The Heroes of Olympus How Thalia and Percy created WWIII...

BlackNova13 posted on Jul 01, 2012 at 10:56AM

It was dark. It always had been. Since the the start of this godsforsaken war, do you even know how it started? Who am I even asking this question, of course you don't know how it started...Anyway I am Nico Di Angelo and this is the result of how my cousins somehow created WWIII from a Facebook chat... I know you must be thinking 'You can't create a war from a Facebook chat!'.Well believe me when I say thats exactly what I thought BEFORE it actually happened!

The Heroes of Olympus 147 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 147

over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
What do you think? Should I continue?...
over a year ago fireyes said…
Lol! Yeah you should.
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
haha facebook chat !!! yes you should countinue
over a year ago Dog_lover20 said…
lol you should continue sounds hilarious
over a year ago darange said…
that sounds so hilarious! LOL yes continue :D
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Sounds cool now POST!!!!!

*then you answer 'Ma'am yes ma'am!!!!'*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
lol yeah i'll post sometime today or tomorrow. If u want u can give me some ideas for the chapters. ^_^
over a year ago fireyes said…
big smile
Sure if I canand now I cant wait! Here's some cookies (::)(::)(::)(::)(::)
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…

I sighed this is what happens when your 'All powerful cousins' (please note sarcasm. and Percy just won't admit it) have too much revenge energy.And what makes it worse?....I remember it just like it was yesterday.

Thalia was still shouting at Percy for calling her an airhead (Which personally I think she is) and Percy just got sick of it and told her to leave....But of course Thalia never listens so she stayed, this caused Percy to lose control and he started to glow black. The ground was shaking violently, cracks embedding the earth creating waves of water as high as your house. I shook my head, Thalia as much as I hated or liked or whatever...Had gone too far off the edge this time and was paying dearly for it. "You know Thalia...I'm sick of it, you want me to listen to you. ..When you don't even listen to me yourself!" Percy paused "You are such a hypocrite!!" huffing he walked away into the forest. Then Thalia spoke up "Are you running away!Don't you DARE run..." Percy turned slowly towards her "Why not? What are you goimg to do about it if I do run?Hmm!"
'Far out!' I thought, when you need Leo he isn't actually here and when you don't, he is annoying you to death...
You might be wondering why I would need Leo? And why it wouldn't be Annabeth...It's because Leo is the only one..And I mean the ONLY one who can get Percy and Thalia to stop fighting over that damn Facebook chat. The result is Leo getting chased by my 'All powerful cousins' Its quite funny really, one time they chased him staight across the whole of Texas shouting "HOW DARE YOU INTERFERE IN OUR ARGUMENT!!!" the entire time they didn't realise they were on the same side... Anyway back to the FLASHBACK.
Back to me wishing Leo was here and completely ignoring my fighting cousins. Before you know it the complete Ares cabin and.....wait for it.....wait for it....Ares were crowded around them, and I noticed this about. ...when they started to chant "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!!"..cue in 'What the Hades is going on here!And why the hell is Ares over there!?' face..


And that is chapter one small amounts of spam are welcome please give me some ideas for future chapters...And I may ask for a :-D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
Thnx for the cookies Fireyes ^_^ have some candy >( )< >[ ]< >{ }<
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
I will not post until I get some comments *Evil laugh* 3:D
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
...Lonely I am so lonely I have nobody I'm all on my own....I will not post next chapter until I get some replies!
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
Next chapter is about Leo being chased across Texas in LEO's P.O.V....^_^
over a year ago fireyes said…
Lol,now I wont be surprised if I see a kid running from two older kids! Ans almost poor Leo.
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Please post again that is really good and funny
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Post it soon it should be funny if he is running across Texas mortals would think us demigods are crazy
over a year ago fireyes said…
Um sorry to burst your bubble but most are. : )
over a year ago darange said…
big smile
Post soon please :D
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Awwww thanks fireyes your so kind but I already know that I'm crazy. Anyway who is your dream immortal parent mine is Hades he is my favourite. ;^)
over a year ago fireyes said…
I would have to say Apollo.
over a year ago greekgeek7083 said…
post soon
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…

