The Heroes of Olympus THE GUIDE

athena567 posted on Mar 19, 2012 at 03:46AM
this is a forum that is a novela for what happens in camp halfblood while percy is at camp jupiter. There is a girl named rebecca here that is supposed to guide annabeth so that she would't make bad choices and be ultimately loyal to olympus. see how romance and responsibility rolls together in a life rebecca has.
last edited on Apr 10, 2012 at 07:59AM

The Heroes of Olympus 36 replies

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over a year ago athena567 said…
I'[ll post this afternoon
over a year ago athena567 said…
Rebecca- chapter 1
The Crash

LIKE EVERY HALF-BLOOD—I DIDN’T WANT TO BE. ‘Cause you earn a lot but lose a lot more. Most of us only have one talent or just the qualities of the godly parent, but well…see I’m kind of…better not tell you yet. But you’ll understand soon enough—I hope.
If you’re not unique like I am and you’ll read this book, I guess you will live. But if you are courageous enough to do so and you’re like me, and you’re almost 12, let me tell you of a fact that I learned; Beware, for you will encounter things-maybe much worse- than what I have written.
By the way, I’m Rebecca Rianne Aelia Andromena S. Carter. Don’t tell anyone but “S” stands for a fish that is mostly in cans. I’m 12 and 5 months. With wavy auburn hair black eyes that seem out of place, olive skin and I live in Asia. You probably didn’t expect that.
I was born in New York, though at least that’s what my mom tells me. I didn’t actually understand why we live in The Philippines because she works in New York. And she’s a single mom. She’s an architect that works for the D.E.- Dare Enterprises. Her name is Emmalina Carter. She has Gray eyes and dyed black hair that was originally blonde. She looks like an old version of me but she has a timeless beauty that would pass for 18 but she is 35 now.
When I was young, a kept asking about my father and then she introduced me to seven different guys I never knew.
Okay, my story starts like this; I was walking down one of the halls in my school with my best friend Derick Pears. He’s a great friend. He always says I was born with everything needed in life; being cool, smart, rich, etc. To be honest I almost believed him but I never got the chance to because, I didn’t realize it but my life was in for a ride.

“I’m going to get an F on this test” I said sarcastically.” I’m sure of that”
“No-you’re not.” He said “ I know you’re dyslexic but I also know you’re rich and I know for a fact that your mom paid for an oral exam”
“I’m not rich” I said angrily “ and how did you know about that?”. He always says I am but I don’t think I am. Even if I was, my mom told me the best way to handle fame is to be humble.

“Admit it” he said running his hands through his cropped honey-blonde hair. His skin was slightly tanned and was kind of glowing-though I did not know why. His eyes were an unusual shade of gray—like angry clouds. He was a scholar. He’s…homeless but he’s totally smart. He applied for scholarship when he was in worn out and dusty jeans and a shirt that had burned edges. Like he was attacked by a Rhino and thrown into a volcano. He’s about my height-5’6. He was the coolest nerd I’ve ever met. His birthday was only 2 days before mine on September 9.
He tried to use all the power in his eyes so that I would agree with him but I just bit my tongue.
He came to my school in June. I met him when I was still ten-almost 11. Now I’m 12 but during this time-this story- I was 11.

* * *
Our school bell rang, which signaled 2nd period was going to start in 5 minutes.
I ran so fast but still I knew I was still going to be late. Our school was wide and my room was separated from the main building. When I finally reached the class room, Mr. Kent was starting to give the Math test for the last grading.

“Good morning Ms. Carter” he said in his squeaky voice “Late yet again” My class mates stared at me. I guess that’s because I was the only one-apart from Derick- who looked different.
“Morning Mr. Kent sorry I’m late” I smiled as if it was the last thing I wanted to do. Seriously, I wanted to strangle the dwarf.
“Go to the faculty and get ready for hard questions”
“Sure” I said it as horribly as I could.

I ran back and went to the faculty, and all the way there I was complaining in my mind about the separated buildings and running under the heat of the sun. I tried so hard not to cuss.
I opened the door and sat in front of Mr. Kent’s desk. He arrived about 15 minutes after. He started asking me math questions. I answered them before he finished reading them. I didn’t know how, but even though I didn’t study I felt that I memorized the answers or like someone was whispering the answers to me.

