The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Hectate

PJrocks posted on May 17, 2012 at 01:41AM
All rights belong to rr
Summary: u'll just have 2 find out!!!!
Spam is encouraged
WARNING: u may find that this book is so bad u will die from reading it(L0LZ)
I am not responsible 4 any deaths that come from reading this book
last edited on May 17, 2012 at 01:47AM

The Heroes of Olympus 100 replies

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over a year ago PJrocks said…
First one 2 post gets a new iPad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ch. 1
Hi, my name is Nate. Nate Fuller. I know all of you 13 year olds out there r going through "changes", but I assure you that the the change I went through last summer was bigger than all of yours combined. It was June of last year, school ended in 3 hours, everybody was so excited for summer. The rest of 6th grade and I were at lunch. I was really excited because, in addition to it being the last day of school, it was also my 12th birthday! I was at lunch with my two best friends, Gabe Thomas and Nick Moran. I call Nick my greasy haired cyclops because A.) He has greasy hair, and B.) he's TALL. At 6'1", he towered over everybody else in our grade, but he was really nice and easy going, but there was one thing that I didn't like about him. He was a Packers fan. (I'm a die hard Vikings fan). Gabe was actually 4'8". So when he stood next to Nick he looked TINY. He was also really nice and easy going, he also had ADHD so he got distracted really easily. He was also excelant at making stupid, inappropriate jokes. Me, nothing special, not to tall, but not small, not skinny, but not fat either, brown hair, brown eyes, normal in every way possible. Well, actually, I have ADD, which is basically ADHD, except that I'm not hyper, but other than that, nothing special. Little did I know just how wrong I was.


What do u think?
Be honest. That isn't a request, it's an order.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demigod324 said…
This sounds really cool i'll make sure to check on this so post
over a year ago rainbow_goddess said…
big smile
awesome! please post.
over a year ago PJrocks said…
Could u guys please tell other people about this? It's kinda depressing, only writing for 2 people.
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
post soon
over a year ago PJrocks said…
Ch. 2

RRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG­GGG­GGG­GGG­GG!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!! YES, school is OVER!!! Time to leave for my birthday party, and enjoy summer! I met Gabe and Nick at the front door cause we were going to my house for my birthday party. We were walking to my house chatting about football, when Kelly Allen came over. She was the most popular girl in school, beautiful, with glossy black hair and stunning green eyes. Apart from being beautiful she was also smart. I hated her. She covered up her own insecurity by making fun of other people, she would hypnotize guys with her beauty, and make them beat other people up. Then, when they got in trouble, she would act all innocent. She was cruel and heartless. Why anybody liked her was one of the worlds great mysteries.
"Hi Nate," she said batting her eyelashes.
Suddenly Gabe and Nick seemed really nervous.
"Nate, we've got to go," Gabe said, a bead of sweat running down his face.
"Yeah we've got to go to your B-day party." Nick said nervously.
"It's your birthday?" Kelly asked, acting all cute, batting her eyelashes and stuff.
I found myself staring at her. I thought I heard Gabe say something, but it seemed hazy. All I could focus on was Kelly's beautiful face.
"Yeah." I finally managed to respond.
"Well let me give you a present." she said, smiling.
She leaned closer to me, her lips coming closer to mine. She was about to kiss me.
Suddenly, something clicked. Why would a girl like Kelly be kissing me, an average nobody? I put my finger to her lips.
"No." I said, "I don't want you to kiss me and I never will."
Kelly just stood there, gaping, her eyes bulging like a fish. It was actually pretty funny. I turned to Gabe and Nick. I saw something in their eyes, a new kind of respect they had never given me before.
"Come on guys, lets go." I said.
We started walking away when I heard Kelly say: "Well, then I guess I'll just have to kill you the old fashioned way." she hissed.
"What?" I said, turning around. Kelly began to change, suddenly her face was as white as chalk, her teeth were fangs, and she had one donkey leg and one bronze leg.
"Say bye." she snarled at me.
Then she lunged for me.
hoped u liked it.
Post people I know I got 71 views and only 2 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!
Spread the word about this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demigod324 said…
First that chappie was awsome post soon
Second i'll try to spead the word
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
awsome plz post soon
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
cool like it
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
post soon
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
nice!! post soon!!
over a year ago PJrocks said…
Ch. 3

