The Heroes of Olympus Chaos' son

son-of-chaos posted on Mar 30, 2012 at 05:57PM
OC character,and it happens a couple of days before annabeth and co are about to leave to camp jupiter to get percy back, but things get quite interesting when Alex, a son of chaos (he basically has all the powers of the olympian gods, plus he can control time like Kronos)shows up at camp being accompanied by a satyr.
Alex-son of chaos
Percy-son of poseidon
Annabeth-daughter of athena
Leo-son of hephaestus
Frank-son of mars
Jason-son of jupiter
Piper-daughter of aphrodite
Hazel-Daughter of pluto

I am not sure as to where this story is going, and since this is my first time, please just bear with me, and I of course acceptconstructive criticism. I may not finish it if I run out of ideas, so just to let you know so you don't get too mad, but then again, I might still finish this.
last edited on Mar 30, 2012 at 06:03PM

The Heroes of Olympus 19 replies

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over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
Alex POV
I was just about to sleep after a hard and long day training when a messenger came and told me that my father wanted to speak with me, so I quickly nodded and went to my dad's palace. Oh, by the way, my dad is Chaos, creator of the universe, and I am the only son that he has ever had, so I am an immortal. If you still haven't figured out who I am, I am Alex, the one and only son Chaos, and you do not want to see my father get angry, because the fields of punishments would pale in comparison to what he would do. I am 160 years old and I have been training since I was 6 years old in the worst places imaginable. I always wore red shirts and black pants,and always wear a necklace that turns into my weapon, annihilation, that cause such pain that a person who is injured by it will almost surely faint, while monsters will disintegrate. So as I was saying, I walked to my father's palace and saw him angry, so I did the safe thing, and I bowed to him saying:
"You wanted to see me father?"
-Ah yes son, come here, I have a mission to assign to you and it is of vital importance. Should you fail, and entire world, the one of humans, will be destroyed. They are a good race of mortals that I do not wish to see destroyed, even though they have such annoying gods, except for Appolo who I think is awesome, even though he says such terrible haikus.
-What do you need me to do father?
-Actually son, there are seven demigods that are quite powerful, but no as close to what you can do, that have been assigned to stop this threat. I just want you to oversee their quest and help them along the way while they attempt to defeat mother earth. You will go to earth and pose as a 16 year old boy at a school, but I have hidden your scent so that monsters will think that you are a mortal and won't attack you. However, the satyrs will feel a faint aura of power around you and will take you back to camp, where you will act as a beginner in each of their activities. We can't afford to show them your power or the gods will get suspicious.
-I will do whatever pleases you father.
After he told me the stories of the demigods, and their names, he sent me to earth to some school called Goode High School.Oh well, I thought, it's better than staying to train with father and his excruciating battle tactics.

