The Heroes of Olympus Percy In Medieval Period

shubham06 posted on Apr 09, 2012 at 06:24AM
The idea is still vague enough, but here it is...

Idea (or Plot u may say):

As the title suggests, instead of being born in the modern age U.S.A, Percy is born in the medieval Europe after the time of the Romans when Britain became the hub of civilisation and power. Let's see what happens....
Will post soooooon enough, just gathering my thoughts...

All rights of characters Rick Riordan..... The idea is mine... I don't mind if someone copies the idea and puts up a better story but dont copy the chapters....
Plz suggest a better title!!!!

Everything will be Percy's POV...

Spamming is allowed as long as you dont get too carried away...

No one advertises on this forum without reading this forum.... It really hurts when people do that....
last edited on Apr 12, 2012 at 08:13AM

The Heroes of Olympus 46 replies

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over a year ago SomeRandomFan said…
The idea is really interesting!post soon!
I dunno what you could use as a title.:( *sighs*. I suck at titles.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shubham06 said…

The story is set in medieval Britain. It is set in the times when there was rule of the kings and queens and not much scientific development had taken place. Gunpowder was still far from invention and battles were fought with swords. Percy in this story is born to a fisherman’s wife that too before her marriage as she fell in love with Poseidon. It seemed she had a deep connection with sea.
Once Percy was born her parents forced her into marriage as they were old school and thought that child without marriage was very embarrassing. When Percy was around 7 years old, he lost both his mother and his step father. It so happened that his mother decided to take him along with his father for fishing that day. Their boat was caught in a storm and their boat drowned. Only 7 year old Percy survived the accident as he could breathe underwater which was very strange for him. Lets now see what happens with him……
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago theocean5566 said…
big smile
Post soon
over a year ago universalpowa said…
Title: The Heroes of the Round Table
Like king Arthur and the knights of the round table
post soon! this looks AWESOME :D
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…

Soooo he's a bastard?
Thats a name for an unmaried couple FYI, so no I am not swearing.
Post soon!
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Ya i know its gud!!!
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Here's the first chapter. Its short. They will eventually get longer.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Hello, my name is Percy Jackson. I am a demigod and demigod’s lives are full of misery as I had learnt the hard way. I was still very much fortunate to have survived this long. It all started that day when our ship was hit with the raging storm. I still clearly remember that day…

When the storm struck the boat I was on the deck of the boat lost in my thoughts while my parents were having a heated argument. I could hear a word or two. They were saying something about a guy called Poseid…. Something like that. My mother was calling him names but my father was kind of defending him or I thought so. Whoever he was I got a feeling that I had a connection with him. The name seemed to create a nice and pleasant feeling but the way my mother was talking about this man I thought that he was a man I never would like to meet. He seemed to be jerk who had done terrible things to my mother. I decided that it was not good to eavesdrop on my parents and went over to the other side of our huge boat. Storm was raging and huge waves were going up and down. What had father told me they were called? Yes, they were called crests and troughs. It was my first time on sea so thought it was normal and didn’t seem to bother to warn my parents. They didn’t seem to scare me. The sea seemed to be a friendly territory to me.

But I was to be proved wrong soon enough. The waves hit the ship with a deafening sound and the entire ship flipped. It was now upside down. I was drowning and my parents were trapped in the lower deck. The doors to the lower deck got shut tight due to pressure of the water. They were desperately trying to open the doors. I rushed to help them. We couldn’t even budge the doors let alone open them. Realization dawned upon me. My parents realized too that it was impossible to open the doors. Their breaths were running out. They signaled for me to go and leave them. They wanted for me to escape. Strangely enough I was feeling very comfortable in the water. I just couldn’t leave them there. They were looking at me with astonishment. They shared a strange look and nodded. My mother gave me a flying kiss and took out one of her lockets which was the shape of a trident and gave it to me through the grilled window. I wanted to shout out loud but only bubbles came out.

I should have been dead by now. I saw the dead bodies of my parents drowning by the minute with the colossal ship. I didn’t want to leave but destiny had other plans for me….
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BitemeIVampire said…
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Any help would be appreciable... Send me messages....
over a year ago BitemeIVampire said…
ok......i'll add you too!
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
hey can u read my new story link
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Here's Chapter 2. I edited the first chapter also. Enjoy!!!!!

Chapter 2 : I meet The Lord of the Fishes

Our boat landed with a thud on the sea floor. I was very sad. As I said I wanted to shout out loud but every time I tried only bubbles came out. This was very frustrating. I discovered that I was comfortably able to breathe underwater. I kept swimming around the debris of the boat. I discovered that the door of the lower deck were still tight shut so I couldn’t have a last look at my parents nor could I retrieve their bodies for a proper funeral.

