The Heroes of Olympus The Broken Heart

Annabeth_Rocks posted on Feb 27, 2012 at 10:44PM
HELLO!!!! Annabeth_Rocks, here and this is basicly about Percy and Annabeth, well I haven't figured out yet! Just read the first chapter and see if you like it!



I well post when I could, and if people dont read it, this forum will become abandon.

last edited on Feb 27, 2012 at 10:45PM

The Heroes of Olympus 190 replies

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over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
I won't post till someone comments. And thats to bad, I was about to post but no one commented, oh well.
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Post ..i m really excited....dont separate percabeth plz....
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
I'll read the first chapter. See what it I guess I can say post:)
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
yay okay ill post! but first, this is about somehow annabeth and percy brake up. i was thinking maby something controles percy when hes sleeping. he goes over to her (being controled) and calls her a bunch of mean names, and other stuff. they brake up. then in the morning annabeth wont talk to him, then the next day, same thing. finaly, after 20 days of being ingnored, he just...... cant take it. he knows he did nothing wrong, but shes ingnoring him, when just the night before they were kissing. he runs away. bla bla bla. then i was thinking ether whats everyones doing, the fates show up and grate him immortily or a god or a god does it! you disied. so, tell me what you think! and please answer me quickly, at 11:00 i want to go to bed! (its 10:50 now, so hurry up!)
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
oh, and shub, (im just going to say that) later on they MIGHT get together again, i dont want to give away to much!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
well is 11:10 so im going to sleep, goodnight!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Wait so you're eleven? So is my sis:D. Plz check out my forum Stalker's Mark of Athena. Post!!!! And the Fates. And where do you live so that it's already 11:30?!?!
over a year ago shubhamsingh24 said…
wait ur eleven???????????? okay just post soon >>>>>i'lll be waiting for your first chapter and by the way u can use that( ares and athena both of them made plans in breaking up for percy and annabeth because ares has grudge against percy ever since percy defeated him in the battle in lightning thief and athena as as he is in love with her favourite daughter (annabeth).... and they work together for making them break up as it'll be silent and no one will blame them.....
over a year ago shubham06 said…
I will read as long as that MIGHT sticks around...if u understand what i mean....
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
do you mean ares and athena think of a way to brake up percy and annabeth? then they got the controle idea, is that it?
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
well if thats not what you mean, i still think its a good idea so im going to use it! i would post now but my moms telling me to get off the electronics (yeah i spelled that wrong) so i have to go, bye! ill post later!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
ok, its short but its 11:08 so give me a brake, ok!


"I finaly got something Athena!" I said. "Really, you got something?! Something that well get that Percy Jackson off of my sweet little Annabeth!" Athena scweeked with joy. "YES! Finaly I well get my rivenge on Percy!" I said exitidly. "And I well..." Athena started till I cut her off. "No time, we have to do it now!" So I told her my plan, my geanus plan. "Your evil, I like that!" Athena said. "Look, I know I'm amazing but we have to do it now, before Annabeth goes to sleep or Percy wakes up!" I stated. "Shoot! okay, lets get started. Finaly when Athena was done... "FINALY! That took you only an hour!" I yelled. "Well maby if you helped me..." Athena started. "Lets just do it before anything happens."


"Good night, seaweed brain!" Annabeth said. "Good night, wise girl..." I said then kissed her. We kissed for five min before braking apart. We smiled at eachover. "Love you!" We both said at the same time and I went to my cabin and fell asleep.


"...want to controle him!" Ares wined. "Well maby you should of helped me!" Athena snaped. What are they fighting about? I asked myself. "WELL IT WAS MY IDEA! SO HA!" Ares smrked. This is pretty funny I smiled. "You don't know how to controle it, only I do!" Athena said and started moving a lever. Sondonly, the dream shifted and I was looking at myself, sleeping. Then, my body sat up, but I was still sleeping. Then I notesed if I looked at my eyes real closely, they worn't seagreen. They, were pich black, but if I didn't they were seagreen. My body got up and went out the door. I followed it. Then it walked up to Annabeth who was smiling and sofly rubing were I kissed her. "Annabeth," My body said. Annabeth smiled. "Yeah?" She asked. "I..." WARNING BAD LANGULAGE Annabeth just sat there. NO! This has to be a bad dream it can't be real! Then everything went black.
wow, its 11:52 im going to bed
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
i hope you liked it!
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
Great start! But don't break up percy and Annabeth!!!! Well at least get them back together at the end!! And it's 11:52 at your place? Serious? Coz I actually just finished school lol
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Gr8 strt nd i agree wid flamemouth...nd curse the different time zones.....
Post sooooon....
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
ok, heres alittle of the chapter!