So, what do you think?
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
Oh yeah, I may just post a couple of chapters per day on the week ends seeing as I have time, but I will only do it If I see that people are actually reading and liking my story, so another chapter will probably be up today
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
Alex POV
I've only been at this school for two days and already people are starting to annoy me, but since I am Chaos' son, I can't do anything to them because they are mortal, and father would not me to harm a mortal. Plus, the classes were boring, and I had made a new friend whose name is Dan Pierce. I know, however, that he is a satyr because of the way that he kept looking around like something was about to jump out of a dark corner and attack him, and the way that he keeps sniffing the air and is on crutches.Seeing him worried and anxious, I asked:
" Is everything alright Dan, you like really nervous? Is there something that you want to tell me?
-No Alex, I'm fine, it's just something feels really wrong. Hey, just to make me relax, can you come with me to a summer camp on long island today? I want to introduce you to some of my friends there.
-Sure, why not, I said, smiling on the inside, because I had finally been invited to this camp for demigods, and I really want to get on with my mission. But, I already knew how the camp looked like since my father showed it to me.
We went to a small car, I think it was a fiat, and began towards our destination. After an hour or 2 driving, we finally arrived, and I saw Thalia's tree.
"Come on Alex, let's go'. I followed him past the tree and what I saw didn't surprise me at all, but I manage to fake surprise and awe, and I think Dan was trying not to laugh at my expression. We went to the big house and I saw Chiron going out in his weelchair, and said to me smiling:: Hello, I am Chiron trainer of heroes, and director of activities in this camp. And who are you?". "Alex, sir, but if you would please explain, what is this place?"."Well, how much do you know about the greek gods? It doesn't matter, Dan, can you please show him our orientation video please?"."Sure thing Chiron" I heard Dan say, taking me to watch the movie. After about an hour, I got out of the room not knowing anything new, since I already know evrything, but something caught my eye and I said:"hey Dan, what's that over there?
-Oh, that's just some campers building the argo 2, the ship that will help us get percy back.
-Who is Percy, I asked, and I immediately regretted it because dan went on and on about all the adventures that Percy went on, and how Annabeth, his girlfriend, is desperate to see him again. After that, i heard the conch horn blow and Dan directed me to the dining pavillion where everyone had gathered. then, everyone went up to the fire and scraped part of their food to the gods, and since i can't exactly say that i am Chaos' son, I scraped part of my food in the fire and thought:to all of the gods. After that I sat down with the Hermes table and ate my food. After that, I went to my cabin ( the hermes cabin ) and went to sleep, and it was a dreamless night.

Chiron Pov
This kid Alex is special, I can just feel it, but he doesn't have alot of power or I would have felt something powerful about him. But, he felt really different, and I can't quite put my finger on it. Oh well, tomorrow, I'll put Annabeth as his guide, and ask her to watch him and try to decide who his godly parent is. Plus, he didn't look so srprised about all of this, but I may be wrong.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Um...Alex can't be Chaos only son seeing how Tarturus,Ouranous,Aether,and the other protengoi are childs of Chaos
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Random Letters Gaea is not the only child of Chaos cause she rsoe from c reation but Chaos being her creator/parent along with all the other people
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
What I meant to say was that Alex was Chaos' only mortal son but since he was mortal, and Chaos liked him, he turned him immortal. Anyway, the next chapter will be up later in the day and I'm sorry because I didn't really explain it in the beginning.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
Yeah I know but I wanted to do it just because no one had thought about doing a story like thi one and I thought it might be interesting. Anyway, sorry for not being able to post a new chapter today I wasn't at home, but I'll post tomorrow for sure
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Post soon, please!!!!!!

This is good!
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
Annabeth POV
I woke up in the morning in my cabin with the rest of my siblings. There was a feeling of excitement all around camp because the argo 2 was going to be finished in 3 days, but none of that mattered to me, I only wanted to see my seaweed brain. i missed our walks on the beach, our underwater kisses, his strong protective arms around me, and I was going to see him soon! But, what if he doesn't remember me, what if he has another girlfriend prettier than me, what if he has new best friends? Worst of all, what if the roman camp had changed him and he wanted nothing to do with us! No, I mustn't think like that, and I have to be optimistic. He will remember me and he will still love, and that's the last I will hear of this matter. What am I doing, I'm arguing with myself! Anyway, I went to bunker 9 to help Leo with the construction of the argo 2, but once I got out of my cabin, I saw Chiron coming towards me with the new kid, Alex was it? Anyway he looked at me and said:"Annabeth, would you mind taking young Alex over here and giving him a tour of the camp?
-But Chiron, can't someone else do it? I was going to help Lea with the ship!
-Don't worry my dear, the Hephaestus cabin is working really hard and I doubt that missing one pair of hands will affect the speed of the construction.It's either you or the Stolls that will give him the tour, and I'm not really comfortable leaving a newbie with Connor and Travis.
-Fine Chiron, I'll do it, I said,as I realised I had no say in the matter. I took Alex everywhere in camp, the armory, the arena, the big house..., but I told him not to go in the forest until he was well trained since it was full of monsters. He just nodded at everything I said, not really paying attention, and I didn't notice his unimpressed expression as I was deep in my thoughts.
-You okay Annabeth, I heard him say as I snapped out of my thoughts, you look, I don't know, sad and distracted.
-Yeah, I'm fine Alex, you don't have to worry about me, I lied, and I'm sure he Knew it. Look, do you mind if I ditch you to go the Bunker to help with the ships construction?
-Of course not, plus I feel that it will kill you if you stay here doing nothing to help get Percy back. I nodded, and left quickly, thinking that this newbie was not bad, and he might be cool.