After he was finished, he said something like; “amhae…zzing ….. sssmart you may go out now.” He tried to compose himself. I knew he thought I was cheating. I guess the only thing getting him crazy was-he didn’t have any proof.
Then I headed toward the door. I saw Derick leaning by the wall of the faculty. Obviously, he was eavesdropping because he held a cup towards his ear like those detective movies.
“Why are you here?”
“Nothing…” he said nervously straightening up.
“You’re eavesdropping!” I said “napud!”I whispered to myself.
“What’s your next period?”
“Swimming” I said “don’t change the subject”
“That’s after lunch right?”
“Yes…so let’s go to the cafeteria now. I want to be early for swimming class.”
“Come on then.” He held up his hand for me to hold. He’s different from the other guys. Most guys my age would not even dare hold hands with me but he’s a good friend.
The other girls in my class would gossip about us. They would say: “ mga krung-krung sa pag tu-on, mga amerikano, ma-o ra sad ang mag kasinabut” that means “ crazy in studying, both foreigners, the only ones that could even understand each other.” It’s really offensive. I guess that’s why we keep to ourselves.
I’ve studied in the Philippines since I was 2. First it was just school but after awhile, the disorders just settle in and make you different.
We ate lunch quietly on our own table near the windows. I always noticed that Derick would stare at my bracelet when it is lunch time. It’s a bracelet my mom gave me when I was born. She told me my dad gave it to me for protection.
“How many charms do you have?”
“Fourteen” “May I?”
He examined the bracelet carefully I let him hold it but I didn’t take it off, I wasn’t allowed to. He mumbled to himself.
“Olympian symbols for only one girl?” he said quietly but incredulously.
“I don’t understand a thing you’re saying, Derick.”
“They have ‘eta’s on their backs. Hephaestus.”
He kept on muttering things like; “half-blood… Athena? Hope not, she gave me the quest so I guess I found her”
I think he didn’t realize he was thinking out loud.
“Derick… you’re kind of freaking me out”
He looked at me like he was a caged animal-scared. He breathed in and easily composed himself again. I admired that trait of his.
“It’s nothing you should worry about” he said “though, I think you will soon”
Honestly I didn’t understand a bit of what he was saying.
“You know? I think I passed the exam” I told him so that the atmosphere would not get uncomfortable.
“That’s a surprise” he said ironically.
“It was like I knew everything while I was answering.”
“You’re like Apollo. The Greek god. He sees and knows everything.”
At that time I didn’t get what he was talking about but I felt something stirring inside me because of that. “You do know those are just myths right?”
He just stared.
I was about to ask him more questions but the bell rang and saved him from my interrogation.

We walked in silence as we went to the outdoor pool. I knew he was avoiding my questions and he was acting a bit edgy since he analyzed my bracelet.
I went to the showers and changed into my swimsuit. When I got out, Coach Casilan was already barking the orders out “…to finish will get the pool for themselves you know… with a friend.” Immediately, I thought of Derick. He was the only one I thought of staying with me in the pool for the rest of the hour. He was the only one I even trusted. The other students don’t exactly understand. I’ve been switching schools so many times because most of them can’t accept mentally troubled children like me. But my mom agreed to pay the school twice the price than what was needed but mostly… I just stay for a year or two.

It almost took me a minute to react. Coach Casilan was pointing at me.
“Yeah, you! Come here you’re going to get the first row”

