The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena

Musabbir posted on May 12, 2012 at 10:14PM
Second Great Prophecy, Prophecy of the 7:

7 half bloods shall answer the call,
To storm or fire the world must fall,
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the doors of death

Book 3: The Mark of Athena

Love is a powerful thing. That is why it is one of the Olympian powers. Watch as it plays circles around the 7's heads.
last edited on May 12, 2012 at 10:21PM

The Heroes of Olympus 47 replies

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over a year ago Musabbir said…
All this belongs to rick riordan. I got chapter 1 from his site. It is the oficial chapter 1.

Chapter 1

Until she met the exploding statue Annabeth thought she was prepared for anything. She paced the deck of the Argo 2. Double checking the militia to make sure they were locked down. She made sure the white flag was flying from the mast. She went over the plan with the rest of the crew. And the backup plan. And the back up plan for the back up plan. Most importantly she pulled aside there war ready shaperon, Gleson Hedge. She convinced him to take the morning of watching mixed martial arts championships. The last thing they needed while flying a masteral greek into a potentially hostile roman camp, was a middle aged satyr waving a club and yelling "die".
Everything seemed to be in order. Even that mysterious chill she was felling seems to have disappeared. The warship decended from the clouds, but Annabeth couldn't stop second guessing herself.
What if this was a bad idea? What if the romans panicked and attacked on sight. The Argo 2 definatly did not look friendly. 200 cannonballs, with bronze plated body and a flaming metal dragon for a masthead. There were 2 rotating ballistic that fired explosives powerful enough to blast through concrete. Well it wasn't the most appropriate ride for a meet and greet with the neighbors.
Annabeth had tried to give the Romans a heads up. She had asked Leo to send one of his special inventions, a holographic scroll to alert there friends at camp. Hopefully, there message had gotten through. Leo had wanted to write a giant message on the hull. WHATS UP. But, Annabeth had veotoed the idea. She wasn't sure if the Romans had a sense of humor. To late to turn back now. The crowds broke around there hull, revealing golden, green carpet of the open land below them. Annabeth gripped the rails. Her 3 crew mates took there places. There captain, Leo, rushed around like a mad man checking gauges and rustling pipes. Most captains would be satisfied with a piolits wheel or a rudder. Leo had installed a key board, a monitor, aviation control, sound board and a motion sensor from a Nintendo Wii. He could control the ship pulling a throttle, fire weapons by pushind a button. Raising the sails by saking his wii controllers really fast. Even by demigod stanard Leo was seriously adhd.
Piper paced back and forth between the main mast and the ballista, practicing her lines "lower your weapons" she murmered "we just want to talk". Her charmspeak was so strong the words flowed over Annabeth. She had the desire to drop her dagger and have a nice long chat.
Then there was pipers boyfriend, Jason. He stood on a raised cross bow platform, where the Romans could easily spot him. He had one hand on the hilt of his sword. But, otherwise he looked calm for a guy that was making himself a target.
Below his jeans and camp half blood T-shirt he dyed a toga and purpled cloak. The symbols of his old rank as praetor. With his wind blown blond hair and icy blue eyes he looked handsome and in control. Just as a son of Jupiter should.
He'd grown up at Camp Jupiter so hopefully his familiar face would make the Romans hesitate to blow them out of the sky.
Annabeth tried to hide it but, she did not entirely trust that guy. He acted to perfect. Always following rules. Always doing the honorable thing. He even looked to perfect. In the back of her mind she had this nagging thought. What if this was trick? What if he betrays us? What if we arrive at Camp Jupiter and he says "Hey,Romans, check out these prisoners and cool ship I brought you." Annabeth didn't think that would happen, but still, she couldn't look at him without getting this irritated feeling. He was part of Hera's exchange program to join the two camps. Without warning Hera had plucked up Percy Jackson, Annabeths boyfriend. She wiped his memory and sent him to the Roman camp. In exchange the greeks got Jason. That wasn't Jasons fault but everytime Annabeth looked at him she remembered how much she missed Percy. Percy who might be somewhere below them right know. Panic roled up inside her. She forced it down. She could not afford to panic know. She told herself "I have to stick to my plan." That familiar jolt as if a evil snow man had crept up behind her and was holding her neck. She turned but of course nothing was there. Must be her nerves. Annabeth wished she could pray to her mother for guidance but, that was not possible. Not since last month when she had the worst encounter with her mom yet, and gotten a terrible, terrible present. The cold got closer. She thought she heard laughter. Her body must have been really tense. She felt that something was going to go terribly wrong. She almost told Leo to reverse course. And then, in the valley below, alarms sounded. The Romans had spotted them.
over a year ago Musabbir said…
Took me forever to type up. Enjoy.
Ps. Some one please to Universalpowa to read. I'm a fan.
over a year ago Musabbir said…
Here's chapter 2. ENJOY.
over a year ago precious211 said…
XD your a fan of lizzy?
*Hollers at liz*
XD i'll tell her when she's back from eating.
*Doubts that she'll read it*
XD we already have the official chapter typed up like last week. Is this al your going to post? Cause then it should be in the article section but of course again we already have it. Wait there is a chapter 2.....
over a year ago Musabbir said…
Chapter 2

