The Heroes of Olympus The Stolen Trident (COMPLETED)

kayleegurule posted on Mar 10, 2012 at 07:08AM
SUMMERY: This is a story about what happened after Thalia woke up from being a tree. Everything is supposed to be good. It’s still summer, Thalia is back, and Percy might not be the child of the prophecy. Except the seas are getting restless and when Percy has a dream he finds out why. Apparently, Poseidon’s triton has been stolen and it’s up to Thalia, Annabeth and Percy to find the stolen symbol. If they fail then Poseidon will created a hurricane so big, it could swallow the US as we know it. Now these three powerful demigods have to set out and find another missing object. Do they ever get a break?









“Wisdom, Sea, and Lightning shall travel west,
They shall each face an individual test.
One will find what was taken but to give the power to another,
Only to be asked for help by a brother.
The loyal one will be left in the dome,
Two shall return the stolen object home.”

My Wattpad Account: link

My Fanfiction.Net Account: link
last edited on Aug 23, 2013 at 01:17AM

The Heroes of Olympus 134 replies

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over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Tell me what u think. Do u like it or do u hate it? Let me know. I wont post til some1 comments.
over a year ago swiftwater said…
no. no. they do not.
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Sounds good post soon
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I forgot to add that all rights go to Rick riordan I can't take credit for anything.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

My head was pounding. What happened? I thought. The last thing I remembered was yelling at Luke. I was telling him to get Grover and Annabeth over the hill while I kept the monsters busy. I fought the monsters for a while but then I tripped and they started to hurt me. Then mist enveloped me and that was it. Everything was blank after that.

Now I could hear voices, well a voice. I could tell it was a boy. “Come on!” he yelled. “What’s wrong with you people? Let’s get her to the big housed.”

I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful sunrise coming over the hill. I looked around and saw a boy with messy, windblown hair and green eyes kneeling down next to me. He had a powerful aura but couldn’t be more than thirteen or fourteen.

“Who-” I tried asking but I felt like my mind couldn’t complete the question.

“I’m Percy,” He told me. “You’re safe now.”

“Strangest dream . . .”

“It’s okay.”


“No,” He assured me. “You’re okay. What’s your name?”

Suddenly, his eyes widened like he realized the answer before I could tell him. He looked at the other people who were staring at us. They all had a look of shock on their faces.

I could see Annabeth. Except her hair was longer and she was taller. She was also wearing battle armor and was holding holing a spear. I could see tears in her grey eyes.

Finally, I said. “I am Thalia, daughter of Zeus.”
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Tell me what u think. I forgot to mention that Percy's hair was black but we all knew that already.
over a year ago TwigmanFTW said…
This is good keep it up :)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
come to this make your own hero link below
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

I for one was shocked. Actually, I don’t think there’s a word for how I felt. I never would have guessed that the Golden Fleece would be the one thing that could bring Thalia back to life. I doubt my own mother could have known that this would have happened.

I just stood there completely dumbfounded as Percy helped Thalia stand up. She almost fell but Percy caught and helped support her. She was staring at me like I was the one that just fell out of a tree after years of being dead.

“Annabeth, you’ve gotten so tall,” she said. I tried to respond but my voice wouldn’t work, so all I did was nod. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“W-well y-you’re supposed t-to be d-dead,” I managed. This time it was her turn to be shocked.

“Is this true?” she asked looking at everyone. Finally, her eyes landed on Percy. He nodded and she seemed to believe him more than anyone else. “How old are you?”

“Thirteen,” I answered. “You’ve been dead for six years.”

“How am I back? What happened? How is this possible?” Thalia began looking around. “Where’s Luke? I don’t see him.”

“Perhaps we should take this to the big house where we can explain everything,” Chiron suggested. He turned to the rest of the campers and shouted, “Head counselor meeting in the big house, now!”

The head counselors headed to the big house while the rest of the campers just walked away to go start their activities. Percy helped Thalia walk to the big house while I just stood there silently crying.

How was I going to explain to Thalia about Luke? He was like a brother to her. She gave up being a hunter for him. I took one last look at the pine tree and fallowed Percy and Thalia down the hill as another camper came to finish the guarding shift.

When we were all in the big house Thalia asked again where Luke was.

