The Heroes of Olympus Not now... Not today... Why the hades are you here?

athena_rules posted on Mar 14, 2012 at 10:03AM
It is my first forum so I don't think it'll be good.
It is about a girl who lives in china and her name is Sunrise Beibutova. And then something will happen...

The Heroes of Olympus 15 replies

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over a year ago athena_rules said…
Sunrise's P.O.V
The normal day in SCIS. Well, not really normal. My class is the craziest one between 5 grades. Today Jenny brought us some crispy creams. Yeah good way to start it. Then We went to our assembly, and when we were at class, our classroom teacher Mr.Zimmerman read us hunger games. Then somebody opened a door. Mr. Z raised his head to look who it was.
"how can I help you?" he said
"oh, can I have sunrise?" I heard familiar voice. If it was another situation, I was very excited to meet him again. But it was not right time, not riht place, not right world.
"sorry, who?" mr.z asked. I mouthed to him 'he meant me but not tell him where I am!' but he didn't understand right and said
"Oh, you meant Risie! Here she is!" and he pointed to me. I turned my head to the door's way and said
"who is he" asked sandra
I stood on my feet and walked toward Pecy.
"I bet you all know who is he. There are eight books about him. And I know some people who read some of them" and then a lot of people walked in.
" oh, this four" I pointed on two sixteen year olds and twelve year olds " you know all"
"but what about another five?"someone asked. I smiled a little. They didn't get it.
"want to meto say who they are?" I asked. Everyone nodded in agreement.
" They are Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Melark, Harry potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Gregor the overland with Luxa the queen of the under land." everyone gasped.
Ok, i will post tomorrow. Bye!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago athena_rules said…
Percy's P.O.V
Iwas standing there waiting when sunrise will turn her head toward me. I knew where she was sitting. You never will forget how her looks like, this color. And I can recognize that she didn't want me to be here. Everyone were staring at me, but no one's face looks like hers. Then that guy who read them some serious book, send her to me. She stood up very slowly, and turn to me, so I can see her face. She looked straight in my eyes, the way she always did. She never talks to you with out staring in your eyes. At first time I met her I was freaking out by this, but she didn't mind.
She took a step, then another. When she finally Was near me, someone asked who was I. Then a bunch of kids rushed in the room Sunrise smiled mysteriously. Her strange like a mirror eyes that copied color of anything she looked at, began to glitter. Now they were the exact color of my eyes.
She explained who we were, I finally found Annabeth. we were holding our hands, while a Korean looking girl was staring at us exactly like Aphrodite girl.
"Sunrise, there are problems in the under land, we need you to help us"said a boy with scars all over his arms.
"But sunrise will go help us" said a boy with blond hair.
"Sunrise, we need you. Gaia starting a war. If you wouldn't help us, chaos will begin." said Annabeth in her usual bossy voice.
"We have a Quiditch match, and we are losing. You need to help us!" said a red headed boy.
"But Sunrise is my sister, and she is very smart, so she will pick us!" Stupid me! Why I am so dumb?
"Seaweed brain! What are you talking about?" hissed Annabeth.
That's all for now. I will post again tomorrow!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
amazing no other word for it please post soon!!
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!Th­is is super good!!!!!!!!!!! Post Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
over a year ago athena_rules said…
Ok I will post.
Sunrise's P.O.V
They began to talk at the same moment. I chewed my bottom lip, it was very hard to choose someone. I am certainly not choosing to go to Hogwarts, they have a dumb reason to need me. But Percy and Gregor had pretty important quests. But, what about Katniss and Peeta? I didn't know what are they here for.
I opened my mouth to asked about it, when my brother said something. Yep, it was stupid.
"But Sunrise is my sister, and she is smart, so she will pick us!" Oh, Percy, Percy... He is seventeen but he is talking like four-year-old.
"Wait guys. What are you all doing here? And for what reason did you come here, Katniss?" I asked.
"District 12 is destroyed by Capitolians. The only people who left are me, my family, Peeta, Gale." said Katniss.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, sunrise. You didn't tell us how you find them." said Max.
"Wow, max said two sentences and they were appropriate! The world is ending!" Said Jenny. Before she was staring at Percy and Annabeth, exactlly like an Aphrodite girl.
"ok. I will tell you how I met all of them. When I am reading a book and I am super exiting and I want to meet the main characters, those thing are happening to me." I explained.
I looked at all of my classmates, and found myself staring at Herman. I don't know why, because I don't have crush on him. And, although, he already has a girlfriend. Though, we are only fifth graders. And then I found out why. He was staring at me with respect. And his look was new, more then respect. He always respected me. And then I remembered rumors about him, that Jenny told us. He was the cutest boy our age. Every one wanted to date him. Except me. He and his girlfriend had a quarrel, and now he was alone. And then I understood what was in his look that made me uncomfortable. He has a crush on me! Oh, no... That won't gonna end good...
