The Heroes of Olympus Fanfic Mark of Athena

owllover911 posted on Apr 27, 2012 at 11:39PM
This is my way to write Mark of Athena. This is the prophecy that it follows:

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,
To storm or fire the world shall fall,
An oath to keep with final breath,
Foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.


The Heroes of Olympus 26 replies

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over a year ago owllover911 said…
"Hopefully introducing the people that was in the Greek warship to 200 Roman soldiers fully armed won't be as hard as I think..." I drifted off and ran toward the front of the massive warship's entrance. "Annabeth, please be the first one to come out." I pleaded in my head. She didn't come out. Instead, a brown/black curly-haired dude came out first, walking causally as if that was his life: walking to 200 Roman soldiers that has 200 swords. "Whoa," he said, his eyes widening at the sight of the sea of sharp, pointy swords, all pointed at his direction. "Hey, hey we come in peace. It's not like we're evil spies that want to kill you guys or vandilise you or-" The hands tightened their grips on their swords. I knew he had hit the sour spot. "Leo! You're just making the tensen worse!" a pretty girl stomped out of the entrance. She slapped Leo on the back of his head. I couldn't help but to laugh."Ow beauty queen! You can pack a slap! Geez." The girl threantened to slap him again. Then Leo dove back into the warship for cover, holding his hands on his head. "Ahem, now that that's done, all is well." She fixed her hair then continuined on. "Um, well, where should I start? Oh! Well, um, hi my name's Piper, daughter of Aphridite..." Only I seemed to know what "Aphridite" was because everyone had puzzled looks on their faces. " Um that's the goddess of beauty and love."she cleared up. "So..." "SEAWEEDBRAIN!" a blonde screamed and ran out the door. She pushed Piper away, making her fall on the floor, giving just enough time to say,"HUH!?" before I was tackled/hugged.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I felt the impacted when I hit Percy and held him tight in my arms.I felt so happy to actully to see Percy and touch him. Percy and I fell onto the ground. "Ouch." Percy said when we hit the ground. "Sorry, I'm just... I'm just so overwhelmed that I get to see you again, Percy." I apoligized. "Heh, it's O.K. It's nice to know that somone looked for me and cared so much that they were searching like crazy, I think." He replied. "But, um, everyone's looking at us so..." I got the message immedietly. I got out, helped Percy up thin we dusted ourselves off. Every single eye in the room was on us. Even Piper got up and just stared at me directly and mouthed,"I think it's O.K, Jason coming so it's gonna be okay." She winked at me as Jason came up. That cirtanly worked for us. A long and brown haired girl,(Who Percy said was Rheyna.) looked up immedietly up and just stared at him. Leo jus made kissy-faces at us until I stared daggers at him. "Um hi, my name's Jason, leader of the Argo II."

plz comment even if u like it or not. *REVIEW*!!! ^-^
over a year ago owllover911 said…
There was a whole lot of gasps then a girl fainted. "I didn't think that was huge news. I just thought they would act normal like when Piper introduced herself. I hope that girl is O.K." I thought. "Oh, well, would a medic group please help her?" I said, perticulary to no one. The girl got carried away to a building. "O.K we're here to just to make peace, okay? So if somone doesn't trust me or my friends, raise your hand." A skinny, blond-haired boy almost raised his hand,but Rheyna shot a glare at him to stop him. The boy stopped but obviously didn't like it. "Octavion,Gwen" the names just popped in my head. "O.K so, NOBODY," I emphsized 'nobody',"is gonna turn on us, right?"I asked everybody. Everyone nodded. "'Kay, all dissmissed!" I yelled. All of them got up and left the room except Percy and I, leaving us time to talk. "So you're the Percy, eh?" I asked the boy that Annabeth called 'Seaweedbrain'. "Yah. So guess Annabeth talked about me a lot, huh?" Percy asked me. "More like went crazy for you actually." I replied back. Percy laughed. "Guess there'll be war games tonight?" I smiled, "Yeah, you got that right. Right after dinner. See you there." I winked at him as we walked away to dinner.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
