The Heroes of Olympus Mark of Athena fanfiction by snowflakes989

snowflakes989 posted on Jun 29, 2012 at 08:49PM
Chapter One

I was really nervous. The Argo II would be finished in roughly a couple days. Then...Then Jason would be reunited with Reyna. It wasn't like I hated her, or anything, but I didn't look forward to losing Jason. Everyone else seemed to be really happy. Including Jason. You could see the change in just about everybody. Especially Annabeth. I was happy for her since she was going to meet Percy again. Percy. No matter what time of the day, I would always hear Percy's name. Seriously, everywhere. And just between you and me, I thought I heard Annabeth mention Percy in her sleep.
"Hey, Piper! What's going on?" Jason asked, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Oh hey Jason. Nothing..I guess," I replied. He must have seen that something was wrong, because he pulled me out of my chair and walked with me to a private spot in the woods.
"I thought you had to work on the ship?" I asked, stalling for time. I wasnt sure how much longer i could hold it together.
"Yeah, but I'm taking a break," Jason replied with that golden smile that always made me crumble.
"You okay?" he asked. So sweet of him. Finally, I ouldnt hold it any longer.
"It's just that-that the ship is going to be finished in a couple of days," I began shakily.
"Right," Jason said slowly." Go on."
And I spilled. Completely. I told him all about it, how I was afraid to meet Reyna, afraid to lose Jason, afraid to lose what I worked so hard for. Afraid to become a loner, a nobody.
"Seriously, Piper?" Jason asked after I finished. "I cant believe I didnt notice! Stupid!" And like the cute boy he is, he started slapping himself.
"How long has this been going on?" Jason inquired.
"For awhile," I admitted.
"I am so sorry, Piper. But even if we, well, if 'us' doesnt work out,you'll always be my friend. Besides, Reyna probably already found someone else," Jason comforted me. I nodded. But I didnt feel any better. Suddenly, the floor started to rumble. Jason pulled out his sword and I pulled out my dagger.

So...what do you guys think? Worth continuing?

Disclaimer: RR owns all the characters though I might make u a few.
last edited on Aug 07, 2012 at 07:07PM

The Heroes of Olympus 241 replies

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over a year ago jordan333 said…
Omg first to reply your amazing post again soon
over a year ago book-worm said…
I LOVE IT!!!! Please post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurry!!
over a year ago fireyes said…
I have to say. Awesome! Post soon!
over a year ago PleioneTri said…
Post! It is really GOOD!
over a year ago amypownd said…
post !
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
wow! thanks for the postive comments! heres the next chapter.

Chapter 2

Piper and I waited, tense. The rumbling continued to grow louder and louder. SCREECH! Something-metal?-tore apart. And as if things weren't strange enough, Leo came sailing through the air and landed with a thud next to us.
"Leo!" Piper cried. "What happened? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. The engine busted on the combustion motor cuz someone put Motor4 oil instesd of Motor6. Then there was a drain-up and the gears rewinded and the chains and nails totally jacketed," Leo replied. I didn't understand him at all, but my best friend (well, aside from Piper) was hurt. And that was definitely not okay.
"How long is it going to take to fix?" I asked him.
"A few days over schedule. We won't be able to get help to them fast enough," Leo answered anxiously. "And according to Rachel, things aren't looking good there."
Even it was terrible news, I thought I saw a sparkle of hope in Piper's eyes.
"Don't you guys worry, though. I'll send a video screen to Tyson to tell them that we're coming. And I'll get the ship fixed in no time," Leo assured us.
"First, though, you gotta be healed, Leo," Piper said. "you cant fix anything in this shape!"
"true enough," Leo said. His eyes were already closing.
"Medic!" I yelled. "We need some medical help here!"Two Apollo kids came running over.
"Can you guys heal Leo? He's pretty hurt," I explained.
"No problem, Jason. We're on it!" They replied. The two of them carted Leo off into the infirmary. I turned my attention back onto Piper.
"So.." I began." Do you still want to talk about it?" Piper didnt say anything. She only looked down at her feet. Gosh! I am stupid! I probably only made things worse. As usual.
"Jason, I wan't you to promise me one thing," Piper finally said quietly.
"Sure thing, Piper," I immediately replied.
"Whatever happens, no matter where we go, please don't forget me," She finished, and walked of back towards camp.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
^ LOVED IT!!!! Please post soon!!!!
over a year ago fireyes said…
Boys. Good fighters but when it comes to us they're the world's biggest dummy. But still awesome and post soon!
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
post soon!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
heres the next chappie! again, thank you all for the positive comments! have some cake.