I ran down the stairs. The Romans respected military strength. I had to help coordinate the troops into a defensive formation. It would make a good impression and if they attacked, we could fight back. As she ran down the stairs She barreled right into Mike. All her good feelings about seeing Percy disappeared. It was replaced with dread.

She remembered what Gaea told her so long ago... "I am the earth. If you do not go out with Mike, your precious Percy Jackson will be mine."

She has been going out with Mike ever since. Everyone eventually had gotten used to it. But, she could see that they thought she had betrayed Percy.he had given up the chance to become a god for her. He disappears and she hits on another guy? Know that she was almost there she felt guilty.
"I'm doing this to protect him. It's only until Gaea is defeated. He'll understand. We can get back together. " she tells herself.

But, that doesn't get rid of the feelings of dread. Something was going to go wrong. She could feel it.

"Everyone in formation" she yells. Thanks to all that practicing everyone knew whre to go. All the swordsman were in the front. Followed by the archers. In the back was the Hunters of Artemis (they did not want to be stuck in a crowd that includes boys).

It took 2 minutes for everyone to get into position. Then the
Argo landed and the ramp dropped. The sight that greeted her shocked her.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musabbir said…
Sorry, it's short.
over a year ago Musabbir said…
I'm gonna type chapter 3 soon. Got a birthday party to go to. Cake!!!
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
post soon like the story so far
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
K guy's, I slipped up. Yesterday, I accidently logged out and I forgaot my pass word. It's still me. No worries.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
I can post again.

Chapter 3

The doors opened and what I saw amazed me. 200 soldiers stood in ranks of 40. They stood in perfect formation. 2 soldiers from each stood in front. They all had golden armor. It glittered in the sun. Neither side moved. Then 2 people dressed in a purple... bed sheet?

No, its a toga I corrected myself.

I wouldn't have cared. But, one if the was our lost camper. Percy Jackson. I should have been happy to see him. But, there was recognition in his eyes. He remembered. That would only mean someone (aka. me) would have to break it to him that Annabeth started going out with someone else.

The girl that was next to Percy stepped up. "I am Reyna, praetor of the 12th legion. State your purpose hear Greeks."

Nervously Annabeth stepped up "I am Annabeth Chase, official architect of Olympus, we come to create a treaty. We need to work together to defeat Gaea".

Sorry couldn't finish
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Chapter 3

The doors opened and what I saw amazed me. 200 soldiers stood in ranks of 40. They stood in perfect formation. 2 soldiers from each stood in front. They all had golden armor. It glittered in the sun. Neither side moved. Then 2 people dressed in a purple... bed sheet?

No, its a toga I corrected myself.

I wouldn't have cared. But, one if the was our lost camper. Percy Jackson. I should have been happy to see him. But, there was recognition in his eyes. He remembered. That would only mean someone (aka. me) would have to break it to him that Annabeth started going out with someone else.

The girl that was next to Percy stepped up. "I am Reyna, praetor of the 12th legion. State your purpose hear Greeks."

Nervously Annabeth stepped up "I am Annabeth Chase, official architect of Olympus, we come to create a treaty. We need to work together to defeat Gaea".
-----------------------------------------­---­---­---­---­---­---­---­---­- "Percy, told us the same story" Reyna said.

Percy took this as a cue "People of Rome, it is time to put the past in the past. Gaea and her giants are rising. We must combine forces to defend them. We cannot win divided. Rome represent Julius Ceasers empire. Greece on the other hand is Alexander the Greats empire. From this day forth we are the empire. However, we need your support to do this. We must vote know."