Alex POV
I could feel that Annabeth was clearly unhappy about showing me around, and it was dampening my mood, so i told her that she could go to the forge. Thank Chaos that she was gone, now I can finally go into the forest to kill some monsters. As I was about to move I noticed Jason, Piper, Leo, Annabeth and the rest of the head counselors running towards the big house, so I followed them without making a sound, and eavesdropped onto their conversation i heard Chiron saying:
-Children, Rachel has issued a new profecie, and it is most...troublesome. Rachel, dear ,would you mind reciting it to us?
-Sure Chiron, it goes like this:
Chaos' fear of destruction awaits
An immortal sent to divert attention
Watching the 7 heroes' strenghts
Aiding or preventing mass destruction (sorry for the suckish profecie, I'm really not good at it ).
-Look, I honestly don't care what this profecie says, let's just get on with ours.Plus, it talks about an immortal, so we can't really do anything about it apart from proving our strenght and good will and hope that he sides with us, I heard Jason say.
-Okay, Jason, we will do as you say, as for the rest of you, go get some rest, you will need it for tomorrow, Chiron said.
As soon as he said that, the head counselors got up and were starting to file out of the room, so I ran quickly in the direction of the hermes cabin, and plopped into my bed, forgetting about dinner and falling asleep, dreaming of all the hardships that await me.

So, did you like it so far?
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
Jason POV
The next two days went by quickly enough, Lea and his half-brothers and sisters and the rest of the campers have worked their socks off, and the ship looks brilliant. However, I was only excited to go back and see camp Jupiter again, and I missed my friends so much, all though I think that Reyna was more than just a friend, but I still hadn't recovered most of my memories, so I couldn't tell, and I really liked Piper even though we didn't spend that much time together.Also, I was nervous about what the Romans would do if they saw a big war ship coming towards, they would most probably shoot it out of the sky! I also hoped that Percy Jackson was okay, because I know that the camp there is really tough, and if he showed any weakness, he would be killed by Lupa, and I couldn't watch Annabeth cry all of the time if he died. Gods dammit, if he were to die, no one here would shut up about him and the heroics that he did, and they are already getting on my nerves about that, not that I'm jealous or anything There is just no way that he did more things than I did, and most people here say that he could beat the gods in swords fighting. Ha! I'd like to see him go against Ares and make a fool of himself. Anyway, we were helping the Hephaestus cabin load the supplies onto the boat, and only me, Thalia, Annabeth, Leo and Piper are going on it. While I was loading some nectar and ambrosia, I saw the new kid, Alex, training in the arena. We still hadn't got any sign about who his godly parent was, and he wasn't particularly good at anything, so I just figured that he was a son of Hermes, a jack of all trades(from R.R).We were taking turns watching over his training, but the weird thing was that whenever he went into the forest with us, the monsters seem to cower away, fearing something.After finally loading the boat, we said goodbye to our friends and took off to camp Jupiter. I couldn't help feeling that someone other than us was on the boat, but i shook it off, seeing nothing suspicious. During all the way, Annabeth seemed to be hyperventilating, and if it wasn't for Piper calming her down with her charmspeak, I don't now what would have happened to her. I even tried to calm her down, but seeing as it wasn't really working, I went to chat with Leo. He was his usual annoying self, that I liked by the way, and he was at the wheel. I offered to take over for him, he accepted and went over to his room to sleep. We had about 2 hours until we arrived at camp Jupiter, and all my thoughts were on how I was going to choose between Piper and Reyna. Oh well, I guess it'll just have to wait until we get there.

