The Heroes of Olympus That's soo Rachel: The Final Dare Rises

_Aphrodite_ posted on Jul 27, 2012 at 04:23AM
Genre: Action, Comedy, Kinda romance, and etc.
Rated: PG13
-Rachel Elizabeth Dare
-Leo Valdez
-Hazel Levesque
-Percy Jackson

Life was normal for Rachel, the oracle, and her demigod friends (Hazel and Leo) Until latley she been having visions about two lost heroes, yet she doesn't recognize them.
After getting attacked at a school dance. A Hero leads them to Camp Half-Blood.
Now they must go on a quest to their ancient roots, Greece itself. They must recover the Mark of Athena from the Giants, before the world will be doomed.

Who are the two lost heroes?
What is the Mark of Athena, and why it's soo important?
Will Leo act like Leo? We all know that answer
Will Hazel be in a love triangle?

Disclaimer: I don't own RR characters. and Yeah That's so Raven title sounds like That's soo Rachel xD
Inspired by Liz (universal)

last edited on Jul 27, 2012 at 04:34AM

The Heroes of Olympus 32 replies

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over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
5 comments and I'll post tomorrow (since I'm going to post on my other forums)
over a year ago darange said…
Interesting I will be looking forward to it
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Thank you guys :)
over a year ago Blitz---- said…
Oooh.... I want to read it!
over a year ago universalpowa said…

Lol post soon so I know what the crapapa is going on ... o.o Lol
WLool I hope snowglobes are involved XD
over a year ago book-worm said…
Haha^your so random universal it's awesome!!!
over a year ago FairyWizard said…
Dafaq Liz?
Wait how come am not inspiration?
Am awesomer.....
Any can't wait Bella!
Post...And get your ass back on meebo! I miss you..
Anyway again can't wait!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
I will post tomorrow idk when, but I will xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…

The Last Oracle shall gather them all,
Raging Seas or Burning lands, Rome will fall once more. One of the Seven curse might doom them all.
Through the burning ashes, One Dare shall rise and the other shall fall.
The Mark of Athena shall be claimed once and for all.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wierdo4 said…
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Rachel Elizabeth Dare POV

I stood up all the way to one O'clock drawing my dream boy.
Not like a boy I have on, but a boy I've seen in my dreams.
I got my note book and black pen, and I began to sketch.
I drew a him with a adorable baby face, elf ears, and black curly hair.
But, I gave him a michevious smile like he was never up to no good.
I wonder what name would be perfect for him.

All of a sudden my windows open releasing cool wind releasing into my room.
"Leoo..." The wind whispered into my ears.
Did the wind just said Leo?
Then I look back at the my picture, and from the looks of it he's really does look like a Leo.
So then I grabbed my pen and signed Leo on the button of the picture.
Afterwards I got off my comfortable purple Sleep's bed, and walk to my Premonition wall.
Your wonder why I call it the Premonition Wall, Well all my drawins on this wall has come true.
Like I knew there was going to be a oil leaking in the Gulf of Mexico, and other accident events.
And others were pictures of monsters and teenagers with greek armor and swords.

In most of my pictures I drew a guy with a orange shirt, sea green eyes, silky black hair, and with a sword that he calls "Riptide," leading other teenagers to save the world.
My Best friend, Hazel, says I should be a comic book illustrator.
But...In my heart I feel he's real, like Leo.

"Darling, you need to go to bed it's one O'clock." My Dad said as he peek through my door.

"I know Dad." I replied back.

"Now." He ordered. Then he shut the door, sometimes I wish he can shut his mouth while he's at it.

I walked by my corner table lamp, and shut it off. And then finally rest my red head on my fluffy pillow.

I looked up at the at my wall, at the stars that my Dad put in my room when I was 5 years old to help me sleep.

The stars started to move, forming a sentenced.

Until I could perfectly read "It's coming..."

What was going on? And I must be tired that's all.

After a few seconds, my vision faded.

One more chapter coming right up!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…

Chapter Two "He's Real!"

-Charion Ladies Academy at 3:10pm-

Finally! After a long day at school, it's finally over.
As the school bell was ringing, which was very loud and annoying.
Dozens of us teen girls burst out of our school doors, and then made our way to either a bus or a ride from our papers. Most of the senior class have already their own cars.

