The Heroes of Olympus The Begining of a New Life

bookcat posted on Aug 07, 2012 at 07:13PM
‍‍‍‍‍This is the Story of a girl named Aquamarisa. Aquamarisa lives in Barranquilla,Colombia.She is a tomboy and is on parole for breaking and entering and also theft,but the police have no evidence of it.She is the toughest girl in the city,and has a boyfriend,named Kyle,who is also a criminal,but has no evidence of his crimes.She has A.D.H.D.Her biological father left before she was born,her mother woks as a solder for the marines that's how she learned how to fight,her stepfather is an alcoholic who leaves her to fend for herself.She has allot of mussels for a 15 yr. old. She has biceps,muscle,and abs.She has a paw print like birthmark on her right hip,she has a chines dragon tattoo on her back,and she has a necles of a *catelella* flower around her neck at all times.Once you meet Aqua you instantly know she guards herself,she doesn't really let herself have friends because she's afraid of being hurt.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Raited T becuase of some cussing
last edited on Aug 08, 2012 at 12:05AM

The Heroes of Olympus 40 replies

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over a year ago bookcat said…
"What! Moms just tell me where we're going. Please" I begged.

"No, it's a surprise, for your *Quincenllera*.Now go to your room and pack your bag, you have 15 minutes"

.URHH! "She is sooo unfair" Aqua I did what mom said to do. I went to my room and packed. I packed my laptop with the charger, my swimsuit, got a bunch of cloths, my phone with its charger. Fair warning I absolutely have to bring my phone because I have to know what will happen when I'm gone.

"Mom I'm done" I shouted as I made my way down stairs. In the living room I saw my mom was gone, and in her place are four extremely buff men. I just had to look at them and knew they were tubule. So I gave them my personal 'Tell me where she is or I'll kill you' look, and said "Were is she".

‍‍‍Apparently my mom was part of a society called The Agency and that all that training, that she said was so I could defend myself, but she never told me it's to defend myself form government agents that want to kill m‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍e. Oh and one more thing she's not my real mother, she adopted me. Wow I have an awesome fake mother don't I? BUT I also realized I was adopted from a woman whose name is Sally Jackson, and Sally told my mother all about me like who my bio. Father was and that I have a brother whose name is Percy, and he is 1 years older than me. And you wonder why she never told me this, was because and I cote was to 'protect me' which to me is a lot of boloney.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍So now you guys know how screwed up my life is and how complicated it is. So this is what they said next

."We were assigned to bring you to your biological mother and brother, because it's not safe-"

"Hold up. Not safe how is it ever safe here? With my mom in the marines, with that jerk as a step farther. How could everything be safe, especially with everything going on and with my record with police and my uncle as a street racer? UURRH! Life is soooooo messt up." I put my head in my hands.

"Well". Said one of the men.‍‍‍

"Everything will change in a matter of hours and you could-if you wanted to-visit your mother here whenever you want, but you have to help her or train with the marines or air force. It's up to you"

I thought for a *minute*, and decided that I would go with my biological mother and that I would visit my mom and help her out in the marines station.

"I'll visit my mother from time to time, and when I do visit I would like to help her in both air force and marine stations and I would like to train as well but I do have so questions for you".

‍‍‍‍‍‍"I would like to answer your question but all those questions are to be asked to your biological mother. Here is the information; she lives in Manhattan, New York city. We have arranged you a flight there. Pack all your stuff she'll be expecting you at the airport, here is her picture and your brothers picture as well and a picture of your biological father and your step farther. Goodbye we will be here to pick you up tomorrow and see you away at the airport."‍‍‍‍‍‍With that they got up and left.

"Wait who are you guys." I didn't know why but I had the strangest feeling I've seen them before.

"What you don't remember your Uncle Dom?" I haven't seen Uncle Dom since I was young, but now I realized why they looked familiar, it was my Uncle Dom, my Uncle Brian, there friend Hon, and there other friend Tego. I laughed

"I guess not I haven't seen you guys in forever, oh and I'm not important enough that I don't even get a hug." Once I said that they chuckled and gave me a hug. "Well we got to go. We'll see you tomorrow *sobrina*,"And with that they left.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bookcat said…
chapter 2

I decided to call my friends and tell them what happened, and the funny thing was that they were adapted to, and that we all came from New York. But the only ones that weren't like that were Starlet and Kyle. Maybe that was because they were the only ones that looked like there parent's. But at least I wasn't the only one going to New York. I didn't want to be the only newbie, even if I was going to see my real family, plus if my friends didn't go I would miss them...

‍DON'T TELL THEM I SAID THAT!!! Anyway, tomorrow were all going to hop on a plain and head to New York? But I have to say I will miss my mom, she's the one who lied to me *toda mi vida*. But I have to say I will miss her dearly. So I called up my best friend Jade. Ring ring ring.

