 said…
big smile
poor Percyy:( Amazing chappiee!!! POSTT SOON
over a year ago kjmjack87 said…
big smile
omg dude (dude right or dudet??) this is really post soon please
over a year ago kjmjack87 said…
hey can hestia help him?????
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
Annabeth POV

*Flash Back*

"Chiron!" I called
"Annabeth?" he asked
"Where`s Percy?" I asked
"He went back to his cabin to take a nap my dear."
"Good" he gave me a puzzled look"The Gods said that to meet at the Big House in 30 minutes. They said it was very urgent."
"But why without Percy?" He asked
"They said to keep him busy or something, the point is at meeting is about his dad." I explained
There was silence
"Come on Chiron, we have 10 minutes." I reminded him
"Fine." he said at last, he picked me up and placed me on his back and we headed for the Big House.

"Hey!" someone called out. It was Jason
"Back already?" I asked
"Mercury/Hermes requested or maybe ordered us to return to Camp Half-Blood for an urgent meeting with the Council of the Gods." while the other Romans started arriving "Why so?" he asked before I could answer-
"JASON!" Piper yelled and hugged him fierce fully
"Hey Piper, glad to visit." he said with a grin
"Come on. I hope they`ll explain to us." I said and led the way to the Big House

"I HAVE CALLED THIS MEETING TO ORDER!"Zeus yelled, everyone became silent
"There`s no need to shout my dear."Hera said
"Ahem..I have called this meeting for an urgent matter."
"Well... DUH!! " the Stolls said together. Hermes gave them a stern look which meant that this was no laughing matter
"Where is Lord Poseidon and why is Percy not allowed in this meeting?" I interrupted. All the Gods gave me a glare
"I was getting to that." he replied impatiently
"As I was saying...I have called this meeting for an urgent matter. After the Second Great Titan war,Chaos the creator of the world is awakening, he has declared war against us."
Everyone gasped
"For us to defeat or give us another chance to prove ourselves that we are not worthless, we call upon the Seven for your assistance." he continued
"But a betrayal occurred just after Chaos`s declaration.Poseidon-" he said with venom in his mouth
"-betrayed all of us by giving information about both camps and the Gods secret." he showed us a crystal ball; just by looking at it you could make out some stars, planets, the whole universe perhaps
"But how did Lord Poseidon get information about the camps?"I questioned
"We believe that there is a certain hero who is so close to him that he gave information on purposely." he paused "Perseus"
I stood up "But how is that even possible?" I protested
"I found a duplicate of the same crystal ball in his room." said my mother then she showed it to us."Under the floor."
"Yeah, sometimes I hear him talking to himself at night." someone said.
"Yeah I do to."said another
"Maybe that`s how he won the last war so easily." said another one
"B-but... he would never-" I choked
"I know its hard to believe..." said Aphrodite softly
"So... what happened to Lord Neptune/Poseidon?" asked Jason
"I executed him... I know Gods don`t die but I tortured him `til he faded." explained Hades
"So what now?" asked Piper
"During Capture the Flag kill Percy." said Ares
"You know that`s not a bad idea." said Apollo
"All in favor?" all hands raised even the Hunters; who didn`t say anything agreed.
"Well that settles it then." said Zeus then they left

I headed for the beach thinking 'How dare you Percy betray us like that.'I didn`t feel like eating but just think about why Percy had to betray us but someone tapped me on the shoulder, I jumped It was Percy.
"Hey Annabeth." he said
"Umm... Hey Percy."
"Is there something wrong?" he asked
"Umm... Nothings wrong." I replied blankly while shaking
"Annabeth why are you shaking" he asked curiously he`s sea-green eyes staring at me.
"Just excited for Capture the Flag later" I lied, well maybe not
"Well see you later." the he left
"Good bye." I whispered.

*END OF FLASH BACK* <during the battle I skipped some parts>

"YOU DON`T HAVE PROOF THAT I EVER USED IT!" he said angrily; the waters in the lake and beach rock against the shore, the campers shivered. He turned to me "I GAVE UP EVERYTHING JUST TO BE WITH YOU."
"You killed my parents and left me with nothing!" He screamed to the sky. What? Hi parents... DEAD?
"So be it." As he said this he`s eyes turned a shade of dark green to blue to black; looking in his eyes made me cower in fear. Just as I was planning to retreat my body went stiff and so did the others
"How-"I began; he had this much power?
"The body is made up off 75% water remember."He reminded me, for that he threw us against the trees; HARD. I heard my ribs crack
"Good thing I spared you." he mumbled under he`s breath while looking at me
He concentrated until he began to fade, I tried to say something but blacked out.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
big smile
TRIVIA 101 and KJMJACK87- I like both of your ideas... I`m thinking about where to place them...


KJMJACK87- <pls. check my profile for the gender>
anyways I prefer "MAN" like "Hey man."
FYI "DUDE" means an infected hair on an elephants BUTT..