Chapter 3

I sighed as I watched Piper head back towards camp. I didn't know what else to do, so I decided to walk deeper into the woods. There were some weird things, like a bomb-looking thing. Or maybe that stone duck was a new addition. And that giant, ten-foot tall monster/cannibal was definitely not supposed to be there. As a tribute to my stupidness, I had walked straight into a trap without noticing. Luckily, it hadnt noticed me or else you would have seen a Jason-burger. Quietly, I sprinted back to camp. I nearly crashed into Annabeth and she almost toppled over.
"hey Jason," Annabeth said, a bit annoyed. "watch where you're going!"
"Gods, Annabeth. I am so sorry. But there's a problem. I just saw this cannibalistic thing in the woods! There might be more-" I explained. Annabeth nodded. This camp had seen lots of wierd things.
"Hey guys!" Annabeth shouted. "According to Jason, the woods have been breached! I'll need a couple of patrols, just in case." Kids scrambled, grabbing weapons or strapping on armor. Immediately, Piper rushed over.
"Ready, Annabeth!" she said. I noticed how she avoided my eyes, or just me in general, for that matter. Anyway, we rushed into the woods with the other patrols.
Remeber that stone duck I told you about? Well now, it had swollen to Duckzilla size and had also turned into a shade of hideous pink. I pretty sure that Piper's mom would have had an heart attack if she saw Duckzilla. But this wasn't just a wardrobe issue. The duck had seen us it was staring at us with the wings back, streamlined. Like he (or she?) was about to attack.
"Duck!" I yelled. Yeah, so maybe it was a lame pun. But hey, whatever works, right? I heard the orders of 'duck!' being carried back, but I also heard someone say "Goose!" Probably Leo.
The duck started walking towards us. He (or she) opened its beak. Right about then, I decided that saying he or she was to hard. I decided to make him a "he" called Pinky. (Well, he was pink, wasn't he?)
"Hey Pinky!" I yelled. Annabeth stared at me like I was crazy. "Over here!" I needed to create distraction so Annabeth could sneak to the back and end him. Out of the corner of my eye, I looked at Annabeth. Thankfully, she understood. Annabeth slipped on her cap and disappeared. And like the good friend that he is, Pinky turned his full attention on me.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha­hah­aha­ahh­aha­hah­aha­hah­aha pinky!?!?!? That's hilarious. Oh good old Leo "goose!" haha funny stuff....seems like calling it "pinky" is something Percy would say(: POST SOON!!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
aww no one post anymore. does this mean u guys dont like it anymore?
over a year ago PleioneTri said…
Don't worry, I LOVE it! Post, I beg you.........!
over a year ago fangirl-dianne said…
Is this it? (i just found it..) I think youre awesome! post soon! cant wait...
over a year ago LeosGirl said…
big smile
Ur forum is awesome!!!!!!!!!! Pinky! Lol!!!! I love it!!!!!
P.S. Goose!!!!! :D
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
thanks, leosgirl, fangirl dianne and pleione tri! *smile* here is a preview of the next chapter.