Alex POV
I've been at camp Jupiter for only 2 days and I'm already really annoyed.Many campers were watching over me to try and find out who my godly parent was, and they seemed frustrated about not knowing, especially the Athena kids. Well, it's hard figuring out somebody's parent when his child doesn't display his powers in front of anybody. Man, even when I went into the woods, the monsters seemed to fear me for who I was, but most importantly, who my father was.It was getting frustrating to pull of the act of the lost kid who doesn't know who his parent is, but, fortunately, it didn't last long: the Hephaestus cabin had finally finished the Argo 2, and the campers were loading supplies on it.Just before they were about to take off, I sneaked into the boat and hid into the shadows, observing each and every one of them, and what the're made of. I could see Annabeth hyperventilating, and I couldn't blame her: after not seeing your boyfriend for 8 months, at lot could have changed, and he could have found a new girlfriend. I just hoped he stayed loyal to her, because if he broke up with her it would break her. Anyway, the only thing i did during the whole trip was watching the and watching the glittering blue ocean, thinking about thee mission my father had sent me to do.After about 2 hours, i finally saw camp Jupiter, it was like a small Rome! But, i still preferred camp half-blood because it was a lot simpler, and it was situated in a lot more nature. I could see hundreds of people down there, and some soldiers were scrambling to follow us and make sure we don't attack. Well, the demigods put up a huge white flag, hoping the Romans would get the message. After, we landed with a thud, Leo brought out a ladder and they started dismounting the ship, until Annabeth gasped, and said:"Percy!"

So, do you want me to keep writing, or do I stop, because I'm not feeling that you are really liking my story?
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Dude, keep writing!!!!!!

I really like this!

