The Heroes of Olympus The Mark Of Athena(My Version)

wisdomsduaghter posted on May 28, 2012 at 01:27AM
okay sense my last version sucked ima do a new one soo here it is:) please comment and review!! all rights go to rick riordan

The Heroes of Olympus 2 replies

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over a year ago wisdomsduaghter said…
Jason I

Jason was nervous. ever since he had gotten his memories back two months ago, he had gotten unexpected headaches that rocked his body. some memories he hadn't liked, the ones that mostly included Octavian, a blond scarecrow that had gotten power at camp Jupiter by using his power over prophecy and black mail. although there were some memories that he really liked, ones that gave him a really warm feeling. like when he and Dakota had stolen all of Octavian's teddy bears and held them hostage, while Octavian was having a melt down, or when ever he was with Reyna.

Reyna. every time he thought of her. his body would fill with warmth, he would also get a ball of guilt at the pit of his stomach if he happened to think about her near piper, he had been having second thoughts about Reyna but always pushed them to the side.think about it later. not now. there are more important things to do right now. think about the quest. Jason thought.

Jason sighed and looked around him.he had to admit the Hephaestus cabin had done an awesome job building the Argo II. the ship was made of celestial bronze with giant crossbows all around the ship cannons below deck and balistas at the ready. he hoped that the white flag of truce that was fluttering in the wind would be enough for the Romans to know that they mean know harm. but he seriously doubted that sense the Romans were really hostile.

"hey" said a voice behind him. he turned around and probably saw the most beautiful girl in the world. he like the way her chocolate brown hair blew in the wind, and the way her eye color changed color, from coffee brown, to grass green, to dazzling blue.

"oh hey piper" he replied

"you nervous? she asked

Jason stared at her. and probably stared at her for a long time sense she started to blush."yea, i am. i mean like. what if the Romans attack! we only brought 4 people and a vertically challenged sytar that yells die at almost every new person he meets!"

The sytar that Jason mentioned was coach hedge. he was a half goat half man that insisted he come for adult supervision.

" talking about coach hedge were is he" he asked piper

" oh don't worry hes just down stair watching Bruce lee movies and shouting suggestion as to what he can do to break the guys neck"

Jason shook his head and looked down at California below him." hey don't worry the Romans wont attack Leo just sent the video scroll to them saying that we come of peace and not to panic. anyway if Percy is down there we can even be more sure that they wont attack."

Percy Jackson. Jason didn't know much about him. due to the fact that whenever any one at camp talked about him they would get sad and depressed and would walk away.

" speaking of that, hows Annabeth?" Jason asked. Annabeth was Percy's girl friend she had spent 8 months of her life worrying about him, snapping at any one that talked about him and pretty much being sad and depressed.

"shes doing alot better actually. better then i thought she would. shes still nervous though... oh yea the reason i came up here was to call you down for a meeting, Annabeth wants to discuss how we will meet the Romans."

"okay then off we go" and followed piper below deck.

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The meeting room was a pretty big improvement from the ping pong table at camp half blood. the table was made of marble with 7 chairs surrounding it and one little patio chair off to the side for coach hedge. right now two of the chairs were occupied, one by coach hedge and the other by Leo.

Leo looked like a Latino Santa elf, with curly black hair and slightly pointy ears, he had a mischievous smile and a crazy gleam in his eyes that told you this kid was not to be trusted by matched as pointy objects.

standing up in front of a smart board was Annabeth. she had stormy grey eyes and curly blond hair that was tied up in a ponytail. right now she was explaining to coach hedge why he should stay in the ship while they went to go and meet the Romans

" but you guys need me! they could try and sneak an attack on you. but ill be there to stop it.' he argued.

" ye they can but if the message had made it then that would mean that they would be ready and Percy would be there and could try and stop it" Annabeth answered back in a tone that said say one more thing and you will regret ever coming with us. Jason understood why she was so impatient. they were almost to the roman camp and by what Jason knew Percy.

"yes but th-" coach was about to start until piper cut in unleashing her charm speak

"coach hedge, the Romans may even sneak an attack on the ship so may6be you should stay here and make sure that doesn't happen" piper said with a dazzling smile.

piper made it sound so convincing that Jason was ready to believe that the Romans would try an attack on the ship.

coach hedge looked convinced that that would happen to so he finally agreed.