WHAT I thought. HOW COULD HE SAY SUCH THINGS I stood up, and ran to my cabin. I didn't even think he knew what those words ment When I got to my cabin, I jumped on my bed, and cryed myself to sleep.


I woke up feeling terrible. Wait, what did I dream about I could't remember. Thats strange I thought. I looked at the time. "It's 5:00? Well, I should take a shower." I said. So I got up and took a one hour shower. Annabeths normorly awake now, I'll go talk to her I didn't know then, but Annabeth wouldn't even look at me. I went outside but before I got to the Athena cabin, Chrion sall me. "Percy," He said. "What are you doing up? Your sopose to be in your cabin." He asked. "Well...." I started. "Go back to your cabin." Chrion comanded. "Fine." I grombled. When I got there, I got on my bed and fell asleep.


My daughter is sad though. Maby this wasn't a good idea. I thought. "THIS IS HILARIOUS!" Ares said. "HE DOSN'T EVEN KNOW IT YET!" Ares smiled. "I have to go do something." I said. "Just stay here and make a different part of you do it." Ares suggested. "Sorry, but my other parts are bizy." (sorry, spelling) "With what?" Ares asked. "Well, now I'm doing an SA and..." "OKAY YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME JUST GO!" Are yelled. And with that, I telaported to Camp Half-blood.


I was just crying on my bed when my mom showed up. "Mom," I rubbed my eyes and tried to make it look like I wasn't just crying but it didn't work. Tears just replaced the ones I just wiped off. "Sweety," She started. "It's okay. I know what happened." I blow my nose. "Yo-you do?" I asked. She nodded he head. "Yes, I do. I know what that hitious son of the sea god did." She said. "Sweety, just ignore him. Make him learn his leason." I nodded my head. She smiled and telaported away. I took a shower and checked that my eyes worn't red and went outside. Then, I sall him.....
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
DA DA DA! what well happen? later on in the story, what god well he become? when well this story start? and why am i asking so many "?"? tune in to find out! (oh, and try to guess what percys powers well be! who ever get all of them will win an award!)
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
big smile
ill give you a hint. this takes place after the war. he gets the power of kronos because he defeted him. he gets the power of Gaea because he defeted her. and he has acuple more powers but i dont want to give away to much!
over a year ago shubham06 said…
K...gud sooooon....
over a year ago beba157jello said…
kkk awesome story kind of sad cuz im a percebeth fan but still love it plz post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
ok fine! heres the post!


THERE SHE IS!!! I thought exitidly. "Hey Annabeth!" I said while walking up to her. "Whats up?" I asked. She said nothing. She didn't even look at me. She just kept walking. "Whats the matter?" I asked. No reply. "Annabeth?" Nothing again. "Annabeth, my dear! How are you?" Chrion asked. "Okay, I guess." She said. "Are you sure?" He asked. She was about to answer untill I cut her off. "Chrion! Annabeth is ignoring me! And I don't know why....." I said. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHY!" She screamed. "I CAN'T BELEAVE YOU DON'T KNOW WHY! YOU SHOULD KNOW! IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY!" And with that, she ran off. The day just went like a normal day, exapt that Annabeths ignoring me. She'll talk to me tomarrow I thought. Then I could figure out whats happening! But sadly, she still ignored me. Days past. I became more, and more, and more, diprest (spelling) by the min.! Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Finaly, after 2 months, I was to diprest. I never smiled, even if it was the most funniest joke ever. I was always down, always talked sadly. The only emoion (spelling) I showed was sadnes. My friends began to worry. "Whys Percy so sad?" They would say. "He's normaly so happy." and "Guys, somethings wrong with Percy!" They would go up to me and try to make me smile, but I didn't. "Percy, whats wrong?" Grover always asks me. I would always whisper. "Nothing. Nothing at all, G-man. Don't worry." But he did worry, he did allot. One day, I wanted to see my mom so bad! Maby she'll chear me up, I thought. Then I'll stop worrying everyone. So I got a taxi to my moms apartment. I went up but what I saw there was unbeleaveable! Paul and mom, just lade there, blood alover them. No, I thought. No,no, NO! I ran up to them. They were stiff. I check there palse. Nothing. I ran over to the phone and called 911. "This is 911. Whats your emergensy?" It said. "MY PARENTS ARE DIED!" I yelled, crying.
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
im still wrighting i just ran out of space. wasnt that sad?
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…