But, it's really just your story, so do what you think is best.
Just know that I want you to keep going!!!!!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
why do u keep writing leo's name as lea? i mean he's not a girl! but i like it and so please.... POST!!
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
Oops, typing error, sorry
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
Sorry about not posting today, I'm really busy, but I'll probably post a chapter either tomorrow night or on Thursday for sure, and expect a chapter or 2 per day, since the Easter vacations are here! Also, apart from trivia101 and lcrs50, no one has commented, so please comment. And, trivia101, I just wanted to know if people like my story, and either way, I will continue to post until I'm out of ideas, but this time isn't nearing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Post soon, please!!!!
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
Here's a preview of the next chapter guys, I'll upload the rest tomorrow
Percy POV
I was walking out of the building with my arms around Frank and Hazel, watching as the big ship landed in the field of mars. I know that this could turn out to be the worst day of my life, but I didn't really care, because I knew that I was going to see Annabeth again for the first time in a long time, and I was really excited.I couldn't wait to see my wisegirl again. I just love the way I just get lost in her amazing grey eyes, the way the her curly blond hair got me mesmorised. Gods, I missed her so much! The ship landed with a thump, and immediately, my eyes were searching for Annabeth. After a few moments, 5 demigods came down from the ship, and someone yelled:"Kill the Greeks, they are obviously to kill us!". And, of course, it was Octavian, so I said, exasperated:"Shut it Octavian, if they really were trying to kill us, don't you think they would have brought a bigger force with them?" That shut him up, but he looked red as a tomato, until I heard someone gasp and say:"Percy!"
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
And here's chapter 5
Percy POV
I was walking out of the building with my arms around Frank and Hazel, watching as the big ship landed in the field of mars. I know that this could turn out to be the worst day of my life, but I didn't really care, because I knew that I was going to see Annabeth again for the first time in a long time, and I was really excited.I couldn't wait to see my wisegirl again. I just love the way I just get lost in her amazing grey eyes, the way the her curly blond hair got me mesmorised. Gods, I missed her so much! The ship landed with a thump, and immediately, my eyes were searching for Annabeth. After a few moments, 5 demigods came down from the ship, and someone yelled:"Kill the Greeks, they are obviously here to kill us!". And, of course, it was Octavian, so I said, exasperated:"Shut it Octavian, if they really were trying to kill us, don't you think they would have brought a bigger force with them?" That shut him up, but he looked red as a tomato, until I heard someone gasp and say:"Percy!". I turned around just in time to see Annabeth tackle me to the ground, hugging me with all her strength:Can't...breath". Releasing me from her hug, she punched me in the stomach, and said:"Perseus Jackson, if you ever do that to me again, I swear by the river Styx that I'll..." But, I shut her up by kissing her full on the lips, and we stayed like that for a minute, an hour, I'm not sure, until someone coughed and we separated, and I don't know who was blushing more. Raising my eyes to the ship, I glimpsed the shape of a human figure on the ship, but then it was gone, and I thought that my mind was playing tricks on me. Reyna pulled me out of my thoughts, and said:" Well, let's got to the senate building to discuss the prophecy."I agreed and took my friends to the senate building. At the border line, we saw Terminus looking smug, and he looked like he was flexing his imaginary arms." Ah Perseus, do you still have any more giants to kill? You know I would be glad to help, I mean, we made such a team taking out Polybotes!" I heard Jason say, astounded: You killed the bane of your father by yourself?" Shrugging, I said:" Hey, I had help from the entire legion so..." But, before I could continue, Hazel interrupted me by saying:" Oh shut up Percy, we had nothing to do with it! We were only taking out his army while you were fighting him on your own. so stop being modest". "Thanks Hazel, but anyway, Kronos was harder to kill, or maybe now that I have more training, it seemed easier. Anyway, let's go to the senate house, Reyna doesn't like us to be late. And Jason, here" I said, hanging him the toga:" I really don't want to be praetor, you can have your praetorship back". He took his toga without hesitation, and responded:" Thanks, man, really appreciate it". I smiled back to him, and we walked to the senate house. Just before entering the building, I felt a tingling sensation in the back of my neck, and I turned around. I felt like someone was watching me, but no one was there."Annabeth, are there more than 5 demigods that came from camp half-blood?"."No, Percy, no one else came, why do you ask?" she said, looking intrigued."It's probably nothing, forget about it." I said, entering the senate building. I couldn't help but feel that someone was watching, and I was going to stay on my guard for the rest of time here.

Alex POV
After the ship landed, and the demigods came down from it, I heard Annabeth gasp, and say:"Percy!". I watched from the boat as the two embraced themselves for about a minute, until someone cough, making them stop kissing and blushing like a tomato. I was smirking, until Percy looked at the ship, and straight at me, so I ordered the shadow to hide me, not wanting to be seen. he looked for a couple of seconds, then looked away. Phew, that was a close one! I watched on as Thalia hugged Percy, and I noticed that Jason was kind of jealous at Percy, looking at his toga signaling that he was the new praetor. This is going to be interesting, I thought to myself. I looked on as the demigods from camp half-blood were introduced to Percy, and they left to the senate building, and after making sure that no one was around, I got down from the ship and started to follow them, still engulfed in the shadows. I just managed to catch the part of the conversation where Hazel was telling everyone that Percy took down Polybotes on his own, and the expression on Jason's, Leo's and Piper's faces were hilarious! I was starting to think their jaws were going to drop on the ground, but Annabeth and Thalia's face were normal, like the were used to it. I was still following when Percy turned around, and looked around him, searching for someone. After a couple of moments, he gave up and went into the senate building. Interesting, I thought, this demigod is pretty powerful, seeing as though he can feel my power, although I could crush him, and he seemed pretty loyal and modest. I was starting to like him. If all the demigods were like him, they would've had a bigger chance against Gaea. After an hour, they came out of the senate building, and they were going to have dinner. Annabeth and Percy were in the back, catching up, when the sound of an explosion sounded, and a pillar was falling down on Annabeth and Percy. Seeing it, Percy pushed Annabeth out of the way, and braced himself for his death. Thinking quickly, and still engulfed in the shadow, I used my powers over time, to return the pillar to where it was before the explosion, and without going back in time. I simply reversed time on the pillar so that it would not crush Percy, because I really liked him and Annabeth would be hugely depressed if she lost him, and so it wasn't destroyed by the explosion. Everyone was stunned about what just happened, and Annabeth just hugged Percy tightly, scolding him for pushing her out of the way. After a moment or two to calm her down, they went to have dinner. Great, I thought, now I have to defend them in New Rome, where it should have been safe. The only thing that was bothering me was that Percy kept looking behind him, sensing my power, but not seeing me. I smiled. Percy was going to be a real help during the fights, and without him, he doubted that he would've helped them, except maybe Annabeth and Leo, because they were cool. And Annabeth looked so happy to be with Percy that it warmed my heart, and I started to wonder if I was going to like someone like Percy loves Annabeth.