*"Hallo?"* She said in Spanish.

"Hey," I said in my normal voice.

"Oh, sup' hey I need to talk to you and I know it's like 10:00 at night *pero todos los amigos de nosotros necesitan hablar* to you. Can you meet us? I mean if you’re not busy with Kyle or anything," that part she said a little acuaredly. But little did she know, Kyle was cheating on me with Starlet. I kind of caught them at the streets kissing right after we were done with our *rutena* but I knew they were trying to make shore I didn't see, but I somehow had this feeling they wanted me to see, but when I had seen that my heart had broken. I pushed my thoughts away from him and said

"Actually, I can be there in ten. See you there."

"Awesome we really need to talk to you. But I need to tell you about this dream I had, I'm really freaked out *cheeka*. We'll tell you when you get here," she sounded almost scared which brought the big sister out of me because we've been friends since pre' k, and I'm older than her by like six mouths.

"I'm on my way, don't worry I'll be there in *Uno’s minutos*" I said in a steady voice, I didn't want her to be scared, and I wanted to confert her. And tell her everything was going to be alright.



I got out of my bed, put on my fave' black pants that I love to sag a little en off to the bottom of my hips, my sea green tank top that was up to my bellybutton, that allowed to show my piercing, and that matched my sea green eyes, and my green high-tops. And with that I left and got on Jose's, since he was picking me up, motorcycle to a cliff that had this like abandon house there, and that was fully furnished, that we decided to clean up and call it our own.

When we got there, I saw Angela with her brother Adam on their midnight blue Volvo, Nagaliz was with her boyfriend Nick on his black street racing car, Jade was there to waiting for Jose to come on her blood red motorcycle.

Angela was wearing an outfit that was like mine but she was wearing khaki pants and a white shirt that had *Corazon* on it and black boots, her dark brown hair was loose on her shoulders, she was wearing hoop earrings and plastic bangles and when she saw me her chocolate brown eyes sparkled. She is 13 but don't let the angelic smile full ya' girl can fight.

While Adam was in his baggy pants, white t-shirt, black boots, and leather jacket, his dark brown hair was covering his chocolate brown eyes but I could see his simile when he saw me. He is 16 yr. old and a bad ass.

Jade was wearing black skinny jeans, a loose red tank top, and a leather vest that had a hood, her black hair was in a high pony tail, she was wearing silver bangles that turned into throwing stars made of some kind of bronze and knee high leather boots; her dark bangs cover her dark brown eyes. She's 15. Don't let the sexy front full you either, one will never get out of that hospital once she puts you in.

Nagaliz was wearing something like me but a read tank top, and the jewelry was the same as the other girls, her chocolate brown hair was covering her almost black, brown eyes. She's 13. Never doubt Nady when her fist connects to your face you'll be sorry you ever lived.

Nick was wearing a leather jacket, with combat boots, a white T-shirt and jeans his blond hair was blown back so you could see his pail blue eyes, you would think he was to toughest guy hear but he was pretty nice to all of his friends and we were the only ones he gave a genuine smile to, so imagine his face when he saw me. He's 15. Nick is the best fighter next to me of course so you never want to fight with us... you will never get out without at least 3 broken bones.

Jose was wearing the same thing as Nick, but his reddish-brownish hair was a little longer and he was always prepared for a fight with a pocket knife and fingerless gloves with iron in the knuckle to make it hurt more he got all of us some. So right when they saw him we always put them on. He's 15. Looks can be deceiving especially Jose's, even I shudder at what he's done before I came along.

"So, what’s wrong? You guys got me freaked out," I said as I got off the bike, and we all went inside.

"Well," Jose said shifting from foot to foot as he leaned agent's the door frame of the living room while I and the rest of the gang sat down. "We were wondering if you knew about any of this, and if this was happening to you," I could tell he and the others were talking about this before I called them.

“Yes, it’s happening to me and I didn’t know about this till today. Is anyone ells scared that they won’t accept us?” I looked around the room, and saw everyone ells put up their hands. “Wow, at least I’m not the only one who’s scared,” someone put there arm around my shoulder, looked and saw it was Angela, I smiled at her.

She could be your worst enemy. She’s amazing like that.

"So who's your papa?" Asked Nike.

"Poseidon" I replied. If you're wondering why we're not fased by being the kids of the greek gods, it's because we're used to wierid things happening in our life like, I had this babby siter ones and it turned out it was madusa. I was five years old and I had this ring and necles that turend into a sword with sea green cristals.

I looked only at her reflection if I could and when she had her back to me I cut her head off and I've had it ever since.Plus we're Wiches, and shift-walkers, and also Mai. We've had alot of wierd things going on in our life and so we're pretty much prepared for anything.

