The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena

hp1214 posted on Mar 17, 2012 at 02:08AM
Basically what I think The Mark of Athena should be. I'll post as soon as i can!!!!

The Heroes of Olympus 12 replies

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over a year ago hp1214 said…
big smile
Chapter 1 Annabeth's POV
I was about to fall right there. Everyone expected me to jump into Percy's arms and hope he remembers. Well I'm no Aphrodite girl. "Well you havn't seen him in what....8 months?!" Said a voice in my head. I was a leader i couldnt show weakness not in front of all the romans. We had finally arrived there. I was scared, hopeful, and sad. Emotions I coudn't explain there. Everyone came out except me. I was going to come out when I was ready and truthfully I wasn't near ready. Jason and the others intruduced themselves. When I say themselves I mean all the cabin leaders. With the exception of Thalia. I could see the and hear the conersation outside. It went like this.
"I am Reyna praeter at this camp and this is Percy Jackson which I'm sure you are familar of."
Excitement was spreaded from my head to toe. He was there and by the looks of it he remembered. "Dont be too positive about this. You'll jinx it." I told myself
Reyna pointed at Jason, Leo, and Piper and said " So gyou're the leaders of your ummmmmm Camp?"
I was sure she was going to say something else and so did the others, because some looked daggers at her and some were already close to holding there weapons. (Clarrise)
But I took this chance to make a dramaic exit so I took the emergency exit on the roof and stood on top of the Argo 2. Every pair of eyes were on me. I was not going to show weakness. But I saw those eyes of been longing to see so much, Percy, but I held my ground. I said "No, I am"
Leo chose this moment to say " Wow i thought people didnt listen to me when I told them about the emergency exit. Wait... when did we get an emergency exit?"
Que Piper face palming.
I replied to him.......
To be continued.
I cant finish I will tho
over a year ago hp1214 said…
I won't continue if no ones interested.
over a year ago demigodsrule312 said…
No I love it but I wasn't sighned in yet and my friend she doesn't have an account but she read this and loves it plz post more u never know if people don't have an account and there reading this POST!!! :)😊
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hp1214 said…
"Well some people are smart enough to not listen to you Leo."
That resulted in some snickers in the crowd.
He just blushed and did something smart. He shut up.
I looked at Reyna and she loked at me with envy? Woah I already made an enemy. Sigh
I gave her my best glare, the one that makes Percy stutter and be all awkward and stuff. To my delight and surprised she flinched. HA I won!!!
She said to me, "Only you?" I wasn't sure if she was questioning my authority, so I played it safe and said, "Well, the other is standing next to, Percy Jackson. It's true that Jason has received respect from our camp. But that will never change what Percy did for us. We know where our loyalties lay." I jumped over the rail and slid down on my feet don to ground and walked in front of her and said " Can the same be said for you?"
She looked like I just smacked her in the face. (And I would be very willing to do.)
She just replied " I will let you have a little reunion, but that doesnt change the fact of what is at stake here. Come at the Preater House and be ready to discuss matters...Jason welcome back." She said Jason's name with a smile, but here face fell when she saw Jason holding Piper's and. (Did I forget to mention I'm totally Jiper or whatever it's called and percabeth. Opps Sorry)
Jason went and said hi to his fellow romans and all of them seemed incrediably happy. With the exception of a snotty boy with blonde hair(octavian)
As I scanned through the crowd I saw him. The jet black, messy hair and those different shades of green eyes. Does he remember? If he doesnt what would I do you ask? Well I'll smack him in the head and say that he drools when he sleeps. But that wouldnt change anything, 6 years to built up our friendship. A do-over was not an option. He went up to me and said "Hey Annabeth."
Are you serious!!!!! 8 months and thats what he tells me. WOW!
They (Camp half Blood) were looking at me on what to do? In there eyes you can tell the were on the edge of suspense. But there eyes seemed to ask what do we do? Are we allowed to hug him and tell them how much he was missed. Or were they just letting me have the first talkwith him?
So I replied " So, you remember huh." One boy and one girl was standing next to him probably feeling uncomfortable so started backing away slowly.
He said "Ya"
I was guessing he wanted to hug me, kiss me, and do all that other stuff (which I would be so eager to do, but this isnt a normal time to do that.) ,but i stood my ground
and said " Prove it."
He smiled and said " Well, where to begin? You are Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and my best friend-"
He was interrupted by Grover coughing.
"One of my best friends" he corrected himself and continued saying
" First quest we went to go get Zues' master bolt. Second quest we went to save Thalia and Grover in the Sea of Monsters. No thank you needed, but it woud be helpful."
Thalia just smiled and shrugged, while Grover was smiling like crazy.
He continued "Third quest I rescued Artemis and you from Atlas, while taking the weight of the sky. Fourth quest was the one you led, it was into the labyrinth. And lastly Fifth quest was the war where we kicked some titan butt and won. Ahh memories-"
"Wow 5 years summarized in such simple sentences." I said with a grin.
" Yes, but you didnt let me finish did you? At the end of the Titan War I was extremely happy. You know why? Cause I started dating a girl, who I still love. Do you know who her name is? Annie? Anne? Annie Bell? Oh ya it was Annabeth. Which I recall is you."
I whispered, "8 months... You could have been dead for all I knew."
"You were worried? Oh come on I always come back alive."
Then I just broke, I hugged him so much I think I broke my rib cage, but what made e so happy was that he hugged me back. And he kissed me, just like that. The Greeks started cheering and after the iss broke, Percy was flooded with questions and comments by his friends. But I couldnt help but smile.

