The Heroes of Olympus As perfect as can be...

T-CookieRaider posted on Jun 16, 2012 at 12:51PM
Hi! T-CookieRaider here. So this is my story, about Percy Jackson and what would happen if he left under a false circumstance, and was needed again. What adventures will he get up to? Which extremely powerful immortal beings will he make enemies of or will he somehow change his old habits? It's all in this story...
Beware its a sad at first but don't worry it gets happier so... Enjoy
Oh and all HoO and PJO characters belong to Rick Riordan.
I will post on Saturdays and sometimes weekdays if I'm bored and that's about it =) so here it is hope you enjoy =)

The Heroes of Olympus 73 replies

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over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
big smile
Hey I'm back again! Sorry for the wait, but I am posting in... 3...2...1... now
Chapter 6
"Look its not that I don't want travel with you," Percy didn't get to finish his sentence... again. "Then why were you trying to sneak off in the middle of the night?" Sky asked. Percy sighed and tried again to explain. "Look I'm not exactly the best travelling partner." he said. "Join the club" she whispered looking down but looked up almost as quickly and looked Percy in the eye.She opened her mouth to say something but Percy cut in "I attract monsters from every direction, right now a bunch of angry demigods and there insanely powerful immortal parents are after me, I always come up with crazy plans that are more than likely to get us killed, I'm two steps away from a mental break down because my life is in tatters, and my girlfriend ,who I thought I would be with forever broke up with me, I missed my mom's wedding because I was busy fighting my first war and now my mom's on her honeymoon and has been for the last year and she just told me she's not planning to comeback because she like travelling to much. So to put shortly I'm depressed , highly dangerous and not the best travelling partner," by the end he was shouting "You believe me now?" Sky stood there not many people would be able tell she was taken aback, only if you looked at her eyes. She didn't show emotion, not any-more at least. She had learnt the hard way that emotions are weakness. "Wow your past is almost as depressing as mine,"she said her eyes momentarily glazing over as she blocked a memory from coming through. She quickly smiled "We will make great travelling partners, and Percy as for the "dangerous" thing I think I can manage". Percy just stood there, Yeah she was completely mad, he looked back on some of the things he had done, then again so was he. " I guess we better get travelling," he shrugged. She smiled and nodded.

Nico couldn't believe he was on the streets again. He was the Prince of the Dead, a saviour of Olympus twice, yet here he was standing alone on the streets with nothing to do. He thought he had a foolproof plan : find Percy, find Jason. Easy, Right? Nope the problem was he didn't exactly know were Percy was or Jason. And he wasn't 100% percent sure how to go about finding where they were either. It was late and dark not that the dark bothered Nico but he was tired. So he started idly wandering around looking some where to sleep. Eventually he came across a tiny run down hotel. The windows were covered by some black battered shutters. Paint a was peeling from the door and the only light from the place was a dim glowing 'Vacancies' sign. Nico entered inside, sighing as he did so. The inside was like the outside run-down. The carpet was ripped and cheap, worn furniture was seemingly randomly placed around the room,one bulb hanged loosely from the ceiling showering the place with shadows. Nico made his way to what he assumed was the front desk. A tiny piece of folded card was placed on it , reading 'New York's Finest Hotel' in almost unreadable handwriting, not helping Nico's Dyslexia. Nico waited for a while seeing if anyone come but time past and Nico got bored easily. So he called not exactly sure what to say "Umm Hello?" None replied.He sighed and went over one of the couches and collapsed to tired to care about smell of it. He was about to drift off when some surprised him. "Hello Hun."A sickly sweet voice said. Nico turned his head and was face to face with a large women wearing a flowery dress and spotty apron. He jumped up immediately,she smiled at him, showing her lovely large fangs. "Oh Father," he said as he felt her vice like grip round his neck. He probably should have guessed something like this would happen.

Dannaaaaaaaa! Yes I'm back! How did you like the chapter?I know not much went on but it just setting the scene for the next chapter. So yeah, not much else to say just please comment.
Till the next chapter (which won't be long).
T-CookieRaider *everything goes black and I disappear*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
Hey guys, chapters done I'm posting after 1 comment!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Hey! Glad you're back! -eagerly waiting-
over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
Hello! Sorry for the wait but do you know when your computer runs battery at just the wrong moment and do you know when you mum's bothering you to do non existent homework and finally do you know how your always busy round your birthday and when school starts well that's my excuse. All those things have been happening to me still I AM SORRY!.. but hey I am posting now.Enjoy!