“I tell her,” Percy said raising his hand. I scowled at Percy knowing that he’d just bash on Luke. He probably knew that too because he put his hand down.

Thalia began looking back and forth at us. Then he eyes widened. “No, he couldn’t . . . He didn’t . . . die. Did he? ”

“No, don’t worry,” I told her. She seemed to relax a bit. “It’s not that. It’s actually worse.”

“What can be worse than that?” she asked.

Percy answered this one. “Thalia, Luke joined the enemies. He‘s working for Kronos. He tried to kill Annabeth and me several times and he poisoned your tree. Luke wanted to destroy the camp boarders that you created when you died, so monsters could come in and eventually kill everyone in camp.”

“No! He wouldn’t do that!” Thalia yelled. “He wouldn’t.”

Then she began to stare off into space as if she was thinking of something. She finally nodded and I could tell by the way her eyes looked that she believed us.

“So, now what?” She asked obviously wanting to change the subject.

“If everyone except Annabeth, Percy and Thalia could go back to their activities that would be great,” Chiron said. Everyone else left while the three of us just stood there. “Now Percy I need to talk to Annabeth alone. You most likely know what it’s about. Would you be so kind as to show Thalia around, tell her the rules, and take her to her cabin?”

Percy looked like he wanted to argue but probably knew that there was no point. “Sure Chiron,” he finally said. “Come on Thalia.”

When Percy and Thalia closed the door behind them, Chiron turned towards me and said “There’s a lot to discuss.”
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

Thalia actually seemed okay for someone who just woke up after being dead for years. Even though I just met her I could already tell that there was going to be a bit of conflict between us. We seemed alike, but also different.

“So who’s your parent?” Thalia asked.

“Poseidon, god of the sea,” I said pointing at my cabin.

“So, besides me, you’re the only other child of the big three,” It was more of a statement instead of a question.

I nodded.

“Do you know what Chiron wanted to talk to Annabeth about?” she asked.

“Yeah, I know,” I said not really wanting to tell her about the prophecy.

“Well? What are they talking about?” She drilled.

“Well, there’s a reason why you and I are the only children of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. After World War II, there was a prophecy and so they swore on an oath not to have any more children, but obviously our dads cheated,” I explained.

“What’s the prophecy? Do you know it?” Thalia asked.
“Not the official prophecy. But Annabeth told me basically what it’s about,” Thalia just stared at me obviously waiting for me to tell her. “She said that it’s about a child of the big three making a choice that will save or destroy Olympus when they’re sixteen. Annabeth and Chiron thought that it was me but now we don’t know.”

“Your cabin’s right there,” I said pointing at it. “I got to go.”

I walked away with her just standing there. I shouldn’t have told her, I thought. I was so lost in thought that I hadn’t realized that I was walking to the beach until I was standing there looking at the ocean crash against the rocks.

Something’s wrong. The ocean seems more restless than usual. I could see huge waves starting to form in the distance. Being a son of Poseidon, I could tell that my dad was mad no, he wasn’t mad, he was angry.

“What’s wrong, dad?” I asked.

“Percy? Are you okay?” a voice asked behind me. I turned around and saw Thalia approaching.

“Look at the ocean,” I told her. She looked confused but did it anyway.

“What about it?” she asked.

“I’ve never seen it act like this,” I told her. “Something’s happened. And I’m going to find out what.”

I began to walk back towards camp.
“Where are you going?” Thalia yelled after me.

“To talk to Chiron,” I yelled back.

I looked back and saw that Thalia was running to catch up with me. When we finally got to the big house we could hear voices inside. I recognized them as Annabeth and Chiron. They seemed to be arguing. Thalia and I crouched under the window to listen.

“-are we going to do?” I heard Annabeth asked. “Thalia or Percy could be the child from the prophecy.”

“Well, the best thing we can do for them is train them and see which one survives to be sixteen,” Chiron said.

“But Percy goes to school for the year. And what will we do with Thalia?”

“Do with me?” Thalia whispered next to me obviously offended. Here was her oldest friend talking about her like she was a lost puppy that no one wanted.

I put my finger on her lips to shush her. Thalia just swatted it away, but kept quiet.

“She will have to be a year-round camper as we had planned,” I could hear Chiron’s hooves clopping on the floor as he walked around.

“Let’s go,” I mouthed to Thalia.

She nodded.