Chapter 4

"Jason! What kinda name is Pinky?" I yelled at him. Yes, I know, I am crazy, but Jason really set a new low. So instead, I yelled some insults at Pinky. Duckzilla, Ducky, whatever you want to call him.
"Yo Pinky! You are the most stupidest, crazy duck in the world! You might even be worse than Dirt Lady!" I shouted. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea, though, because the giant giant duckling turned his attention on me. Pink smoke-who would have known?-lifted off from his body. He began to speak.
"You will never get there in time," it said in a scratchy, almost masculine voice. "Even now, my son's army is marching to their destruction. You dont want to go on a suicide mission, do you? It would be a slaughter." Then, it laughed. "Dirt Lady?" I thought. The pink smoke cleared and we found that that Pinky, our good friend, had turned into a wooden figurine. I walked up to it and set some flames on it.
"Sucker," I muttered. I heard murmers of agreement behind be. Within moments, I had a duck shish-ke-bob. Wait, no, strike that. I had a duck cremation.

Okay, thats the preview! I'll the next part when i have time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PleioneTri said…
Nice one! Haha, your chapters are so funny!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
thanks! I'll post more when I have time. I'm a bit busy right now.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Haha love it!!!! Love leo!!!!
over a year ago PleioneTri said…
Post More! Itis reallly awesome! :D
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
im sorry guys, but snowflakes said that she cant use her computer. but she said that she might not be able to get on until school starts. im sorry guys, but she wants to tell u not to leave her and etc.
over a year ago book-worm said…
I wont!!!! Hurry back to us snowflake!!!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I think you guys all left my story, but heres ch. 4 anyway if you guys want to read it.

Chapter 4

"Jason! What kinda name is Pinky?" I yelled at him. Yes, I know, I am crazy, but Jason really set a new low. So instead, I yelled some insults at Pinky. Duckzilla, Ducky, whatever you want to call him.
"Yo Pinky! You are the most stupidest, crazy duck in the world! You might even be worse than Dirt Lady!" I shouted. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea, though, because the giant giant duckling turned his attention on me. Pink smoke-who would have known?-lifted off from his body. He began to speak.
"You will never get there in time," it said in a scratchy, almost masculine voice. "Even now, my son's army is marching to their destruction. You dont want to go on a suicide mission, do you? It would be a slaughter." Then, it laughed. "Dirt Lady?" I thought. The pink smoke cleared and we found that that Pinky, our good friend, had turned into a wooden figurine. I walked up to it and set some flames on it.
"Sucker," I muttered. I heard murmers of agreement behind be. Within moments, I had a duck shish-ke-bob. Wait, no, strike that. I had a duck cremation.

After that episode in the woods, i worked as fast as I could on the ship. Finally, 2 days later, we were ready to set sail.
"Let's go!!!" I announced. "This baby is ready to sail!" There was a lot of cheering as one by one, the different cabins filed onto the Argo 2. Jason and Piper were last. As they went on, Jason whooped.
"Aweosme, man! Do I get a first class cabin?" Jason teased.
"As a matter of fact, you do," I replied grinning. "The master quarters has 4 bedrooms." I explained as we walked towards the front of the ship. I stopped in from of a hallway. I paused dramatically.
"Ladies, to the right!" I said, pointing. Piper nodded and disappeared into the second bedroom. The first one was for Annabeth.
"Gentlemen, to the left!" I ended. Jason gave me a high five. I slapped it.
"Yeahhhh, Flaming Valdez!" Jason laughed. He disappeared into a bedroom. I went back to the front of the ship.
"Attention, crew, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. We are about to set off so for those of you who wish to see us depart, make your way to the deck. If you get motion sickness, I would suggest you to stay inside. Anyway, 3-2-1, liftoff!" I closed the intercom and began inching the ship forward. Gradually the ship lifted off and we were in the air. Once I was sure that the ship was high enough, I put it on automatic steering and went to find Jason.
"Hey," I said softly in the doorway of Jason's room. "I'm surprised you didn't go out to watch."
"Yeah," he replied. "I was busy unpacking,"
"Okay," I said. I went to my room to unpack too.

Enjoy!!!! Please comment too.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Awesome!!!!!! Loved it post soon!
over a year ago LeosGirl said…
Omg!!!! Snowflakes I missed you so much!!!!!!! I love your forum!!!! Can't wait till your next post!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Heehee got on sooner than i thought. heres the next chapter!!!