He dragged me to a low platform near the pool.
“Okay, you get to become the first contestant, Ms. Carter.”
“Let me get it clear, if I win I get to choose a friend to spend the rest of the pool time with me? And I can choose anyone?”
“Yes, and not only anyone, one of your classmates.”
He nodded and picked some girl out of the group. I thought her name was Paige Gomez but I was not so sure.
The end of the pool was about 20 feet away. But I was good at swimming; I felt I could do anything if I was. It doesn’t concern any reading. I think that’s why I like it.
The coach pulled some kids randomly and Derick was left behind. So I guessed we weren’t allowed to pick one of the participants.
“Okay! In the count of 5 all of you swim!” he started counting backwards and when his mouth started at the number one. I dove.
I felt the surge of adrenaline run through me. My whole body was refreshed and cooled. I swam as fast as I could. But something stopped the feeling when I hit my head on something.
I was breathing, but the surprising thing was-I was breathing under water. I bobbled my head out of the water and I was startled to see myself dry.
“Come on water don’t go away from me, hug me don’t leave me dry it’s freaking me out.” I spoke to the water.
Suddenly, it coated me in a fine layer of pool water.
“Carter! Choose a friend! You won by 10 seconds! Congratulations!” Coach squealed.
“Okay then.” I said “I choose Derick Pears”
“Sure. No smooching” he winked at me
He guided the other kids out of the pool and into the showers.
Derick was dipping his feet in the pool. He was waiting for me.
I swam toward him. And he helped me up.
“Congratulations, Becca”
“You know…I got to tell you something.”
“What?” I was starting to get nervous. Though I didn’t know why.
“I saw you talk to the water” he looked at me with those fierce gray eyes. I was about to give up my chance in lying. But I just dove in the water and ignored him.
I didn’t come back up for awhile. So he dove after me with his lenses. I lay down on the pool floor and turned to my side- I pretended I drowned. But he was too smart to fall for it. He just opened my eyes and I blinked. We rose to the surface and he hugged me. I really wasn’t expecting that.
“Whoa” I said. Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach.
“You are the one! You couldn’t have held your breath that long, you breathed. My mom sent me to find you, so that you would be her guide. And gods thank you. I found you!”
“What are you talking about?”
I pulled away from him because I thought he was losing his mind. I dove back into the water again and sat on the floor. I saw Derick’s feet dangle from above and then they just disappeared. I guessed he got out of the water.
I lay down again and looked at the flooring. Then I saw it.
It was like dye on water. Circling and branching out from a cylinder that looked like a snake. I hurriedly swam upward and screamed.
Derick was waiting for me. Still sitting down casually.
“There’s something in the water! SOMETHING NOT GOOD!”
He grabbed me and helped me up. He held my hand up and stared intently at my bracelet.
“Trident” he mumbled to himself. “Control the water, Becca” he said it like: get me some water, as if it was so easy and possible to do.
“Are you crazy?” honestly I meant it.
“Of course not.”
“Then why did you expect me to control the water?”
“Because you can!”
The second he finished his sentence a huge splash went out from behind me. I turned just in time to see a huge serpent with multiple heads. I screamed so loudly.
“Stop it!” He told me and I already knew he was annoyed.
Then everything happened so fast. I saw Derick run to the other side of the pool and the thing followed him. He yelled at me to control the water and I suddenly knew how to. I raised my hands and commanded the water to coat the serpent just as it did before, with me. Only a bit harsher and restraining this time. It followed my command. Then Derick threw a bronze knife at the monster and it turned into mud.
He ran back to me with relief and with a slight smile. I did not know how he could have managed that after what just happened.
My whole body felt like hell. I felt like all the energy just drained out of me. Then I collapsed.

