The Heroes of Olympus The 7th

klyonsm2 posted on May 15, 2012 at 09:59PM
hey, this is basically a mark of athena forum,so enjoy. and comments and criticism are welcome!

rights go to rick riordan

characters:all HoO characters + a few original characters(ill make them up as i go)

summary: they find the last of the 7 and bring her to camp. CHB finishes Argo 2 and travels to camp jupiter and from there they travel to rome,then greece. but there are allot of twists and turn along the way..everything that can go wrong, will go tradically and hilariously wrong.*dun dun dun*

thanks for reading this and please enjoy!

also check out my other (and better, in my opinion) forum:
Demigod truth and dare

last edited on Jun 09, 2012 at 11:24PM

The Heroes of Olympus 35 replies

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over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
im about to start the first one...
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
chapter 1: Trina

hi,my name is Trina.i'm 12 years full name is Katrina Thalassa
Clarkson. my mother said my first name and my middle name were greek for something,but i forgot. but people just call me Trina. or katy or kat. but mostly Trina.
and if your going to ask, i was born way before the hurricane. i hate being teased about it. its not my fault a hurricane was named katrina.
but anyway, right now im on vacation. in parents decided it was time to take a break in some place we never thought about going. soon we choose rome. i wanted to go to Greece too, but i got over-ruled.
so now im here,staring up at an old roman parents decided to go look in a gift shop across the street,but i just wanted to look at the coliseum.
suddenly,there was an irritation on the street.before i could look,someone ran into me. i fell backward and landed flat on my butt. the boy who ran into me was on the ground too but he had landed on his stomach.
"are you okay?" i asked him
"yeah," he said as he got back on his feet."are you?"
then he stretched his hand out to help me up.once we were both standing up, i said "guess i should introduce Trina."
"im nico."
the boy was wearing black converses,black jeans, a black shirt, and a black jacket. he must've liked black. his hair was black too. he has pale skin that was almost white and his eyes were a dark brown.
"hi." i said
"hey."he said
just then ,something that was so big it must've been a giant, burst
onto the and nico looked at each other.
"so, im guessing that thing isnt good..." i said
i was sort of hoping he'd say something like "what? of course he's good!thats my best friend, jerry!"
but instead he just said "nope."
he drew a black sword from his side. i wasnt even going to ask what a 13-year-old was doing with a deadly weapon. he looked at me and noticed i didnt have a weapon too. he then pulled out a dagger and handed it to me.
i began to ask "what-"
he cut me off and explained "its called a pugio.use it to defend yourself."
"so,what do we do now?" i asked
just as i was saying that, the giant caught sight of us and got ready to charge.
"ummm...we run."
there was no farther need for explanation. we ran.We rounded a few corners and ran about a block down the road. then, nico plunged into an alley, so i did the same. i couldnt see the giant, so i doubted he could see us.
"what..who....what?" i said,trying to catch my breathe.
"that was an aloadae giant.that one was nightmare,so doom shouldnt be far behind him." nico replied
"what?" i asked
"thats their names. nightmare and doom. they're twin giants. and we were being chased by nightmare. " he answered.
"ok. so..why was that thing chasing you?" i asked
"i escaped from mother earths prison. those were her guards."
" your a good-guy right?"
"if you dont want to see the entire human civilization destroyed, then yes."
"so...your saying mother earth is evil?"
i tried to put this all together in my head for a couple minutes. then i just said "umm..ok. im just going to go with it."
just after i said that, we started to hear footsteps coming down the sreet. giant footsteps.
"good," nico said "cause i think we're going to have to run.again."
we charged out of alley and started running for our lives.again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
chapter 2: Nico