I will post when I will have five comments from different people. For now that's all. Bye!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
Super Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do u mind spam?
over a year ago athena_rules said…
over a year ago athena_rules said…
And mine mmmm.... Maybe u can count mine as one of the comments. Yeah mine if I have like more then one comment mine does count.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago athena_rules said…
Really? No comments?! Guys?! I am gonna cryyyyyyyyy!!!!!! Waaaaaa!
over a year ago athena_rules said…
Where r u guys?
over a year ago athena_rules said…
I can't wait anymore, so I will post
Sunrise' P.O.V
Why me? Why he chose me? I am ugly! Did he even look at Anastasia? That who is totally pretty! Silky caramel skin, pearl pink lips, naturally long wavy bright brown hair, chocolate brown eyes! But... Me?! Yeah, my hair is silky too, but it straight! And, it is dark red! Ok, my hair is pretty, but ... My eyes? They are pure grey! (No effence to Annabeth. But her are silver... Ish. But still she looks good with her eyes!) I don't know why, everyone says that my eyes like mirror. My eyes are not soooo cool. What about my skin? Toast color. I am skinny, tall, maybe too tall. I don't know what he sees in me. He could pick any girl, but he chose me!
I see that Jenny looks at him then s-l-o-w-l-y turned her head in my direction. I can see in her look jealousy, respect and ... what? Fear?
"Sunrise! Sunrise wake up!" Percy was shaking me.
"mm. What?" I said.
"who would you go with?" he said
"If I pick one, others won't be mad, promise?" everyone nodded.
"oh. Ok. So. Yeah." I said. I put my hair behind my right ear.
" Sorry guys. Percy, Annabeth, I am picking you." I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks. And... At that moment, everyone hugged me.
"we are going now. Where is your backpack?" I looked at Mr. Z and he nodded.
"there" I pointed to a shelf where was lying my backpack. "but what about my other stuff?"
"they are already with us."
"bye guys!" I said. My classmates went toward me. They all hugged me. When it was Herman's turn, he was staying with his hand in the pockets. I was just watching. A sad smile crossed my lips. Then, he leaned over me and kissed me on the cheek. I was totally surprised. I looked at Percy, but his smile. This stupid smile. He will tease me about this kiss.
over a year ago athena_rules said…
Herman's P.O.V
She is so pretty! How couldn't I help noticing it before?
She looked straight in my eyes and her eyes were exactly like mine. Her look changed from cold to thoughtful to nervous. Her eyebrows went together. She is extremely cute! Oh, no... I have a new crush! But... She seemed she doesn't like me...
When it was my turn to say good-bye, I don't know I just kissed her! Then, there was a knock and then a boy abut twelve came in. He joined Percy. When sunrise saw him, she did that I would never expect...
over a year ago athena_rules said…
Nico's P.O.V
I was standing near the classroom and then walked in. There was that boy and Sunrise was staring at him in surprise. Then Sunrise finally noticed me. And...she ran toward me and jumped on me. I fell on the floor. She fell over me. She was laughing. Then she hugged me. She stood up, and gave me her hand. I took it and stood up too. I was laughing now.
"Nico! Where had you been? I didn't see you for a year!"
"Missed you too, Sunrise!" I said.
That guy with dirty blond hair and blue eyes, at who Sunrise was staring earlier, was looking at me with shock. Gosh, I think, he has a crush on her.
"Bye guys! We are going!" said sunrise.
We went out and then we stopped near our Pegasi. There were only two Pegasi, so Annabeth was sharing Blackjack with Percy, and I needed to share Porkpie with sunrise.
When we were on the sky flying, this happened too quickly. But all this seemed to be in the slow montion (sorry spelling!): how her long dark red hair was flying in the wind, like flames; how her eyes were sparkling with joy; how her laughter as a sound of the silver bells was sounding everywhere; how her hands were raised into the air. And now I noticed that she had nail polish. On her nails were red-and-orange-and-yellow flames. Hmm, strange choice for daughter of the sea god.
Then I noticed her earrings. They were glittering from gold to red.
"Where your flower earrings?" I asked her.
"I was wearing them on the Persephone year!" she said. Oh, yeah! How could I forget?! She is no ordinary demigod! She has blood of almost every god! Except Hades, Hera, Artemis. But she made a callendar, and every year is a year of some god.
"Is it Hephaestus year?" I asked,
"yes." Gosh her voice is so peaceful! She is so beautiful. Oh, no...I have a crush! Though, she is younger than me! Ok, it is not a reason. I never had a crush before.
Then, I hugged her. She turned her head and looked at my eyes. Then she laughed and kissed me on the cheek. It was just a kiss that was more like sister kiss than girlfriend kiss, but I almost fell of. Yeah...
Ok that's all. I will post it tomorrow! And one more thing. Sunrise gonna be in six grade. She is twelve but born later than Nico. And she will have acrush on him.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago athena_rules said…
Hey! Where are the comments, guys?! Really?! I am gonna cryyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(if u won't comment, I won't post!)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!! And I won't post on Saturday and maybe not whole next week. I am going to Macau! And if u won't comment now u won't have anything until 9th of April!!!
(I am still crying!) (sob, sob, sob)
over a year ago Rickfan said…
BCIS Is a school in Beijing. Is SCIS a school,too?