"I told you that hours ago!"Percy shouted "I don't care!You still haven't said sorry yet!" Thalia's loud and bossy voice came in, "I know I haven't but I don't see any reason to say that!" Percy growled (It sounded like he was Atlas when he was tricked into holding the sky again...*Laughs*) . Holy Hades (Is Hades even holy?) these two had been going on and on and on and on! About this damn Facebook chat and I was getting a headache...which was a very unLeoish thing. So me being the supreme commander of the Argo II, I went out to attempt at shutting them up (There was a hole heap of people that failed at this in the infirmary) ....I walked slowly and dramatically to them using the star wars theme song..."HEY ANNOYING PEOPLE WHO WON'T SHUT THE HADES UP!!!!" I spoke into a megaphone almost blowing everyone's ears off. But it was kind of good I got a reaction. ..but the murderous look in Thalia's eyes and Percy's deluxe 'I am going to kill you in many painful and scary ways' face told me otherwise. "Uhm...I'll just um...go now...Yeah I'll just go..." I stuttered nervously (Jeez...they can be really scary...I surprised Kronos didn't pee his pants looking at Percy....) slowly backing away as if they were wild animals. 'Oh Hades,wrong thing to do'I thought as both of them came running at me.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!"I screamed like a little girl that lost her lollypop, "LEO MARIE VALDEZ!!!!"
.I wanted to shout that 'Marie' was definately NOT my middle name but I was too busy running for my life...."HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT OUR ARGUMENT ABOUT FACEBOOK WHEN WE WERE GOING FOR A WORLD RECORD OF THE LONGEST ARGUMENT....BUT NOO YOU JUST HAD TO BUT INTO IT!!!!!"
Wait...WHAT?!They were going for a world record of the longest argument....? Nevermind.... Di Immortales Thalia can talk or yell...for ages.

I had no clue where I was until I banged straight into the 'Welome to Texas' sign leaving a Leo shaped hole in the sign....poor sign. ..I would fix it but I was too busy running from People who could create WWIII in a day. (I had no Idea how right I was....anyway back to me being chased across Texas. The mortals were staring at me like I was crazy or insane or they were probably glaring at me for burning a heap of buildings (which were now smoldering ashes). I looked behind me for a second sure enough Percy and Thalia were still running but Thalia was tiring from all the shouting and running and would soon stop (hopefully) And Percy...must of got a bucket of water chucked on him...Because he looked as if he had just woken up from a good sleep (oh how I envy him). My internal tracker sensed I was getting closer to Camp Jupiter 'Yay..'I thought sarcastically 'Maybe Octavian can stop their rampage with a soft toy...' I could almost imagine what that would look like....
meanwhile the exit is coming closer and closer and "OWW!...Not again"Leo crashes into another sign leaving yet another Leo shaped hole. If you
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
looked back you would see a black smoldering trail of burnt buildings through an angry state of Texas. And ahead you would see two furious teens chasing a firey Leo.
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
And voila! That is chapter 2 please comment before I Die AND I need some inspiration for the next chapter I am as nervous as Hades lol :-P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fireyes said…
It hurts so much I nearly died and it doesn't hurt that much but I only hurts when I laugh!!
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
lol good 2 know this is funny :-P.......BUT I SERIOUSLY NEED SOME IDEAS 4 The nxt :-\
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
ohhh.. I just realised this is a new page woohooo!
Yay have Some Chocolate :-D
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
Well screw this...I'm just gonna post...Mean people..


'Bloody Hell!' I thought, Percy was annoying me more then Chiron's horrible (Worse then Hades' gym shorts *Thunders*) Dean Martin 'Music'(notice how I put quotation marks there?). Which is basically just a bunch of idiots moaning in italian with crappy background music.

