The Heroes of Olympus The Demigod Diaries- Hermes' staff

earthbender99 posted on Feb 20, 2012 at 09:22AM
Hello Guys ^^ this is just a fan post as you can see~


The Heroes of Olympus 1 reply

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over a year ago earthbender99 said…
Hermes’ staff

I grasped onto the clipboard with a pen in my right hand. I scanned the entire list and grinned. ‘Orange juice?’

Annabeth smiled. ‘Check.’

‘Egg mayo sandwiches?’


It went on for another minute or so. ‘Guess this means we’re ready.’

It’s been two days since the end of the war between the gods and titans. Almost everything almost went back to normal. Camp Half-blood was easily fixed with a bit of Hephaestus’ help.

Annabeth kneeled down next to the basket with her blonde hair falling over her face. She neatly packed everything into it and picked it up with both hands.

I helped carry the basket for her as we made our way to the river. Today would actually be our first date, so it really had to go well.

We passed by the Pegasus stables and avoided looking at the stares some people were giving us. I caught sight of Grover at the stables. He gave me an encouraging, big smile. Don’t mess this up! He said, through the empathy link.

I grabbed onto Annabeth’s hand and took her to this little brown boat that Tyson had made for me. We sat on it and I steered the boat towards the other end of the river.

‘Percy.’ Annabeth whispered.

I looked back at her. ‘Uhh?’

‘Did you plan this yourself?’ Annabeth stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder.

‘Umm,’ I blushed. ‘Yeah…’

‘That’s very sweet of you.’ She gave me a smile and kissed me on the cheek.

My face was definitely red.

She went back to her seat and started to fiddle with her necklace.
Keep it cool, Percy. Don’t look like a fool, dude. I told myself.


The wooden boat hit the shore and I hopped out of it. Annabeth took the basket.

I laid out the picnic mat and started to unpack all the food. Apples, spaghetti, you name it.

We started to eat. chew chew chew. Munch munch munch.

The atmosphere was getting too weird. Maybe if I said something a friend would say…

‘So,’ I blurted out. ‘Have you started on any plans for the design of Olympus?’

Annabeth’s eyes gleamed. ‘Definitely,’ she said, excited. ‘Percy, I have this amazing idea for…’

It worked. We didn’t feel as tense anymore, and we were talking as if friends. Not that we weren’t. We were just friends, with benefits?

I bit my lip and realized how awkward that sounded.

‘Orange juice?’ I quickly offered her, to keep the atmosphere going.

‘Sure…’ Annabeth looked at me with a funny expression on her face. ‘You’re trying really hard, aren’t you?’

I almost jumped. ‘Wh… what?’

She shook her head. ‘Forget it.’

‘I know I am,’ I admitted. ‘Because we aren’t friends anymore.’

‘Whud?’ Annabeth spluttered, her eyes wide.

‘I guess I need time to get used to this…’ I murmured.

‘Wait Percy, we’re not friends?’

‘No, not really, anymore.’ I muttered.

Annabeth sighed and leaned towards me. She wrapped her legs around me and put her hands around my neck. ‘Percy. So what if we’re more than that? It doesn’t matter. We’re still friends, no?’


She quickly pressed her lips against mine to stop me from talking.
I kissed her back, cupped her face and blushed harder. I lay on the grass with Annabeth lying on me while she played with my hair.
It was creepy as I felt someone was watching me.