We slowly walked down the porch steps. Unfortunately, when we got to the bottom we straightened up and Chiron saw us.

“Percy? Thalia? What are you doing?” he asked.

“Well, we came to talk to you,” said Thalia.

“What’s wrong?” he said staring at us with those thousand of year old eyes.

“I was wondering if you knew if something has happened with my dad,” Percy said simply. “The oceans are acting up and I can tell that something is wrong?”

“If there is something wrong, the gods haven’t told me about it,” he told me. “We’ll find out. Don’t worry.”

Even though he told me not to worry I couldn’t stop worrying something was wrong and I was going to find out what.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
This story is really good.
I really like it.
Hope u post again soon.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Hey everyone,
sorry I haven't posted in a while
but i have a small case of writers block
i'll try to break it and post as soon as i can
please continue to read and comment i want to know what u think.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Hey everyone,
Sorry I haven't posted in a while
Still have the writers block
But i promise as soon as i get back from spring break with my mom I'll post.
Please leave comments and questions, I'll post as soon as im back.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…


How could Annabeth talk about me like that? She’s the closest thing I have to a sister and here she is talking about me like I’m lint. So far the only person who isn’t treating or looking at me like I have an extra head is Percy.
He seemed nice and easy going but I could also tell that if you got him mad than you would definitely regret it. I hate to admit it but I felt a little . . . jealous. Percy seemed really close to Annabeth and everyone at camp seemed to respect him. It probably also had to do with the fact that no one at camp necessarily wanted to get drowned by a hurricane. And he seemed to know that.
We do have that in common, at least. We both have really powerful dads that no one really wants to disrespect and neither of us really knows if people like us for us or because of who our dads are.
I kept thinking about this as I tried to fall asleep. Although, it may be easier to sleep if I didn’t have a giant Zeus statue staring me down from the middle of the room. I don’t remember much about the rest of that night but I do remember the dream. And it may be one of the worst dreams I’ve ever experienced.
It started like this . . .
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
yay!!!!!!!! u posted.
and i love the preview. it was really good.
and i can not wait until u post the rest. i hope its soon!!!!!!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I know it's short, i'm sorry.


How could Annabeth talk about me like that? She’s the closest thing I have to a sister and here she is talking about me like I’m lint. So far the only person who isn’t treating or looking at me like I have an extra head is Percy.

He seemed nice and easy going but I could also tell that if you got him mad than you would definitely regret it. I hate to admit it but I felt a little . . . jealous. Percy seemed really close to Annabeth and everyone at camp seemed to respect him. It probably also had to do with the fact that no one at camp necessarily wanted to get drowned by a hurricane. And he seemed to know that.

We do have that in common, at least. We both have really powerful dads that no one really wants to disrespect and neither of us really knows if people like us for us or because of who our dads are.

I kept thinking about this as I tried to fall asleep. Although, it may be easier to sleep if I didn’t have a giant Zeus statue staring me down from the middle of the room. I don’t remember much about the rest of that night but I do remember the dream. And it may be one of the worst dreams I’ve ever experienced.

It started like this, I standing in a big room, I looked out the window and saw that I was on a ship. I glanced around the room and in the corner I saw a gold coffin and Luke was standing by it talking to a voice.

“The plan worked?” The voice sounded like knives cutting a chalk board.

“Perfectly, Thalia is back and the object has been stolen,” Luke informed the voice. “Now all we have to do is wait for a quest to be called and let them get killed.”

“Excellent,” it said. “You have done well, Luke. I think it’s time for you to go visit her now so you can fulfill the rest of our plan.”

Luke paled, “Are you sure it’s not too soon, Lord?”

“None sense. Now, how about I give the person whose watching us a view of the future.”

My dream changed, I was walking in what looked like a tunnel. I recognized the smell; I was in California, San Francisco to be precise. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I turned around but didn’t see anything. I kept walking.

When the tunnel ended, I walked into a big room with columns and a lot of newly formed rock and walls. In the middle of the room was a gold coffin, the gold coffin I’d seen before. I walked towards it, but when I was a foot away from it, the lid fell off, like someone had moved it.