After I walked into my room, and Leo left, thunder started to rumble. I quickly looked outside of my room, but there seemed to be nothing wrong.
"Jason," it rumbled.
"Zeus? Dad?" I asked.
"That's right!!! Now time for a little modern music first," He appeared in front of me. The Backstreet Boys began to play. He start to groove.
"Um, Dad? The Backstreet boys were, like, twenty years ago," I said, exasperated.
"Oh." *music abruptly stops*
"Anyway," Zeus continued. "I have a message for you about your quest. All seven of you have equal parts, but for you, it is a little more...dangerous."
"What do you mean? I got my friends. And I'm sure that we can all help eachother!!" I cried indignantly.
"Ah, but you see, Jason, you cannot be with who you love."
"Piper? I know theres Reyna too...but..." I trailed off.
"When you arrive in Rome, you will be separated from the others,"
"i thought that that was Annabeth, Dad,"
"There are things that i cannot tell you, however, Annabeth is not part of the seven. She will have to go there by herself. As for the mark of athena, its not her. Its someone else."
I gasped.
"But who...."
"Let me explain. One of the things that I first noticed about your mom was that she was an owlmaiden. *Here I am going to make some things up* She had been imbued with knowlegde from Athena herself. Owlmaidens go on to become great women. Rosa Parks, Abigail Adams, Queen Eleanor, Catherine the Great, Marilyn Monroe,etcetera, etcetera. Your mom wasnt always famous and rich. She started by herself, in Ireland, where her family was poor. She was intelligent, however,and Athena blessed her, guided her to America, where she became a great actress."
"Great, but does does that have to do with me?"
I could hear Leo announcing our liftoff over the intercom.
"Owlmaidens are 'married' to Athena, shall we say, and as you know, knowledge rules over power."
I nodded.
"So your point is..."
"Even though you have the powers of lighning, of power itself, you are not closer related to me. Your true lineage is from the Godess of Wisdom. you have knowledge within you. You are the Mark of Athena!" Zeus flared up into a pillar of lightning and disappeared.
I sat down weekly on m bed. Leo appeared in my doorway.
"Hey," he said. "I'm surprised that you didnt go out and watch,"
Considering the fact that my dad, sorry, distantly removed father had just gave me that pep talk, I didn't think that I could go up and watch.
"Yeah, " I replied. "I was unpacking."
Leo didn't look convinced.
"Okay." Leo shrugged with a look that said "if you need help, Valdez is here." He could tell I needed time by myself. I crashed and I fell asleep. When I woke up, there was a note on my pillow. It said, "Stop at Yosemite. Number Seven will be there.-Zeus P.S- Do buy icecream at Peet's Cofee and Tea in Curry Village. It's good."
After I read the note, I showed it to Leo. He called an emergency meeting and Leo, Piper, Annabeth, and I gathered in a tiny conference room. I told them about what Zeus had said and showed them the note.
"I'm sorry, Annabeth, but I guess I'm the Mark of Athena..." I ended.
"Yesterday, before we left off, an owl flew into my cabin. I was there alone. It kept screaming, 'not you! not you!'" Annabeth added.
"So, I guess we'll have to stop in Yosemite, then," Leo finally said after an awkward silence. "Conference dismissed."

Okay, enjoy and please comment!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LeosGirl said…

Awesome post!!!!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Chill. I just posted straight for like 2 days in a row. Lol! Hope you enjoy my post!! I just posted on jason leo piper read son.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
whoa!! sooo surprising. annabeth not the mark of athena?!? that is something new! good to have u back!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
i think i'm going to wait for a few more comments (that may never come) before i post the next part of the story. i'm still thinking about wht to do.
over a year ago corrected said…
this is pretty good but i think the thing w/ jason being the mark of athena is really weird]but the more original the better!
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
your back yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post soon
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yeah! please post!
hey snowflakes, can u read and comment on my forum? cuz i dont think a lot of people read it and it would be great if i can add another person to the list.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
sure. ill try to post today, but i still have to study for a lot of tests so i may not be able to post for about a week or so. so dont leave me!!!
over a year ago LeosGirl said…
big smile
Post when you can!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
okay, heres a preview of the next chapter.

