The Heroes of Olympus The Dark Guardian

anaklusmus17 posted on May 29, 2012 at 12:14AM
Hello my fellow readers. This is anaklusmus17 aka Joy here to bring you some great news. I will be starting a new forum. But i will not be doing this alone. I will have my good friend Alvin2442 helping with this story. So please read, like and comment to help support this forum. And for you readers out there who know me, you know i dont like percabeth. So this forum wont be percabeth. Sorry to the percabeth fans out there.

Anyway here is the overview.

The giant war is all over thanks to percy and the six other members of the prophecy, who were jason, leo, piper, hazel, frank, and annabeth. anyway the war is over and they are all living peacefully, except percy. He is on constant missions trying to prove himself to Athena that he is worthy of her daughter. And while he is doing that, Annabeth is off cheating on him with another guy. When percy finds out, he is devastated and heartbroken. He runs off into the sea to isolate him self and train with his father. There he is trained till hes powers rise and rivals a gods. Thats when things start getting interesting.

If you are interested, please read and find out what happens.

The first chapter will be up soon. so please be patient till then and comment you thoughts on this idea.

And wish us luck. Thank you very much for your time.

last edited on Jun 10, 2012 at 06:34PM

The Heroes of Olympus 118 replies

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over a year ago universalpowa said…

So yeah, post soon and chiz joy :P
i still beat you for my number of forums XDDD
first comment! LOL! xdD
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
no you wont
just you wait liz
ill get u and take all ur cookies
over a year ago universalpowa said…
o_O had better be kidding about the thing with Perlia...and yeah..the babies...EWW JOYYY
yeah, post soon so I don't have to be so worried o.o
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
My Two Favorite Authors wow and I do a forum with one of my favorite I wonder if I can do one with the other and WHY AM I MAKING SO MANY FORUMS

I don't like typing multiple chapters at the same time

I better go post on my other two forums cause I need to
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
please post
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I'll post on those forums later and you're waiting on Joy to post not me
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
alright guys here is the first chapter
Alvin2442 will be up next with the second chapter
anyway enjoy