I mean seriously I have no idea what in the f***ing world Leo Valdez was damn thinking....interrupting our argument....I MEAN SERIOUSLY WE WERE GOING FOR A WORLD RECORD....Who the Hades just goes and interrupts an argument because they had a headache?! Anywayy...getting carried away here.

Percy won't apologise,I definately won't apologise and Deathbreath is surprisingly the only one to apologise (Which is weird) odd because Hades' Kids are usually very good at holding grudges...not that Niccy was involved in the fight/argument anyway...too busy complaining about "I don't know what Radium is!!!"....And I did put a video of Kelphead when the stolls dyed his hair blonde with neon streaks and replaced his clothes with stuff that Kronos would wear....He didn't like that at all and chased them all over camp. And lets just say that the stolls were soaked for weeks...I guess I could apologise...NO Bad thoughts Thalia BAD!! I reprimanded myself. I guess I'll find Flaming Valdez and get more revenge to keep my mind off this...

End of chapter 3. next chapter will be up soon.This one was about what Thalia thought
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
sorry if that was a bit short...the next chapter will be longer :-) Plz comment! Or there will be no post *talks like Darth Vader* so comment or else!!!!!
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
But seriously. If no one comments by sunday (N.Z time) I will abandon this.
Ok?And I'm not Kidding... :-|
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Hey don't abandon that is just MEAN!!!!!
Post again soon please.
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
yeah don't abandon it
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Dont abandon it. Its a good story!!
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
kwl thnx....i dont like it when ppl dont comment I like to know what you think.....AND GIVE ME IDEAS!!!!!
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
plus....Next chapter is about...Thalia's REVENGE!!!...On Leo ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ »»»»Stay tuned to see more :-D
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
Here is a Nico+Thalia conversation :-D to keep u entertained

wuu2?? :)
not much just at my little cousins bday party hbu?
sme here in 'Switzerland' lol.....
...I'm BORED!............:P
i'm not but my tummy is sore
??O.o is it fatal?:-\
no i did think so...nek minnt drop dead on the floor :-P
Hmm... very approproate Thals' .....I FORBID THEE TO DIE ON ME...okay? O:-)
okay...XD i wont
I BORED. .....again....hmm....ummm......errrr......­MWA­HAH­AHA­HA.­.*e­vil laugh* ROFL XD
u got any duct tape +rope+chair+superglue +blindfold+goat cheese.......any one selling lol:-D*looking around innocently*O:-)
umm...backing away slowly...
no no.. not u i meant some1 else. .......geez physcotic much (just kiddin. .. :O) ROFLMFAO!!
backing away a bit faster
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........*severa­l hrs l8er*Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......;-)
hem yea i'll just ya know later hehe...
*setting ur house on fire :-P*.....
calling the mental hopsital
*buldozing mental hospital..*
calling the cops then runnig as fast as posible
*learning Tai Chi & Yoga* -.-
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
I might make it a chapter story....what do you think???
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
Chapter IV
3rd person

Today a totally normal day, like every other day....or so it seems.

But for Thalia(Who we are stalking at the moment...don't say a word!) who is planning revenge for a Leo 'Marie' Valdez, it is not a 'normal' day.

" not that...already done that....thats just lame....who the Hades would do that?...." Thalia muttered as she looked through her list, "Aha! Perfect" she laughed evily, although making sure no one could hear at the same time.

Leo was busy making stuff and repairing the kareoke machine that Will Solace found in the attic of the big house, it was annoying though because it kept blasting out metallica and the Star Trek theme song. Then he found out someone had taken all the earmuffs and replaced them with headphones that played sesame street theme music. "Aaaarrrrggghh!!!"yelled Leo in frustration.he was so annoyed it wasn't funny anymore.

To make Leo's day even worse. You might think how this is possible?Just remember anything is possible.Getting back to the story...