I almost screamed when I saw what was inside. Luke. Luke was in the coffin but there was a hole where his heart should be. I jumped back when I saw what happened next. His eyes opened. Except they weren’t the regular blue eyes that I was used to. They were pure gold, glowing eyes.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

In my dream I finally got to figure out what was happening. Unfortunately, it wasn’t anything good. It probably just made the whole situation with Thalia coming back about ten times worse. She, Chiron, and Annabeth are not gonna be happy.

Anyway, in my dream I was back in my dad’s throne room. He was the only person (or mermaid) there, he was just pacing around the room. Finally after what seemed like forever of waiting he said, “Something has happened.”

It took me a minute or two to realize that he was talking to me.

“What’s wrong? The ocean is acting up . . .” I trailed off.
“You’ve noticed that?” My father said.

I nodded.

“Yes, something is wrong. My trident has been stolen,” he announced to me.

I stared at him dumfounded for several minutes, but I finally managed to choke, “What? How? By who?”

“I don’t know. I have it with me at almost all times and by who I have a guess,” he told me.

“Wait a minute,” I said. I couldn’t believe this. “Do you mean Thalia? She just turned back to human, plus she couldn’t have.”

“I’m sorry, son, but right now she is the only suspect. But I am not Zeus, I give everyone a chance, that is why I am going to have Chiron offer her a quest to find it and return it.”

“But dad-”

“No buts son, you will warn Thalia in the morning,” and with that my dream ended I awoke in my cabin listening to the waved crash n the beach.

I can’t believe this, I thought. My dad thought Thalia stole his bolt. Why would she?

I knew one thing was for sure, she was going to get offered a quest and I was going to help. I quickly got dressed and exited my cabin heading towards the Big House. Unfortunately, I couldn’t even get off my porch though because I heard a scream come from the Zeus’ cabin. I ran towards it expecting the worst.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Please everyone start commenting, that would be great.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

When I opened the door to the Zeus cabin I saw Thalia thrashing around in her bed like she was having a nightmare. I went over to her and began shaking her. Suddenly her electric blue eyes opened and she stared at me in surprise.

“Percy? What are you doing in here?” She asked rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“I heard you scream from outside. Are you okay? I think you were having a nightmare,” I explained to her.

“Yeah, I’m okay. And you guessed correctly, it was a nightmare,” she told me.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked.

She shook her. I told her about the meeting I called with Annabeth and Chiron, then quickly left the cabin so she could get ready. As I walked to the Big House I thought about how I’d tell Thalia that she was being accused of stealing something exactly like I had been just last year. When I reached the Big House porch, I took a deep breath and walked inside, trying to brace myself for the meeting to come.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

I for one am shocked. Percy has never called a head counselor meeting with Chiron before. I’m actually a bit curious to know what it’s about.

All of the counselors came in one by one. All of the head counselors are Conner and Travis Stoll (who took over for Luke when he left), Will Solace, Katie Gardner, Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, Polux and Casper Smith, Clarisse La Rue, Me, Percy, and Thalia.

Percy arrived quickly after everyone else and Thalia was the last to arrive. Thalia was in the same clothes that she had on yesterday but now she had bags under eyes like she hadn’t gotten a very good night’s sleep.

“So, Percy,” Chiron said, asking the question that everyone wants to know. “What is this meeting about?”

Percy started telling us about the dream he had last night. His dad being in it, his trident being stolen, how Poseidon was blaming Thalia, everything. When Percy was done no one really knew what to say. It was like the stolen lightning bolt all over again.

At last after many minutes of quiet, Thalia asked, “How can your dad possible think that it was me? How would I have even been able to steal it? I can’t breathe under water, I don’t think anybody can.”

“Percy can,” Everyone in the room chorused.

“You can?” Thalia asked.

Percy nodded.

“What do you think Chiron?” I asked the old centaur.

“Well, I would say that this thief had some inside help,” Chiron stroked his beard. “But who would turn against Poseidon, I have no idea.”

Everyone turned their head to Percy. “What?” he asked.

“You’re his son,” Will said. “Do you know anyone who’d go against your father?”

“You are all forgetting that I’ve never actually been to my dad’s palace. So I don’t have any idea. But I can iris message Tyson and ask,” Percy reasoned.

“That’s a good idea, Percy,” Chiron praised. “But we have another problem. Your dad said that Thalia had to find the Trident and return it?”

Percy nodded.

“But why does your dad assume it’s me?” Thalia asked.

