The Heroes of Olympus Stalker's Mark of Athena

icuSTALKER posted on Feb 07, 2012 at 02:04PM
First of all, hi. Sometimes I say 'sup so if you want to think of me saying that, it's all cool.
Sooo, icuSTALKER here and yes, a lot of you have probably seen me before:D. It may be from acquaintances, fans, forum posts, whatever. Mostly, everyone knows me by my comments on their forums. :) A lot of people find me funny, probably childish and immature:D. And there's NO WAY they think I could be good at writing. I'm too flimsy and too random that I could never EVER write a story. So I'm thinking that you're thinking this: 'icuSTALKER? Writing a story??:OO SHOOT ME NOW.'
BUT I am willing to try because I am a Mexican!:D DO NOT ASK IF I AM RACIST BECAUSE THE ANSWER IS NO. :D
So here it goes. :D
Synopsis: Romans and Greeks are prepared to solve two problems:
a) find Nico
b) save the world
But what they're not ready for is to solve their own personal issues or figure out what the prophecies mean. Oh, and, traitors are amongst them. Not ready for that either.
So, I know this has been done a million times, but I figured that if my writing really was good like I've been told, people would notice and I would know if my writing is good, and what's wrong with it. Then people would pay attention to this forum.:) just a theory.
If there is any discrimination against Leo, I will personally ask Santa Claus to postpone your present's arrival:D
Leo is awesome. Period.:D
These are Amphitrite's rules, Reposted: link
If you're a fan of the Hunger Games, maybe you'll like this new story I'm working on but maybe not:D
Rating: C, for some violence (it's Percy Jackson, dudes!!) but no language.
Type (Genre): Adventure, Romance, Mythology, maybe Humor (I'll try)
Disclaimer: All rights to Rick Riordan 'cause he rocks and I'd feel so mean claiming I wrote his story because mine is way worse.
And by the way, spam is legal here. Please keep the cussing to a minimum. Thank you.
I am a religious person and paranoid about some ideas:P. If you find me annoying, that's good, because it means I'm doing my job. Kidding.
Characters: Ella, Tyson, Percy, Octavian, Jason, Reyna, Piper, Leo, Annabeth, Clarisse, Chris, Frank, Rachel, and a ton more that you probably can think of off the top of your head but I can't.
OC's: Heida, Cody, Kenneth, maybe some more as the story progresses:)
I will post when I have time, when I am bored, or simply when my sister screams at me to.
Please criticize as much as you feel the need to.
Thank you.
A few of my favorite forums:
The Two Heroes (universalpowa)
Newbee's Heroes of Olympus (131newbee313)
The Mark of Athena (Wisdoms_Child)
Aphrodite's Mark of Athena (Aphrodite100)
Percy and the hunger games (kristalovepercy)
my mark of athena (Athenaswisdom)
Newbee's Mark of Athena (131newbee313)
Betrayed… :O (Seaweed_Brain12)
The Mark of Athena (HecateA)
The Mark of Athena (kgirl925, I think)
Son of Neptune-My Story (lovespercy)
Black Rain (jace-lightwood)
And sooo many others:).....
*~Hayalim Kedoshim~*
And that's only a few:)
TwigmanFTW and I just want you all to know…
End. Of. Story. :):D
*This message has been approved by Chuck Norris.*
[A/N]: Special thanks to those who have helped me and the following:
Wisdoms_Child for staying faithful to this story...
Aphrodite100 for being nice about everything she does...
universalpowa for sticking by me and being a great friend...
percyroxz for being one of the first ones to comment and encourage me...
lovespercy for her valuable criticism and help with my writing...
annabeth523 for always being here and never giving up...
oceanlover123 for never leaving and encouraging me...
kristalovepercy for being a great friend and helping me be happy...
TwigmanFTW for being so very cheerful and being one of the best friends I could ever have...
megon4ever for making my day with her comments and reading no matter what...
...and EVERYONE ELSE WHO IS READING THIS FORUM!:D:D:D:D You guys are awesome!!!!

:D Thank you sooo much!!!:D

*'I'm Chuck Norris, and I approve this message'*
Quote from Leo, the Lost Hero: Humor was a good way to hide the pain.
Peace out.:D

last edited on Apr 18, 2012 at 12:56PM

The Heroes of Olympus 310 replies

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over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Hey, guys, some of my chapters will be short, but I'm totally new to fanpop, so cut me some slack. But feel free to criticize. Prologue:

Dark. And damp. Not to mention cold. Never could forget the cold.
Nico diAngelo simply pulled his avatar jacket around him to keep warm. This place was a prison. An earthy prison, and the only ones who would probably like it (if they weren't chained to the ground) would be malevolent tree huggers. Not Grover kind. Gaea kind. And who likes those kind of people who like blackened trees growing poison apples and machetes made of black mist?
Not Nico.
Usually, he'd like black, and he still did, but not so much anymore. If he was allowed out, then maybe so. But he wasn't. Nope. Nico was chained with earthen tendrils to the dusty ground and rocking back and forth silently. After being here for a few days, he'd concluded he was going crazy.
Evidence 1: he ran into the wall while pacing.
Evidence 2: he started biting on CHAINS, hoping to get out.
And evidence 3: he wanted to get out of here so he tried to write 'help' on the dirt with his finger and write his predicament as well. What he ended up writing was, 'Billy Bob Joe met Chuck Norris, the two met Santa Claus, who ran over someone's grandma two seconds later, then Mario came and banged Chuck on the head, and then Justin Bieber appeared singing Michael Jackson'.
He looked at his ravings when he was done and swiped it away, disgusted. Yep, he was going crazy. Not to mention he spelled Chuck, Santa, grandma, Bieber, and Michael wrong. Stupid dyslexia.
He pressed his knees to his chest. His cell had no bars, no windows, nothing. It reminded him of his father's jail cells, and he didn't exactly appreciate the resemblance. His clothes were tattered from torment and his face covered in cuts and bruises. A lot had happened in the past three days. Everyday, Gaea took him to the torture chamber where he would be electrified by some mysterious force. It hurt. Bad. And she never let up, nope. She came down hard as a rock. Her plan was to weaken him before his friends could find him, and if they did find him in time, he'd already be pretty much dead so he'd be useless.
Nico [i/i]hated[i/i] being useless. It was no fun to go down and tell Hades, 'Hey Dad, guess what? I got captured and now I'm dead so you get to see your son twenty four seven! Yippee!' He didn't want to imagine what would happen then. Even if he went to Elysium, it would do no good, as his father would be visibly upset. California, get ready for an earthquake.
He thought of Hazel. She'd be worried. And scared. And probably confused. He tried to think WHY he had brought her out of Asphodel, but it was like his memory was slipping. He could barely remember his father's face, much less Percy Jackson. In three days. Wow, he was weak. And Percy was going to kill him. Why was that?
He shook his head. Yep definitely going crazy.
Bang! He no longer jumped at that sound. He simply sat there and closed his eyes. Strong hands grabbed his arms and unlocked the chains. He heard the two guards shuffle around and stand oneither side of him. One kicked him.
"Move," he snapped. "The Earth wants to talk to you."
He figured it would do him no good to open his eyes. It was practically pitch dark if you opened them. And the guards kept him going in the same direction with a series of shoves. He had a lot to worry about.
But getting lost wasn't one of them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
This one is pretty short, too.
Chapter 1, Jason
No other way to describe it. Well, he was bad at synonyms anyway, and since that what the first word that popped into his head, he totally decided to stick with it. Agonizing.
This crave for Camp Jupiter was pushing him, pulling him, and just simply squashing him flat. And those were not on his list of things to possibly get beat up by. Camp Half Blood felt so...wrong. Probably the wisps of the old feuds but still, he wanted it to stop. He'd wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, his head swirling with visions of a Demigod Civil War. Blood everywhere, and he couldn't get it out of his head. His theory was that if he reached Camp Jupiter, these nightmares would stop. He'd get there and he and this Percy Jackson character would put a stop to this stupid fight once and for all. The wisps of the feud would dissipate and Gaea would be smashed down.
He mentally slapped himself.
What did he think this was, a game? Nothing was ever that simple. Friends would die, comrades would fall, and Gaea might as well be too strong for them. They probably didn't stand a chance.
"Jason Grace, are you DEAF?"
He slapped himself again. Twice. One for not paying attention, and one just for the heck of it because he needed to wake up.
Leo waved a hand in his face, so close he had to back away. "Man, I said your name five times already! Did you already go to Hades?"
He blinked. "Sorry. What's up?"
"The sky. It's been up there for a while."
"I mean, what did you say that I didn't hear?"
"Oh." He looked sheepish. "Annabeth needs you in the lower deck. Says she wants to analyze."
"Thanks." He made his way toward the lower deck, along the brass woodwork. He didn't know why they called it the brass woodwork. Either it was brass or it was wood. You have to pick one or the other. But he admired the ship. Gleaming gold, bronze, brass woodwork and all, he figured Leo must be proud. Festus overlooked the camp proudly like he was destined to do it. Actually, he was.
There were no oars, but a steering wheel in the back of the ship like on a motor boat. The whole thing was run on Byzantium Mica, a rare Roman mineral Jason found in his pocket after the quest. Leo tested it and proclaimed it to be just the fuel he was looking for. They were taking off today.
Jason went down the staircase to lower deck.
Annabeth was already there, studying her manuscripts and some document. Was that Piley (A/N: I think that's his name and I think that's how you spell it)? SHe glanced up, saw Jason, and swiped the whole thing off the table to reveal a map of California. A small oil lamp hung on the ceiling but lit up the whole room like a light bulb.
"Hey, Jason," she said.
"Hey." He slid in the chair across from her. "What's up?"
"Stupid notes and documents," she muttered and rested her chin on her hand, looking down at the floor.
Something was wrong, especially for Annabeth to be tired of documents and notes. He gently took the map off the table. "I don't think you need to analyze right now."
She smoothed her blond hair back. "No, I guess not. I just don't know what's wrong with me. Psychological fear? Arachniphobia?"
"Worry," he said.
"About what?" she moaned, putting the piles of writings back on the table. "What could I possibly be worried about?"
He felt sorry for her. She was so used to being collected and calm that worrying and looking like a mess unconsciously was probably something new for her. He wasn't saying that Annabeth never worried. But she'd never had someone like Percy Jackson whom she actually cared about go missing in the blink of an eye so suddenly, leaving her stunned.
"Annabeth," he said.
She swore softly. "Yeah. Yeah, I get it. It's just so hard being alone without him for so long, after five years..."
"You'll be fine," he told her. "You'll get to see Percy again and everything will be fine. You can have that relationship back."
He winced and thought almost out loud, 'And what'll I do about Reyna and Piper?'
She took a shaky breath. "Yeah, I suppose." Her chair scraped as she stood. Let's get to your camp. Leo says we're almost ready."
He followed her out of the room.
Leo was the first to greet them. Out of the other twenty seven campers who were coming along. "'Sup, Jason. Everthing's all ready."