"Annabeth, what did you do to Percy?!" Grover yelled. "Have you SEEN him latly? Even the sea dosn't calm him down! And worst of all..." He started. "DO YOU THINK I CARE!" I screamed. "Yes you should!" Grover said geting mad. He started it, I thought. he called me LANGULAGE and hit me and punched me and kicked me. He hates me![/i] I thought. But then again, why is he so sad... "I'm watching the news." I said. "But..." Grover started untill he saw me pull out a box then hit a butten and it turned into a TV. "Got to love Leo!" I said and turned on the news. "And now time for wether... wait. There has just bin a murter!" The news guy said talking to a girl. "Okay then," He said. "Braking news, a cuple has just bin killed." Leo walked in to the Athena cabin. "What are you watching?" He asked. "The news, now shhhh." I said. "The coples names are Sally Jackson," "WHAT!" Me and Gover said. "And Paul bolfin." "WHAT!" We said again. "The person who called 911 was Percy Jackson," "Oh no!" Grover said. "We have him live. Lets move to Jane." The guy said. "Thank you James!" Jane said. "Percy, how did you fined your parents?" He sniffed. "Well, I go to this one camp, and I missed my mom so I snuck out to see her." Percy started. "But w-when I op-opened the do-door..." He started crying. "It's okay." Jane said. "No, It's not okay." Percy said. "My mom and my step dad are died." He cryed even harder. "James, back to you." I turned off the TV. "WHAT!" Leo yelled. "Good thing I recorded the news, I need to show Chrion this!" Leo said runing off, then he came back. "Sorry, the reson I came here was to give you this, I found it on the ground." He gave me my college ring and then ran off. 2 min. later it was dinner. Chrion got are attenchen and said "I have sad news. Sally and Paul passed away." There were gasps around the crowed. "When Percy returns, please don't menchen them, please." Everyone nodded there heads. "Okay, dig in!" He said.
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…

I couldn't talk anymore. I was glad when Anthony stopped filming. "Thank you." I said. "Your welcome." Jane said. "How did they die, do you know?" I asked. "Sorry, but we haven't found out yet." She said. "Okay." I said walking away. "Were you going?" She asked. "Camp." I said walking away. When I got there I waited till dark and snuck in my cabin. I got all my stuff and got out of camp. I need to get out of here. I thought. I can't worry people anymore! So I ran! I ran till I couldn't run anymore! Sondonly, the fates apeared. "Percus Jackson," I flinched. "It is a honer to meet you! We want to give you imortaly, you know to become a god." They said. "Do you agree?" They asked. "Why, so I could suffer for enternany!" I said. "NOOOOO WAY!" "No, you won't. Trust us." They said. "But I don't want..." I started. "TRUST US!" They yelled. "OKAY! OKAY!" I said. "You have to sware that you well do what ever we say." They said. "Do I have to!?" I asked. "Fine you only have to do one thing we say, which well lead up to something else." They said. "Fine, I swaer on the river stix what they just said." I said sadly. Lightning flashed in the sky. "Percus Jackson, you are the god of...."

its 11:32 im going to bed!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
CLIFFHANGER POWERS! YEAH! someone comment and people have to guess what percys powers are and guess crectly! ma-a-a-a!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
kool post soon
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
big smile
Post please!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
This is really good.
Please post again soon.
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
ok, i just wanted to tell you the next great prophesy!

The lost one must be found,
To deffeat the goddess in the ground.
But first ture love must find,
Why they had to lie.
And to deffeat the monster in the den,
They well have to work together again.

well thats it! hope you like it! ill post when someone at least guesses one of his powers! (hint: what is he all the time?)
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
come on its easy! GUESS! i want to post really bad! so pllleeeaaaaaasssseee guess!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Percy should be the god of Time, Swordsmanship, Heroes, Fatal Flaws, Male Beauty, All Types of Water, and the Earth.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
you guessed some of them! THE OTHER ON IS EASY! fine ill just tell you. SADNESS! he well become the god of sadness! isint it easy! that well be his mane power, well you did guess some right, so ill post a chapter!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
wait, i have to check some forums, THEN ILL POST! ok?
over a year ago shubham06 said…
U post now then check other forums....i m waitin.....nd amazin thought of makin him the god of sadness....
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
fine, ill post.... after i post on rock4ever's forum witch i well post on when im in my bed. SORRY!
over a year ago percyjackson25 said…
big smile
Best forum ever!
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
POST! JUST A WARNING, IF PERCY AND ANNABETH DON't GO BACK TO EACH OTHER, THEN I'LL QUIT READING THIS. no offense. I think you're good, I just don't want Percy not to be with Annabeth. Don't worry, I'll keep track of this, unless Percabeth becomes no more..
over a year ago killer24 said…
hay i know its your point of vue but read on what if she leve's him
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
sorry guys! i was going to post yesterday, but i kinda fell asleep because i was really tired. today i have off from school (its 12:13 now) so i more likely ill post a chapter. Wisdoms_child, look at the prophesy i did up there, i thought it gave the answer away but it looks like it didnt..... unless you didnt read it...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
big smile
you know what, ill post on THIS forum first, after lunch. THEN illl post on rock4evers forum, cause i want to post on my forum. so after im done eating ill post, ok! bye!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
sorry, got backtracked. im posting the chapter now, it may be short.
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…

"Time, swordsmanship, heroes, male beauty, all types of water, thoughts, and the ground." They said. "What people well know you for (you know, thouse up there are just extras, like athena is known for her wisdom, not the other stuff) is the god of sadness." then, I started feeling pain...