“Probably the same reason why your dad accused me when his bolt was stolen. Because you are the only other child of the big three,” Percy shot back.

Thalia didn’t seem to like that reason.

“Well, Thalia looks like you have a quest,” Chiron announced. “Do you want to choose your two companions before you get the prophecy or after?”

“Percy?” Thalia asked. “Will you come?”

He nodded without hesitation.

Then Thalia looked at me and I said, “I’ll come.”

Now it was her turn to nod.

“Then Thalia head on up to the attic and get your prophecy,” Chiron said pointing towards the door at the top of the stairs. He made it sound like he was saying ‘Now go get your grand prize of doom.’

Thalia walked slowly but confidently up the stairs and into the attic. All of the head counselors just waited . . . and waited . . . and waited until after about an hour of waiting Thalia finally came down.

“Well?” Chiron asked as she sat down. “What was the prophecy?”

“Wisdom, Sea, and Lightning shall travel west,
They shall each face an individual test.
One will find what was taken but to give the power to another,
Only to be asked for help by a brother.
The loyal one will be left in the dome,
Two shall return the stolen object home.”

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Wow Percy is the'loyal one'quite frankly its obviously about that part because of his fatal flaw
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I know that, you know that, but the charcters don't.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let u know that now I have four forums so I might not post everyday like I normally do. I will post as often as I can though. I post on here tonight or tomorrow.
over a year ago cro0010 said…
Awesome! It sounds really interesting.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

By noon Percy, Annabeth, and I were all packed and ready to go. We all waited on top of Half-Blood Hill waiting for Argus to bring the camp van and drive us to the city. We all stood in uncomfortable silence. I don’t know what those two were thinking about but I was thinking about the prophecy.

Wisdom, Sea, and Lightning shall travel west. We don’t know exactly where in the west to go yet, but hopefully, we’ll figure it out. They shall each face an individual test. I wasn’t too psyched about that. If it was a test on fears then I would surely fail. I can’t face my fear, it’s impossible. One will find what was taken but give the power to another. That’s good, we’ll find the trident. But I guess we’ll give the power to someone else, Poseidon maybe, when we return it to him. One to be asked for help by a brother. Percy mentioned that he had a brother Cyclopes named Tyson maybe he needs help. The loyal one will be left in the dome. Who in the Hades is the loyal one? And what is the dome? That line’s just confusing. Two shall return the stolen object home. Two of us will take the trident back to New York. What about the last member? Will someone on this quest die? I really hope not.

I just kept repeating these lines in my head until the camp van finally arrived. It took us about half an hour for Argus to drive us to the train station. We quickly bought our tickets and got onto the train before it left. There was nothing to do as the bus traveled west except look out the window, so I wasn’t surprised when Percy whined, “I’m so bored.”

“Well, you should have brought something to do like me,” Annabeth was reading an architecture book in Ancient Greek.

“In case you forgot, I don’t read,” Percy reminded her.

“Now that’s just sad,” Annabeth looked up from what she was reading.

“Actually, no,” I corrected her. “I could go a long happy life without reading. So can Percy.”

Percy and I grinned at each other when Annabeth muttered, “You two are impossible.”

“What do you want to do?” Percy asked me.

“How about Truth or Dare,” I challenged.

“You’re on,” Percy grinned and then turned to Annabeth. “Come on, Annabeth, put down the book and play with us. You know you want to.”

Annabeth rolled her eyes but put the book down anyway. Percy smiled at his accomplishment.

“I’ll go first,” I volunteered. “Percy, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Percy decided.

“Shouldn’t have done that,” I told him. “Okay, you see the fat, hairy, guy whose sitting in the compartment across from us?”

“Yeah,” Percy said warily. “What about him?”

“I dare you to . . .

Do u like the idea? Hate it? What should I have Percy do? Got any truth or dares you could lend me?
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Any ttruth or dares? Please I have truth and dare writers block.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Come on people you don't have aby dares you can lend me? Please I need assistance.
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Hey I just started this and its awesome! Unfortunately I hate truths or dare so I wont be able to help with that but good luck, I'm sure it'll be cool.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Thanks for commenting anyway. I'm sure i'll eventually think of something.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I changed Percy's dare from the one in the preview.