We all have A.D.H.D and dyslexia, but our adopted moms or dads raised us on to read Greek. So now we already know our parents and we're going to New York tomarow it's going to be an interesting reyunein tomarow but we're going to make the best of it. So after saying goodbye and heding back home, I realized I was extreamly nevious and scared and I don't get nervious or scared.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Its good! But try not to put too many run on sentences and explain the Spanish, like "catella" if you can. But its super duper AWESOME!!!! Post soon!!!!
over a year ago bookcat said…
thanx snow you are so awsome
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
nah you are awesomer! i like the idea of ur story. its original. its like wayway better than my forum for sure. Post Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago bookcat said…
big smile
I'll try but spred the word would and thanx it means alot to me
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
I will try to read this....ermmmm "story". But do me a favor correct spelling mistakes
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
BTW I'm half mexican half american but I speak more english and I try to speak less spanish. So their are people who can't read spanish get it! Do not use any foreign language other than latn or Greek!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Lord Chaos it doesnt matter. As long as its not too bad I'm sure that it wont matter. Besides, bookcat's the auhor. He or she can do whatever he/she wants.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
its great! try to add some more like action to it. cuz all stories need a moving plot. but otherwise, its great!
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
I don't recall that I was talking to you snowflakes.
over a year ago tristain714 said…
Your story is really good post soon
over a year ago bookcat said…
big smile
chapie 3

The next day when I got up, I realized that at the foot of my bed my mom was siting staring at me with cloths in her hands.

"Morning, wats up mom?" Then of cours I yawned so loud I think they hered I outside. Mom was trying do hared to keep a straite face when I yawned but she did not secside. She was borke in fits of laughfter and I could't help but folow her her example. We laughed so hared till we could't breath.

Once my mom and I controuled our lahghter she said "I got you thease clothes so you can put on and they totaly mach your jewlary and gloves if you want to wear it," I looked at her funny then said.

"Who are you and what have you done to my moder" when I said moder with a fake french acsent in a funny way, we broke up in another fit of laghfter, that could't stop for another 5 minuts.

"Go take a shower, it's going to be a big day," she said it with so much carring I knew she loved me still.So I did as I was directed and went to take a shower. When I came out, there were clothes on my bed. I went over to them an saw it was black cotton skinnies, a sea green tank-top, a sea green belt, and a vest that was to cover my chest with a ziper.

Once I put on the outfitt I didn't pull up the ziper to the vest, and I put on my gloves with the iron in the knukle, I also put on my ring necles and silver bangles with the plastic ones, got my two sutecases and went down the stares and out the front door and locked it behind me and there was my Uncle Dom waiting for me.

I hoped into the car put my bages into the trunk and then we were off. I took one less look at my house before it disapired before my eyes as we turend a corner, and faced the front agein. I was going to miss this place but I would visit. An hour later we were infront of the airport, and inside I saw my friends.

"Here you go mija. I promis I'll visit you when I can but you know with my life and everything it's going to be tough," I laghed. He looked at me like I was a wiered.

"Ai dios mio. When is it ever normal for tio? But anyway I'll be fine don't worry about me to much you know I can rip anyones head off that's one thing I get from you, loco. Now if you don't mind I got to go" I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek, got out of the black car to get my sute casse and duffle bag. And put on my sholder strap side pers/backpack. And headed inside where I was crushed by hugs.

I manedged to squeek out two words, "Can't......Breath" I hered a bunch of sorry's and oops coming from my friends as they let me go. Once I finaly cought my breth. I said, "This is going to be a long day." But sudently I heard a roor of a tiger and ther he was my pet tiger Raga. He was this mighty magestick tiger that I had since he was a baby. When he saw me, he bonded tored me and started liking my face. I laghed as I saw the others being attacked by there tigers.

"Okay," I said heel and emidiatly did. On his coller I saw a not with an envilope aswell. I opend the note and read it. It said

Mija, here is Raga I thought why not have a little pese of me in New York. And almost as soon he realized you weren't coming back in a wihle, he storted crying so here are the papers for him. Con todo mi amor, with all my love your mother.

I smiled, if I get to keep Raga then I'll be fine. I looked at my friends and smiled in reaturn.

"Lets get on that plain" I said and they all noded in agrement.

Like it. Love it. Hate it. What please give me somthing

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bookcat said…
big smile
Tell me if you like it please thankyou
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Live it!!!!!
This is super duper awesome!!!! Please keep on posting!!!!!
@lordchaos well maybeI was talking to you.
over a year ago bookcat said…
oh and lordchaos dont be hating beacuse you ant me okay thankyou
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
its great! but im kindof confused about when u say mom, do you mean sally or her orphanage mom?
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Needs drama and action.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
patience lordchaos.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
hey, can u guys read my forum too?
over a year ago bookcat said…
yo calmate chill will ya i'm doing the best I can so please cool it down a little and plus action is coming soon enough so I need you guys to wait
over a year ago bookcat said…
chapie 4

When we got off the plain it was chaos everyone aroud us was backing away from us beacuase of Raga and the others. We got haseled by securty beacuase of our pets but when we gave them the papers they left us alone. We waited in the pickup area of the air port for our real parents. I was on my ipod listening to corazon sin cara by prince royce when Angela taped my sholder.I took out the ear budds and looked at where she was pointing.

