The Heroes of Olympus the mark of athena(my version):D

wisdomsduaghter posted on May 22, 2012 at 10:51PM
i do not own any of the characters or the HoO...
So this leaves off where jason is in the argo 2 and are heading to the roman camp....i will do jasons, pipers, and leos povs:) ill update probally every two days

The Heroes of Olympus 5 replies

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over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
kool post wen can
over a year ago wisdomsduaghter said…
Jason looked down at California laying out before him. golden hills leading inland and a beautiful coast to the west. Jason could see mount. Diablo where he had fought the giant enclodeus with piper and Leo.
Jason was exited,anxious and pretty much freaking out. one because he was about to see his home and two because he doesn't know how the Romans would treat him hen he got there and finally because of piper and Reyna.
Piper was great and all, she understood and wasn't really as cold to him as Reyna was. but on the other hand Reyna had known him much longer and had a lot of fun memories together. like the time the took all of Octavian teddy bears and he was freaking out. he chuckled at that memory. he decide that he would choose after the quest and focus to what was happening right now.
"Jason you okay? you look like your gonna barf" said a honey sweet voice. Jason turned around and saw piper she was wearing her regular camp half blood t-shirt with jeans, beat up sneakers and her favorite snowboarding jacket. she had beautiful eyes that changed all the time like a kaleidoscope and choppy brown hair with thin braids on the side. it was weird because she was a child of Aphrodite and tried to seriously try to turn down her beauty but it was no use.
Jason looked at her and said" yea, i mean like what if they had forgotten about me. Romans aren't that mushy you know, and if the praetor spot had been taken while i was gone could be really bad. Octavian could have taken it and hes a real snake."
"ah" piper said" well you'll settle this once where there. right now we have other problems. Leo said well be landing in about 5 minutes and that we should go and get Annabeth."
Jason wasn't the only one freaking out, Annabeth chase, a daughter of Athena was probably freaking out to because she is about to see her boyfriend Percy Jackson. Percy had disappeared 8 months ago as an exchange so that the two camps. Greek and roman can untie after hundreds of years of bloodshed. he didn't really know much about him. mostly because every time someone had talked about him they would get sad and walk away.
okay lets go see her
-----------------------------------------­---­---­lin­e break-------------------------------------­---­---­---­---­---­---­---­---­---­---­---­-
After looking at piper trying to calm Annabeth down, while he had stood in a quite corner of the room looking at it quite awkwardly. they decided to go up to the deck.
Leo stood by the controls. instead of installing a wheel, like a normal person he had installed all types weird controls. such as a Wii wheel controller and make it seem as if he is driving a regular old car instead of a 200 foot long Greek warship, with huge cross bows all around the ship, ballasts as well. and cannons at the bottom of the deck. all controlled by the x box 360 remote. even for a demigod. Leo was seriously ADHD(from mark of Athena sneak peak. my bad) Jason shook his head with a grin on his face. he looked over at Annabeth, she was dressed in jeans and her regular camp half blood t-shirt. she had stormy gray eyes framed with curly blond hair just like a princess. he looked down and heard in the distance a horn going off.the Romans have spoted them.
in the 8 months he was gone he had forgotten how beautiful the roman camp was. a roman city right next to a huge lake, an aqueduct, the barracks, the field of mars every thing was just as he had remembered it except for the damage that looked pretty fresh. but he knew that it would get fixed in no time. he heard gasps from behind him and looked at his three crew mates all with an amazed look on there face.
Jason joy and happiness had vanished when he felt that cold chill at the back off his neck."you shall never win" the voice taunted " as we speak gaias forces are growing stronger, soon both of your camps will be over run while you petty demigods go on that doomed quest." he could hear the smile in the voice." the son of the sea shall become gaias important little pawn. and you shall all be doomed" and the voice long with the cold chill vanished.
" Jason!" piper yelled. he didn't know how long he had been listening but it was probably for a while because they were already landing.
"Annabeth said you should walk out first sense you were there old praetor." said piper said with concern. "are you okay? i yelled your name like ten times but you just stood there."
"yea" Jason muttered " im fine just nervous" he said the last part with smile, but knew piper didn't buy it.
"okay then, lets go"
they walked towards the sound of the stairs going down there they found Leo and Annabeth, Leo looking as hyper as ever and Annabeth looking really impatient.