Chapter One
Third Person’s POV
Percy just walked into the camp borders, returning from his mission which was forced upon him by Athena. He walked through the camp seeing new and familiar faces. Some people just looked at him while others smiled and said “hello” or “what’s up.” He walked around feeling that calm feeling and sniffing that fresh air that rolled off from the beach water. He made his way to the big house to report his quest and success. As he arrived in its presence, he saw Athena in a white blouse and grey jeans standing next to Chiron in his wheelchair. As Percy neared the steps, he bowed his head respectively. “I have finished my’lady” he said. “Show me the materials” Athena demanded. He rose and took out the things he was supposed to collect for his mission to be a success. Those materials were an apple from the tree of immortality, a hydra’s teeth and the wing of a fury. Along with collecting those things, he had to redo the trials of Hercules. He brought out the materials from the magic pouch he was giving by Athena. He showed them off one by one. “Great job” she said when the slideshow was over. “Thank you my’lady, do I have your permission to be with your daughter” he inquired as he restocked those items in his pouch. “Yes you have my permission. Well done Perceus Jackson, not many heroes have done what you were able to do at once. I’m glad my daughter is in such good hands” she said smiling. “Thank you my’lady and don’t worry, I won’t anything hurt Annabeth” he said bowing his head. “I’ll hold you to your word Perceus” she said and flashed out. After she left he let out a breath he did know he was holding in. “Great work percy my boy” Chiron said stepping out of his wheelchair and patting Percy’s back. “Thank you Chiron. Now where is Annabeth” he asked as a huge grin crawled up his face. “I’m afraid she is in the human world, with her parents. She will be here tomorrow” Chiron replied. “Oh” was all he said as disappointment jumped him. “You can Iris Message her and see what’s going on” Chiron stated trying to cheer him up. “Alright Chiron, see you later” he said and bolted to his cabin. He used his fountain to create a rainbow. He dug out a drachma from his pocket and threw it in saying “Oh lady Iris, please accept my offer and show me Annabeth Chase in San Francisco.” The image blurred and showed a girl with blonde hair. His heart skipped a beat knowing that was Annabeth. As the image cleared he saw her beautiful stormy eyes. Her tan skin, which glowed in the summer sun. He was about to yell out Annabeth when he noticed her talking to a boy. The boy had black hair spread all over his head. He had sky blue eyes that glowed. Instead of talking, he leaned in and listened. “So you’re going back tomorrow?” the boy asked. “Yea Josh, I don’t want to go but I have to” Annabeth replied in an exasperated tone. He frowned at what he heard. ‘Why didn’t Annabeth want to come to camp? And who was this boy?’ he asked himself. “Well then stay here with me” Josh said smiling. “I would love that, but I have work to finish on Olympus” she replied sounding more annoyed. Percy’s heart shattered hearing that. He didn’t need to hear more to understand that Annabeth was cheating on him. But he held his pain and watched as the boy leaned forward and kissed her. She wrapped her hands around his neck and fell into the kiss while Percy fell into his abyss of misery. He wanted to say something. He wanted to let out this pain. But he stayed silent as he ripped his hand through the IM. He sat down on his bed as tears rolled down his cheeks like Niagara Falls. The only he muttered was “Why?” over and over again. As time passed his sadness turned to anger. He was mad at everything and everyone. But especially he was mad at himself and Athena. Himself for falling in love with Annabeth. And at Athena for not warning him. She was the goddess of wisdom so she knew everything. And yet knowing what Annabeth was doing, she made Percy do those trials. His anger rose till it crawled out as raw power. The camp started to shake as an earthquake occurred and from the distant you could see a big tidal wave occurring. The conch horn blew signaling danger. Percy heard screams outside but ignored it and lived in the moment. He released everything he had been holding in for the last two months. His mortal parents dying and now Annabeth cheating on him. He had enough of this crap. He walked outside and the view slapped him back into reality. He saw people getting injured and the old Percy crawled into himself again. With one stomp he vanished the earthquake and with a swipe of a hand he dissipated the raging wave. He examined the mess and felt guilty to his core. After that he started running and didn’t stop till he was swallowed by water. “I’m terrible, no should suffer for my mistakes” he said and suck into the abyss of the sea. He let the current pull him till he was in front of his father’s new palace. He walked in and was greeted by his father and brother. They had questioned looks on their faces because of the earthquake and tidal wave. He decided to explain himself about everything. After hearing that Poseidon welcomed him with open arms and let him stay there to train him in his abilities. That was 4 years ago. Now Percy finished his training and was god like. And that was when his real adventure started. After his training was finished, he was given a test by Poseidon, which he passed with flying colors. Couple of days after that test, he was called up to Olympus. There they explained things to him. Like the fact that his powers were too great for a demigod. So Zeus, reluctantly, offered him godhood again. Which Percy accepted because there was nothing holding him back this time. That was when the lord of the universe showed up. He told Percy that, he had been watching Percy for a while. And now was the right time to do this, and gave Percy his blessings. So now Percy was an immortal with Chaos’ powers. After that he vanished into thin air, leaving no trace of being tracked. Then he was given his job as an immortal. He was to be the Guardian of the hunt of Artemis. Artemis argued but eventually backed down from Zeus’ glare and accepted. From there Percy was given the title, The Dark Hunter for his dark abilities. When he was made immortal, his status was God of the tides, shadows, swordsmen ship and heroes. And from there, Percy’s life began as a guardian.

hope you liked it
and tell me what you think by commenting
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…