Now that Jason came back some of my burdens are gone. "But that Venus girl..." I didn't want to think about it. But I did anyway. Did Jason forget about how close I got to him? So many years spent with him all washed away? I knew just because of Jason I couldn't just be like an Octavion, asuming like that. I sighed. Maybe Piper did have a relationship with Jason, maybe- I was interrupted by the Vulcan guy, Leo. "Hey, um, leader of the Roman camp-" "It's Camp Jupitur. And my name is Ryena." I growled. I wasn't used to being interrupted when I was thinking. "Hey fiesty, aren't ya! Well anyway, Rheyna, are there any kind of desserts 'round here?" "Yes,Leo, the nymphs will know if you want it or not. But usally-" "'Kay thanks! See ya later!" I glared at him then growled. Jason bumped into me. "Hey Rhyena, I'm back." I turned around. Jason stood by me. "Oh, hey, Jason. Nice to see you. Welcome back." I said. "Hey," he said again, " Um, can you sit with me at dinner?" "Okay, table 5, you're normal table." He smiled and walked with me to dinner. I was so happy that I thought I would scream. But I had to stay calm. The nymphs gave me the Roman food: bread, water, and fruit.Jason got steak, veggies, and water. "So I heard that Percy got my place." He started the conversation. "Oh... about that... sorry, Octavion would've gotten that spot before you would've gotten here. You know him and his bought friends." "Ya, I know." The horn blew sinaling that it was wargames time. I got up and headed to give attendence. "Okay, Octavion," "Here" "Alexander" "Here" "Justin" "Here" I went on until the Greeks were left standing. "Uh.......... the Greeks" "Here" about ten 'here's'. O.K. You should know the rules: NO KILLING! SLIGHTLY MAIMING IS O.K! TEAMS DON'T TURN ON EACH OTHER, WHETHER YOU HATE ONE OR NOT! O.K here's the teams: ORIGINAL Romans vs. Greeks! 20 minutes to discuss your plans! START!
over a year ago owllover911 said…
"Whew, I'm with Annabeth. Thank the gods." I thought. "Okay, what's the plan?" everyone looked Annabeth. She frowned at us."Come on! I may be smart and all but I-" I cut her off."Hey but Annabeth, you are smart, and in camp Half-blood you always do the plan. Please?" I did my best puppy face at her, which was hard but I think that I did pretty good. She growled at me."Fine Seaweedbrain, but the puppy face was a disaster, so don't count on that with monsters." I smiled. "O.K, here's the plan," everyone cheered. "Percy, I'm giving you 2 positions, attacker and back-up." "Back-up who?" I asked. "Back-up the archer, which I was going to." She sighed then continued. "Will, you're going on the high ground with Leo. Leo, you're going to light the arrows and Conner, do you have the extra arrows you stole?" Conner handed the bag over. " Conner, Travis, you... wait, what can you do?" "We can steal the Roman's weapons?" Travis suggested. "Hmmmmm... yeah, that'll do. Clarisse, you know what to do." A very bulky girl, who looked like she was taking stareodes nodded. "Geez, could be bigger than the warship later." I muttered. "What'cha say, punk?" "Nothing at all." I growled at her. "I thought so." Annabeth shot a face at me like "Shut up." "O.k that's it!" "TIME'S UP!" Rhyena yelled. "EVERYONE, IN POSITION!" "START!" We charged at the Romans. Conner and Travis , who was in Roman armor, just walked around and picked up the weapons of the clueless Romans which left them wandering, looking for their weapons until I hit hit them with the butt of my sword. I then ran to the high ground place pushed the water cannon's water toward the people that fired it. That is what I did for the game. Soon I had to fight Jason, who looked around for any other helpers. The Romans just ran away and watched. "Okay, I guess it's just you and me, than, huh?" I grinned. "Yeah, I guess so." We both ran toward each other, yelling, with our swords pointed toward each other. I continued to run while Jason just slid aside. "Stupid twig." Annabeth muttered. "Hey I heard that!" I yelled. "Time to end this." Jason said and summoned lightening. "Not so fast." I replied with water surrounding me as a protecting field. "What?!" Jason yelled as my water absorbed the electricity. I slammed the water at Jason. "ahhhhhhhhhh..." his yell finished off with a gurgle. The rest of the Romans just surrendered to my Superior powers. The Greeks cheered and picked me up and carried me to Rhyena. "Greeks won!" She yelled with a mixture of pride ad disappointment. She placed a badge on my shirt. "Good job, Percy." She whispered in my ear.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
