The Heroes of Olympus {The Mark of Athena}

bukluvr17 posted on Apr 11, 2012 at 08:59PM
I do not own the PJ&O or HoO all rights go to Rick Riordan
Ps. please don’t mind my spelling
This is my prophecy
The seven shall travel west
Where a hero’s fatal flaw will be put to the test
Forge and dove will save the sky
The children of the dead will unite but quickly say bye
The son of lightning and the son of sea will become friends
War’s child stick might be his end
Someone might betray
And it will cause the rest to pay
Wisdom’s daughter walks alone
The mark of Athena burns through Rome
last edited on May 10, 2012 at 04:14AM

The Heroes of Olympus 76 replies

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over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
All rights go to rick riordan

Annabeth couldn’t wait to see her boyfriend, Percy, he went missing over 8 months ago, and she hasn’t been the same ever since. She didn’t mean to slash out on Travis, Will, or anyone else who talked about Percy she just missed him so much. Since he left, Annabeth found it hard to eat, sleep, even carry a conversation, or study architecture.
But now she was on the Argo ll and she was only a little while away from him. She couldn’t wait to see his crazy black hair, his intense sea-green eyes; feel his hugs and his kisses. The day Jason said Hera traded him and Percy, and that there was a roman camp she felt hope of seeing him again. Hera was going to get it for taking Percy away from her. That’s when the usual questions came to mind.
“Will he remember me? Does he even have feelings for me? What if he has another girlfriend? No Annabeth snap…….” her thoughts got cut off when Piper came up next to her.
“So Annabeth you excited to see Percy after 8 months” said Piper with her usual happy attitude.
“Yeah but I feel I’m going to have an anxiety attack just waiting here. Also, what if the Romans don’t trust us, if they see the Argo ll and attack?” She noticed she had worry in her voice
“Don’t worry, Leo took care of that. He sent them a video message, hopefully they got it.”
“That gives me a little………” she was interrupted by Leo over the loudspeaker
“Hello this is your Supreme Commander speaking. We will be landing in about 30 minutes and thank you for flying airline Argo ll.” He said it in a tough voice that caused everyone to laugh.
Annabeth asked “What was with the Supreme Commander title”
“He wanted a cool title during the video to impress the Romans, he thought of it after I said repair boy” she said it with a smile
“So I guess you can’t wait to see him. I haven’t seen you smile or laugh sincerely in ages” they turned around and found Thalia making her way up to them
“Hey Thals” “Hi Thalia” they said after one another
“Hi Annabeth, Hi Piper. So Annabeth I say we fix you up for Percy so He can start drooling over you.” They all laughed
They started dragged her to Piper’s room and closed the door. She thought she looked fine until she looked in the mirror. She circles under her eyes from sleepless nights her hair was a mess and her close looked really dirty.
So she decided to let herself be transformed. After she showered and changed they cover her bags and let her hair down. She seemed liked the same Annabeth again. She also seemed liked a girl and not zombie.

over a year ago universalpowa said…
:D awesome!! post soon!!

and your spelling is fine ;D it looks great!! loolllllllll
post again when you have the time!! lol :P
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
All rights go to Rick Riordan
Chapter 2

The video message made him so happy; he was going to see Annabeth, his girlfriend. She was the only thing he remembered from his past when Hera wiped his memory. Hopefully the Romans don’t fire and create a war because then he would have to fight his friends his family. Everybody started clearing out the Senate house and heading to the Little Tiber to assemble. The only ones left were himself, Hazel, and Frank.
(From the son of Neptune)
He threw his arms around them and said “let me go introduce you to my other family”
They walked toward everyone else and made their way to where Reyna was and he let them go. In a little while a huge warship came to view. The Romans were in awe at the ship but seemed like they were ready for a thousand of monsters to jump out and attack from it.
The first to come out was a boy with blonde hair and electric blue eyes that seems so familiar. With all the Romans gasping and cheering Percy assumed this is their former praetor, the famous Jason. He went ahead and decided to greet him.
Hey put out his hand and said “Hey I’m Percy Jackson son of Poseidon you must be Jason”
Jason gave him a smile and responded “yeah hi Jason Grace former praetor and son of Jupiter”
“Grace? That sounds so familiar to me”
“Yeah it should I think you know my sister Thalia daughter of Zeus “
Reyna looked shocked “Never told me you had a sister”
“Right, right. Wow. She never told me she had a brother.”
“That’s because she thought I was dead Hera/Juno took me away when I was two” he said it with a bit of sadness
“So, where’s everyone else”
“Oh. They are waiting until I give them the clear sign” Jason then whistled loud and people started appearing
The fist to come out was a really pretty girl who I assumed was a daughter of Aphrodite and the boy from the video which caused Hazel to turn pale that headed up to Jason. After them came a girl with long pretty blonde hair and stormy grey eyes, that he missed. She saw him and yelled out his name and started running.
“Percy!?! Percy!!” and he yelled back “Annabeth!!” he ran for her and they met mid way and he spun her around and kissed her while she kissed him back.
He heard all his old friends whistling and the campers from Camp Jupiter just stare so he let go. Then she punched him in the arm and started getting mad.
“Seaweed brain how dare you let yourself get kidnapped. Do you know how worried I was? I haven’t even slept without worrying about you…..” she stopped when she notice Percy was actually holding his arm and the Romans had their weapons pointed at her.
A blonde scrawny boy yelled “attack she has hurt our praetor!!”
Then Percy commanded them to stop with clear annoyance toward the boy “its okay she didn’t mean to hurt me she just misses me, put your weapons down”
Percy whispered in her ear “I lost the curse when I crossed into Roman territory apparently it’s a Greek curse.” She was shocked and apologized
Then I heard familiar clopping, I turned around and there was Grover.
“Oh My Gods Percy we have been looking for you everywhere and you were here. At least we finally found you. I have really missed you.” He attacked me with a hug that almost caused me to fall.
“G-man, there’s my favorite Lord of the Wild. I’ve missed you too and I burly got here about 2 weeks ago” I heard gasping and ‘that can’t be’ when I said Lord of the Wild to Grover but ignored it.
After came Thalia, Will, Travis and Conner, Kate, Jake, Clarisse and a bunch more
Thalia came up socked and hugged me “So kelp head how have things been you don’t know how much we missed you”
“Yeah I assume a lot. Hey Jason just told me you guys are full Siblings that’s awesome bet your happy”
“Yeah I am its great seeing you I’m going to head over to him see you”
“Hey prissy nice to see you again, but don’t think I missed I’m just happy I get to pound you” Clarisse said it with a smile and I know she missed me
“Hey Clarisse and it’s good to see to too “she trailed off and I notice the Greeks and Romans were mingling
Then came the Stoll brothers “Percy it’s so good to see you in one piece we missed pulling pranks on you” “and getting wet” I responded, they laughed and so did I
Then Rachel came up to me and hugged me tight “where have you been your mom and everyone else has been worried sick. The good thing is that you’re alive and well.”
The Romans saw her and were eying her evilly “Stop she is welcome. Rachel is Camp Half-Blood’s oracle” they then put down their weapons for good.

over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
please comment so i can be sure to continue
over a year ago theocean5566 said…
big smile
Post soon :D
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
All rights go to Rick Riordan
Chapter 3

When Jason imagined Percy Jackson he imagined a snobby attention hogging boy that was really rude but it was the entire opposite. Percy just simply introduced himself as a son of Poseidon nothing more that surprised him. Also, he seemed like a laid back average boy, he was nice and modest. Jason was going to mention he defeated Krios to impress the amazing Percy, but he didn’t have to. He was about to mention he was the praetor but saw his toga and cape so he said former praetor. He headed off to talk to Reyna and the other Romans while the Greeks crowded around Percy.