By noon Percy, Annabeth, and I were all packed and ready to go. We all waited on top of Half-Blood Hill waiting for Argus to bring the camp van and drive us to the city. We all stood in uncomfortable silence. I don’t know what those two were thinking about but I was thinking about the prophecy.

Wisdom, Sea, and Lightning shall travel west. We don’t know exactly where in the west to go yet, but hopefully, we’ll figure it out. They shall each face an individual test. I wasn’t too psyched about that. If it was a test on fears then I would surely fail. I can’t face my fear, it’s impossible. One will find what was taken but give the power to another. That’s good, we’ll find the trident. But I guess we’ll give the power to someone else, Poseidon maybe, when we return it to him. One to be asked for help by a brother. Percy mentioned that he had a brother Cyclopes named Tyson maybe he needs help. The loyal one will be left in the dome. Who in the Hades is the loyal one? And what is the dome? That line’s just confusing. Two shall return the stolen object home. Two of us will take the trident back to New York. What about the last member? Will someone on this quest die? I really hope not.

I just kept repeating these lines in my head until the camp van finally arrived. It took us about half an hour for Argus to drive us to the train station. We quickly bought our tickets and got onto the train before it left. There was nothing to do as the bus traveled west except look out the window, so I wasn’t surprised when Percy whined, “I’m so bored.”

“Well, you should have brought something to do like me,” Annabeth was reading an architecture book in Ancient Greek.

“In case you forgot, I don’t read,” Percy reminded her.

“Now that’s just sad,” Annabeth looked up from what she was reading.

“Actually, no,” I corrected her. “I could go a long happy life without reading. So can Percy.”

Percy and I grinned at each other when Annabeth muttered, “You two are impossible.”

“What do you want to do?” Percy asked me.

“How about Truth or Dare,” I challenged.

“You’re on,” Percy grinned and then turned to Annabeth. “Come on, Annabeth, put down the book and play with us. You know you want to.”

Annabeth rolled her eyes but put the book down anyway. Percy smiled at his accomplishment.

“I’ll go first,” I volunteered. “Percy, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Percy decided.

“Shouldn’t have done that,” I told him. “I dare you to go run around the train three times in only your underpants.”

Percy gave me a look as if I was insane. “You’ve got to be kidding me? I am not running around the train in only my boxers.”

Annabeth was trying and failing not to laugh. “Come on, Percy. Just do it.”

“No!” Percy denied who, by the way, was as red as a tomato. “I call a chicken.”

I rolled my eyes and said, “Fine. Two chickens only, okay?”

Percy and Annabeth nodded.

“Annabeth, truth or dare?” Percy asked.

“Truth,” she said.

Percy rolled his eyes. “Have you ever had a dream about kissing someone at camp?”

Annabeth immediately blushed. Percy and I started laughing having guessed her answer.

“Who was it about?” I asked.

“Sorry, my turn,” Annabeth told me clearly wanting to change the subject. “Thalia?”

“Dare, I guess,” I said not scared one bit.

“I dare you to go a full day while wearing nothing but pink,” Annabeth chuckled.

I scowled. “I don’t even own anything pink.”

“We could go shopping,” Percy suggested.

I glared at him but saw that he was probably trying to picture me wearing pink.

“Fine,” I groaned. “Annabeth, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” I smiled but suddenly the train slammed on its breaks and sent Annabeth and I towards the floor. I saw Percy hit his head against the metal door. I hit my head pretty hard as well so I wasn’t surprised when I passed out wondering if I’ll ever awake again to give Annabeth her dare.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Really? It's been four days and still no commetns? Was it that bad?
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I won't post the next chapter til someone comments.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Will some1 please comment.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

Pain. That’s all I felt. My head, my chest and my leg was all in pain. I don’t know what made the train stop like that. If I had my guess, I’d say monster. But I’ve been wrong before. Even though I was unconscious I was still aware of my surroundings. I could hear people groaning and moving in the carts. I could smell fire and a little bit of oil, which I knew could be good.

After several minutes of trying I was finally able to open my eyes. The compartment that we were in was completely dark but I could tell from the fact that I was upside down that the train had flipped. I saw Thalia on the floor or ceiling trying to put nectar into an unconscious Annabeth.

“Thalia,” I croaked.

She whipped her head towards where I was hanging. “Percy?”