"Great," Jason said, and those cravings started plaguing him once more. "Let's take off."
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
How do you do italics, bold, etc? And can someone please comment? I know it's not that good, but I at least want someone to read it.
over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
i think u should continue. i love it. and to do bold u type this (without the spaces):[b] [ / b ] and the same with italics but u put an i instead of a b
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
percyroxz, thanks. I suck at figuring out fanpop:P.
over a year ago universalpowa said…
and no problem, i find the whole [i ] thing confusing too
but *shrug*
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
i love your book please please please post soon!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
@universalpowa Thanks and haha, I'm still trying to figure out the whole italics and bold and underline thing haha:P
I think I should work on making my chapters longer.
Thanks, guys, for commenting:)
Chapter 2, I guess.
Percy heard his girlfriend before he saw her. In fact, before he even walked completely out of the Senate building. And this is what he heard:
"Leonardo Juan Gregorio Valdez, I swear, no mess comes without a price!"
Hazel stared at the boat. "Holy toledo. That is one huge boat and at the moment, I'm glad I'm not on it."
"You and me both," Frank piped up and Octavian stared smugly at the wonderful structure.
"As you can see," he said as though he were explaining a relic at a museum, "the Greeks can't even get along with each other. Do you hear that insufferable screaming? That is one infuriated woman and you would all do wise to back away."
If there was one thing Percy hated about Octavian, it was that he could make a bad reputation out of someone he hadn't even met. Everyone, some who weren’t even followers of Octavian, backed away, weapons raised.
He could barely stand for it. “Octavian, at least keep your mouth shut until the boat lands. I think that’ll be most helpful to us.”
Octavian, of course, ignored him. “If they attack, ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be ready.”
“Octavian,” Reyna said in her I’m-really-don’t-have-time-for-this tone. “Stand down.”
“Stand down.”
Reluctantly, he waved his hand and the groups hesitantly lowered their weapons.
Percy no longer heard the crashing inside the boat. Instead, he heard what sounded like a wrestling contest.
“Okay, okay, I give!” someone yelled and a small figure jumped into view and ran to the back of the boat. He grasped the steering wheel and maneuvered the thing to inside the borders and near the Little Tiber.
“Hey!” Terminus screamed, looking like he wanted to jump right off that pedestal. “You need a permit for that! Where are your boarding passes, Yankees?!”
The ship landed near him with a slight bump, but the ground barely had a dent. The small figure collapsed, and Percy saw Octavian grimly note the white flag on top of the mast.
Percy had to admit, the boat was incredible. Gold plating covered the outside surface and a dragon’s head overlooked the whole valley of Berkley. His heart jumped as he studied the dragon’s dim ruby eyes and fierce sharp teeth.
Beckendorf’s dragon.
He blinked as a plank was lowered, just like that, to the ground. A kid, not much older than him stood at the top. He gave a small wave and descended. Percy could’ve sworn his hair was almost as bright and golden as the ship and eyes as blue as the sky. Apollo’s kid, maybe Zeus’s. But he could only conclude that he was none other than the missing Jason Grace, son of Jupiter and leader of the camp.
Jason reached the bottom and Reyna’s eyes lit up. She walked over to him silently, extending a hand. Camp Jupiter watched intently, shouting and whispering, as the rest of the crew descended and Jason shook Reyna’s hand. And it looked like she squeezed it pretty hard, but the son of Jupiter seemed to be used to it. He gave her a hug and she murmured something in his ear.
“Perseus Jackson!” That voice seemed to rise higher above the others, angry if not relieved.
He winced and Hazel nudged him. “Percy, I would watch out-”
Too late. He wished Hazel had warned him sooner. He was tackled in a bear hug and found Annabeth leaning against his chest, nearly crushing his ribs like she’d tried to do already so many times. He hugged her back.
Annabeth released him and hit him, hard, on the arm.
“Ow,” he complained, rubbing the red spot he now had. “What the Hades was that for?”
“That,” she said, scowling, “was for disappearing.” She hit him on the other arm and he cursed. “And that was for not even apologizing.”
He smoothed her messy hair back. “I’m sorry.”
“You should be.”
And as always, he lost it when Annabeth kissed him.
Octavian clapped his hands loudly like 'hey look, you guys should be paying attention to [/i]me[/i]'. "Okay, you've had your little reunion." He frowned at the rest of the crew, who were murmuring to Percy and giving him high fives. "If we're going to get this over with, then we shall. However, I need you all to hand over your weapons to ensure safety among us Romans."
Percy was annoyed. He squeezed Annabeth's hand and a familiar girl growled and stomped over to him. Her stringy brown hair was jaggedly cut short and her brown pig eyes crackled and narrowed.
"Listen, punk," Clarisse snapped, standing over Octavian like he was one of the stuffed animals ready to be cut open. "I'd like to see you give up your weapons and maybe we can come to terms about this. Otherwise, I think you should get out and let the pros do the talking."
At first, Percy was stunned. He'd never seen Clarisse stand up for anybody, save Silena and Chris, before and definitely not for him. 'Things sure have changed since I left,' he thought. He decided to keep his mouth shut and let her do whatever she wanted.
Octavian cleard his throat indignantly. "Madam, if the 'pros' will do the talking, then for Minerva's sake, let them."
"Hey," Annabeth snapped. "Use your own parent's name."
He ignored her. "And further more, you are not in charge of this faciliation. Shoo."
Clarisse snarled and Percy decided to go there and break it up. Jason reached them at the same time he did.
"Stop it," they said in unison. Clarisse's jaw clenched and she stepped back. Octavian gave her his 'I won' look.
Jason turned to Percy. "Looks like you've done a pretty good job around here."
Percy shrugged, a bit intimidated. "Probably not as good as you. I'm Percy. Percy Jackson."
"Jason Grace." They shook hands and Jason glanced at the Senate building's roof. "What happened?"
"Long story. And you can hear all about it in the Senate meeting," he promised. He took Annabeth's hand and they walked off, leaving the two camps introducing theirselves to one another. At the moment, they weren't caring if any fights broke out. They were off in their own little world. Percy probably would've skipped if it hadn't been the sign of a true leader.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Oh. Cool.
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
this is nice. Post soon!
Ok, i know you just did 2 hours ago...but still...
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Hey, alice20000109:). I'm glad you're reading. Sorry, guys, I was going to post tonight but I might not be able to because of my Bible quizzing practice and youth group. I'll try tomorrow.
over a year ago universalpowa said…
awesome post btw :D
and just to stop confusion,
[i ] in the beginning of what you want italicized and [/i ] (without spaces) at the end
and then b and u for bold and underline