"Why in Hephaestus's name does that African-American girl look so familiar?" I muttered as I walked into my captain-bunk-bed. I layed down on my bunk, closed my eyes and fell asleep. I dreamed of darkness, wandering in a gigantic field with a bunch of people in black hoods talking like bats. I looked at myself. "Thank the gods I'm in Camp-Half Blood shirt," I said. I saw the girl again. Instead of talking like bats or wearing black hoods she wore a T-shirt with jeans. For some weird-like demigod-used-to feeling, I fell I love with her. That was weird 'cause I never, I repeat never fall in love with anyone, not even beauty queen Piper. I'll leave her with Jason. I kept watching her walk to a big black tree where she waited/just sat. A guy riding a black horse came to her and said something, reached out his hand and pulled her up. I didn't make out the words except 'sister' and 'chance'. I felt jealosy come up to me. I woke up. The girl was there with a big bulky guy with a babyish face stood by me. "Sammy, can you come with us?"
over a year ago owllover911 said…
My heart pounded as hard as when I see Frank, which means, REALLY hard. I thought that he could hear it. I knew what I was coming up to: two boys is going to fight over me. Which I hate the most. We walked to the place where Frank had been sitting together before Percy got here. We sat down. I sighed. I turned to talk to Leo/Sammy. "Do you know me, from, New Orleans, Sammy?" Leo winced at the name. "Maybe that IS him, but..." I was told that Sammy was dead, by a heart attack. I looked down to the grass. I wanted to hug him soo bad, I thought that I would die. I thought,"But I have two boys that like me and I like'em back. Venus, please help me." I sent a silent prayer to the goddess of love and beauty. I looked at both of them then said,"I... like you both." I spitted the words out. Frank had the look of astonishment in hid eyes. "What?! Y-you do?! I-I never thought that you would..." He mumbled. Leo looked suprised too, but said nothing. There was a scream. I looked up and rushed to help.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I ran into the door in a rush trying to get in the door. I finally got the door open from 6 or 7 tries. I froze in terror as I saw Annabeth cornered by 3 dracaes. "Hey! Get your dirty,momma-kissed buts over here, you fiends!" I yelled which probably was not the smartest thing to say. Well, I got their attention. They bared their fangs at me and charged. I stabbed one Roman-style it turned into dracae powder. I chopped another's head off and the other jumped on me, making me pinned to the ground, ready to get my face or throat out. Annabeth, who recovered from shock from almost getting eaten, stood up and stabbed the dracae's chest. Monster grime spurted onto her face. "Thanks," I said. "Phht, peh, yuck that grime tastes like burnt tire. Oh, ya welcome, Perc." She reached out a hand and helped me get up. Hazel burst from the door, her sword drawn, and said in panic,"What happened? Where's the monsters?" "Ohhhhhh... kinda late there Hazel." "Oh..." she put her sword down. Rhyena came in and looked surprised. Octavian came in and had the faintest smirk on his face. How dare he, that little skinny punk. I wanted to kick his podex. "The invasion, that probably weakened the borders." I said, suddenly sure of it. "How does HE know? Maybe he's a spy like I suspected." I balled up my fists. Jason came in. He gave me a look like 'You're the praetor, remember?' "Octavian, you're being sacked with weasels tonight." I looked at Rhyena for permission. She nodded like 'I've wanted you to do it already!' Octavian frowned and looked at his bought "friends". Nobody stood up. He got up and walked away. When he was out of sight everyone cheered. I smiled. I've been waiting for that perfect moment of victory. Jason thumbs-uped me. It was lights-out now. I walked into my specially designed bunk from Annabeth and laid down to take a snooze. I recognized the dream instantly. It was about Gaea.