As Kelly lunged at me time seemed to slow down. I was aware of everything around me. We were on a deserted street with trees surrounding either side of the street. Great. Now she would just kill me and run away, and act all innocent. AGAIN. I could see Kelly coming at me in slow motion, her fangs poised to sink into my neck and kill me. She was an inch away from me.
Well, this is it, I thought. I was going to die on a deserted street in Dubuque, Connecticut. (Did I mention that I live in Dubuque, Connecticut?) I wished that I was behind her so that her stupid fangs would take a chunk out of the big, old pine tree behind me. Suddenly, I WAS behind her.
Now how did that happen? I wondered.
Kelly, indeed, did take a bit out of the pine tree. She turned around spitting out tree sap. If she wasn't pissed off before, she defiantly was now. She was about to lunge at me once again when Nick grabbed her from behind. Kelly tried to escape, but it was pretty much useless. I've seen Nick bench press 250 pounds like it was nothing. Our football team went undefeated this season because of him. All they had to do was give the ball to him. You didn't even have to block for him, he would just run everybody over. I've seen him carry five people fifty yards for a touchdown.
“Let go of me you @#$%!” Kelly screamed.
“OK,” Nick said,”say bye-bye,” he said as he threw her over the trees and probably to the other side of town.
“What the @#$% just happened?” I asked.
“I have no @#$% idea.” Gabe said
“C'mon, Nate lets get home.” Nick said.
We walked home in silence, nobody bothered to try to start a conversation, we were to shell shocked to do much more tan nod our heads. Finally, we got home to St. Mazzuchelli Orphanage. Yeah, I said orphanage. Nick and I had been there for our entire lives. His parents just left him in a box on the orphanage's doorstep, he never knew them. I never knew my parents either. My mom had died giving birth to me and my dad had committed suicide when he had heard the news, leaving me to my aunt Mildredge, or as I call her, Aunt Mildew. She didn't want me. She gave me to the orphanage and left me with no family. Gabe had only arrived last year, I didn't know how he came to be there, he didn't like to talk about it.
For some reason, when he first came to the orphanage he was really scared of Nick. Maybe he was intimidated by his size, I don't know, and I never asked. We went to our little section of the orphanage and began celebrating my birthday. For a while I forgot what head happened just a couple of hours ago. But as I lied in my bed it all came flooding back to me. I remembered how I had teleported from in front of Kelly to behind her. How had I done that? Was I normal? Were there more people who could do that? It took a while, but I finally managed to fall into a fitful sleep where I dreamed about crazy, psyhco vampires trying to kill me.

I woke up at about 3:00 P.M. The first thing I noticed was that Nick and Gabe were gone. Odd, I thought. I got up and went looking for them.
3 hours later.. Gah, where were they?!!? I kept looking. Finally I heard voices.
“-him to camp Nick!”
“No, let him enjoy his ignorance while it lasts.”
“Nick, he just got attacked by an empousai! Those are some seriously powerful creatures! They wouldn't attack him unless he had a really powerful scent! We've got to get him to camp NOW!” Gabe exclaimed.
“Fine, you win, we'll take him to camp in the morning.” Nick said.
I had no idea what they were talking about. All I knew was that my friends were talking about me behind my back and I didn't like it. I thought about how I teleported behind Kelly. I wondered if I could do that again. I imagined myself right next to Gabe and Nick, suddenly, I WAS right next to Gabe and Nick. They both looked stunned.
“What the @#$% are you guys talking about?!!?” I demanded.
hope u liked it
Until next time! Hasta la vista!!
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Awesome plz post soon
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
i agree post soon
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
cool plz post
over a year ago PJrocks said…
Ch. 4
Gabe and Nick cower in the corner of the room while I'm holding an AK47 demanding answers

