The Heroes of Olympus The Three Saviors of Olympus

ChildofZeus97 posted on May 02, 2012 at 10:35PM
After the war with the Giants the seven demigods of the prophecy Percy Jason Hazel Frank Leo Piper and Annabeth along with those who helped Nico Reyna Thalia Clarrise Connor Travis and Octavian are congratulated by the gods on there help of defeating Gaia and The Giants. Now that the Gaia has fallen back asleep and the Giants are in tartus. Peace has been finally brought back to Earth. But The Fates had vision that in one hundred years from now Gaia will wake but this time with the giants and titans by her side. And that only the sons of the Big Three can stop them. And with Zeus/Jupiter and Posiden/Neptune claiming 2 children and Pluto claiming a son. Things started getting excited intresting for Percy Jason and Nico. Until they where banished because supposedly took each other fathers symbols of powers. Leading everybody to be so devestated that the fates suppressed everybodies memories. The Fates intervine as seeing it wasnt there time The Fates saved Percy Jason and Nico by giving them immortality.
last edited on May 03, 2012 at 09:23PM

The Heroes of Olympus 87 replies

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over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
Sounds interesting post soon
over a year ago cro0010 said…
please post soon
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Pwease post soooooooooooooooooon!
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
Alright you wanted it well here it is the first part

No P.O.V

It was a long and terrible battle that almost cost everybody there lives. Argos 2 arrived almost to late save the original Olympus but lucky they did defeat them
"We did it. We finally defeated Gaia and The Giants"Percy said as he and the other seven Jason Hazel Frank Leo Piper Annabeth with the two camps watched Gaia sink back into the ground as returned into her slumber "This isnt over I will return more powerful than before. Just you wait"Gaia said before finally falling. "And when you do we will be ready"Jason said. Turns out that Percy and Jason were the storm and fire the prophecy spoke of Percy was the storm and Jason was the fire. "Well what do we do now I mean now that the war is over."Nico asked. "Well I dont know about you guys but I feel like celebrating. Im thinking party" Apollo said "For once I have to agree with my brother. We just saved Olympus and the world" Artemis said "Everybody agrees then"Zeus who was in his roman form Jupiter with Jason and Thalia. "I got this one brother"surprisingly Hades offered with Nico and Hazel. He shadow traveled everybody to Olympus. "Alright I got the food "Posiden said. He slammed the butt of his Trident against the floor and a wave of water presented table after table of food. "Now all we need is some music" Athena said "I got just the thing" Apollo said. He snapped his fingers and a disco ball was hanging from the ceiling with flashing lights and mist covered floor. "Awesome Apollo" Reyna said. "Not to shabby if I do say so myself" Apollo said. "Great now lets part-a" Aphrodite said. After about 2 hours of dancing eating and just hanging around. A slow song came on Jason grabbed Piper, Percy did the same with Annabeth. So it was Frank and Hazel, Aphrodite and Ares, Zeus and Hera, Grover and Juniper, Travis and Katie, Tyson and Ella, even Clarrise and Chris. Thalia decided to give Leo a shot. She grabbed him by his wrist and lead him to the dance floor. "Come on Flame brain" Thalia said .Reyna was sitting alone when Nico came up to her and held out his hand. "So wanna dance"Nico said. Reyna was a little suprised by this and reluctantly took his hand. They danced for a about a good fifteen minutes looking into each others eyes. When suprisingly to Reyna everybody and even Nico. He kissed her.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
NICO AND REYNA.THALIA AND LEO.Wouldn't Thalia still be an eternal maiden?
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
Yeah but nobody said it was serious she was just messing with Leo
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
So Nico and Reyna would be Rico?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
Rico is n awesome name for Nico n Reyna
over a year ago Nemisis said…
I've always loved the Nico Reyna pairing, it makes me said that there isn't more, Post Soon!
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while now” He said with his arms still around her. Everybody stared at Nico and Reyna. “Nico” Reyna said. She was at loss of words that was all she could say the name of the guy that just kissed her. Then she did something that surprised him she kissed him back this time it was longer. When they finally broke away Reyna said “I’ve also wanted too." "So does this mean we're dating then" Nico said. "No you idiot this means we're broken up" Reyna said then to shut her up Nico kissed her again. While everyone else was making fun of them telling them to get a room. The Fates were watching from they're palace. "So they were able to defeat Gaia and the Giants" Clotho said "They got lucky" Lachesis. "Luck had nothing to do with it dear sister. You no it as well as I that it was fate that helped them win there war" Atropos "I know but that doesn't mean still I can say it."Lachesis said "Oh stop being such a downer sister let them enjoy there few years of peace. Because its gonna be another century before that happens." Clotho said "You mean before Gaia raises again with the Giants and Titans." Lachesis said "Yes that would be it". Now back the party was over and the demigods where on Argos 2 going back 2 the respective camps. The gods where discussing the camp isuse "So what should we do about the two Camps. Now that they know about each other." Artemis said. "Nothing for now lets wait and see wat happens." Aphrodite said.