"Who wants the Greeks to stay" she asked.

Everyone besides a kid holding a teddy bear and a few others from his group, raised there hand.

With one swift glance Percy declared "We have a majority".

Everyone exploded into cheers. The 2 sides approached cautiously and started talking. I saw Percy make his way here.

"Oh no" I thought.
over a year ago theocean5566 said…
big smile
Post soon
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
dramatic end post soon
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
K guy's and girls thanks for the comments. I'm ready to post.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Chapter 4

As everyone cheered I sensed the danger had passed. I had gone 8 months without my friends. I could not wait any longer without seeing her. I have missed her a lot, and I had only been awake for a week.

So, I went to go greet my friends. As I did I noted that Thalia's face was grave. My adhd got the better of me. I went over to speak to her.

"Hey, Pinecone face." I greeted her.

I started with the stupid nickname I gave her in order to signal I remembered everything. For some reason this just made her look even graver.

"Do you remember Annabeth." She asked nervously.

Why in the world should she be nervous? Did something happen to Annabeth while I was gone? If something did I would kill myself for not being there to protect her. That is, right after I strangle Hera, of course. But, nothing could have happened. She was right in front of the Athena cabin. She looked beautiful. Even with her hair messed up.

"Of course I do." I said with an edgy laugh "I never forgot."

Thalia took a deep breath "Before you do anything you should know something."

"Spit it out" I demanded. Curse my adhd. I can't wait through this. The way she was speaking, like it was a horrible reality I was being forced into, was driving me insane.

"Percy, Annabeth got a new boyfriend. I'm sorry." Thalia said. Pity colored her tone.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Comment plz. I'm gonna post chapter 5. It'll be the same thing from thalia's point of veiw. Chapter 6 is gonna be Leo. Find out if he is Sammy Valdez or not. Chapter 7 is Hazels point of veiw on that. Chapter 8 will be Jason's choice. Followed by chapter 9 which is a battle between Percy and Jason.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Chapter 5

I saw Percy start to walk over to Annabeth. But, he saw my grave expression and walked over to me instead.

"Hey, Pinecone face." He greeted me.

Damn it. If he remembers my nickname maybe he got his memory back. If he did then I would have to explain to him how Annabeth got a new boyfriend. I prayed to all the gods that he did not remember his past. Hopefully, Hera would have enough sense to keep his memory's.

"Do you remember Annabeth." I asked nervously.

"Of course I do." he said with an edgy laugh "I never forgot."

Cure Hera. She never does anything helpful.

I took a deep breath "Before you do anything you should know something."

Last chance to chicken out.

"Spit it out" He demanded.

I think meant to be demanding. But, worry manged to creep into his voice.

"Percy, Annabeth got a new boyfriend. I'm sorry." Thalia said. Pity colored my tone. I felt bad for him.
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
poor percy plz post
over a year ago theocean5566 said…
big smile
Post soon
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
chapter 6

Everything was going great. The Roman's did not blow us out of the sky, kill us, or harm any of us in any way. The architecture was amazing. Usually this is what Annbeth would be thinking. But, being the son of Hephaestus I have to respect building skills.

But, when I saw her all that went downhill. My world seemed to end and start anew. Waves of happiness and despair washed over me. There stood my girlfriend from the 1940's. Hazel Leveshque. She looked exactly as I remembered her. Dark skin. Gold eyes. Curly brown hair.

"No way, that was 70 years ago." my brain says.

"Yes, she's there" my eyes say.

"Maybe she's a descendant" my brain imply's.

I force myself to act natural. She might be... No. She has to be descendant.

I walk up to her and say "Hey, what's your name?"

She looks at me all nervous and forces out the words "Sa Saa Sammy Valdez?"

There goes my doubts. She remembers me. I was not sure whether to cry or to celebrate. On one side she was the girl of my dreams. On the other her being here could mean the end of the world. I had never considered Hazel might be a demigod. But, how did she escape the underworld?

"Are you Hazel Leveshque" I asked.

She nodded. It was official. My world was over.

"Talk to you later" I mumbled and walked away.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Chapter 7

I was nervous. That boy looked exactly like my old boyfriend. Sammy Valdez. From back in the 1940's. Before Gaea tricked me and took over my mom. Before I died trying to stop her. Before I was miserable. He had Sammy's tan skin, mischievous eyes, curly blond hair.