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I suddenly felt myself having a crush on Percy. "Why am I feeling this? Have I forgotten my love, Jason?" Suddenly a voice spoke in my head, "Forget about him. He moved on with Piper. Percy is your love now." "Well, I was disappointed in him when he lost so easily to Percy. I mean, water and lightening isn't supposed to clash and stay together!" I drifted into a dreamy world, which wasn't like me. I sighed. I like the way his wind-blown hair falls perfectly in place. I love his sea-green eyes. But...but... I sighed again. Romans and Greeks weren't supposed to go together. And that Minerva girl is the girlfriend to Percy. I walked to the principa, went inside, and sat in the first chair that was labeled: REYNA. I looked at the chair next to me. Instead of saying JASON it said:PERCY. I sat up and walked outside and heard stirrings inside the warship. I went inside and went toward Percy's room. I peeked through the crack the door left and had to silence my gasp: Percy's eye was multi-colors, sea-green and earth-brown. He looked like he was in a trance and stood up, sword drawn. He then grabbed his head with his hands and stifled a scream. I understood what was happening: Tarrus (Gaea) and him was fighting for control over his mind and body.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I raced down to Percy's room. "If he's not awake now, well too bad." I couldn't sleep from the happiness for Percy. Jason is hard to beat in a match. I stopped when I saw Rheyna peering into Percy's room. Anger rose. After all his is MY boyfriend, not hers. She noticed me and signaled me to come. I jogged on over. Before I could ask her WHAT IN ATHENA'S NAME SHE WAS DOING HERE, she shut me up (In a nice way) and said, "Shhhh... look inside. Do you see what's happening to Percy?". "Yes I know what's happening, YOU'RE SPYING ON HIM, BOLOGNE-GIRL." I almost said that out loud, but held I that in instead. Rheyna stepped aside and let me peek in. I was about to scream, but Rhyena flung her hand on my mouth to shut it. "Wha-what's h-happening to P-Percy?" I stammered. Rheyna looked at me and said,"What I know right now is that Tarrus-" "You mean Gaea?" " Yeah. So anyway, Gaea/Tarrus is trying to take control over your..." "Yes, g-go on," "... boyfriend..." I said in a small voice. It hurts to say boyfriend when it's not your boyfriend. Percy stifled another scream and a sleepy-dreamy-voice said in my mind,"He will be mine, Annabeth Chase, Perceus Jackson WILL BE MINE!!!" NO! NO HE WON'T!!!" I was surprised on the tone of my voice. I haven't used that tone since the last fight with my dad. I fell down crying. Rheyna bent down to comfort me. "Don't worry," she said,softly,"we'll help him get out of the trance." I sighed/hiccuped. "Maybe...
over a year ago megon4ever said…
post soon!
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I hate Gaea even more than before, now. "Is that even possible?" I thought, I hated her a lot before... I screamed as I saw Gaea's sleepy face in my mind. I blacked out again. (*This is what Percy is doing now*) I stood up, picked up Riptide and saw Reyna and Annabeth talking to each other. I paused, gaining control over my mind for a second, then Gaea took control over once more. I ran outside, ready to kill Reyna and Annabeth. They looked up and screamed, (well Annabeth tried to throw a rock at me but I dodged it) and ran for their lives. I said in Gaea's voice, "Anyone who shall stand in my way shall perish!" My eyes went back to normal, I paused, then fell to the ground, screaming. Dirt rose to the ground and went straight to my skin. I screamed even louder (If possible,) as I felt something burn on my skin. I grabbed the mark and realized that Gaea had given me a mark to seal a part of herself inside of me. I finally stopped screaming as I felt Annabeth's soft skin touch me and kiss me. "Are you okay, Seaweed Brain?" She said softly. "No," I croaked. I showed the mark of Gaea on my neck-shoulder place. Annabeth gasped and Reyna grimaced as she saw the mark. "No, it can't be!" Annabeth sobbed. I looked up at the sound of feet coming toward where Reyna, Annabeth, and I were.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I couldn't sleep because of all the racket and screaming, so I decided to go shut up the person that's screaming. Apparently, the screaming stopped, so my dreams come true. The moment I saw Reyna, Percy, and Annabeth all together, I was concerned. I rushed over and gasped when I saw a mark on Percy. "Um... hey? What's with the mark on Percy? What happened?" I asked, on the edged on panicking. Reyna looked worried, like, the love kind of worried. "Weird..." I thought. "Gaea sealed a part of herself inside of Percy." Reyna replied, seriously. Annabeth's eye's were puffy from crying.
