The Heroes of Olympus The Demigod Takeover

aqualad posted on Jul 29, 2012 at 01:35AM
The Gods had pulled their last straw with the Demigods. Enough was enough. Demigods throughout the world were taking their vengeance on all Gods and Goddesses including the minors. They were tired of being their puppets. They could no longer stand the pain. Until one day the war was over this war was called World War 3. Demigods VS Gods. The Demigods had something the Gods didn’t have. They had will power hope and dreams to become more than just a pawn in this world. That day the Gods retreated they had lost the war they haven’t been seen again now the Demigods rule in their place because the Gods and Goddesses had shown that they were not worthy of being humble of so much power. There is a new line up of Gods and Goddesses.All of the older demigods have passed away but the new generation is just the beginning. This is the new line up:

Camille, a very beautiful girl has taken Aphrodite’s place as the Goddess of love,beauty,grace,desire,sexuality pleasure, and procreation.

Vanessa a very strong young lady has taken Artemis's place as the Goddess of the hunt, the moon, maidens, virgins, animal, the wild, and archery.

Ashley a very classy woman has taken Demeter's place as the Goddess of harvest and agriculture.

Suzie a woman with lots of wit has taken place as the Goddess of wisdom,handy crafts, useful arts, defense, and battle strategy.

Lucy a humble girl has taken the place of Hestia as the Goddess of hearth, home, architecture, family, and the right ordering of democracy.

Madeline an uptight girl has taken the place of Hera as the Goddess of air, family, heaven, marriage, commitment, mother hood, and women.

Now We are going to show you the gentleman lineup:

Diesel a charming hansom young man unlike his father has taken Hephaestus's place or better known as his dad as the God of forges, fire, technology, craftsman, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, volcanoes, blacksmiths, hammers, and stone masonry.

Ace a daring young man has taken Poseidon's place as the God of destruction, earthquakes, horses, hurricanes, oceans, seas, storms, and other water bodies.

Joshua a flashy young man has taken Zeus's place as the God of honor, justice, lightening, and the skies.

Brett a tricky young man has taken the place of Ares as the God of War.

Julius a crafty little boy has taken the place of Apollo as the God of the sun, healing, plague, disease, music, songs, poetry, archery, truth, prophecy, oracles, and order.

Tyler a not so gloomy child has taken Hades place as the God of the dead, wealth, and the underworld.

Theo a very conniving little boy has taken Hermes place as the God of roads, speed, messengers, commerce, travel, thieves, merchants, and mail deliverers.

Merlin took Dionysus place as the God of grape harvest, wine, ritual madness, theater, and ecstasy.

The harsh treatments of demigods end now The new era has just begun.

This Forum Will Have Stories from me and Alvin2442. BY:Aqualad and Alvin2442

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last edited on Jul 29, 2012 at 08:26PM

The Heroes of Olympus 10 replies

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over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Chapter 1
Finally, we as in the demigods had won the world from the gods and by touching their symbols of power became gods ourselves. My brothers of the Poseidon’s cabin and I fought Poseidon in Atlantis where we all were most powerful. Tyler and his brothers of the Hades’s cabin fought Hades in the underworld. Joshua and his brothers of the Zeus’s cabin fought Zeus on Olympus.

I with the Cyclops had rebuild Atlantis. I go to the throne room and sit on my throne, holding my trident. I heal all the people who had been wounded in this battle that had something to do with the sea. I go to the mortal world and slam my trident on the ground, causing an earthquake that needed to happen.

I flash back to Atlantis and see some merman and mermaids playing, we’ve giving them more freedom, they’re just lucky no one is attacking , I think and flash to three mortals that were blessed by some sea gods. “So you are the mortals” I ask “Yes Mr. Ace” They say “What are your names” I ask. “Jasper” The biggest boy says “Sapphire” the only girl says “And this is Ralph he doesn’t talk much” says Jasper and Sapphire nods along with Ralph. I start training them to control Hydrokinesis.

I see if they can breathe underwater first. “Okay that’s good” I say and I cut each of them, a small gash, to see if they can heal their wound. Ralph heals his wound smoothly, Sapphire heals her wound with some rough turns, and Jasper doesn’t end up healing his wound. Jasper floats some water with his mind and throws it at Ralph and Sapphire. I step in and block the water with my trident and I heal his gash.

I teach them how to control water to make it into ice or gas, to communicate with sea animals and horses, and use water to strengthen themselves. “Alright that’s enough for today, I have other matters to attend to” I tell them and flash to Theo. “Hey Theo I need you to deliver something to my three new trainees Jasper, Ralph, and Sapphire” I tell him “What do I get back” Theo the 13 year old says and I give him his favorite candy immortal supply “Alright what do I need to send” I give him sliver rings “They each get one” I tell him and he snaps his fingers and the packages our gone.