“Hey Reyna “he said casually “Hey Jason. So good to have you back you have been missed dearly” they hugged and then came Piper and Leo
Piper came up to them and Jason took her hand. He really liked Piper even though he’s known Reyna longer. He’s always thought of Reyna as a best friend or even a sister not a girlfriend. He went ahead and introduced Piper and Leo. Jason notice that Reyna saw their hands and seemed mad, but he didn’t let go.
“Reyna I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite/Venus, charmspeaker and my best friend Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus/Vulcan fire user.” The girlfriend part seemed to shock Piper but she didn’t lead on.
She put out her hand and said “hello it’s really good to meet you Jason has Said a lot about you” Reyna took her hand but hesitated. Leo tried to hit on her which wasn’t very smart.
He tried to give his best smile and tone of voice “Hey what’s up” to my surprise she laughed and smiled instead of slashing him, which seemed really odd.
We made our way to where Percy and everyone else were and Annabeth introduced Piper and Leo to Percy. I decided to introduce Thalia, Rachel, and Annabeth to Reyna and vise-versa.
Then Annabeth asked Reyna something that seem odd. “Do I know you, you seem vaguely familiar” then I notice Reyna and Percy exchange glances like ‘tell her’. Percy then spoke up to Annabeth a little shy.
“Hey do you remember when we were at Circe’s island” I wonder what he meant
“Yeah why wouldn’t I” “well Reyna used to live there with her sister Hylla before what we did” then Annabeth’s expression changed.
“OH MY GODS. Now I remember your sister was the one who assisted me. I feel so guilty I was so busy trying to get Percy back I didn’t think of the girls who lived there.”
“Annabeth its okay my sister and I don’t blame you or Percy actually we thank you “
“But why we ruined your home” “Yes, but if it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have learned to fight. My sister wouldn’t have become the Queen of the Amazons and I Praetor” it was odd to think that they ruined her home but also helped her.
Thalia then smacked her behind his head “Good going Seaweed brain you managed to ruin someone’s home, while being a guinea big.” Then everybody started cracking up which caused Percy to turn bright red.
“Okay. Okay. Pinecone face I get it so lets exchange a few stories” trying to change the subject
Reyna then spoke up “Sure, but first we have a Senate to discuss the prophecy of the seven to get it over with. Please call all your leaders”
Everyone groaned but agreed and followed Reyna.
Then Percy came up to me and asked something I didn’t expect. “Hey Jason do you want your praetorship back because you actually earned and deserve it. Plus I don’t like power or being the leader”
I was so confused but did the right thing. “Nah man, plus there’s a reason why you became praetor so fast. You are a leader I bet Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood would both easily agree in that.” He smiled at me and said “Thanks but I guess we agree to disagree about me being a leader. “ Percy was so unbelievable I was kind of jealous of my Greek cousin. Though it wasn’t bad jealousy it was just I wish I could have his modesty and attitude. Once they got to the boarder line to enter New Rome, I heard a familiar voice I haven’t heard in well 8 months; it was Terminus, the god of boarders.
“Hey Praetor Percy, how you dong my boy? Have any giants I can help you kill.” I was a little confused but remembered there was a war yesterday which explained why the city was under construction.
“No Terminus sadly not today” Percy replied with a smile
“Well next time. Okay weapons in the tray. Now where’s my assistant, JULIA!!!! JULIA!!!” then a little girl appeared a his side
I saw Percy put a pen which I didn’t understand, but didn’t ask either. Hazel, Frank, and I put our weapon down but the rest hesitated. “Don’t worry she a train professional right Julia” and she innocently said “right” which caused them to give her their weapons.
We all made our way to the Senate house and sat at the front roll. While Percy let go of Annabeth’s hand and sat next to Reyna up front. Reyna then stood and started to speak.
“Let’s start the meeting I presume that the seven are here present but we have knowledge of only six and that is Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Hazel Levesque, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, and Piper McLean.” I noticed she said Piper’s name with a bit of disgust or anger. We still need to find out who’s the seventh.”
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
All rights go to Rick Riordan
Chapter 4
Reyna got right to the point during the meeting. Though I did dislike how she said my name, but I chose to ignore it. I started to actually wonder who the seventh member of the prophecy was. When the room became quiet Rachel stood up from the seat next to me. Her eyes turned green and she gave out green smoke, I knew she was about to speak a prophecy.
Rachel began while everyone else stared at her the Romans in shock. She still kind of creeps me out when she does that.
“The seven shall travel west
Where a hero’s fatal flaw will be put to the test
Forge and dove will save the sky
The children of the dead will unite but quickly say bye
The son of lightning and the son of sea will become friends
War’s child stick might be his end
Someone might betray
And it will cause the rest to pay
Wisdom’s daughter walks alone
The mark of Athena burns through Rome”
After that she collapsed but I caught her in time all the Romans stayed wide eyed at what they saw and the Octavian kid had his mouth wide open. To get things going Percy spoke up and broke to tension and silence, but with a frown.
“I guess that clears up that Annabeth is the seventh” then Octavian retorted “how can you be so sure it’s Annabeth maybe it’s a child of Minerva .Plus maybe it isn’t even the actual prophecy ill just make sure. Everyone stared at him with clear annoyance while he ripped open a stuffed animal and read the same prophecy.
“Are you finished Octavian? It’s Annabeth because she is the smartest child of Athena and the prophecy says mark of Athena not Minerva. Is it clear now” “it could still be a child…….”
He was stopped when there was a glow in the corner of the room and a beautiful lady appeared clearly a god
Annabeth quickly asked “mother?”
She responded to her “yes but no as well I’m in my Roman form as I can’t enter in my Greek. But what matters is what I’m about to say and do. To clear things up Annabeth is the seventh and there is a reason to that. She is my most gifted child both Greek and Roman, which is why I give you the mark of Athena as mentioned in the prophecy. This will help you access more of your brain and knowledge it is a blessing but may also become a curse. Whether is helps you, is your own choice. It will also help you during battle but will intense your anger a bit. I know you will be wise with what to do with this gift.” She turned around so she could face Percy and spoke to him. “I hope that after these five years you will be able to control your fatal flaw because I will see to have you killed if it is the end of my daughter. But if I was you I shouldn’t worry you always seem to do the right thing. You would have done a very interesting god, but you chose otherwise.” Thunder roared from above “I must depart farewell Demi-gods and think of what I said Perseus Jackson.” With that she was gone and everyone was either staring at Annabeth, Percy, or both. I decided to ask the Question I’m sure many were wondering.
“Hey Percy what did she mean by ‘You would have done a very interesting god, but you chose otherwise.’” I noticed all the campers from Camp Half-Bloods staring at Percy and each other.
“Percy do want to tell them or do you prefer we do” Annabeth motioned to her, Thalia, and Grover “No I think I should be the one explaining here” he gave her a half-hearted smirk. Everyone except Camp Half-Blood seemed confused
“After the titan war we were all on Mount Olympus in the presence of the Olympians. We assembled and called up by our parents. Since I was the leader, the one who defeated Krones and my past achievements, I went last and was offered a gift as well. They all quickly assumed that I would like to become a minor god, and Zeus announced if they agreed and everyone did. The thing was I didn’t want to become a god, but they didn’t know that. I told them that I didn’t accept, but I still wanted a gift. For all gods to recognize their children by the age of 13. Also for all minor gods and Hades as well to have a cabin at Camp Half-Blood for their children. Finally I told them not to punish the innocent children of the Titans. They were shocked on what I asked for, but since they swore on the River Styx they granted my wish.” All the Romans and new campers were so shocked that Percy would actually refuse becoming a god. That’s when the boy named Frank stood up to speak.
