The Heroes of Olympus TRUST

Nemisis posted on Mar 05, 2012 at 08:19PM
Everyone has lies in there life's, secrets, naturally, the human race wants the truth. But some secrets, should stay hidden. Some truths are too dangerous. But nothing can stay secret forever. And when these secrets come out, They will change lives for good. I'm not a philosophic kind of person. But believe me when I say this. Do the most dangerous thing in the world for me right now. TRUST.

The Heroes of Olympus 7 replies

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over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
i dont know what its about... can you explain?
over a year ago Nemisis said…
SUMMARY : Aly sees two kids fighting in an alley, where she lives its not an unusual sight, but they weren't fighting each other. They were fighting two giant men both of which only had one eye. Now Aly in determined to find out who those kids were. And Why the were fighting those monsters. Aly, having grown up in an orphanage abandoned by her parents although knowing who they are, knows she cant trust anyone. Because trusting people gets you hurt. But she will have to learn how to trust, or her curiosity will kill not just her but other people too.
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
big smile
oh, ok! I LIKE THE IDEA!!! GRAMMA!!!!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
Chapter One

Aly sat on the seat of the window in the room she shared with four other girls, like she often did. Staring out at the alley below. She watched as the two teenagers ran in and at seeing two huge men, pulled out swords. The taller one, ran forward and luanched into combat with one of them moving with speed and agility. The second, walked slower towards the other man holding his sword in a defensive position. Just like the way ge walked into the battle he fought with slower strikes than the other, but he didn't seem to need to be fast, he struck strongly and hard giving him time enough that he seemed to fight lazily. She watched as the first, whom Aly had decided was a girl, stabbed the man she was fighting, and he crumbled to dust. But before he did so, he looked at Aly and luaghed, but luaghing at his death and disintergrating isn't what scarred Aly. The man only had one eye. She backed away from the window, certain she had seen something she shouldn't have.
"Aly " came a fimiliar voice and Aly jumped with a start, she hadn't noticed Bridget come in. "What exactly were they doing? " and Aly relized that Bridget had seen the kids fighting, tiny sensitive, emotional Bridget had seen a girl only a few years older than herself kill a....... something . She was sure to have nightmares.
"Nothing Bri " she managed, " they were just fooling around, like the little boys with their play shoot outs "
"That man didn't fake tuning to dust " was the tiny girls reply as she turned on her heel her long black hair swinging behind her. Aly didn't really care. Caring about people was nearly as dangerous as trusting them. So she didn't do it. She thought of Bridgets expression. It was nearly comicle, her round young seeming face and big brown eyes weren't ment to scowl, and on her with her small size she looked like a pouting child, not an annoyed and worried thirteen year old.

okay for me that was fairly long for a first chapter since I get bored and frusterated easily. so if some one by any chance reads this don't complain.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
cool post soon
over a year ago Nemisis said…
chapter two

Aly climbed out the window, into the alley, wearing a pair of dark jeans, and a sorts tank top and jacket like she did every night. She was just turning the second corner to her destination, when she heard someone behind her. She turned on her heel. And saw the face of Bridget poking out from behind the corner. Aly glared at the little girl. But Bri stared right into her eyes.
"Where are you going, Alyndia? " she asked her voice both hard and curious.
"None of your buisness! " She snaped, "Go back to St.Marys " she tried to sound as venomous as possible. But she just looked at her.
"You cant make me " Bri said her voice toneless.
"Fine whatever " Aly gave up. Bridget smiled, and walked next to her as she walked to the burnt house on the edge of the city. Aly opened the unlocked door, and climbed the stairs in the only section of the house that wasn't burnt. Two rooms were up there. One was set up for a young girl, pink peeling wall paper, and a closet full of light colored dresses. The other was were Aly always went. When she had found it, it had been empty. But then it had a milk crate sitting by a pile of old boxes with a board on top of them, forming a make shift desk. a nest of blankets sat in one corner, and a small pile of books sat in another. She just walked across the room and sat in the blankets. Aly didn't know why but that place had always made her feel peaceful. It was kind of strange to find peace in a burnt out house, but Alyndia Anne Brookson was a strange person.
"Are you running away? " Bridger asked.
"Maybe" Aly replied, not having seen a reason to lie.
"If you do, Im going to come " the other girl announced.
"Okay " Aly said, at that point past caring.

I'm not going to post on this very often as you have seen from my month gap between the two chapters
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
I know you just posted but post soon that was awesome