The Heroes of Olympus extraordinary25's version of MOA

extraordinary25 posted on Aug 03, 2012 at 01:51AM
Hey, I thought I would try and see if I could write a fanfiction, so here it is. Tell me what you think!
Pleas don't put any insults, but I am okay with constructive criticism.

Disclaimer: All characters and most of the plot belongs to Rick Riordan.

Chapter One: Jason
(Authors note: Jason doesn't remember Reyna yet)

I crashed into bed after the campfire. Apparently, I had said something to offend the Ares Cabin, and Clarrisse said anyone from the Ares Cabin could beat me in a duel. So I ended up fighting Clarrisse and around eight of her stupid siblings. I beat them, but Clarrisse promised revenge. Oh well.

So I fell asleep almost immediately. In my dreams was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. "Hello Jason," she said, "I am Aphrodite."

I tried to respond. "Um, uh, how can I help you?"

"Actually," she said, looking into a mirror that had appeared out of nowhere, "I came her to help YOU. You haven't gotten all your memories back, have you?"

"No ma'am" I replied. She may be beautiful, but I figured that didn't mean she was necessarily nice.

"Oh, you're such a darling. I can see why my daughter likes you. Oh you two are so cute. Although, you may not end up together." she looked sympathetic.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"This is just too good. Well, there is Jason, there's Piper, and now there is also Reyna." Aphrodite started squealing.

"Who's Reyna?" my head hurt from the confusion and her squealing.

"The first and almost only girl you fell in love with. You two alost became a couple! Hera had to mess that up, but now this is even better. It's time for you to get all your memories back." Aphrodite snapped her fingers. All of a sudden, my headache got a lot worse. Images flashed through my mind. In one, I was sitting by the fire with a beautiful girl that had dark hair and brown eyes. In another, Reyna kissed me right before I battled Krios. Then my vision focused and I saw Aphrodite again. I realized what she meant.

"I'm in a love triangle." I grumbled, and she nodded. All of a sudden, I woke up.

The Heroes of Olympus 28 replies

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over a year ago kkw1700 said…
I like it! Keep writing!
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
I've got the next chapter, but I'll post if I get one more comment. Please tell me what you think!
over a year ago emafluff said…
Post soon! its really good
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Thanks! I'll post again as soon as possible. ( i need to find the laptop)
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Chapter two: Piper

As I led my cabin to breakfast, I tried to ignore Drew complaining to one of my other siblings about me. "omigosh! I can't believe dumpster girl is making us go to breakfast early!" she whined, " I didn't even finish putting on my make-up!"

Lacy, one of the nicer girls in the Aphrodite cabin whispered to me, "she didn't? She has like, four layers of it on!" I laughed and tried to focus on the good parts of today. For example, Annabeth looks a lot more hopeful about seeing her boyfriend, Percy Jackson. Oh, and Jason said he wanted to talk to me about something important. Part of me thought that he might ask me out, while the other part of me didn't want to get my hopes up. We finally got there, but when I looked over at the Zeus table, Jason wasn't there. I looked over at the Hephaestus table to see if he was talking to Leo about the Argo 2, but no such luck. Leo wasn't there either, but I wasn't surprised. Leo was probably at the beach working on the ship. I grabbed a bagel, and headed for the beach.
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
That was just a part of the chapter, I'll post the rest later.
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Chapter Two continued: Piper
Once I got there, I saw Leo talking to some of his siblings. “Harley,” he said, pointing to an eight year old kid, “go get me the layout for the top floor. The rest of you, finish up the bedrooms. Oh, but leave Annabeth’s alone. Percy’s too. She will want to be here when we do those.” They all left, and Leo noticed me. “Hey Piper.” he said and gave me a halfhearted smile, unlike his usual goofy grin. I smiled back.
“Hey Repair Boy!” I chirped. He didn’t even respond to the lame nickname. “Leo, are you okay? You seem kinda depressed.” It was true, his eyes were red and his shoulders were slumped.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He turned back to the designs. I knew he wasn’t going to tell me the problem, so I just handed him the bagel I saved him and watched as he and his siblings worked on the Argo 2. Jason walked over to me.
“Hey Jason!” I said, trying to keep my voice nonchalant. It probably didn’t work.
“Hey Piper.” He looked nervous. “Can I talk to you?”
I nodded and followed him into the woods. “What’s up?” I asked.
“Um, I had a dream last night, and I figured you deserved to know. I got the rest of my memories back and there is this girl…” he broke off.
“Oh,” I said realizing what he meant, “you used to have a girlfriend.”
“Well, she is not really my girlfriend, but kind of. I’m really sorry, I just-”he tried to explain, but I interrupted him.
“It’s okay Jason,” I said, even though it really wasn’t, “don’t worry about it.” After an awkward silence, I walked away.
over a year ago tristain714 said…
Both of those postswereæmazing plz post soon
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
Great story!! :D

Poor Piper!! I like Reyna too though...

