The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena

wisegirl778 posted on Jun 12, 2012 at 07:54PM
Hey, wisegirl778 here and thanks for checking out my latest forum! I came up with this MoA and i hope you guys really like it! I'll be posting almost every day(no garentees) and check every three hours proboly.
Summery: After eight months of seperation Percy and Annabeth are finnally reunited, Leo might just get himself a girlfriend who mistriously appears while they are on their way to Rome on the Argo 2, Hazel makes a horrifying discovery on the where abouts of Nico Diangalo, Frank finnaly works up enough nerve to ask out a crush, Jason must confront Reyna about the current Piper situation, and Piper must deal with a new threat that might turn the tides out of her favor refering to her and Jasons relationship. The final one of the seven shall be revealed by nobody other then Octavion and Thaila makes a horrible discovery about him. If you thought that was bad then get this on board the Argo 2 there is a traitor who is a spy for Gaea but no one knows she's even there.
Charactors: Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Thaila Grace
Piper Mclean
Leo Valdez
Hazel Levenquie(I forgot how to spell it!)
Jason Grace
Rachel Elisabeth Dare
Frank Zhang
Conor Stoll
Travis Stoll
Clarisse La Rue
Amy Rivins
Disclaimmer: All rights go to Rick Riordan!'
Forum Rules:
1) No Cusing on my forum I'm super religous so i don't like it!
2) You can spam but don't go overboard!
3) Please don't start an all out war of something stupid. I don't care if some is obessed with Justin Beiber and you hate him just chill!
4) Consturctive critism is encourged to make me a better writer
5) If you have a probelm with something i write down don't be afraid to say it I'm tough!

I'll post when somebody responds!
- Wisegirl

The Heroes of Olympus 152 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 152

over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
come on isn't anyone interested???
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
didn't i just talk to you on the College Expreciamces forum?
over a year ago darange said…
Hay I'm interested please post :-D
over a year ago book-worm said…
Post soon sounds like a good story!!!!! I'm defininetly interested!!!!!!
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
I'm interested too!
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
olay then i guess the people have spoken here it goes!
chapter 1

Finnaly. After all thoughs months of worry, pain and anticipation today i was finnaly going to be reunited with my boyfriend son of Posidon, Percy Jackson. Before we left camp halfblood i cleaned Percy's cabin and took the few things i brought to it with me when i started to live there after his dissapearance back to my bunk in the Athena cabin. All I pretty much did to it was stuff it in a duffle bag and throw it over the railing of the top bunk and left. Now that the day i'd finnally get to see him again is here i am super nervous. To calm me down me and the other girls who came Rachel, Piper, and Clarissee suprisingly enough were sitting in the girls lounge that Leo built for us playing Truth or Dare just like normal girls would though it was way more hilarious when half bloods were playing it. It was Pipers turnand you would bust out laughing if you saw the look on Clarissee's face.
"Okay Clarisse Truth or Dare?" She asks with a hint of a smile. It wa pretty much their favorite activity since they got on the Argo 2.
"Truth! I don't want to look stupid when i get to the Roman camp!" Spits out Clarissee.
" Alright, if Percy asked you to kiss him would you?"
"Yes" she says blushing she already had a boyfriend but we all knew that she's had a crush on him forever. All of the sudden we hear yelling out on deck. We all jump ip grab or weapons to jooin the appearent fight that has begun on top.
When we get there there isn't a fight going on but for her it might as well be. Thaila is riding a black pegasus onto the deck that I immediatly reconize as Blackjack. She literally falls onto the deck.
"Stupid flying horse!" She shouts.
"Thaila what are you doing here?" I ask.
"I know what i'm not doing i'm never riding a frieking pegasusus again!" We all crack up and start rolling on the ground shaking with or own laughter it takes us a few minutes to calm back down. When ido i look over at my best friend skin tight ripped black jeans, knee high combat boots, her death to barbie shirt is mostly concealed by her silver hunting vest, a silver bow and quiver of arrows were slung onto her back, her silver tiara that marked her as the first leutient of Artimis was glittering in the morning suntlight., and her choppy black hair was blowing in the light breeze that hhad started as we were talking. It was the first time i had seen her in a couple months and she hadn't changed since she was immortal. As she greeted everyone i fingered the grey streak in my curly blonde hair that i had got holding up the sky a couple years ago Percy had one too. The way he always had stroked mine it had made me feel even more special but in a good way. As we were flying i began to see the outskirts of the Roman camp the one that Jason had called Camp Jupiter. My stomach lurched as we got close enough to see the four figers standing there waiting for us to land. Irealize i was leaning over the rail but at least i get to see him. His messy black hair, muscular arms, and bright seagreen eyes that are staring right into mine mark him for who he is. It's Percy

