The Heroes of Olympus The Hunters of Chaos

LORDCHAOS posted on Aug 12, 2012 at 06:24PM
The giant war just ended month ago. It was tragic even more then the titan war. We lost so many friends along the way. Among the seven heroes of the prophecy i.e. me, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Jason, Hazel & Frank we six survived but Frank died in the war sacrificing himself to kill a giant. Tonight was a celebration party on Olympus. In the process of war Greeks & Romans has left behind their past. Both fought side by side in the giant war. After the war I and Jason decided that we will build the underground tunnel between the two camps with magic security provided by Hecate himself the God of Magic. Both end of the tunnel will have a mark of palm in which the demigod who want to go to other camp will have to place his hand and say the password which is "Greece and Rome will stand together & forever". The magic will grab the information from person & if no threat found then door will open. Annabeth has designed the tunnel.

We all were very sad over Frank loss. I mean we knew that he was destined to die but not before he lived his life with Hazel. She was in a very bad shape after he died. But Leo helped her out. Because Frank asked him to take care of her after he die. Frank knew Leo lover her even if he knew he is not Sammy. Sammy was Leo's great grandfather. Hazel also had a little crush on Leo because of its resemblance of Sammy but her feelings were much stronger for Frank. When Frank died we were all there with him. I remember his last words to Hazel vividly. "Hey, don't cry. It was going to happen you know it" Frank told her

She was crying hard. Annabeth was by her side hugging her with tears in her eyes.I was furious over that.

"There is nothing you can do Percy. I twas meant to happen" Frank said

"No" I said. My voice was shaking. Tears were running down my face

Frank took Hazel's hand and gave it to Leo. "Take care of her Leo. I know you love her"

"Frank I..." Leo stammered lost for words

"Frank please don't die... don't leave me" Hazel was crying hard now

"It's okay Hazel.

last edited on Aug 12, 2012 at 06:29PM

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