'Just a little bit further,' three more steps, 'you'll see a town soon,' two steps, 'not long' one step, 'you will be fine, just keep on going...stay strong'. Jason couldn't take it any more, his throat felt like sand paper and every breath was as if he was inhaling fire. His feet were blistered and red from the suns burning rays, his shoes,missing from the many monster attacks. Every inch of his body screamed to him agony only his Roman endurance and need to look after his family kept him going but now the only thought he had was 'pain'.He strained his eyes to look up as ever there was the never ending bland dunes of sand and well not much as else. His dry eyes scanned the horizon to be met with more of the same. He tried to step forward but his legs gave way and he was on floor.It was too painful, his eyeslids drooped and he finally let go.
Percy tossed and turned, 'Jason hang on Jason'! "Percy wake up!"cried Sky."Please Percy just wake up!" Percy shot up as fast as an arrow smashing in to the worried Sky leaning over him. "We need to save Jason," he said as soon as he was on his feet. He grabbed his bag and started forward. Sky who had just got up after being trampled, sighed and said " and you know where Jason is?" Sky asked. Percy stopped in his tracks. "Well yeah um a dessert," his determination weakening... slightly. Sky waited patiently although only knowing each other for a matter of days she already knew him like the back of her hand, oh wouldn't her family be proud, "Yes, and which dessert might that be...?" she replied using completely over the top slowness but she never called him seaweed brain, that as she had learnt was out of bounds. It was Percy's turn to sigh as crumbled to the floor "Okay so I don't know where he is, but what do you suggest we do?" Sky sat next to him, "It's time we went home for a short visit." He was going to hate this but nowhere near as much as she was.

Hope you enjoyed that! I will post soon within the week. Don't forget to comment!
over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
Hello, long time no write/read huh? Oops a daisy (new expression, just had to use it somewhere) Sorry! But anyway here it is a little chapter.

Sky hated camp half-blood more than anything. All her previous "travelling partners" assumed she was just another demigod who was ignored by her godly parent. She wished. Six years ago, she would of done anything to keep away camp half-blood but now here she was suggesting they take the trip "home". Why, she wished she knew. She just had these feelings and she had learnt from experience not to ignore them.
Percy stared at her. They didn't talk about their past, it was a non spoken arrangement. All they needed to know was the basics, they both had godly blood in them, they both has been betrayed and they both wanted to start again. Easy,simple and clear. Three things Sky lived by. Though some things the two just knew about each other like:sky hating camp half-blood.
Percy stared at her trying to decide if she was joking, confused or just plain crazy. "Why?" he asked slowly, sure he had missed some obvious explanation. That's when sky got irritated, no questions about the past. 'Sure' she thought, 'he doesn't even know about these feelings, let alone why I have them but still he should of guessed, he should of...'." I thought we agreed no questions," she growled. Percy took a step away, slightly taken aback. She almost never got angry, least of all at him. She was the most level headed girl he knew. Her eyes almost instantly filled with regret, "Sorry," she said. He nodded. "Look, if you want to find you friend we need to go to camp, please just trust me on this one." They looked each other in the eye, and he nodded. "Okay, I just hope your right. So how are we going to get in or more of get out?I am not sure the camp will let me leave TWICE in a row." Sky shrugged and said "We'll figure that out when we get there." Percy grinned,"I think we need to add a new member to our little group, I mean come on we need to have at least one person with at least a tiny bit of caution or maybe even some common sense". Sky smiled,"Yeah, you might actually be right for once."

Done! As I say a little chapter but never mind. Truth is, this would be longer if I had, had some comments to inspire me which I did not. So I have decided I will not post my next chapter till someone comments, however long time away that may be. Anyway as always thank-you for reading...
over a year ago exmo33 said…
I know u last posted over a year ago but if u c this plz continue the story, it's great and has a lot of potential
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
I totally agree. You need to continue this!!!!
over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
Well hello. I'M BACK! It's been a while, huh? Still I'm back...and I speak french! Cool, right? So's anyway for anybody who is confused I went to France on an exchange for a while...a very long while and here comes the confession. I completely forgot about this story. I'm sorry! Some of you are probably wondering-how am I here now? Well I was clearing out a few old files on my computer and found this story and with the House of Hades out I'm back in to Percy Jackson again. The point is I have decided to try and continue this story.