She put Annabeth’s head carefully on the ground and walked towards me. She used Annabeth’s dagger and cut me out of the wires that were holding me to the ceiling. After about ten minutes of cutting and sawing Thalia finally got me onto the ground. Except the second my ankle touched the ground immediate pain shot through it. I took off my shoe so we could get a better look at it. It was definitely swollen and crooked.

“Looks like a sprang,” Thalia said while giving me some Ambrosia.

The second the healing food touched my mouth, it began to taste like my mom’s chocolate chip cookies. Hot and gooey, as if it just came out of the oven. The pain in my ankle subsided but it was still pretty swollen.

“Great,” Thalia muttered standing up. “You and Annabeth are both injured and whatever made this train tip over is most likely looking for a way in.”

I could tell that Thalia was freaking out but she was doing her best to stay calm. Wow, Annabeth was right. Thalia and I are a lot alike. But I knew I was not going to let her drag my butt through this quest. I used the grips on the seats and tried to stand up. It was a bit easier than before but my ankle was still in pain. I did my best to ignore it.

“Come on,” I said to Thalia while grabbing Annabeth’s legs. “We need to get out of here.”

“Percy, you can hardly walk,” Thalia informed me, which was quite useless because I already knew this. “There is no way you are going to be able to stand for long, let alone help me carry Annabeth.”

“There’s no other way,” I reasoned. “We have to go before-”

I was interrupted by a very familiar roar. Uh oh, I thought. This is not good.

Thalia must have seen the familiarity on my face because she asked, “Do you know what monster that is?”

I nodded. “Time for you to meet my first monster. We have to fight the minotaur, again.”
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I am Your Fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

I don’t know how Percy found the strength but somehow he was able to carry Annabeth by himself while having a sprang ankle. Note to self: Do Not Underestimate Percy Jackson. When he sets his mind to something he does it, no matter what. Kind of like me.

We quickly found our exit from the train and made it outside. We were in flat, countryside. We only made it about a few steps until we heard another roar from the minotaur. I slowly turned around and saw a huge half bull, half man about ten feet tall. The minotaur was really buff and he was wearing a white loincloth. So he pretty much looked like a really buff, tall, hairy, runny-nosed toddler.

I was feeling a bit nervous and scared but I put a mask of confidence on my face so Percy wouldn’t see. But on Percy’s face I saw anger, and determination, but those weren’t masks.

“Since I’ve fought Meat Head before, I’ll take care of him and you take Annabeth,” Percy told me.

“No, I am not going to let you fight him alone. Either we fight him together or not at all,” I was actually offended by his instruction.

Percy looked like he wanted to argue but seemed to decide against it. Her ran and put Annabeth in a safe place. By the time he came back to where I was the minotaur was only a few feet away.

“Thalia wait until the minotaur gets close,” Percy instructed. “When he’s close enough make a sharp turn. Meat Head doesn’t have good reflexes.”

Percy than ran towards the other end of the bull. The minotaur must’ve smelled me because it turned towards me and roared. It began to run at me. I did what Percy said. I waited . . . and waited . . . and waited until finally I made a sharp turn right. I watched as the minotaur turned another way and started smelling the ground. He didn’t seem to have reverse.

The second I heard the scream I stopped running and turned around. The minotaur had his big beefy hand around Percy’s neck. Percy mouth was open as if he was trying to breath and he was turning really pale. I ran back towards the monster. When I was close enough I threw my spear up at the monster’s head and it hit the minotaur in his right eye.

The minotaur dropped Percy, turned into sand and blew away before my eyes. I quickly ran over to Percy. He was still pale but he was coughing so that was better than nothing.

“You okay?” I asked handing him some nectar.

“I’ll survive,” Percy croaked.

“Good. Let’s get Annabeth and get out of here,” I suggested.

Percy nodded. We walked to where Percy hid Annabeth. She was still unconscious but the color had returned in her face. Percy walked over and picked her up in his arms again.

“How are we gonna get away from here?” Percy asked.

“I don’t know,” I admitted half heartedly.

“Pegasus?” Percy suggested.

I looked at him confused.

Percy made a good taxi cab whistle and before I knew it a pure white horse was flying towards us. Uh oh, I thought.

“Thalia meet Pegasus, Pegasus meet Thalia,” Percy introduced.

I stared at him as if he was insane.