Over at the doors there were a bunch of people there when they saw me looking. A woman about 29, with dark brown hair and sea blue eyes started walking over to us. I remebered her from my pic. of her. She was my ral mother Sally Jackson. I got up from my seat and when she reached me she gave me the bigest hug I ever receved. When we pulled apart she had teares in her eyes and then did she notice Raga.

Her eyes widen in horror. She was about to pull me back when I said, "It's fine. He's tamed," she looked at me then at Raga the she seemed to realize that he was my pet.

"I'm gussing he's your pet," she said in such a shore voice that I think she wasen't realy scared. So I laughed and noded my head. She smiled at me when I laughed.

"Well then I gess you all can fit in the house. But on one condishin," She said in a voice that was sterin yet that had hummer in it. "He must not eat the bystanders," I cuoldn't help it I laughed at that and she did to.

"He's already traiened not to eat anybody, and I had him scince he was a baby so he won't dare disonbay me," She looked into my eyes to see if I was jocing or not but I could tell that she was saticfide with what she found.

"Oh realy then that explanes why he dosen't have any blood on him," At that coment I roled my eyes. Raga is one of the only tamed tigers in the world he would't hert a fly unless he was protecting me.

When we got everything setaled we were off to my moms house. They used to live in an apartment in upstate New York, when moms novel was puplishedshe was abole to get a manshine. And most important a better life for her family and friends. But when we got there we met my beat friend the minotaur. I got my chopstics from my bookbag and they turned into cental bronz twin katnas.

When percy saw them he was quic to give me a questioning look, I just shook my head and mouthed 'Tell you later'. Then I jumped off the hood of the car and landed on his neck.

Then he started buking and trying to thro me off, but I knew he only had one gear foward so I stabed him in the neck and jumped off and landed in a crouch before he turned to dust. I gfot up and put my chopstics into my hair and turned around, and said, "I'll explain everything inside".
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bookcat said…
were did everyone go?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
its great! its kindof hard to understand. just make sure everything is clear. cuz at the end, i was a bit confused whether she jumped on percy or the minotaur. i had to read it a few times to understand. but i think its great!
over a year ago bookcat said…
thanx rainbow
over a year ago corrected said…
aqua dosnt sound like a spanish name?
over a year ago bookcat said…
It's Aquamarisa aqua is the short version
over a year ago bookcat said…
guys I'm may not post in a while beacuse I have alot of stuff to do so bare with me and chill please thankyou
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
NEW PAGE!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
hey bookcat! can u read my forum?
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
yes you should read rainbow's forum. its wayway better than my own forum. but great post cant wait for you to come back. POST!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
thanks snowflakes. but really, i think ur forum is really really good!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Maybe, but your forum is way better!
over a year ago bookcat said…
okay okay I read your forum and I love IT way cool but I need help IM in mager wrighters block HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­! LOVE YOU GUYS
over a year ago bookcat said…
can one of you guys teach me how to do bold please!?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yay! ur gonna post soon!
and bold is hi like that. but no space in between. so hi
u can do the same thing with italics and underline by replacing the b with an i or u.
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Please post soon!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
post soon!
over a year ago bookcat said…

We were on are way inside but once I took a step inside, there was a pain in my stomic. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!," I screemed at the top of my lugs. But this only happens when someone dangerous is in the house, and as soon as I tought that my nails turned into clawes, my eyes turned into slits, and my clothes changed. I was whereing butty short jeens and a tank-top so short it loocked like a sports bra. When the trasformation was done, I ran up stares so fast only a vampiare could mach it's speed.

What I saw shocked me to the coor. There was Kyle dressed like one of the people from the order of the thenth blade. Grey t-shirt, black jeens, boots, and leather jacket. And the scary part was that starlet was there next to him whereing the exacted same outfit and they where holding knifes, and looking at me with hatred and decusted.

Thats all that took me to go into a cruch and get ready to to attck. Once I did Kyle through a knife, but I douged it, but it nerly missed me by a hair. Mother fuckin bitch. No more nice gal. I lanche dat them scrached them bouth on the face and gave them nasty claw markes. Then I flipped Kyle wile I kicked Starlet in the gut.

But then Kyle said "See you later bich," He took Sarlet and they bouth jumped out the window. When they were gone everything went black.

sorry it's soo short but at least you got something
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
omg! she turned to a monster? sorry for not checking in a long time. i was a bit busy with my other forums.