I hope Jason and Reyna get together...... then Liper can be born!! :O


last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tristain714 said…
Hey you guys need to read rainbow girls fanfic of the mark of athena it is really good we r trying to get is on the popular content
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Yeah, I read some of it and it seemed really good. Hey I'm gonna be going out of town and I probably won't have access to a computer, so at the earliest, I'll post again on Wednesday. I've already written the chapter, I just need to type it up.
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
I'm back, so I'll post ASAP.
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Sorry, I keep trying to post, but the computer won't work.
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Here is the next chapter.

Chapter Three: Annabeth

My life sucks. It's a fact. Most sixteen year olds have to worry whether a boy likes them, what to wear on their first date, etc. I have to worry about whether my boyfriend will remember me after he gets KIDNAPPED by a psychotic GODDESS. Plus, my mother was no help.

Anyways, during free time, I went to the Athena cabin to pick up my laptop, and a couple of scrolls. I sort through the messy pile on my desk, and see a green corner sticking out from beneath one of the many papers. It's a picture of Percy and I in central park. I look into those sea green eyes and feel tears streaming down my cheek.

"I honestly still don't know what you see in him" the voice is coming from behind me. I turn around to see a beautiful woman with grey eyes. An owl is perched on her shoulder. I wipe away my tears.

"A-Athena?" I stammer.
"Yes Annabeth. I am here to give you something important." she hands me a gold coin.
"A drachma? i have plenty of those." Then I look at the coin again. It's not a drachma, but I can't identify it.
"Annabeth, it's the mark of athena. The key to closing the Doors of Death, but only if you kow how to use it. And to know, you must learn.When the demigods prepare to leave, I don't want you to go with them. You must go on your own journey. You ARE the seventh of the prophecy, but you can only succeed by staying apart. Especially make sure you stay away from Percy Jackson." Then she dissapeared leaving me with a gold coins and even more questions than before.I grabbed the coin and put it in my pocket.
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
over a year ago NymphsOfOlympus said…
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
I'll try to post one more chapter soon, but then I have to go out of town for over ten days. Then with school starting, I won't be able to post for a while. But I am NOT abandoning this forum.
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Okay post soon!!
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Hey!! Im posting this chapter before i leave. I won't be able to post for a while after this, but I am NOT abandoning. Hope u like the chapter!!

Chapter four: Leo

I hate Gaea. I hate the fates. All because of last nights dream. I saw three old ladies sitting next to eachother, knitting. Middle said, "Hera's plan is very fragile. If even one of the demigods die before the final battle, then Olympus is doomed.

Righty said, "shall we let the soon of Hephaestus live?"

"perhaps we should. He may prove to be useful." lefty replied. Middle shook her head.

"he is too powerful," she said. " it would ruin the balance."

Righty looked straight at me. Her gaze sent shivers down my spine. "I believe he has come to witness our decision. Let us show him what his destiny is."

All of a sudden I saw myself shooting fire at black obsidian doors. They were closing, and I looked like I was going to collapse. Then they closed and I fell to the ground. Piper fled to me with tears in her eyes. She said, "guys, his body is cold. It's over." the piper started sobbing.

I woke up to jake mason dumping cold water on me.

"dude! Was that necessary?" I screamed. He shrugged and laughed. Then his face got serious.

"Leo we need your help with the argo 2." he told me. I groaned and got up, as the full force of what was going to happen hit me. I was going to die.
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Hey, I'm back. I was on a cruise in Alaska.
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Wow... See any well, i dunno,.giants, demigods, monsters, all of the above?
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
No, even Gaea seemed unusually calm. Im gonna post a sneak peek of my next chapter now. It takes place a couple days after the last one.

Chapter Five: Jason

I can't believe how fast everything happened. In six months the Athena and Hephaestus cabins have built the most amazing warship. Most of the senior campers are going with us, not including Clarrisse or Clovis. We were afraid Clarrisse would start a fight, and there was really no point in taking Clovis.

So, as we boarded the ship, I started getting butterflies in my stomach. I remembered the last time this happened. It was before my first senate meeting as a praetor. Reyna helped me get through it, but this time, she wasn't here. I watched Piper climb up the stairs, and onto the deck. With her kaleidiscope eyes and beautiful face, she looks amazing even if she is wearing an orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and worn out blue jeans. Everyone else gets on after her, and Leo's voice rings out from the intercom.

"Hello passengers! Welcome aboard the Argo 2. We are kind of on a tight schedule, so will everyone please report to the control room." he said with absolutely no humor in his voice. It seemed kind of odd, but he had been really serious lately. I figured the pressure of getting the Argo 2 to work was getting to him, so I shrugged it off.

As I walked down to the control room, an alarm went of. Leo's voice rang out again. "We are being attacked!" he shrieked. I grabbed my gladius and went to the top deck. Everyone was fighting a several of these monsters I had never seen before. Apparently Annabeth had, though. She came by me.

"Jason these are the," I think she wanted to say more, but her eyes got wide. "Piper!" she screamed.

"What?" I asked. Then I saw what she was looking at. Piper was laying on the ground, in a pool of blood.

* I'll post the rest of the chapter if I get two comments from two different people.*
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
Comment, LOL!
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Hey, we're on the second page now!!
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Help!! I'm having a writers block and can't think of anything for the next chapter. I'm also kind of confused whether to pick between Jiper, or Jeyna.