Thanks Guys for supporting me.... :>
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
I will only write depending on how many comments I receive...
over a year ago swiftwater said…
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassseeeeeeeee­eee­e post
over a year ago fros4est said…
and how many do u want?
cause i would like u to post soon
over a year ago swiftwater said…
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
Amazing chapter
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Sweet chapter Post soon :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
I LOVED IT!!! please post again soon, its at a very intresting part! :D
over a year ago rock4ever said…
and yeah, how many comments?
over a year ago kjmjack87 said…
big smile
really good keep posting
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
I bet that percy and his dad were framed. Am I right?
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
big smile
Annabeth POV

I woke up in the infirmary room with bandages on my chest. My body felt like it was on fire, I tried to sit up but someone put a hand on my shoulders "I think its best not to do that" it said, I focused on him;it was Chiron with a worried yet fearful expression. "Chiron..." I tried to say
"Yes, child its me." I took a deep breath but felt a sharp pain in my chest.
"A yes... you know you were lucky to have survived that blow with just broken ribs. The others almost broke every bone." he said I focused on my surroundings, the infirmary looked like a Red Cross rescue center; sleeping bags on the floor, Apollo medics running around, people unconscious and a lot covered up in bandages.
"I had to heal our healers first." he said "So they may help me heal the others." he handed me a tall glass of apple juice colored liquid; Nectar of the Gods. I drank it with my heart`s content.
"We are lucky no one died. I rushed over to all of you once Percy fled."
"He spared us." I croaked
"But is it true" he questioned "That you only used him?"
The question struck me, I remained silent
"During the meeting with the Gods I was shock to find out that he was giving out information to Chaos-" the sky thundered
"-but Percy had a point about proof that he ever used it." he continued
"But you DID vote for him to be killed right?"
he didn`t answer "I regret doing it" he said
"Chiron, what did he mean by 'killed his parents'?" I asked, he paled
"Percy`s parents where killed in their apartment the last two days ago." he said gloomily "He was so depressed,sad and angry at the same time, mostly after hearing his father was forced to fade which is the only family he had, after we admitted that we used him" I felt bad about it... He`s whole family gone. I felt droopy and my eyes started to close
"Rest my dear you`ll need your strength." and he left.

One week later the Gods visited us again
"During the second Titan war" Zeus started to say "we give our thanks for all of you for aiding us. We have considered giving a generous gift to both camps as a reward 'Immortality'."
Everyone gasped, Zeus rolled his eyes
"Yes, Immortality. But the remaining Six will be made Gods.Gods of the certain things they are good at. Please come forward."
Everyone lined up in one line, the remaining six will come in last.
They were led to a room, after 30 minutes they came out new and powerful.
"And now the remaining Six." he said impatiently
"Jason Grace, God of leadership and swordsmanship."
"Piper McLean, Goddess of natural beauty and originality"
"Leo Valdez, God of Fire and machines"
"Frank Zhang, God of Archery and shape shifting"
"Hazel Levesque, Goddess of Riches and..."
"Annabeth Chase, Goddess of Architecture and Logic" everyone cheered
"And some more great news, we have found a new member of the Council... Triton, son of Poseidon; the new Lord of the Seas." everyone erupted with cheers and claps
"For now lets have a feast." and tables of mortal food and drinks appeared along with another table full of ambrosia and nectar for the Gods. The music cracked up and everyone started to dance
My Mother came up to me and said "Annabeth, I`m so proud of you." I smiled but felt guilty in the process; if it weren`t for Percy the Titans should have won 'he was the one who betrayed us in the first place' I thought.
I left them drinking themselves silly and headed for the Athena Cabin, as I went there I saw Lady Hestia all alone near the campfire.
"Lady Hestia, I something wrong?" I asked
"Yes there is." she said as she poked the fire with her stick "I wish I could help Perseus, he did nothing wrong in the first place.Zeus wouldn`t let anyone of us help him so he made us swear on the Styx not to involve ourselves with him."
"But didn`t he betray us in the first place." I reminded her but regretted bring up the subject, she went berserk.The fire started to rise and turn a red. Her eyes raged.
"YOU FOOLS HAVE NO PROOF IF HE EVER USED IT! SOMEONE MUST HAVE SET HIM UP!" she screamed in rage. The sound the of the party died and was under silence listening.
"B-but why defend him?"I asked
"I respect him for that." she began to cry. Why have I forgotten
"I`m so sorry-" I apologized
"BUT WHY WOULD I NEED YOUR APOLOGY? you used him for bloodshed. You didn`t even defend him" she said tears in her eyes, I was silent
"I l-loved him like a son." she sobbed
"But why not confess that to him?" I protested angrily
"you knew that he LOVED you yet you doubted him without thinking.You have no right to be angry." I felt realization then remorse
"You were very lucky Annabeth." she laughed "A guy like that is very rare this days." I felt guilty
"I hope he kills everyone of you traitors." she said while she stepped into the fire and fled leaving me alone in the dark.

Hope you like it.... :)
Pls. comment :)) hehehe