So, what do you think guys?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago post-now675 said…
great job post soon
over a year ago son-of-chaos said…
Sorry I'm late guys, but I didn't have internet yesterday/
Piper POV
Everyone was on his guard after the pillar incident, and Reyna had started an investigation as to who had caused the explosion. Gods, I hate that girl! Every time she's around, Jason seems distant towards me, he ignores me, and I hate it. I wish that he would tell me if he was going to break up with me, but no! He was just spending more time with this wretched Reyna. What am I doing! I sound like a lovesick daughter of Aphrodite! if this quest was going to work, we would have to get along. So, without further ado, I went to confront him. I found him by the Jupiter temple, praying to his father, so I waited until he was done, and I said to him:"Jason, sorry for being so blunt, but I need to know, do you love me or Reyna?
-Look Piper, he said hesitating, I really don't know right now, I'm so confused!
-Jason, this quest Isn't going to work if we don't settle this, so who is it, me or Reyna?
-Piper, I'm really sorry, but you're going to have to give me more time, I'll give you my final decision before we board the Argo 2.
Realizing that I wasn't going to get a better answer, I just nodded, and went to my mother's temple. I stayed there for about an hour, praying to my mother to make my love life a little better, and to make it clear. I sighed, and went to the fifth cohort barracks, where we were staying, and slumped on my bed, fading into a dreamless sleep, for the first time in a long time.

Percy POV
Since my near-death experience, I have been on my guard the whole time. I kept having a small feeling that someone was watching me, and I couldn't help feeling that that same person saved my life, and this was bothering me to no avail. I went to the stables to talk with the unicorns, which were close enough to horses so that I could communicate with them. Lost in thoughts, I asked them:"Look, guys, I keep feeling that someone is watching me, so, if you see someone following me, can you tell me?
-My lord, someone is following you, watching you, he even saved you from that pillar, but who he is, we do not know, for he is using the shadow to hide himself from the rest of us.
-How do you know that?Could he be a son of Hades?
-No, my lord, said another unicorn, that person is a lot stronger than a son of Hades, and we have improved eyesight, so we managed to glimpse the figure of a human my lord. We only urge you to be careful, for you are the only child of Poseidon alive at this point.
I nodded my thanks, and went back to the barracks, with a lot more questions in my head. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, because we were going to discuss who will be going on this quest, and I know that Reyna will want to go. Oh well, I better no think too much about it. I kissed Annabeth good night, and slumped on my couch and went to sleep, having absolutely no demi-god dreams.

Sorry about these chapter guys, but before they go on the quest, there is still going to be a chapter or 2 before the action starts, so please, bear with me.