I woke up in my room. It was already dark outside and I heard somebody. The figure looked like my mother so I called her.
“You are out in the open now. I can’t protect you any longer. Hera picked you out from the others to guide one of my sisters-the seventh. The prophecy already implies that she will die or betray us and you are the key to lessen the consequences-you must guide her to make good and rational decisions.” Mom said it so quickly I almost didn’t have time to react.
“Wala gid ko kasa bot sa imu gipang storya! Mama please explain!”
“As Derick must’ve told you, he is a demigod. Just like me and I think you are also one too.” She was already dragging me out of my room explaining that the guards are demigods too and that they volunteered to keep me and my family safe.
“Mom don’t tell me the Greeks are real. Or you will burst my head into flames.”I said calmly.
“Well if I must resort to a lie. I still will not, because if I keep lying to you, your head will truly burst up into flames.”
We went to the garage of our estate and my mom picked our bullet proof car. Derick was leaning on the car-waiting for us. He was carrying a duffel bag and my mom gave him my duffel bags too. I didn’t think Derick was strong but he managed to carry all the duffel bags.
I got into my seat. I kept on asking questions because I was so confused. But neither Derick nor did my mom answer a straight answer.
“You do know you should stop this. I am so confused and I do not know a thing of what you’re saying. Please answer me.”
“We are going to the airport. Then you’ll go to Hong Kong and catch a flight for New York. Unless the pilot is one of my friends from camp-then I can get you strait to New York.” My mom replied.
“Why do we need to go to New York? And what’s this camp for?” I asked again.
“New York is the location of camp, Long Island to be exact. And this camp is for special people like you and Derick and me.” My mom continued.
“Like… mentally troubled kids?”
“No, demigods.”
That just got me more confused. Demigods were real? Am I going to be okay there? Am I actually a demigod, myself?
My hands were shaking as I flashbacked to the scene I lived eight hours ago. I guess Derick noticed, because he held my hand. His hand was also cold but-lucky for him- they weren’t shaking.
We arrived at the air port at about eight in the evening. The airport wasn’t very full this time but there were still some people. My mom went in first and talked to someone in the front counter. The woman then talked to a telephone and talked to my mom again.
My mom then got an envelope which she gave to me.
“Here, give this to the pilot, he’s one of my ex-boyfriend’s friends. He’s a private pilot but the lady told me he’s in his plane. And that he’s ready to lift off for you guys to Hong Kong and eventually to New York.”
“You’re not coming, mom?”
“No, I’ve got to explain what happened to the pool.”
“Mom, to be honest… I don’t believe what you said” I tried not to be disrespectful, but the words were harsh.
“You will.”
Then she pushed both of us into the airport and the lady from the counter escorted us. We found ourselves inside a huge room for planes. I didn’t know what the proper name was.
“Umhh… ma’am, where is the pilot?” Derick said carefully.
“Over there” the woman pointed towards a nice looking private jet.
“Nice” I murmured.
We shuffled a bit more towards the plane until the man-who I guessed was the pilot came to great us. He told the lady to leave us. And he then ushered us into the plane.
“So are you half-bloods?” he asked us openly.
“Yes… well, I’m confirmed. She’s not” Derick pointed at me.
“Who’s your godly parent?”
“ Athena , sir but I was given a quest so I left camp a year ago. The quest was to find a guide for the seventh.”
The pilot nodded. And I was angry that they were the only ones who understood their little conversation.
I handed him the envelope my mom gave me and he read it. Then suddenly, urgency got into his eyes. He went directly to the cockpit and told us to buckle up before he lifts off. He got the plane into open air and seemed to talk by himself. We waited for about 3 minutes then he got clearance to fly. When we were stable in the sky, he got out of the cockpit and talked to us.
“Do you know that this airplane is magical? It can sail over oceans and not lose fuel.”
“Don’t tell me we’re over the Pacific” I was relaxed a bit when he said that we were over a great piece of water, though I didn’t know why.
“I wouldn’t lie”
He smiled. And I remembered something my mom told me. It nagged me in the head. Then I remembered the exact words; he’s one of my ex-boyfriend’s friends. I wondered if this ‘ex’ was the one who got my mom pregnant.
“Umhhh. Not to be rude, Mr. Pilot, but who exactly are you?”
“I’m Jamie Smith.” He looked me in the eyes and I got the message. He was like Derick and my mom, or possibly me.
“Who’s your father?” I was going into an earnest conversation.
“He works in forges all over America. He’s a god.”
“Hephaestus? The lame god? The one who is particularly ugly?”
“Don’t rub it in” he laughed.
I just couldn’t admit it. He was totally not my dad. If demigods were really real, I hope Hephaestus was not my dad.
The pilot talked to Derick awhile about the camp. They even talked about flying horses, lava, fire, cabins etc. I didn’t listen. I just felt that something unexpected would happen.
I slept on the seat and had a dreamless nap. That was a really good thing considering I’ve been getting death threats through them.
I woke up with a start because the plane was shaking hard like it was on storm clouds. I didn’t understand why Derick or Jamie didn’t seem panicked but that was before I realized they were sleeping.
No pilot in a plane during a storm? That was just an awful consequence that I was in.
I looked out the plane window and saw a very nice sunrise and no traces of clouds anywhere. Was I just imagining it? No . I told myself. Someone’s playing with my mind. And whoever it is it’s giving me my biggest fear to deal with.
over a year ago athena567 said…
please read
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Good love it post soon
over a year ago athena567 said…
big smile
over a year ago athena567 said…


I couldn’t believe it: were we going to crash! I hoped that we won’t. I shook the pilot awake. And I did the same to Derick. They both ran to the cockpit and Jamie started fiddling with the controls. While I watched them go into all-out smartness, I was struggling with the thought of crashing a hundred miles per hour to the ground.
The plane was not steady, it was tumbling here and there. Jamie told us that we should take a seat and calm down. So we took our seats but I never calmed down. I panicked so much that Derick had to shake me out of the horrid thoughts that clouded my mind.
Then it seemed to stop. No more tumbling or shaking. But more of descending. I felt the sensation you would feel if you were going some floors down an elevator but this feeling was more intense. I felt my stomach seem to rise up my throat, I almost threw up.
We kept going like this for about 20 seconds then Wham!!! We hit something soft like a ricefield . I didn’t feel injured or even a little hurt but when I looked over to Derick, he was bloody. I took my seatbelt of but when I tried to stand, I was caught off balance. We were floating on something. I went to the pilot but I saw he was okay, just a little passed out. Then I woke Derick up. It took about a minute for him to fully wake up but when he did wake up, the flowing stopped and there was something hammering on the side of the plane.
Then I heard grinding sounds. Sparks flew from the nearest wall and it continued to grind and spark, making a big rectangle, big enough to go through. The grinding stopped and someone opened the side of the airplane.
“ Hey are you alright? Anyone hurt?” a male voice shouted from the outside.

