The Heroes of Olympus Hallucination

Jasonfan44 posted on Mar 16, 2012 at 08:25PM
Okay, I am pretty physicked about this. Yes, most of you people know my writings. Like
HoO Chat Room, Song Fiction, what "team" are you, etc.
Others know me from my funny comments on other forums. Too many to name.
Some might not know my writings, comments,etc. It doesn't matter.

Plot: This kid(James Mitchell), thinks he is mental. He is not, he is a demigod. He tries explaining things to his foster parents. They also think he is mental.Everyone thinks this kid is mental. One day that all changes. He is an outcast. No friends. Just himself. This is his tale.

It will be told in; James PoV, Nicholas(Nico) PoV, and Tessie(Thalia) PoV.


Lance Molnar (mine)
Connor and Travis Stoll(R.R)
Pete Mitchell(Mine)
Nico D'Angelo(R.R)
Jennifer Mitchell(mine)
Thalia Grace(R.R)
Most important.........
James Mitchell(mine)

All rights to R.R

Hope you like it.

Okay, since their has been alot spam, I made a club for that spam. It is called Super Awesome Anything Club. Join and you can do anythying you want as long as it is appropriate. XD.
last edited on Apr 01, 2012 at 01:11PM

The Heroes of Olympus 18 replies

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over a year ago torrent said…
post mike
over a year ago venus143 said…
Post this sound cool!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Chapter 1: James PoV
"James!" My foster mom called. "It's time for your first day of school!"
That word, school, got me up. "I'm up!" I shouted. I sighed. Why did I have to go to school, in the middle of the year? I did not know. Everyone at Lincoln School had friends. I would be the odd one out, again. I got dressed in a white tee and shorts. I put on my Yankee sweatshirt, and headed downstairs. "SURPRISE!" my foster parents yelled, when they saw me come down. "Happy birthday son," my 'dad' said. See I was a foster child. My dad left me and my mom when I was born. Then my mom couldn't afford to live with two people, so she took me to the local orphanage. There I was picked up by Jennifer and Pete Mitchell.
My last name was changed from Gardner to Mitchell. Anyway, I realized it was the 16th of March. My birthday. The day Jennifer and Pete picked me up. I smiled. "Thanks mom and dad," I said. It took all of my concentration to call them 'mom' and 'dad'. Most of my life, I called them Jen and Pete.
"Your gonna miss the bus squirt." Pete said. I grabbed my backpack and got ready for the 3rd grade.

End of Chapter 1

Sorry it's short.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago venus143 said…
It was good but why is he in third grade since he's 16 isn't he suppose to be in like the 10 or 11th grade? But anyways it's grate.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I wanted to make the kid young, so the forum will be longer. This is when his Hallucinations starts. Oh thats the date he was born on. I see why your confused.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
Haha sorry i get it now thanks. Can't whait till you post >.< !
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Since I have nothing else to do:
Chapter 2: James PoV
Why does Pete call me squirt? The reason is that I am abnormally short. He isn't making fun of me, I like that name. It was the name of the turtle from Finding Nemo. Anyway, I get on the bus and right away I could tell which person is the bully. I got this gut feeling. Don't ask how I know. I don't even know. So I was getting on the bus, and this kid is laughing, and pointing at someone. My brain instantly says He's the bully! STAY AWAY FROM HIM! Again don't ask why. I am walking down the aisle, looking down at the ground. I tripped on something, and I fall on my face. The kid that tripped me, laughed. How could third graders be so mean? I don't know. "Here let me help you," another kid says, putting his hand out. I grabbed his hand> He pulled me up. Though since I was short, it wasn't much of a distance. "I'm Nicholas D'Angelo, you can call me Nico though." (Nico is trying to find demigods as well as the Stoll's and Thalia. Only Nico will have the Nicholas because he is the most secretes of them. He can trust James.) "I'm James," I said. "That kid," Nico pointed, to the other kid who was laughing his butt off. "His name is Luke. Stay away from him." "Gotcha," I said. I headed towards the back, away from Nico and Luke. I looked out the window and I thought I saw a giant with one eye. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
When I opened them, the thing was gone. The bus pulled up at the school and everybody, but me rushed off. I slowly got off. Nico was waiting by the front door. "I'm in charge of the new kids," he said. "Let's go to the office and see what your schedule is." We marched inside Lincoln School. Nico walked into the office and came back with my schedule. "You have the exact same classes as me." He said, happily, a little to happily. First period, LAL. "Morning class!" The teacher, a perky, brunette, teacher practically shouted. "Good morning Mrs. Sawyer," everybody else, but me, said.
The teacher turned around and wrote. "What I did over Spring Break." The class groaned. "Get your notebooks out and start writing!" Mrs. Sawyer said, but didn't have to. I wrote what I did and saw, even though it was my first day. "Time's up!" Mrs. Sawyer said. Everybody stopped writing. "James, how about you read yours!"
I got up and moved to the front room. I read. "What did I do over Spring Break? Well I moved from New York to New Jersey on Monday. On Tuesday, I unpacked. On Wednesday, I went outside and saw a freaky vampire, it almost ate me but then my mother came outside and called me in for dinner. On Thursday, I rode my bike to the park. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I stayed inside all day. That's what I did on Spring Break." When I finished, everybody but, Mrs. Sawyer, and Nico laughed. Nico had a worried look on his face. "That's interesting James. Thank you for sharing. The bell rang. Second period, downfall of my day.