I flash to Atlantis and change into a green shirt, some khaki shorts, sandals, and flash to the mortal world. I go to the lake and fish, healing the fish when I’m done. I take off my shirt showing an 8-Pack and jump into the lake. I swim down to deep and talk to some fish.

I come up and stay dry. I see its dark, pick my trident up, and flash back to Atlantis. I go to the Cyclops and see the Cyclops building weapons. I flash to my bed room and lay on the bed.
My mind wraps around WW3 Demigods VS Gods. I remember the intense battle with Poseidon who took down my brothers with a strike. I remember facing Poseidon alone. I remember defeating him using his trident and then helping fight the minor gods.

I stop thinking about that and wrap around the present. I close my eyes and put my trident over my body. I make any storms that needed to happen. I start to sleep but heal my fellow cabin mates and send a message to every new god/goddess” First Night Of Godhood Good Night My Family
over a year ago aqualad said…
chapter one continued in camille’s pov

A new era has begun and I now rule the realm of love and beauty and etc. My mother was a good woman she just sometimes couldn’t tame her jealousy. Then again that question appears in my head what does her true form look like? I guess that question can only be answered one way and that way is no way. We are in the reconstruction era. We are rebuilding the system and our homes the right way.

I have started an after school program for two demigods that I admire very much; Deja Blue and Pierre François. Pierre is from France and Deja is from New York. Deja is short much she is 14 she has brown hair and brown eyes and Pierre is quite taller and he is 15. He has light blonde hair with a touch of brown and soft blue eyes. I think over time they have grown closer to each other. I am on my way to the studio in Paris to give Deja a touch of beauty to her face. That girl can turn a horrible outfit into the best they both live in different time zones so we try to balance it out.

I arrive in the studio and she is doing her make up. I tap her on the shoulder. Startled she sprays me with the perfume and jumps onto the chandelier. “Sorry Deja I didn’t mean to startle you. By the way the next time you spray perfume in my eyes. You will regret it.” We both laugh it off and I tell her to sit down and let me finish her make up. “Beauty Kills,” she says in a French accent. “Sure does.” I say. I add a little hot pink lipstick then lip liner. Then I add some concealer and foundation to fix imperfections. Then I add some gorgeous powder. Then I add the mascara and Eye Liner and Eye lashes.

Next up nails I add a little sharp ness to the tips for the danger of it and do hot pink tips the crinkled her hair and were ready for part 2 of the day. “Wow who knew I could look so beautiful?” I could see her eyes began to water so I grabbed some tissue. “All it takes is just a little hope along with courage and strength I believe in you. Now let’s go we need to get to New York for the battle course.”

“Now beauty isn’t everything.” I threw her a ponytail holder, a gym bad that had a black t shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and black low converse. When she finished changing I said “Choose your weapon wisely.” Then I pointed to a table with lipstick, a finger nail polisher, and many more. It surprised me when she chose the mystery box. “That was very optimistic of you.” I said. She shrugged her shoulders and opened the box to find a string with a needle attached to it. “Let’s fight then.” She said.

I waited for her to make the first move. She figured out her weapon pretty fast. She flung the needle at me and the string elongated and the needle turned into a dagger. I jumped up in the air and sped across it. I ran across the string and kicked her in the face. She turned red and dropped the weapon she grabbed the lipstick it turned to a sword and she start swinging it at me rapidly. I tried my best to dodge the attacks but she was too fast she caught a piece of my hair and as soon as it hit the floor I jumped on top of her like a cheetah. We tussled harder than Ike and Tina. We came to our feat extremely tired and burst into laughter and fell out on the floor.

Please tell me what you think.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Will continued August 3rd
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Chapter Two Madeline POV
I sit on my throne with my legs over each over” Miss Madeline” A wind spirit pipes up” Yes” I say in a stern tone. The wind spirits were fixing Olympus” We’re done” She shows me it from the Throne Room and I notice the rocks out of place and the grass an inch taller than it should be and the doors not as shiny as I asked” Move those rocks in the right place cut that grass an inch smaller and make those doors so shiny that we New Generation Gods can see our reflections. Do not disappoint you’re new Queen” I say. I watch as she tells the order and I flash out the Throne Room.

My mother wasn’t who we all thought she was, she pulled the last straw with demigods but that’s why I thank her because she the reason we’re Gods. I pull out my Lotus Staff and stand tall at the Door to Olympus. I flash down to the mortal world and look at the mortals. I put the Lotus Staff away and drink some nectar and eat some ambrosia.