awesome post
post soon!

and do you just type the chapters in a word. doc, or do you just put them in as a comment?
its good to back up your chapters otherwise they tend to get deleted by accident
ive lost a lot of chapters becuase of that XD
i suggest Google Docs :D
BYE!! :P
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
@universalpowa What's Google documents? And sometimes it's kinda like a comment if I don't have time to draft it because I don't want the idea to have time to go away, and sometimes I use microsoft word and then I copy and paste. How does stuff get deleted?
over a year ago perceus121 said…
[i/]love ur story so far[i/] post
over a year ago percyroxz said…
post soon
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Okey dokey...still a bit confuzzled on the italics but that's okay:). I'm only a little bit confused. So while I'm here, I'll post.
Chapter 2, Piper
Piper was wary of the girl Jason called Reyna. She watched them hug and her heart sank slightly when their eyes lit up. She knew it. She had known it all along; her fears were confirmed. Jason had a girlfriend and she wasn't sure she wanted to butt in. Their intro was friendly but tense, like they were telepathically telling each other '[i]you know what's going on. Keep it cool, though.[i]' Jason left to go talk to yet another long missed friend and Piper half heartedly listened to the conversation Leo had started with some overweight Asian guy and an African American girl, who inrtoduced themselves as Frank and Hazel. Leo looked like he had had fifty cups of caffeine and twenty more Monsters. He talked with words that went as fast as bullets, raving on about his 'awesome helicopter piloting thingy skills'. Frank kept a polite face, slightly scowling, and Hazel studied Leo like he would explode. Well, with as much energy and sugar he consumed, it was possible. Piper probably looked tired and bored, eyes half closed and sighing.
Jason kept talking to the kid but Reyna strode over, head held high and eyes shining. "Hey," she said as she approached Piper.
"Hey," Piper said, watching Leo wave his hands as he talked like an idiot.
Reyna eyes glittered like jewels, if not dangerously. "I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk."
She resisted the urge to say, '[i]you don't have a plank I can walk[i]' "Sure," she said, being polite. "Thanks."
"No thanks required." She started walking farther into the camp and Piper followed.
Not for the first time, she admired great architecture. She and Reyna walked in silence for a few minutes, save Reyna talking about the joints around New Rome.
"That's the Forum," she explained, pointing to a large outside courtyard. "The marketplace. And that's the Senate building."
Piper glanced at the dome with the roof partly caved in. "Whoa," she said. "What happened there?"
Reyna grimaced. "Gaea's sons attacked. We lost a few campers, the Senate building was a bit destroyed, but we drove them off. Percy became praetor."
"That sounds good," Piper suggested, trying to sound upbeat. "I think this is a good idea, having the camps join."
"I guess." She scuffed the dirt with the tip of her toe. "I much prefer Jason, of course." She straightened, masking her face with that informal look.
Piper almost stopped. Forget Jason right now. Reyna was in a shell and for a few seconds she had been out. How could Piper have not noticed she seemed to be holding back a little, just for show so she wouldn't be thought as weak? "So," she said, all thoughts of Jason tucked away in the back of her mind somewhere, "who's that annoying blond kid with the sacrificial knife? Was that a teddy bear at his belt?"
Reyna almost smiled. Almost. It was at the tip of her lips but the trace of it faded. "That's Octavian. He's our augury."
"A what?"
"Augury. Sort of like your Greek oracle, except he rips open stuffed animals guts and reads the will of the gods through it. It's actually pretty scary."
"I believe you," Piper promised. A picture flashed in her mind of Rachel fainting at her first campfire at Camp Half-Blood. "What happens, thunder rumbles?"
"And lightning flashes." Her pace slowed. "And of course, we have Senate meetings, legions, cohorts-"
There she went again. Piper stopped in front of her and Reyna was forced to stop after trying to prowl around. Piper stood firmly, hands on hips. She wasn't mad. She was sad. "Reyna, you don't have to do that. Not with me."
"I haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about."
"I'm talking about being too formal. Can't you relax? Hang loose? There's no one here to spy on us and say we weren't acting like leaders."
Reyna stared at her for a moment, then her shoulders sagged the slightest bit. "You have no idea how hard it is. And we're never alone. There're Lares everywhere and demigods peeking from behind corners..." She drifted off and sank down on a stone bench. "I don't have a choice, Piper. I have to do this."
Piper sat down next to her. "No you don't. You don't have to do this by yourself. Let Jason help, or Percy. For Zeus' sake, let me help. No one is going to tell on you for having a good time on my watch."
This time Reyna did smile. It was faint, but Piper saw it. "We'll see about that."
Piper stood and offered a hand. "Now try acting like a normal teenage girl. We're not grownups yet, you know."
Reyna took her hand and stood. "I'd like that."
She smiled at her. She was going to help Reyna enjoy life a little more, and that would be without the charmspeak. At least they were off to a start. A small one, but a start nonetheless.
over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
awesome!! i like how reyna wasn't mean to piper. and this is just an idea but i would be really funny to have a love triangle between annabeth and that amazon that likes percy and percy. but u don't have to its your story
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
^Thanks for the idea!:) I will take all suggestions into consideration.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Okay, suggestions are allowed and I will probably use some of them, just for future reference. And what's the name of the girl who has a crush on Percy? I let my friend borrow the Son of Neptune so I don't know.
Chapter 3, Hazel
Hazel found that 'Sammy', aka 'Leo', simply loved to work with machines and apparently he built that one heck of a boat. Frank scowled at that but had to admit he'd done a pretty good job. Then Leo rambled on and on and on about random things, like pizza or the time he almost succeeded on playing a prank on Jason. Hazel laughed at all his jokes and Frank merely smiled. She loved to watch Leo go on and on about some stupid thing. Sammy always did that. Her chest tightened as she studied Leo over. Yeah, exactly like Sammy. Same curly dark brown hair, Latino features, same way he formed his words. And his personality. Not only was he, like, a complete clone of her old boyfriend, but he had the same exact personality. The same laugh, same jokes, same peppy, bubbly aura and attitude.
She struggled to pay attention instead of drifting off into those memories.
"So what do you Romies do 'round here?" he said.
"Oh, nothing much," Frank said, eying Leo like he would steal something. Hazel saw his hand near her, almost as if protective. "Senate meetings, train, listen to Terminus yelling-"
"I heard him."
"-and go out and save the world for what must be like the fifth time."
"Sweet! That's basically what we do, too, except instead of listening to someone yelling at us not to cross the borders, we hear Clarisse chasing after Connor and Travis Stoll with her electric spear. Otherwise, it's Annabeth blabbing about something science-y or math-y. LIke she said...oh, what did she say, Piper?"
"Piper left," Frank told him.
"Oh right. Well, she was comparing the capacity and velocity of a sword and a dagger. I fell asleep right then and there."
"Interesting. Bobby goes on and on about stuff, too. Like this one time, he..."
Now Hazel was barely listening. She tried to move her hand to slap herself. No. Leo looked too much like Sammy. And that led her to think about Sammy...
She blinked. [i]Hazel Levesque, stay awake![i/]
Too late.
She collapsed on the ground as the world began to darken. Immediately she heard shouts of alarm but she was already drifting, drifting through a black funnel of her mind. She would've screamed if she could have, but the memories were too strong. She was losing grip.
The funnel dissipated, as though it were all a black mist that had enveloped her like fog. She gasped for air and found herself walking, walking side by side with Sammy.
They were eating ice cream cones. It was a perfect summer day, cool enough to walk but hot enough to come out.
Sammy took another bite out of his ice cream. Sammy never licked. He bit, and it was a wonder he never got a brain freeze.
"You know," he said, "I've been thinking."
"Yeah?" she murmured as they walked closer than ever.
"About you and me-"
"Well, I was just wondering if...well..."
"Samuel Rosina Valdez, spit it out already."
"I hate it when you use my middle name," he complained. "Rosina. It means roses. I mean, c'mon, that should be your middle name."
She shrugged. "You're going off topic. What are you trying to say?"
He started walking backwards so he could talk to her face to face. They were in a white neighborhood, but no one was out. "I was" he started running a hand through his hair and drumming his other hand on his leg nervously.
"Sammy, c'mon," Hazel said. "We're best friends. Nothing to hide."
"Yeah, but-" he walked faster "-I was wondering if we could be more than friends."
She nearly stopped. "What?"
"Hazel," he said, "I'll admit, I've just got feelings for you. So I was you want to go to the stables with me? It's your birthday, remember?"
"Yeah," she admitted, "I remember."
"So you wanna go?"
She pretended to think for a moment, just to scare him. Truthfully, she liked him too, and she really wanted to go. But she wanted the satisfaction of knowing that if he really liked her, he would go after her no matter what.
"All right," she said. "But only if you catch me first." She threw the remains of the ice cream in a nearby trash can and took off.
"Hey!" Sammy shouted. "That's not fair!" He followed her everywhere until he caught her. They collapsed in the grass, laughing so hard, Hazel could barely see.
Sammy stroked her hair. "I won't let you go. I promise."
She felt a fizzle of happiness and the memory faded. She opened her eyes to see Frank desperately shaking her and Leo checking her pulse.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Sorry, it was kind of rushed. But I have to go to school.
over a year ago universalpowa said…
haha no its great :)
good luck at school :P
anyways, Google Docs is like Word...except you use your Gmail account (you dont have to do this) but it saves every ten seconds :D
and what i meant by getting deleted is if u typed it in the comment box like this comment is XD
becuz if the page accidentally refreshes, your work has gone :(
which has happened to me more than one time sadly
and post soon! :D awesome story