"Jason you go first with piper in case they down trust us then piper can charm speak to calm them down. Leo you walk down with me." said Annabeth in an orderly way.
"aye aye captain" Leo said in a cheery mood.
Annabeth gave him a steely look and said "shut it repair boy" she said the last part mockingly but with a joking smile on her face. everyone laughed at that, Leo put an offended look on his face and took his place.
"alright guys! lets do this!" yelled Leo.
and they walked out to meet the romans
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisdomsduaghter said…
please comment!!! i accept all criticism and comments! they will help me become an awesome writer!! sorry if the story is boring!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisdomsduaghter said…
the 200 Romans that were battle ready, didn't really surprise Jason. the Greeks and the Romans had hated each other ever sense the Trojan war. and still haven't gotten over it. he looked over them hoping to see at least one friendly roman but all he got were hostile stares.
"wow, so much for a reunion.' Jason thought bitterly
just as he finished thinking that the Romans moved to allow through a tall girl with dark hair braided own the side, and matching eyes as well. she wore the regular praetor clothing a toga with the purple cape and he automatically knew he was looking at Reyna, praetor of the twelfth legion daughter of Bellona the goddess of war.
When Reyna saw Jason she stoped in her tracks. surprise written all over her face.
" Jason?" Reyna croaked
"im back" he said awkwardly.
"yes, i can clearly see that" Reyna replied already putting on that face that you cant see what she is thinking.
she turned to a senator that Jason remembered as bobby and her her ask" where is my co-praetor?"
bobby shrugged and was about to say something when he was rudely interrupted by a scrawny kid that looked about 18 with shaggy blond hair.Octavian. that name popped into his head
" oh yes! Reyna where is you co-praetor? hmm? why if i were praetor this would never happen this proves that h-"
"OCTAVIAN!" boomed a powerful voice.
Jason noticed that all the Romans flinched and clearly that Octavian was trying to hide a look of terror slowly coming to his face, but he was unsuccessful. he looked over at his friend and saw confusion on piper and Leos but saw pure happiness on Annabeths.
he turned his attention back to the Romans and saw them make way for a lean, tall, and muscular teenage boy. with a head of dark hair and sea green eyes that looked as if a huge and powerful hurricane were churning inside them. he had an aura of power that made the air around him feel like syrup. the boy was flanked by two other kids, a girl with dark skin and eyes the color of 4 karat gold and a boy with a stocky body and a Chinese baby face that didn't go at all with the body. the two were both soaking wet while the guy with the dark hair was perfectly dry.
" Octavian. did you really think that locking us in the senate house was smart when there was an aqueduct near by?" said the dark skinned girl
"of course not! how dare you think that i would do that to my praetor!" Octavian stuttered.
Jason noticed that the Romans were having fun looking at Octavian getting put on blast. another thing he noticed was that the guy with dark Hair was wearing the purple cape that only praetors wear.
Reyna coughed really loudly so that she can get there attention. they all turned to look at her and saw that she was looking at the Romans.
"" alright lets begin with introductions" Reyna said.
" um.... hi im Jason grace as you all know, slayer of the Trojan sea monster and defeater of krios" said Jason
" Piper Mcclean, daughter of Aphrodite and charm speaker."
"Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus and first fire user since the 1600s"
"Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena, and official architect of Olympus." that raised a few eyebrows from the Romans but other wise stayed quite.
"okay then now us. im Reyna, daughter of Ballona and praetor of the twelfth legion."
" Frank Zhang son of mars and shape shifter"
"hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto and bringer of jewels."
finally the boy with the praetor cape had steeped up and said" Percy Jackson son of Poseidon, defeater of the minotaur, bringer of the master bolt, founder of the golden fleece, defeater of Polyphemus,holder of the sky, defeater of the Nemean lion,, crosser of the labyrinth, defeater of 3 gods, and four titans , also defeater of Kronos" Percy said in a bored tone." not that im trying to brag" he added quickly.
every one was shocked except for Annabeth who was shining with pride.
" oh i almost forgot" Percy added." he strolled up to Annabeth, like it was the most casual day in the world, and said "hey there wise girl. oh and guess what i remember everything" he said with a huge smile on his face. it looked like it was gonna be a happy reunion until Annabeth punched percy right in the gut.
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
big smile
this is brilliant! I gotta say I love Percy and Annabeth's reunion!
last edited over a year ago