But I like walking home with my new best friend, Hazel. We only known eachother for about a month, but we just clicked.

"So are you coming to Xavier Academy's football game?" Hazel asked.

Hazel was the only shortest girl in our tenth grade class, but it because she so smart that she skipped grades, Hazel is like 13 and I'm 16 years old.
Hazel had warm golden eyes, with dark caramel skin, with long browm curly hair.
We both wore Charion Ladies Academy ugly uniforms to worn off guys from a ten miles radius.
Navy Blazers, Long black dress up to our knees, and ankle shoes with dress shoes.
Yes we will get guys from our century!

"Umm.. I don't think soo. I don't know any guys from Xavier Academy anyway." I replied, But now that I think of it, it was embarrasing.

"Who wouldn't know a Fiesty Red head like you?" Hazel tried to cheer me up.

I push my red hair into a pony tail. "Guys." That was my one answer.

Hazel smiled. "Well a you know that special guy that I have been talking to you about a week?"

"The guy that you never told me his name for no reason." I said. Then we made our way to the side walks.
"Yeah... Well he goes to Xavier Academy, and he ask me a way." Hazel said.

"In a way?" I asked.

"Well he asked me to cheer him on at the game." Hazel said.

"Oh, cool." I said but I felt kinda jealousy. "Is he a quarter back or something?"

Hazel said something under her breath. Did she said he's in drum line.
"Drum line?" trying to keep a serious face.
"Yeah, I kinda find it cute. He told me when he's playing, he's playing for me." Hazel sounded like she was falling in love.

Then Hazel snapped out of it. "I'm sure he has another friend, so he can keep you company."

"Um, no thanks." I said as I shake my head.

"Please, for me Rachel." Hazel said as she was making puppy dog eyes.

It was really hard to say no to Hazel, plus her Puppy dog face creepy me out.

"Fine--" All of a sudden I tripped over something shiny.
I landed face first on the concrete.
"Ouch!" I groaned.
I saw Hazel grabbed something from the ground, and placed it in her pocket.
I didn't have a good look of it.
Hazel helped me back up, and wipe all off the dirt off.
"You still haven't answer---" I sad until Hazel answered.

"It probably was a rock. Come on." Hazel walked away.
Then I followed.
"So your date wouldn't mind me tagging along?" I asked.
"Rachel, all of the girls in our school got invited to Xavier Academy Football game." Hazel smiled,
"Well all but one."

"Hey!" I pouted. But Hazel and I both laughed at the same time.

"I'll ask him to ask his friend, Dylan, if he wants to go with you." Hazel said.

"Well this is my stop." Hazel said in front of a old house.
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
big smile
Who is Hazel's mysterious BoyFriend ? :O The world may never know! Jk I will try to post tomorrow.
over a year ago corrected said…
ill be reading
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
big smile
Okay :D i will post on Monday, I promise :D
over a year ago corrected said…
anaklusmus17 has abandoned
he has offered to let someone else take over his stories
go to the link above for more info, he says it all there
they r too good to be abandoned!
email him for rest of the plots in his stories
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile
I just got the title... -_-
...Raven sees the future..Rachel kinda does too...


....AWSHUM story by the way!! :D
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
LMFAO Thank you. Omg fanpop only log me on Meebo not here ._. Yes but i fixed it. Give me about a Hour or soo to post xD
over a year ago wierdo4 said…
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…

-Chapter 3-
~The Date of Destiny~
Rachel's POV

Hazel and I took about three hours getting ready, okay I lied only three hours to turn our mess of our hair to perfect using a curlying iron. I burned Hazel's atleast four times.
Afterwards we tried on outfits, until we found the perfect ones.

"Rach, I love this outfit. I mean its not revealing but it's..." Hazel said as she was wearing a golden sparkly shirt, black pants, black and golden combat boots, and a matching purse. She looked at herself for five minutes straight.

"Come look at your self." Hazel tried to push me too look at myself in the mirror.

"No! I break it!" I said as I tried to pull away from her grip, but I had to say for a girl her size sge's pretty strong. Hazel finally put me face to face with the mirror.

