The Heroes of Olympus Brad Young and Friends

bluedagger2437 posted on Apr 06, 2012 at 07:52PM
This is an epic story of a young boy named Brad who has embarked on the journey of a lifetime with all of his friends at camp. Although he does have two best friends named Paris Scott and Zaden Troy. He is at camphalf blood and decides to go for a walk and he is claimed and stumbles into a dark mist and is claimed by someone which we will not reveal until later in the story.
last edited on Apr 10, 2012 at 10:14PM

The Heroes of Olympus 11 replies

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over a year ago jojo12313 said…
looks good
over a year ago bluedagger2437 said…

Sneak Peak
Chapter 1


It was our first day back from vacation and I decided to go for a walk and clear my head because so many people were asking me had I been claimed yet or what's it like being born from nothing? As I walked through the trail I thought about what if I had a real family a little brother and a sister my age and home cooked meals everyday from my mom and a dad that always wants to play baseball. Well I dont whenever I go on vacation I go to the foster home and eat cold chowder and sit on a cold hard spring and stair at a blank wall there is no excitement in Maine and I get sick of smelling rats in the attic. As I continued walking I walked into a dark mist which shows where the camp barrier is which meant my walk was coming to an end i'd never really been on the outside so I decided to go and make one tiny step outside the barrier and who would've known one step outside the barrier would cause so much trouble the next thing you know i'm yanked out falling down to the ground being dragged through the woods. I then pulled out my dagger tightening my grip because the ground was so bumpy and I could easily drop it. It was very special to me because when I was left on the doorstep they left this dagger with it. I tried to raise myself up but I could'nt I was just being pulled too fast. so thats when the idea came into my head instead of trying to fight the force why dont I just join the force. I turned on my stomach which was very uncomfortable and I used my dagger and hooked it to a tree swinging the monster back and grabbed on to it adding to the force it looked to be a death harpie. And her breath was on fire literally, It had almost scorched my nose off. I grabbed my dagger and cut myself loose from her grip and jabbed her in the face then stabbing her in the back and flipping off of her onto a tree. I then saw her burst into dust that sprinkled into a little pile of poop. On the way back I ran through the woods as fast as I can and I could see saw the dark mist coming up. As soon as I reached it I fell through and cought a cold flash and passed out.

Tell me what you think!

To Be Continued . . .
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bluedagger2437 said…
Chapter 1


