The Heroes of Olympus FanFic: The Heroes of Olympus & The Kane Chronicles Crossover

ohwoaaah posted on Jun 24, 2012 at 07:54AM
Hey guys! Okay here's continuation of the preview. I changed the title of chapter one and decided to make it the title for chapter 2. So, uh, read on and tell me what 'ya guys think, okay?

1. SADIE: Dora Just Got Real

Hey – okay, wait a second…[taps on microphone] Hey Carter! Is this thing working? What – of course I’m asking you! You’re the nerd here! [silence] Oh, ah, I see the tiny red light. Never mind, it’s working!
Okay, let me start that introduction in a better way. Ahem. Long time no see, mates! Sadie Kane is back, and here. You might be wondering, ‘Okay, what’s happened now that we will need the gorgeous, memorable, and heroic Sadie Kane to take care of it?’ Well none of us are still sure about what exactly is going on, but...remember Carter and I’s last recording – where we defeated the big bad snake of chaos and I left off with Walt and I’s supposedly “last” waltz and I mentioned something about Amos sending me to check what kind of strange activity is going on in Long Island? Thing is, I went to check on it with Walt. And let’s get on to the story, shall we?


"Carter!" I saw my brother sitting on the couch, watching TV beside his girlfriend Zia. He was slowly trying to put an arm around her, but I guess he was too chicken. I felt bad for the poor boy's fail flirting. "Yeah?" He jerked his arm back and turned to me. "Amos wants me to check on some strange activity going on in Long Island." I said, approaching them behind the couch. "Uh, sure. Are you going with someone?" Carter asked, running a hand through his nappy brown hair. "Yep. Me." Walt suddenly entered the room, looking as hot as ever…okay I'm going off track aren't I? "Good. Sure. You guys have fun." Zia smiled back at us, then she turned to Carter. "So are you going to put your arm around me or not?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow. My brother's ears turned pink. "Eh…" He trailed off. I rolled my eyes. "Well, Walt and I will proceed on our mission now. Cheers to you two." I said, taking Walt's hand and pulling him outside. 

 "Think we could go on, I don't know, a date after?" Walt grinned as soon as we were outside. "Is that Anubis or my Walt?" I smiled at him teasingly as I pulled my wand out to make a portal. "Hey, I can score even without Anubis too, could I?" Walt raised an eyebrow. I just laughed and kissed his cheek.


"Hillwood Museum, Long Island." Walt said, as the portal disappeared behind us. We happened to land in the garden, and before a ten-foot statue of the god of knowledge, Thoth. The clouds in the sky seemed to be swirling, and they seemed to turn gray by the second. I felt…unwanted. Walt must have felt the same, because he took my hand and gave me a worried look. Something at the back of my mind was telling me to just open a portal and go back to Brooklyn, but because the ignorant and curious part of me was bigger, I decided to ignore the feelings and go on with it.

Walt and I got a cab just right at the bottom of the steps. "Half-Blood Hill, Farm Road 3.141
Long Island, New York 11954." I told the driver. I mentioned the whole address Uncle Amos had given me, just to be sure. "You sure little missy? There ain't anything there." The driver looked at us incredulously. But I knew better. It must have been protected with heavy magic. "Yes, please." I replied, leaning on the backseat. "Please? Did you just say. 'please'?" Walt chuckled. "Oh shut up before I turn you into a weasel." I rolled my eyes.

What the driver said was true. It was deserted alright. The driver sped off behind us without another word.

"Hm. Odd." I said, as scanned out surroundings. Strawberry fields and a hill. But there was a strange atmosphere within this area that I couldn't quite figure out. "Walt, maybe we should -" I turned to him. He was staring past me and to the strawberry fields, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. I followed his gaze. "What in the name of Egypt." I said. On the strawberry fields was a - a half-guy, half-donkey, galloping around with a flute around the fields. He appeared to have company, with a petite girl dressed in green. They seemed like a happy couple…if you'll accept what you see. "We gotta tell that girl she's in danger. That might be one of the exploding donkeys for all we know!" Walt exclaimed. "No…look." I said. The half-donkey danced around the girl with its flute, and the strange part was - instead of blushing red, the girl turned green. "Sadie, where are we?" Walt already sounded a bit worried. "They seem harmless alright." I said, walking ahead at the path. Then I stopped walking when he didn't follow. "Don't tell me you're chicken." I said with a grin. Walt grinned back. "Nah. Maybe just some magic we haven't encountered?" Probably. But the place felt foreign in a really strange way. "Last one's a farting camel!" Walt ran and shoved me lightly aside. "You cheat!" I protested with a laugh, praying that I was just imagining the winged-horses in the sky after playing too much of 'Dora's Pegasus Adventure Game' with the ankle-biters back in Brooklyn.

So there it is. Erm...chapter one...yeah....