And I have to post next so hopefully I don't get hell hounds or any other monster after me. I have a merman cyclops hell hounds skeleton wind spirits and Percy so watch it and I'm starting the chapter now
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
even though I don't the full extent to Chaos's blessing or Percy's abilities
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
Love it
over a year ago universalpowa said…

nice job joy XD lolz
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
and this is a Percamis forum so we don't surprise you
over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
kool i love it so far plz post wen u ccn
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
Alvin, the extent of chaos' blessing is that there is no extent
since chaos created everything, gods, giants, titans and the peremordials
he has everythings power. And with his blessing, so does Percy.
So he has all immortal beings powers along with his own.
So yea, that's alot of power. Lol
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
Yay!!! End of percabeth !!! I don't really like it too.
1) It make percy less cool dating a nerd
2) Percy deserve better
3) Posiedon ans athena are enimies
4) the way they treat each other is so......strange
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
Please not Percy and artemis agian.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
A17 you know i was lying right
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Chapter Two Percy's POV

The hunt along with me were changing camp sites over and over again. I had done my job and defended the hunt from Empousa, Drakons, Hyperborean Giants, and other monsters. When we stopped to make camp, the hunters stayed as far from me as possible. I was okay with that, since I was isolated for four years.

But I wanted to hear what they were talking about because I heard my name in their conversation. So I decided to use one of Chaos's blessing abilities, which was hiding in plain sight, and walk over to them sitting on the log. I fooled them all, All except Artemis. " Who's there" she asked sensing my presence " Milady what are you talking about" asked Phoebe.

I decided to show myself before to Artemis got angry" Me Phoebe, she knows I'm here" I said and vanished into thin air. I sat in my tent and thought about Artemis. The way her autumn colored hair flowed in the wind and her silver eyes glowing brighter then the moon. I quickly smacked my self out of those thoughts reminding my self of what happen with Annabeth. After that I let Hypnos grab my and drag me to sleep.

I woke up like always before the hunters. I knew for a fact that no monster was near us so I did a job that I had to do alot, which was sharpen the hunters' arrows. I sharpened 5,000 arrows by the time the hunters woke up, which was a hour. I snapped my fingers and the arrows appear in front of them.

" How many arrows did you do" asked Thalia "5,000" I answered "5,000 in how much time" Artemis asked "Seeing how I woke up an hour before all y'all a hour" I answered. I turned to the side and uncapped Riptide just as the hunters pulled out their bows. I keep my eyes on the shadow and a boy stepped out.

Who could be the the boy whoever guessed first gets 10 props from me
And did you like lol jk jk
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
if i guess right
can i get the ten props
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
I love it
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
No A17 that wouldn't be fair to the other fans because I told you
over a year ago avatarfan800 said…
I know you just posted, but post soon please
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
nobody gonna guess who the boy is
over a year ago avatarfan800 said…
Nico perhaps?
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
awsome and yyea i think its nico as well
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
post soon pleas eand i think it s nico even though somebody already guessed
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
sorry guys but your going to have to wait for the chapter till tomorrow
im am super busy doing a project for research class
pain in the butt, llol
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
Post soon great story
over a year ago Musabbir-Noor said…
hey nice jib. WE're both anit Percabeth fans.
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
lol yes we are
but guess what guys
its the weekend and ill be posting soon
so just a little longer
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
Cool hope it's long
over a year ago percyrocks54321 said…
post soon
over a year ago Pegasus100 said…
I think it is Nico
POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
Did you copy this from fanfic cause the first 2 chapter seem excatly like the one in fanfic. In this story does Josh die in the end cause in fanfic he die.
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
no he doesnt die in the end, and no i didnt copy the story but i copied the idea.
but this story will be very different. anyway here is a chapter guys
and be warned this is long. the longest chapter i ever did
so enjoy