Back at on Argos 2 Nico and Reyna were enjoying at being a couple that some of the other demigods where making fun of them. "So Nico are you going to Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter." Jason asked. Octavian shot Jason a glare that said shut up but Jason ignord it. "Yeah Nico which Camp are you going stay at" Percy asked. Before he could answer Octavian interuppted. "I think He should go back with the rest of the Greeks. The prophecy said we had to work with you guys it didnt say that we had to be friends with you." Octavian said with discuss in his voice.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
Sorry its so short
over a year ago Nemisis said…
its fine, just post soon!
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
Back at on Argos 2 Nico and Reyna were enjoying at being a couple that some of the other demigods where making fun of them. "So Nico are you going to Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter?" Jason asked. Octavian shot Jason a glare that said shut up but Jason ignored it. "Yeah Nico which Camp are you going stay at" Percy asked. Before he could answer Octavian interrupted. "I think He should go back with the rest of the Greeks.” Octavian said. “Octavian” Hazel said “You didn’t have a problem with Nico staying there when we thought he was roman. Why is now any different.” “Exactly we thought he was roman and even then I did not trust him. He’s Greek he does not belong with the Romans.
The prophecy said we had to work with you guys it didn’t say that we had to be friends with you." Octavian said with discuss in his voice. “This is how it should be with Romans and Greek”
“How can you say that after everything we just been through. You fought alongside Apollo and Will. How” Rachel said
“That was to save the world and the world has been saved has it not.” Octavian
“Octavian” Jason shouted “Only a praetor can decide what should happen. And from what I understand only Percy and Reyna can decide what happened.”
“Yeah about that Jace” Percy started
“Yeah what’s up Perce” Jason said.
“Look Jason, everybody not to be a jerk or anything but I don’t want to be a praetor anymore. I just took it because it looked like it was the only way to get the two camps to fight alongside each other. Plus im not much of leader. I can barely lead one camp. I cant be the leader of two. ” Percy got up and took off the praetor badge and handed it back to Jason. “Here you have it after all you were the camps praetor before Hera switched us it’s only right.”
Before Jason could take it, Octavian grabbed it. “You can’t do that Jackson the only for Grace to become praetor again is if he’s voted back into the spot” Octavian said.
“Actually Octavian” Reyna said taking it from him “Jason can become Praetor if the previous praetor says ‘The passing of the torch ritual.’ You should know so much about it since you’ve tried to use it before.”
“How can I forget it.” Octavian said. He was trying to hide the anger in his voice.
“What’s ‘The passing of the torch ritual’.” Annabeth asked looking at Percy. He just shrugged his shoulders.
“It’s a ritual that helps choose a praetor on short notice. It’s only used if the previous praetor wants to retire when we need him/her the most.” Octavian said “But it can only be performed if when the second praetor read from the scroll of transference and we don’t have it” He said with happiness and victorious.
“Ella remembers Ella read from scroll Ella can help Ella can write it down.” Ella the harpy said. Octavian gave Ella a look of hatred. “Ella needs paper”
“I got it” Leo said. He walked over to where his magic tool belt laid, reached into it and pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen. He handed it to Ella. “So what do you think me now Thalia.” Leo said sitting next to her.
“What do you mean what do I think. You already know what I think of you.” Thalia said. There was a sparkle of fire in Leo eyes when he heard her say that. “You’re an annoying little elf who every time you see a hot girl that’s out of your league you burst into flames figuratively and literally.” She said. That spark of fire that was in Leo’s eye was now extinguished. Leo looked hurt for a second.
“Alright if you don’t have feelings for me then why did you dance with me on Olympus.” Leo asked
“Dude don’t you get it she was joking. She was just messing with you.” Percy said “She’s still with the Hunters of Artemis. She could never go out with you even if she did like you.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Amazingly awesome chapter. It was really good.
And I CAN NOT WAIT until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
"Aw man I knew it was to good to be true that Thalia would ever like a guy like me. Why cant I get a girl."
"Dont worry bro you'll find a girl for you one day." Jason said trying to cheer his friend up
"Yeah Leo you'll find the perfect girl" Percy said
"Ellla ready Ella wrote scroll down Ritaul can be preformed." Ella said with the copy scroll in her wing
"Alright baby be right back." Reyna said giving Nico a kiss " Percy, Jason come with me so we can preform the ritual."
"Okay." Percy and Jason said in unison.
They followed Reyna into Argos 2. After about an hour Reyna Jason and Percy emerged from the entrance. Percy and Jason where both covered in soot
"Percy" Annabeth said half running into him and half hugging him.
'Jason" Piper said doing the same thing Annabeth did to Percy
"Why is Jason and Percy covered in soot" Thalia asked
"The ritual required roman fire. since the ritual was design for romans and weve never done this with a greek before the flame didnt take so well."
"So is it done" Hazel, Frank, Leo, Piper, Annabeth, Thalia and Ella asked
"It is Percy is no longer praetor and Jason has taken his place" Reyna stated. This infurated Octavian as he wanted the position.
"So will I be aloud to continue visiting Camp Jupiter." Nico asked
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Took you long enough!
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
Like it
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