What do you think?
over a year ago book-worm said…
^SUPER good!!!! Post soon!!!! I love it especially the truth or dare
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Hey wisegirl do you know who I really am? I'll give you a hint my name starts with rh and ends with g
over a year ago book-worm said…
^does that count as spam? Do I have to wait until tomorrow for you to post?
over a year ago darange said…
oooohhhh!!!! i love it post soon!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago jordan333 said…
That was so cool but I think if Clarisse read it she would hunt you down torture you and kill you ever so slowly you would be like 😱and she would be like😡👊🔫💣
over a year ago darange said…
over a year ago book-worm said…
^^ your on ur phone aren't you? Cause your using Emoji 😃
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
YeS i do Rh! Remember u told me
No she wouldn't ok maybe if she went to my house but I might get a bow and arrows soon so yah I'm not going down without a fight
Do you think Annabeth would kill me too?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
^doubt it....POST SOON!!
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
I will tomorrow! I won't be posting Friday through next wenesday camp
over a year ago book-worm said…
Camp is fun
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
Yeah it is! paintball so gonna hit that mean girl! Dint tell her I said that
over a year ago book-worm said…
Haha okay!! Hit the mean girl for me...because she was she like clarisse?
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
A little lol!!

over a year ago book-worm said…
Haha okay I'm getting an image....yeah you definetly have to clobber this chick for me!!!
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
I am really bored so here you guys go!
Chapter 2
I stood on the field of Mars watching the huge Greek warship desend. Hazel, Frank and Reyna who's here for who knows what reason were looking at it with concern.
" Guys chill! They won't hurt us!"I say. As it gets closer I can see somebody leaning over the railing and looking down at me. Her hair was a light natural blonde that was pulled up into a curly ponytail, her eyes were a intense stormy grey, she had small silver owl earrings that sparkled in the sunlight, a camp halfblood t-shirt, short cuffed Jean shorts, a beaded Camp Halfblood necklace hung around her neck and the seashell bracelet jingled on her wrist. Annabeth.
I couldn't believe it was really her after all this time the wait was finnally over. As the ship lands I can feel Frank and Hazel's hands on my shoulders because we all know that if this goes bad I'm a dead man. I don't think Hazel waseven breathing as they all came out of the ship.
First came a sandy haired boy around my age with electric blue eyes and lips twisted into a smile. By Reyna's for once happy expression I can tell that this is no other then the former praetor Jason Grace son of Jupiter. Next out came the latino elf kid that I remembered from the message what was his name Leo. Thaila comes out next decked out in her hunting gear witch sort of makes it look more threatening when glares at me. When Clarisse comes out it sorta shocks me. Rachel the camp oracle comes out next. A girl i've never seen before steps out next with uneven brown hair and eyes that look like they change color every dive seconds since I don't really know her I assume she is Piper the one that Leo told to shut up in the message. Annabeth comes out last she looks like she's been crying her eyes are all red and puffy and her face is still wet. Her grey eyes brighten up when she sees me. She runs toward me and runs into my arms that I open right before she gets into them. She backs up, pulls her arm back and punches mine.
" Ouch! I love you too!" I say.
"Persus Jackson! Do you have any idea how worried you made me?! I thought I lost you forever! And you didn't even try to contact camp!" She yells.
" I did too Hera wouldn't let it go through or something."
" I... I just ... missed you so...much!" She sobs. I lean down and kiss her.
" I'm still mad at you though" she says.
" I know. Love you."I say stroking her cheek. Hazel taps my shoulder.
" Earth to Percy we still need to get to the senate meeting on time here!"
"Yeah ok, come on Annabeth let's go."
"And thats my story"Jason says as he sits down in the seat that was reserved for him in the front. I had already told my story and was standing in the backwith Annabeth who was marveling at the arched ceiling and had been since i came back to stand with her. Her hand was wrapped in mine. Reyna stands up and adresses the senate.
" Alright it's time now to decide if Percy, Frank andHazel cango to Rome with the Greeks." She announces.
" Hey, i am a greek, I'm going no matter what." I say. Annabeth lays her head on my chest.
"Fine all in favor of sending Hazel and Frank to Rome." Not one hand goes up.
"Come on guys" I say in a matter of time almost all of the hands go up.
"It is a majority! No Romans take that Greeks on a tour of the camp." I take Annabeth so we came be alone but what we really do is go to the beach and just sit there getting caught up untill a cerian person named Ocatavian interupts us. I have my around Annabeth and she soots closer to me when she sees him. I know what she's thinking.
"Octavain can you please stop freaking out my girlfriend and just tell me what you want."
"You know what i want your praetorship." He says unsheathing his knife.