"Can I have a moment with Percy in a different room, please?" She asked. "Sure, take your time." I said and walked away with Reyna. *PLEASE KNOW THAT FOR A FRIEND, THIS IS WHAT PERCY AND ANNABETH IS DOING INSIDE THE ROOM* Annabeth took Percy inside a room and sat down on the bed. She started crying again. "Shhhh... it's gonna be all right," Percy tried to comfort her. He closed his eyes and kissed Annabeth on the cheek and hugged her. Annabeth blushed and smiled. "Annabeth seems better," Percy thought. They opened the door and went outside. *NOW BACK TO JASON'S P.O.V.* Annabeth's eyes weren't puffy anymore so I got suspicious. Reyna raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I smirked and told them, "You guys should try to go to bed. You've had a long day, er, night." As if on cue I yawned and headed back to my bunk. "'Night!" We all shouted to each other. I climbed into my warm bed and drifted into snoovesville.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I really,really wanted to shut up and spank the guy that's screaming, but mow it's over. I got a little suspicious when I heard voices, but I was too lazy to move. I moved a little to get comfy then drifted to a weird scene. Hera was standing in front of me, glowing like a light-stick. She smiled and said, "Hello Leo Valdez, nice to see you again," her smile faded then said, "Actually I like you when you where a toddler, you where so cute!" "Um, thanks... But thanks to you my mom was so worried! You tried burning me in a fernace!" "Now,now, at least I wasn't dumb- "Oh really," I thought. -and I knew that you wouldn't really burn." I growled. "Anyway, we should get to the reason why I'm really here, now. So, you should know that you're getting those dreams about Hazel and the feeling of love toward her, which, to my opion, is very cute. Anyway, the reason why you are experiencing those things are because both Sammy and Leo Valdez." That shocked me. "How can you say that so causually?! Th-that's so weird but normal at the same time!" I yelled at her. "Ahem, now let us move on-" "No!!! You better tell me more or I'll-" "I was going to tell you more. Anyway, you are Sammy and Leo because you are here for a second chance." I was puzzeled. "Why? Well I'll tell you why: It's because you let that-that giant become alive. You gave him fire to burn inside of him. You let him live. The last piece to complete him was YOU." I was shocked even more. I was the reason for a giant's revival? I wanted to deny it but then the flashback came to me: I was a happy person. I finally kissed Hazel and was going home. A few crumbs of the cupcake was on my face, but I didn't care. Then, a sleepy voice came to me, saying, "Help my son's revival, Sammy Valdez. Give me your fire to help the revival. Do this and you will be with Hazel forever." I was startled at first but then heard the part about being with Hazel forever. I said 'yes' then, I was covered in flames. I didn't feel any thing but then saw the flames getting sucked away. I collasped from being so tired. My eyes closed and never opened again. I woke up startled then saw Hera and remembered what was happening. "S-so Gaea was lieing about me and Hazel being together." "Yes, and if you fail this quest... you life shall be gone." I woke from my dream and shuddered. The words echoed inside my head: your life shall be gone.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
"So first it's screaming, which sounded like a girl's scream, and now Leo's muttering something about, was it Hazel?" I muttered, half-awake, and half-asleep. Then when I was about to go back to sleep, I snorted, which jolted me back awake. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, trying to get the drowsiness out of them. Unlike what my other friends would do,I yawned, put on my bummy slippers and walked out the door.Ismiled as I remembered my fake memory when Jason and I were dancing on the rooftop.I sighed happily. Now Jason and I were back on a REAL relationship. I started to walked then stop when I saw a shadow move toward a bush. I walked on toward the bush, now very curious and peered behind the bush when, suddenly, I was knocked unconcious, potatoe sacked, and then I started screaming. I soon stopped since I was unconsious then blacked-out. I woke up in a dank, dreary, stone prison cell. I sat up, trying to remember what happened to get me in such a mess. I groaned. I was potatoe sacked last night and probally was carried ere. "Hello, Piper. Nice to see a new face," a tall, muscular teenager walked up the my cell and smiled. I said to him, "You are a demigod. aren't you?" The guy shifted which told me 'yes'. "What?! You are?! Then-then you work for Gaea then, don't you?" The guy looked confinent again, smiled and replied,"Yes, why I do."
