The Heroes of Olympus Aphrodite100's Mark of Athena

Aphrodite100 posted on Feb 24, 2012 at 10:49PM
I do not own any of the characters. All rights go to Rick Riordan.

Main Characters:
Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang. Maybe some OCs.


Seven half bloods shall answer the call,
To storm or fire, the world must fall,
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the doors of Death.

-Rick Riordan owns the prophecy.

The earth takes what the seven hold,
Daughter of skies held in the land of ice and cold.
The son of fire brings light to the prison,
And within the walls another enemy risen.
Although both sides will lose,
Love's mercy make sky and fire choose.
Wisdom's daughter walks alone,
The mark of Athena burns through Rome.

-Rick Riordan owns the last two sentences. Universalpowa made the rest (thanks!)


you've been with me the whole time and have helped me! ;)

Who is Jason going to pick? Piper or Reyna? Will Leo stay single, or will he get a girlfriend?

Who will win the war? Gaea and her army or the half-bloods?

read to find out!


I am soo sorry, but I will no longer be continuing this story. I'm hoping someone will though!

ALSO, my friend Jojo12313 is the new Aphrodite100 Spam-Free Forums Cop. HE WILL REPORT YOU IF YOU SPAM ON MY FORUMS!! So don't spam.

OK, so my MoA is now being continued at this location: link

last edited on May 14, 2012 at 11:16PM

The Heroes of Olympus 409 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 409

over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Chapter 1: Reunion

I paced back and forth on the Argo II. Will Percy remember me? What if he has a new girlfriend? I thought, tears starting to form in my eyes.
No. He'll remember me.

I sighed. "Jason! How much time until we're there?" I yelled.
"We are here! Leo land the ship!"

I began to hyperventilate. What? I get to see my Seaweed Brain? He better remember me!

We decided Jason was to go off the ship first. The Romans would recognize him, and hopefully not blast the ship to little bits.
Jason jumped off the side of the boat. Silence. Then, "JASON!"

I looked over the side. A girl was tackling Jason in a hug. I heard Piper growl quietly next to me.

That's when I saw him. Seaweed Brain.

I jumped off the side of the boat and walked cautiously up to him. My heart fell when I saw his arms around an African girl and a chubby baby-faced boy. Was this his new girlfriend? I thought, staring at the girl.

"Annabeth!" Percy shouted, taking his arms off the other teens.
"PERSEUS JACKSON!" I shouted. "Don't you ever do that to me again!" I whispered the last part. He was standing right in front of me.
"I try not to, Wise Girl," Percy said, wrapping his arms around me. "And, I missed you."
"You...remembered me?" I asked, looking at him.
"Yeah, you were the only one."

I smiled bitterly, then looked into his sea-green eyes. "I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too," Percy said.

Happiness filled me. I stood up on my tip-toes and kissed him. Everything but him and me vanished. Until the moment was ruined.

"Praetor Jackson," a voice said. I unwillingly pulled away from Percy. A teenager about 18 stood next to us. I gasped.
No...he can't be Luke, I thought. Besides, the scar isn't there...
"Octavian," Percy said, not bothering to hide the dislike in his voice.
"Praetor Reyna called a senate meeting," Octavian sneered. "Better not be late." With that, Octavian ran off.
Percy sighed. "We'd better go," he said, grabbing my hand.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Awesome job!!! The chracters were pinpointed very well!!!!!! Keep posting!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
awesome! post soon :D
their reunion was so cute <3
stupid Octavian.. he always ruins everything :P
post soon!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Thanks icuSTALKER and hollister!

Chapter 2: Who to pick?

I groaned as my head hit the hard ground. "Reyna," I said. "Please get off of me."
Reyna stood up. "How much do you remember?" she asked. Hope began to show in her eyes.
I felt guilty. "All of it, but...I'm in love with Piper McLean," I said, looking down.
"W-what?" Reyna asked. I looked up at her. She looked heart-broken.
"Reyna, I-"
"Save it! Why don't you go make-out with this Piper girl?" Reyna shouted, running away. "Senate meeting in five minutes! Do not be late!"
"J-Jason?" a voice said.
I turned around. Piper.
"Hey," I mumbled, looking down. It was obvious she'd seen the exchange I just had with Reyna.
"Jason, do you really love me?" Piper asked.
" you like me?" I asked carefully.
"Yes. I really do," Piper said. I looked up and hugged Piper.
"Thanks Pipes," I said, kissing her.
"We'd better get to the meeting," Piper said.
"Follow me."
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
did I get Piper and Jason right? I need your feedback until all the characters have POVs!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Chapter 3: Sammy? Or Leo?