"Nico you're always welcome to Camp Jupiter in my book baby." Reyna said kissing him.
"Same goes to you Perce." Jason said
"Kewl what about everybody else at Camp Half-Blood. Will they be allowed at Camp Jupiter." Percy asked
''We dont know it would first have to be ok with the gods that the two camps could start visiting each other again." Hazel said while holding hands with Frank.
"Yeah then the Senators would have to see if you worthy but since Nico and Percy are technically are already apart of the camp the Senators cant do anything about it. I'm sure they would let you join after you help stop Kronos and the Titans from destroying Mount Olympus not to mention that we also save the Gods from fading from existence." Frank said.
After that everything went back to the way it was before everything happen but with the gods saying that it's ok for the two camps to visit each other. Apollo made Octavian the oracle for Camp Jupiter. Two months later Zues claimed a demigod son named Micheal Luxfert. Posiedon claimed a demigod daughter named Lilie Comantem at Camp-Halfblood. At Camp Jupiter, Jupiter claimed a daughter named Ruby Gemmis, Neptune claimed twins Lucias and Megan Mortem, Pluto also claimed a son named Gabriel Oscura. Micheal was 16 and looked like a male version of Thalia with the same black hair and electrical blue eyes but darker. He was the same height and just as muscular as Jason. Unlike Jason he like to flaunt that he was the son of Zeus. Lily was 15 and like a female Percy with the same messy black hair but longer and sea green eyes. She was about three inches then Percy. She looked up to Percy and was a huge fan of him some people think that their twins. Ruby was 15 too and looked like Jason with the same blonde hair but was as bright as the sun. Clarrise makes fun of her for that claiming that shes more of a daughter of Apollo and brighter blue eyes. Lucias was the older of the twins by 1 minute. He and Megan are both 16. He has white blonde hair and blue watery eyes. He was the same height as Percy and just as muscular. He had the same personality as Drew. Megan looked exactly like Lucias but brighter and had the personality of Silena people cant believe that they where twins. Gabriel was 14 had black hair that was cut and black eyes. Unlike Nico Hades adored him. He was like Hades minime. The next few months where challenging for Percy Jason and Nico as Micheal, Lucias, and Gabriel kept trying to prove that they where better then them. One day during the night while everyone was a sleep, three shadowy figures snuck onto Olympus and took the big three weapons. The next day there were constant earthquakes, thundery skies and raging waters. Percy Jason and Nico were in the training arena
"Whats going on with our dads." Jason asked
"I don't know and really dont want to find out." Nico said
"Come on guys lets get out of here." Percy said. As they started to leave they were knock down by a flash of light. When the light died there stood the gods Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades looked extra pissed.
"Father." said Percy, Jason and Nico said kneeling before their fathers
"But why." Jason asked
"Yeah we didn't do anything" Nico said
"You don't think stealing our symbols of power as not doing anything." Hades said with dark flames in his eyes.
"We would never do anything like that." Percy said.
"Then how come we found them in your cabins in each of your belongings" Athena said
"And to think we were gonna make you gods along with everyone else that helped." Ares said
"I supposed we could just offer their godlyhood to Micheal Lucias and Gabriel they are just as good as they are." Dionysus said.
"Then it is settle You three will leave after lunch." Zeus said.
"Father." Percy said to Posiedon trying to get him to realize there innocents
"Im sorry son but this is unforgivably." Posiedon said then flashed out.
The rest of gods flashed out except Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hepheastus, Demeter who said they where sorry then they flashed out. The campers saw what happened. The rest of the day was spent preparing to leave and hanging out with their friends.
At lunch Percy along with Jason and Nico eat their last meal there. The gods showed up to see them off. Percy and Annabeth, Jason and Piper, and Nico and Reyna had one last passionate filled kiss. The moment they stepped out of the border they were struck by lightning.
"Nnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo." Everyone yelled. Everyone looked at Zeus
"How could you." Everyone said to Zeus except him, Micheal Lucias and Gabriel.
"I didnt that wasn't me I swear one the River of Styx that wasn't me" Zeus said Thunder lit the sky sealing the deal.
"Come on stay with us." Annabeth holding Percys hand, Piper holdIng Jasons and Reyna holding Nicos. After a few minutes of them trying to catch there breathe they finally died.
"No." They screamed
"Ananabeth itll be alright." Athena said to her crying daughter.
"Piper come on honey youll find someone else." Aphrodite said
"Reyna dear youll get better." Bellona said
"No we loved them and now there gone and its all his fault." They pointed towards Zeus.
"No it wasn't this wasnt supposed to happen." Zeus said
Meanwhile in the Fates palace they watched this happen.
"No this wasn't supposed to happen. They werent supposed to die yet." Atropos said
"We needed them the three sons of the big three." Clotho said
"Why cant it be the other three." Lechesis said.
"No it had to be them. They were the ones destiny chose" Atropos said
"Then why dont we just revive them." Lechesis said
"You know we cant do that sis." Clotho said
"Actually we can for this case since its a state of emegency. Back your bags sisters were going to the underworld." Atropos
"Alright but what about everyone else their going throught so much right now. We should help them out." Clotho said. Atropos bent the mist so that everyone forgot Percy Jason and Nico. They stilled remembered them they just didn't know who they were or why they so important to them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Oooooo sneaky……………………