Leo was electocuted, Drenched, attacked by fart arrows, the dead, owls, wildlife, Thalia, Thalia again, Thalia yet again, Thalia for the millionth time, the stolls dyed his hair pink (including eyebrows and lashes) and the hecate cabin (Lou Ellen) turned his clothes into a dress and heels! Talk about a bad day...

Thalia was happy about how her revenge was working out. It was going terrifically...or not?
" Thalia what are you trying to achieve? "
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
Leo spoke quietly, yet dangerously as if his voice was going for the kill, a predator ; a hungry predator or just an extremely irritated one....

Anyway as Leo was distracting Thalia, Percy was behind her hidden (Annabeth's cap), sneaking quietly and quickly with the plans and replacing them with music sheets from the Apollo cabin,which he swapped with Mr.D's wine magazines, which was changed for instructions on how to forge stuff from the Hephaestus cabin, which got switched for Annabeth's architecture books, which was swapped for Drew's designer clothes, which Percy swapped for seeds from the Demeter cabin, which was changed for The Hermes cabin's book of 'Rules', Which wws swapped for Nico's assignment on radium, Which was replaced with the Ares cabins Heavy Metal music CDs, that got mixed with The Huntress' Bow &Arrows and finally they were swapped for Pomegrantes from the Underworld.And Hades had to put up with half of Artemis' Huntress' in the Underworld for all enternity. (Yes they were stupid enough to eat them).

Back to the story.....
Anyway, Thalia still didn't know her plans had been taken by Percy and swapped for sheet music from the Apollo cabin. Which is strange because you would think that as a Hunter of Artemis you would notice? But surprisingly not. Thalia was ocupied by Leo doing a very unLeo thing which happened to be Saying a speech about how
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
annoying she was being,why she should stop it, his thoughts about it and She should stop FIGHTING PERCY!!(This part Leo stresses!) .Some people fight for PEACE and FREEDOM but others just fight because they CAN or need to CONQUER other COUNTRIES. ...Think about it.x
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
srr about the gaps between the chapter....I was doing it on my cellphone(still am) :-P
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
Is it just me? Or am I like the only one posting on this forum.....I feel kinda lonely plz reveiw! $€£¥¢look at all the international cash you can get! XD
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Your not alone
Post again soon please
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
Kwl, next chapter will be up A.S.A.P! :-D
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…

"PERSEUS JACKSON!!!! " I screamed along with half the people in camp. I looked around and surely enough most of the windows had shattered....And my plans had been swapped for MUSIC SHEETS!?......HOW DARE HE!! (I THINK I BRoKe ThE cApS BUtToN....or not) .



"MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!" I laughed evily; looking at all the shattered windows and hearing that scream earlier made me sure I had accoplised my 'Lovely and totally innocent' goal (Which was to steal Thalia's revenge plans). Anyway to say I failed would be incorrect. ...but on the other hand if you say I succeeded that would be correct! "CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU HAVE JUST WON $1 0000 0000 000!!!!! please redeem your prize later..." [Back to the subject....distacted much ].

Ahh Thalia can bad it broke missile proof glass. Screw her, I have a headache now!

In the Apollo cabin...

"Aaaarrrrggghhh!! WHERE THE HECK ARE THOSE MUSIC SHEETS!!!!" yells Will Solace in frustration. "Better yet why have they been replaced with Mr.D's wine magazines!?" Mutters the person who is next to Will, while still cringing from the horrid screechy noise that Will had made.


over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
this is hilarious xD
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
thanx for the comment keep commenting. I like to know what ppl think :-)
Since that chapter was short I'll try post again today if not tommorow afternoon cause I have school...
over a year ago fireyes said…
Ha ha.
Srry I forgot 2 post on tis
Post soon
over a year ago jordan333 said…
So funny post again soon I can't stop laughing
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
apology accepted and I will hopefully post tommorrow afternoon (monday)