“ who are you?´ Where am I?” I tried to hide the fear in my voice but it didn’t work.
“ You’re okay, good. Don’t be scared, I’m here to help.” He said “ Hey Guys! demigods!”

The guy who went in first was tall and blond. He was followed by some other people who were obviously ready for emergencies. But the shocking part was, they were still too young to work in some emergency agencies. Some were about 12 to 15 the other older ones were about 19. They asked me if I was hurt I said no then they carefully placed Derick on a stretcher and the pilot was brought out too. But he was okay, only some cuts and wounds, not like Derick who really needed to be stitched up.

I was led out of the ruined plane and in to a shallow lake. Many kids were outside the bank of the lake, curiously watching as we were getting off. They all wore uniformed in orange t-shirts and simple jeans, some wore shorts or jeggings. Some of them had weapons and armor. The scene was too confusing to me, I thought I was having those fantasy dreams I always had when I was young.

Then I was forced to one of the stretchers and was given some iced tea to drink, but the weird thing about the tea was that; after I drank it, I felt energized again. I felt like I could run 1000 kilometers and that I would still have the energy to run a few more miles.

“Where am I?” I asked the guy who was holding me by the stretcher.

“Hello, I’m Jake Maxton, and you are in camp half – blood, you were lucky you didn’t end up like your friend”

“ Is he going to be alright?”

“ yeah, soon enough.” He gave me a reassuring smile.

“ So, Where are you taking me?”

“the infirmary, that’s like a small hospital for you to heal at superspeed.” He said “That is, if you cooperate or take the nectar and ambrosia we give you.”

“ The what?”

“the thing you just drank was nectar, and I bet you felt good after you drank it.”

“yeah, I guess so…” I said “ then what happens after I heal?’

“ you train” he winked at me.

The rest of the little ride on the stretcher was silent until I entered a big blue house. There were a few people there who took care of me : they put me in some new comfortable clothes, a nice bed and they also gave me a full glass of the stuff I drank before. I stayed there for a few days.
The people around me were always talking about why I was not claimed or why the lake was so troubled. But after five days, I threw a tantrum because I wanted to go back home, to my mom, to the normal bullying and I kept asking questions which no one would answer like; ‘what is this camp for’ or ‘what am I doing here’ or even ‘why does everybody in this stupid camp not telling me anything!’

I was not comfortable with this new silent treatment. I felt like they were keeping stuff from me. Derick was still not released from the infirmary, the pilot already went back, so I didn’t have anyone to talk to. So I proceed to the stuff on my schedule. The ‘training’ was not how I expected it to be. First I thought we would be trained how to make bird houses when I went to the place they called “ arts and crafts space” but when I got there, donkey people were running about their own business as if it was too normal to be half hairy.
Of course, I fainted. Only to be greeted by a guy who was half horse. Surely I fainted again. I thought it was stupid to faint twice in a day just because I saw some animal mutants but hey! You don’t see them every day. I woke up at the infirmary again but Derick was hovering over me like he was watching me sleep.

“hey, you finally woke up.” He said with a smirk

“How long was I out?”

“ about… 3 hours. Well, if you’re going to faint if you see satyrs or Chiron, then, you’re going to faint a lot” he smiled.

“ohh… you’re okay now? Umhh.. do you mind if you tell me all the things I need to know? Like, what the heck am I doing here!!!” I was mad, I was angry, I was confused, hysterical and all-out hating all the things I see.

“ Chill, Becca. Just rest for now, I’ll explain the other stuff when you’re fully well.” He restrained me as I struggled to get out of the hospital bed.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t understand anything here, I mean, this is not real… I’ll probably wake up from a nightmare soon just pinch me.”

“I’m not going to do that Becca. You’re just asking to get hurt.’’
He stared at me.