I was grief stricken. This was not good. Why was it me always? Why did I have to lose my loved ones always? First I lost my father when I was 7 months old and now my mother and step father. Why always me? This is wrong. This is injustice. How was I supposed to live without my mother? I was a mere child of 7 against this tough world.

Just as I was lost in these thoughts I heard a voice say, “Hello, Lord Percy. Welcome to the ocean.”

I heard cheers of “All hail Lord Percy!” all around as if people were cheering for me.

I turned all around to see but I couldn’t see anyone. There was only a small shoal of fishes with a big fish who seemed to be the leader.

Then I heard the voice again, “Shut up you fools. There is no reason to be cheering. Lord Percy has lost his mortal parents. No reason to be happy. He seems very sad.”

The voice was definitely talking about me but where was it coming from. Not from the fishes. I mean fishes do not talk. Do they? I was going nuts. I was very confused and tried to say who was saying this but only bubbles came out.

“No need to speak with your mouth, my Lord. Just think whatever you want to say and I will get it. By the way I am the big fish that is talking. My name is Jack. I am the Lord of all the fishes. It may seem a bit odd to you now but you will know everything very soon.” Said the same voice.

I was so shocked to hear this. Wait! Wait! Wait! I am hallucinating. Fishes don’t talk. I shouldn’t be breathing underwater. That settles it. Either I was dreaming or hallucinating. That means my parents could be alive. I started pinching myself again and again just to break the dream or the hallucination but to no effect.

“You are not hallucinating, my lord. This is real.” The voice spoke up.
So the fish was really speaking. It was all real.

“Why do you call me Lord? I am no lord. If I was one I would have been able to save my parents.” I thought this time.

“You are our lord. It seems that your mother has kept you in dark. I am not sure that I am the right person to tell you about yourself.” The voice replied.

This was frustrating. I wanted to know what was happening. What was all this about?

“How can I trust you? You can be lying about me being a lord. I mean no offence but my mother taught me not to trust strangers.” I said.

“Your mother taught you right. You must never trust anyone let alone strangers. But you must have faith in me. As a lord I mean no harm. I want to help you to discover yourself. To end the stranger problem I extend the hand of friendship.” The voice replied and Jack moved his fin forward.

The voice seemed very convincing. Instincts told me that the fish meant no harm.

“Ok! I trust you. We are friends. Now tell me how you can help me?” I said while shaking his fin.

“Follow us!” Jack said in a cheerful tone and with that he started swimming away.

“Wait up!” I shouted.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“You will know soon enough. Now come on.” Jack replied and we swam to the depths of the ocean.

Plz comment.....and advertise if you like my forum....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BitemeIVampire said…
Jack? funny!
over a year ago SomeRandomFan said…
Did anyone notice that Percy in Medieval Period if shortened would be
over a year ago shubham06 said…
LOL!!!! More comments PLZ!!!
over a year ago BitemeIVampire said…
omgs Hmmm title: Medieval Percy and the Olympians: Darker My Days ? btw Darker my Days is just part of this phrase i got stuck in my head.
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
yeah hahaha post soon (pimp)
over a year ago BitemeIVampire said…
'Darker my Days, Mi'love. sorry for the spam but that needed to be said.....
over a year ago ontril86 said…
This is great! Please post soon.
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
okay i create this forum for people who want to write but need ideas so if u can post ur first chapter of the story so people can pick the idea so they can write stories like the rest please if u have any idea give to people who needs help i will go first link
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Sorry guys couldnt post today...
Could type only half a chapter..
Its a long chapter.....
Didnt get too much time either...
Will try to post asap....
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
cool, post soon
over a year ago fireyes said…
Hey I'm new here and shubham06 I love this form but also the vanquished hero's and I would love for you to post there.
over a year ago fireyes said…
big smile
Awesome first post!
over a year ago BitemeIVampire said…
Rh that is why i couldn't keep you off my forum! your too funny!
over a year ago fireyes said…
Oh I don't know really maybe percabeth I think they're cute together.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BitemeIVampire said…
There more than cute! There the best and loveliest!
over a year ago fireyes said…
I know right but do you think pipson or Jason and Reyna ( cant come up with name.)
over a year ago fireyes said…
I know right but do you think pipson or Jason and Reyna ( cant come up with name.)
over a year ago BitemeIVampire said…
grrrrr uglies! (Reyson Jayna?)
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Percabeth lovers always welcome, fireyes.....
What say you, rhbdhfbg???
I m a huge percabeth fan.....
over a year ago BitemeIVampire said…
PERCABETH RULZ! and omgs i almost spelled Percaberth!
over a year ago fireyes said…
Lol. Biteme and thanks shubham.
over a year ago fireyes said…
So when r u going too post a chappie?
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Sry For not posting..