I stared wide-eyed at the boy that looked like a Latino elf. Gaea said Sammy died! But then again, Gaea is always playing tricks on demigods...
I was jerked out of my thoughts by Frank. "Hazel! Reyna just called a senate meeting! We have to go," he said.
"Oh," was all I could say.

We weren't official yet, but you might as well call us a couple. We've had dinners together, everything a normal couple would do.
But now I felt guilty. Sammy was here...and he was my old boyfriend.

I didn't realize we'd reached the city borders until Terminus said, "Weapons, Levesque."
I looked at the little girl, Julia, and put my weapon on the tray she held. (what weapons do the characters have? I know Percy's, Annabeth's, Piper's and Leo's, but that's it. Frank has bow & arrow, right?)

...I'm skipping to the end of the meeting...

"The meeting is over," Reyna said.
I wonder what was wrong with her. Reyna kept shooting glares at Jason, unlike before, when they gave each other loving glances. I didn't have much time to ponder about this, because the boy that looked like Sammy was walking up to me.
"Hazel? What are you doing here?" he asked, hugging me tightly.

sorry for the short looked bigger when I was typing it into the reply box.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Lolz it always looks bigger when you type it in the reply box:D. Hey, check out my forum, please!!!. I'd love your feedback. It's called Stalker's Mark of Athena and I have no clue how to post a link:P. Awesome post!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
big smile
will do!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
:):D:D:D Ooh my day just got made!!!!! Yeah, you'll post!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Chapter 4: Who Am I?

I don't know why I just called this girl Hazel. It just sounded right.
A memory was triggered in the back of my head when I saw her. I don't even know where it came from.

"Sammy?" Hazel said, bringing me out of my thoughts. Yeah, I know, you must be thinking, Leo Valdez is thinking? It's a miracle! Yes, I do think, mostly about jokes though.
"Sammy, uh, no...Leo Valdez, at your service," I said, mocking a solute.
"Valdez..." Hazel mumbled, getting a faraway look in her eyes.
I looked around Hazel and at the person behind her. A chubby baby-faced boy was glaring at me. Huh. What did I do?

"Hey, Hazel, uh want to see the Argo II?" I asked.
"The Argo II?"
"Yeah, you know, that ship we came on?"
"Oh. Sure, let's go."


I felt complete. Annabeth was with me. At last.
"Hey, want to go to my favorite place?" I asked, grabbing her hand.
"Sure," she said, leaning her head on my shoulder.
I grinned, then pulled her over to the cliff over looking the lake. I sat down and motioned for her to sit down next to me.
"I really really missed you," she said, resting her head on my lap and looking up at me.
I could tell. She had dark circles under her eyes and her eyes were tinted red from crying so much. I felt guilty. I'd made her cry.
The guilt must've shown on my face because Annabeth said, "Percy, it's not your fault. Hera took you from me. The next time I see her..."
I smiled crookedly at her. Annabeth's cheeks flushed bright red.
"I know, but I'll still feel guilty for making you cry because of me."
Annabeth shook her head, then kissed me. "You haven't changed a bit," she said, laying her head on my lap and falling asleep.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Chapter 5: Reyna; Friend or Enemy?

that's the next chapter! posting tomorrow! ;)
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Chapter 5: Reyna; Friend or Enemy?

I looked over to the boy I was holding hands with. Blond hair, sky-blue eyes, and a scar on his lip. Jason.
I layed my head on his shoulder and sighed. What if one of us didn't make it through this war with Gaea?
"Piper," Jason said softly.
"I'll take you to where you're staying."
It took me a while to realize I was drifting off to sleep. "Ok."

Jason led me to an area full if small cabins. "This one you can stay in," he said, gesturing towards the fifth one.
"Thanks Jason," I said, lightly kissing his cheek.
"No problem Pipes."