“Why does everyone give me that look?” Percy asked stupidly.

I resisted the urge to face palm.

I am not riding on that thing,” I resisted.

“Um,” Percy shifted nervously. “I wouldn’t call him a thing. Besides riding a pegasus is perfectly safe.”

“How do you even understand him?” I asked.

“Poseidon created horses so I can talk to them, pegasi, and zebras,” Percy explained.

“Zebras?” I almost thought I’d misheard him.

“Don’t ask,” Percy sounded like that was a memory he wished he could forget. “Come on, we don’t have any other way of transportation.”

I didn’t like it but I knew he was right. Flying was the only way we’d make it anywhere. Reluctantly, I nodded. I got on the horse first, then Percy put Annabeth on so there’d be a less likely chance that she’d fall, then Percy got on. As soon as the horse began to fly I immediately tried to sleep so I wouldn’t get scared. Luckily it worked. I could feel myself drifting into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Post soon!!!!!!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Thanks. I'll try to post before this weekend.
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
yeah! Post soon!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Sorry I haven't posted in a while but i'm workinn a chapter now so it'll hopefully be up by today or tomorrow.
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
post soon or else dun dun dunnnnnnn
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
Post soon
over a year ago book-worm said…
Your really good post soon!!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Hey everyone sorry its taken so long to post on here. But im working on the chapter now, so it'll be up by tonight or early tomorrow.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

I woke up with my head leaning against Percy’s chest. He hadn’t noticed that I was awake yet. I saw that we were flying on a Pegasus over some mountains. I knew that they were the Rockies. Thalia was asleep in front of me.

I couldn’t remember what happened. I remember the train flipping and everything going black but then that’s it. I must have hit my head or something because I have a pounding headache. I felt like my head would explode. I couldn’t resist groaning.

Percy must have heard me because he glanced down and saw that I was awake. A smile spread across his face.

“Hey, you’re awake,” Percy observed.

“Apparently,” I grumbled. “Do you have any ambrosia my head is pounding.”

Percy nodded and reached into his pocket. He pulled out some ambrosia and broke a piece off for me. I accepted it gratefully and put it into my mouth. I immediately tasted red grapes; my favorite snack.

“What’s it taste like?” Percy wondered.

“Grapes,” I answered simply. “So, what happened?”

“The train flipped and you were knocked out. Thalia and I managed to get you out but we were interrupted by Beefy,” I snorted at the bad nickname. “Anyway Thalia killed him while he was busy trying to kill me. Then we called Pegasus and here we are.”

“Where are we exactly?” I asked.

“Somewhere over the Rocky Mountains,” Percy answered lamely.

“Thanks, that really narrows it down,” I said sarcastically.

“Sorry, it’s not like I have a magic GPS in my head,” Percy said with an eye roll.

“You do in the water,” I pointed out.

“Yeah but this is air,” Percy argued.

“No!” I said with fake shock. “I thought this was ice.”

“When did you even discover sarcasm?” Percy asked me.

“Just because I don’t use it very often doesn’t mean I don’t know what it is,” I said to him.
Percy was opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by Thalia saying grumpily, “Will you both shut up! I’m trying to sleep!”

Percy rolled his eyes at her but I said, “Sorry Thals.”

“So where exactly are we gonna stop at?” Percy asked.

“I have no idea,” I admitted.

Percy gasped. “Annabeth doesn’t know anything! The world is ending!”

“Do you ever shut up?” I asked.

“No,” Percy shot me a smug smile.

“Apparently,” I mumbled.

Percy looked like he was about to give me another one of his comments when suddenly the Pegasus tumbled through the air and we were flying at lightning speed towards the Rocky Mountains.
over a year ago book-worm said…
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! i hate cliff hangers/: anyways love it!!! post soon (even though you just posted...)
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Sorry everyone but i have finals right now so ive been a bit busy and i haven't had time to work on this forum. But friday is my last day of school so ill be posting a lot more. Just stay with me and please be patient.
over a year ago fireyes said…
Sure I'll do that. Post soon on Friday asap!
over a year ago book-worm said…
Grrr!!! Stupid school!! Always getting in the way....*sighs* fine I'll stay with you post soon!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
I just reread the whole thing!!! And it was amazingly awesome!!!!!!
And u can not wait until u start posting again. I hope its really soon!!!!!!