A chapter will be coming soon
T-CookieRaider out....
over a year ago corrected said…
how dare u show ur face around here after abandoning!
over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
Corrected- I'm really sorry sorry but I am back now...
over a year ago corrected said…
jkjkjkjk i was joking dont worry about it
u should probably spread the wod on other forums that your back. o and ur story is nice but could u PLEASE check over grammar and spelling and space out the lines a bit before posting the chapter thank u
over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
Thanks Corrected! I will have a look and do my best at correcting everything...thanks for reading!
over a year ago corrected said…
no problem
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
Hmmm... so you're coming back? :)
over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
Yep- just trying to a get a few chapters written before I start posting again. Then again this is just a TRIAL RUN as such so if this story really isn't going anywhere I won't continue but as long as people keep reading I'll keep writing ! ;)
over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
Nico was fairly sure stabbing your hostess,in the eye,with a pencil, was considered bad courtesy but then again most hostess' didn't swallow your sword either. It just wan't done. Hence the pencil. Now looking down at the monster dust at his feet, Nico wasn't quite sure what to do. He had no prophecy, no help and apparently no sword as it had yet to appear. " what do I do?" he muttered to himself as he trudged out of the hotel, no longer tired, but he already knew the answer.He needed a weapon and there was only one place that he get one easily.Camp Half Blood. Walking into the shadows he twisted in the darkness.

Arriving in his cabin, Nico dropped onto his bunk. Freezing when he heard his cabin door creak slightly.Rolling into to the shadows, he watched as someone pushed the door fully open. It was too dark to see well but Nico could just make out a figure look round the room slowly. Clearly looking for something. It was too late in the night for it to be another camper snooping around, this person had to be an intruder. Nico reached for his sword, cursing under his breath when he remembered what had happened to it. He was stuck. Resorting to his powers,he called for an undead soldier. The stranger looked up and cursed.Swinging back towards the door. In the flash of light from the moon outside Nico could just make out a girls body and ponytail of dark hair.
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Oh hi. Well I just commented to let you know that there are people reading your story so please post soon and don't abandon your forum.
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
yeah, it's really good, please keep posting!
over a year ago T-CookieRaider said…
Discontinued. Sorry guys =( Should anyone want to continue it or take the plot feel free...(just give me some credit if you do). Again sorry.
over a year ago olympianglory said…

Olympia cursed. Why hadn't she had the sense to bring a single match? She fumbled about on the ground, and came up with a twig and a rock. Fine, she'd do it the old fashioned way.She struck the rock, and a flicker of light burst from the twig. A smile came across her face, maybe this wasnt so hopeless! But then she thought about her vision. A boy with dark hair, and a ghostly smile had arrived at a camp of some sort, she had yet to learn its whereabouts. She thought about her other vision, the boy who looked more Roman, blonde and blue eyed. He was going to die if he was as bad as he looked. " Maybe, just maybe he's the one she meant.... I have to save him."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Jason awoke in a cold sweat. He shuddered, barely able to register the pain. Percy was looking for him? But who as the auburn haired girl he had seen in his dream? She looked so much like Piper, Jason wanted to cry. Holy Zeus he missed her. Jason pulled himself up, but instantly regretted it. Pain flared in his gut, so bad he felt like screaming. Suddenly, the lyrics to Hanging Tree popped into his head. What? He'd never even read Hunger Games! Then, it dawned on him. That girl had been singing it. Her voice entered his mind :
Are you, Are you, comin' to the tree? They strung up a man, they say who murdered three. Strange things did happen here , no stranger would it be, if we met, at midnight in the hanging tree.

This was crazy. He heard voices, and was hallucinating, as he saw the very same girl walking towards him. She smiled gently, and spoke clearly : " Im coming, Jason Grace. Dont blink." He did exactly so, and instead of a flickering image, the girl walked straight towards him, took his hands and smiled.
" You're safe now, Jason Grace."