Ch. 6

Leo said that we were nearing the Romans. We would go to the Romans first, get Percy, Hazel, and Frank before stopping in Yosemite. "beep!" the intercom sounded.
"Attention, ladies and gentlemen, this is your awesome, grand, captain speaking." I rolled my eyes. Typical Leo. "We will be landing soon, in about 10 minutes, so, if you want to watch us land, come out now! *beep*" Leo finished his announcement. Ten minutes?!? Oh no! Was my hair clean? Were my clothes nice? Did I need to wear makeup? Beside me, Piper giggled. I hadn't realized that I had spoken out loud.
"oops," I muttered.
"It's okay. Percy, right?" Piper asked, still shaking. I smiled sheepishly.
"You, know, I may not support makeup, but I can help you," Piper added. "C'mon!"
We walked through the corridors, to the cabin-hall. Piper stopped in front of the pink door that was slathered with posters of various actors/actressess.
"Behold, my sisters and brothers," Piper grumbled. She rolled her eyes. Piper opened the door and walked in.
"Hey, Maddie, can you fix Annabeth up in ten minutes? She wants to be ready for Percy," Piper asked.
"Sure!" Maddie replied. A bunch of girls started talking excitedly.
"Yeah, Percy?"
"He's such a hottie!"
"My gods he's sooo perfect!"
I glared at them all. Maddie cleared her throat. "Sorry," she said, embarrassed. "Now, let's begin. We only have ten minutes." I nodded. Anything for Percy.
"Teresa, you're about Annabeth's size. Can you get some new clothes for Annabeth? Yes, I think the pink one should do. Now, Annabeth, the make-up. We have to get you prepped. Matthew! Get that Chanel, please."
Ten minutes, later, I stepped out out their "beautifying room" (courtesy of Leo) and looked into the mirror. I gasped in delight. The eyeliner brought out the grey in my eyes. The clothes were stylish, but not too fancy. I thanked them and met back up with Piper.
"Nice," she said, eyeing me over.
"Do you, do you think that Percy will like it?" I asked timidly.
"Of course," Piper assured me confidently.
"*boom!* And we are here!" Leo's voice blared across the corridor. We were here? *gasp* We were here! Percy was here!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
Awesome!!!!!! I loved it!!!!!! Please post soon!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Yay! Book-worm, you're still here! You didnt die in a hole!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
AWESOME POST!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
heehee, thanks. But i'm gonna wait a bit more before posting the next part. Still thinking bout the "reunion"
over a year ago book-worm said…
Haha I would never die in a hole snowflake, I'm way too tuff for that(: I wouldn't die on you guys
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
All the same, just making sure. Its a joke. Teehee!
over a year ago book-worm said…
Haha I know I laughed I was being at sarcastic but it's hard to tell over the Internet
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
who would have known? Lol, trust me, I'm laughing too. Besides, I know ur too tough to die. So dont die cave!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Lol! No worries. I dont think anybody will pull a tom sawyer...

O.M.G. Snow, i love your story! Please post soon!

~ The Fortune Cookie
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
AWESOME!! Please post soon!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yeah! post soon!
over a year ago book-worm said…
Haha caves scare me, I'm a little (read A LOT ) claustrophobic, if it were a small cave I would have a heart attack.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
@kkw- whats a tom sawyer?sry
@bookworm-dont worry. how about a big cave, like carlsbad caverns? it can fit several football stadiums in there...
@silver owl-cool! I support new readers, so thanks!
@everyone else- i will most likely post a part today! thanks and cake to everybody who reads this.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
@snowflake-sounds like a cool cave, I could probably handle it if I didn't go in to far.