Right after he said that, I heard a gagging sound, then sobs. I looked over his shoulder. Reyna.
I growled, then looked back at Jason. Gods, he could be slow at times. He was just now turning around.
"Reyna? What are you doing here?" he asked, accusation dripping into his voice.
"You-we were together...she took you from me!" Reyna shrieked, pointing a finger at me. Her hand moved towards the hilt of her sword.
"Reyna," Jason warned, moving protectively in front of me. "Don't. You hurt her, you hurt me too."
The tension in the atmosphere was unbearable. I noticed a small group of demigods watching us, but the small group got bigger and bigger. Soon the whole camp was watching us.
Reyna lunged at Jason, knocking him to the floor. His head hit the ground hard, knocking him out. She glared at me, and grabbed her sword. She swung it, making a large arc, and I rolled over.
I looked up. Percy had his sword under Reyna's, which stopped it from hitting me.
"Reyna-don't," Percy said.
"Percy, this isn't your fight," Reyna growled.
Reyna glared at Percy. "Fine," she snapped, pulling her sword away. "This isn't over, Venus scum," she growled, glaring at me.

That's when I decided Reyna was definitely an enemy.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Awesome job!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!! Oh, poor Jason.....:P Lolz I am a Jason fan:D. Ah, he's so nice....
Post soon!!!!!!!!! That was awesome!!!!!!!!! Oh, I wonder if this link will work...
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Oh, well. MAybe not. But post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
Just found this, and it's really good! PLZ post soon!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Chapter 6: Quest Time

I opened my eyes. I was in a nice comfy bed. How did I get here? I thought. Percy must've carried me here.

I smiled at the thought of being on a quest with him again. Seaweed Brain.
"What are you smiling about?" a voice asked. I jumped.
"Seaweed Brain, what are you doing in here?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing."

I smiled and smacked the back of his head. "Ow!" he whined.
"Ow?" I asked puzzled. He had the Curse of Achilles. That wouldn't hurt.
"Fine...I lost my Achilles curse when I crossed the Little Tiber. Because, it's a Greek cures, and I'm on Roman grounds."
"Oh. Hey Percy, when's breakfast?"

A horn sounded in the distance.
"Right now," he said, grabbing my hand.
"Percy, I have to get dressed. I'm still in my pajamas!" It was my turn to whine now.
Percy got this mischievous glint in his eyes. "Nope, you're coming with me."

sneek peak!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
OMW!!!!!!! That was epicness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Post soon!!!!!!! And thanks for commenting on my forum!!!!!!!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
lol nice sneak peek :D
can't wait til you post again! :D
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Chapter 6: Quest Time (continued)

"" I whined as he pulled me into the mess hall.
"Too late," he murmured in my ear, releasing my hand.
I crossed my arms and followed him to a table.
"Hey, Annabeth," Piper said, obviously hiding her laughter.
I glared at Percy. He was going to get it.
Leo jumped up. "Annabeth, why are you wearing pajamas?"
"Shut up."
Leo looked at my expression and did exactly what I told him to do.

"Annabeth, I gotta go. Have to make a speech with Reyna," Percy whispered, making a face at the word 'speech'.
"One thing before you go," I muttered.
I pulled my arm back and punched his arm. "Ow! Why'd you do that?" he whined.
"Don't make me come out and eat in my pajamas again," I said. I gave him a quick kiss, then he walked over and started talking to Reyna.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Extra: Octavian

"Praetor Jackson," I sneered, "Isn't it time for the speech?"
Percy turned around and glowered at me. "Octavian I was just getting to that."
I rolled my eyes and walked away. I knew exactly what the speech was about; the seven demigods. Three Romans, four Greeks. Filthy Greeks.
Why should we trust these Greeks? They lie, steal... I didn't finish the thought. I hated Greeks more than anything. It disturbed me that one was praetor. I am a Roman, a powerful one, and a Greek is praetor? Nonsense.
Not that the Graecus was going to be praetor any longer. Once he leaves, I will be praetor. He won't even live that long.
My mistress promised.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Omigosh, epic!!!!!! Octavian, you traitor!!!!! Lolz post soon!!!!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
lol icuSTALKER! I think we all knew that would happen soon enough...

here's the chapter:
Chapter 7: Speech

"We will be leaving in...Leo! How much time do you need to update some things on the Argo II?" I shouted.
"Huh? hour! I think..."
"Good...good. Wait, you think?"
"I'm pretty sure it'll be an hour!"
"Ok, so we'll leave in an hour. You guys mind Reyna, especially you Octavian!" I shouted at the augur.
He lifted his head, a frustrated expression on his face. "What Praetor?"
"You are NOT going to be praetor when I leave. When we return, Jason will return his post as praetor. Agreed?" I asked, looking pointedly at Jason.
"No. I want to return to Camp Half-Blood," Jason said, glancing at a girl that was sitting next to him. She was looking down, not meeting his eyes. I'm pretty sure her name was Piper.
"Right," Reyna said, her voice tight. "So you'll stay with the graecus."
"Reyna," I hissed under my breath. "What are you doing? Don't call them that!"
She looked troubled. Jason stood up and said, "Reyna, please."
She turned away and ran off.
I looked at Jason. Apparently Reyna wasn't over what happened last night. I sighed, then continued my speech.