You are welcome!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
^I love it so far....when are you gonna post the rest? Will it be soon?
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
LOL! yeah it will be i is sure
Chappie edited to a full one!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
Aaahhhhhhh!!!!! You HAD to turn it into a cliffy didn't you? POST SOON!!! Inthink you should post again cause youll be gone until next Wednesday and we have To go without you posting for a really long time!!!
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
its just five days
rejustration is tonight though so i'll be posting in about an hour
and sorry force of habit!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
it really was a force of habit i'm just getting better at that habit!!
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
Okay so since i'm leaving tommorrow i need to give you one or two more chapters to hold you over till then i promise i'll post before i go too!!!
Chapter 3
The little whelp pulls out his knife on Percy who takes out riptide. I unseath my knife but Percy holds up his hand.
"No i don't want you to get hurt." He says. Piper must've come looking for us because now she is standing beside me. Along with the girl named Hazel. The fight lastest for what felt like hours with both of them slashing and hacking at eachother. Untill Percy made a mmistake he slashed at Octavains elbow when Octavions knife went into his arm leaving a huge gash on his left forarm thats ozing blood. Anger boils up inside of me.
"You did not just hurt my boyfriend."
"Yeah i did what are you two gracuses gonna do about it." Hazel grabs her sword Piper and i unseath our knives. Octavain has a look of real fear in his eyes. We surround him leaving no escape or possible attack on Percy.what so ever. I bet he knows he's gonna get hurt now.
"Ready guys." I say. They nod we begin to attack Octavion slashing and stabbing at him a couple times we left severe wounds and others just cuts or scraps. We beat him in a matter of minutes getting no injures at all ourselves and watch as he scurries away to get healed. We run back over to the place where Percy fell. His arm was bleeding heavily and he was unconsous occasionally a faint moan escaped his lips letting us know how much pain he's in right now.
" Oh Gods whats gonna happen if we lose him?" I sob.
"Posidon might kill us for not saving him." Piper says shakily. I glare at her.
"Not funny Piper." The crashing of the waves on the beach gives me an idea.
"Guys do you think we could get him to the water?" I ask. They seem to pick up what i meant.
" Yeah sure." Hazel says. We have to us all of our strenth to get Percy's uncounious body into the water. Gods he's gotten heavy. When the water's up to ourknees we droop him in. When he comes back up he's coughing and sputtering.
"What did you do that for?" He demands.
" You had a bad cut on your arm so we put you in the ocean to heal it." Says Hazel.
"It was Annabeth's idea!" Piper says when he glares at her.
" Yeah thatks alot Piper ." I mumble. Instead of yelling at me he leans down and kisses me. A staisfyed shiver runs down my back and he laughes. When we break apart i see the other girl Reyna standin there waiting tapping her foot on the sand.
" Praetor Jackson there's a fight going on in the forum.' she says calmly.
over a year ago book-worm said…
NICE chappie!! Love it!! I'm glad your posting again before you go!! Post soon!!
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
Well i'm happy that your happy that i'm gonna post
Chapter 4