Amazingly awesome chapter(s). They were really really good!!!
And I CAN NOT WAIT until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!!!!
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
U don't think I'm movin it to fast now do u
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
No. Ur doing just fine.
And I cant wait for ur next chapter. I hope it's soon!!
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
Preview of whats to come
On their way to be judged Percy Jason and Nico were in the back on Charon boat when Jason started laughin.
"What r u laughin at Grace." Nico asked looking at Jason like hed losed his mind.
"Nothing it s just that Id always thought that I died trying to kill a monster or something." Jason said getting laughter undercontrol
"Hey same here." Percy said
"U guys are weird." Nico said
"Oh u think we're weird u can freakin talk to the dead." Percy said
"True." Nico said. After a few minutes they had finally arrived at the entrance to the judges. They got off and Nico gave Charon the money. On there way Percy and Nico were jumped by a huge shadowy figure.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lolking said…
insanely awesome
keep up the good work !!!

over a year ago Pegasus100 said…
wow awesome
CHAPTER POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
On their way to be judged Percy Jason and Nico were in the back on Charon boat when Jason started laughin.
"What r u laughin at Grace." Nico asked looking at Jason like hed losed his mind.
"Nothing it s just that Id always thought that I die trying to kill a monster or something." Jason said getting laughter undercontrol
"Hey same here." Percy said
"U guys are weird." Nico said
"Oh u think we're weird u can freakin talk to the dead." Percy said
"True." Nico said. After a few minutes they had finally arrived at the entrance to the judges. They got off and Nico gave Charon the money. On there way Percy and Nico were jumped by a huge shadowy figure. Cebreus the three headed guard dog to the Underworld. The right and middle started licking fiercly at Percy and Nico while the left head growled a t Jason.
"Hey girl its been a while." Percy said.
"A guys a little help here." Jason said.
"Its ok girl hes with us."Pecry said.She ignored Jason and started sniffing Nico.
"Sorry girl I didnt bring you anything this time." Nico said. She whined a little, turned around and lead them to be judged. The judge room looked like a set from Amercia Idol.
"So this is where we're to be judge." Jason asked.
"Yep." Nico said.
"This is not how I pictured it."Percy said.
"The judges choose to have their hall decorated on how the choose to view it." Nico explained
"Man and I thought Zeus had problems with American TV. This maked him look sane." Percy said.
"Hey thats my dad we're talking about." Jason said.
"You mean the same dad that banished us from both camps for supposling stealing our fathers symbols of power, then striking us with lightning killing us.I swear on the river of Styx that if I wasnt dead that I make our fathers pay." Nico said with anger and hatred in his voice.
"Same with me." Percy said.
"Me too."Jason said. Right then on Olympus thunder boomed sealing the deal.
"What was that." Hera asked.
"Someone just swore on the river of Styx." Zeus said. " You should not worry my dear for you know this happens all the time."Zeus
"Then how come I fear that this oath could possibily lead to our destruction." Hera said to herself. Back in the underworld Percyh Jason and Nico were in the process of being judged when a blinding light filled the room. Three beautiful women appeared. The one on the left had blonde hair and gray eyes, the one in the middle had brown hair and multicolored eyes that kept changing from brown to green to blue and back again, and the last one had black hair and dark eyes.
"Persues Jackson." The blonde one said.
"Jason Grace." The brown hair one said.
"Nico Di Angelo." The black hair one said.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
Who do you guys think it is.
over a year ago Avidsel said…
I would say Annabeth, Piper and Rayna... But the descriptions dont match... So maybe the fates appearing in a different form? as it stated that they would revive them and go to the underworld.
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Ohh btw great update and thanks for story :)
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I think that its the fates. But they choose to looked like Annabeth, Piper, and Reyna.


