The Heroes of Olympus Michalis

persius posted on Apr 29, 2012 at 08:21PM

The Heroes of Olympus 6 replies

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over a year ago persius said…
Jupiter (Greek form: Zeus), the king of the gods and also the god of the sky, was not too happy about something. Juno (Greek form: Hera), the queen of the gods, had killed Jupiter’s son named Jong-Jong with a cow. Juno favored cows. She hated it when Jupiter had a son or daughter with a mortal. She had coaxed the cow to sit on poor baby Jong-Jong and suffocate him. The cow thought it was a good idea so he did. Another baby boy named Michalis was born by Jupiter’s doing. Jupiter was determined to keep this one alive. He sat down to have a talk with Juno, “My love, you need to stop killing my children. I am your husband and I love you very much. There is a war going on between the mortals and I need my mortal children to win it for me.”
“It is just that I am your wife and you shouldn’t go off having children with mortal women so I kill the babies.” Juno replied.
“I only do it when I need them.” Jupiter replied.
“Ok, I will make an exception, but there is one condition. Michalis must be offered to me. I will not kill him, but I will make his life difficult!” Juno exclaimed.
“I accept!” exclaimed Jupiter. He raised his hands. Thunder boomed. “I pronounce that Michalis, son of me, be offered up to my beloved wife, Juno.” Lightning struck and it was finished
over a year ago persius said…
The boy Michalis grew up and had powers he could not make sense of. Once, when he got mad at a boy at school, lightning struck the boy and he barely survived. Another time, a cow almost sat on him so he concentrated on the cow being dead and lightning struck the cow dead. His mom never knew about his powers. No one did.
over a year ago persius said…
over a year ago persius said…
I'll just keep posting then.
over a year ago persius said…
He joined the legion when he turned 12. They wouldn’t let him in, but when he showed them how strong he was they let him in. His best friends also joined the legion. They were 16 and already old enough. Michalis hung out with them because even though he was 12, he looked and acted like a 16 year old. Their names were Volens (in English: William) and Josephum (in English: Joseph). All three were placed in the 1st cohort. When the praetor saw how strong and brave Michalis was, he appointed him a centurion.
over a year ago persius said…
The first battle Michalis fought in was a disaster. Almost half the legion was killed. They were fighting against weird magician guys from Egypt. They just kept saying ha-di and Michali’s guys would explode. Volens and Josephum were fighting bravely with their gladii, but Michali could tell they were very tired. Michali himself owned. He was doing his best to electrocute all the magicians, but there were just so many. He was using a pilum and channeling the electricity through it, but after about 2 days of fighting, they were taken prisoner