What should be the next POV?
Piper or Jason? I wont do another chapter if people dont pick. And people have to be interested. Cause I've only had one comment from someone who isnt me!!!!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Oooh!!! Do piper!!!!:D lolz I wanna see what she thinks of Reyna:D post post post please post soon!!!! I love this so far!!!:D
Peace out.
over a year ago precious211 said…
First thing off:
1. It takes longer than a day for someone else to comment
So don't get your panty in a twist if someone doesn't comment in the next 24 hours:P
(Sometimes it takes days and even then only one person might comment)
And two
good job I guess:)
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
"oh come on I always come back alive" XD
over a year ago hp1214 said…
I will post proably 2 chapters tomorrow, cause I dont have school tomorrow... Maybe 3 or 4 chapters if you luck but heres what I think the POVs would be next, so tell me if you agree

3. Piper
4. Percy
5. Jason
6. Leo
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hp1214 said…
ok well heres
Piper POVs

When I saw this Reyna chick well, I didnt have any idea on what to think about her. She was pretty in a combat way, but you can see so much saddness in her, like if she was waiting for a loved one to come back...Then it hit me. This was Jason's almost girlfriend.
"Oh you finally figured it out, good for you. But what she and Jason had is how should I put this? Gone. I am so making sure he picks you." Said a voice in my head, you would guess who this is. (And if you cant it's aphrodite.)
I noticed she kept glancing at Jason. not even noticing me.
But when she stopped and looked at Jason holding my hand, her face fell.
Yaaaaaa VICTORY!!! But I felt sad for her, I took her boyfriend. Oh sorry almost boyfriend. But I was not going to give him up because of some bad-ass (Sorry for language, it's not that bad tho) Roman.
I still didnt know what to think about her. As me and Jason went into the Roman crowd, cheers and greeting were everywhere. But I can see the uncomfortableness when they saw I was holding his hand. But hey they need know his mine and so does Reyna. After we got out of the crowd we started walking into the main camp ground. All I could think was "WOW Annabeth's gonna liove this place." There camp was amazing, just not as awesome as ours. Our camp had that fun hey I'm normal feeling. This had nothing but discipline-and-if-your-not-Roman-say-goodb­ye-­to-­you­r-l­ife­.I was suprised that Percy Jackson actually survived. Oh no we forgot to go to Percy. I cursed in Ancient Greek and stooped walking.
"What happen?" said Jason
I replied "We forgot about Percy and Leo."
His eyes widened then said "Damn." He looked me in the eye " Race you back"
"Oh it's so on" I said smiling.
And together we ran and ran laughing along with it when we were cut off bye a girl. Really her again. Urgh
She said " Hi-Hi Jason, Percy wishes me to tell you that you can have your preater seat back." She said smiling at the thought
He replied "Brilliant!" he smiled back, but Reyna said "Can I speak with you privately?" Um no not until Hades comes around skipping giving out flowers.
"Umm ya sure, Piper can you wait for a coupl of sec."
I gave him my "Aphrodite smile" as people say. It was the smile that says I love you and trust you so go.
"We wil be talking about umm political buisness." In a nonconvincing way.
And as they left I whispered "Complete Rubbish."
They talked and Jason looked uncomfortable.
I could hear footsteps and I turned. There stood behind me was Percy,Annabeth, Leo, and a boy and girl. I was sure the unfamilur faces were romans. Wait no scratch that friendly Romans. They came up to me and Annabeth said in one of the biggest smiles"hey Piper this is Percy." " He is awesom Piper!" Said Leo. Percy thanked him and I intruduced myself. He asked me" Do you know where Jason is?" I replied "Oh he's coming here right now." Jason came back to me and smiled. Like he was happy to get out of that situation.
"Well lookes like they found you rather than us finding them." He said to me whle putting an arm around me. Ha beat that Reyna.
Percy and Jason intuduced themselves. And in about a split econd they were alking and laughing. If you looked at them you would think they would be Best Friends.
I chuckled and Annabeth heard
She said "Whats so funny?"
"That" I replied
She grinned and said "You dont have any idea on how I wanted to hear that laugh and see those eyes so much."
I liked Annabeth she was sort of like me. Which helped a lot, when your only siblings are the people who try to give you a makeover all the time.
Percy and Jason stopped and Percy said "This is the camp. So we will split into groups."
Jason said "With me Leo and Piper. With Percy Annabeth and well that's it." He put his eyebrows up and down while looking at Percy.
Percy said "Shut up. So the other (The greeks) have been already touring this camp, so we planed to meet at the Preater house in an hour and a half."
I went with Jason and Leo and our touring was so fun. But that's a different story. You'll have to find out in the next next chapter. But now it's Percy's turn
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
CooliO!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Post soon!!!!:D:D
over a year ago hp1214 said…
Percy's Pov