Chapter Three
Third Person's POV

“Whoa calm down its just me Nico” Nico said walking out of the shadow. The hunters only tightened their grip on their arrows seeing the male in their presence. “No your not...” Percy said out loud. Everyone looked at him confused. “What do you mean Percy?” Thalia asked. “Uncle Hades, why are you hiding and what do you need” Percy said looking at the fake Nico ignoring Thalia's question. “Hades?? What the hell?” Artemis shouted as she stepped to the front. “Ah my boy, you have improved. I thought I hid my presence well” Nico said smirking as he transformed into the God of the underworld, Hades. “I'm the god of shadows after all, and you were hiding behind a shadow so it was easy to sight you” Percy replied nonchalantly. “Hmm I don't think that was it, but anyway I come bearing a message” Hades said looking like he was thinking. “Isn't that lord Hermes' job?” Thalia questioned as she sheathed her knifes. “Yes it is, but he is busy and I was the one Poseidon spotted to deliver the message. And since I decided to be nice and deliver it for him. Anyway there will be a party at Olympus at the summer solstice, which is this Friday. It starts a 7 o'clock sharp so don’t be late” he said and faded into smoke. “Party for what?” Percy asked. “Unknown, but we will think about that later, you have work to do” Artemis said pointing at Percy. “Yes my'lady” he said as he bowed and walked away. 'how did he do that, even I didn't notice that was Hades' Artemis thought as Percy walked away. “Don't forget to air dry my clothes, that's how I like it” Phoebe commanded Percy as he walked away to wash the hunt's clothes. The reason he was doing that because, he was the hunt's slave. He was sent to the hunt to protect them, but they made him their slave. They made him, make their food, wash their clothes, fix their weapons and other things. And he swallowed his pride and did them. He didn't know why? He could have blown them away with a swipe of his hand. But he stayed and did exactly what they told him to. Another thing he noticed ever since he joined the hunt last month was that, he felt some kind of connection towards Artemis. Every time she gave an order, he would think about talking back but he followed that order thoroughly like a obedient puppy. He didn't know why he felt that connection, because he swore off love. But he still felt it. And it was eating him inside out because he felt it getting stronger as the days past by. Before his heart used to fly every time he saw her smiling. Then he would talk to her and he would feel like he was floating away. Then he saw her smiling at him and he felt him self melting. And he was content with that. With her talking to him and smiling. But now that's no longer enough. Now every time he saw her, he wanted to hold her. Every time he saw her smile, he wanted to feel those hypnotizing lips with a kiss. Every time she talked to him, even to give an order, he barely hold the urge to run up to her and engulf her in himself. But he held it in because he didn’t have a death wish and he didn’t want his heart to a billion pieces again. Because he knew, if he told her she would tell Zeus, who would kill him, and also she wouldn't return the feelings and he would get his heart shattered, again. He lived his days with misery, getting treated like a slave and feeling alone in the world. Thalia was his friend, but even she couldn’t be by his all the time, for she was afraid of Artemis. Percy walked over to the lake where he washed their clothes. He was deep thought, so he didn’t noticed the bright flash till he crashed into the person that appeared in front of him. “Oh Percy, you work fast don't you” Aphrodite said as Percy came to himself. “What do you want?” he asked as he rose from of top of her. “Awe, aren’t we going any further” she asked sounding disappointed as she accepted his hand. “Sorry Aphrodite, your not my type. Maybe if you become a decent person and get rid of all that make-up I’ll think about it” Percy said as he helped her up. “Why don't you like me Perceus, your gorgeous and I'm beautiful. We should understand one another” she pouted. “People who call themselves beautiful aren’t really beautiful. They are just selfish and conceited. And I don't like you because of your stupid jealousy I got my heart broken” he said walking away. “But Percy, if I didn’t make you break up with Annabeth, you wouldn’t have become a god” she responded. “And I thank you for that. But I was content with living the way I was” he exclaimed as he bent down to pick up all the