“Uuuuuummmmmmmmmmm, girls?” Gabe said.
This comment totally pissed me off. If they were talking about me behind my back they should have at least owned up to it.
I thought about how I could teleport. I wondered if I could do other things. I imagined holding an AK47. You guessed it! I was now holding an AK47.
That is so @#$% awesome, I thought.
I pointed the gun at them.
“Give me answers. NOW!” I demanded.
Now Gabe and Nick were really scared. If they knew one thing about me, it was that, under no circumstances, don't EVER, give me a dangerous weapon.
Nick sighed.
“I guess its time to go to camp.” He said.
I knew that Nick had gone to a summer camp last year, and was planning on going again, but he wouldn't tell me anything about it, which was really frustrating.
“You mean the one you went to last year? Why?” I asked.
“Because your a demigod, like me. Half Greek god, half human, and yeah, that means that either your mom or your dad is an ancient Greek god. Thats why Kelly attacked you. She was a monster, literally. Monsters hunt down demigods by catching their 'scent', and when they find you, they try to kill you. Thats why we need to get you to camp, so you can be trained to fight monsters, and not get killed.” he explained.
I wasn't very surprised about this, I mean I just pulled an AK47 out of thin air for Christ's sake!
“OK.” I said, “lets go.”
“WHAT!” they both exclaimed.
“No, this has got to be a joke, am I on one of those joke TV shows?” Gabe asked.
“No, you belong in a mental hospital dude?” Nick said, stunned.
“Dudes, I just pulled a @#$% AK47 out of thin air.” I said.
“Good point,” Nick admitted.
“Let's go.” I said.
“Really just like that, you want to go, just leave?” Gabe asked.
“No, I hate this place. Just let me get packed and lets scram.” I said.
I concentrated on putting my AK47 back into thin air. Suddenly, It was gone.
I was carrying our clothes.
Nick was carrying all of our dangerous weapons.
Gabe was carrying all of the junk food.
Me and Gabe switched packs. I wasn't gonna trust Gabe with a sack full of junk food.
We were ready to go, almost.
“Wait,” I said, “I gotta do something.”
I concentrated, and suddenly I had $500 in my hands.
Gabe and Nick just smiled and said,”sweet.”
“Lets go,” I said, and we walked out the front door.
And of course we came face to face with a giant lizard that could breath fire like a dragon.
hope u liked it
I AM NOT GETTING VERY MANY COMMENTS. C'MON PEOPLE, I GOT 200 VEIWS BUT ONLY 15 COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago PJrocks said…
c'MON PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
cool post soon
over a year ago PJrocks said…
hey people, i highly recomend going to
Where u can lay down your own beat!
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
awsome plz post really soon
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
post soon
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Awsome i told my freinds about this hopefully they check it out post soon
over a year ago PJrocks said…
sorry guys, im having writers block, might be a while bfore i post
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
pppppooooooosssstttttt! by the way how do u know so much about guns? Are you a demigod? pppllleeeaaaasssseeee say yess i knew it was real!!!!!!!!!!! HHAAAAAA HHHHHHAAAAAAA! Oooops i think i've had too much sugar
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
post asap
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
post pretty plz like really soon
over a year ago Pegasus100 said…
Wow this forum is pretty cool, I like it.
POST SOON!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
over a year ago owlgoddess123 said…
dude this is awesome like seriously all the way to hades @#%^ing awesome
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Come on PJrocks and plz post like now i need to read like now so like post(wow i like said like alot)
over a year ago PJrocks said…
Sorry I haven't posted, I had writers block and then I 4got about it....
I'll try 2 post 2morrow
over a year ago demigod324 said…
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
over a year ago PJrocks said…
I'm srry everyone. I cant continue 2 post there is to much on. in my life right nowim srry the next person 2 post can finish the story. Bye
over a year ago hmusser87 said…
Wait if I post this do I have to finish the story? Because if you tell me to I will.
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
I'll finish it. I'm not as good though. If u like it check out my other forums.
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
Things were going great before we met the metal pigeons of death. It started when we made camp. I'm not bragging when i say i set up the tent all by myself. I pulled it out of thin air fully stocked with all we needed. Of course i passed out for a couple hours afterwards but still... pretty cool. When i woke up the camp was under attack and Gabe was stood in front of me with a bronze sword holding them off.
"What are those?" i shouted to him.
"Stymphalian Birds," he replied.
I gulped. I admit it i might have actually been paying attention in History class occasionally, though it was because i was trying to impress a girl.
"Weren't they driven off by noise?" I yell.
"Yeah but i don't have any bells on me and i don't think you should be summoning anything larger than a pin at the moment," he said bluntly.
He parried a slash of a beak and stabbed the bird where it really hurt. He tossed me something over his shoulder and i caught it reflexivley.
"Use that against them."
I was holding a small bronze knife. I looked at disgusted. It seemed so pitiful someehow but i was in no shape to summon so much as a butterknife so i gritted my teeth and made do. It was clear immediatley i was not suited to knife fighting. The birds beat me at every turn. I would hve been overwhelmed but for Nick and Gabe. The circled around me slashing and stabbing and doing their best to keep the birds at bay. They were showing huge signs of strain and I thought that they'd be overwhelmed at any moment. Just then a silver arrow flew through the air and impaled three of the metal birds at once. A bunch of girls in silver parkas ran into the clearing and began shooting the birds down with blinding speed. When all the birds were dead a girl with a silver circlet around her head came forward towards us. I was already aquainted with her skill at archery so i backed up very slowly towards Nick and Gabe. Being the true friends they were the shoved me forward until i was almost toe to toe with the girl.
"Umm hi?"
"Hello. I greet you in the name of Artemis and I have come to escort you to Camp Halfblood."
Gabe and Nick behind me sniggered.
"Why so formal Thalia?," asked Gabe
Thalia grinned.
"You know how much i enjoy intimidating new campers Gabe."
The other girls nodded in agreement and there were quite a few highfives among them.
"Come on lets go," called Thalia.
Her friends formed up like an honour guard around us and then we set off at a jog through the forest. It was too much to hope that Thalia would stop for a rest although Nick and Gabe held out better than me. Finally I couldn't keep up anymore, I sat down with a gasp on a tree stump and took a swig of nectar from a flask that Gabe had given me. Then energised from the nectar i pulled a sedgeway out of thin air and stepped onto it. Nick looked at me admiringly.
"Wow, I would never have thought of that."
"It's a gift I have."
Hours later we ascended a hill and looked down onto camp. I gazed down at it and I couldn't help the feeling that crept up on me. The feeling that I had finally come to the one place that i belonged. That I had come.....