and the Amazon girl who had a crush on Percy was Kinzie or something....
probably didnt spell her name right XD
post soon! :D
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
omfog that was totally epic please post soon!!!!!!!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
ppost soon and the amazons name is kinzie
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
plz post! this is really good! (:
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
I'm working on a new chapter now. I'll probably post either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for reading:)
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Oh wow. New page. I love new pages.
over a year ago owlgrl99 said…
<3 it cant wait for more
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Chapter 4, Leo
Leo freaked out when the girl Hazel fainted. Her eyes just lolled back in her head and she collapsed right then and there like someone had hit her from behind in her head with a frying pan. She crumpled, hitting the ground in a flurry of dust and laid flat on her back, breathing shallow.
"Hazel!" Frank shouted, rushing next to her.
Leo yelped. At first he thought it was his fault. She had been staring at him kind of strangely and that scared him. Or maybe it was just his conversation about Transformers [A/N: I have never seen that movie].
He knelt down next to Frank. "Holy mother, holy mother, what happened to her?"
Frank felt her forehead. "Her fever's going up and she's not breathing very well...Oh, Ella said this wouldn't happen again-"
He swore in another language (was that Latin?) and shook her frantically. "Hazel! Hazel, c'mon!"
"What happened to her?!" Leo practically screamed. 'Yeah,' he thought, 'good job, Valdez. Show the hysterical side of ya.' "Is she going to be okay? Oh, crud, did [i/]I[i/] do it?!"
"No!" He fanned her sweaty dark face. "She has these things called blackouts."
"Blackouts. She faints when she has them. They're pretty much flashbacks."
"Flashbacks," he repeated. "Why?"
Frank opened his mouth to say something, then decided better of it. That annoyed Leo. He was the annoying one. No one could annoy like him and no one could annoy him. It was his talent to annoy everyone, and that included himself.
"The point is," Frank said, "our friend Ella said she was done having flashbacks. But maybe y- I mean, some certain people here have triggered her memory. It's too strong for her."
Leo wasn't about to point out that Frank had almost said 'you'. The big guy would deny it. "How old is she?"
"Thirteen. Actually, older, scientifically and mythologically."
"Like how much older?"
He ignored the question and shook Hazel. "Haze, c'mon, c'mon. You can wake up. C'mon."
"Oh my gosh, I leave for five minutes and THIS happens!" someone said.
Leo looked up at the guy in the toga. What was his name? Peter...Pierre...oh yeah, Percy. He knelt down next to them, feeling Hazel's forehead.
So this was the famous guy, Percy Jackson. Annabeth's boyfriend, and the guy she gave one heck of a hug to. He sure didn't look like much with green eyes and black messy hair and the like, but Leo did not doubt the strength he would gain if a friend got hurt. He scooted over a bit.
Percy cursed in Greek and Annabeth appeared. "Who's that?"
"A friend," he replied, cupping Hazel's face. She stirred the slightest bit.
Annabeth's eyes furrowed and she hovered around Hazel, too. "What happened?"
"Blackout," Leo and Frank answered simultaneously. Leo grasped her wrist, checking her pulse. Frank started shaking her. "She won't wake up," he said.
Hazel stirred again, and this time, she coughed, and her eyes blinked open. Leo patted Frank on the back. "Spoke too soon, bro," he said. Frank scowled.
Hazel looked at them. Her eyes shone pure white for a moment, then it faded back to luminescent gold. Annabeth made a choking sound and shrunk back. Leo wasn't about to ask her.
“Sammy? Frank?” she murmured, dazed. Then she noticed Percy and Annabeth. “Oh…” She struggled to her feet, shaking everybody off of her. “I’m okay.”
Percy looked at her. “Are you sure? I thought you were done with blackouts.”
“I thought I was, too.” She winced and sighed contentedly like she’d seen a rainbow.
‘With unicorns,’ Leo thought. “So, he said, “it wasn’t my fault?”
Hazel blinked. “Well…I…um…no. no it wasn’t.” She took a small step away from him but he didn’t care. He was enough of a freak already. He wouldn’t be surprised if Hazel thought that, too.
“Good,” he told her. “I just about had a heart attack there. Don’t ever do that again.”
She smiled weakly.
Annabeth frowned. “What happened? A blackout? Isn’t that a flashback?”
“Yeah,” Hazel murmured. “Something like that.”
Percy interrupted the awkward silence. “So, where’s Reyna and Piper and Jason?”
“Somewhere,” Frank said. “I think Reyna went to go give Piper a tour and Jason went to catch up to a some long lost friends.”
“Sounds like them,” Hazel said. She turned to Leo. “Hey, um, Leo, can I talk to you for a second?”
He shrugged. “Sure.”
Hazel looked at Frank. “I’ll be right back. I promise.”
His face softened from that hard babyish feature to more relaxed. Leo could imagine him as a seven year old with clumsy muscle. “Okay.”
Hazel led Leo to near that river. What did the Romans call it? Oh yeah. The Little Tiber. She turned to him.
“Leo,” she said, “am I familiar to you? Do you recognize me at all?”
He studied her. Brown hair curled like iron springs, bright fourteen karat gold eyes, African American features, cavalry sword at her side. Something tugged at his chest and he frowned as his mind became fuzzier.
“Nope,” he stated. “I got nothing.”
She sighed, twirling strings of hair. “Nothing? Not even a tingle?”
“Nope,” he lied. His brain was getting fuzzier and he could barely think. “Why?”
She took a deep breath. “I have a lot to tell you.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Chapter 5, Frank
That yell pierced the serene air around the Roman Camp. If it hadn't been such a childish act, Frank would've covered his ears. It was bad enough that he had lactose intolerant, but now he had to find out his ears were really sensitive? Percy flinched and Annabeth groaned.
Frank knew he shouldn't have left Hazel alone with Leo. He smiled apologetically at Annabeth and Percy for having to interrupt the conversation. "I'll be right back," he promised. "After I go check on them."
After I go check on them. He felt a small glow of pride; maybe he could be a worthy hero after all. Percy wouldn’t have to do as much as he had to now and watch over Frank. Frank might be able to do so much more. But at the same time, the thought scared him.
Percy must’ve sensed that, too. “I’ll go with you,” he said.
Annabeth volunteered to go as well. Frank was grateful for that, too. She seemed like smart girl. If they ever got attacked, Annabeth was the one to help.
But at the same time, he felt like a coward. Did he really need his friends to go with him to check on his friends? He repeated that phrase in his head. Friends to go with him to check on friends, friends to go with him to check on friends. It amused him that friends was said so many times. Then he thought, ‘You coward, Zhang.’
They neared the Tiber River.
“No, Leo, that was Sammy!”
“You said I was Sammy!”
“What? No, I said you look like this guy I knew whose name was Sammy and I have a theory you could be Sammy but it might not be true whether you’re Sammy or not because you’re not Sammy!”
“What? No, you said I was Sammy because I look like Sammy but that’s impossible because Sammy married and died and you said I could be Sammy then you said I’m not Sammy!”
“That’s right! I said!”
“What does that even mean?!”
Frank, Percy, and Annabeth approached slowly. Hazel and Leo immediately stopped talking and faced them.
“You talk as loud as him, too,” Hazel remarked in a mutter after a moment of awkward silence.
“Oh, perfect.”
Frank felt, well, repelled by Leo. The dude smelled like fire. The ‘F’ word, Frank chided himself. Besides, he didn’t like the cautious and strange looks Hazel had been giving him. Well, sure, he looked like some guy she’d known named Sammy, but he wasn’t much to her, right?
He shook off his thoughts and looked at them. “What’re you guys doing?”
“Nothing,” Hazel said as Leo said, “Arguing.” Hazel scowled.
“That didn’t help,” Frank said almost to himself. This whole Sammy-Leo mess had him all riled up now. “What in all of the world are you guys arguing about?”
Leo started talking. “Well, you see, Hazel said-”
Hazel stepped on his foot and he glared at her. “Nothing, Frank. It’s nothing. Just a little background information about someone’s past life.”
Frank hated how she was keeping things from him, but he ignored it. He would talk to her about it later. “Uh huh. Well, I think we’d better get going before monsters find us.”
“Good idea,” Annabeth said. “Didn’t someone say we had a Senate meeting?”
“Who said- oh, crud, we did!” Percy yelped. “Reyna’s going to kill me.”
“A friend. Who’s going to kill me.”
Annabeth stared at him. “Not if we get there first.”
Percy thought about it. “I suppose so.” Then he smirked. “Race you there.”
“I’ll repeat myself. You are so-o going to lose.”
And just like that, they were gone.
Frank stared at the spot they had just been standing. “That was fast.” He turned to Hazel and Leo. Or where Hazel and Leo had just been standing. They were gone.
He frantically turned in a circle. "Guys?" Out of habit, he drew his bow and notched an arrow, aiming at any part of the brushes and sky that made a sound. "Leo, Hazel, no joke. I'm not in the mood for pranks right now."
No answer.
He started inching toward the camp. Where could they have gone? With Annabeth and Percy? A practical joke? Or...captured by Gaea? Terra. Whatever.
He started running. But somehow, the camp never seemed to come into his sight. Almost like he was going farther away from it. He stopped.
A cold blade pressed against his neck and a familiar voice spoke. “I wouldn’t move if I were you.”
over a year ago universalpowa said…