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I woke up, went to Piper's room just to be surprised. "Piper? Where are you?" I searched everywhere: the lake, the front of the camp, Certain Death, everywhere. Piper was not to be found. "PIPER!!! WHERE ARE YOU?" It then occurred to me that Piper was kidnapped or something else that my mind couldn't think of. I called a praetor meeting (even though I'm not a praetor, I still have the privileged to do so.) "Everyone, I ,uh, should now announce th-that uh, P-Piper is missing." Everybody gasped. I felt more bad for Hazel and Annabeth. They had become best friends only two days ago and now, poof! Piper's gone! I let everyone mumble or think about what in gods name is going on here. Then everyone become quite, I said, "Now, the best idea that I've gotten is that she has been kidnapped, by, hopefully, a human. Probably from an agent that is working for Gaea. Agreed?" There were mumbles of agreement then a hand shot up. "Um, but there is also a possibility that a monster, a Cyclope possibly, could have taken her, right? I mean that Gaea had rounded up so many Cyclopes, and other monsters that they also might be doing things for her, right?" It was Percy, who, I thought, could have never thought so deeply. "Why yes, of course it would've been a monster, I'm just saying hopefully it was a human." "ANYWAY, let's spread out search-and-rescue groups where we ALL think is best, okay? Now, here are the groups that will work together and search together: Group one: Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, and Leo. Group two: Reyna, Will, and Frank. Group three: Clarisse, Conner, and me. Now you all WILL work TOGETHER. Okay?"
Everyone nodded and went to work. "Oof, I hope that Piper is doing fine, I hope." That was my last thought before I went to work.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
"Alright, people, let's get to work!" I said to my gang, even though Annabeth, obviously, would do most of the work: thinking about where Piper would have been taken, pinning the most accurate places on the map where Piper would be right this moment, and even thinking about where to fight and the positions on where to fight. "Okay, Romans and Greeks, time is up! Meet me at the lake to plan!" My gang and I gathered up all our things and went to the lake. "Okay, let's start with group one: Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, and Leo." Annabeth stood up and showed our map. "Okay, so since we all know that Gaea is responsible for this kidnapping, it might be reasonable that the base or camp is underground. So we made two sights on ground and the last two underground. The first underground is in a sewer and the second one is..." I lost interest and stared at the lake, now wanting to swim in there instead of listening to the presentation. "Percy? PERCY!!!" Annabeth yelled at me. "Percy come on up here!" "Huh? Oh..." I walked next to Annabeth and said,"Uh, um, though we have two on ground sites we think that the underground is the most reasonable place to start looking, that's all." The other groups murmured in agreement. At the end Jason and the other groups decided that we all should start looking in the sewer first. Then the other on ground places next. I went to my room, put on the watch/shield that Tyson made me, and of coarse, Riptide. When we went to the sewer, my mark that Gaea gave me, started to burn. I knew that this was the right place. I quickly told Annabeth that the mark was burning. "Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. That isn't good. I have to walk next to you, just to make sure that," she paused, then continued in a small voice,"that Gaea won't take control over you again." I nodded, and as we got closer, the mark hurt even more until I couldn't take it any longer: I gave in to Gaea. I screamed an ear-splitting scream and sank deep into the earth, sinking closer and closer to Gaea. I finally got to Gaea and I bowed the kind of bow that a knight gives to a queen/king. She motioned me up and said,"Ah, Perseus Jackson, you have finally joined my forces. Together, we shall dominate demi-gods and gods! Don't you want to rule the earth, with nobody trying to fight you? Don't you want that?" I nodded my head, saying no words. "Good, so if you will join my forces, you shall swear on river Styx, now." I took a deep breath and said in a hollow voice, "I swear on River that I shall serve you, my lord Gaea." And with that, the mark burned even more with evil delight and I fainted with a fever like no other.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