so, lets start here. i was trapped as a prisoner in mother Earth's prison. stuck there.
it was a actual prison so far underneath the ground, i would've never been found, not even by my father. there were two guards walking around: giants. i was stuck there for months. but it gave me time to plan my escape. i didnt even know if my friend were looking for me,but i was determined to get out of there ; whether they helped or not.
as much as i dislike my stepmother, Pesphone, i remember her advice she had once given me, "no prison is air-tight." yeah, true that was under different circumstances, but it was true.
so i made a plan and made my way out somehow. and now i was here.running from a giant with someone i met 60 seconds ago.
we continued to run. then we heard more giants feet. before i could react, the giant ,doom, came up behind us.nightmare was infront of us. we were trapped.
the only things that could've helped us was the twin fountains either side of us. but the only problem was we didnt have percy. or poseidon.
"haha, now little boy is trapped." nightmare said
"with no where to run." doom added
"and no where to hide." nightmare said
nightmare picked me up and started shaking me around. i was getting motion sick really fast. i might've actually been fun, if i didnt know he was going to kill me.
" little boy having fun?" doom said tauntingly.
nightmare and doom laughed. i was about ready to throw up when i got hit with something. water. so much and so much pressure that it knocked both the giants down. i went flying out of nightmare's hand. that might've been fun too, if i didnt know that if zeus didnt kill me, the landing would.
just as i was about to hit the ground, i bunch of water flowed underneath me and slowed down my fall. i came up gasping for air. what just happened? i asked myself.
soon the water level receded and my feet were able to touch the ground. but there was no way the water would ever go back into the fountains. the fountain were broken on all sides and basically just a pile of rocks now.after i inspected the damage, i found Trina.
"are you okay?" i asked
"yeah,im" she said
"yeah, im fine, just soaking wet.."
she laughed. then i noticed something. Trina wasnt soaking wet. she was completely dry.
"did you have a towel or something?" i asked
"no." she said
" are you dry?"
"umm....i dont know. i air-dried?"
"umm," i said "trina? do you know how those fountains exploded?"
"i really dont know.i got really mad and next thing i know water was spraying down the giants...."
i started freaking out. the one person i run into in italy , and its a demigod. not only a demigod, but one of the most powerful. great,just great...
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
great story :) keep posting :)
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
ok, ill try to write today if i have time.
over a year ago PJrocks said…
Great story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could you please read my fanfic?
Here is da link: link
Please read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
i like it alot
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
cool post soon
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
chapter 3: Trina

okay,so i know i just met this nico dude, but he was kind of cool. he carried deadly weapons around and ran from giants . most girls would like freak out if this happened to them. but im not normal. i figured that out a looooonnng time ago. i had a feeling that he wasnt normal either. i had feeling that i was about to find something big out.
after the giants got hosed down, we decided to run, yet again. he told me he was going to have to take me to "camp" ,whatever that meant.but first i had to tell my parents. so i left them a note in our hotel said :
dear mom and dad,
something important was come up. actually im pretty sure its a life-or-death sorry, but i have to leave now. just know im okay. dont worry. i suggest you get back to the u.s.a. as soon as possible too. im going to some kind of "summer camp". trust me i'll be fine, and please dont worry. im so sorry.
~your daughter, Trina

i was pretty sure my parents wouldnt be okay with me just leaving, and i was pretty sure the "life or death situation." part didnt help. but the way nico put it, we had to go, now. and we werent coming too soon.
i hurried and stuff some of my stuff in a duffel bag.
" are we going to get to this camp place? and where is it anywa-" i started to ask.
then he took my wrist and ran. straight into a wall. except, we didnt hit the wall. everything went black and i felt like my face was going to peel off. so it was pretty cool.
when we finally got into light again, we were standing in the middle of an arena. 30 kids in battle armor were staring at us.
i waved at them and said "hey,whats up?"
they cracked up. nico just gave me a strange look.
"well,what did you expect me to do?" i whispered. "just stand here?"
"yes." he admitted
just then a girl carrying a clipboard walked in the arena.
"jason," she said "we really need you to hel-"
se saw us. "nico?" she asked.
"hi, annabeth." nico responded.
annabeth had curly blonde hair.she also had bags under her eyes, probably from lack of sleep.
"hi." i said
"whos that?" annabeth asked
"Trina," nico said. "new camper. can you help show her around. i have to talk to chiron."
over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
awesome :) love it :)
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
i'll start a chapter now. sorry i was at a friends house this weekend...but im about to post
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
nice post soon o_o
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
chapter 4 : Trina

the girl named annabeth looked at nico a long moment then said "sure nico. but first, jason your help is needed on Argo 2. like right this moment."
a blonde dude, who looked somewhere between 16 and 18, said "ok annabeth be there in a sec.." then he took his sword and threw it. i thought it was going to come back down and slice someone in half, but instead it changed in midair into a coin. the blonde dude caught the coin and stuffed it into his pocket.
"" i said.
the blonde guy, apparently he was jason, walked out of the arena. Annabeth walked up to me and said "come on time for your tour.."
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
^ thats just a preview....sorry it was so short but i had alot to do
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
post soon
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
chapter 4 : Trina

