The Heroes of Olympus The Dark Guardian

anaklusmus17 posted on May 29, 2012 at 12:14AM
Hello my fellow readers. This is anaklusmus17 aka Joy here to bring you some great news. I will be starting a new forum. But i will not be doing this alone. I will have my good friend Alvin2442 helping with this story. So please read, like and comment to help support this forum. And for you readers out there who know me, you know i dont like percabeth. So this forum wont be percabeth. Sorry to the percabeth fans out there.

Anyway here is the overview.

The giant war is all over thanks to percy and the six other members of the prophecy, who were jason, leo, piper, hazel, frank, and annabeth. anyway the war is over and they are all living peacefully, except percy. He is on constant missions trying to prove himself to Athena that he is worthy of her daughter. And while he is doing that, Annabeth is off cheating on him with another guy. When percy finds out, he is devastated and heartbroken. He runs off into the sea to isolate him self and train with his father. There he is trained till hes powers rise and rivals a gods. Thats when things start getting interesting.

If you are interested, please read and find out what happens.

The first chapter will be up soon. so please be patient till then and comment you thoughts on this idea.

And wish us luck. Thank you very much for your time.

last edited on Jun 10, 2012 at 06:34PM

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