“Percy you could have been a god, but you denied why.” Percy quickly answered “I didn’t want to be 16 for my entire life and plus the reason Krones reformed was because all those neglected demigods joined him. Also someone died and wanted me fulfill that wish so I did.” I respected Percy I don’t know if I would have denied an offer like that. He was a true hero no doubt about that just didn’t want to face it.” He stood to speak and everyone looked at him differently even Octavian looked as if on the brink of bowing. Percy didn’t seem to like the attention and seemed a bit angry.
“Guys don’t look at me like I’m royalty I’m not. Please, it’s just me the same one you raised Praetor the goofy kid, I’m a normal teen well a normal demigod at least.” Everyone tried to look at him differently but it seemed hard for them I know I couldn’t it was like thinking of a god as a mortal.”
“Now since we know that Annabeth is the seventh. I want to say something before we start talking about what the prophecy means, I have already told Jason. I want to give him back his preaetorship. He is Roman and clearly deserves it more than me he lead you to Mount Othrys, defeated Krios, and crumbled Krones’s thrown he earned it. All I did is defeat a giant and you guys raised me while he has fought to earn it all these years.” I notice that nobody bought it; they wanted Percy as praetor more than ever.
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
big smile
Chapter 5
I was completely shocked that Percy denied becoming a god, and that he gave it up just so he can finish someone else’s dream. He just gained all my respect I just feel like going up to him and bowing down. Though judging on his color and wanting to give Jason back is preatorship. It seems like he doesn’t like the attention that he clearly deserves. I stood up and spoke in part of the whole legion which I don’t have the right to and I could get punished for it, but who cares.
“Percy you said it yourself you already talked to Jason and I’m guessing I’m right,” I turned to Jason “You did deny right because if you had accepted you would be seated in the praetor chair. But you’re not, so you did deny, right.” Jason didn’t hesitate to answer like I knew he wouldn’t “Yes, I did deny Percy’s offer and he tried to pursue me into accepting but I didn’t. I didn’t, because I wasn’t here when you guys needed me. Percy was here; he fought and won with you. Which all in favor of keeping Percy as praetor raise you hand” Everyone’s hand quickly went up even Octavian’s which really surprised me.
Percy seemed really angry at everyone, he seemed to regret everything he said but I didn’t. There was so much staring around, that I had the chance to stare at Leo a lot. I couldn’t help but wish he was Sammy, I know that Frank loved and cares for me. I to do too, but Sammy was my boyfriend and I was forced by Gaea to leave him. I could have had a long happy life with him if it wasn’t for her. Though I knew better that think that he was Sammy. They had the same last name which could only mean that they were related. But what if it is him what if he remembers me, though if he did he didn’t show it. I was startled out of my thought when Percy spoke with an angry voice.
“Meeting adjourned thank you for your time. By the way inform the others that we will have War Games after dinner. The seven, Octavian, and the Camp Half-Blood members please stay, rest of you back to your usual activities!!” Everyone leisurely walked out trying not to face Percy; scare that he might blast them to the Underworld.
Reyna stood up and walked to Percy “Why did you dismiss them we haven’t talked about what the prophecy means.” “I decided to discuss the prophecy between us and we have Rachel we don’t need anyone else. The only reason I let Camp Half-Blood stay was because we are to assign them Cohorts to join.” Ever since he said the god thing he has added a bit of anger that kind of scared Hazel a bit. She has only known him for a while but this seemed like an entire different Percy. Annabeth Went up to him and tried to calm him down. Thank the Gods that she was able to.
“Sorry about that I didn’t mean to let my anger take me over. Sorry.” He gave them all an awkward smile. Annabeth was eying him very carefully.
“Percy I’ve known you for five years, and I know that you aren’t one to get angry over anything” Annabeth looked really worried and so did all his friends.
“She has a point you’ve always been a kind understanding person.” Thalia seemed to understand what Annabeth said, but I was really confused. Annabeth faced Percy and looked him straight in the eyes.
“Perse I think you were being……. possessed.” She was on the brink of crying and choked up on the last word. I wasn’t a daughter of Venus but I knew they loved each other more than anything. Was it possible for Percy even though with his strength to be possessed by Gaea?
“Does this mean she can get to me at any time now?” Percy sounded really worried
“No I doubt it but try to control your anger and you’ll be fine. Can you do that for me?”
“For you Annabeth, I would do anything even carry the sky all over again.” He hugged her and they kissed which caused all the Ve… I mean Aphrodite girls to ‘AWE’ over them. They broke away and Percy was going to speak. Though I was confused by what he meant but decided to ignore it.
“Okay. What the prophecy again. I have my ideas on what the lines mean but make sure not to over think it. I was told when I got my first prophecy, that they always have double meanings; and that it’s sometimes not what it seems.” He waited for Annabeth to get a page from her pocket. Apparently she thought about writing it down which was smart I was to busy being scared.
“Okay. Umm right……
“The seven shall travel west
Where a hero’s fatal flaw will be put to the test
Forge and dove will save the sky
The children of the dead will unite but quickly say bye
The son of lightning and the son of sea will become friends
War’s child stick might be his end
Someone might betray
And it will cause the rest to pay
Wisdom’s daughter walks alone
The mark of Athena burns through Rome”
I stood up and spoke to everyone. “I guess the first line is pretty easy we should travel to Rome and Greece.” Then Leo spoke which made my heart skip a beat, I will have to talk to him later.
“Why Rome aren’t the Giants and Gaea in Greece” He had a serious face which I’d never seen Sammy have.” I gained my strength and spoke directly to him. “Rome, because we have to close the Doors of Death, and we have to save my half brother Nico Di Angelo.” I don’t know why but all the Greeks, all of a sudden went silent.
“How is it that you know Nico if he’s a Greek demigod?” I looked at Annabeth stunned he had told me he was Roman. Reyna stood from her chair and for once spoke.
“He is the ambassador of Pluto, how is it that you know him.” Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and the fa/satyr seemed to turn pale. There was silence until Percy broke it.
“We’ve known him for about 3 years now, and he’s a Greek son of Hades.” Of course Octavian had to be annoying as always. I was mad at Nico, he should have told me he was Greek I wouldn’t have cared.
“How are you so sure he is Greek maybe he is Roman and just fooled you?” he had a point though but I doubt it was correct.
“I’m sure because like I’ve said, we’ve known him for 3 years that is much longer than you have. Also, because Hades has confirmed it himself. Though he also said he always did prefer Bianca over him, but I guess Hades has his reasons. I just hate that Nico saw me and didn’t tell me.” Annabeth really seemed angered by what Percy had just said, and I don’t blame her at all. She had been separated from Percy for months.
“You’re telling me that Nico saw you and didn’t tell me. Also, that he knew about both camps at the same time. Oh, when I get my hands on him.” I talked to her because I felt an urge to defend my brother.
“It’s not his fault Hera made him swear not tell Percy about his past or reveal the camps identities.” That seemed to calm her down but not quite.
“Okay, so a hero’s fatal flaw will be put to the test. So who’s is that because I am not sure what is mine.” Frank spoke with so much confidence that seemed new. He made me start to think I didn’t know mine either.
“It’s fine if you don’t know because I have a feeling that line refers to me and Athena kind of mentioned it. Just so you can all know and be aware, my fatal flaw is personal loyalty. I just can’t give up someone I love and that is close to me, I would risk the world just to save them.” It didn’t seem that bad but then again to risk the world to save someone. Wow.
“Mine is, hubris, extreme pride; I think I could do something better than a god can.” Annabeth seemed so modest and I couldn’t think of that being her fatal flaw but I guess I shouldn’t deny her. Next to stand were Jason and Piper.
“My fatal flaw is betrayal; as much as I try not to I always end up having the urge to betray my friends. Which is why I think the 7th line is talking about me.” Jason seemed to hate himself at the time, Piper tried to make him see different. He gave her a sad smile and took a seat. Reyna glared at piper but it seemed like she didn’t care.