Being with Annabeth was great, but I still couldnt get out what Hera told me. I was giving her a tour and I loved how her face would just light up from all the architecture. Ya that's Annabeth.
"I missed you." I interrupted her in her smart talk.
She looked at me and said, "You have no idea how much I missed you."
"Oh is this a bad time to sayI lost my Achilles spot."
To my suprise she didnt yell or freak out or anything. She just said "I already knew that."
That comment made me feel like a seaweed brain(Oh shut up Nico, no I'm not...all the time.)
"Please you didnt expect me to do a little reaserch."
"A little?" I said unconvinced
"Maybe a lot." she said blushing
I said "How did you know."
"Well seeing as this is a Greek curse that river over there would wash it away. Oh and once we're back at camp you'll get it back. The Greeek curse can only be within a Greek obviously, so once you get back. Voula you're invincible again. Did I forget to mention that? Opps sorry" She said it like it like it was the most obvious thing. But let me tell you that wasnt easily registered in my mind. So I said something really smart.
"Oh, psh i knew that."
She laughed but said "I think we're done with the tour."
"Why?" I said
"Cause we've seen this already." She replied
"Opps did I forget to mention that? Opps Sorry." i said mimicing her words. Not my best idea. She gave me that uncomfortable glare.
"Annabeth. That's really uncomfortable. Stop it!" I said
She continued to glare.
But she said, "Com on, we have to go to a meeting."
She left to turn, but I tuook herhand and said "No, we have 30 minutes. I havent seen you for 8 months. Imagine how much I could have kissed you." I kissed her and well all I could think was ".............." Yup completely nothing. {Thalia thinks I'm always thinking about nothing. Thanks Cuz.} It turned into a full-on makeout session. I didnt want to stop,but Octavian had to pick that particualar time to say "I's time to go to the meeting now or you could continue to kiss her in the middle of the road." I didnt relize that, huh. He left and I wanted to hit him in the soft spot.
Annabeth said, "Don't get me wrong I don't want to stop, but you'll have plenty of time to make out with me later. It;'s not everyday you have to save the world."
"Thats the life of a demigod."
With that happy note we left to go to the preater house and saw Hazel and Frank along the way. Frank looked pissed and Hazel looked uncomfortable, but you will find that out either later or tomorrow on Jason's Pov.

I have to stop for now cause of chores. Which I think is completely rubbish.
Happy Readings (And my cousin wrote the lovey-dovey parts, she's like a daughter of Aphrodite. Where as Im a daughter of athena, just cause I fancy books a little bit more than boys.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hp1214 said…
Since I have a tight schedule im allowing others to write there part of the story. Just dont overdo it.