"No way, that was 70 years ago." my brain says.

"Yes, she's there" my eyes say.

"Maybe she's a descendant" my brain imply's.

I force myself to act natural. She might be... No. She has to be descendant.

I walk up to her and say "Hey, what's your name?"

She looks at me all nervous and forces out the words "Sa Saa Sammy Valdez?"

There goes my doubts. She remembers me. I was not sure whether to cry or to celebrate. On one side she was the girl of my dreams. On the other her being here could mean the end of the world. I had never considered Hazel might be a demigod. But, how did she escape the underworld?

"Are you Hazel Leveshque" I asked.

She nodded. It was official. My world was over.

"Talk to you later" I mumbled and walked away
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
I post fast.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
O comon the only people that are leaving comments are theocean5566 and Neptune2148. No one else is staying consistent. Leave comments.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
Cahpter 8: Jason's choice

It's official. I hate Percy Jackson. He could remember everyone from his old camp. He had become praetor. Even worse he was the ideal praetor.

He never lost his cool. Not showing any emotion after Thalia told him how Annabeth got a new boyfriend. There was only a subtle change in his aura. It took on a little anger and hurt. After he dismissed everyone he was still able to maintain his dignity and walk away with a steady stride.

Now, I have to put on a big smile and work with him. But, he had other things to worry about. The Piper-Reyna situation was giving him a serious headache.

The best way to clear his mind was to train. He made his way to the giant Colosseum. It could seat 500 people.

As he entered the coliseum he saw something that made his heart skip a beat. His old sword, Levis. He walked up to it. A note was attached.

'A hero should have the right weapon. Here is an improved version of Levis. Take care of it'.

Jason picked it up. It felt just right. He swiped it. As he did, it seemed to lose weight. He stabbed and it gained weight untill it felt like a gladius. Realization dawned on him. It was made to combine Greek and Roman moves that he learned. He tossed his old gladius aside. He wouldn't need it anymore. Then he started practicing. Swipe, slash, deflect, roll, stab, disarm, stab. He repeated the process until it became a reflex action. Then he thought about the love triangle he was in. He needed to make a choice.

On one side was Piper. He did like her a lot. They had a good time together. Capturing the wind spirits, escaping Aleous, rescuing her dad, rescuing Hera. Over the 8 months, they had gotten close. Extremely close.

The problem was he liked Reyna too. Possibly more. They went on multiple quests together. They were both praetors. Former praetors he corrected himself bitterly. Courtesy of Percy Jackson.

"Focus Jason" he commanded himself.

He and Reyna had a long history together. She was there when he defeated Krois.

"Is that all?" a little voice in the back of his head said.

No she was the reason he deafeted Krois. He remembered it as clear as day. He and Reyna faced down Krois. Reyna charged at Krois knocked her out of the way as if she was an insignificant fly. He remembered the feelings as clear as day. The protectiveness toward Reyna. The hatred toward Krois. It enabled him to summon the giant lightning bolt and kill Krois. It was clear he loved her.

"So choose her silly" said the voice.

He obliged. He had made his choice.


Reyna was thinking once again about that Greek girl and Jason. It was clear that they were dating or on the path to dating. They had only been together for 8 months! It had taken years for her to become close to Jason. The night before, he disappeared. She had been thinking about asking him out, but she was scared of rejection. She chickened out. If only she had asked him. They would be together now. She decided she would confront him.

As if on cue, Jason appeared. They both approached each other cautiously.

"Um, hi" said Reyna lamely.

"I need to talk to you" said Jason

"Ok what about?" asked Reyna.

"When I first appeared, it was at a wilderness school. The mist played tricks on both Leo and Piper. Piper thought I was her boyfriend. Then Leo, Piper, and I got to camp and went on a quest. We were close, but not as close as I am to you. If you want, I could tell Piper this and me and you can, you know, go out." finished Jason.

Reyna couldn't belive it. Jason wanted her. Not Piper.

"I accept." said Reyna.

Then they kissed. It was long and passionate.

To Reyna's disappointment, Jason ended it.

Jason sighed "I have to tell Piper, see you later."


I was admiring New Rome one last time. It's huge colesium, detailed buldings, and diversity. Then Jason appeared.

"Um, Piper, I need to talk to you." Jason said.

"Ok, shoot" I said with an edgy laugh.

This nervous behavior was so unlike Jason. He was always so confident and cool.