An hour later, after many fights with Octavian about the praetor issue, we were ready to go. I left to check on Reyna before we took off; I hadn't seen her since she ran away from the mess hall.
I walked calmly to the praetor house that said REYNA. I knocked on the door and waited a few minutes. "Come in," Reyna's voice croaked.
I walked in to see Reyna taking down every picture associated with Jason she had.
"Oh, hey Percy. Aren't you supposed to be leaving?" she asked, closing a box of photos.
"Yeah, just, uh, good luck keeping Octavian from being Praetor," I said.
"Yeah, I'm going to need it," Reyna said. She looked up. Her eyes were blood-shot red and puffy. Then, surprising me, Reyna ran up and hugged me, wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Sorry you had to see me like this," she muttered. She stood there for a few seconds, then kissed me.
I stood there, shocked, my arms limp by my sides. My lips weren't responding to the strange ones against them. When the shock finally went away, I shoved Reyna away.
"I already have a girlfriend!" I said angrily.
Reyna turned away and muttered, "Go away to your quest."

I turned around, slamming the door behind me. I ran to the Argo II, only to find an angry Piper standing on the deck.
"What is your problem?" she asked.
"What? What are you talking about?"
"You kissed Reyna! Did you even think about Annabeth?"
"I didn't kiss her! Reyna kissed me, for gods' sake! I didn't even respond to her!"
"Go tell Annabeth that then!"

I ran to the sword arena, knowing she would be there, taking out whatever emotion she was feeling out on dummies.

"What do you want Percy?" Annabeth asked, not turning away from the dummy she was busy destroying.
"What you saw...I didn't kiss Reyna," I said, taking careful steps towards Annabeth. I knew what she could do when she was this emotional.
"Really? Because what I saw was you kissing her!" Annabeth shouted, turning around and pointing her dagger at me.
"No, I didn't kiss her back! I swear on the River Styx! She kissed me! i would never, ever cheat on you!" I said, grabbing her wrist.
"You didn't shove her away!"
"Because I was shocked!"
"You still allowed her to kiss you!"

I was tired of fighting with her. If things continued this way, we would break up. So, I pulled her closer to me and kissed her passionately. Her dagger fell with a clatter as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I'm sorry," I said, pulling away from her.
"No, Percy, I'm sorry," Annabeth said. A tear fell from her eyes. "I should have listened to you."
I leaned my head down and kissed her again. Annabeth was the only girl I would kiss like this.

"So, where do we go first? Greece or Rome?" Piper asked.
We were all gathered around a table, eating dinner. Leo was an amazing cook.
"Rome," Frank, Hazel, and me all said at the same time.
"Percy...What are you hiding from me?" Annabeth asked,watching me carefully.
"Ella, the harpy that's with us, memorized the Sybilline books," I said quickly. Jason turned pale.
"The Sybilline books?" he asked.
I nodded. "That's why we had to take her. We have to keep her away from Octavian."
"What is the Sybilline books?" Piper asked.
"A book of prophecies," Jason said, looking at Piper with a soft expression.
Piper leaned her head on Jason's chest, her expression thoughtful.
"Octavian is a power-hungry fool," Hazel told Annabeth. "He would do anything to have those prophecies."
Annabeth nodded, the grabbed my hand. "I want to talk to you. Now."
Uh oh. I'm in trouble. "We can talk right here," I murmured.
"Alone," Annabeth said, pulling me up. She pulled me into an empty room, then locked it. In the corner was a girl with blonde curls and gray eyes. Annabeth. Puzzled, I looked at the person that just pulled me into the room. It wasn't Annabeth anymore.
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
new page! cake!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Omigosh!!!!!SOOOOOOOOOOO epic!!!!!!!!!!! And *blushes* I guess we did know but still!!!!! You know, I actually liked Luke in the last series.....Plz post soon!!!!!!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
lol hollister and icuSTALKER

Chapter 8

I was just lying there, my head on Jason's chest, thinking, when I head a yell. Percy's yell to be precise.
"Jason, something's wrong with Percy and Annabeth," I whispered hurriedly.
"What do you mean?" he murmured, pushing some hair out of my eyes.
"They've sure been gone for a while," I muttered.
"Let's go check on them."
"We'll be back in few," I said, grabbing Jason's hand.
"Sure sure," Leo said, raising his eyebrows at us. I rolled my eyes and pulled Jason out of the room.

"EEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!" Annabeth. I glanced at Jason and saw the same panic in his eyes as in mine. Something was definitely wrong. I ran to the door that the sound came from, and found it was locked.
I grabbed my knife and frantically tried to unlock the door. Click.
I opened the door quietly and peeked in. A huge, ugly cyclopes was standing over Percy and Annabeth.
I closed the door and turned to Jason. "Go get the others. Hurry," I whispered.
"What are you going to do?"
"Charge in," I said, throwing open the door and running in.

I stopped. Nothing was there. Only Percy and an unconscious Annabeth.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
:O Omigosh Aphrodite100!!!!! You're killing me!!!!! Post soon!!!!! I can't take suspense!!!!!!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Chapter 9: Cyclopes and Twilight

Jason ran into the room, panting like crazy. "Percy...Annabeth...cyclopes," he gasped, putting his hands on his legs.
I jumped up and felt that tingling sensation I get when I changed into an animal. I pictured a big wolf, and growled, running towards the room Percy and Annabeth were in.
"Gods Frank, you're huge!" Percy yelped when he saw me.
I ignored him and looked around. Where is I thought, looking at Piper and Jason, completely annoyed. I morphed back into my old self, and asked, "Why did we have to come in here?"
Before Piper could answer, Annabeth started muttering random stuff about cyclopes.
"O-k then...There was a cyclopes attack," Percy said, watching his girlfriend carefully. "And, I've been thinking...'Annabeth' at dinner, that wasn't Annabeth at all."
I stared at him. "What?!"
"It was the enemy."
"The cyclopes...acting like Annabeth? Wow, I didn't think they were that smart," Leo said.
I rolled my eyes at him while Percy said, "Leo? Shut up."

After a little bit, Piper asked me, "Frank, you watch Twilight?"
"Twilight? No!"
"Then why did you turn into a werewolf like Jacob and his pack?"
I barely knew what Twilight was, so now I didn't know what Piper was talking about.
"I just pictured a huge wolf..."

I rolled my eyes and turned into a bird, flying away. I flew up to the top deck and landed on Hazel's shoulder.
"Frank!" she screeched. "You scared the living daylights out of me!"
I flew off her shoulder and turned back into myself. "Sorry," I muttered. "But my ears are ringing right now."
Hazel blushed bright red. "Sorry about that."
I smiled and stared out into the ocean. I was just thinking about the quest...and about the cyclopes.
Gaea had new information now. She could use it against us...we have to keep-no Percy has to keep an eye on Annabeth.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Brilliant, as usual, Aphrodite100!!!!! Post soon!!!!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
who's POV should I do next?
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
sorry, I cant post til (hopefully) later tonight because of this presentation I'm doing...
over a year ago AthenaKnowsBest said…
big smile
GREAT JOB!! Its awesome. Unlike a lot of other forums, this could actually happen. :) POST SOON!!!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Good luck on your presentation!!!!!!!! Post soon!!!!!!! It should be Rachel's PoV (if she's there)!!!!!!!!XD XD XD
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
awesome! lol, Twilight :D
hehe :D Jacob is hottt <3
not saying that Frank is though :P
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
^lol hollister

thanks AthenaKnowsBest!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Chapter 10: Monsters, Monsters, and More Monsters

Annabeth finally just woke up.
"Percy..." she grumbled.
"Don't yell!" Annabeth nearly shouted.
"Gee, someone's grumpy today," Leo yelled from the other room.