One comment and i will continue but if you dont want me to continue you dont have to post.
Oh i post irregularly but always within two weeks. Bye.
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
big smile
i guess i have the honor of that one comment it was really cool continue plz
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
i agree continue please and thank you
over a year ago mjkcsk said…

As we entered Camp a centaur cantered up.
"Hello Thalia, Hunters welcome to Camp."
"Hey Chiron."
A centaur named Chiron? Could it be the mythical hero trainer from legend? No probably not. It isn't possible is it? What are the odds that I payed attention in a lesson that happened to mention his name?
"Who is this?" asked Chiron
"This is Nate Fuller, he's undetermined for now but he has some awesome powers."
"Welcome Nate, since you're undetermined you should stay in the Hermes cabin. Please come see me at the Big House if you need anything else. I'll get Annabeth to show you around."
He turned to go.
"Hey wait who's Annabeth? What do you mean train? I beat an Empousa I don't need to train."
Behind me Gabe was sniggering.
"No offense Nate but i've seen you knife fight and you kinda do need to train."
"Well what do I need to train for?"
"You're life Nate, you don't seriously think that the Empousa was the only monster do you?"
"Weeeelll I though she might have been the only intelligent monster. It's not like the Stymphalians were smart."
Gabe sighed.
"Just train Nate don't argue."
He glared at me.
Chiron looked amused but the Hunters looked disgusted.
"Boys," muttered one as if it's a huge insult.
Before i could say anything else Gabe grabbed me and began tugging me down the hill. Nick followed close behind us. A conveniantly placed hand stopped my protests from being heard....

I won't be posting for a few days because i'm going away from my laptop for 3 days still post your comments on my preview. PS what do you think of Nate's dad being a son of posiedon? and his mum being Hecate(obviously.) Post comments and i'll think on your suggestions.
over a year ago mjkcsk said…