It was our first day back from vacation and I decided to go for a walk and clear my head because so many people were asking me had I been claimed yet or what's it like being born from nothing? As I walked through the trail I thought about what if I had a real family a little brother and a sister my age and home cooked meals every day from my mom and a dad that always wants to play baseball. Well I don’t whenever I go on vacation I go to the foster home and eat cold chowder and sit on a cold hard spring and stare at a blank wall there is no excitement in Maine and I get sick of smelling rats in the attic. As I continued walking I walked into a dark mist which shows where the camp barrier is which meant my walk was coming to an end I’d never really been on the outside so I decided to go and make one tiny step outside the barrier and who would've known one step outside the barrier would cause so much trouble the next thing you know I’m yanked out falling down to the ground being dragged through the woods. I then pulled out my dagger tightening my grip because the ground was so bumpy and I could easily drop it. It was very special to me because when I was left on the doorstep they left this dagger with it. I tried to raise myself up but I couldn’t I was just being pulled too fast. so that’s when the idea came into my head instead of trying to fight the force why don’t I just join the force. I turned on my stomach which was very uncomfortable and I used my dagger and hooked it to a tree swinging the monster back and grabbed on to it adding to the force it looked to be a death harpy. And her breath was on fire literally, It had almost scorched my nose off. I grabbed my dagger and cut myself loose from her grip and jabbed her in the face then stabbing her in the back and flipping off of her onto a tree. I then saw her burst into dust that sprinkled into a little pile of poop. On the way back I ran through the woods as fast as I can and I could see saw the dark mist coming up. As soon as I reached it I fell through and caught a cold flash and passed out. I woke up on the ground dirt and ruble on my face as I began to dust it off I walked back towards my cabin and I thought I don’t have a cabin. I sleep in an old shack near the beach. No one has really ever offered me a cabin my hand began to burn and I looked down at it and saw a golden bracelet. I saw a tiny pond and put my arm in it to cool the bracelet down and let it harden. It had something in I think Greek written on it I knew I wasn’t crazy if I’m not mistaken it looked Roman but that can’t be possible . Oh well I thought I should keep the bracelet to myself so when I got to my shack I covered it with silver and boxed it in. Over the summer our camp director, Pink Richmond, a daughter of Hephaestus taught me to weld. She is really nice once you get to know her. I got up and opened my shack door and began to walk to dinner. While no one was watching me I UN did the sliver over the bracelet and studied the writing on it. It looked roman and Greek mixed together. I wrapped the sliver back on as Pink walked right towards me.”Hey Brad” She said. “Hey Pink how you been doing” I asked. “Good” She replied. “Yeah we should get to dinner” I said and she nodded in reply. We silently walked towards the dinner pavilion .Pink rushed ahead of me as we made it and right before I was on the pavilion Paris ran up to me “What’s Up Brad” She said. “Nothing much just the usual same old same old.” I said as I sat down at the Hermes Table where I was greeted by the twins Castor and Pollox sons of Hermes. I turned my head and received the glare from George, son of Ares. Then, Chiron galloped in and made some announcements. “Tomorrow we play Capture The Flag “He announced and got a bunch of shouts from the Ares Cabin. I looked at all the tables and wished I didn’t as I locked as with Niko son of Nike and Marqunie daughter of Nike who glared at me once. Now we give our food in the fire “For whoever you are” I said and a hushed voice and sat back down. I ate ribs, chicken, and some cake and drunk some Root Bear. I finished before everyone else and walked to campfire. I heard at scream from the camp bounders. I took out my dagger and ran towards the camp boundaries’ saw the kid’s eyes at the bottom of them was brown in a circular motion like a volcano and on top was red which mixed with the brown making it look like a volcano erupting. The kid took a look at me with his fire red hair spanned and the glance we caught. He was fighting the Minotaur and I lurched forward. He was using a hammer to fight it off"FIRE"He yelled as the hammer caught fire then he jumped back and made a fire wall up. The Minotaur tried to charge right through it and crashed in while burning itself. The kid smiled and gathered the medal around him and made a giant robot which slammed its arms together and the Minotaur shot back under pressure. I then ran forward and jumped on the robot over its shoulder then I used burst of speed that could find in the wind. I made my way towards the minotaur ”Blazing Glory” The kid muttered and ran right next to the minotaur and breathed fire on it, landing on its chest then it shot up and I went flying up in the sky. Thunder clapped in the sky and hit my dagger it glowed and then all happened at once “Lightning Shock” I muttered and lightning shot out the dagger and went straight for the Minotaur. The kid looked at the falling figure at me my dagger still charged with lightning “Blazing Glory” He muttered and shot the fire out his hammer. The lightning and fire hit at the same time. So the Minotaur got fried and burned at the same time and turned to dust. The wind cushioned my fall so I landed softly. I looked the kid in the eye “What’s your name” I asked “Zaden Troy” He answered “Brad Young” I said and escorted him into camp. Much time didn’t pass by as camp fire was just starting “Again, I say Capture the Flag is tomorrow” Chiron said and got a bunch of shouts. I put up my dagger as eyes flew onto me. ”A new camper great what’s your name” Chiron asked Brandon “Zaden Troy” Brandon said and looked up and muttered something as a flaming hammer appeared on his head. The whole Hephaestus cabin perked up “Well welcome Brandon Troy son of Hephaestus” Chiron said and explained the Greek gods to him. I sat on a log and pulled out my handmade wooden dagger and began to carve it. The Campfire went by fast after that and Apollo cabin led us in a song then we went to our cabins. I strolled to the beach and opened the door to my shack. I sat down on the bed and looked around it .Not much to hang with so I kicked off my shoes and pulled my legs over the bed patted the pillow down and fell to sleep hoping dreams wouldn’t find me, but unfortunately, dreams found me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bluedagger2437 said…
What do you guys think?
over a year ago bluedagger2437 said…
What do you think?
over a year ago bluedagger2437 said…
Chapter 2


I was another plain normal day back at camp when I had saw Brad the guy of my dreams. Only if i could just tell him how I felt without it ruining our friendship or me being emberassed.He's everything I look for in a guy. I just wish I did'nt get so nervous around him. I just become all stiff and stuff. I kind of almost chocked when I got enough guts to walk up to him and say hi earlier. I sat down on a rock and began to think why cant i let go of my brown hair and hazel eyes and become a blonde with blue eyes? I guess it's just because i'm different from others. I began to get all teary eyed. I just wished I could be normal. The more I thought about it the harder my tears poured. I felt someones shadow land on my back and it happended to be Brad. My heart pounced on top of me as soon as his flourescent eyes shot me that look. "You ok?" he said.
"Yea I.. I..." I couldn't hold my tears back any longer. They just started pouring down so har and I got up and ran away I didn't want him to see me like this. But when I tried to run he grabbed my arm and held me tight. "I'm here for you." he said in a deep tone. His warm chest soothed my mind. "I dont ..." I hesitated to say.
"Shhh... it's ok i'm here for you." he said. I hushed as he directed me to and looked up into his eyes and fell asleep in his arms. When I woke up the sun was shining brightly over my face in a schack I think I got up and walked out to see no one so I decided to walk back to the cabin of Athena. I for some reason couldn't remember what happened last night. Whatever it was I hope it wasn't anything embarasing. I felt like something had happened that was important to me that night if only I could just recall in my memory what happened.
over a year ago bluedagger2437 said…
What do you guys think?
over a year ago theocean5566 said…
big smile
It's good post soon
over a year ago bluedagger2437 said…
thanks it'd be nice if i had more supporters
over a year ago theocean5566 said…
It takes have some cake
over a year ago greektrickster said…
i think you should continue,
its a great story
just give more of cliffhangars, makes it more interestig
and it does take some time for support but dont give up
keep posting