The Heroes of Olympus 144 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 144

over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Hey ummmm you can't write crossovers if you want people to read this story you have to move it to the "Crossovers" club
over a year ago fireyes said…
Well then why don't the people who make the MoAs go to the mark of Athena club 2 do their story? Why cant he post his story here?
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Cause mark of Athena aren't crossovers plus mark of Athena's are legal here a few months ago crossovers where banned
over a year ago fireyes said…
Banned? Then why is his here? And if it was, then shouldn't the owner of fanpop PM him?? You look there isn't a rule that says
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Look I didn't make the rule talk to universalpowa or weirdo4 about this they'll explain this
over a year ago fireyes said…
Seriously? Does everyone have to follow that rule?
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Yes or you get reported
over a year ago fireyes said…
And I've faced way worse than that.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Octavian....oops sorry chaos would you just leave him alone? There are like a billion things we cod report you for!!!! Just leave him be no one said you had to be at this forum!!! So either beat it or shut it! No one wants to read your ranting about technicalities!!!!
over a year ago ohwoaaah said…
I'm a girl. :))

HAHAHAHAHA WATCH ME ;) I'll even post an HP/THG crossover in this freaking club if I want to because IDGAF, and YOLO.

CHEERS. :) x
over a year ago mjkcsk said…
ok guys you should like just stop argueing. you probably put her off posting. Just ignore them fabulous poster of this fanfic.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
No Chaos is right. Crossover on the crossover club
over a year ago Blitz---- said…
Uh, dun care here. You shouldn't have to join a new club just to post a fanfic about something.

Love the sarcastickness! It feels like I'm reading RR's Sadie Kane! Pish, Carter. Work on the skills. Walt, you're distracting Sadie from taking in her forst sight of THE GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH! DEMIGODS FOR DA WIN! And magicians think their lives are jacked up. They haven't met Percy, who's prone to disastrous end-of-the-world senarios. Have a cake! You deserve it, author person!
over a year ago book-worm said…
^ I agree with blitz. If you guys have a probalem no one is forcing you to be here just leave us be do we can enjoy our crossover
over a year ago Blitz---- said…
MOREZ! Post pwease.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Where are you ohwoahh?
over a year ago Blitz---- said…
Yes! Where!? Please post this is soooooooo amazing!
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
I'm reporting the author!
over a year ago Blitz---- said…
WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!?! Jeez, it's just a FanFic. Get over it.
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Done I reported the author
over a year ago book-worm said…
Why did you do that? I'm reporting YOU!!!!!
over a year ago Blitz---- said…
over a year ago book-worm said…
Watch out chaos!!!! You've been reported!!! If ohwoaaah doesn't post I'll take over, it was actually kinda my idea but I didn't want to right it
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
I didn't report him I was joking why does everyone believe what I say?
over a year ago Blitz---- said…
-heavy sigh of relief- Wazzup? I hope ohwoaaah posts. I really like chapter 1.
over a year ago fireyes said…
Gotta say me 2.
over a year ago somisista said…
lordchaos...realy? just stop being negative and apreciate what ppl do (no offence and the pic i posted you said it was too small and you said boooooo)
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Yea!! Chapter 1 was awesome!! But i dont think he would post anymore because he he didnt post for 29 DAYS!!! Or he could just be really really busy!! Well if he doesnt post then will somebody post??
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Look I'am not liking all these new founds I've been here for a long time. And I'm not appreciating you new fans!
over a year ago book-worm said…
^Dude this forum was techincay my idea, so don't go off about new fans new fans are the bomb!!!!! And they wouldnt be going off at you if you werent sucha stickler
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
I think we should have a population limit
over a year ago book-worm said…
^Hey chaos remeber when I asked for your opinion? Yeah, I don't remember either /:
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
It's a free country (at least were I live it is)
over a year ago book-worm said…
You spelled where wrong. You put were
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
over a year ago Blitz---- said…
You've probably been here a long time, so I can't blame you for just wanting the newbies to go. But I joined this club to write and read. 'Tis all.
over a year ago fireyes said…
Uh huh that's right lordchaos your argument is invalid.
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Look newbie are quite annoying. And because of them we can't spam. Before you people came we could spam all we wanted!
over a year ago somisista said…
you are so selfish and self centered lord kronos! (chaos)

over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Hey I don't make the laws be grateful I didn't bring in admin
over a year ago fireyes said…
So u did spam!
U hypocrite.
Wait am I a newbie cuz I've been here 4 bout 4 months.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Chaos......just shut it, it's everyone against you. Just bow out while you have your dignity
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
I'll leave but I'll return with admin.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Is that a threat or a promise?
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
A threat. When the admin come you will all be sorry
over a year ago Blitz---- said…
For what? Because I'm confused. Admin can only suspend you if you've done something wrong.
over a year ago LeoV44 said…
<--- Admin here. First, I would like to say that reporting people is not to be used as a form of revenge or blackmail. Second, this is a crossover and the rules clearly state that crossovers are not to be posted in this club. If the OP would kindly move this fanfic to the crossovers club, it would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to apologize for LordChaos. He's just trying to keep the club spam free, he's just not good at wording things right. (Sorry LordChaos but it's true!) Anyway, I will not report anyone, but please do try not to post crossovers here. Also, please try not to get into fights on this club and threaten to report people without a legitimate reason. Thank you.
over a year ago somisista said…
just look at my icon lordchaos...just look at it....
over a year ago somisista said…
over a year ago book-worm said…
Well chaos, I hate to break it to you, but admin came and I'm not sorry about anything. Your threats are worthless because they're threats and nothing more