I flash back to Olympus where the new King of the Gods Joshua was talking with a wind spirit. I look around and see everything still in wreckage, I turn to the nearest harpy” Again that rock goes there” I point” Why aren’t the ponds, streams and lakes filled with fish I know I told Ace to go fishing for Olympus” I look around and stumble, trying to catch my balance and see Joshua stumbling too.” Ace! Where’re the fish for Olympus and why you are making an earthquake” I snap and he snaps his fingers and fish swim in the lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. I go up to Joshua and slap him” You’re talking to a wind spirit, staying away from your future wife and not helping fix Olympus” I slap him again and he touches his face” Just because I’m supposed to be you’re future husband and you’re the new Queen of the Gods doesn’t mean you have to be a uptight women” He snaps at me and lightning flashes behind him.

I stand my ground and shout back” You think you’re cool because you now the King of the Gods but you our nothing because if it wasn’t cause of your cabin mates you what have been smoke right now and you think your flashy but that’s only because lightning flows around you” I grab his neck” And now I’ll do what my mother did to her son Hephaestus, have fun on the way down” I pitch him off Olympus and dust off my hands. I push a harpy and wind spirit out the way” Never mind because you can’t do anything right” I summon a lawn mower and get a harpy cut the grass how I want it and I get some cleaner and get some wind spirits wax the doors to Olympus so good that we Gods can see our reflections like we’re looking in a mirror. I move all the rocks in the right place and turn around to a mad, flashing with lightning, King of the Gods. Joshua makes a lightning bolt out of the lightning that flashed in front of him” You Madeline is not who I thought you were” He throws the lightning bolt at his feet and disappears.

I sigh and jump off Olympus” That Airplane is in a unauthorized area” I say full of annoyance. I land on my feet and walk around the mortal world. I flash to Diesel’s workshop” Hey Diesel what are you doing” I ask” Making beauty products into weapons” He answers” And making weapons here’s the Lotus Staff you asked for” He passes it to me and takes my other one and he merges both of them. I walk out of there and go help a family.
over a year ago aqualad said…

I couldn't believe she actually through me off of Olympus. I knew better than to hit a girl but she's a monster. I couldn't worry about that right now because I had a meeting to go to. I went to the underground bunker above St Joan Blvd. I walked in the store and an old lady approached me. "Hello." She had ransid breath. "It's a nice day for tea isn't it?" Thats the code for I'm a demigod. She keeps a shot gun with silver bullets under her desk just incase monsters come in which rarely happens because of our heavily guarded forces. I walmed up to a cold iron door and I cut my finger with a porky pine prick,touched the door, and walked through it as if I was a ghost. I went into my office where my guest of honor was waiting. I was walking down the corridor when I bumped into Clairise. "Hay Clairise,throwing in the towel yet." We both gave eachother a stare down and burst into laughter. "I wouldn't think of it old pal.I gotta get going so see you around." I continued to my office I was greeted by mu assistant with a cup of coffee. I walked in to see Percy looking at my elephant statue collection. "I'm three elephants away from having the entire collection you know." Startled he almost dropped my favorite one. He used his ability and made my coffee catch it before it fell to the ground. "You didn't think I would actually let your elephant brake did you?" He took a seat and so did I. "So has there been any news on the where abouts of Aeolus." I said taking a sip of what was left of my coffee. "He was last spotted trying to creep into the underworld. For what? Im not sure." Something just didn't seem right. I grabbed my dagger and cut Percys arm. "Ahhhh." I threw the cup of water he had been drinking on his cut and it didn't heal. "Who are you and where is the real Percy?!" He started for the door but with a snap of my fingers the door dissapeared. "Answer me now or else." Electricity started surging around my fingers. "Never!" Wings broke out of the monsters back and it became gruesome."I should've known something was up when you used coffee instead of water to catch my elephant." I lunged at me and I pressed the big red button on my roof. I jumped out of the way. "You wan't a piece of me onion breath. Lets go." He picked up a gauntlet and started swinging it at me. I blasted his brains out with a lightening bolt yet he refused to go down. He was litterally on his last leg. To make some sure he was finished I kicked his leg in as he screamed in agony. I pulled out my sword and charged it up when my assistant walked in. "Ummmm sir would you like to relocate." I looked at her quizically. "Ummm sureee." She shut the door when she did his head was clean off. He had a few words left. "He will kill you all you pay for this intolerance. Thou shall not live long." I through his head in my chimney and started to Olympus when I was knocked out from behind.
over a year ago somisista said…
Omg guys I love this story but it looks like nobody is interested in the story and it is really a shame
over a year ago aqualad said…
i was just looking at it today im gonna post tomorrow on it ive got my spark back for this forum
over a year ago somisista said…
big smile
Yay I will tell my friends!
over a year ago Heritage112 said…
so is it just you 2 posting? anyway, Its really good ill tell people for sure
over a year ago aqualad said…
yes it is