Chapter 3: A visit to the Lost Island

We had been swimming for a very long time but the strange thing was that I was not tiring. Moreover, I was feeling as fresh as ever. There were many beautiful fishes that I saw on the way. The marine life was exotic. It was breathtaking. Just no words to describe the beauty of the ocean.

But something seemed to be wrong. Something was amiss. Every creature that I passed by greeted me but seemed to be in a hurry. There was definitely some problem. The ocean currents were also turbulent as if the ocean had decided to go rogue. I concluded that the storm on the surface was a part of this problem.

When I finally couldn’t resist my curiosity I asked, “Hey bro, wait up. What’s happening? We have been swimming for like ages. Not like I am tired but where are we headed? Also what’s wrong with the all creatures and why is the ocean so turbulent?”

“I don’t think I am the right person to answer all your questions. Just know that your entire life is going to change.” Jack replied.
There it was again. He avoided my questions yet again. But I was not giving up so easily.

“Hey!! You call me your friend, right? So, stop avoiding my questions and start answering them.” I asserted.

“Look, Lord Percy I know it is all very frustrating and don’t get angry with me or anything but I will tell you two very important things which will help you in life. Patience is a big asset and anger is a handicap. Secondly, everything has a proper place and time to happen. Don’t ever try changing it. Understand?” Jack replied with utter softness.

“We will be reaching our destination shortly. You will be getting most of your answers there.” He added and pushed ahead.

“Ok!” I sighed and followed him.

We went through a tunnel underwater which was closed with two huge rocks and guarded by two of the largest sea creatures I had seen tonight. They were huge and had so many heads and hands that I couldn’t even count them. Different hands were doing different things. Some were busy scratching on the walls. Some were busy playing with the sand on the ocean floor. Other hands were holding weapons of every kind. Bow, quiver of arrows, sword, axe and spear were the only ones I could recognize. There were many more.

Their eyes were busy seeing whatever their hands were doing and many eyes were closed probably resting. As we approached many eyes were fixed upon us.

It was really creepy. These creatures were very scary. I mean they could crush me with a swish of their hands. I was very scared. I stopped right there and couldn’t move an inch no matter how much I tried.

Jack probably noticed that and said, “Don’t be afraid. Just don’t say anything stupid and speak only when asked. Let me do the talking.” Jack told me.

“What are these things?” I asked but gave me an expression which told me this was not the time to ask this question.
“I will tell you later.” Was his reply. “Now, move on!”
I nodded but still I was very hesitant in moving forward.
As we approached the creature they spoke in a menacing and commanding voice, “You shall not pass. Return back!” the creature was staring at me directly.

“I think they are right, Jack, we should go back.” I was scared out of my wits.

“Shut up, Percy! And Briares this is me Jack, Lord of the fishes. Let me in. I have a very special guest with me. He will do no harm. I promise. I take full responsibility of the child’s activities.”
“If you say so, my Lord.”

“You may pass!” Briares recited as if it was an incantation.
With these words, the huge rocks which were blocking the tunnel gave way to an entrance. They were gates to an open space.

As we moved past the giants through the gates, Jack spoke up, “Welcome, Percy! To Atlantis. Also known as the lost island, this is where you will get most of your answers.”

As I looked forward what I saw was so exotic that it took my breath away. It was an entire city underwater. And the city was so beautifully architecture that it was like heaven in water. There were houses, open fields where people were training, practicing and having fun. The sight was picturesque that I forgot everything else for a moment. It was as if I was in oblivion.
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Plz tell me what do u think about it....
Not gud enough.... I guess!!!
Just one comment after such a long post....
Should i post more?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
over a year ago shubham06 said…
More comments wont hurt i think.....
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Its AMAZINGLY AWESOME!! Its so good that words cant describe how.awesome it is.
I LOVE ITS!!!!!!
And I cant wait until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!!!!
over a year ago percyrocks54321 said…
big smile
awesome post soon
over a year ago Pegasus100 said…
big smile
Wow this story is awesome.
POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
over a year ago shubham06 said…
m bak!!!
anyone still interested in this?
over a year ago corrected said…
only interested if u post faster
if u plan on posting once a month like before then forget about it!
and the plural form of fish is fish not fishes
"there were a lot of fish" not fishes
over a year ago shubhamsingh24 said…
hey ...der/ .... i'm intrested .... so please post soon
over a year ago shubham06 said…
i have lots of tests.. very busy till june.. sorry..
kayleegurule commented…
Hey Shub, I haven't heard from you in forever. Nice to see that you still come on here once in a while. over a year ago