nice cliffhanger ;)
awesome so far

haha LEO hahahahaha XD
we need Leo- he makes the tofu tacos go round XD
and post soon :P
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
^I don't think Leo and Hazel's conversation about him being Sammy even made sense to me haha:P Shows how well I know the characters lolz:D:D:D
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
awesome! (: [i] i need to know how to [i/] [b] bold and [b/] [u]underline and use [u/] [i] italics. [i/] need to use it for my MOA. can you read my MOA? just click on me and go to my forums. (: post post soon! (:
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Sorry guys, I might not be able to post today. It's Sunday and I have to go to church and I'm not sure if my dad will let me on th electronics and computers. But I will post as soon as I can. It might be today. I'm not sure.
Wisdoms_Child, I will check out your MoA as soon as I can. And I'm not really sure how to do bold, italics, or underline; it's what I call confuzzling jazz:).
Peace out.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
We’re going to go with Reyna this time. Yay! I was able to get on! And the new rule is I must get at least three comments to post another chappie:).
Chapter 6, Reyna
Reyna felt a little more relaxed with Piper. Actually, they'd learned a lot about each other. Piper apparently was an Aphrodite girl (at first, Reyna was startled at that, considering Piper's apparel)and her dad was an actor. Reyna could tell Piper trusted her with this information and that made her flush warmly. No one ever shared their secrets with her besides Jason. Yes, she was relaxed around Piper. She didn’t know if it was just the fact that Piper herself was at ease or that she felt the need to sit back after watching Percy and Octavian in the last Senate meeting.
Oh, crud.
The Senate meeting.
She stopped and Piper stopped as well. “What’s up?” she asked.
She sounded so kind, so caring. But Reyna was a bit skeptical. Revenge and jealousy could be hiding underneath beauty. She’d heard THAT phrase too many times; she’d seen Piper look wistfully at Jason. Oh, if Grace even thinks...
She scolded herself. No, Piper was trying to be nice, whether she had feelings or not. Since when did Reyna ever became a jealous girl anyways?
She shook it off. No. She and Jason had nearly been together. But not quite. She would have to talk to him later.
Reyna Walker, don’t forget about the FREAKING SENATE MEETING!!!
She sighed and smiled tiredly, struggling to grasp that I'm-in-charge face. As usual, it wasn't hard to do. But she'd been wearing that face for four years. "C'mon, Piper. There's a Senate meeting, and I think you might wanna see this one."