As we entered Camp a centaur cantered up.
"Hello Thalia, Hunters welcome to Camp."
"Hey Chiron."
A centaur named Chiron? Could it be the mythical hero trainer from legend? No probably not. It isn't possible is it? What are the odds that I payed attention in a lesson that happened to mention his name?
"Who is this?" asked Chiron
"This is Nate Fuller, he's undetermined for now but he has some awesome powers."
"Welcome Nate, since you're undetermined you should stay in the Hermes cabin. Please come see me at the Big House if you need anything else. I'll get Annabeth to show you around."
He turned to go.
"Hey wait who's Annabeth? What do you mean train? I beat an Empousa I don't need to train."
Behind me Gabe was sniggering.
"No offense Nate but i've seen you knife fight and you kinda do need to train."
"Well what do I need to train for?"
"You're life Nate, you don't seriously think that the Empousa was the only monster do you?"
"Weeeelll I though she might have been the only intelligent monster. It's not like the Stymphalians were smart."
Gabe sighed.
"Just train Nate don't argue."
He glared at me.
Chiron looked amused but the Hunters looked disgusted.
"Boys," muttered one as if it's a huge insult.
Before i could say anything else Gabe grabbed me and began tugging me down the hill. Nick followed close behind us. A conveniantly placed hand stopped my protests from being heard. After they had given me the grand tour we went to eat the evening meal. As we were queueing my stomach rumbled so loudly that it echoed across the dining pavilon. A couple of girls from the Ares cabin guaffed. Trust Ares girls to sound like men. On the outside i was silent but inside i was moaning. I hate being made fun of, especially by girls. Ugly girls even more so, and those Ares girls were Ugly. Notice the capitol letter? That ugly. I scraped off a bit of my steak into the brazier and sat down at the Hermes table. Of course the minute i tried to eat is the minute a massive food fight broke out at the Hermes table. Naturally I won. Well I think I did, It's hard to tell seeing as we were told to go wash off by jumping into the canoe lake. It was even weirder because i had to concentrate before i could actually get wet. Wierd Huh? Then when i climbed out all i had to think about was getting dry and i was. There was seriously something freaky going on here. Then the rest of the sopping wet Hermes campers including Gabe showed me to the campfire. The flames were golden and about ten feet in the air. As soon as i got within ten feet of the bonfire all the other campers gasped and backed away from me. I looked arounnd for the monster but couldn't see one. In desperation I looked up and saw a holographic image that glowed with an eerie light. I try to back away from the symbol but it followed me. Glancing behind me I saw Gabe was the closest to me.
"Uh Gabe? Is this normal? Should I do anything?" He looked at me awed.
"No you're just being claimed. It looks almost like.."
"Like what?"
Annabeth came forward.
"Like combined symbols. You are being claimed by all the gods. You can choose which gods cabin you want to live in. I think the one that you would want to go in would be Percy's cabin. Posiedon. It's one of the least crowded. I know he would want a room mate."
"If i have like loads of godly patrons wouldn't that make me a god?"
"Yes but you are not a god."
I think every one was asking themselves the same thing....

What am I?

Please comment will post soon.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
is this a new page?
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
Obviously not
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Awesome chapter cant wait to find out WHAT he is
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
Guys i'm amending the above passage so look out for which godly symbols are above Nate's head.
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
Ok new post coming up.
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
Ch. 8.

The Posiedon cabin rocks but i figure i'd better not mess with any of my roomates stuff. Him being kidnapped by a godess and all. A goddess who could be my mother.... gulp. A shining radience fills the doorway. I turn around slowly. Hera. I look for another exit to run out of but there's none.
"Please don't kidnap me."
She laughed.
"No my hero it is not needful for you to join the Romans. The task has been completed. I have simply come to advise you. You must be on the bronze ship when she flies."
"No my hero. You must obey me. You are the chosen of the gods, Greek and Roman. You will change the world for the better."
I was getting desperate.
"Are you my mother?"
"All godess's are your mother as all gods are your father Nate. You must not show favouritism. You are chosen of all gods. Now come with me I must pay a visit to Chiron."
Randomly I thought about how i didn't think Chiron would be pleased at her visit but kept my mouth shut. After all i wouldn't want her to blast me and Chiron to ashes chosen of the gods or not. I trotted by her side as she strode through the camp glowing. All the campers stared at us even Gabe and Nick. They hadn't talked to me for ages. Not since .... my claiming. They gave me hard unfriendly stares. I guess I lost my best friends the night i was claimed. Stupid gods and their dumb quests. By now Hera and me had reached the big house. Chiron, Annabeth, Jason, Piper and Leo stood on the front porch.
"This is the last of the Seven. Guard him well because on his shoulders shall he bear the burden of the success or failure of the quest."
"What!?" I yelped.
She glared at me.
"Step forward, you four of Seven, I shall place in your minds the knowledge you will need to complete the quest."
She reached towards the others with a burning forefinger and touched each of them once on the fore head. When she touched them they screamed and collapsed. She turned to me and before i could react she touched me in the center of my forehead. My mind exploded with knowledge and mindbreaking pain. My vision washed red then green and then all the other colours of the rainbow. It slowly faded to black and i fell to the ground clutching my head. Before i lost conciousness i heard the goddess's voice in my head.

Sleep well my hero and use my gift wisely.

comment soon bye for now. I will read your comments later.
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
so guys i'm like totally bored so i might post another chapter. I'm not sure yet.