the girl named annabeth looked at nico a long moment then said "sure nico. but first, jason your help is needed on Argo 2. like right this moment."
a blonde dude, who looked somewhere between 16 and 18, said "ok annabeth be there in a sec.." then he took his sword and threw it. i thought it was going to come back down and slice someone in half, but instead it changed in midair into a coin. the blonde dude caught the coin and stuffed it into his pocket.
"" i said.
the blonde guy, apparently he was jason, walked out of the arena. Annabeth walked up to me and said "come on time for your tour.."
i followed annabeth out of the arena.i stopped short. this place was huge. i saw people working in a field ~ must of been a strawberry field~ and people canoeing in a lake. there were people and something that looked half- horse , half-man ~ a centaur? anyway there were people and a centaur shooting arrows at an archery range. at the dock, there was battle ship. you could tell it wasnt finished yet.
down in a valley below me was 13 cabins. then there was couple other circles full of cabins. to my right was an open-air pavilion. there about half a dozen campers joking around and talking in there. even further to my right, near a huge hill, was what looked like a ranch house. it was painted sky blue and ,like, 4 stories tall.
nico ,who had apparently followed us out of the arena, started walking toward there.
"nico," annabeth said. nico turned around. then annabeth said "chiron is that way." and she pointed in the direction of the archery range.
"oh," nico said "i knew that."
"sure you did emo boy" annabeth said
"im not emo!!!"
"ok whatever.." annabeth said , obviously not believing it. nico walked off toward the archery range.
annabeth turned to me and said "and so the tour begins. come on, i'll show you the cabins firs-"
"annabeth?" i blurted out. "what is that big ship on the docks for?? "
her expression darkened. "well, a camper went missing. he was my boyfriend...and well..we know where he is now. we just have to go and get him...also theres a war brewing,between the gods and mother earth, or gaea. we have to put mother earth back to sleep or she will destroy everything. her sons, the giants, are helping her. the gods' need demigods' help to defeat the giants and lull gaea back to sleep..."
"ummm..hold on annabeth. im new here, so.....what exactly are demigods??" i asked
"mortal children of the gods. all the campers you see here....they're demigods. you, me.. we're demigods." she explained
"dude," i said. "the gods have this many children? they must be really busy........" annabeth laughed . "yeah i guess so.." she said "come on, let me give you your tour."
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
chapter 5: annabeth