“well, give me proof that I’m not dreaming!” I challenged with a scowl.

“ okay, I won’t make this any harder, I’ll just pinch you” he said returning my scowl.

He pinched me hard. It was like those fire ants.
“ouch!” I said “ why did you do that?”

“because you told me to pinch you!”

“ not That hard!!!”
“ I hate you! Leave me alone, braniac!”

I covered myself with a blanket and ignored him but then he tickled me. I laughed out loud, loud enough for everyone in the infirmary to hear. I got out of the covers and he tickled me again. Then I laughed more. So to stop me from laughing he hugged me. I hugged him back.
“I promise not to pinch you ever again, okay?”

“Thanks, Braniac”

“Rest up Beccs” he smiled and went away.
I slept with a smile on my face. I started having bubbly feelings for him but I shook the idea of actually loving him.
In the morning I was released from the infirmary. Derick came to get me and helped me get to my first period in my schedule. First I went to the sword arena. Derick explained about the gods and stuff, so I just forced myself to believe him because that was the only explanation I could get.
“see you later ,Becca” then he let go of me.
I went inside the arena to see a blonde guy standing at a wide training circle. I stared at him. He probably noticed me so he gestured me to go closer.
“ Hey, I’m Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. And your sword instructor.”

“I’m Rebecca, Daughter of somebody I don’t know yet.” I smiled

“Well, have you ever held a sword that sharp?” he asked me pointing at my hand. I followed his gaze to my hand and saw a celestial bronze sword. I didn’t remember taking one, it just seemed to appear out of nowhere.

“Oh my, Where did this come from?” I threw the sword away from me.

“you tell me, you entered the arena holding it.”

“ really?” I said “ you didn’t give this to me?”

“no” he smiled back at me.
“is this normal? I mean appearing swords?”

“no, not really”
“I’m Just twelve, sir, and I really don’t get this new happenings in my life, so please be strait with me, is this real?!”
“let’s just train.”I said to calm my self down. ‘Appearing swords’
“Okay, you asked for it” he said “ get your sword’’
I took my sword from the floor and got ready for what he had in store for me. He lunged at me and I blocked, it was just reflex. Then I tried to stab but he took my sword easily and it flew to the sky. I was disarmed and I didn’t have anything to do because I didn’t have any defense. I was knocked off my feet and I stumbled down. He pointed the tip of his sword on my neck and at that time, I thought he was gonna kill me.
“when you’re in battle, never let your guard off. And never have too much confidence. You better put a better fight than that.”
Hold his sword! I heard in my ear but I was sure I was the only one who heard it.
I held the tip of his sword and I squeezed it, I was shocked to see the metal actually bending and that my hand was not hurt even a bit. He pulled away from me.
“Who the Hades are you? Gods you’re powerful. Is your hand hurt?” he didn’t look at me because he was studying his dented sword.
“I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to ruin your sword.” I looked down.
“No, it’s okay. I actually want to ask you a favor.” He looked at me with his electric blue eyes.
“ well , meet me here after lunch, I’m taking you to the dry docks, we’re making a ship to get Percy Jackson back. We’re also training there, so… I would like it if you helped.”
“ you think I’m actually worthy to train with the special demigods?”
I remembered Derick telling me about the chosen demigods: a daughter of Athena, Zeus, Aphrodite and Ares. Also some boys from Zeus and Hephaestus. He told me that they were supposed to be the leaders of ‘ THE EXCHANGE PROJECT’ which was an exchange between The son of Zeus and some guy called Perseus .
“ You are very worthy. I don’t know why I’m saying this but I have a feeling we’ll need you in this mission.”

over a year ago mikee345 said…
you have talent! i luv it! post soon athena!!!!!!
over a year ago athena567 said…
over a year ago mikee345 said…
why didn't you post today???
over a year ago shella10 said…
hey! i herd u were just 12, you relly do have talent. i agree with MR. MIKEE
over a year ago athena567 said…
why in hades did you post my chapter in The Broken oath's???
over a year ago goodyb0y55 said…
You are amazing. Zomeone tell -aphrodite- about this forum like now!!!!!
over a year ago Rickfan said…
I think you can make it funnier.
over a year ago athena567 said…
i'll keep that in mind. i'll do it in chapter three
over a year ago aphrodite19 said…
i like it, though i agree with rickfan
over a year ago athena567 said…
i guess i can make it funnier
over a year ago beba157jello said…
big smile
i love it plz keep postin!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
Your story looks good so far!
over a year ago athena567 said…
i'll post tomorrow, it's my graduation practice today and this afternoon i'll have weaponry classes so i cant post yet
over a year ago athena567 said…
uhhhh... do you mind if i don't post this week!
over a year ago athena567 said…
almost there... annabeth shows becca how much she loves percy
over a year ago athena567 said…
hope you liked it! please comment and reply!
over a year ago athena567 said…
Chapter 3
Getting claimed