Its bin 5 days, 5 days, Sallys died. I just can't beleave it! I was walking to rachels cave, to ask her a question. Then, rachel bumped into me. Green smoke went around her. sondonly Apollo apeared. "Shes about to say the next great prophesy!" He said. As if on cue, she began.

The lost one shall be found,
To defeat the goddess in the ground.
But first ture love must find,
why they lied.
And to defeat the monster in the den,
they have to work together again.

"Well, I have to go, bye!" He said and left. I went up to Rachel and helped her up. "What just happened?" She asked. "You just said the next great prophesy." I said. "you should go rest." and with that, she walked away.


"Percus..." They started. "Please, just call me Percy." I said. "Very well, Percy." They said. "We can hide you so the gods won't find you. But now, we must go to Greese, to tran you right." They said. Thats where it all began.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
i would have posted longer but my moms calling me, so bye!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…

I was crying. I'll never be the same. First, Percy being sad all the time. Next Sally died. And then Percy runs away. My favorite son, gone. And my favorite mortal, died. And it's all because of that daughter of Athena. I search every day and night for Percy. 24/7. All my parts are searching, all but one. The one thats in the throne room now. "WE MUST TURN THE 6 DEMIGODS INTO GODS!!!" Zeus said, getting me out of my thoughts. "Wait," I said. "6? I thought it was 7?!" I finished. "Sadly" Zeus said. "We can't find Percus," I started crying harder. "So we well turn the remanding 6 into gods." And with that, we telaported to camp half-blood.


Me, Leo, and Annabeth were chating when the gods appeared. We all bowed respectively. I looked at Posidon. WOW! Was all that I could think. He looked terrible! "RISE!" Zues said. We rised. "WE ARE HERE TODAY TO......" Zeus started. "Brother," Posidon said sadly. "You don't have to yell, there only about 4 feet away." "SORRY! Anyways, we are here today to give you all gifts for the war," Zeus said. By that time people have gavered because of Zeus's yelling. Zues continued. "We discussed and we agreed to turn the remanding 6," Posidon started crying. Thats so sad. I thought. I started crying at the thought of Percy. Aphrodite sall me crying. So she shrank down to mortal size and ran up to me. "Whats wrong?" She asked while stroking my hair. "I was just thinking of Per-Per-" I took a breath in. "Of Percy." At that last word I saw how much tears Posidon was hiding. Athena roled her eyes. "Seriously," Athena said. "Why does everyone care about that stupid boy!" She yelled. Everyone but Ares and Annabeth looked at her with hate. The waves got larger and I could see a huricane in the distance. Lightning flashed. It started to ran. The sun shined right into Athenas eyes. Aphrodite started charmspeaking her that she was dumb and stupid. All the gods started hurting her. "WAIT!" Athena said. "THERES CHILDEREN HERE! AND WE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE THEM THERE PRISE YET!" She said. "Fine," Zeus said. "Do you want to become gods?" We all said yes and one by on we became gods. "Now," Zeus said. "Off to camp Jupiter to turn Jason, Hazel, and Frank into gods. Then, we all left.


So I was talking to Jason and Hazel when all the gods apered, wait. WHY WAS PIPER, LEO, AND ANNABETH, HUGE!!!!! "GUYS!" Leo yelled. "THERE GOING TO OFFER YOU TO BECOME GODS/GODDESS!!! SAY YES!!!" He said. For some strange reson I laughed, so did Hazel and Jason. "Why are we laughing?" Jason asked still craking up. "Leo is the god of jokes, so he could make people laugh just by saying something." Jupiter said. "Oh..." I said. "So do you agree?" He asked. We all said yes and we got turned into gods. "Oh, and before we leave," Apollo said. "I have to say this." He cleared his throght. "Theres another great prophesy." He said. "It goes like this.

The lost one shall be found,
To defeat the goddess in the ground.
But first true love must find,
Why they lied.
And to defeat the monster in the den,
they have to work together again.

"Well we have to go, bye!" Jupiter said. Then, we all got to the throne room. My last thought was I can't wait to sit on my throne!


200 years later......

i would post more but i want it to be a cliffhanger, so bye! *laughs evilly*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
*stops laughing evily* can someone comment! is anyone still out ther? i posted like, 3 hours ago and no one commented!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love the chapter!!!!!!
It wa wa really good.
Cant wait untill u post again. Hope its soon.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
dude impatient much? sorry had to say that! luv the chapie post asap