Can't we go just a half hour in this camp without something weird or bad happening? I guess the anwser to that is no i think to myself. As we walk to the forum i can feel Reyna's eyes boaring into my back appearently she had not been to happy about Jason chosing to take me on a tour of the camp. I wonder what she would do to me if she found out we were dating. A nervous jolt runs down my spine as i imagine the possibliities. When we get there I can hear shouts eging the people on. The ones fighting were that little idiot who attacked Percy and Rachel the oracle from camp Halfblood and one of my closest friends. They weren't physically fighting.. yet.
" I DON'T THINK I KNOW! AND MAY I ASK WHO IS YOUR STUPID GODLY PARENT." Now he's done it Rachel hates being asked stuff like that.
" WHAT ABOUT YOU HUH?! A CREEPY WEIRDO JURK WHO IN HIS SPARE TIME CUTS UP STUFFED ANIMALS AND READS THERE GUTS." Rachel throws her knife. I nudge Percy to give hime an idea that he should do something.
" Yes praetor Jackson." Octavion mumbles and leaves the Greeks cheer and all of the romans fall away quietly mumbling to themselves. Annabeth give Percy's hand a sqeeze.
" For a second there i thought he was going to attack you again." She whispers. I decide right there and then i will get my revenge on him. I set out to find the Stolls who were still back on the Argo 2 the last place i looked naturally. When they see me I can see the suprise on there faces.
" Hey guys i need you tell help me prank a Roman."
" Sure Pipes!" they say in usion. I tell them my plan.
"Wow are you sure your dadd isn't Hermes."
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Funny! But your kind of making the character (not Octavion) look weak I mean come on really!
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
AM not! She through a knife!
ok well this is it im goning to post till wenesday because it's friday here!
CAMP!!!! Yay i get to shoot somebody who i know is going with paintballs!!!
You guys are amazing fans that i really don't deserve and i feel bad about leaving but i sort of don't you'd have that feeling to if there was a monster waterslide looking you in the face!
So my bus pulls out at eight here thats like in 2 hours
I am going to miss posting but i am going to write a new chappie at night!!
Got to go bye!!
- wisegirl
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
Really did anyone miss me
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
I clobbered that girl for you @book-worm! you should've seen her her white shirt is now a total mess! It is covered in paint splatters her teamate gotme back though shot me right under the knee it didn't break so i was still in it hurt like crap though! It still hurts and i went to paintball on tuesday ( the day i got hit i also went on saterday!) I was in the group smurfetee groupso my counsler made us all wear stupid smurf hats
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
I am starting to think that u people have lost interest well geuss what until two people people comment no chapter five for u
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Post soon
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Post soon
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
Two from 1 person doesn't count
over a year ago bukluvr17 said…
big smile
post pretty plz now its from 2 :)
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
Okay for you guys!
Chapter 5

Gods Octavian is thick! Picking a fight with Rahcel and Annabeth in the same day not his best or smartest move I think the little whelp should be grateful he's even alive. He's sulking out the doors of the forum muttering curses under his breath that are either directed at me or Percy. Piper has just gotten back from doing whatever it was that she was doing on board the Argo 2. Percy had his arm around Annabeth and they both giving Octavian the death glare. appearently she had told hom all about the inccedent that occured this morning where he had actually taken a few swips at Annabeth,Piper, and Rachel. I'm pretty upset with him myself. I have my arm around Piper who looks pretty smug about it. I can see why Reyna was standing a little ways away glaring at it with a mixture of hatred, disbelief, and jealousy. I sigh I was going to have to tell her sooner or later and now i guess it's gonna be sooner. Crap. When I'm sure Reyna's back is turned I quickly kiss Piper on the cheek and walk over to her. She turns to me a soon asshe hears footsteps approaching.
" Hello Jason" She says in a very formal voice that is not the one I reconize.
" Hey can we talk."
" Of course."
" Look Reyna I know you would proboly like to pick up where we left off."
" I would.'
" But I can't because I'm in love with Piper Mclean!"
" Oh..."
" I'm really sorry Reyna"
" Jason No! Just go make out with that Piper girl!"
" You saw that?"
" Yeah I saw that!"
" Well then I'm sorry about that too."
" Jason just leave me alone OK."
" Fine." I watch as she stalks of and disappears behind a row of colums. I turn and find myself looking at Piper who's standing about 2 feet away from me so close in fact that I can see her soft brown eyes brighten with happiness. She rushes toward me closing the tiny gap and embraces me in a hug. I wrap my arms around her witch makes me feel a little better.
" Jason?" Her head was still resting on my chest and I could smell her hair witch smelled like strawberries.
" Yeah Pipes?"
" Did you really mean what you said to Reyna about loving me or were you just trying to get her away from you?"
" I meant it I really do love you Piper."
" Ah Jason I LOVE YOU TOO!"
" I know." I lean down and cup her face in my hands. She wraps her hands around my neck and our lips meet. The wind blows through her choppy brown hair.
" Wow that was something." I say when we break away.
" It really was."
" Lets go get some lunch."
" Okay!" We walk to the gate of the Forum where somone is blocking our way out

over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
ok contest!
The person to guess who is blocking there way gets PROPS
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
just guess who the person is that is blocking there way and you will get props!!!!!
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Octavion! Or reyna or Percy or Leo! In going with leo
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
leo inncorrect
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
big smile
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
okay I'm going to give you a hint. They were one of the people in your first guess and dude where did you get Aphrodite?