"AHHHHH! Can I have just one moment worry-free with Percy?" I screamed at the gods "Hey, calm down, calm down." Jason was reasured me. "HOW CAN I BE CALM WHEN MY FREAK'IN BOYFRIEND IS GONE AND KIDNAPPED BY GAEA?!" I screamed at him. "Hey, Annabeth, I think you SHOULD LOWER YOU VOICE AND USE INSIDE VOICES, okay?" Hazel yelled at me. "Well, what about yourself, Hazel?" Leo muttered under his breath. "What did you say to me?" Hazel asked. "Nothing, nothing at all." Leo reasured her with a goofy smile that made her smile back. "Well first things first: we search for Percy and hope that he isn't working for Gaea." Jason said, confidently, but I can tell that he was pretty sure that Gaea had already took Percy. Good to know. I started to dig, and everyone started to dig also. Soon, with everyone's cooperation, we finally found Gaea's den. Why was this fitting into place so easily? I put on my invisible cap on and jumped inside the den. I walked around until I found Percy and Piper. But what was wrong with that picture? Instead of Percy and Piper in the same cage, Percy was GUARDING Piper's cage. Percy looked the same except for his eyes. They had a tint of earth brown. He glared at me, narrowing his eyes. Something told me that this Percy was NOT the Percy that I knew. I drew my dagger and faced Percy. He glared at me again and drew Ripetide. I swung first then, trying to catch him off guard then kicked him. He stumbled but when I was going to stab him, I slide away and knocked me down. His sword was under my chin and he said in a hollow voice, "Annabeth, I don't want to hurt you, but if you get in Lord Gaea's or my way, I will hurt you mortally. Now make your choice, whether to be in here or to be captives. Choose." He barked harshly. I looked around "I choose... to stay here." Percy opened the jail door and we went in.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
"Hey! Get your butts to the arena to start the fight!" Drake, the percon that kidnapped me, barked. I groaned in protest but I knew that wouldn't help. The fight was between a person in my little gang that failed to save me and Percy to the death. Impossible. I stood up and soberly walked out the jail door. Drake huddled my gang and I together. He smiled and said, with an evil tone,"Well you all know what's happening so there is no need to waste time and explain." I wanted to call out: No, I need some explaination! Just to waste time. But when I opened my mouth, no words came out. "So, anyone wolunteer to fight our little friend, Percy?" he snarled. No hands came up- except for Annabeth's. "Annabeth, don't! You're gonna die! This is evil Percy we're talking about! Don't risk your life!" I yelled at her. Annabeth turned and faced me. Her face held sadness and depression. Like the way she looked at camp when Percy was gone. She sighed. "Look, I know that this isn't the smartest idea. But let's face it: I'm a child of Athena, so I can come up with plans in the fight. And remember that I'm the one who helped Percy train." Drake's snake-like smiled and he laughed. "Well, you can all say buh-bye to Annabeth so we can start our fight. Wouldn't like disapoint Lord Gaea now, would we?" The last sentence he ended with a snarl. We all grimly wished Annabeth good-bye and entered the arena. I stepped up the bleachers and sat next to Jason, who, I left to sit next to a Cyclopes. I felt sorry for him. A gong sounded and my eyes were immedietly fixed upon Annabeth and Percy. They were circling each other, like a pack of wolves about to fight. Percy attacked first, running as fast as lightning with Riptide pointing at Annabeth's heart. She slide to the other side and used the advantage to kick Percy on the stomach, then sliced his face. Percy got up, as fast as he attacked and threw two smaller daggers at Annabeth's shoulders. WHOOSH! the two daggers pinned her to the wall, leaving her helpless. Percy held his sword high but stopped. His eyes flashed back to normal and he collasped onto the ground. I stood up with bulging eyes in disbeleif.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I rolled to my right side on a comfortable bed. Gaea's disgusted face shows up since I am now back to normal. The scene changes. Drake's face seems vaguely familiar. Blonde hair, skinny, but a powerful look, always carrying a knife around... Octavian! The thought woke me up, shivering though I was in a wool blanket. If 'Drake' is Octavian, then the beautiful, but snotty Asian girl is... Drew! I shook my head in disbelief. Many of our comrades have betrayed us. Then I remembered the image of Rachel chanting:
Wisdom's daughter walks alone.