“My mother once told me to watch myself, my power. I didn’t know what she meant until today, my fatal flaw is Love. Though being a daughter of Aphrodite it is also my strength and power.” I wondered what she meant by it, but it I didn’t ask because it seemed like she didn’t even know completely. There was more silence and tension in the room nobody seemed to talk, until Leo did and my heart seemed to dance about.
“So lines 3, 4, and 5. I’m guessing that Piper and I will save Jason; also that Nico will be saved. That Hazel and Nico will unite. Also, finally the best one yet that Percy and Jason will be friends, that really good news.” He had a point their combined powers will be unstoppable. I noticed that when he said that a relief was brought over the whole room.

plz comment on how its going so far
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
is anyone reading this
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I read it I just didn't comment. Sorry I was in a rush and didn't have time.
over a year ago puppies76 said…
nice, post soon.
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
Wow I just joined and I love your story! I's amazing!!!
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
All rights go to Rick Riordan
Chapter 6
Everyone seemed so relieved, when I mention the friendship between Percy and Jason even I was. That girl Hazel stood and helped me out even though I didn’t really need it.
“That’s right a friendship between Percy and Jason is a huge positive thing. Those two together, if they combine their powers it would be amazingly great to us.” Wow she was good. Though, when I look at her I can’t shake off the feeling that I’ve seen her somewhere. I’ve also noticed that she has been glancing at me for a while I don’t mind though. Well she’s beautiful so I might make a move, but then I noticed the boy next to her hold her hand. Why do I always get such bad luck? That kid next to her Frank and looked directly to Percy.
“Percy, line 6 is clearly directed to me. War’s child stick might be his end, which means that somehow it will burn and I’m going to die.” Everyone seemed completely confused except Percy and Hazel. When he said burn I immediately knew I might be the cause of that.
“Frank, don’t think that. There isn’t any way you will be so close to fire you stick will burn.” Percy tied to assure him. I gained my courage and spoke because I knew I had to tell them all.
“Actually he will be closed to fire the whole time. I don’t know what you guys mean but I don’t want to be responsible for it.” That seemed to worry and shock at what I said.
“Leo you can control yourself. It’s not like you’ll burst in flames when you’re sleeping.” Jason had a point but I still can’t control myself when I’m excited.
Percy spoke up what I’m sure everyone asked “Leo what do you mean by what you said.” I walked to the center of the room away from everyone. “I mean that I’m a fire user. Actually, the first one in a long time.” At that I lit up my hands. The few people who didn’t know me gasped and seemed how do I put this, afraid. With that I immediately put my fire out making sure I didn’t light anything. “Don’t worry Frank; I would try to keep as much distance as I can so this stick of yours won’t burn.” I tried to make him feel better.
“Thanks, and so you know this stick is actually what my live relies on. If it finishes to burn, then I die.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing whether or not I control my power might determine someone’s life. That was just too much for me to handle but I will do my best make sure I don’t harm him.
There was a silence until Reyna stood up and spoke. “Okay I guess since Jason already explained the next two, and Athena the last ones. So you all can know we have War Games after dinner.” Just then we all heard a horn and headed to the mess hall. I looked at the Octavian dude and saw he was staring at Annabeth, and then I noticed he was mostly staring at her through the entire meeting. I better tell Percy so he could deal with it. I started to run toward Percy and Annabeth.
“Hey Percy, Annabeth I don’t know if you guys have noticed but that dude Octavian has been staring at you a lot.” I pointed at Annabeth.
“Nice one Leo but we’re not up for jokes now.” Annabeth responded. Then came piper and clarified.
“He’s not kidding, I noticed it too. Also being Aphrodite’s daughter I could sense that he has a bit of feelings toward you. Also, its weird I think that girl hazel might like Leo a bit.” They looked at her shocked and I turned to see Percy furious. He was also steaming literally, it seemed weird.
“Percy calm down you know that doesn’t mean anything to me. Plus why are you mad you’ve never been the jealous type.” Annabeth acted like if the steam was normal guess to them it was.
“Sorry it’s just after 8 months of not being with you it makes me mad that someone else likes you.”
“Aww that’s so cute.” “Geez Beauty Queen when you go all girl on us” I told Piper, which caused us to laugh, and me to get a punch from Piper
“Ow was that even necessary.” “Actually yes because I’ve noticed that I’m more girly and I hate it so shush.” Then Thalia joined us and said that we were going to meet up on the Argo ll, and if we wanted to go.
“Sure” we all said it at once which caused us to laugh. After, we walked over to Jason, Reyna, Octavian, Hazel, Frank, Clarisse, and the Stoll brothers. When I saw Hazel, I started to think of what Piper said. Can she really like me? I also have this feeling that I’ve seen her somewhere in an old photo maybe. I started to scan my memory which was really hard and tiring. Then I remembered she looked just like the girl I saw in a picture of my grandpa and a girl. Can it actually be her? I doubt maybe her granddaughter, because I remember that my grandpa looked just like me so I stuck with that. Then I was pulled away from the group I noticed it was that girl Reyna.
“Hey sorry to pull you away I just wanted to introduce myself better.” She was really pretty and when she smiled she looked as if she could be a child of Aphrodite or Venus because she’s Roman.
“It’s okay and since you wanted to know me better let me see. My favorite color is red, I’m 16, I’m a fire user, I’ve ran away from 6 foster homes (forgot how many). Umm….. I went on a quest with Jason and Piper, I’m a son of Hephaestus, am the designer of the Argo ll, and Gaea caused me to use my fire and kill my mother.” Even after this long it still hurt so I gave her a grimace.

hope yo guys enjoy it and now i know i should continue might post tomorrow or friday
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
Great post! loved it!!!
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
All rights go to Rick Riordan
Leo seemed like a great person and since we were both lonely I decided to talk to him alone and get to know him better. He seemed to be describing himself in short ways and with a happy tone. Well until he got to the part of his mom, I sat under a tree and motioned for him to join me. He sat a little too far away so I scooted so that I can be close to him. He seemed surprised, but didn’t move away which made me happy. Then I started to talk about myself to make him smile. I don’t know why but I wanted him to be happy.
“Okay where do I start ummm…… I’m 16, my favorite color is purple, I’m Praetor I helped Jason during the Titan war when we were raised. I’m a daughter of Bellona the goddess of war, lost my home about 4 years ago when Annabeth turned all the men that were genie pigs to get Percy back, been living here ever since. I have a sister that is the Queen of the Amazons, and I think you are really cute.” I said the last part quick to not make it awkward and gave him a smile to show that I meant it.
“Really, I usually have a tendency to repel girls from me, oh my gods did I just say smart words. No Annabeth is getting to me, I’m totally gonna talk to her about that.” He was really funny I lighted and he smiled at me. I got the urge to lean forward and kiss him so I did. He was surprised but after a while he kissed me too. When I pulled away I had a big smile and scooted extremely close to him which he didn’t mind. Then I remembered we had to be somewhere I got up, and offered him a hand. At that moment I was really happy, we walked to the ship holding hands which I think still had him a little shocked so I stopped.
“Leo is there something wrong.” “Nah I just still find it amazing that a girl likes weird me and mostly a really beautiful.” I laughed and gave him another kiss to prove I meant it.
When we got to the Argo, everybody seemed really shocked that we were holding hands, but I tried not to mind I understood why. We found a place where we could both sit together next to Percy and Annabeth. She seemed really happy that I liked Leo probably thought I liked Percy. I understood how she felt completely. Jason smiled and sat across from us motioning Piper to join him. I had to admit I was jealous piper was beautiful, powerful, determined, brave, a good fighter. I just hope she didn’t hate me and that we could still be could friends. I decided to try and start all over with her. My thoughts were interrupted when Jason and Percy started to talk.