" okay back to the original topic," annabeth started " Jason you should go out first sense you were there former praetor, then piper in case a fight breaks out, then Leo, then me. got it?" every one agreed.

" okay then Leo how long until we land?"

"um.... about three minutes"

" okay, Jason go with Leo and tell him were he should land." piper come with me to get things ready." said Annabeth in a superior tone.

Jason went with Leo up deck and told him to go and land in the Field of mars, not so close to new Rome or the aqueducts.

" hey Jason," Leo called over" um is the city suppose to look like its under construction?'

Jason looked down at new Rome and saw that he was right the city looked ruined. right away Jason felt guilty, it looked like a major battle had happened but Jason wasn't here to help.

in the distance Jason and Leo heard a conch Horn go off. the roman have spotted them


okay that was chapter one hope you guys liked it:) now here is chapter two!:D!!!!!!!!!by the way i accept criticism and praise because they will help me become a better reader and writer so please comment!


Jason II

once they landed, took a look over the side, Jason knew that the Romans thought the Greeks were evil, but he didn't expect two see two hundred battle ready Romans.

in the front stood a tall athletic looking girl, every thing bout her screamed out leader, with her dark hair and eyes with that proud regal expression on her face she looked like a queen. Jason knew right away that this person was Reyna, praetor if twelfth legion, daughter of bellona goddess of war. she wore the standard toga with a purple cape that told you she was the praetor.

next to her stood Octavian. he looked at them with hatred and disgust. he was busy strangling a teddy bear that would probably be ripped up latter on so that he can read the auguries.

Jason and his crew of 3 other people walked out into the light. every one gasped when they saw Jason. Jason hoped that some one would at least run up to him and tell them how worried they were for the last 8 months but no one came. it was really awkward for a few minutes until Octavian broke the silence by yelling out

" These Greeks have come to attack us! look at what they come traveling in ready to lead a raid against us! EVERY ONE ATTA-"

"OCTAVIAN!" boomed a power full voice. every one in the legion including Jason flinched

the Romans made way for a teenage guy that radiated power like an Olympian which made the air around him pretty much crackle, he even had the good looks of one to with his wind blown black hair and green eyes the color of the sea. he heard two gasps from behind him one came from annabeth and the other from piper.

he turned his attention back to the power full guy and saw that he was flanked by two other demigods one a girl with dark skin, and curly dark hair, with eyes the color of fourteen karat gold. and a guy with a big frame but with a Chinese baby face that didn't go at all with his body. they were both soaking wet.

"why did you lock us up in the senate house!?" demanded the girl that Jason recognized as hazel" you must be pretty dumb for thinking that that would stop us with and aquaduct near buy."

Octavian started to stutter a weak explanation but was cut off by guy with dark hair

" save it. we will speak of this later on. now let us greet our guest" he growled with gritted teeth. Jason would hate to be Octavian right now because he would have peed his pants. and Jason had a little suspicion that Octavian did just that but he kept a straight face and sneered at him. he walked back to his place near the legion while the guy turned towards them and smiled

" hi nice to finally meet you, I'm Percy Jackson son of Poseidon" after Percy said that he walked over to annabeth and said" i never forgot you wise girl"

annabeth went up to him and punched him on the shoulder" that was for leaving me and this is for remembering" she answered and kissed Percy on the lips he kissed her back not caring that ever one was watching, after about 3 minutes they broke away both embarrassed sense they both realized that every one was watching.

Jason saw Percy grab a hold on Annabeths hand and walked back to stand with Reyna. Percy turned to the Romans and said with a voice filled wight authority

"okay ever one as you can see the Greeks have not attacked so you may all go back to your duties.oh and senator we will have another meeting in about 30 minutes so don't be late" with that they all walked away grumbling and whispering about what might happen to the Greeks. only two stayed behind and they were the ones that are soaking wet.

" okay then now that that is over. please let us begin introductions" said Reyna.

Jason was disappointed Reyna hadn't even looked at him. he at least expected a smile but he got nothing.he decided not to think like that sense he remembered that he also had feelings for piper. after Reyna said that no one wanted to start so then she started

"my name is Reyna, i am praetor of the twelfth legion and daughter of bellona."

next thing you know you hear Leo speaking out " um.. did you just say you were the daughter of bologna?"

Jason was about to smack him but piper beat him to it.

" my name is Hazel Levesque, and I'm the daughter of Pluto."