The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.
The son of Neptune shall not rest
Until he completes Mother Earth's test.
This most be mother earth's test! Drake came in and said in a rasp voice,"Come, Lord Gaea seeks to see you." I replied,"Yes, Octavian." He stiffened then glared at me. "Uh-huh. I figured out your secret." I laughed and walked to Gaea's chamber, a humid, muddy place full of plants and mud. I knelt before her, though I was not evil, I still swore on River Styx that I am hers. She signaled me to stand, and step closer to her and I did. Earth rose up to me knees and hardened, locking me in place. I struggled to free myself but stopped since it was useless. Another part of earth ripped my shirt, now having my mark of Gaea (ha. Mark of Athena, mark of Gaea). She stood up, touched my mark, and mumbled a few words. The mark burned and before I blacked out, I understood one thing: The mark is now active; I won't get out from her grip of evil so easily now.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I slipped thru a hole in the ground and looked back. I'm so sorry, Percy. There's only one way to get you back to you're normal self and that requires to go to Olympus, I thought. It took about 30 minutes to get to the Empire State Building, just as I calculated. I said,"I need to go to the 300th floor." A worker looked at me, puzzled. "I'm sorry, but a 300th floor-" "I'll take care of that, please go," A man interpreted her. The woman scurried away and the man said in a low voice, "Give me one reason why you have to visit the gods." I answered."Percy." He straitened and handed me the key and I nodded. I inserted the key in the slot and arrived at Olympus.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
Whoa, we REALLY are going to Olympus? AWESOME! I turned my head left and right, expecting anything to happen. When I turned my head to left, there was a bright flash and I found Apollo, sitting inside a red Mustang,(It was something red, Apollo's car. Can't remember what type it was, though.) as if ready to ride. His room had a sun in the background, which was so bright, I thought it was real. Finally, we walked into a gigantic room, all round and at the front was two chairs. "Why two?" I thought. In one, a huge man with a nicely trimmed, gray beard and thundery eyes. In the other, there was an equally huge man where a Hawaii T-shirt, holding a big trident and a smoothie. He had sea green eyes and dark brown hair, like Percy. I figured that it was Zeus and Poseidon. "Why are you here, Annabeth Chase?" Zeus thundered. Annabeth bowed and before answering, "We are here, looking for help to bring Perseus Jackson." Poseidon tightened, and said, "We know that and are thinking of a way to help him. Fortunately, we figured a potion that will bring him back to senses. Here, try and feed him this." He handed us a loaf of bread. "Thank you, sire." Annabeth bowed again, turned and left the room, with us following behind. "So, how does this food work?" I asked her. She shrugged. "Don't know but it should break the curse that Percy has." Her voice went low, and I understood that I shouldn't talk anymore. We walked to the elevator and went down to the lobby. We walked outside and searched for Percy.
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I was really nervous about waltzing back into Gaea's lair, it was almost like saying,hey! we're just com'n back so you can take us as prisoners again! But was even more scary was to get Percy to eat the food thingy.

sorry, can't finish now... will finish hopefully in 2/1 days.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago megon4ever said…
over a year ago troll101 said…
I haven't been on fanpop so long but now your story is amazing super amazing!!!!!!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
yes, post. its quite a nice story.