Wooww.... I was I was. I wored a simple blue top that matched my sky blue etes. My lips, oh god their bright red as my hair.My skin was pale as always, but since Hazel placed make up on my face, it look like my casper the friendly ghost skin came back to life. I wored Hollister jeans and sandles.
I look.. I look...

Hazel yelled.

I look away from the mirror. "I don't look that ugly!" I replied.

"Not that kinda yell, like a yay kinda yell. Dylan is going to be flying to see you." Hazel said.

"Flying to see me?" I mitten my eyebrows.

"I said Faint when he see's you. Flying?" Hazel said confused as she put her make up in her cabinet.
Even Though Hazel was foster kid, She really had a cool room.
She had her own Tv, Big bed, yellow walls, own closet, own bathroom she was lucky.

Hazel's T-Mobile phone played her ringtone "Call me Maybe."
Hazel picked up the phone. "Hello?...Oh Hey!.... Yes we're ready. Oh my gods I can't wait to see you sweetie honey money of goodness."

I felted a cold chill, like that spine tingling feeling.
"I said Faint when he see you." Hazel said confused.

What is going on? Am I having dejá voo?

"he's going to call to say that he's here." I told Hazel.

"Wha--" Hazel said, until someone was calling her.

"Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy--" Hazel grabbed her T-Mobile phone, and gave me a weird look.

""Hello?...Oh Hey!.... Yes we're ready. Oh my gods I can't wait to see you sweetie honey money of goodness." Hazel hunged up the phone.

"Rachel, you have to control your visions tonight. I find it normal because I know the feel of being not normal," Everytime Hazel says she's not normal, it makes me think that she will never tell me her big secret. I mean I tell you I can see the future! But you dont tell me yours.

"But, Dylan might talk it the wrong way and blow off being in the game with you." Hazel said.

I nodded my head. "Yeah your right, I can be a boring ordinary girl for one night." I said with a fake smile.

"Don't be soo sarcastic." Hazel replied.

"Stop acting like my mother." I replied.

But I could of swear that Hazel said "I could be colder than your gutter."

There was a small knock on Hazel's door.

"Yes?" Hazel called.

Then Hazel's foster mother peaked her head out the door.
She was a woman in here 50's, already her blond hair was turning white.
Her eyes was as grey as the clouds and her skin was white as a dove. She wored a white night grown.
I loved Hazel's foster mother, in a weird way she was cool for a old person.
Awkwardly she was a big fan of the hunger games, so she wore the mocking jay pin everyday after "The Hunger Games," came out in theatres months ago.

"Those Boys are here. One looks like a superman, and the other looks like stitch." Miss.Althea whinking like, " If I was younger, I'll steal them from you guys!"

"Mom!" Hazel said with embarrasment.

Miss.Althea just laugh, "I was just messing with you young cool cats."

"Come on, like we plan. Wall down the stairs like supermodels." Hazel whispered to me as we walk out of her room, and then down the hall way to the stair case.

Ohhh boy...

"You." I
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
big smile


I couldn't see well, everything was blurry like if you were to put on someone's glasses.
All I could see was a boy with curly hair screaming "OHHH NO!" and tries to block his face.


I stopped Hazel. "I just had another... Vision" I whispered.

Hazel put her hand on my shoulders, "If it's not a life or death situation. Than we could save it for later.


Comment on what you think is going to happen! :D
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
oh my gods aphrodite i just read your story but its so freaking awesome! Post as soon as you can. I cant wait! POST!!!POST!!!POST!!!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
big smile
Thank you :D Finally someone read it haha!

Well I hoped you enjoyed it Snowflake.

I will post on Friday since I'm going to be writing on Gladiators :D
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Okay aphrodite I cant wait!! But I'm going to be gone and I wont be back till next week. I am so so sorry. AHGGG!!!! There is no internet there! PASP (post soon as possible)
btw-you can just call me Snow. :D

over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hey! NEW PAGE!!!! Lol

over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hey it's been a week. Did you abandon this? (plz say you didnt. I love this too much)
over a year ago TuTuAhshae said…
big smile
Omg this sis so gooooood , lol post soon !
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Caught up! Post soon!
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

_Aphrodite_ has no internet at home...she will post but after her internet is fixed.

Thank you!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
oky thnxblaze of ares.