“Ok so who wants to start with their life story?” “Also don’t worry about how depressing it is I’m sure you aren’t the only one. Plus if we are going to be fighting together we should not have secrets between us.” The way Percy spoke said made me actually think and that I should open up for once. Oh my gods I’m turning all mushy I’m supposed to be brave and able to control my emotions. Percy took a seat next to Annabeth and I saw a flash of jealousy and disgust on Octavian’s face which seemed really odd. No one seemed to want to volunteer so Leo took out his iPod and clicked an app.
“Since nobody is going to volunteer, I’m just going to enter of names on a spin wheel.” “Okay but don’t enter Percy’s name it’s going to take ages for him to say his entire story.” Percy looked at Thalia and gave her a playful scowl. He seemed so different than when I first met him, he seemed happy. Leo spinned his figure and announced the first person.
“Okay so the first one to go is Thalia.” Thalia stood up and started.
“Umm….. Okay, Jason and I were separated when I was 7 and he was 2. Since he was the only reason I actually stayed with her I ended running away. I later met up with a boy named Luke, a son of Hermes we defended ourselves from Monsters and later found Annabeth. Shortly after Grover came looking for me because he was assigned as my protector.” I found the satyr thing odd so I asked what she meant “What do you mean by Grover being your protector isn’t they free spirits. Percy asked my question because the Greeks seemed confused.
“You see Reyna at Camp Half-Blood the satyrs serve the camp, seek out demigods, and see them to camp safely. Well most of the time.” That causes them to laugh and tense up for some reason. “Oh I see bet the fauns here would enjoy living at the other camp doing something.” I glanced over to Octavian waiting for a sly remark but he seemed so distracted looking at Annabeth which kind of creeped me out. After Thalia cleared her throat and continued.
“So where was I, oh yeah. Also please leave all questions to the end. While on our way to Camp Half-Blood things took a turn for the worse when Hades sent a bunch of monsters after us. I cared about them to much so I told them to go ahead and I would hold off the monsters. Though things weren’t going to go my way, while I was practically dying my father took pity in me and turned to a pine tree. I stayed in that form for about 7 years until Percy turned me back when he found the Golden Fleece to heal my tree. After that we went on a quest to save Annabeth and Lady Artemis from the hands of Atlas, I would go into detail but it will spoil it when Percy starts his long turn. The day before my 16th birthday on Mount Olympus Artemis offered me to become her lieutenant, because her previous one Zoe died during battle. I accepted therefore passing the first Great Prophecy to Percy which I admit he handled very well.” Percy smiled and turned to her “Well thank you Pinecone face.” “Oh shut it kelp head” these people have really odd nicknames to her I thought. Leo then announced the second person.
“Okay so let’s see whose next, umm Hazel your up.” Hazel seemed to flush at the mention of her name but seemed to regain her confidence.
“So where do I start, ah I got it. My name is Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto. I was born in the 1940’s. I used to live with my mom in New Orleans. My power is to raise cursed jewels from the earth, so if you see any around please don’t touch them unless you want to die.” “Thanks for the warning cuz I would have grabbed them.” “You’re welcome Leo. Where was I, oh yes. While living with my mom there, she got possessed by Gaea. Gaea convinced my mother to go to Alaska away from the gods. I had to go along with her, when there my mom used my jewels to help Gaea raise her giant. When the time came for him to finally rise I risked my mom’s and my own life to prevent Gaea and her giant from rising. When we were in the Underworld I was going to go to Elysium but my mother to the fields of punishment. I didn’t want her to suffer that so I took half the blame and we both ended up in the fields of Asphodel. About 70 years or so my half and apparently Greek no offence to any one, half brother found me when he was trying to bring back his sister Bianca. He later brought me to Camp Jupiter. My live was as normal as a demigods live can be from there, until Percy came of coarse.” Wow I couldn’t believe she gave up Elysium to save her mother. I had to admit she was a true hero.
“Wow, that was oh my gods. I also can’t believe that Nico would try and bring back Bianca it didn’t work out the last time he tried. Plus, she told him she didn’t want to be brought back.” I guess Annabeth and well all the Greeks actually did know Nico. Then Percy started murmuring about Nico.
“Oh he better watch out the next time I see him. Pretending not to know me going to beat him and slash him so many times. After 3 years would have thought we wouldn’t keep secrets from each other.” Annabeth then started speaking to him.
“Oh Percy you know perfectly you won’t end up hurting him. You’ve devoted what ever time you could to protect Nico because of Bianca’s wish. Bet the worst you’ll do is give him a huge lecture and a 2 day silent treatment. And you’ll end up cutting that you naturally just have a soft spot for him.” “I guess you have a point.” Some of us just looked at them a bit confused. Then Hazel spoke up.
“So you actually deeply know Nico. You guys were actually really close.” Percy just simply nodded. There was a bit of tension so I stood up, leaned over to Leo and spoke.
“So Leo, who’s next?”

hope you all enjoy this
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
All rights go to Rick Riordan
Leo read the next name
“So the next lucky person is umm me.” Leo didn’t seem so happy but he went ahead and spoke.
“My name is Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus, fire user. I’m sixteen, has had a rough life sure I’m not the only one. I tried to use my fire on Gaea when I was little but I ended up lighting my mom’s shop. Unfortunately she didn’t make out in time. My aunt didn’t want me because she thought I was dangerous. I was sent into foster care, have run away from 6 foster homes. I later ended up in Wilderness School where I met Piper and later Jason. I’ll let Jason say the details. After Annabeth and Butch came looking for Percy saw we were demigods and took us to Camp Half-Blood. I was later claimed and found the Bronze Dragon fixed it and therefore lifting Cabin 9’s curse.” I was confused so I asked the questions I’m sure everyone wanted to know.
“What curse I’m kinda lost.”
“Oh, the curse was causing all of Cabin 9’s machines to mess up and go haywire. Therefore to lift it they needed to repair the dragon, something that only the old camper Beckendorf could. No one could fix him because of the dangers, like the fire breathing. But since I was fire resistible I was able to get close without being harmed, though the sharp teeth were kind of a problem. So yeah I fixed him named him Festus and yes I know it means happy, well yea added wings and used him as our transportation during our quest. Though tragically he malfunctioned and I ended up using him as the head for the Argo ll. When we got back to camp I showed everyone bunker 9 which I found. Also showed them the picture I drew of the Argo to and some decades old blue prints that went with it. Everyone seemed shocked and the Hephaestus cabin immediately started building with the help of the Athena cabin.” Wow I was impressed he actually designed this ship when he was just a kid amazing. Though, he really did seem depressed about the dragon.
“I can’t believe you actually fixed the Bronze dragon I almost got fried by that thing.” “Aw I remember that was a really weird day for us.” I didn’t get what Percy and Annabeth were talking about so I decided not to ask.
“I’m so sorry Leo and so who’s next”
“Its okay Frank and Annabeth is next.” When they said Annabeth was next Octavian kinda got happy if that dude likes her he’s seriously gonna get it from Percy.
“Umm let me see where I start. I ran away from my house when I was 5 because I always ended up messing things up for my mortal family and they didn’t want me. I later was found by Thalia and Luke well like she told you. My first quest was with Percy and Grover when we were twelve to retrieve Zeus’ master bolt.” I cut in hopefully not being rude. “So that why when you were in Jupiter’s temple you commented on how the bolt didn’t actually look like that” he just simply nodded “ Well the other quest were to the Sea of Monsters, the Labyrinth. After, the war against Krones, where I was co-leader with Percy. I was offered to repair Olympus in my own vision and accepted. I would let him do all the explaining and detailing about of quests. So yea that’s pretty much my life.” Hazel then asked
“So you and Percy have been together since you were about 12.” “No we burly have since after the war, because of certain reasons” Annabeth said
“And also because they tended to have a lot of Love triangles most of what Percy caused.” Thalia said in a teasing voice
“Oh shut it Thals.” I could imagine Percy in the middle of to girls he seemed to attract them a lot. Then Leo spoke up.