Jason and i did some more sword fights but i learned from my mistakes and i was ready. he tried to strike but i blocked and i lunged a him when his guard was off.
After that, derick came and helped me go to my next class- which was Hades Lectures from a camper names Nico....
over a year ago persephone1699 said…
i like it!!!! post now! and yes, i will mind if u dont post
over a year ago persephone1699 said…
hey, where did you get the idea??? imean of making this thingy???
over a year ago LOVE_MYTHS said…
ur story is gr8.ill post on other forums bout it but firt assure me u hven't abandoned it.its been 9 days!!!!!*faints8jkjk.
m not a daughter of aphrodite to faint......
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Please post soon!
over a year ago persephone1699 said…
i'll post, i promise but see..cut me some slack, my pinky toe is broken and if you think it's not painful-IT IS! I promise i'll post very soon
over a year ago aphrodite19 said…
hey, it's me- athena, i accidentally used my classmate's account, she let me borrow her laptop, 'cause mine's still charging up
over a year ago athena567 said…
hey! why is everybody using my name????
over a year ago athena567 said…
Chapter 3
Getting claimed

Jason and i did some more sword fights but i learned from my mistakes and i was ready. he tried to strike but i blocked and i lunged a him when his guard was off.
After that, derick came and helped me go to my next class- which was Hades Lectures from a camper name Nico.
"derick, i have a question." i said as he took my chilly fingers in his warm hands.
"what is it?"
"where am i going to sleep tonight? i don't have a cabin."
"just pick any cabin and claim it. i know what you really are and they dont. you're the DAUGHTER OF OLYMPUS" he said under his breath.
"what? i dont understand." I whispered, flinging his hands off mine. he was making my understanding process even harder.
"i'll explain after lunch."
over a year ago LOVE_MYTHS said…
ooh kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.dnt wrry i'll spread word bout a good forum...while you are at it read my first and only forum 'the mystery':
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago athena567 said…
over a year ago athena567 said…
umhh... i got a question: who should i make becca fall for? Nico di Angelo or Derick Pears?
over a year ago athena567 said…
so...anybody there? do i have a reason to type???
over a year ago athena567 said…
I went inside the obsidian cabin and found myself in a very stylish room. Flat screen tv, ipad on a desk at the center, air conditioner, small fridge and two white double decked bunks. I heard a sound from the bathroom and I saw a boy my age come out. He was wearing a black polo shirt black jeans and black loafers. His skin was in total contrast with all of his clothes. His amber eyes seemed to float above the neutral colors of the rest of his body. He seemed shocked to see me there.
My eyes locked with his, and I felt like I was drowning. I saw lots of things through his eyes and I suddenly knew how he felt, and entirely who he was. I saw being in a private school on top of a hill, seeing some kids fight with a monster, his sister disappearing from his life, a ghost telling him what to do, him accompanying someone to a strange river… everything.
“ Uhh… Rebecca, right?” he said, snapping me out of the trance I was in. he was smiling nervously.
I nodded, too stunned to talk.
“ I’m Nico, son of hades.”
“So, you’re here to tell me some stuff about hades?”
“now I see that you are new” he chuckled. “if you at least had a week here at camp, you’d know I’m not much of a teacher.” He smiled.
I laughed lightly.
He gestured for me to sit on a bench in front of the TV.
“well… Hades is the god of the underworld he married Persephone. Blah…” he said, then shrugged.
“so…that’s all?”
“honestly, I’ve been to the underworld many times but I don’t really do my homework.” He flashed me a smile.
“ so let’s talk about other things.” I suggested.
Then his eyes suddenly looked dreamy.
“Do you know that you’re the only girl my age who’s not scared of me?”
“should I be?” I shrugged “ I mean, you seem like a nice guy”
He smiled with those gorgeous teeth and I knew I was a goner. I just met the guy but I have a huge crush on him.
“ you know how to make an “outcast” happy” he said.