I looked at Annabeth uncertainly. She never acted this way. Something was defiantly wrong.
"Annabeth, are you ok?"
"Yeah...I think..."
"You sure?"
"Yes Percy!" Annabeth said, exasperated. She threw up her arms, and I noticed something under her elbow.
"Annabeth, what's that?" I asked, pointing to the strange ink-like thing.
Annabeth lifted her elbow and glanced at it. Then paled. " can't be...." she mumbled to herself.
"What is it Annabeth? Let me help you!"
"The-the mark of Athena...I thought it was fake!"
"Annabeth, the gods are real, for gods' sake! Monsters are real! Unicorns are real! I even think mermaids are real at this point!"
"Look at it! It's growing!"
Annabeth showed me her elbow. Sure enough, an owl-shaped tattoo was growing on her elbow. Finally, it stopped when her entire elbow was covered.
Annabeth looked up, frightened. "This can't be happening to me," she muttered.
"I won't let anything happen to you," I murmured.
"Percy, you can't stop this! It's in my blood!"
"What are the side-effects?"
"Oh, great. So that means, one minute you'll be happy, then the next, murderously angry?"
I sighed. This quest wasn't going to get any better, was it?
"Annabeth, Gaea has new information now," I muttered, not thinking.
"What? How?"
I explained about the cyclopes to her, watching her face. It changed so many times, I lost track (which wasn't surprising).
"Annabeth?" I asked, uncertainly.
"Percy?" she asked, mocking my tone. I rolled my eyes at her, then pulled her up.
"We'd better go tell them about the Mark," I muttered.

Surprisingly, Leo was the only one to know what the Mark was, other than Annabeth.
"You WHAT?" he shouted.
"SHUT UP LEO!" Annabeth shouted.
"Why don't you?" Leo grumbled, just barely quiet enough so Annabeth didn't hear it.
I rolled my eyes at Leo, then told them the side-effects of the Mark.
"That explains a lot," Piper mumbled.
"Hey, I'm going to bed," Hazel said, yawning. "G'night."
"Good night."

"Good night everyone! hope you liked the chappie!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
big smile
Awesome!!!!!! Post soon!!!!!!!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
Leo, haahaha xD
post soon! and i noticed you changed your icon!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
Chapter 11: Mood Swings

I looked at Percy. He was staring out into ocean. It's been a week since we found the Mark, and we were sailing now. Jason's been spending a lot of time in his bed, with Piper comforting him.

I quietly made my way to Percy. I wasn't supposed to be up; it was nighttime and Percy's turn to guard.
I wrapped my arms around his waist, and sighed, laying my head on his shoulder. "Hey."
"Annabeth, you're supposed to be asleep," Percy said, turning around and wrapping his arms around me.
"I know."

We stood in silence for a while, just staring out into the sea. I glanced up at Percy's face. It was calm and peaceful. I rested my head back on his chest and closed my eyes, only to fall asleep and nightmares to find me.

Annabeth, we know what you have, a voice said.
Leave me alone, Gaea! You don't know anything!, I shouted into the darkness.
Really? I know that you have the Mark of Athena, and there's a prophecy about you, Gaea said.
I-I don't know what you're talking about, I said.
Lie. You know exactly what I'm talking about Annabeth. You could be very useful...You could help lure Jackson to me, Gaea mused. He's too loyal to let you die...
I shivered. No. I'm not joining you Gaea!
We'll see...

I jerked awake. Percy had brought me to my bed, and was asleep in the other.
The alarm clock went off. I watched in surprise as Percy rolled over, holding Riptide, and cut the alarm clock and en-table in half.
"Stupid...alarm clock..." he grumbled, falling back asleep. I chuckled, and quietly walked out of the room. No one was up, except Jason. He was hovering a foot over the deck, meditating.
"Jason?" I asked, rubbing my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
"Annabeth!" Jason yelped, falling onto the deck. "You scared me!"
"I try not to. Why were you meditating?"
"I'm in the air; it calms me down a bit."
"Huh...I'm going to the library," I said, walking away.

Dyslexia is a challenge for me that I'm glad to have. I love challenges.
I grabbed a book and started to read it. Eventually, I got
irritated and threw my dagger at it, then stared at the aftermath. Why did I just do that?
"Annabeth?" I turned around. Percy was watching me with wary eyes.
"Percy!" I shouted, running to him. "Why are you in the library?"
"Just, uh, checking on you," he murmured.
"Oh," I said, pulling away.
"No, Annabeth, it's ok!"
"I hate the Mark," I muttered.
"I love you," Percy said, wrapping his arms around me.
I smiled, then said, "I love you too, Percy."
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
thanks! do you guys like the new icon?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
aww, poor Percy
he has to deal with Annabeth's mood swings ;P
post soon!!! and yes, i do like the icon!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
lol hollister
thanks! I finally figured out how to add pictures to my profile, so I added three or four!
over a year ago AthenaKnowsBest said…
big smile
Haha Annabeth with mood swings, that definitely sounds like her. And I Wish I could do that to my alarm. :)
Anyway GREAT chapter, keep it up and POST SOON!!! :)

over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
^ikr? I wish I could do that to my alarm clock so much!