hunters' clothes. “No you weren’t, I felt your emotions. You didn’t love Annabeth at all” Aphrodite stated frowning. “That may be true, what I had with her was nothing but a game created by you. But I had other things other than Annabeth that kept me content” he said walking to the lake while she followed. “But you still have those thing, I just made you immortal that's all” she said smiling. “And again I say, thank you. Now can I help you with anything. If not please leave, I have work to do” he said dumping all the clothes into the lake. Three feet ahead of the clothes, he made a bridge with ice on the water so the clothes wont float away. “I came here to ask you something” she said looking hopeful. “And that would be?” he inquired. “Would you be my date to the party that's this Friday” she asked shyly. “Why? What happened to Ares?” he asked as he entered the water. “I dumped him, he was a stupid big ugly bully. I want you Percy, your all I think about these days. I would have never thought of the day, a man is making me daydream about him” she said blushing very deeply. “Well there is a first time for everything, right?” he said not caring. “So you going to go?” she asked looking hopeful again. “Sorry I can't” he said rubbing the dirty clothes. “Why not?” she asked frowning. “Remember what I said, I don't like you” he said bluntly. “Percy please, look I never said this to anyone, but I love you” she said looking desperate. “I'm sorry, I can't return those feelings to you” he said dropping soap on the clothes. “Why? You want me to be like this. Fine, I will. I will do anything for you Percy” she declared as she glowed. When she stopped glowing, all her make-up was gone, her hair was in a braid that rolled on her back and she wore a black dress that cover her all over. It didn’t leave her exposed in parts like all of her other clothes did. “I admit you look more beautiful this way, but I still don't find you attractive, sorry” he said as he turned around to look at her. “Please Percy, just give me a chance. You must know what it feels like to love someone so much that you’d die for them and then have them not return the love” she said falling to her knees crying. As soon as she said that, Percy's eyes widened in shock as Artemis came to mind. Slowly his eyes changed from shock to sadness. He felt bad for Aphrodite. No one deserved to feel like that, no matter how bad and selfish that Person is. “Alright fine, I'll go with you” he said. Aphrodite's eyes widened in shock. She slowly looked up and wiped her eyes. “What?” she inquired. “I said I'll go with you, but I don't want you wearing make-up and other crap. And also wear decent clothes like you are doing now” he said daring her to challenge him with a no. “Oh thank you Percy, you are the best. I love you” she said as she jumped into the water and kissed him on the cheek. “Uh huh, now go I have to work” he said pulling out of her hug. “Okay, and pick me up at six thirty” she said and flashed away. “What did I just get my self into” he asked himself as he continued with his work. That's how the rest of the week went by. Percy being treated like a slave, and one point they started pulling pranks on him. It got so dangerous, because one time he ended up with a bore's horn through his shoulder. And every time the hunters pulled a prank on him, Artemis would just turn a blind eye and claim she hadn’t seen anything. And Percy knew that sometimes even Artemis helped them with the pranks. On the day of the Party, the hunters decided that they didn’t want Percy coming with them, so they piled him with work that would take him two to at least three days to do. But what they didn’t know was that Percy heard them talking and when they gave him the work, he used his godly abilities and did it within two hours instead of two days. After that he left so the hunters would think, he was still working. He didn’t know where to go, since everyone thought he was dead. That’s what the gods told him. They made up a lie saying to the camps that, Percy Jackson died after he ran away from camp. Even some of the minor gods didn’t know he was alive. Regularly he would be mad, but he was okay with that because he didn’t care about any of the camps or other crap. But now he didn’t know where to go. So he teleported to the only place that came to mind, Aphrodite's palace. When he flashed in he heard yelling. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ares holding Aphrodite up against the wall while she cried. “What's going on here?” Percy inquired glaring at Ares. “You punk, how did you get through my barrier” Ares asked returning the glare. “I asked a question first” Percy replied deepening his glare. “Get out of here Percy, he'll hurt you”Aphrodite yelled out. “Shut up women” Ares growled as he slapped her on the face and she fell to the ground. And at that moment, Percy lost his temper. He might not like Aphrodite but he didn't like Ares more, and it was worse because he hated bullies. He pulled out his new sword which was a gift from Chaos. He rushed froward like the wind. Ares was so concerned with Aphrodite, that he didn't even notice Percy till he had a sword through his chest. “What the??” he asked confused as he looked at his wounded chest. He turned around to see a Percy with glazing red eyes. Ares started trembling as he felt the anger and hatred and power roll of Percy. “Let her go or I'll pull up and cut you in half” Percy said through gritted teeth. Ares dropped Aphrodite's hand and fell to his knees. “Trash...” Percy hissed as he pulled out his sword and kicked Ares out of Aphrodite's palace through the wall. Then he snapped his fingers and fixed the wall before going over to Aphrodite and placing a blanket over her naked body. He picked her up bridal style and took her over to the couch. He made some nectar appear and dripped it into her mouth. Right away Aphrodite's skin color returned tasting the drink of the god. “What happened?” Percy asked frowning as he tightened the blanket around her shivering body. “He came talk to me about our break up and said he wanted me back. But I said no and that I like someone else now. And he didn’t take no for an answer and tried to rape me” she said as she started crying. “P-Percy if y-you didn't c-come he would have go-gotten me, thank you so much” she said as she sat forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. By sitting up the blanket fell of her and she was bare again. He hesitantly returned the hug as he wrapped his hands around her bare skin. Suddenly his insides started tingling and he felt odd and not with himself. It got worse when she pulled back and he got a good look at her. They stared into each others eyes as Aphrodite started to lean forward. Percy was about to lean forward and accept the kiss when he remembered Artemis. Right away he pulled back and stood up. “Put on some clothes and then we can talk this over” he said looking away. Not wanting to push him, Aphrodite stood up and walked to her bedroom. She washed her face in the bathroom and then put on some black sweats with a white blouse. When she came downstairs, she found Percy sitting on her couch watching the TV. “You want some coffee?” she asked as she walked toward the kitchen. She looked at him to see him nod. She went to make the coffee as Percy sat there quietly and watched TV. When Aphrodite was done, she brought the coffee and placed a cup in front of Percy as she sat down next to Percy with hers. He sat up to grab the cup and took a sip. “Good coffee” he said as he severed the taste. It tasted exactly like the way his mom used to make it. “Thanks” she said smiling at him. “Looks like your good at something, making coffee “ he said grinning. “Thanks, I plan to make a living out of selling coffee” she said as she laughed and he along with her. That's how the rest of the afternoon went, with them talking and laughing and watching TV. When it was six o'clock, Aphrodite left to get dressed. She layed out the clothes she wanted him to wear, which was a suit that had a blue dress shirt, with a black coat and pants along with a redish tie. “That's too much don’t you think” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “What were you planing to wear?” she asked curiously. She looked horrified at first then she bursted out laughing. “I guess that's a no-no. Anyway can I take a shower since I don’t have anywhere else to go to clean up” he asked as he stood up from his seat. “Sure” she said leading him to her guest bathroom. After that she went to take a shower herself. Then they both got dressed. When Aphrodite first saw Percy, her jaw dropped all the way to the bottom of the empire state building. He looked stunning with his hair all gelled up and wearing the suit. He was shocked to see Aphrodite too. She was wearing a blue dress that went from her neck to her ankle. “Who said you cant look good while having yourself covered” he said smiling at her. “Um that was me” she said blushing. “Why am I not surprised. Anyway lets go” he said seeing it was five minutes to seven o'clock. Aphrodite grabbed Percy's hand as they both flashed themselves in front of the throne room.