so this new girl ~Trina, right? ~ had just showed up day. she had shadow traveled here with nico or something, because they had shown up in the middle of the sword arena during the middle of a class. i hadnt known her any more than 30 minutes but i already knew i was going to like her.
But she also made me sad at the same time. she reminded me of percy in some ways.okay, alot of ways. she had blonde hair, but her eyes were the same color green as percy's. also her jokes and questions. it reminded me of stuff percy had said when he had first gotten to camp.
youll be with him soon enough i thought
so anyway, i gave her a tour. i showed the cabins, the canoe lake, the archery range, the dinning pavilion, and everything else the camp had to offer. i also explained the whole being a demigod thing to her. pretty soon it was time for dinner. i was exhausted.i liked Trina, but she took alot of energy out of you. and i thought leo was bad with the ADHD thing. Trina must've had super-mega-ultra ADHD or something.
i walked to dinner, got my food, and sat down at my table. before we started eating. chiron stood up, tapped his spoon on the side of his glass, and said "to the gods."
the camp repeated the saying and the cabins started getting in line to throw their offerings in the fire.i sat down again. i was so tired.
"whats wrong?" my half-brother malcolm asked. i guess he could tell i was tired.
"oh, im just exhausted. i think im going to skip campfire tonight and go straight to the cabin..." i responded
"ok." he said
and after dinner i did just that. i walked into my cabin,plopped down on my bed and passed out.
i know its short, but oh well
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
Cool post soon
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
ok ill try
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
sorry i havnt posted in so long. i was a little busy. but here you go. i hope you enjoy. please comment.
chapter 6 : Trina
the next day annabeth explained more about the war ship at the dock. she said olympus was at war with the earth and giants. she said we had to find a way to lull gaea back to sleep or the whole human civilization would be destroyed. but no pressure or anything. she said we had to team up with roman "demigods" in order to save ourselves.
"well how did we do it the first time?" i asked
"well, for one thing, the gods were alot stronger back then." she explained
"okay so....when do we leave to go meet the romans?" i asked
"when today?"
"oh....right about..." she said . then a horn went off. "now" she finished.
"okay," she went on "i guess you could stay in the captains quarter with me for now, and i find a spot for you later, okay?"
"sure " i said.
i know its short but its just a preview. sorry i dont have time to write the full chapter right now i will try to finish it soon. sorry.
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
Kool post soon
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
big smile
post soon
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
alright im about to finish the chapter and start the next one. i'll try to do it tonight because im really busy for the next two or three days so...yeah. but im working on it right now so im about to post.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
chapter 6 : Trina
the next day annabeth explained more about the war ship at the dock. she said olympus was at war with the earth and giants. she said we had to find a way to lull gaea back to sleep or the whole human civilization would be destroyed. but no pressure or anything. she said we had to team up with roman "demigods" in order to save ourselves.
"well how did we do it the first time?" i asked
"well, for one thing, the gods were alot stronger back then." she explained
"okay so....when do we leave to go meet the romans?" i asked
"when today?"
"oh....right about..." she said . then a horn went off. "now" she finished.
"okay," she went on "i guess you could stay in the captains quarter with me for now, and i find a spot for you later, okay?"
"sure " i said.
"okay then . lets go." annabeth said. then she lead me to board the ship. we went up the ramp and into the ship. while everyone else went left, before i could go left too, annabeth grabbed my wrist and pulled me right.
"we're going this way. " annabeth said
"then where are they all going?" i asked
"well," annabeth said "each cabin has its own little cabin in the ship. so they're all going to their section. but when dinner comes, we all meet in the middle of the ship in a dinning room we designed."
"oh okay , cool. so like each cabin has a mini cabin? got it. so, we're heading to the captian's quarters. but umm....annabeth? i have a question."
" this ship is on a dry dock. are we supposed to get this thing in the water?"
"its simple." annabeth said "we're not. this thing sails and flies . so we're going the air route, at least for now."
"hey," a guy behind us said "dont call my argo 2 a thing "
the guy looked like he was dora's long lost brother. and the whole time he'd been lost, he was at the north pole. in short, he was a mexican elf.
"leo" annabeth said "shut up."
"whatever..." he said
"are you the captain??" i asked
"why, yes, yes i am." he said then did a superman pose.
a girl walked up behind him and said "more like the repair boy." then she looked at me and said "hi, im piper. dont mind leo. he has "problems" " then she moved to the side to show the person behind her "and this is jason. son of zeus. im daughter of ahrdoite and leo is in the hephaestus cabin."
"hi," i said "im trina. and daughter of the gods..."
"wow, great way to say your unclaimed. im sure it'd happen any day now that you're here. how old are you?" piper said
"12 but im about to be 13.." i said
"see? again, your going to be claimed any day now." piper said
"hey , guys," leo said "as much as i'd love to just stand here all day and chat, we sort of have a world to save and a camp to get to, so can you stop standing infront of the engine room door and let me in?"
we moved out of the way and let leo unlock the door . he opened it and we all walked inside
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
plz check out my other forum, demigod truth or dare :
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
Really good
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
over a year ago book-worm said…
Hey I just found this forum and I love it!!! Your a great writer!! Please post soon!!!
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
^thanks book-worm . yeah im going to try to post tomorrow. then i'll be looking for a co-host. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING THIS!
over a year ago book-worm said…
Yay!! I love when people post!!!
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
chapter 7: Annabeth

we let leo into the captains quarters, where he turned on the intercom and started making an announcement : "hello, this is your captain speaking, the hot and available leo valdez. we are preparing for take off. we will announce when lunch is ready. thank you for flying air argo 2"

then he started running around turning, pushing down, and pulling a bunch of stuff. he just had to make everything complicated. a normal person (or as normal as you can be while building a war ship) would've just put a a wheel . but leo decided to put a bunch of unnecessary button and dials, just to start the ship.
but soon enough, we started lifting off the dock. then we were flying over the sound.then we were over solid ground. we were fine for a while.
"can i help?" Trina asked .
then Trina noticed a big red button and said "oh.. what does this do?" and she pressed it .
then we started to go down toward the ground. in the choas, leo was trying to find whatever button made us stop from falling to our death. jason managed to press the intercom button and "please hold on to something very stable. thanks."
we were only 50 feet away from the ground when leo finally found the stupid button. it made us make a v and start going straight up until we reached the height we were at before .
"ok, lets remember never to let anyone touch that button again."
jason went over the intercom again and said "sorry for that. we had some...problems her in the controll room. i suggest you brace yourself in the instance that we have any more. thanks."
i know it was short but it was all i could get done right now. ok im looking for a co-host, so if you want to enter , please just like post a chapter and stuff and i'll decide who the winner is . thanks, and love you guys <3
over a year ago book-worm said…
Yay nice chappie loved it!!!
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Amazing post soon
over a year ago book-worm said…
Please post SOON!!!!
over a year ago -_-drummer said…
That's not fair. You can't.just start something great, then abandon it