The Heroes of Olympus Kaylee's The Mark of Athena & The Heroes Final Stand (COMPLETED)

kayleegurule posted on Feb 25, 2012 at 06:46AM

I hadn’t been nervous the entire journey from Long Island to California, but now that Camp Jupiter was finally in site I was starting to freak out. Leo had sent a video message to Tyson, so hopefully Percy had had time to warn the Senators and Reyna. I could already see some campers coming to the Field of Mars from the window. I just hope they don’t shoot us down.
As we got closer to the ground, I was able to spot a lot of familiar faces; Bobby, Dakota, Hazel, Gwen, and most importantly Reyna. I remember Reyna again, I also remember the last day of my life at camp, and the last day I’d had with her.
Reyna and I were in the Senate House discussing some of the problems at camp, when Reyna asked me whether or not I could remember any of my family.
“Not really,” I answered simply. “Lupa took me in at the age of two. I remember a girl a few years older than me with black hair and blue eyes but that’s about it. Why?” I added kind of curious.
Reyna shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve just never heard you talk about them before.”
“Yeah, well, at least you have a sibling to talk and hang out with,” I countered.
“Correction. I haven’t talked to Hylla since the war. I hate it when she doesn’t respond to my letters.”
“I may not have ever met her, but if she is anything like you then I expect that she’ll be okay.”
“And what am I like, exactly?”
“Oh you know, smart, fierce, brave, a good fighter, strong, you’re good hearted, nice, intimidating, and really pretty.”
“I’m really pretty? I’ve never heard you talk about me like that before.”
“You never asked.”
I’m still not sure which one of us leaned in first, all I know left is that later that night, after Reyna and I had stopped kissing and went to our separate praetor houses. Juno stole my memories and made me sleep for two months, until I woke up on the bus with Leo and Piper.
Suddenly, I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone calling my name. It was Piper. Today her chocolate brown hair was all the same length now and she had it in her usual braid. I still couldn’t figure out what color her eyes were because they were always changing from blue, green, and brown. Piper still refused to wear makeup. Only one word can describe the way she looked; Beautiful.
“Um, what’s up?” I said trying to change my train of thought.
“Leo said we’ll be landing in a minute and that you should probably go first, which Annabeth and I both agree on.”
I nodded and followed her into the steering room of the Argo II. Leo was in the pilot’s seat clicking a few buttons for the landing. He had definitely gotten stronger from working in the forges at Camp Half-Blood, but he was still smaller compared to his brothers and sisters. His hair was still as dark and curly as ever and he had bags under his eyes obviously from all the days he missed sleep so he could work on the Argo II.
Annabeth was sitting next to him in the passenger’s seat, while looking out the window; she was obviously lost in thought. Her curly blonde hair was down and she was dressed in her usual orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and jeans. Her grey eyes seemed to be darker than usual. Even though I’ve only known her for eight months I knew what she was thinking about; her boyfriend. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon.
Percy is a Greek demigod who went to Camp Half-Blood for four years. Until Juno stole his memories and put him to sleep for eight months. Now he’s here at Camp Jupiter trying to get the Roman demigods to trust the Greeks.
All of a sudden, I was thrown backward and landed on the floor. Piper had done the same.
“We’ve landed,” Leo said completely unnecessary.
“Are you ready Jason?” Annabeth asked getting up from her chair and helping Piper.
“More nervous, than ready,” It was true but I went over to the door anyway and waited for it to open. “Hello, Camp Jupiter,” I added to myself.

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Taken By The Earth: link

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Camp of Couples: link

The Undercover Hero: link

A Rueful Wish: link

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The Mark of Athena

Nine shall save the dangerous sea,
Ocean's Prince finds the ghost king to free.
Wisdom's daughter walks alone,
The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.
One shall rescue the eight,
Son of Fire closes death's gate.
Descendents of the horse help the dove,
Prince of Lightning finds an old friend from above.
Legacy of the sun strikes another,
Daughter of Owl is saved by Death, Sky, and Water.

The Heroes Final Stand(1)

Death's daughter shall be found,
Fire to be rescued from Earth's mound.
Legacy of Poseidon shall meet his end,
An old friend will return to defend.
The traitor will make a choice,
The Earth shall be controlled with a voice.
Curse of Riches to be broken,
Stick of Life to go up smoken.
Daughter of War repeats a decision,
Son of Lightning sacrifices a mission.
Death's son shall return with the past,
Gods or Giants to last.

The Heroes Final Stand(2)

You shall sail with the old ship of bone,
You shall find a friend who is not alone.
But beware to fight without fire,
And to fly home without a fighter.

last edited on Aug 23, 2013 at 01:16AM

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