" It's about you and Reyna" he said nervously.

I immediately understood. He had made his choice and it was not me. He was nervous because he wanted to break it to me in the least hurtful manner.

"You chose Reyna" I said. It wasn't a question. More of a statement I was hoping to get wrong. A single word could shatter me or reassure me. As if knowing this, he nodded. I felt a tear streak my face. I turned and ran before he could say anything more. I sensed him hesitate before coming after me. Luckily, where I lacked in power, I dominated in speed. I outran him easily and hid in an alley and cried.

over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Chapter 9: Praetor battle

I can't believe Annabeth would do this. How could she? I was gone 8 months and she starts hitting on another guy. We've known each other for 5 years! She's known Mike for 3 months. He was a newbie that just looks like Luke. Life is so not fair.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Sorry. Obviously didn't get to finish.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
yay. Second page.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Some1 post a comment or I'm not typing. Hmph!
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
Great post, post soon and finish post soon too
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
I'll post 2morrow
over a year ago Nemisis said…
post more!!! Please! this is really good!
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
Chapter 9: Praetor battle

I can't believe Annabeth would do this. How could she? I was gone 8 months and she starts hitting on another guy. We've known each other for 5 years! She's known Mike for 3 months. He was a newbie that just looks like Luke. Life is so not fair.
A messanger suddenly appeared.

"Hello praetor. Sorry to interrupt but, Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, and former praetor, wants his position back. The only way for him to get it is in a fair duel it starts in an hour. Good day". He turned and left.

1 hour later

I walked out on the colesium. I did not want to win. I did not want to be the leader.

"Match begin" Ryna shouted.

The minute he swung his sword I loosened my grip and it hit the floor.

That's that I thought.

But, of course all children of Zeus/Jupiter are losers. I had noticed slight hostility radiating of him. He could not stand being second.

He decided to brag "you see Roman and Greeks. I have defeated your almighty Percy Jackson. He call himself the sea god. He can't even fight."

How dare he insult me? How dare he insult my dad. I let him win. He was so going to get it.

I turned on my heel and glared at him. For one second there was fear in face. Then it disappeared.

He let out an edgy laugh. "Wanna lose again? I'm the slayer of the mighty titan Krois."

"You ungrateful brat, I let you win." I sneered.

"Ya? Wanna fight again" he sneered.

Probably thought I was bluffing.

"Sure" I said.

He looked surprised before he regained composure and we both got to our starting position.

"Start" Reyna said warily.

Jason came at me . In one fluid move I disarmed him. But, he picked his sword up and kept on fighting. I played defence. He could barely keep up. His for head was beaded with sweat. I smiled. Weakling.

"Fight back you coward" he said through his teeth.

I didn't even bother to hold back my laughter. He thought this was my best? Loser. This was a warm up. But, I suppose he would make a good punching bag. I needed something to take my anger out on.

"Your funeral" I decided.

I went on the attack. Using Greek and roman moves. He had no clue where I was attacking. I switched hands and spun on both heels. He looked ready to faint from exhaustion. I wan't even out of breath yet. It was a while until I had a fight that easy.

As a final attempt he created a storm. I rolled my eye. I created a small hurricane. It knocked him of his feet. The point of my blade was an inch from his sword.

"Percy wins" said a shocked Reyna.

"What was it about me not knowing how to fight. This time I let you of easy. But, insult me or my father again and you will pay."

I capped Riptide and walked out.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
That's 9 chapter in 2 pages. Please leave comments,
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
i like it post soon
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
big smile
yes another comment.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
k guy's I finnaly found time to post. I am currently deciding on what to do:
Make Percy the lord of the gods or
I could make the demigods fail badly and have Percy captured. Then tortued for a year or
Have Percy die.
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
I have decided on #1.
over a year ago beba157jello said…
wat dnt let percy die nooooooooooo anyways i like it plz keep posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
K guys, I had a lot to do sry if it feels like I abandoned. I didn't. I have 2 forums. Heres the link to my new story. Percy joins chaos:
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
Post soon!!!! Please post this is one of the best i have seen in a month!!!!!
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
Guys read my latest story
over a year ago book-worm said…
Hey post soon!! This story is really good!!!
over a year ago jordan333 said…
It is so cool
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Please post!!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Heelllooooo? Dont tell me the hellhounds got you!
over a year ago Heritage112 said…
yeah post