"Listen up!" Percy yelled, and slammed the butt of his sword on the floor.
Reyna was groaning and sitting in the praetor's chair, massaging her forehead with her fingertips. So far, the meeting had been fifteen minutes consisting of shouting, fighting, insults, and colliding.
"Filthy gracaeus! Too weak to associate with Romans!" Larry shouted.
"Hey!" yelled Clarisse. "You call me weak and I'll make sure you're spewing toilet water for a week!"
Percy had walked in just two minutes ago and in those two minutes, he became very frustrated. Sooner or later, he would catch everyone's attention in some bizarre Percy-like way.
Eventually, he did. Stomping, he made his way somehow to the very top of the broken roof of the structure. How he got up there, Reyna had no idea. "HEY! EVERYBODY SIT DOWN AND LISTEN TO REYNA!" he yelled. "SIT DOWN AND KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT, OR I'LL HAVE TERMINUS CARRY OUT A PUNISHMENT!"
Reyna stifled another groan. There went Percy's big distraction. Piper was sitting quietly and caught Reyna's eye. They exchanged brief smiles and Reyna stood up, trying to get everyone's attention as Percy picked his way down. Romans and Greeks took their seats, glaring at each other.
"Thank you, Percy," Reyna said a bit wearily. "Now, this Senate meeting will now come to order."
Larry scowled and Clarisse glared at him.
"Now I know we have some visitors-"
A chorus of murmurs.
"-and we will treat them with respect." Octavian stood, clearly annoyed and Reyna clenched her teeth. "We will treat them with respect," she repeated, giving the clear indictation she wasn't in the mood for Octavian's remarks and he should back off.
He ignored her and she was forced to listen. "Praetor, these Greeks have done nothing of the sort to earn our respect. I say we should restrain our respect for them unless they prove they are worthy to even set foot in New Rome."
Percy made it down to the bottom. "Octavian, for one, you need to sit down. Clarisse looks rather angry. And for two, I went on the quest, not you, and succeeded. Not to mention I fell off a huge glacier and survived."
"And you're the son of Poseidon so of course you would survive," he shot back.
"I landed on ice with a bunch of ghosts falling with me. Ice is harder than water."
"Well, you-"
"Enough!" Reyna said. "Octavian, sit down. Jackson, hold your tongue."
Percy sighed and sat down in his chair.
Reyna put her hands on her hips and glowered at the indignant Octavian. He stood there plainly, making it clear he did not want to follow her instructions. Oh, so he wanted to play bad boy, did he? Well, Reyna was fine with that. She’d take care of him after the meeting.
“All right,” Percy said. “Now that we’ve got…most of your attention-” He glanced at Connor and Travis Stoll, both of whom were trying to sneak a spider in Malcolm’s hair “-we may as well start. Connor, Travis, please describe how the boat process went.”
Connor jumped at his name, to which he bumped Travis, who dropped the spider. Malcolm, without even looking, held out his hand and the spider dropped into it. He threw the thing in the middle of the marble floor and several Senate members, including Larry, jumped up and shrieked.
Octavian growled, face red with rage. “Praetor, he did that on purpose to expose our weaknesses!”
Octavian may have thought that he was calling the Greeks backstabbers and tricksters and it may as well have sounded like that to several other Romans, but to her, he was merely tattling on a stupid prank. She dismissed Octavian and he fumed. Then he finally sat.
There was a chorus of snickers from the twenty Greeks that had come and shouting from the Romans.
“Serves you right!” Clarisse shouted and Annabeth had to pull her down back in her seat.
Reyna and Percy waited until the demigods were quiet again. Reyna cleared her throat and yelled, “HALF-BLOODS! COME TO ATTENTION!”
It didn’t take long for all of them to be seated and stay quiet once more.
“That’s better,” Reyna said. “Now, we are here to discuss the matter of the Greeks and Romans working together. Have we made that not clear?”
No answer from the crowd.
“I’m glad you understand,” Reyna replied quietly and she and Percy took a seat. “As you can see, we have Jason here after eight months and Percy is here as new praetor. Does anyone object to those facts?” When there was yet not another sound, she said, “As demigods, not only are we the same kind, unique, type of people but we are very much related due to that component.”
She could tell Octavian was ready to contradict that and she gave him a look. “Separated, we nearly lost the second Titan War. Now that we are united, this battle may yet seem much easier. Numbers are great, are they not?”
For the tenth time, Octavian stood. “With all due respect, your-”
“This is a Senate meeting, Octavian,” said Reyna. “Not a court hearing.”
“As I was saying, numbers in an army does not necessarily mean that side will win.”
“But they help,” Percy said. “Numbers are an advantage, and we’re definitely going to need them. According to past events, one giant alone is hard enough to beat with just three demigods and a god. We’re going to need extra half-bloods to help a little more and ensure the existing of a few more lives. Octavian, can you honestly stand up and say you had a lot of demigods to spare, and because of that, you lost less lives?”
Reyna figured that was a smart move. They really had not quite enough soldiers and even if Octavian said they did, there were witnesses to prove he was lying, questioning his integrity. If he did stand up and say Percy hadn’t done any better, Percy would be honest and say no with witnesses, thus exposing Octavian’s attitude that inquired Percy’s leadership. Percy had witnesses who would say he was a great leader and tried to prevent the loss of demigods, saying Octavian could care less about the demigods, which could lead to the inquiring of his loyalty and selfishness, as well as the faith of his followers, ensuring he never became praetor. That was over two points Percy could make if Octavian contradicted him. Maybe Jackson could be an effective speaker after all.
Flushing, Octavian took his seat.
“Good,” said Percy. “Reyna’s trying to make a point. Greeks and Romans need to combine forces, or else this war will never be won. A civil war’s not an option if we’re going to pull this off. Kronos, or Saturn, chose to rise too quickly and was quickly put down. But it wasn’t easy. Gaea has been taking her time and she’s very elaborate with her plans. She’s got more tricks up her sleeve than Kronos ever had and we’ve got to watch out for each other or else we all fall. Gaea wins and the whole world is doomed. Armageddon will be really close, and Gaea’s got the gigantes on her side. That’ll be hard and the reason we have to join.”
Piper stood. “I agree. Separated, none of us stand a chance.”
Larry attempted to stand. “Listen to me, you-”
“I think we should all listen to Reyna and Percy,” she answered harshly. Larry paled and sank down. Reyna winced at the power in Piper’s voice. “And I don’t think any of you can question their leadership, or Jason’s for that matter.” Her cheeks flushed and she took a seat, looking like she couldn’t believe she’d just said that.
Reyna felt a swell of pride at Piper’s words and got to her feet. “Any more questions on this plan?”
No answer.
“Good,” she said, feeling a bit more confident. “Now for the cohorts.”

The meeting was finally over. Demigods, Greek and Roman exited the building, whispering quietly. For some odd reason, Reyna felt faint. She wanted to collapse, sleep, but she couldn’t. She straightened and walked calmly from the Senate building. Piper caught up to her and Annabeth caught up to Percy.
“That was brilliant, Reyna,” Piper said.
Reyna managed a smile. “Thank you, Piper. Let’s see if our words were effective enough.”
“Of course they were.”
Percy, Jason, and Annabeth came up, frowning.
“Don’t you think we were missing people at the meeting?” Jason asked.
Reyna blinked. “No, why?”
Annabeth sighed. “I don’t know, I just-"
Jason stopped. “Where’s Hazel, Frank, and Leo?”