“So the next person is Reyna.” He looked at her with a look that said are you sure, she just nodded and stood.
“So um I’m Reyna daughter of Bellona. I’m 15 my sister is Hylla. I used to live on Circe’s island until well Percy and Annabeth came and Percy was turned to a genie pig. When Annabeth turned Percy back she also turned Blackbeard and his pirates back. They captured us, but we quickly learned how to fight and free ourselves. My sister joined the Amazons and became their Queen, while I came to camp and was raised Praetor along with Jason after the Titan Second War. My live isn’t very exciting.”
“I’m so sorry I should have thought about everyone living there” “It’s okay Annabeth you were trying to get Percy back I fully understand.” Reyna got Leo iPod and announced my name great.
“Umm…. Okay I’m 16 so of Mars and descendant of Poseidon, I have the power of ship shaping.” To demonstrate I turned into a lion, but turned back when people started to back up. “I lost my mother in Afghanistan and recently during our quest my grandmother. When I was no more than a baby Juno told my mother that my life relies on a piece of wood.” Then Leo made a moment that made me smile “I guess Hera/Juno kinda ruined all our lives she once put a snake where I was playing that wasn’t cool.” The others smiled and nodded
“Well my life wasn’t really odd that I could think of. It was as normal as a any other kid’s live could be, which is saying a lot for us being demigods.” The others in the room nodded and turned to Leo for the next few names.
(I wanted to get on with the important ones but these were next Travis and Conner, Clarisse, Dakota, Octavian, Will, Bobby, Kate, Tyson, Grover, Gwen, Malcolm, etc.)
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
loved it :) pls post soon even though u just posted :)
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
Amazing post soon
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
ill post a small preview in a bit
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
All rights go to Rick Riordan
That girl Annabeth is so pret... What am I saying; I’m supposed to think that Greeks are sinister because they are. Though I can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy when I see Percy and Annabeth together and embracing. I tried not to make faces when I stared their way so no one would, but I had a feeling they already had. I spaced out on mostly everyone’s except mine and Annabeth’s. I turned and saw her giggle at something that duffes said and they kissed it took all my effort not to go up to him and punch. I never felt this way for a girl I couldn’t and mostly not a Graecus. What was going on with him? He decided to just get up and leave he didn’t want to look at them any longer.
I was starting to believe what Leo and Piper told me about Octavian. Every time I glanced over I noticed that he was staring at Annabeth, and every time I kissed her, he’d make a face. I rage started to boil up in me, but I tried to calm down when I saw that I was getting noticeably warm. Annabeth noticed to and touched my face and asked if I was okay, I knew I had stupid reason so I said I was fine. Leo then announced that Piper was next.
“Hi, so I’m a daughter of Aphrodite my father is Tristan McLean, I’m a charmspeaker.” When she said that all the Roman girls who didn’t know started murmuring to each other and saying they couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know who they were talking about until some mention him being an actor and now I understood.
“Yes, yes, the movies star. Anyway you might think I had a pretty good life not so much. I have my dad but I hardly get to see him so being at camp year round doesn’t really matter. I always knew I was different because when I asked for something I usually always got it. That’s how I ended up at Wilderness school, “borrowed” a car from someone which was kinda the last straw. I never really stole anything, but people don’t really want to admit they willingly gave me them because they were still confused.” I found that an interesting power. “I bet if the first thing you mentioned was stealing a car they would have immediately put you in the Hermes cabin.” That caused a lot of people to laugh but left the Romans who didn’t know much about the Greek aspects a bit confused.
“When we got to camp I was claimed by Aphrodite and was given her “blessing”. She didn’t seem to have enjoyed that which was odd for an Aphrodite but she isn’t like any other so I guess it seemed obvious. Leo then said a comment caused us to smile or laugh. “Aw is Beauty Queen mad for the time her mom made her wear unwashable make up.” Then Piper socked him and he yelped in pain. “What was that for?”
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
post the rest soon
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
mite b a whole week til i post the cst's start diz week which is this bigish test we hav
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
All rights go to Rick Riordan
That girl Annabeth is so pret... What am I saying; I’m supposed to think that Greeks are sinister because they are. Though I can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy when I see Percy and Annabeth together and embracing. I tried not to make faces when I stared their way so no one would, but I had a feeling they already had. I spaced out on mostly everyone’s except mine and Annabeth’s. I turned and saw her giggle at something that duffes said and they kissed it took all my effort not to go up to him and punch. I never felt this way for a girl I couldn’t and mostly not a Graecus. What was going on with him? He decided to just get up and leave he didn’t want to look at them any longer.
I was starting to believe what Leo and Piper told me about Octavian. Every time I glanced over I noticed that he was staring at Annabeth, and every time I kissed her, he’d make a face. I rage started to boil up in me, but I tried to calm down when I saw that I was getting noticeably warm. Annabeth noticed to and touched my face and asked if I was okay, I knew I had stupid reason so I said I was fine. Leo then announced that Piper was next.
“Hi, so I’m a daughter of Aphrodite my father is Tristan McLean, I’m a charmspeaker.” When she said that all the Roman girls who didn’t know started murmuring to each other and saying they couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know who they were talking about until some mention him being an actor and now I understood.
“Yes, yes, the movies star. Anyway you might think I had a pretty good life not so much. I have my dad but I hardly get to see him so being at camp year round doesn’t really matter. I always knew I was different because when I asked for something I usually always got it. That’s how I ended up at Wilderness school, “borrowed” a car from someone which was kinda the last straw. I never really stole anything, but people don’t really want to admit they willingly gave me them because they were still confused.” I found that an interesting power. “I bet if the first thing you mentioned was stealing a car they would have immediately put you in the Hermes cabin.” That caused a lot of people to laugh but left the Romans who didn’t know much about the Greek aspects a bit confused.
“When we got to camp I was claimed by Aphrodite and was given her “blessing”. She didn’t seem to have enjoyed that which was odd for an Aphrodite but she isn’t like any other so I guess it seemed obvious. Leo then said a comment caused us to smile or laugh. “Aw is Beauty Queen mad for the time her mom made her wear unwashable make up.” Then Piper socked him and he yelped in pain. “What was that for?”
“I told you not to call me that and let me finish the last few sentences would you? Okay, during the quest I charmspoke Jason and Leo from killing each other, and also charmspoke Jason back to life when he saw Hera’s true form.” Wow she has some strong power, and I was impressed for Jason to survive a god’s true form.
“Wow Piper your power is really cool, and Jason for you to survive that I respect you.”
“Nah, Percy it was all Piper I would be dead if it wasn’t for her.” Leo then said it was Jason’s turn then mine
“I’m 15 Thalia’s younger brother. I’m a son of Jupiter, started to train with Lupa when I was only 2. About over a year I was assigned my first quest to rescue 4 campers from a clan of Cyclopes. I was raised as praetor alongside with Reyna when I defeated Krios. I was then kidnapped and wiped of my memories, not cool.”
“I get it. It felt so frustrating at times not knowing anything about myself.”
“Ugh I hated those moments. Well so I woke up on a bus” (Jason explains his quest and etc)
“Omg that was pretty cool.” Said Hazel
“Yeah it seemed fun, but why did you have to save Hera why not leave her there.”
“Percy we would have but you know we had to. Also, how was it fun we almost died?” responded Leo with a confused face.
“Well that’s the fun part right Thals.”I said
“Duh its like the only cool part of a quest or hunting.” Replied Thalia with a smile
“Why can Percy call you Thals and I can’t?” whined Leo
“Because we’re family and we give each other nicknames. Am I right Kelp for brains?”