"I'm Frank zhang son of mars" that earned a few of surprised glances because he seriously looked nothing like Clarisse la rue a daughter of ares.

"I'm Jason grace son of Jupiter" and that was it for the Romans next the Greeks started.

"my name is piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite, charm speaker."

" i am the awesome Leo Valdez son of The great Hephaestus and first fire user sense 1666"

" I'm annabeth chase, daughter of Athena or Minerva to you and official architect of Olympus"

up next was Percy." as i said before my name is Percy Jackson, praetor of the twelfth legion"

it wasn't till then that Jason noticed that Percy was wearing the guy version of the stuff Reyna was wearing.

you don't like him. said a cold voice inside his head.he stole your friends, your family, and even your position of leader at the camp. what you worked to achieve your whole life. he took in less then a week! and look at this! piper was even blushing when she first saw him. he is more important and power full than you. witch is why Gaea will use him instead of you. Jason felt like he knew that voice but he couldn't remember from where. all he knew was that the voice was right and he didn't like that Percy took his position as leader.

and what made it worse was that Leo started telling Percy all kinds praise witch made Jason feel more inferior

" dude your my freaking idol!!! even though i don't know what you did but from what little that i heard your like a frigging legend!!!"Percy looked uncomfortable. and ever body laughed.

"okay then lets go to the senate meeting, we don't need Octavian to start saying thing's of how late the Greeks are." said Reyna" well give you a tour of the camp after that, but for know we must start walking."

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Jason hadn't realized how much he missed camp Jupiter. the way the air smelled like eucalyptus trees and the salty sea air. the sound of the wind going through the grass. or the sound of the relentless traffic near the caldcott tunnel. they way that you can hear the water being pumped from the aqua duct and the way that you can hear terminus the armless a statue yelling at everybody to hurry it up and to show your IDs.

When they walked up to terminus he was busy trying to flex the muscles that he didn't have. he saw them and a huge smile came to his face.

" why if it isn't the Savior of the camp Percy Jackson!" he called over.

Savior? what was terminus talking about? every one but Reyna frank and hazel looked confused. Percy blushed and said it was a team effort. Jason got mad sense when is he modest!? i bet hes just faking it to look good. Jason thought.

"Oh! your just being modest! so do you have any more giants for these muscles to ki-" terminus was cut off by leo laughing" you young lad! what is so funny!? why you should be more carefull becouse im more powerfull then i look!"

Jason really doubted that sense leo had a stronger aura." hey no disrespect! its just that you sadi you had hands." leo said trying to keep a straight face but failing.

" why you just wait young demigod for it may be becouse of you that the world may fal-" terminus stopped realizing that he almost let something slip.pepryc looked at terminus and said:

" what were you jusst about to say?"

"nothing!" terminus said as if nothing happened although he kept glanceing up." please hurry up an show me your IDs i dont jave all day you know!" he nagged

percy still lokked at him suspiciosly but other wise showed him his ID. just then julia had shown up with her little tray so that they can leave there weapons.

"okay everyone please put your weapons on the tray" terminus said. every one but annabeth, piper, and leo put it in the tray.

" um percy give me one reason why i shoulf give this sweet little six year old my knife"

"beccause im a pr-fes-si-onal" said julia

Annabeth just couldnt say no to that cute little face so she set it down, piper and leo did the same as well. after that they all went inside to go to the senate meeting.


WOW! im really proud of myself i actually did two chaps! well the third one will probally come out later on today or tomorow.... depends..

over a year ago wisdomsduaghter said…
Jason III

when they walked into the senate house what they found there they didnt like. they found octivian ranting about how they shouldnt trust the greek and how they were plotting against them.

Reyna was about to go and shut octivian up but percy beat her to it." Octivian" percy said in a dangerously calm voice, his sea green eyes looking like a hurricane were about to errupt inside them"sit down or else you will be kicked out ffor this meeting."

octivian was about to say something back but saw that percy was about to lose his temper. jason saw saw that everybody that knew percy was suprised, they probaly thought that percy never lost his temper. He had seen percy angry, like when octivian locked him in the senate house. jason remembered how every one flinched when he yellled out his name. and if jason thought that percy was scary than, then he couldnt imagine how scary he would be if he lost it.

" yes preator Jackson" octivian said sweetly but didnt pull it off sense he had a sneer on his face, and sat down in his chair.


if your reading this then sorry ima have to finish this later on cuz my moms is yelling at me to put the laptop away....