Amazingly awesome chapter. It was really really good!!!!!!!
And I CAN NOT WAIT until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
Post soon
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
I edited my introduction to Micheal, Lucias, Gabriel, Megan, Ruby, and Lilie. So you guys can know more about them. Can you guys check it out and let me know what you think. Also check out my other story Alex Johnson Son of Saturn.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fireyes said…
Ok so when can you post.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
Good good. Good good good!!! Oh I loved it!!!!
I loved how u did each character and there look and personality. Especially how u showed how the acted with and around Percy, Jason, and Nico.
Oh I loved it!!!!!
And I can not wait until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago fireyes said…
You know I feel bad fir the Styx everyone swearing on it.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Haha!! That's funny!!
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Damn, no update yet :/ Ooo for Fireyes sake.. How do you say that name? Fire-eyes, Fir-Eyes or Fire-Yes?
over a year ago fireyes said…
Fire-eyes I am in you house raiding your kitchen. :p
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Huh?!?! o_O
over a year ago fireyes said…
Eh my brother watched this video on youtube and I got it from that so don't blame me
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Oh………………………… ok
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
Fireeyes ur no offense but ur family sounds weird
over a year ago fireyes said…
My brother is,it's just I get things from him
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
I know how that have u ever gotten in trouble bcuz ur relative did sumthin bad but u got blamed
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Lol.. Is there even a person who hasn't be blamed because of something a relative done? I have a sister, she got me into loads of crap growing up.. Hell i even got a cousin that blamed me for stuff he did... :/ Thankfully that was a long time, and i don't see him anymore...

My... dad sprewed loads of lies in the court, to try make himself look good and to try get out of child support, even though he was paying less then £20 a month, which is nothing.. I don't see him as a father after all the stuff he said i said to him... :@
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
Ha ha that exact same thing happens with me
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
That never happened to me cuz I don't have any brothers or sisters (well i have two half sisters but they don't live where I do). But I still get blamed for stuff I didn't do.

I hope u can post again soon.
over a year ago fireyes said…
You know once my grandma blamed me for stealing her rings (keep in mind she's 80) and you know what,she had lost them,I mean what would I do with three gold rings? And dang did my mom bug me about it and my mom still does!
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
Wat shuld I make Thalia Leo Piper Reyna Annabeth Hazel Frank Octavian Ruby Megan Lily Clarrise Micheal Lucias and Garbriel gods of?
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
And Connor Travis n Kate or shuld I leave Katie out of it?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChildofZeus97 said…
I was thinking of making them this

Micheal - God of Smoke and Lightning
Lucias - God of Rivers and Lakes
Gabriel - God of Decay
Leo - God of Machinery and Technology
Connor - God of Pranks
Travis - God of Trickery
Frank - God of Shapeshifting
Annabeth - Goddess of Thoughts and Architect
Piper - Goddess of True Love and Natural Beauty
Reyna - Goddess of Hidden n Leadership
Ruby - Roman Goddess of air
Lilie - Greek Goddess of pure water
Megan - Roman of pure water
Thalia - Goddess of air lightning and power