The Heroes of Olympus Cabins War

AmazingPercy posted on Jul 27, 2012 at 08:52PM
Hello to everyone! I have recently decided to write a story but it's not exactly a story.
Summery: The demigods are tired after destroying Kronus. They still have a long time till the end of the summer. So a wonderful idea came to the mind of Mr. D. Some sort of weird entertainment, which the gods seemed to like.
I do not own the Percy Jackson title or whatnot but all rites go to the amazing author Rick Riordan
To all my old fanpop buddies-I'm back & writing

The Heroes of Olympus 18 replies

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over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I'm too lazy to check this now but I wrote it last week hope u enjoy:


“It is a very good idea,” said Athena. “A good friendly compition.”

“But what if they get hurt?” asked Zeus.

“The only way they could get hurt is if they met the Romans.” Commented Hera

Everyone laughed, “That would never happen.” said Artemis

In the corner Hera smirked.

“So are we doing this mini war? I think it should be the twin’s fight,” suggested Ares

Both Apollo and Artemis got up. Artemis with a shocked expressing and Apollo with a smile.

“My Hunters…”

“Against my archers.”

“Yes!” Mr. D got up. “I love that idea!”

Everyone looked at Dionysus.

“I allow for these games to happen. Our kids will participate or watch and the events will be decided by the gods/goddesses hosting it. Dionysus will choose the winner.” Commanded Zeus. “All in favor.” Everyone raised their hand. “They begin tomorrow.”


The Sun shown brightly as I awoke from my new cabin. Thankfully my room was dark but that could not compare to the morning light as I walked to breakfast. Since they were building more buildings, the days were crazy. There was not a set schedule since not everyone was present with the activities. It was like eat and find something exciting.

As I sat down at my table alone everyone was silent. Mr. D and Chiron were standing at the front while Percy and Annabeth came running to breakfast. Late as usual.

“After breakfast we have a special treat for you. The gods know how exhausted you are and have voted on an idea from Mr. D. Would you like to explain.”

“The next few weeks we will be having compitions representing our parents. The two gods themselves will be coming and choosing events.”

“What do…” Percy interrupted

“Shut up Peter.” Mr. D yelled, “Two cabins will go against each other. But for our first contest we will have The Hunters come. They will be going against the Apollo cabin.”

There was a cheer from all around and high fives to the Apollo’s cabin.

“These contests will take place in the monster infested woods for even more fun.”

Everyone groaned at that one but the gods really wouldn’t let us get hurt. Especially since we just protected their home.

“Time to eat. After you are done bring your cabins to the forest. Will, make sure your cabin is ready to last a week.” Said Chiron.

We all burned offerings and headed to the forest soon after. It seemed Mr. D made an arena for everyone to sit and watch. It was around noontime when they were ready to begin. I sat alone in the corner by the first row. Everyone didn’t know what to expect so I guess in fear of being speared by Ares, or dressed up by Aphrodite, everyone moved up high. I didn’t care either way.
With all eyes on Mr. D he greeted the first group.

“I present you Apollo and his cabin. A big welcome to the Morning Flames.”

The crowd clapped loudly to the twenty archers dresses in jeans and gold tops.

“Good afternoon everyone. We have a special surprise for all of you.” Apollo greeted.
The archers all lined up and one after another launched arrows with different music playing while a ray of sunshine lit them up.

“And a big welcome to The Hunters of Artemis, who so kindly agreed to stand in the company of men.”

There was less of an appeal for them. Thirty young girls walked in all wearing jeans and silvery tops. Their bows on their back ready for anything, like my sister was.

“The Silverstreaks. Fire.” By Artemis’s command thirty silver arrows went up and silver streamers went down.

“Let the games…” Started Mr. D but was interrupted by a voice coming from a dark cloud.

“Wait!” The voice ordered as the cloud cleared away. The fancy guy in the black suit who came was my father. “I have something to make these games more interesting.”

“Hades. It is for the competitors gods to decide what goes on.” Mr. D said.

"No. One more little surprise. During this long fight of the Titans, each side has lost two important people. For these games I will bring them back. But only this week.”

“Dad!” I cried out, “Do you mean Bianca?”

“Be quite Nico! Apollo’s side can have Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew.”

There were both shocked and excited faces going around the Apollo kids and the camp. I could not believe what was happening. These contests must be very special to the gods. They must want some good entertainment.

“And to the Hunters, Bianca d’Angelo and Zoe Nightshade.”

Neither the Hunters nor I could believe it. The shadows that soon appeared next to Hades and turned solid. My sister was right there. I couldn’t believe it.

“Zoe!” The Hunters called

“Lee! Michael!” The camp called

But were all drowned out by me yelling Bianca’s name. I jumped out of my seat and ran to give her a big hug.

“Nico. Little bro. I missed you too.”

“Dad…”I began.

“You four have one week for these tournaments.” And Hades left in another black cloud.

“Nico! Percy! Annabeth! Thalia! Get back to your spots!” Mr. D ordered.

Soon I realized I was not the only one on the stage. Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia were with Zoe.


We all resumed our spots and waited for the next directions

“Let the ‘new’ old campers return to their spots.” Chiron said

On the way to the Hunters spot Bianca and Zoe walked by Apollo.

“Nice to see you back sweethearts.” Apollo whispered.


“Calm down sis.”

“I will not…”

“Okay everyone back to the pavilion while the groups handle their first test: setting up camp in the woods.”

over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Koolio! First comment :D
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Kowl thxsXD btw spam is allowed and i'm on vaca so not sure next time i'll post
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
that is one of the best first chapters of a fan fic I have ever read I love this post as soon as you can and heres a cake
over a year ago FairyWizard said…
Kristen I fucking love you
That was awesome!!
Lol was that the fanfic?
Its amazing! Lol I would say more and stuff but am watching HP......
Post soon even though you're on vaca...wait you're going to like New York right?
over a year ago huskyrock said…
WOW that was awesome! Have a nice vacation and post on ur vacation if u can! That'll be cool! But take ur time and enjoy ur vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO excited to see the next chapter!
over a year ago meredog said…
I really like this!!!!!!! Post soon!!! And thanks for telling me about this!!!!!!!

I like cheese!!!!!!!

Oops Weirdo4 I just posted spam!!!! *fants because this is so bad*
over a year ago corrected said…
post more!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Still on vacation but as a birthday present from me to everyone i'll give u a peek of the epic rap battle between the Apollo campers and Hunters

You Morning flames
cannot be tamed
Zeus should take
Your precious names
Look at you
Flying high in the sky
With that chariot-you took----pointing at Will
You made Ares cry

Our bows are hot
We make your wood rot
You think your so cool
But your not

okay thats it for now but hopefully next week or sooner will be nice
over a year ago huskyrock said…
Cool! Well... Have a nice vacation! When will you be back? And post soon!!!
over a year ago huskyrock said…
Are u still on vacation??? PLEASE post soon!!!!!!:)
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
are you stillllll on vaca?
i wanna noe wht happens... yeah i know im late xP
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
No i kinda ended it
Srry i told huskyrock
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
booey i wanted to knoe
over a year ago somisista said…
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
damnnn!!!!!!!!! somisita relli misses it
over a year ago corrected said…