“Got that right tree flesh.” I said as we let out a laugh and high fived Thalia
“You guys act like you grew up together.” Said Piper
“Well we’re just really close and you should see seaweed brain and death breath. now they are like really close brothers.” when she said that I felt a bit depressed.
“Hey Perce I’m sorry I shouldn’t have mentioned him. I know how much you’ve tried to protect him and to put him out of harms way. And now he’s captured by Gaea.” Thalia said as she grimaced
“Hey its fine, we’ll save him.” I said there was a moment of silence after that.
“Not trying to disturb your moment, but who are you talking about.” said Leo. Which earned a glare from Thalia, Annabeth, Hazel, and a smack in the head by Piper.
“Are you that stupid they’re obviously talking about Nico Di Angelo.” Said Piper
“Oh. Well to get everyone happy, Percy start your live story” said Leo ugh I didn’t want to go but I had to.
“So how long do we have.” I said
“About 30 minutes until dinner. Why?” said Reyna
“To see if I could say everything. So I’m 16 live with my mom and stepdad. I’m a son of Poseidon. At the age of 12 I was given my first quest I defeated the Minotaur, Medusa, Ares, and retrieved Zeus’ master bolt. I also went in and out of the Underworld with Grover and Annabeth. To explain what I said in Alaska Frank that was the quest I jumped off the St. Luis Arch.”
“You jumped off it.” Asked Leo
“Yup, it was surprisingly fun. Anyway so yeah I went to first visit to Olympus to return Zeus his master bolt. My second quest was a year later to retrieve the Golden Fleece to save Thalia’s tree after being poisoned, and save Grover from Polyphemus.”
“Ugh that was horrible.” Muttered Clarisse
“Well you should be grateful we saved you from marrying him.” I said and everyone burst out laughing while Clarisse scowled.
“Percy I bet that was a fail right.” Said Hazel
“Not at all, we actually retrieved it. It now hangs on Thalia’s tree protecting our boarders and being protected by our dragon. So yeah we (He explains everything. I wanted to get to war games.)
“Wow Percy don’t get mad but you are my idol. Can I have your auto-graph.” Said Leo
“No.” I said while smiling
“There’s a reason why we admire Percy as our leader ‘cause he’s a living legend.” Said the Stolls
“Well thank you.” I replied
“Wow that’s so amazing I’d give anything to see Olympus even once.” Said Piper and all the Romans plus new campers nodded.
“Well it is breath taking, but I think that how Annabeth redesigned it it’s better.” I said while lightly kissing her on the cheek.
“Aw that’s so cute and Annabeth how does it feel to be Olympus’ own architect.” Asked Thalia
“You designed Olympus are you guys that close to the gods.” Asked Hazel and Reyna in shock
“Well many of us our considered to be our parents favorite like Annabeth or Clarisse or us. For Percy it’s different because he is Poseidon’s favorite even among their godling ones." i just shyly smiled at what they said while the Roman's looked at us as if we were crazy.
"May i ask how many times you've seen you dad or any other god Percy." asked Reyna
"I don't know a lot, the times on Olympus. When i saw Hermes before my second quest, Hephaestus after i blew up Mount St. Helen. Artemis and Apollo after we retrieved Nico and Bianca, by the way don't ever ride Apollo's sun mobile when Thalia is driving." i said
"hey it was my first time plus you know why i was so horrible."
said Thalia
"Any the the time in the Underworld with Demeter, Hades, and Persephone. A while before that me and Nico met Hestia.The day my dad came to my birthday party to give me a gift. Dionysus of course since he's our camp director or was."
"wait. A god was your camp director that is so cool." said Frank
"yeah not that much he never learned you name and always loved to punish kids."
"oh shut it Peter Johnson." said Thalia with a smile
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
Post soon good chapter
over a year ago megon4ever said…
you never told me that you had such an amazing story!!!
please continue to read mine and i'll continue to post!!
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
post soon i love your story!!!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
since today is my birthday nd im really Exctited ill post a preview
All rights got to Rick Riordan
I missed my family so much, even though I loved CHB. I just grew up at Camp Jupiter it was my home. It also just blew me away how such a powerful person like Percy could me so laid back and calm. So Percy was the one who got the Golden Fleece WOW he is awesome. I was kind of jealous of my cousin but I guess it was nothing its just that he his so much better people looked up to him. Even I was starting to look up to him. I was brought out of my thoughts when Piper shook me saying it was time for dinner so we got up and made our way to the mess hall.
“I can’t believe Percy did all those things. I would think he would have been lying if it wasn’t for people being there." said Piper while resting her head on my shoulder. She was so beautiful just looking at her face made me smile.
“Yea I know me neither. I have to admit I have a lot of respect towards him.” I replied
“Jason, how do you feel being back home with you entire family?”
“I feel happy relieved excited worried but most importantly overjoyed that you’re here with me.” With that I gave her a passionate kiss. She was surprised at first but recovered and kissed me back. We stayed like that for a few minutes until we heard someone clear their throat. We turned to see Leo and hazel standing there smiling at us.
I couldn’t get out of my mind how much Leo looked like Leo. So after we left the Argo I told Frank I had to do something and he immediately knew what. I saw Leo playing with some scraps of metal and went up to him to get the Sammy thing sorted out.
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
cool post :) happy birthday!!! :)
over a year ago megon4ever said…
HaPpY bIrThDaY!!!
May the gods grant your wishes
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
Post soon Happy birthday
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
i'll post 2moro knida buzy
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
sorry its way shorter than the rest my computer went haywire and deleted wat i had sorry i did my best to save some
All rights got to Rick Riordan
I missed my family so much, even though I loved CHB. I just grew up at Camp Jupiter it was my home. It also just blew me away how such a powerful person like Percy could me so laid back and calm. So Percy was the one who got the Golden Fleece WOW he is awesome. I was kind of jealous of my cousin but I guess it was nothing its just that he his so much better people looked up to him. Even I was starting to look up to him. I was brought out of my thoughts when Piper shook me saying it was time for dinner so we got up and made our way to the mess hall.
“I can’t believe Percy did all those things. I would think he would have been lying if it wasn’t for people being there." said Piper while resting her head on my shoulder. She was so beautiful just looking at her face made me smile.
“Yea I know me neither. I have to admit I have a lot of respect towards him.” I replied
“Jason, how do you feel being back home with you entire family?”
“I feel happy relieved excited worried but most importantly overjoyed that you’re here with me.” With that I gave her a passionate kiss. She was surprised at first but recovered and kissed me back. We stayed like that for a few minutes until we heard someone clear their throat. We turned to see Leo and hazel standing there smiling at us.
I couldn’t get out of my mind how much Leo looked like Leo. So after we left the Argo I told Frank I had to do something and he immediately knew what. I saw Leo playing with some scraps of metal and went up to him to get the Sammy thing sorted out.
“Leo, can I talk to you about something?”
“Yeah sure, what about?”
“Are you possibly related to someone named Sammy Valdez?” He seemed surprised by what I said and I hoped it was him.
“Yeah, of what my mother had told me he was my grandfather. Though, I never actually met him. Why do you ask?”
“I actually knew him when I lived in New Orleans. You just looked exactly like him and had the same personality I needed to ask.”
“Yea my mom said I was his own image. She used to say that because of me she never really missed him.” He said with a sad smile.
“I’m sorry to bring him up I didn’t mean to…..”
“Its okay, I’m fine really.”
“Well thanks for clearing that up. It was eating me alive.”
“Hey isn’t it time for dinner. Do you think you can lead me to the mess hall.”
“Sure no problem Leo.” We then made our way to mess hall.
When we got there I saw the Greeks mingling with their roman siblings and the seven along with a few others sitting with the fifth cohort.