hope you liked it
and tell me what you think by commenting
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
It was Awesome so I have to post next and you left me with a cliff hanger
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
i wouldnt say cliffhanger and yes u post next
and ill tell you what the party is about.
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
over a year ago beba157jello said…
big smile
awesome i love the story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago venus143 said…
Wow another amazing story by joy and company lol this is good you two love it so far can't whait till the next post:)!!!!!! Laters:)
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
SOOOOO CUTE!!! I sorta like Percy and Aphrodite now.
Y does Percy like Artemis when she treats him like trash?! Ugh!! I don't like Artemis in this forum. Or is she forced to?
over a year ago zaheer_abbas123 said…
nice story guys!!!loved ur chappies and i agree with trivia101 artemis should atleast understand percy of him being cheated and islolated himself for 4 years and annabeth and athena should be atleast confronted for their doings.......and last is josh mortal or demigod because if he is mortal he should not know abt olympus???
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
awsome i luved it post soon
over a year ago poseidon-rules said…
nice story, post soon!
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
so is Percy New lover is Aphrodite and Ares is Artemis???
over a year ago DoTH said…
^Ares with Aprohdite....UNDERSTOOD
Ares with Artemis....soo not understood.
One week since you last posted dude.
There isn't any Muslim festival soon(I think you are Muslim)...(checks)yep no Muslim festival.
then are you held up with school?if so when are you gonna post????
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
big smile
hey guys changes has been made to this forum
it is no longer a percamis, it will be a perdite.
alright, so shout out to all you percy and aphrodite fans.
this is for you
over a year ago Avidsel said…
You manage to pull the rabit out of the hat on Triple Sided Being... Plus Artemis was being awful in this story and its becoming a bit commonplace... As long as Aphrodite changes meaning less shallow and faithful (towards Percy at least anyways) then i say go for it :D
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
hey guys
my friend alvin was supposed to post
but he is away at the moment so i will be posting
anyway, here is the chapter
and a reminder again, this story has been changed to perdite instead of percamis
alright, enjoy guys