I'll continue it later, okay?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Continuation of chap 2:
Secon period, the downfall of my day. We had gym next. Normally I like gym but of course, my mind was playing tricks on me. Nico wouldn't explain the horrid look on his face before and I got really mad. I thought I was metal. I bet by today, nico, and everybody else thought I was mental too. I hated not knowing. I had to know. I tried explaining that it was true. Anyway, gym was terrible. Since I was again abnormally small, I couldn't reach the pull up bar so Nico had to help me. Everyone, except for Nico, laughed. I did only three pull ups. Usually I did at least 15. Though Nico didn't laugh, I saw him trying to hold in a laugh. I wanted to be the outcast, the one never noticed. Unfourtanly I was the new kid. The bell rang. Third period, Math. My worst subject
. Since I have ADHD I can't still and Math is so boring, that even makes it harder. During the class I droned out the teacher and played with my brown hair. I fiddlered with it until he class ended. Same with fourth period. Lunch rolled around and I sat at the back table, far away from everybody else. Nico came with three other people. "James this is Tessie(Thalia's cover name), Charlie(connor's cover name) and Thomas(travis' cover name)"
"hey broski," Thomas or was it Connor said.
"Shut up Tr-er Thomas!" Tessie shrieked. She smacked Thomas.
"Are you guys going out?" I asked.
Charie and Nico cracked up.
Tessie shook her head no.
"are you going out with Charlie? Nicholas?"
"I'm going out with a guy named Jake. He's in my grade. 6th grade. Charlie is in 4th, so is Thomas."
" Oh," I said. I cleaned up my area as the bell rang. "bye Nicholas, see you in science." I called.

End of chap 2
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I like it.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Awesome possty soon
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I like it. Its really good.
I like the part were thalia almost slips up. Totally hilarious!!
And I cant wait until u post again!! I hope its really really really sooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Okay if you don't like it(its fine no worries), give me an idea where I can focus more on. Alright. Oh and I am open to ideas, okay.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Post soon please!!! Pretty pretty pretty pretty please post soon!!!!!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I have been busy peoples. I HAVE SO MUCH HW!!! CURSE YOU MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Chapter 3: Nicholas(Nico) PoV

"I think we are in trouble." I said, after school to Thalia, Travis and Connor. We were at the park. Connor and Travis swinging and doing flying squirrel.
“Why?" Thalia asked. She watched Connor and Travis jump off the swings, practically killing each other.
"James and Gaea awaking," I said. "They have to be tied together."
Thalia was silent. I guess she was thinking about it.
"Have you thought about Percy?" She asked after awhile. Catching me off guard.
I nodded. "It's not fair." I said. "Percy should be here with us. He is so much better at this."
Thalia nodded and it was silent.
"So what's up with Jake?" I asked.
"He has been building more and more things."
"Really. What?"
"Birdhouses, and other objects."
"Oh cool."
Travis and Connor came over. "Jame's aura is strong. Stronger than the Big Three's." Travis said.
"Wow Travis is using big words." Thalia said sarcastically.
I could tell she felt better. Ever since we were made immortal to search half-bloods, Thalia has been bored out of her mind. Also about 4 years ago, Percy and Annabeth had passed away.
"It's time to go home." Connor said looking at his watch. We headed to the house we were staying at.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Tessie(Thalia) PoV.
When we got to our 'house', Nico and I headed into the kitchen. Nico got out a can of Coke(which he is addicted to), and got out a can of Dr.Pepper. I took the Dr.Pepper and popped open the top. Nico and I have been hanging together since Annabeth passed away. I remember the day when she refused the offer. We were at Camp Half-blood and Hermes came down, and said to us, "We need more half-blood searchers. Would you like to become immortal to search for them?" I looked at Annabeth and she shook her head. I was about to say no, but something my mouth say yes. Annabeth had stormed off, probably to Percy. I didn't care. Hermes took Nico(who said that Percy was mad at him), Connor, Travis(I don't know why Hermes picked them), and I, to Olympus to become official gods. Nico became the god of ghosts and ghouls. Travis became the god of the future, Connor became the god of the mind, and he could enter one's mind and hear what they are thinking(very helpful), and I became the goddess of voices. Zeus then told us we had to shrink down to a 6th grader, 4th graders and a 3rd grader. "Won't the others suspect that we are not human if we move up?" Nico asked.
"You'll use your powers to keep up with your classmates." Poseidon answered, glaring at Nico. I could tell he was mad at Nico for leaving Percy. "Oh," Nico said, standing behind my back.
"I volunteer to be the 6th grader!" I shouted, because I knew my father was looking for volunteers and I really didn't get to experience 6th grade.
"I volunteer for 3rd grade," Nico said.
Long story short Connor and Travis volunteered for 4th grade.
Before we were dropped off at Lincoln school, we made a pact, we were to sit together at lunch, and talk about the kids that we think are half-bloods. "Do you think Jake is a half-blood?" Nico asked bringing me out of my thoughts.
I nodded.
I didn't know it then, but the school year was about to get worse.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Awesome post please
May I spam and say could you check out my forum called the forbidden hunt? Plz *gets down on hands and knees and begs
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
sure, oh and before I forget, I made a club for spamming. It's called The Super Awesome Anything Club.