“Hey guys” I said while sitting down and ordering shrimp gumbo
“We’re just talking, where were you guys.” Said Annabeth
“Just clearing something up.” said Leo as he made his way to next to Reyna. I had to admit that made me a tiny bit jealous but I had Frank. Loving sweet Frank, I started walking towards him and sat down. Dinner went pretty good we continued to get to know each other while Leo, Percy, and those sons of Hermes, the Stoll brothers cracked jokes. Everyone was having a great time and I actually saw Reyna smile and laugh, she must really like Leo. Reyna then stood up to give an announcement.
“Now it is time for war games, Percy please explain to the Greeks how to play. You have 8 minutes to gather a plan you will be divided into the fifth and second cohorts. Percy will be fighting with the fifth, forth, and third cohorts. Jason will be with the second and third everyone dismissed.” I was pretty happy that Percy was going to be playing with us but I had a feeling he would most likely have to be fighting Jason.
Percy explained the rules to the Greeks and Annabeth immediately started to think about a plan. Her plan seemed pretty basic and I could easily understand it. Like I thought Percy would have to take on Jason which seemed like a fight many of us really wanted to see.
I tried something I had never done before. I thought of a sword made of jewels and when I opened my eyes I saw one had manifested on the ground. It was completely beautiful but I made a mental note to tell Percy to freeze water over it so it won’t harm or kill anyone. I made my mad up to the group where Percy was. They seemed surprised when they saw the sword I had so I told them and asked Percy to wrap it a second later my sword was ice and shining blue. Just then Reyna came circulating on Skippy.
“Time is up the games are to begin.”
Right after she said that people started charging and I saw Percy and Jason charge at each other.

again sorry might post wednesday
over a year ago wisdomsduaghter said…
what is octician going to do to percy!!?! and nice story......happy late b-day!
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
im thinkin bout that cus there's many ways it cud go so im kinda stuk and thanx
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
awesome story bukluvr17 :) pls post again soon and thanks for reaing and commenting on my story :)
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
if everything goes rite ill post friday
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago puppies76 said…
yay! ur so good!
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
yay!! Can't wait for friday!!!
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
since my computer isn't doing so well ima b postin from me ipod so i won't truly kno da actual length so sorry if its short but i'll definately post tomoro mayb if i can today tho i doubt it
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
big smile
Did this on my ipod was kind of a pain tho easier to type wennits in ur hand hope yuh guys like it cant really tell if its long hope it is!!!!!!!! :)
All rights go to rick riordan

I knew that Annabeth was going to send Percy after me it seemed like the obvious thing to do. I told my team that i would take Percy and they understood why. I also wanted to test Percy see how good he really is and why if you say even the smallest insult Annabeth and Thalia were at your throat. I mean he cant be that good can he? When Reyna announced that the games began i immediately started running toward Percy as he made his way to me. At first he didnt have a weapon so i thought i had the upper hand in this. Well that was until he uncapped a pen that turned into a sword. Our swords met with such force that i slid back a bit though that didn seem to have happened to Percy. It seemed as if he was just toying with me when i saw he had a huge grin planted on his face. That got me a bit mad and i charged at full speed, he just simply side steped and  deflected my strikes.
"Perce arent you going to fight back instead of just deflecting." i said with came out a little cold
"It's just a game Jason, plus i dont want to hurt you so i'm not going to charge back." he said and it just got me madder. I knew i wouldn't act like this on my own free will, but at the moment i didn't know what came over me. But i had a feeling that what happened to Percy during the senate meeting was happening to me i was losing control of my anger. I also knew that the reason this was happening was because of Gaea. Though at the moment i only cared was to get Percy.
"As if you can lay a hand on me your just a stupid phony who only gets his glory because the gods like him. Your just a self centered person who loves the limelight." i wanted to stop my self but i couldnt. I wanted to say sorry but i couldnt say it.
"You asked for it but next time watch what you say around me. You'll regret even thinking that." his eyes suddenly turned murderous and dark green with flecks of red.
I knew immediately that i was in trouble, a part of my mind said run and apologize while the other 
the greater part told me to step up and fight. Percy seemed different stronger older even his aura around him was flaring with rage. He raised his sword and the water cannons expoded the water making its way to Percy supporting him in a large hurricane raising him up. I controlled the air to do the same to me. 
I had a faint feeling that i was going to die right there right now and all because of Gaea. I looked around and noticed that everyone had stopped what they were doing and were staring at us. Both Annabeth and Thalia made their way to Percy while Leo and Piper towards me.
Percy threw a gush of water and  froze it as i made contact with my skin. It sent a stab of pain and immense freezing all throuh my body. Percy took the chance and started to advance towards me with unbelieveable speed. I instictly shot a lightning bolt towards him. Surprisingly he just pointed his sword towards i and it absorbed the electricity. He then combined it wih water and sent it to where i was standing. I didnt even try to move because usually the lightning just goes through me or i could use it to my advantage. But this time when i made contact with me it stung and i felt like i was going to die from the extreme pain. I guess being a son of Jupiter wasnt helping me today because it seems like he preferred his nephew over his own son. I prayed to my dad to save me 'Dad please dont let me die i beg of you, please.' With that there were 4 bright flashes so we all covered our eyes except Percy who seemed like it didnt affect him which scared me. There stood Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto,and Mars. When Neptune saw how Percy was he started to run towards his son.
"Percy please stop before you cause a huge disaster and kill all the demigods here." yellee Neptune as he used water to rise to Percy's height. Can he actually be that strong to wipe our army doubtful. Percy's eyes had a faint white glow i could make out but completely terrifide me.
"Annabeth i need your help at calming Percy down and Piper can you please try to charmspeak him into turning back to normal. Mars i need younto fightband tire Percy so we can gt closer to him without him slashing out." said Neptune
 "Im not doing that he defeated me as a 12 year old imagine what he can do now that his powers an strength match most of those of minor gods. No way am i going to fight that punk just zap him with your powers." said Mars wow the god of war was sared of a demigod and that demigod was after me.
"You know we cant do that without killing him plus i just want you to stop him and get him away from Jason." said my father
"Actually brother Percy is strong enough to take even all of our blast of energy and live."said Pluto
"and how is it you know this Pluto?" said Jupiter and Neptune in unison
"Because being the god of the underworld i also know how much a everyone can take until they get into a coma or my favorite die." said Pluto with a faint smile crossing his lips.
"First i want Mars to tire my son, i dont want to use to much energy on him." said Neptune with noticeable concern
"But-" started Mars 
"You will do as we say with no objections got it." said Jupiter
"Of coarse father" and with that he charged Percy, who was kind of being restrained by Neptune's and Jupiter's powers over water and air. Once he was close enough Mars raised his sword and so did Percy. When their swrods met there was a loud clang! and bright sparks fly. Mars semed to be met in strength maybe even overpowered. They were like that until Mars did the mistake of leting his guard down and trying to strike Percy. Percy took the oppertunity to slash him in the leg and disarm him. The sword flew and land about 50 yards away. He continued to make his way to me and threw a huge chunk if ice that that hit me in the head. I was about to pass out and the last thing i heard was Piper sheik a high pitched NO!! 
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
I'll try to post monday if i can
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
I wonder what the gods means about being powerful enough to kill all the gos combine.
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
I am cheering for Percy to beat the Jason up!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Reyna4ever25 said…
big smile
Hey your version of MoA is nice! post soon!
over a year ago Avidsel said…
COOL! Take that Jason, Take that prideful Son of Jupiter, you really put your shoe in it.... Love powerful Percy! :) Did Hades state that Percy a favorite of his.. I wasn't clear on that point :/ Can't wait to see continuation of fight with the gods (if they is one) and reactions on how powerful Percy is... :D Thanks for story, I hope you update soon!
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
loved it!!!! cant wait for the next chappie!!!! pls post soon :)