Chapter Four
Third Person's POV

Aphrodite started to walk towards the door but stopped suddenly when she felt Percy not moving. “what's wrong?” she questioned with concern. “I cant go in there” he stated. “Why not?” she inquired curiously. “because people from camp, who think I am dead, will be there. And I want things to be just the way they are right now. I don’t want anyone to know I’m alive, especially Annabeth” he said as his brow's creased. “then just hide you face” she said helpfully. “but that works vice versa, I don’t want to see them either” he replied. “come on Percy, your a god now and your going to live forever. And it wont work if your living in your past, forget your past and live in the present” she stated. For a moment he stared at her with shock. Her changing eyes and shiny hair looked stunning under the moon light. For a minute he was hypnotized by looking at her. He shook himself out of that daze, and said “wow Aphrodite, didn’t know you were so smart” smiling. “thanks, I try” she said beaming at the praise. “but I still don’t want them to see me” he exclaimed. “so just put some sunglasses on” she said making a pair of sunglasses appear. “you really want me to go with you, don’t you?” he said smiling. “more than anything else in the world, other than you being my mate” she said the last part muttering. “if you can show me a good time tonight, then ill think about it” he said leaning in and muttering into her ear. Her entire face turned red hearing that, and her heart flew out of her chest. “i-i-i-i...” she stuttered trying to get out the word but they were glued to her throat.”conceded much” he joked as he intertwined their hands laughing. “not funny, I’m not like that...anymore” she said as she shoved him slightly. “we'll see” he said as he put on the shades and walked in holding Aphrodite. Most of the people were already in there. But everyone turned silent as Aphrodite and Percy walked in. It was so quite that you could hear a pin drop. Aphrodite walked by holding Percy as everyone stared wide eyed at her. All the males were going crazy over her while Percy sired feelings inside the females that they never experienced. They were hypnotized by his looks. His muscles that popped out through his suit. His face features and how it seemed to glow in the light. The girls and guys were practically drooling over the two of them. “looks like we have their attention, told you wearing full clothes makes you look more beautiful” Percy muttered into her ear. She blushed as she tightened her grip on his arm. Suddenly a big flesh of a man appeared in front of them. They looked up to see it was Ares, with his ribcage bandaged and his face with stitches. “who is the hell is that?” he growled. Aphrodite shrunk away, remembering what happened this afternoon. She hid herself behind Percy as he stepped forward. “back away Ares , now” Percy said. His voice was low but it was threatening. Suddenly Ares' legs buckled as he recognized who it was and remembered what happened this afternoon. He took a step back as his son crawled up his spine. He everyone was watching curiously at the little commotion. “Aphrodite, who is that?” Zeus boomed from his throne. Being informed about the meeting, she didn’t want to spoil the surprise. Instead she smiled and said, “it's our new friend.” Everyone except the hunters, camper and Artemis relaxed hearing that. Artemis looked furious finding out that Percy was here. Her anger face didn’t go unnoticed by him. Not wanting to anger her more, he hung his head and walked by silently. The hunters were pissed that he skipped his work to go and party. But they didn’t know that he finished all the work withing an hour. The campers looked strangely at the stranger. They felt him radiating power, and were frightened by what they felt. Everyone went back to doing what they did, but the males and females kept glancing at them. They didn’t think people beautiful as them would exist. Aphrodite looked more beautiful then she ever did in her life and they were curious about this stranger who had the love goddess all over him. Every minute or so, they would glance at them then blush away when they found them looking at them. Percy and Aphrodite were laughing about the whole thing. The fact that everyone was drooling over them amused them. “oh look at Apollo” Percy said laughing, as he pointed at Apollo who literally had drooling flowing down his face. Percy's eyes flowed over everyone's faces as he laughed. Then a certain girls face caught his eyes. It was the girl that ruined his life. She was talking to Jason and his girlfriend Reyna. His blood boiled with anger. Aphrodite grabbed his hand, noticing what was happening. “hey just ignore her, she isn’t worth your time. She doesn’t deserve you” she said as she turned his face to look at her. And again he was stunned by how beautiful she looked. He was also shocked by how much concern her eyes held for him. “your right, but she pisses me off” he said through gritted teeth. “hey I’m your date, and your looking at other girls. Should I be jealous?” she said grinning and raising her eyebrows. “maybe” he said laughing. “your so mean” she said punching his arm in a playful way. “I try” he said as he laughed again. She fake gasped and laughed too. “I'm going to get a drink, you want anything” he asked. “just for you to hurry up and come beside again” she replied smiling. “trying to score points huh, very cute but you have to try harder” he said laughing. “oh I will, don’t worry” she replied smirking. He shook his head as he walked over to the table that contained all the food and drinks. As he walked he heard people were talking about. In most of the conversations he heard his name pop up. He chuckled hearing that. He got to the table and poured himself some soda, grabbed a cookie and nibbled on it. As he stood there, he watched people walk around and talk to each other. Mostly the conversations were about him. He chuckled again hearing the campers talk about him. He didn’t know why, but the thought amused him. He looked over the gods to see them talking to each other. But he noticed two goddess were looking at him. One of them was Artemis, who he ignored 'cause he couldn’t look at her. And the other one was Athena, who he glared at. He blamed her as much as he blamed Annabeth for what Annabeth did to him. He knew that Athena knew that Annabeth was cheating on him, yet she made him do all of those things. If he got the chance, he would kill her. She shrunk away from his glare and averted her gaze. He was so busy being that he didn’t notice someone walking up to him. He looked down when someone shook his shoulders. He saw Chiron in his wheelchair form. “hello Chiron” Percy said smiling. “are you the new immortal that I was informed about?” Chiron questioned. “clever as ever Chiron, I’ve heard a lot about you. And yes I am the new immortal, but keep quite, its a surprise” Percy said smiling. “may I know who you are my'lord” Chiron asked. Right away Percy's smile disappeared. “in due time my friend, in due time” Percy said and walked away. As he walked towards, suddenly someone bumped into him and his glasses fell off. Everyone gasped seeing his face as he bent down to pick up his shades. “blasted camper” he growled looking who pushed him. And it was none other than.....

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and try to guess who the camper is
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
GASP!!!!!! annabeth or the guy annabeth was smooching with! Oh the horror for that camper. 0.0