Hope you guys enjoy! I think this might be my longest chapter yet but I’m not sure…please read and comment. :) You guys are awesome.
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
big smile
That's great! PLZ post soon!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Well, I think that was my longest chappie yet...yay!:)
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Thanks, kaitie85386:). I need two more comments before I can post again:) Not complaining it just gives me a little time to write chapters cuz I know people don't comment for a while. LOL JK.
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
POST!!! Thanks for reading my MOA by the way. :)
over a year ago PJOrocks said…
big smile
nice chapter! post when you could
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Really really sorry, I meant to post but I had Bible quizzing, church, youth group, school, basketball, etc. This is kinda short, really sorry. This one is Ella’s.
Chapter 7, Ella
Ella was having the worst time ever.
She wasn’t the ‘modern’ type, but she knew what a shock collar was now and she definitely knew what bars were. It scared her, and she hated it. She wanted down. For a creature that could fly, she didn’t like to be very far off the ground.
And here she was, swinging from a tree in this…bird cage? Yes, that’s what it was; a bird cage. She yelped and shied away from the hand that reached out to touch her.
“N-no,” she stuttered. “Ella no like cheese. Demigod has cheese.”
The reason she felt that cheese was a horrible component that the world had was because of the milk inside it. She hated cows. Therefore, she hated milk, and therefore, she hated cheese. And therefore, she hated this creature humans call Jabba the Hut.
At first, she’d had no idea how she got here. One minute she was soaring over the Senate building, watching her friends walk toward the Little Tiber, and the next thing she knew, she was pulled down by a grapple hook and rolling in the dust. Her shoulder still hurt and she’d tried to hop away. She couldn’t fly because of two things: one, that grappling hook, and two, she smelled cinnamon. She loved cinnamon. The whole world should be full of cinnamon. But no, she got stuck with cheese.
Her captor, the one with the dark hood, had shoved her in this bird cage with a shock collar around her neck. She’d learned pretty fast that this collar was special. Perhaps even the gods couldn’t stand up to it, it was so powerful. And it hurt. A lot. So she sat there in her cage, pacing and trying to call for help. That mean hooded person. She vaguely remembered that book she read, Manners for Children or something like that. This person had no manners.
That person spoke once or twice and she thought she recognized their voice. But she couldn’t remember…she could remember everything she read…
Whimpering, she shrunk down, hiding her face from the person.
Someone will rescue Ella, she thought. Someone has to.
Then that nice girl, Hazel was pushed in and some weirdo looking kid. She recalled a book she had consumed (literally, she read it and ate it) about nationalities. Russian? Nope. German? Nope. Was it…oh, yes, it was Latino American. This boy was Latino.
She shook her head at Hazel. “Pluto’s girl here. Ella not safe.”
Hazel cursed and kicked the person. “I’m sorry, Ella!”
That mean person pushed her down and the Latino kid tried to punch them. Ella flinched and cowered. She knew what would happen next.
“No!” she screamed. “No resist! Ella says stay still. Stay still and no injuries.”
Too late.
The person pulled out a small rock. They rubbed the rock and Hazel collapsed with a yelp. The other boy was thrown against the tree.
Ella yelped as well, massaging her shoulder. No. Hazel failed and so did the other child. And neither of them moved.
The mean person reminded her of Phineas. She didn’t like Phineas. He hurt Ella. And now someone was hurting her friends. She didn’t like it.
Hazel just stayed there, and Ella concluded she was unconscious. The other kid was crouched down next to her, murmuring and careful with his actions.
Ella hugged herself, watching them. No one was coming to help. Unless someone noticed their absence, they were alone.
Ella hated being alone.
But that wasn’t her choice.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Oh. I got the italics right this time.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
And can someone pretty please tell me what Harry Potter is?
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
U don't know what Harry potter is?!?!?
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
U don't know what Harry potter is?!?!?
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
*Blushes profusely* No....
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
,Lolz. Harry potter is a wizard. He has his own series like percy but there r movies 4 all the books. Thx for reading my MOA. Post!!!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
awesome just s comment I'm not demanding it or anything but ....


only a suggestion
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
^Can you give me a summary? I'm not sure I'm allowed to read those....(: just the way my family rolls:)(:
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Okay, I find Harry Potter officially confusing.:D
Chapter 8, Octavian

Octavian walked out of that Senate building as briskly as possible. Stupid Greeks. They didn't know what they were getting themselves into. He wanted to be rid of them.
He marched over to his temple, where he practiced all his sacrifices. Reading the will of gods, indeed. It was ridiculous. He hadn't gotten more than five messages from them since December, when they had mysteriously gone silent. Well, now he knew why. So as not to alarm the campers and to increase his chances of becoming praetor of this camp, he didn't tell them such nonsense. The gods had thrown a temper tantrum. So what? What did he care? He just needed power.
He pulled out his knife and stabbed the teddy bear he had had at his belt. His plan had been going perfectly until Jackson came.
He kept ripping out the teddy bear's guts.
Jackson dies.
Reyna dies.
And stupid Grace dies.
They all die.
He kept stabbing mercilessly until the teddy bear was in shreds. Stupid teddy bear died. He sheathed the knife and clear the altar, resting his elbows on it so he could think. Simply murdering the two praetors wouldn't be enough. He had to come up with something clever, something the campers wouldn't expect. And he needed the help of a god.
He cursed. But where the heck would he get a god? They wouldn't help him.
He brought his knife out and threw it at a pillar. The blade bounced off harmlessly and Octavian sank down slowly on the marble steps, his head between his hands. His mind was overloading with ideas, opportunities, and schemes to do something, anything, that would grant him power. He would be the Hero of Olympus and godliness would be offered to him.
A small, insignificant part of his brain thought, And when that happens, you can swipe away both camps and rule the world on your own.
He felt like screaming. That voice had been following him everywhere, and he found it harder and harder to resist the temptation each day. He had become short tempered and thinking more maliciously, so far even, as to go to murder.
This isn't a true Roman, he thought. What's wrong with me?{
He slowly stood. That voice was getting stronger, urging him to do whatever it took to gain power. Weakly, he pushed it away, but it was like the Force itself. He felt himself grow dizzy and he collapsed, gasping for air. Black spots danced before his eyes, and the voice grew more insistent. He gagged and crawled toward the entrance of the temple. What was wrong with him?
He hit the ground, flat on his back, before the altar. His eyes closed and his heart felt like it was oozing out, bit by bit. He clawed for life, something to help him. His muscles were burning, screaming, and he felt his energy draining. He held out his hand, grasping for something to help him.
How could this have happened? he asked himself. How is it possible that a mere voice could grow in a matter of seconds? Then he heard the voice again. And he recognized it.
It was his.
And someone else's.
He dragged in air and reached up further. His fingers touched another's and a strong hand yanked him to his feet.
His vision cleared. The voice left. He staggered, once, twice, and collapsed against the altar. Dizzy, he looked up.
A hand waved in front of his face. A brown hand. A dirt brown hand.
He jumped up with a yelp and scrambled for his knife. Fingers closed around his wrist and yanked him back. Vines wrapped around his arms and held him impossibly immobile as he struggled.
He found himself looking up into the face of a sleeping woman.
He cursed and kicked at her. His foot passed clean through her robes like a mirage and all he felt was burning pain in his whole right leg. He stopped struggling.
Gaea picked his knife up off the floor. Slowly. Rhythmically. She turned toward him and her feet barely seemed to touch the ground. His own knife was pressed at his throat and he froze.
"Octavian, dear Octvaian," she murmured. He felt compelled to spit on her but resisted the urge.
"What do you want?" he said, frowning. This wasn't the first time he had seen Gaea. Howling memories pulled at him and he pushed them away as he had the voice.
"Me?" Gaea said, sheathing the knife. "Only what's best for you."
"Oh you still don't understand." She waved her hands and the vines receeded. He crumpled to the ground, staring at her dirt feet. Nauseous, he waited.
She looked down at him. "Why am I here? Well-" She looked straight at him and her eyes glowed red, then gold.
"I've come to offer you a choice."
I hope it was good. Please read and please give constructive critism.:D You guys are awesome. Have a nice day!